Onion peel useful properties for the garden. Natural fertilizer for the garden and vegetable garden - onion peel

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Onion peel is the most affordable and indispensable assistant from pests for the amateur gardener. Aphids, caterpillars, scoops, leeches, common earwigs, meadow bugs, spider mites, sucker and codling moth - and this is not the whole list of pests of garden and garden plants, from which the infusion helps onion peel.

Onion peel kills pathogenic microflora in the soil, due to its bactericidal action. A decoction and infusion of onion peels stimulate the growth of plants, making them more resistant to diseases, and also repels pests.

Onion peel in the form of an infusion is used to spray apple trees to get rid of pests such as aphids, codling moths, spider mites and suckers. Spray apple trees twice after flowering with an interval of 7 days.

200 grams of onion peel is poured into 10 liters warm water and insist 5 days, filter and use for spraying plants from pests, 2-3 times in five days against aphids, thrips, spider and strawberry mites, apple sucker, codling moth, herbivorous bugs, caterpillars, scoop.

Onion peel is very effective in controlling aphids on vegetable crops, the infusion is prepared as follows: fill the floor of the bucket with onion peel, pour to the top hot water, leave for a day, strain, then dilute with water (1:2). The same infusion of onion peel can also be used to combat the Colorado potato beetle on eggplant and potatoes. Many summer residents put a handful of husks in the hole when planting tomatoes, cabbage, potatoes. This helps against the invasion, and even the Colorado potato beetle. Beetles cannot stand the smell of onion skins.

Infused onion peel helps protect against houseplant pests, such as aphids: 20 g of onion peel is infused in 1 liter of water for five days. Spray the plants twice. Repeated spraying is carried out after five to seven days.

Infused onion peel is also used for washing indoor plants, cleaning them from spider mites: In a liter glass jar pour 20 g of husk with water and insist for a day. Then strain the liquid and rinse the plant thoroughly with it, especially bottom side leaves. After a day, the leaves must be washed clean water.

Also, onion peel is rich in vitamins A and B. Therefore, spraying the leaves of plants with infusion, you not only protect them from pests, but also increase immunity. For plant nutrition, an infusion of onion peel is used - 10 g per 5 liters of boiling water.

Onion peel will protect the crop during storage. Root crops will not be affected by fungal diseases if, before storing, they are powdered with chopped onion peel.

Try it and see for yourself that the onion peel is on suburban area will bring great benefits to plants as a fertilizer that stimulates growth, as a protection against pests without the use of chemicals, and will also increase resistance to diseases.

Known for its beneficial properties for a long time, it is widely used for a vegetable garden or garden. The use of decoctions and infusions from it helps to get a higher yield. They saturate the soil with substances necessary for plant growth, and also act as a natural fungicide, protecting plantings from insect pests.

Composition and useful properties

Onion peel contains various mineral and biologically active substances. They nourish, tone plants, save them from many diseases and pests. A well-established fertilizer is onion peel for a vegetable garden or garden. Its use in this capacity is due to anti-inflammatory, immunostimulating and regenerative properties. It is worth considering in more detail some of the organic elements that make up the onion shell:

  • Carotene. The life-giving power of this substance has long been known. It is believed that its source is carrots, however, onion peel contains a lot of carotene. It is a powerful antioxidant for most plants. It helps to take care of seedlings, increases the resistance of garden and horticultural crops to various diseases. They are recommended to process balcony flowers growing in conditions of high gas content. In addition, carotene is a natural immunostimulant that suppresses the formation of free radicals. It destroys all harmful microorganisms, including fungus and rot.
  • Phytoncides. This is the biologically active element of the onion, which is mainly concentrated in its surface scales. In any plant, phytoncides are part of the protective complex. But onion peel is especially rich in them. For a garden or garden, its use is largely due to the presence of this substance in in large numbers. Phytoncides are effective against all harmful bacteria and fungi.
  • Vitamins of group B. Their high content explains the healing effect of onions. Vitamins of this group saturate infusions made from husks with useful properties. Experienced gardeners water young seedlings with them, as a result of which its growth is accelerated, leaves and stems become stronger, and root rot is not terrible for such plants.
  • Nicotinic acid (vitamins of the PP group). It is a necessary component for the complete processing of nitrogen and sulfur. The development of the plant at any stage largely depends on this process. Most of the oxidative reactions in living cells cannot do without nicotinamide. The presence of this substance improves root formation, which is especially important when growing crops on heavy soils.

Onion peel for growing tomatoes

This natural material irreplaceable for tomatoes. The bow protects them from various kinds rot, strengthens the stems, reducing their fragility. In addition, it tones the plant, contributing to a higher yield. Onion husks are used for the first time already a few days after planting seedlings. An infusion from it is prepared as follows: the husk is poured with boiling water (for 2 cups of raw materials 1 liter of water) and put in a cool place for two days. Then the filtered solution is diluted with clean water (1: 3) and poured 0.5 liters into the near-stem hole of each young bush. For plants over 1 month old, a larger amount of infusion is required - up to 1.5 liters. Within a few days after such watering, the tomato bushes become stronger, there are no yellow leaves left on them. The second top dressing is carried out during the flowering period.

Onion peel for growing cucumbers

Gourds at any stage of their growth are susceptible to rot damage. Therefore, they are recommended to be processed several times during the season. The solution is prepared in the same way as for watering tomatoes. Using a sprayer or an ordinary herbal broom, cucumber leaves are treated with infusion. This helps prevent early yellowing of leaves and other pathological processes.

Onion peel is also used as a fertilizer. During the spring digging of the beds, it is introduced into the soil at the rate of 3 liters per 1 sq. m.

When planting cucumbers, onion peel is often used. Fertilizing seedlings with its strong decoction protects seedlings from mold and fungal diseases.

Plant nutrition

An aqueous extract of onion peel significantly improves the structure of the soil, enriching it with nutrients and microelements. Top dressing is carried out by watering plants with a specially prepared infusion. This will require 1 liter of onion scales and 8 liters of boiling water. Filling the raw material with water, the container is left for a day, closing the lid. After that, filtered, diluted with water (1:5) and used for irrigation. Such an infusion is able to fill the deficit nutrients, which is often evidenced by yellowed leaves of plants.

Vitamins, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, boron and other elements contained in onion peel not only help to get rid of various diseases, but also increase resistance against them. Therefore, with preventive purpose no less important is onion peel for a vegetable garden or garden. The use of its infusions and decoctions is recommended for growing almost all garden crops - potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, peppers, etc. Plants that receive such top dressing at an early stage of growth bear fruit much longer.

What diseases is onion peel effective against?

One of the most serious diseases that threaten seedlings is the blackleg. To combat it today there is huge selection various chemicals. But it is quite possible to get rid of this misfortune with the help of a decoction of onion peel. Its advantage is that it is an environmentally friendly, natural and completely safe remedy for health. It allows you to effectively cope with the infection without any chemicals. You can prevent its occurrence by simply adding onion peel to the soil.

False powdery mildew- a common disease that affects especially planting cucumbers. It can manifest itself at any stage of growth - from the moment the first leaves are formed until the fruits ripen. It is recommended to carry out preventive treatment of plantings with an infusion of onion peel, and always when the first signs of damage by this infection appear. It is also necessary to re-spray every 5 days.

Against a disease such as bacteriosis of radish or cabbage, an infusion of onion peel is used. Having noticed the first symptoms of this disease, you need to immediately spray it in the form of a real shower.

Bacterial cancer that threatens tomato plantings can also be prevented with an infusion of onion skins. Plants are not only sprayed with them, but also watered, which serves as an excellent top dressing at the same time.

Onion peel from pests

In terms of its effectiveness in the fight against insects, this product is in no way inferior to chemical plant protection products. It contains no nitrates, it is absolutely safe and, when disposed of, saturates the soil with useful substances.

Gardeners have long used onion peel from aphids, spider mites, codling moths, and other pests. It does not have any negative effect on the formation of fruits. Plants are sprayed with a concentrated decoction prepared from one bucket of onion peel, several bars of laundry soap and two buckets of water. The raw material is poured with boiling water, allowed to brew, then filtered and soap chips are added, mixing thoroughly until it is completely dissolved. Spraying is carried out repeatedly - every week. The remains of the product are recommended to be poured under the root - this will help get rid of pests in the soil.

Onion peel from spider mites is used as follows: 1 liter of raw material is poured with two liters of warm water and infused for two days. The strained solution is ready for use. It is half diluted with water and a few drops of liquid soap are added.

Onion peel from the Colorado potato beetle, codling moth, aphids in the form of a decoction is quite effective. The remedy is prepared quickly. This will require 3 handfuls of onion scales, which are poured with water, put on the stove and brought to a boil. Then they stand on low heat for another 5 minutes, let it brew, and after 4 hours the broth can be used to treat plants, diluted in water (2 liters of product per bucket).

Onion skins contain quartzetin, a very bitter tasting substance. In each variety, its quantity is different, so there are no clear and strict dosages in the preparation of decoctions and infusions. It is recommended to dilute them with water until a bitter aftertaste is felt.

All products prepared from onion peel are not intended for long-term storage in a warm room. It is better to use them immediately, during the day.

Residues of onion skins contain a large number of nutrients. After preparing the decoctions, they can be buried under fruit trees or shrubs.

Onion peel saves the harvest

This simple and affordable tool helps to solve several problems at once. The freshness of harvested vegetables and fruits is well preserved for a long time if they are sprinkled with dried onion peel. It will also protect the crop from decay, mold and fungal infection.

Application for indoor plants

Not only in the garden, but also at home, onion peel is useful. It is used to fertilize flowers. Onion peel for this you need only 1 cup. It is poured with two liters of water and brought to a boil. A few minutes are still kept on low heat and, after cooling, are used for watering. It is not necessary to filter - particles of onion peel that have fallen into the soil will enrich it with useful substances.

This fertilizer is not suitable only for cacti, aloe, ficus and other indoor plants with fleshy leaves. They may respond to onion feeding by slowing down growth.

Other uses

When preparing food for poultry and cattle, it is recommended to add a little decoction or infusion of onion peel there. This will be to their advantage.

Onion peel has long been used as a natural dye - in confectionery, cooking.

The medicinal effects of this product are widely known. Made from husks various means that have a curative effect.

We continue to talk about unusual natural fertilizers. You already know how you can use bread and yeast (), coffee (), eggshell (), milk () in the garden. Today we will talk about onion skins.

What is useful onion peel?

Onion peel contains a whole complex useful substances. It is especially rich in vitamins C, E, PP, groups B, A, phytoncides (they determine the bactericidal properties of the product); contains quercetin (a strong antioxidant), useful organic acids, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, manganese.

Onion peel stimulates the growth and development of plants, gives them "immunity" from diseases and strengthens their plant body.

The husk has not only nutritional properties, but also disinfecting. Thanks to it, you can protect plants from many pathogens that may be in the soil, as well as use the husk to spray plants from pests and pathogens that are on the surface of the bark, leaves, flowers and fruits.

What to feed with onion peel?

Absolutely all plants in your garden will be delighted with such top dressing. Onion peel "revives" plants that begin to wither, brings them into tone. Many summer residents use an infusion of husks as soon as they begin to notice the first leaves that begin to turn yellow.

Especially good feedback on onion peels from tomatoes, peppers, carrots, cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini.

And for the treatment of pests and diseases, onion peel is used for absolutely all crops on garden plot. The most effective onion solutions in the fight against spider mite, thrips, aphids, Colorado potato beetle and codling moth, as well as for the prevention and treatment of the "black leg".

Husk preparation.

Everything is simple. When peeling onions, do not throw away the husk. Dry it well by spreading it out on a sheet of paper or newspaper and put it in a cloth bag or box where it will be stored until use.

How to use onion peel in the garden?

- Onion peel is added directly to the soil before planting (as well as before planting seedlings). To do this, dry husks must first be crushed.

- For spraying plants, infusions and decoctions of onion peel are used (recipes are listed below).


Infusion for feeding: Pour 1 cup of onion peel into a bucket of water (almost full), put on fire and bring to a boil. Remove from heat, leave for 2-3 hours, strain. Water the plants from the watering can over the leaves and under the root. Use the remaining husks for compost.

Spray solution for pests and diseases: 4 cups of onion peel pour 2 liters hot water. Insist 2 days, strain. Dilute 2 times with water. Treat at least 3 times at weekly intervals.

As well as…

Husks can be used to increase the shelf life of vegetables and fruits and protect them from fungal diseases during storage. To do this, the products are powdered with dry crushed husks before being stored.

Instead of newfangled growth biostimulants, chemicals for feeding garden and indoor plants, many use the old fashioned way folk remedies. They are affordable, effective and time-tested. Such means include onion peel. That's really - a real storehouse of benefits for the garden. Most often used for plants infusion of onion peel as fertilizer, top dressing and even medicine against pests and diseases.

The use of infusion of onion peel in the garden:

  1. As a vegetable feed fruit crops and flowers.
  2. For feeding seedlings growing on the windowsill.
  3. Against bacteriosis of plants, "black leg", gray and black rot, as a prophylaxis of bacteriotic tomato cancer.
  4. For the fight against thrips, apple sucker, codling moths, strawberry mites, bedbugs, caterpillars, Colorado potato beetle and even rodents.

Onion peel for seedlings

Infusion of onion peel saturates the seedlings with microelements, protects against fungal diseases. Watering seedlings with onion peel is especially relevant if the leaves have turned yellow and there is a lack of nutrients in the soil.

Recipe: A handful of onion peels (from about 2-3 onions) are put into a 500 ml jar, poured hot or cold water, insist for a while and water the seedlings.

Such a quantity of husks can be found in any home. So - this is a very affordable top dressing for any gardener-gardener. Watering is done under the root.

There is another recipe for seedlings: It works as a growth stimulant. A couple of handfuls of onion peels are poured with 1 liter of boiling water, an additional 1 teaspoon of ash is added. You need to insist 3 days, and the result is a concentrate of a pleasant amber-brown color. The infusion is diluted with water 1: 3 and watered with young seedlings.

Infusion Recipes

  • The crushed husk (250 g) is poured with cold water (10 liters). Insist 4 days and filter through cheesecloth or strainer. prepared solution spray trees and shrubs.
  • Half a bucket of crushed husks is poured to the top with hot water. Cover with a lid and insist 2 days. The infusion is filtered and diluted with water twice. Prepared means well spray plants against aphids.
  • Chopped husks (7 g) are combined with onions, passed through a meat grinder (12 g). Everything is poured with hot water (1 l) and insisted for 8 hours under the lid. After that, the infusion is filtered and spray plants.

For better adhesion, grated soap or liquid soap is often added to the infusion.

Important! Infusion of onion peel is effective fresh. You shouldn't keep it. It is best to use the whole immediately, as prepared.

decoction recipe

In addition to the infusion, they also prepare a decoction of onion peel. They are good at watering the soil as fertilizer or spraying the plant. in order to prevent insect pests of the garden and vegetable garden.

Recipe: a few handfuls of husks are poured warm water and bring to a boil. Then the fire is turned off and left to infuse under the lid. It turns out a concentrate that needs to be cooled and filtered. A decoction is essentially the same infusion, only higher temperatures are used during the cooking process.

Top dressing with onion peel

Top dressing with onion peel especially useful for cucumbers, zucchini, carrots and tomatoes, as well as peppers, potatoes, strawberries, strawberries, cabbages, raspberries, grapes, gooseberries, apple trees and even flowers. In a word, almost all plants that need to be fed can be sprinkle with infusion of onion peel. Let's take a closer look at some of the points what and how to feed onion peel:

  • When leaves turn yellow in cucumbers, zucchini, zucchini, a decoction of onion peel is used. A few handfuls of husks are poured into a bucket with warm water. The bucket is put on fire and brought to a boil, and then insisted under the lid. The cooled infusion is filtered and diluted with water. Take 2 liters of infusion for a 10-liter bucket of water and water the plants from a watering can with a strainer (or spray the product over the leaves with a broom). Such a healing shower will be useful 2-3 times a season.
  • adore top dressing with onion peel tomatoes. Firstly, for the bottom of the husk - prevention from gray and black rot. Trace elements of the solution nourish and strengthen the stems and leaves of the plant. It is better to water tomatoes with diluted infusion. Solution consumption: 1 liter per bush. Such a tonic top dressing is effective a week after planting seedlings, during flowering and when leaves turn yellow.
  • Plants are sprayed with infusion of onion peel to improve the formation of ovaries. Top dressing during this period will be useful 1 time per week.
  • Top dressing of carrots and tomatoes with infusion of onion peel increases productivity.
  • A decoction of onion peel is useful spill soil in the greenhouse(2 liters of concentrate are diluted in a bucket of warm water)
  • two or three times a season watering and spraying the garden (primarily tomatoes and carrots) revitalizes the microflora and nourishes the soil with useful substances.
  • Respond well to top dressing with decoction or infusion of onion peel potatoes, zucchini and pumpkins.

It is better to feed plants in the garden and in the garden with onion peel in the evening. After top dressing, watering is not required.

Effective medicine for plants - always at hand

  1. Against the "black leg" they use the following recipe: a couple of handfuls of husks are poured with a liter of water, insisted for a day and filtered.
  2. Against insects, tomatoes are additionally treated with an infusion of onion peel, spraying the plants twice a season.
  3. Using an infusion of onion peel as a means of combating aphids, spider mites, thrips, the concentrate is diluted in water in a ratio of 1 to 2, adding household shavings. soap.
  4. You can get rid of midges, fleas and aphids in a panic by spraying the plants with an infusion of onion peel using a broom or a Beetle garden sprayer.
  5. For cabbage and radish, onion peel is used as a remedy for bacteriosis. If the leaves turn yellow or black veins appear on them, the plants are treated with infusion from a watering can with a strainer.
  6. For tomatoes, an infusion is good as a prevention of bacterial tomato cancer. Plants are watered and sprayed with infusion of onion peel.
  7. As a means to combat thrips, apple sucker, codling moths, strawberry mites, bedbugs, caterpillars, the Colorado potato beetle and even rodents - an infusion of onion peel is also suitable.

Have you already used onion peel for feeding plants in the garden or in the garden? Share your experience in the comments, we will be glad! 😉

Everyone knows about the valuable properties of onions, but not many people know how useful onion peel is for a vegetable garden or garden. But throwing onion waste into the trash, we don’t even think that they will help us raise the harvest in the country or get rid of harmful insects. The article combines helpful tips: where, when and how to apply onion peel.

Onion peel: what it consists of, and what are the features

Onion petals are a set of natural ingredients that can replace chemicals for plant nutrition and protection. What is the composition of this "magic" substance? Onion peel is rich in biologically active substances, minerals and vitamins:

  • carotenes;
  • phytoncides;
  • vitamins from different groups;
  • quercetin.
Onion petals are a set of natural ingredients that can replace chemicals for plant nutrition and protection

What is the benefit of each of these elements? Let's consider in more detail:


This is the best natural immune stimulant that gives an impetus vital energy. The largest number carotene in carrots, but it is also present in sufficient amounts in onion peel. This substance helps to cope with free radicals, resists rot, fungal infections, and other diseases.

In crop production, the use of onion peel is possible:

  • when caring for seedlings;
  • to increase resilience and protective functions fruits and vegetables from various diseases;
  • for safety decorative flowers located in the gassed area of ​​large cities, to maintain their vital activity.

These substances are found in all parts of onions, but their largest mass falls precisely on the surface layers of onion scales. Phytoncides are biologically active substances and have a detrimental effect on fungi, pathogenic bacteria and harmful microorganisms. Therefore, it is recommended to make a composition for the protection of indoor plants with the addition of onion peel.

Phytoncides are found in all parts of onions

Vitamin B complex.

These vitamins, in comparison with other microelements, are contained in the husk the most. With a certain chemical reaction, when vitamin B1 interacts with phosphoric acid, an element very necessary for plants is formed - carboxylase. Thanks to it, the formation of nutrients and the processing of carbohydrates.

A significant part of the useful components falls on the share of scales, which are taken for infusion from onion peel to care for seedlings. This helps to reduce the risk of root rot damage to young plants, strengthen sprouts, and accelerate plant growth. Seedlings treated in this way tolerate transplanting more easily, adapt better to new growing conditions, gain strength faster and begin to bear fruit.

Vitamin RR.

Another name is nicotinic acid. This is a very valuable vitamin that has a beneficial effect even in small quantities on the formation of a branched root system. Especially important is the use of vitamin PP on heavy soils, where it is difficult for the roots to penetrate deep into. With the help of this trace element, there is also a high-quality processing of oxygen, nitrogen and sulfur. The presence of the vitamin in the cells improves the development of plants in low light, which often happens with indoor flowers.


In considerable volumes, the substance is in onion, but especially a lot of this trace element in a vegetable with red scales. Quercetin belongs to flavonoids and has a beneficial effect on both humans and any vegetation, producing a bactericidal effect.

Quercetin is a flavonoid

How does onion peel help in gardens and orchards

Onion peel in the garden and gardens is, without exaggeration, a great benefit, confirmed by the words and experience of prominent agronomists. Its valuable properties make it possible to apply this fertilizer to all garden and horticultural plantings as protective measures in the fight against diseases.

Onion skins are also used to fertilize garden and vegetable garden plants. This option is especially valuable, as it allows you to save a lot of money on the purchase of chemicals, and most importantly, by fertilizing vegetables and fruits with such a natural remedy, you can not worry that the products are stuffed with "chemistry", and without fear to eat them for both adults and adults. children.

Before using the husk for the garden, you need to find out in what form, in what proportions and for which plants it is suitable.

We fertilize the garden, garden and houseplants

As can be seen from its most valuable composition, onion peel should be used as top dressing in the garden, garden and for indoor plants.

The benefits of onion peel for the garden are as follows:

  • in opposition to inflammatory processes;
  • in the ability to regenerate;
  • in an immunostimulating effect.

For indoor plants, onion peel is also needed.

Organics made on the basis of onion peels strengthens the plant as a whole and acts on its individual parts. For example, it is used for better development root system. It helps the roots to regenerate. Plants that have received fertilizer of natural origin begin to actively grow, come to life after exposure to adverse conditions.

Such top dressing is indispensable for both fruit and vegetable plants, and for indoor plants. flower crops. Onion peel is often used as a fertilizer for potatoes, strawberries and cucumbers.

What can be treated with organic infusion?

Since it is a natural component, it can be used everywhere:

  • water and spray shrubs and trees in the garden;
  • all vegetables are processed in the garden;
  • fertilize flower beds;
  • at home and on the balcony use for potted plants.

By spraying fruit and berry crops and vegetables, they fight insects that harm them. The husk effectively helps in protecting the garden and vegetable garden from such enemies:

  • colorado potato beetle;
  • tick;
  • apple codling moth;

Onion peel fights aphids well
  • cabbage girls;
  • caterpillars;
  • bear.

But the result is not only spraying plants. Many summer residents successfully use watering the soil with a decoction of onion peel in the garden. This helps to enrich the soil with nutritious ingredients, and at the same time get rid of harmful insects that are in it.

Onion peel is also used for flowers, this application is not limited indoor plants. A decoction of the husk is used in the same way for flowers in the garden, in flower beds, and flower beds. If the flower does not grow well, the foliage becomes withered, flowering does not begin, you need to water it once to twice a week with freshly prepared broth.

The method of its preparation is as follows: add 1–1.5 liters of water to a glass of onion peels, boil, let it boil a little over low heat. Cool to room temperature and water the flowers. It is not necessary to filter the liquid, boiled flakes will complement the soil fertilizer. It is impossible to leave the decoction for storage, otherwise it will lose its valuable qualities.

The decoction is used in the spring, when the plants enter the phase active growth and getting ready to bloom. Revitalizing at the same time indoor flowers, the decoction will scare away midges and other insects from pots.

For potted plants from the windowsill that are starting to dry out or turn yellow, you can make an infusion of peeling two bulbs and a liter of water, leave for a couple of days, then water. Simple and effective!

Onion peel as fertilizer for flowers

Unlike other flowers, orchids capricious plants. But they, like everyone else, need food. For these purposes, you can take onion peel, since all the nutrients are fully suitable for these flowers and will help destroy harmful microflora.

A little onion peel should be thrown into a liter of water, boiled, cooled. Put the pot with the orchid in a wide bowl, water the entire substrate with decoction until it is completely covered with liquid. Hold for about 15-20 minutes. Remove from the solution, leave in a warm place until the liquid drains and the roots dry slightly.

To feed the potatoes, you need to mix a tightly filled glass of onion peels with three liters of boiling water. Insist for two days. Before use, strain and add water in a ratio of 1:2.

Watering under each bush is not very plentiful, it is still fertilizer, and not watering the soil. For fairly mature plants, a more concentrated solution can be prepared. This top dressing will give vegetables vitality, will prevent the development of putrefactive processes.

Similarly, you should water tomatoes, pumpkins and zucchini.

You can use onion husks to nourish potatoes.

Onion peel for cucumbers

Cucumbers are quite easily affected by rot. To prevent this from happening, you need to be especially careful to carry out prevention. For this, an infusion of onion peel is perfect. Two glasses of the dry component are poured with two liters of heated water. Insist 2 days. To use the solution, add the same amount of water. Spray the leaves throughout the fruiting period.

Onion peel for strawberries

To increase the yield of strawberries and to combat its pests, onion peel is used in the form of decoctions and tinctures. To protect against pests, the liquid is sprayed on the surface of the leaves. To increase the number of berries and their mass, the plants are watered under the root.

Making fertilizer at home

Top dressing and protection for plants are prepared at home in the form of decoctions and infusions, as described above. For the manufacture of products using onion peel, it is difficult to accurately calculate required amount components for each specific plant, taking into account its age, season, climate and other factors. Therefore, it is worth using decoctions and infusions carefully, following all the recommendations.

Onion peel for strawberries

Experienced gardeners share their tips:

  • The concentration can be determined by taste - a less bitter broth means a weak concentration of the substance, a bitter aftertaste means more saturated.
  • When watering horticultural crops, the solution can be simultaneously used for spraying green mass.
  • The prepared product from onion peel cannot be stored for a long time, as it loses its beneficial features. It is recommended to use it for one day.

How the remedy is applied

There are a lot of options for using this fertilizer, here are a few of them:

  • With the help of decoctions of onion scales, plants are sprayed from pests in the garden and vegetable garden. Spraying of horticultural crops with a decoction of onion peel is carried out for protective purposes 1 time per day for three days, then a week break and repeated spraying. During the season, you need to conduct several such courses.
  • Infusions prepared with onion peel are used to kill aphids. Process the green mass from all sides. Spraying from aphids with infusion is repeated every 4 days, until the pests completely disappear.
  • For prophylactic purposes, bactericidal spraying is carried out. Preparation: 1 glass of dry component is poured with 10 liters of water, boiled. After that, insist for several hours and use. Repeat 2-3 times per season.

Dry application

Husk in any form is useful for the garden. In addition to decoctions and tinctures, the use of dry onion peel enjoys continued success. Cleanings are collected only from healthy bulbs, without lesions. Spread out thin layer in a warm place and dry. Can be dried in the microwave or electric oven.

In the spring, when digging up the beds, onion peels are brought in. This will help get rid of pests in the soil - they do not like the smell of this vegetable.

To preserve the crop, the dry mass of onion scales is also useful. Fruit (pears, apples) should be placed in a container, layered with dry onion peel. For vegetables (radishes, carrots), a different storage method is suitable. Root crops need to be dipped in a solution of onion peel, dried and stored like that.

So, before throwing onion peels into the trash, think about how much benefit they can bring you in the form of bumper crops!


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