We sew cool pillows: step-by-step master classes. DIY cat pillows for every taste

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Handmade decorative elements always bring comfort, warmth to the interior and reveal the soul of the owner of the house. Sewing a sofa cushion is easy, but many people want to make it unusual. Very interesting topic for needlework - do-it-yourself cat pillow. Patterns and the algorithm for sewing such a product are quite a popular topic among handmade lovers. The simplest and, at the same time, original ideas you will find in this article.

Why cats?

The topic of cats is always relevant. Most people are not indifferent to them. A cat, especially a sleeping one, personifies calmness and tranquility; they not only touch you, but also relieve stress. Therefore, the idea of ​​​​making a pillow cat seems very successful.

It can be implemented in different ways:

  • You can make a pillow in the shape of a cat;
  • You can sew an applique in the shape of a cat onto a regular pillowcase;
  • You can sew a bolster pillow to which you can sew a cat’s head and tail with paws.

Important! A cat can be embodied not only in a sofa pillow, but also in a sachet pillow with aromatic soothing herbs.

We will not be able to cover all the variations on the theme of cat pillows, so we propose to consider the most interesting, in our opinion. Let's start with something simple.


If you just want to decorate a pillow with an image of a cat, then you can get by with appliqué.

Algorithm of actions:

  • If you have the makings of an artist, draw the cat yourself. If you don’t want to bother, print out the finished picture of the cat you like.
  • Then transfer the pattern from the paper to the fabric.
  • Cut out the eyes and nose from scraps of fabric of the appropriate color or embroider.

Important! If the pillow is purely decorative, then the eyes and nose can be sewn on in plastic. Buttons or ready-made eyes designed for soft toys are suitable for this.

  • Then glue the workpiece with hot glue or sew it to the pillowcase.

Ideas for interiors:

  • For a children's room, you can use cartoon cats for appliqué.
  • For a living room or bedroom, the silhouette of a black cat on any light background will look interesting.
  • You can sew a pillowcase with an applique for any ready-made sofa cushion.
  • You can make a pillow from old jeans, sew a pocket from them in the center, and the sly face of a cat seems to be peeking out of the pocket. It looks funny.
  • A set of two identical pillows, where an applique in the form of a silhouette of a walking cat smoothly transitions from one pillow to another, will also look original. That is, the picture is divided into two parts. It looks like one when both pillows are side by side.

DIY cat pillow - it's simple and fun!


If you like to embroider, you can make a pillowcase decorated with embroidery for the finished pillow.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. The back of the pillowcase can be sewn from any suitable fabric, and for the front, take a special fabric for embroidery - canvas. It happens different colors.
  2. On the sites of needlewomen there are a large number of embroidery patterns on the theme of love for cats. Choose the one that suits you, print and embroider.
  3. After the picture is ready, sew the pillowcase.


DIY knitted cat pillows will look especially unusual and beautiful.

Algorithm of actions:

  • Select the threads and desired number knitting needles
  • Think over the parameters of the pillow, knit a small square and count how many loops are in 1 cm.
  • According to calculations, dial required quantity loops and just knit the fabric the right size. This could be 2 squares or a rectangle that you fold in half.

Important! The knitting should be tight.

  • When the pillowcase is knitted, fill it with filler (sintepon, holofiber or any other).
  • Now make the ears. To do this, you need to lay the seam diagonally at the two upper corners. These resulting triangles will be the ears.
  • Decorate the face. Using threads of a contrasting color, embroider the eyes, mustache, and nose. The nose can be made slightly convex.

You can complete the work here, or you can also tie the legs, which will give your pillow more originality.

DIY cat pillow in the form of a cushion

A sofa cushion is a very convenient thing. It can be placed under your head, under your back, or used as an armrest. If you make it a little flattened and wrapped in the shape of the letter C, then such a pillow can even be used for feeding a baby. Interesting design such a product will make it not only useful, but also beautiful.

Method number 1:

  1. A sofa cushion can be sewn quickly, but first you need to think about the filling.

Important! Foam rubber rolled into a roll holds its shape well at first, but it big drawback is that over time it absorbs unpleasant odors and begins to crumble. The best option There will be the use of more modern fillers, for example, holofiber. It is durable and practical, mites and fungus do not like it. If you want your roller to also be orthopedic, you can fill it with buckwheat or buckwheat husks. In this case, the fabric for the roller should be quite dense.

  1. You need to cut a rectangle from the fabric, the length of which will be equal to the length of the future roller, and the width will be equal to its thickness.

Important! For a roller in the shape of a cat, it would be interesting to take a striped fabric that is pleasant to the body.

  1. On the sides that will be pulled together, you need to process the edges with a zigzag and turn them in 1-2 cm, stitch them so that the drawstring comes out. You need to insert a braid into it, with the help of which the sides of the roller will later be tightened.
  2. The prepared rectangle needs to be sewn from the inside out to form a cylinder.
  3. Next, turn it out front side and fill with filler.
  4. After this, you need to pull the ribbons on the sides and secure them with a knot.
  5. After all the manipulations done, you have a roller. All that remains is to turn him into a cat. To do this, you need to sew a cat's head on one end and a tail on the other:
    • For the head, make a ball out of fabric and filling, to which you sew triangles-ears, and also embroider a muzzle with a mustache.
    • For the tail, make a “sausage” out of fabric and filling.
  6. All this must be sewn on both ends of the roller. If you want, you can work a little more and make the paws.

There is one more interesting option How to sew a cat pillow with your own hands, where the head will not hang separately.

Method number 2:

  1. Similarly, cut out a rectangle of the required size from the fabric, sew it on the wrong side to make a cylinder.
  2. On one side, sew the end in a semicircle, and on the other side, leave it open for now and turn the workpiece inside out.
  3. Now prepare the remaining parts. For each ear, take two fabric triangles and one padding polyester triangle of the same size.
  4. Fold the fabric triangles face to face, and place the padding polyester part on top.
  5. Sew around the perimeter 0.7 cm from the edge, leaving an opening of a couple of centimeters to turn the product inside out.
  6. Make the tail of any shape (straight, curved). Sew it from two halves, you can stuff it a little with holofiber.
  7. For the paws, first draw a template, for example, in the form of a straight part, which at the bottom turns into three plump fingers. For four legs you need 8 identical blanks.
  8. Fold the pieces of fabric for the paws in half and trace the template from the inside out. You should stitch the seam first and then just cut (0.5cm from the seam).

Important! In bends, this indentation must be cut almost to the seam, so that after turning it inside out, nothing will be pulled anywhere.

  1. When you have turned the paws onto the face, fill only the lower part with holofiber (where the toes are) and sew across it so that the filling remains in place.
  2. After all the elements are ready, sew them to the body: the legs are on the sides, the ears are on the rounded part of the roller.
  3. Now fill the roller with filler, bend the edge and manually walk along the edge with a strong thread. Pull it tight. After this you can sew on the tail.

Important! You can sew a bolster pillow in a similar way. curved shape(like a horseshoe, banana or the letter C). Everything is done in the same way as in the previous case, only from the fabric you cut out not a rectangle, but two parts of the desired curved shape. Then proceed in the same way. Pregnant and nursing mothers love these pillows.

How to sew a cat pillow with your own hands?

A DIY pillow made in the shape of a cat can be intended for different purposes:

  • Small figurines of cats can be stuffed with aromatic herbs, juniper shavings and serve as sachets.
  • Larger figures can be used as pillows or simply as decoration.

They are all sewn according to a similar pattern, differing only in size and filling.

Sewing a cat. Procedure:

  • First, you must choose a suitable pattern and print it, or draw it by hand. The cat can be sitting, lying, standing.
  • Select the fabric and transfer the pattern onto it. You will get two mirror parts.
  • Sew them from the inside out, leaving ten centimeters for turning and stuffing.

Important! If you will embroider the face on a machine or make it in the form of an applique, then it is better to do this before sewing the parts together. If manually, then you can do it after.

  • Next, fill the cat figurine with filler and sew up the left hole.

Important! The body can be sewn from fabric close to the natural color of the cat, or, on the contrary, you can take a cheerful fabric with a small flower or colored stripe.

By the way, it is not at all necessary to sew a whole cat. You can make a pillow in the shape of a cat's head.

Option #2. Procedure:

  1. For sewing similar product create a template in the form of an outline of a cat's head with ears and transfer it to the fabric.
  2. Now cut out two identical pieces.
  3. The back part can be left untouched, but the front part needs to be decorated with a muzzle. “Facial features” can be applied using embroidery, applique or even drawing acrylic paint for fabric.
  4. Sew both parts on the wrong side, leaving a hole of a few centimeters.
  5. Turn the workpiece inside out, stuff it with filler and finally sew it up.

Important! If you fill the pillow with buckwheat, buckwheat husks or juniper shavings, then such beauty will also be an excellent “anti-stress”.

Original DIY cat pillows:

  • A pillow in the shape of Simon the cat, a popular Internet grumpy cat, or an anime-style cat looks very funny.
  • How to make simple cat pillows with your own hands is described in detail in this article. The proposed ideas will be easy to implement even for those people who are not entirely comfortable with a needle and thread. Using the recommendations, you can create an unusual thing. Such a product will not only decorate the interior of the room and help set accents in the design, but will also be a comfortable and practical pillow that can lift your spirits.

Unusual, original, unique pillow toys in the form of animals or dolls become favorite things for both children and adults. A hand-made cat pillow will not be an exception. It can be sewn using ready-made patterns or sketches drawn by yourself.

If your baby has trouble falling asleep and needs company, offer him this toy pillow. With it, the child will calm down faster. Adults will also need a small thought pillow, with which it is easier to relax the cervical vertebrae, you can lie down comfortably, and fall asleep faster and more soundly. Of course, you can buy a model of any size and shape in stores, but sewn or knitted yourself, these products become an indispensable element of decor, created only for your closest and dearest people.

How to cut correctly

A DIY cat pillow is a gift for both yourself and your child, a decoration and addition to stylish design rooms. In order for such an accessory to be truly one and only, you will have to make your own pattern for the future cat. It would seem, what could be simpler? But no. After all, cats and cats are so different, and everyone wants their pet to be the cutest.

They cannot be similar to one another, and therefore you will need to find a special drawing or make a sketch yourself. When preparing to work on creating a pattern, it is important to consider the purpose of the future product. If this is just to decorate a new sofa, then it is important to make sure that the color and shape of the cat is in harmony with the surrounding furniture.

But most often it is a real pillow with which you can comfortably fall asleep. In this case, you need to carefully consider:
  • its size;
  • the quality of the fabric that an adult or child will touch with their face;
  • Availability decorative elements, safe for kids;
  • quality and quantity of filler.

Of course, it is very important to choose the character who is sure to become everyone's favorite, and the pillow should be his an exact copy. The well-known cat Simon has long become such a hero.

This funny soft toy was loved by children many years ago. different countries, and to make it yourself, just find a detailed image and prepare the components. White, fluffy, with huge bulging eyes and erect ears, the cat will take root in any home. He can really decorate the interior and become a friend to the baby.


When starting to make a pattern for a soft pillow toy, you should think in advance what size the cat will be and who will use it. Usually such a handsome man is made of faux white fur, and if desired, it can be replaced with plush, terry or flannel. To work you will need:

  • material for the body, folded in half;
  • floss threads to highlight the mustache and the desired outline;
  • pins to secure the pattern to the material;
  • colored crayons;
  • threads whose color differs from the main one;
  • scissors;
  • filler;
  • sewing needles.

You can make an accurate pattern by watching a video or photo where real masters of their craft give a master class on cutting and sewing.

You will need several sheets of A4 format, but it is better if you prepare graph paper, which will make it easier and more convenient to recreate an accurate image of every detail of the component of the future pillow, and you can get to work:

  1. Having decided on the size, it is important to decide whether the pillow toy will be one-piece or whether some parts will need to be sewn on. The image drawing must contain all parts in exact size. Smaller details are drawn on the same sheet.
  2. Having cut out each component, lay out the parts on the material so that there is a distance of at least 1.5-2 cm between them. This will be the seam allowance.
  3. Secure all parts of the pattern with pins and circle with chalk, marking the places of future connection.
  4. Carefully cut out each detail, not forgetting about the allowances.
  5. To ensure that all components match in size, make a running stitch along the line drawn in chalk with air loops, push the edges of the fabric apart and carefully cut the threads between the layers of fabric. All the necessary lines and outlines have been transferred to the second part.

Assembly of parts

Having laid out and swept away all the component parts, you can begin assembling the toy itself.

  1. Attach all the required small parts to one of the resulting components. These are the pads on the paws, eyes and tongue. Embroider the mustache and outline of the mouth with floss threads.
  2. Having folded the resulting parts with the right side of the material inward, fasten them with pins or baste them and carefully stitch them on a typewriter, leaving a hole for filling.
  3. Carefully overcast all edges so that the fabric does not fray.
  4. If the cat has a tail, then it needs to be stitched and stuffed with stuffing. Then insert between the two halves of the body so that the body can be sewn together, leaving a hole next to the tail for filling.
  5. Unscrew the resulting cover through the hole left, paying attention to all available corners.
  6. Fill the toy pillow with filling and carefully sew the edges of the remaining hole by hand or stitch it on a machine.

When filling the pillow, it is important to remember that it should be soft, but keep its shape. You cannot use too much filling, otherwise the pillow will be very uncomfortable.

Design details

Decorating a toy is also a rather important moment. When getting started, it is important to consider the future use and age of the owner of the pillow. You should not use glued toy eyes or small buttons if such a cat becomes a pillow for your baby. The child may tear them off and inadvertently harm himself.

To get bright, beautiful eyes, the pads on the paws to be visible, and a bright tongue to stand out, all you need to do is use pieces of fabric and sew them in the appropriate places. Individual details can be simply embroidered using floss.

Features of the pillow toy

If for the first time in your life you decide to make a pillow in the form of a soft toy with your own hands, let it be a cat. Such a pillow is easier to sew; it does not require special knowledge, experience and skills. All you need is imagination and the desire to achieve results, bringing pleasure to your family and friends.

You can sew such a wonderful cat pillow with your own hands

Do you want to add positivity, lightness and cheerfulness to your interior? It’s enough to use your imagination, plunge into childhood and create something simple, cute and original with your own hands.

Exactly hand made capable of diluting bright colors any design, add carefree atmosphere, create a truly family atmosphere and fill it with warmth. I have an idea! An original and cheerful accessory that will win your heart is a DIY cat pillow made from a pattern.

Cat pillows in the interior

Cats are amazing animals, sensitive, very smart and loyal creatures. Scientists say that cats subtly sense a person’s mood and distinguish the tonality of a person’s voice. In the old days, it was believed that freedom-loving animals possessed special magic. For example, the ancient Egyptians believed that a cat could protect a person from any evil, and it was for this reason that they began to domesticate animals. Today, a cat in the house is a common thing, and a devoted furry pet becomes a real member of the family. Pillows in the shape of a cat are not easy fashion trend, but also a symbol of goodness, family warmth and devotion.

Cat pillows

If you choose the right shape, color and texture of the material for sewing, the soft accessory is appropriate in the interior of any style. This decor will decorate a sofa or sofa in the living room, add color to the bedroom, but children will especially love cat pillows. The kid asks to get a cat, but for some reason this is not possible at the moment? Give your baby a soft purr in the form of a pillow.

Wonderful pillow toy

What is the beauty of the accessory?

  1. Creativity. A pillow in the shape of a cat is always unusual, original and fun.
  2. Functional. The correctly selected shape of the accessory, environmentally friendly filler and pleasant-to-touch fabric will ensure healthy sleep adults and children.
  3. Versatility. Pillows will become useful on the road, brightening up a long trip and providing comfort.

Scientists have proven that cats are living antidepressants and natural healers. A bright anti-stress pillow in the shape of a cat with your own hands is a wonderful gift not only for a child, but also for an adult.

Hand-sewn toys are always safe and practical, which is important for decorating a nursery. The cheerful and cute appearance of a kitten will help create an atmosphere of kindness and happiness in the house. Adults will definitely like it orthopedic pillow in the shape of a cat, which will help you relax after a hard time working day. Of course, textile stores today are replete with pillows different forms, but a skillfully sewn designer accessory will become the subject of your pride and everyone’s admiration.

We sew with our own hands

As a basis for creative idea you can take familiar characters: Leopold the cat, a kitten named Woof or Matroskin from Prostokvashino.

Cat pillow named Matroskin, cartoon character from Prostokvashino

If it is difficult for beginners to implement such an idea without practice, you can use ready-made patterns. A pair of soft cats, sewn by yourself, is a great idea for a Valentine's Day gift: simple, original and budget-friendly. Before sewing a pillow, it is important to select the material, sewing tools and durable nylon threads to match. We offer a simple master class on sewing original textile products.

Cat - pillow for the sofa

Fleece cats

Fleece is a soft and pleasant fabric that meets all environmental requirements. Therefore, a toy pillow made of fleece is not only beautiful, but also absolutely hypoallergenic and safe for the health of the little ones.

Soft and comfortable pillow in the shape of a cat

To work you will need:

  • a piece of fleece fabric;
  • pieces of felt or any dense material of white or milky color;
  • holofiber filler;
  • threads, pins, needle, scissors.
  • decor for the product of your choice (ribbons, lace, beads, buttons).

Materials for work

The step-by-step sewing algorithm is as follows:

  • Let's prepare a pattern on paper.

If you have artistic talent, you can draw a cat of any shape yourself. Don't be discouraged if the skill is not enough. You can always use ready-made stencils as a basis.

  • We transfer the pattern to the fabric, folded in half, making seam allowances. We get two identical blanks - the back and front of the product.
  • Carefully by hand or sewing machine We sew the parts together, strictly following the shape along the contour. Don't forget to turn the product inside out before doing this.
  • We make a small cut on the front part and turn the workpiece inside out.
  • We fill the body of the pillow with filler, and then sew up the hole.
  • Separately, cut out two rectangular strips from the leftover fleece, sew them on the sides, stuff them with the remaining filling and sew up the hole. It turned out to be a cute ponytail.
  • We sew a felt muzzle onto the front side. In advance, draw a mustache, cheeks, eyes, mouth on it with a marker, and sew floss along the contour.
  • Sew on the tail, tie a bright bow-ribbon around the neck, and the cat is ready!

Similarly, you can sew a cute kitty as a pair for an imposing cat, decorating it with lace, buttons or beads. An ensemble of several products in the same style will add character, completeness and integrity to the interior design composition.

Fleece cat

There are many ideas for creating entire collections of soft textile purrs. Combining fabrics using the most unexpected decor, you can create endlessly in this direction, presenting all your loved ones and friends with unusual designer products.

Beautiful DIY decorative pillows

No matter what fashion designers come up with, no matter how far progress advances, there is no way to do without this item. After all, it contains comfort, warmth and healthy sleep for a person. Moreover, modern pillows can please both adults and children with their unusual appearance. After all, in Lately various scops owls, hugs and simply pillow toys. And one of the most favorite is the cat pillow, which you can quickly make and enjoy from it, like a real purring kitten.

Cat pillow

If a person has accumulated irritation or fatigue, then he should not be upset. After all, any negativity, any negative emotions will leave him, as soon as he picks up the cat. All scientists have already proven that it is the best antidepressant. But inventive mothers made an incredible discovery: if it is not possible to have a live animal, then it can easily be replaced with an anti-stress toy, amazing in its simplicity and originality, in the form of the same four-legged friend.

Neck bolsters with funny faces

An anti-stress toy is a great gift for children. Bright colors and unusual shape Your child will definitely like this product. And if made with your own hands, it will be absolutely safe for a baby at any age, because the mother will use only high-quality, non-toxic materials to make it, avoiding sharp, inconvenient parts.

In addition, an anti-stress toy can become an invariable element of any interior. It will not lose its fresh appearance over time. A pillow made with love will be moderately soft, comfortable and light so that the child can carry it from place to place. A properly selected filler will make it resistant to impact. sun rays, washing and moisture. Therefore, it will not fade, fade or become damp. And the appearance of the kitten will definitely be very cute and kind, so that the child grows up in an atmosphere of happiness and joy.

Orthopedic cat

Knitted cats

For many years now, knitting has not been associated with a “grandmother’s” activity, but has become a way of creating bright, unusual things, including toys and interior items. And for those who decide to embody their love for mustachioed and striped animals in a craft, you can do this with the help of threads and knitting needles. You can, for example, take the heroes of good Soviet cartoons as an idea - Leopold, Matroskin, a kitten named Woof. Their cute faces are very easy to translate into knitting, fabric and any other material. And besides, they will evoke the kindest, brightest feelings in the baby.

funny balls

Cute fluffy. The kids will definitely like this one

These original sofa pillows in the shape of cats can be knitted.

For work we will need:

  1. Knitting needles of medium thickness.
  2. Any threads, leftover threads (you can take threads of two colors and combine them).
  3. White threads for paws.
  4. Synthetic padding for stuffing pillows, hands and feet.
  5. Two buttons for the eyes, a piece of fabric for the nose.

We knit either two squares, or a rectangle, which, when we fold it, will turn into a square. The size of the pillow can be any, the smallest is 35/35 centimeters, you can make it larger. The paws are approximately 28 centimeters. How many loops to cast on: knit a little on the knitting needles and look at the number of loops in 1 cm. Multiply by 35 cm.

Knitting pattern

Option 1: stockinette stitch.

  • Row 1 - knit only,
  • Row 2 - purl only.

Option 2: confusion.

  • Row 1 - knit - purl - knit - purl, etc.
  • Row 2 - purl - knit - purl - knit, so that the knit is always above the purl, and vice versa.

The front and back paws and tail are knitted using stockinette stitch. We knit the required length, first we make decreases (we knit two loops together and tighten the rest with thread).

On the other side, we knit the paws: we knit three from each loop with white threads to make a white paw. You don’t have to stuff the length, but stuff the hand and foot with synthetic padding and embroider the fingers. We decorate the face with applique. We sew the pillow, leaving a slot for the padding polyester. We stitch the ears and stuff them with padding polyester. The cat is ready

Try to sew these cute animals that will live on your sofa

You can sew a pillow that will represent only a cat's head. All you have to do is finish drawing the eyes, nose and mouth

Cool pillows in the shape of cat faces

Another version of the cat's head

This cute toy will please others and decorate any home. Making it this way is also absolutely easy. For work you will need the following materials: a piece of fleece, padding polyester or other filler, threads to match the color of the fabric and black threads. You also need to prepare a needle, scissors and a pencil. And, of course, you can’t do without Have a good mood.

More cats with patterns

The patterns are quite simple in shape. The image of the cat itself is completed or embroidered after

Simple but beautiful pattern

This cute little thing can be sewn either by hand or on a sewing machine. You can also introduce children to sewing, who will happily participate in the work, happily helping their mother.

After making a paper pattern (40x50 cm), you need to fold the fabric in half and cut two smooth details, not forgetting about allowances (1 centimeter). In addition, you can immediately draw a nose, mouth and eyes on the fleece. Then they need to be embroidered on the front part, where the muzzle will be, using black thread using a stem stitch. Although the nose can be sewn on from a piece of felt. A tail is sewn or embroidered on the back half. All that remains is to sew both halves together, leaving a hole for turning. After stuffing, the product can be sewn. And if you like handicrafts, you can make a whole company of several funny soft animals.

There is nothing easier than sewing cat pillows with your own hands. Pillows in the house perform several functions: they make the house more comfortable, decorate it and serve as armrests and headrests. Nowadays you won’t surprise anyone with store-bought ones, but with hand-sewn cat pillows it’s quite possible. Sew or knit to your taste interesting pillows and stencils, you are quite capable.

It’s very nice to lie on the sofa, relax, and soak up some love with your pet. And when he is not around (someone needs to hunt), then it will be a pleasant reminder beautiful pillow with cat symbols. Probably the easiest way is to draw a cat on fabric.

Although there are other ways to do it bright pillow, for example, deliberately choose a fabric of variegated colors and cut out details from it.

Or choose a material and take it to a workshop that specializes in thermal transfer printing - they will “draw” what you want, and you will also cut out details from this canvas and make something unusual and creative.

Still, it's nice to do something yourself. Stencils are perfect for this type of pillow. The drawing can be done with acrylic paints or special ones for textiles.

You can also make stencils yourself from scratch, or complex drawing with some details on thick paper, or take a ready-made drawing. Use it for cutting stationery knife, carry out the process itself by placing the sheet with the pattern on a wooden cutting board or, specially designated for this purpose, a sheet of plywood.

To get the desired drawing, you can do without printing it. Just transfer it onto paper or tracing paper directly from the monitor.

Made from fleece

We will need: a small piece of fleece of the desired color, a piece of light beige or milky felt, sewing threads to match the main fabric, holofiber, brown iris (or floss) threads, a fabric marker, needles, pins, scissors, lace, ribbons, buttons, beads to decorate your cat. Pattern with centimeter scale:

We are sewing two cats at once, so we have more details in the photo. We fold the fleece in half and transfer the pattern onto the fabric; this is very convenient to do with a disappearing fabric marker.

We sew our parts on a sewing machine along the contour, cut them out with an allowance of 0.5 cm.

We make an incision on one layer in the area and turn the body inside out. We also cut one layer of the tail at the top and turn it inside out.

We stuff the body and tail with holofiber.

We sew up the holes through which the cat and tail were stuffed with matching threads.

We mark it with a disappearing marker and embroider the face with iris or floss threads.

We try our muzzle on the cat’s body, closing the stitched cut, and fix it with pins. Using a seam over the edge, we sew the muzzle with threads to match the felt.

We try on and sew the tail with a hidden seam so that the cat can lean on it and stand on its own.

That's all, the cat is ready.

All that remains is to decorate it as you wish - with bows, braid, flowers, skirts, buttons - whatever your imagination suggests! Look, here's how different cats can be:

Sleeping cat

A cat in the house can most often be found on the sofa or in an armchair. She's a sleeper. Let's try to sew decorative pillow with the sleeping face of a cat. This looks so much like her.
For work we will need:

  1. A piece of fabric (color as desired).
  2. Threads, scissors.
  3. Pattern.
  4. Disappearing fabric marker.
  5. Non-woven fabric.

We select fabric for the future pillow, the choice of which is unlimited. It all depends on what exactly you have on hand at the moment. Any type of fabric is suitable for living rooms; for a children's room, a pillow can be made from old children's things with a funny pattern.

We transfer the pattern of the main part onto the fabric using a disappearing marker.

We cut out the part, leaving approximately one centimeter for allowances. Now we transfer the pattern of the main part to the non-woven fabric, trace it and cut it along the contour. We do the same with the second part of the part, we make it from fleece. We make a pattern for the legs, tail and ears and cut them out. It is also necessary to duplicate parts.

Using an iron, we glue one part of the main part with the interlining. Now we take all the small parts: paws, tail and ears, fold them in pairs with the front side. After this, we grind each part down on a machine along the edge, leaving a small hole for stuffing. We process all the edges of each part with zigzag scissors or do it with regular scissors. After this, turn it right side out and stuff it with any filling, and sew up the holes using a zigzag stitch.

All the parts are ready, which means we need to sew them to the main part. To do this, we use pins and fix each detail in in the right place. Using a disappearing marker, draw a face on the pillow. We turn it over and put the fleece piece on top, sew it together, leaving room for filling. Turn it right side out, straighten and smooth all the seams well. The pillow can now be stuffed to the desired density with any stuffing; we sew up the hole. Now we sew on the paws, for this we use buttons. We embroider the muzzle with floss threads dark color. The cat pillow is ready; if desired, you can decorate it with a bow, heart and other applique. On such things, a drawing made with acrylic paint looks quite good.

Give your cat a gift - a “Sleeping Cat” pillow. It looks just great on the sofa, but guests also love this one, so it can be a great handmade gift.

You can decorate the neck with a bow or hang a medallion on it - there will be a cat with decoration. The pillow will look great on your sofa!

Description of the work process:


You can knit cute sofa pillows with your own hands. All over the world, things made by hand are valued. Things keep the warmth of the hands of the person who made them.

These are the original sofa pillows in the form of knitting needles.

For work we will need:

  1. Knitting needles of medium thickness.
  2. Any threads, leftover threads (you can take threads of two colors and combine them).
  3. White threads for paws.
  4. Synthetic padding for stuffing pillows, hands and feet.
  5. Two buttons for the eyes, a piece of fabric for the nose.

We knit either two squares, or a rectangle, which, when we fold it, will turn into a square. The size of the pillow can be any, the smallest is 35/35 centimeters, you can make it larger. The paws are approximately 28 centimeters. How many loops to cast on: knit a little on the knitting needles and look at the number of loops in 1 cm. Multiply by 35 cm.

Knitting pattern

Option 1: stockinette stitch.

  • Row 1 - knit only,
  • Row 2 - purl only.

Option 2: confusion.

  • Row 1 - knit - purl - knit - purl, etc.
  • Row 2 - purl - knit - purl - knit, so that the knit is always above the purl, and vice versa.

The front and back paws and tail are knitted using stockinette stitch. We knit the required length, first we make decreases (we knit two loops together and tighten the rest with thread).

On the other side, we knit the paws: we knit three from each loop with white threads to make a white paw. You don’t have to stuff the length, but stuff the hand and foot with synthetic padding and embroider the fingers. We decorate the face with applique. We sew the pillow, leaving a slot for the padding polyester. We stitch the ears and stuff them with padding polyester. The cat is ready.


You can even sleep with such a toy, which is what children love so much. The cat pillow is very easy to sew. The pattern is elementary. You can make this craft together with your child.

Necessary materials:

  1. Fabric in two colors (you can use more if you want to make the cat-pillow even more original).
  2. Threads.
  3. Needles.
  4. Sintepon, cotton wool or granules for stuffing.
  5. Pieces for eyes, nose and mustache.


Those elements that are cut out in duplicate are made by folding the fabric in half, face to face. Cut out, making seam allowances. We sew the parts together, leaving small holes for stuffing. First of all, we sew the body, the head, then we sew the paws, tail, and ears to it. Using colored scraps, we make eyes, nose and mustache using the appliqué method.

In the video you will learn how to use a cat pillow.

Cat face

The materials we will need are:

  1. Fabric in different colors, choose them by looking at our photographs, but you can improvise.
  2. Threads.
  3. Scissors.
  4. Filler.

The eyes and nose can be embroidered, or you can make an applique.

  • We cut out two parts each for the head, a heart for a smile, eyelids, an eye, and one part each for the lower part of the muzzle and nose.
  • Let's draw a smile.
  • Let's stitch it.
  • Sew the top of the face to the bottom.
  • We sew on the nose, eyes, cheeks, eyelids in the form of an applique - we decorate the face.
  • You can also do this in the form of embroidery.
  • Draw the pupils with white paint or corrector.
  • We do the same with the spout.
  • Sew the two parts of the head together, leaving a hole for the filling.
  • We fill the cat with padding polyester or other filler.
  • Our unusual DIY gift is ready! We think it will bring a lot of joy!


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