Switchboard. ShchR, ShR, ShchRS, ShchS - Distribution boards

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We've sorted out the introductory part, let's move on to the instructions that will help you assemble a switchboard in your house with your own hands.

Very interesting video instructions on this topic:

Main process

We immediately draw your attention to the fact that the article provides assembly instructions switchboard for 220 V. If you want, check out separate instructions, which we referred to!

Step 1 – Create a circuit

To begin with, you must create a connection diagram for all machines, meters and distribution buses in order to quickly and correctly assemble the distribution panel in the apartment (or country house). At this stage, you also need to choose the most appropriate place for mounting each product on a DIN rail. The more compact and logical the machines are arranged, the more you will save. connecting wires and make the box convenient for maintenance.

For your attention, here is an example of how a diagram for assembling a switchboard in a 220V apartment should look like:

In your version, everything may be completely different, and this will not indicate that the diagram was drawn up incorrectly. In each individual case, you can assemble a switchboard in your own way.

Step 2 – Prepare materials and tools

Among the tools you will definitely need:

  • multimeter (after connecting all elements).
  • a set of screwdrivers (tighten the screws on the terminals).
  • or, as a last resort, an electrician’s assembly knife.
  • screwdriver (attach the box to the wall)

As for the elements of the circuit, you must choose everything yourself, depending on the total load on the electrical wiring, the voltage in the network (1 or 3 phases) and the branching of the created circuit. We recommend that you read the following block of articles that are closely related to self-assembly distribution board:

After reading these articles, you can go to the store for suitable automation and materials, after which all that remains is to assemble the switchboard with your own hands.

Step 3 – Assembling the electrical panel

Now we come to the most important part of the article. Now that you already know what the “filling” of the box will consist of and how to select each of the products, you can proceed to assembly.

It should be immediately noted that one very important nuance– You must agree with energy sales representatives who will install the electric meter. If you are allowed to install it yourself, you can draw up the appropriate document and go to work.

Step-by-step instructions for installing an electrical panel are as follows:

  1. Hang the case on the wall (or install it in a prepared niche).
  2. Place the input wires and those coming from each room/powerful electrical appliances into the distribution panel.
  3. Strip the wires for a good connection to the terminals.
  4. Using self-tapping screws, secure a DIN rail inside the housing, which will serve as a fastener for assembling the entire “filling”.
  5. Secure everything circuit breakers, RCD and even a meter (if its fastenings correspond) on the installed strip. Everything is simple here, the design of the shield includes a special latch that quickly and effortlessly snaps the product onto the rail.
  6. Install the neutral and ground bus.
  7. Cut the connecting wires into suitable lengths.
  8. Connect all the elements together according to the diagram. Do not forget that the input phase and zero for circuit breakers and RCDs must be connected to the upper terminals. We talked about this in a separate article.
  9. Carefully check the assembly quality of the distribution board, if necessary, re-tighten the screws on all terminals.
  10. Invite a representative of the energy sales company to carry it out.
  11. Check the correctness of the work performed by turning on the input machine.

If, after you turned on the power, the characteristic burning smell did not appear, sparking did not occur, and no sparking occurred, then all electrical installation work was completed correctly.

Visual video lesson of the entire basic process:

Correct assembly

The first thing I would like to advise is to inside cover the box, stick the diagram with symbols(what is where). If an emergency arises and you are not there, anyone else can quickly turn off the power or, on the contrary, turn on the machine that knocked out.

We also recommend labeling all groups of wires inside the shield with tags and additionally grouping them with plastic clamps, as shown in the photo. This will make maintenance and repair more convenient, so that a person does not rack his brains when searching for the right contact. We talked about how this can be done in a separate article.

Don't forget about important feature and automatic switches - the input conductors must be inserted from the top, which even duplicates the manufacturer’s mark on the front panel of the product.

After you have turned on the electrical panel for the first time after assembly, leave it open for a couple of hours, then go and check the temperature of the automation and wires. If the insulation starts to melt somewhere, immediately turn off the electricity and start looking for the problem, otherwise you will not be able to avoid it in the future.

Once every six months it is necessary to tighten the screws on the automation terminals inside the box, especially if you use aluminum wires.

Don't buy a compact switchboard that will only have a lot of space. Firstly, perhaps in the future you will add new elements to the circuit. Secondly, cramped space will contribute to overheating of devices and their rapid failure.

That's all I wanted to tell you about how to assemble a switchboard with your own hands. We hope that the information was useful and interesting for you. If you have any questions, ask our specialists in the comments or in the “ ” category!

How to properly assemble a shield with your own hands

Correct assembly

It is impossible to imagine the operation of equipment at home without electricity. The main component of any home energy network is a do-it-yourself distribution board, for example, created or purchased at any hardware store. It is necessary for the layout of all protective devices, as well as the metering device.

Today there are many different types of panels, the use of which is typical for enterprises and private homes.

Why are shields installed?

Not in any apartment or simple office no electrical installation work is carried out without the mandatory installation of some kind of distribution board. Some time ago, everyone had only distribution boxes, but now they are no longer enough. The reason lies in safety and comfort.

If at home there will be, as before, only junction box, then while replacing sockets, nothing can be done without de-energizing the entire apartment. For example, to connect electrical appliances with high power It will be necessary to additionally equip them with special protective devices, which will clearly affect the free space in the room - it will decrease.

After installing a plastic switchboard or made from any other material, you yourself reduce the risk of burning out any of the electrical appliances. It is thanks to the operation of the shield that electrical energy can be distributed truly evenly across each of the channels, and excess current flow through any one channel of them can be avoided.

It is especially important today to use such irreplaceable devices For various rooms With large area, which are characterized by enormous loads.

This situation is common today even for some residential buildings taking into account the fact how many electrical appliances are used by people in each apartment.

Which shield to choose?

The main distribution board, which can be purchased at the store, is a quality power plant, characterized by high voltage. It is essentially a simple mechanical/electronic system used primarily to provide electrical power to all available space.

An input-distribution device is a whole complex of many different components used for accounting, as well as quick reception electricity. It is almost always made in a metal case, and its panels can easily replace each other.

Models of metal distribution boards are devices that are also used in factories and in homes for the correct distribution of electricity. Thanks to their work, you can protect yourself not only from overcurrents, but also from short circuits dangerous to life and health.

Automatic transfer of reserve - all devices of this type work flawlessly when it is necessary to transfer to a certain additional power source from the main one in cases where the voltage in the house drops or any emergency situation arises. Also, the premises are always safe from possible overloads.


After looking at a few photos of the switchboard, it is easy to understand that this is not a high-tech device and it should be used for the most convenient installation process, as well as the subsequent use of the equipment. There are no special requirements regarding characteristics, and all that is necessary is that it contains required number devices and that it itself is the right size.

When choosing a size, you should rely solely on the number of circuit breakers/switches, and not make a purchase based on the principle that the larger the shield, the better.

Mounted or built-in shield?

If you are interested in instructions for assembling a switchboard, then it is best to first choose a built-in type switchboard, since during repairs the hinged switchboard can very easily be caught.

Built-in shields simply do not have this drawback, but their assembly process is much easier. It is for this reason that, when possible, it is advisable to choose to place the shield in some niche.

Select material: plastic, metal

It is impossible to answer unequivocally the question of which material is best to choose, since during use, metal distribution boards last as long as cheaper plastic ones.

However, it is worth noting that if you choose metal, you can easily repair the case in the future if necessary, or attach a small flashlight directly to it for convenience.

Indoor or outdoor shield?

Very often today, the installation of a panel is carried out on the street and for this reason the appropriate panel is selected, since otherwise it will not be possible to simply supply electricity in the future.

As a rule, the shield device of this type requires the presence of not only a good counter, but also an input machine. It's best to choose street signs for home only made of metal and always with bottom cable entry. This will minimize the risk of water getting inside the system in an emergency.

Among other things, it is very important to ensure that the meter readings are always freely accessible without the need to open the cover. In this way, it will be possible to significantly increase the service life of any shield.

Switchboard Manufacturers

Speaking about the dimensions of distribution boards, it is worth noting first of all the fact that if you purchase a defective panel, it will definitely not be able to perform at full power their functions. It is for this reason that you should pay attention to trusted manufacturers in the store, like Makel or EIK. These are representatives of the middle segment price category, but nevertheless they have proven themselves to be more than just successful.

If you want the shield to not only perform many functions, but also have an interesting appearance, you should pay attention to the FOTKA brand. But it’s better not to buy products from unknown Turkish or Chinese manufacturers, since if you decide to save money, you’ll most likely end up just having to pay twice.

Photos of distribution boards

Electricity is needed to operate the vast majority of household devices. To receive and distribute energy, a mounted or built-in metering and distribution board (ASB) is used.

What it is

An electrical power distribution board (PSB) is an electrical input device (IDU), with the help of which energy is distributed throughout the room or its individual part. It is also often called a distribution point (DP). It is used at a network voltage of less than 1000 Volts and a frequency of up to 60 Hertz. Introductory distribution boards can be used in a private house, apartment, administrative and industrial premises.

There are the following types of SR:

  1. Main;
  2. Group;
  3. Apartment;
  4. Storey.

Metal electrical distribution boards of the main switchboard type ( main panel) are needed for input and branching electrical energy by apartment or building. Main feature is that it works in networks with a solidly grounded neutral wire, and can also meter incoming electricity. Used for protection electrical lines from voltage surges and power leakage.

Photo – Main switchboard

Group electrical panel used for control separate groups current consumers (luminaires, household appliances etc.). It is equipped with automatic switches that control current consumption. Using automatic machines, if necessary, a complete power cut can also be carried out.

Apartment and floor panels are analogues of group panels. They are used to branch and control the incoming current to certain groups of consumers. For example, in an apartment this could be a boiler, electric stove and sockets, and on the floor - separate apartments.

Photo - large main switchboard

Technical requirements for the device designated in GOST 51321 ( General characteristics distribution boards):

  1. The device must have a high ignition protection class. For this purpose, the shield body is made of insulating materials, which do not melt at temperatures up to 850 degrees (this point may vary depending on the IP protection class and climatic modification UZ, UHLZ, etc.);
  2. Closed models are resistant to mechanical stress, including shock loads;
  3. The device must be equipped with clamps for mounting metering devices, circuit breakers or other electrical control devices;
  4. The wire insulation must withstand up to 660 Volts;
  5. During a power surge, the working parts can withstand up to 2500 Volts for a minute;
  6. The service life of the panel with the meter is 25 years.

Types of shields

There are several types of shields:

  1. Mounted, overhead (SHRN);
  2. Embedded (for example, Ekinoxe);
  3. Floor-standing.

Mounted mounted on the walls of the building, built-in- in the niches of houses. It is worth paying attention, in order to protect the cottage, it is more profitable to use niche models. Floor-standing are the largest, they are installed on the floor.

Photo - case sizes

For on-site visits, professional electricians use a portable switchboard, which is in no way inferior to its “stationary” counterparts. Its connection is carried out directly through the machines. To correctly determine the voltage in the network, a light indication is used. Now such models are presented by Legrand and IEK companies.

We propose to consider what other distribution boards exist and their technical characteristics.

Photo - model with a three-phase meter

SCHURN 3-48 is a three-phase wall-mounted metering and distribution board, used for installation on floors or in private houses.

Mounted (overhead) panel АВВ (АВВ) STJAT 22E:

Input distribution panel type ShchO-70:

This is a special model. To ensure continuity of operation, the device is equipped with ATS units. Panels are combined with busbars, which helps increase installation space additional elements(circuit breakers and meters). Models of this series, in most cases, are installed in private or apartment buildings.

Photo - floor type

Shields type ShchMP-01 are models with a mounting panel. Thanks to small overall dimensions they can be installed in a niche on the floor or in an apartment; it is also used as an outdoor one for a dacha or private home. This wall-mounted electrical panel has a very high protection class against negative impact external environment. Additional equipment includes a special zip lock that will protect the device from penetration.

Their analogue is ShchRNM-2 - this is a hinged (external, street) panel with a mounting panel. The key difference from the model above is the ability to remove the mounting panels to install other automation. The high protection class IP-54 allows them to be installed on the walls of a building. The door is secured with a lock.

If a distribution board is required for mounting components " smart home", then it is recommended to use a plastic low-current shield of the Volta type. It is designed for 17 modules, the model has a built-in 4-row panel equipped with switches for controlling the “smart house” system.

ShchRN-12 – mounted distribution board (internal), equipped with 12 modules. There are models on sale with a number of modules from 9. This perfect option to protect your garage or cottage from power surges. Type - three-phase, rated voltage and current frequency - 380/70.

OSCHV-3-63-6-0 36 UHL4 IP31 (or ShchRV):

Electrical distribution boards and cabinets manufactured by Schneider Electric MOD are very popular: they have simple installation, easy assembly and a high level of quality. The international certificate states that the service life of Schneider Electric equipment is more than 30 years. For example, the Mini Pragma IP40 model has 1 row of panels on which 6 modules can be installed. Ideal for controlling sockets or lights in a building. High level protection allows installation in rooms with high humidity.

You can buy an assembled switchboard in almost any electrical goods store; the price will depend on the purpose and number of modules. In Moscow and St. Petersburg average cost Mini Pragma IP40 models, for example, range from 8,000 to 9,000 handlebars.

Video: how to make a switchboard

How to connect the Shchur

You can install and turn on the device yourself, but this requires a project, for example, a single-line diagram of a distribution board (for example, RShch-16). The device passport includes a diagram according to which the device must be put into operation, but before installing it, you need to study the requirements of the PUE for the existing network.

Photo - single line diagram

This scheme is developed individually for each enterprise or residential building. It can be ordered from special design bureaus. With the existing project, in the future it will be easier not only to connect the device, but also to assemble the necessary circuit.

One of the most important elements The infrastructure of any building includes a system for providing it with electricity. Indeed, without this, imagine life today modern man impossible.

However, simply installing a power cable is not enough: it is necessary to correctly distribute electricity, ensure the necessary level of protection for the electrical wiring itself, as well as the life and health of people, install a meter for consumed electricity, and, at the same time, fulfill these conditions in such a way that minimum sizes and ease of installation, the structure had easy and quick access.

For execution specified conditions, there are so-called input distribution devices (IDUs) or simply electrical distribution boards.

Having looked at the photo of the switchboard, they can be seen in sufficient quantities on resources on the network; another reader will note the complexity of the internal contents, as well as a large number of machines, switches and wires. In fact, you can assemble an electrical panel in your home yourself, especially in the case of single-phase wiring.

However, if you have never dealt with electrical installation work, it is better to turn to specialists, and for those who decide to do everything themselves, you need to know a few key points installation and selection of an electrical panel, as well as its features internal structure- this is exactly what this article will discuss.

A little theory

The main purpose of the switchboard follows from its name, but still let's dwell on this issue in a little more detail.

The main functions of the input distribution device in the house include:

  • Ensuring in one place the distribution of all electricity along separate branches of electrical wiring;
  • Controlling the connection/disconnection of individual branches to the power grid;
  • Accounting for consumed electricity;
  • Protection of both the entire electrical wiring and its individual branches from overcurrent;
  • Protection against current leakage to ground other than electricity consumers;
  • Constructive integration of all named functions into a single block;
  • Defence from external influences internal contents of the distribution device.

It is important to note that these functions are assigned both to the distribution board in the apartment and to the one installed in a private house, garage, cottage, etc.

Electrical panel design

Designing an electrical panel's electrical circuit is entirely dependent on all the building's wiring. That is, it is she who predetermines the number of automatic protective switches, their type, parameters, as well as other elements and their properties.

Since in each individual case there are a number of specific features, we will not dwell on the development of a schematic diagram, but will only consider the main, general structural elements.

First of all, a switchboard for a private home can be made of metal or plastic. IN Lately became increasingly popular plastic structures, they have an attractive appearance, less weight and price, however metal structure more reliable, lasts longer and withstands greater mechanical loads. The choice is yours.

The housing can be structurally built into a niche previously prepared in the wall, as well as installed directly on it.

Built-in structures are more convenient to install hidden wiring, they occupy less space, do not stand out externally, look aesthetically pleasing and fit harmoniously into the space. However, their installation and installation is much more complicated.

The internal structure of the electrical panel consists of the following main components:

  • A special DIN rail; all circuit breakers and other control and protection devices are installed on it;
  • A special kind of distribution current-carrying busbars for the neutral and pinch wires. The ground bus is designated “PE”, and the zero bus is designated “N”;
  • Automatic switches, residual current devices and other automation and control devices, for example: lighting, hood, etc.;
  • Electricity consumption meter;
  • Wires connecting all elements of the electrical panel into a single circuit.

In some cases, for example in apartments, there may not be a meter in the electrical panel, and in addition, other, not specified, automation and control units may be installed. Fastening and installation of additional elements must be done in accordance with the instructions for these devices, which are supplied with them.


In general, the installation of a distribution board in a house is carried out at the stage of all electrical installation work. Any features in in this case no: everything is done in strict accordance with safety requirements, as well as the prescribed norms and rules. The only thing is that the connection to an external power supply must be made after assembling and checking the circuit.

All connections inside the electrical panel must be made strictly in accordance with a previously thought out and sketched electrical diagram.

On the inside of the electrical panel door, as a rule, there is a special place where you can indicate the purpose of all switches.

A mandatory signature-marker of all machines must be considered a sign of a job well done and one of the electrical safety requirements. So, if the protection is triggered, this will allow localization of the fault, and, if necessary, repair or preventative work, disconnect the required branch of the electrical wiring.

Photos of distribution boards

This type of device is designed to receive and subsequently distribute electrical energy in various circuits. Distribution cabinets are classified into several types.

Usually cabinets are marked with the letters "shr". They are used in networks with a rated current of 400 amperes and a rated voltage of 380 volts with a frequency alternating current not exceeding 50 hertz. In addition, they highlight separate species distribution cabinets for use in networks with a voltage of 660 volts.

The marking "shrn" means that the distribution cabinet is wall-mounted. Typically, the capacity of such cabinets varies from two hundred to one thousand two hundred bar. These types of cabinets are equipped with special frame fastenings, where the plinths are subsequently mounted.

The marking "pr" means "distribution point", this type of cabinet is used for distribution electric current in networks with voltages up to 660 volts and with frequencies varying from 50 to 60 hertz. distribution points also serve to ensure safety electrical networks and anticipation short circuits and random overloads.

Another type of wall cabinet (“shrn”) is wall-mounted. It should be highlighted separately, since increased requirements for strength and reliability apply to its design. Often such cabinets are made of metal and are reliable and durable.


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