Breneran stove diagram. How to make a Buleryan stove from pipes yourself? How to install a purchased stove yourself

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IN winter time the question of quick and effective warming up premises of any type: from a country house to entire production facilities. If there is no equipped system central heating and there is no desire to wait for several hours until a standard oven warms up the air - then it would be useful to pay attention to an interesting heating structure called the Buleryan oven.

What is a Buleryan oven?

The stove is a one-piece structure consisting of a barrel-shaped steel body with a two-level firebox and a set of pipes located below and above the stove. Through the lower ones, cold air is taken in, while through the upper ones, heated air enters the room. Thanks to the temperature difference at the inlet and outlet, the problem of air injection is solved. The smallest standard stoves are capable of heating up to 5 cubic meters per minute, while the large Buleryan stove, designed to heat a room with a volume of up to 1100 cubic meters, produces up to 50 cubic meters of hot air per minute. Therefore, the stove is a very efficient heating device.

Its success was due to its use in small rooms, such as country houses, workshops or garages with an area of ​​40 m² and a ceiling height of 2.5 m, when the stove in them is capable of heating the air to comfortable temperature in just 20-25 minutes. This is a compelling reason to buy it, especially for owners country houses who visit their sites on weekends and who need to quickly warm up the room. A Buleryan stove, the installation of which does not require significant expenses, can be an excellent assistant in heating your home.

Advantages of the Buleryan stove

The design has the following advantages:

  • rapid heating of rooms thanks to convection,
  • ease of installation,
  • thanks to the presence of air ducts, it is quite simple to build effective system the flow of warm air into different rooms,
  • the stove is characterized by low consumption solid fuel,
  • ease of maintenance,
  • unlike simple stoves, the buleryan casing heats up slightly, so burns are almost completely excluded,
  • high efficiency, which is the main advantage. Similar indicators are not found in any stove with an open firebox.

It is thanks to its efficient work with heating and low price finished product The Buleryan stove is confidently capturing positions in the market.

Operating principle of the Buleryan stove

There is often a comparison between a furnace and a gas generator, since when solid fuel is burned, gases rise into the ejectors, where they are subsequently burned out. Convection itself is ensured by a significant temperature difference: if air from the room enters the oven at the entrance, then at the exit a maximum heating temperature of 120°C can be achieved, and at the same time the oven does not dry out the air like a “potbelly stove”. Moreover, Buleryan surpasses it in efficiency, demonstrating an efficiency of 70%.

The stove itself can operate in two modes:

  • kindling,
  • gasification.

In the kindling mode, the stove is brought to operating temperature, heating the air as quickly as possible. In this case, the stove demonstrates its main advantage: even the smallest standard designs are able to provide rapid heating of the room with an output of 4 cubic meters of hot air per minute due to the design features of the stove.

Gasification involves uniform heating of a space by smoldering solid fuel. To switch to this mode, the stove is filled to capacity with wood, and the dampers are closed to the level of minimal air supply in the firebox. In this case, the firewood smolders, and the air temperature at the outlet drops to 55°C. This type of firewood is sufficient to ensure efficient heating space for 10-12 hours. The burnout of solid fuel is at least 90%.

It is important to know that using coal to operate the stove is not recommended. Its use can lead to burnout of metal walls. According to statements from sellers, it is acceptable to use cardboard, shavings or peat briquettes as the basis for the firebox - but the basis must still be tree species, in particular, the most suitable varieties poplar and linden are considered.

Knowledge of the theoretical part is important when operating a Buleryan stove, reviews of which confirm this. In fact, the stove is sensitive to conditions, particularly the moisture content of the wood and a clogged chimney. The moisture content of firewood should not exceed 25%, and the chimney should be cleaned at least once a year. With a greater degree of humidity and exposure to high temperature, condensation forms on the walls of the chimney, which, when flowing down the pipe, in combination with fractions of rising gases, forms resin build-ups that impede the passage of gas in the pipe.

DIY Buleryan stove assembly

Structurally, the stove is a convection-type “potbelly stove”, so many enthusiastic craftsmen will have a completely natural desire to build such a stove with their own hands. If you have tools, welding equipment and certain knowledge, this will not be difficult. Finding material for the base will be somewhat more difficult. The first problem is finding high-quality boiler-type heat-resistant steel. Alternatively, an old coal-fired water heating boiler will do. But it is better to purchase several steel sheets at the nearest metal warehouse.

Before you start, it’s worth asking yourself how necessary it is. Bulerjarns have a low price finished design. Eg, average cost a new stove designed to heat 100 m³ is $170, so you need to estimate the cost of the material for the base and the labor intensity of the work so as not to make a mistake.

Stages of manufacturing a furnace from a blank:

  • In an old boiler, a hole is cut in the lower part on the side wall through which air will flow into the furnace; the boiler itself is located horizontally.
  • Holes are made on the top of the body through which hot air enters the room. Metal tubes must be welded to these holes.
  • A pipe is installed inside the boiler, the role of which is to burn off the remaining air.
  • A hole is cut in the front of the boiler into which the damper door is installed. Fuel is loaded into the firebox through it.

Now let’s take a closer look at the process of creating Buleryan, a photo of which will well illustrate the main subtleties and nuances of the work:

  • In addition to the boiler for the base, you will need at least eight pieces of pipe with a diameter of 45 m, the length of which must be at least 1 m.

  • Using a pipe bender, they are bent at approximately an angle of 80°.
  • By using welding machine pipes installed symmetrically through one and connected with bends outward.
  • The manufactured frame is welded with strip metal with a thickness of 2 mm along the side spaces between the pipes welded to the body.
  • In the firebox itself, two plates are welded, while the lower one does not reach the back wall by 5 cm, and the upper one does not reach the front wall, and the distance between them should also be 5 cm. This design forms a small labyrinth for passing hot air and its purpose is is to burn off the escaping gases.
  • The top of the firebox itself opens into an opening and a pipe that acts as a chimney at the rear of the boiler. The pipe section should be 12-15 cm in length and the same in diameter. It is equipped with a rotary valve with a handle.
  • In the opposite part of the stove there is an entrance door for the firebox. The hole for it is at least 25 cm in diameter, depending on the size and power of the stove itself. The 25 cm mark is for small typical oven sizes, the length of which is 70 cm and the width is 50 cm,
  • Fastenings for the door are made round shape and latches.
  • Another hole, 10 cm in diameter, is made in the housing at the bottom of the door, in which a rotary valve is installed. Through it, cold air is blown into the firebox if necessary.
  • Since the oven is a convection type, it requires significant amount free space near her. Therefore, it is necessary to make a frame base with legs at least 20 cm long and provide at least 1 m of empty space on each side. Buleryan, like any other stove, requires installation on a non-combustible base.

Metal chimney taking into account the formation of a large amount of condensate in mandatory requires a layer of insulation mineral wool thickness of at least 3 cm, and the pipe material itself must be stainless steel. The height of the pipe must be at least 3 m to avoid smoke.

Buleryan oven from scrap materials

To get started you will need the following:

  • Container for the base. Any barrel with dimensions from 150x70x70 cm is suitable, when choosing which the first requirement is taken into account - the thickness of the walls. The thicker they are, the better.
  • One inch pipe 2 m long, or two pipes 1 m each.
  • A piece of pipe 12-15 cm long and 7 cm in diameter.
  • Angle 25 mm 1 m long.
  • Sheets of metal with a thickness of at least 2 mm. One of the sheets will go to the base of the “roof”, the second to the sections welded to the body.

To begin with, the cylinder is placed on the legs. The corner is cut into 4 equal parts 25 cm long and welded to the base.

In terms of its design, such a furnace is made similarly to a standard buleryan, with the same blowing device and incoming and outgoing pipes. The difference is as follows:

  • in the upper part of the furnace body, two metal plates are welded, directed at an angle downwards, and if the body length is 1.5 m, then the plates are 1 m, respectively,
  • the pipes are bent at an angle of 45°, installed in the upper part of the furnace and scalded using a welding machine,
  • pieces of metal are welded to the outer part of the body, arranged in a checkerboard pattern, aligned in relation to the vertical of the earth,
  • the entire structure is scalded with sheet metal around the perimeter, essentially enclosing the stove in a box, leaving it in open access hatch to the firebox,
  • using a grinder, holes are cut in a sheet of metal, several in the rear lower part, measuring 10x10 cm, and in the front upper part, 20x20 cm, placing them diagonally from the side bottom corner to the top corner on the opposite side.

The result is a very controversial design. Although its efficiency is higher and amounts to 75-80%, it is worth mentioning some disadvantages:

  • a large number of external elements increases labor intensity and increases production time,
  • the dimensions of the case ultimately significantly exceed the factory models,
  • a large amount of metal increases the weight of the structure.

Detailed drawings of the Buleryan stove and step by step production with your own hands.

Buleryan is a solid fuel stove that has high heat output and efficiency. The oven design consists of convection pipes, which allows you to increase the rate of heating of the room, and the use of the pyrolysis process significantly reduces fuel consumption and increases heat transfer.

We bring to your attention detailed drawings of Buleryan and photos of making the stove with your own hands.

Overall dimensions of the oven.

The manufacturing process of Buleryan is as follows: you need to prepare the pipes required quantity and length. Using a pipe bender, give the pipes the desired configuration. In this case, we make the shape and radius of curvature of all pipes the same; there should be a straight section at the ends.

According to view A, shown in the drawing, we cut out the sheet blank for the upper part of the firebox and bend it in the middle at an angle of 160° - 175° degrees.

Having installed the pipes vertically, you need to make spot tacks. Then install the blank for the upper part of the firebox and carefully boil it along the contour.

Then you need to make the sheet parts of the furnace body.

We weld the side walls to the pipes.

As a chimney outlet, you can use a piece of pipe with a diameter of at least 100 mm. Pipe thickness is from 3 to 5 mm. We install the rear wall with a hole for the chimney, weld the chimney pipe into the hole in the rear wall of the stove.

We weld all the joints of the parts and the gaps between them.

The firebox door is made of a sheet of metal. At the bottom of the door, a pipe with a damper is welded to regulate the intensity of combustion in the stove.

Fuel door drawings.

The Buleryan stove, or as it is also called “breneran”, appeared among heating devices a long time ago. Canadian lumberjacks came up with this homemade stove to quickly heat the most frozen room. Initially, it was created with my own hands for use in suburban housing, where there were no heating systems, but today it is considered one of the most popular heating installations, because it works on any solid fuel. The exception is coal.

The cost of industrial samples of the Buleryan stove is quite high and depends on the size of the firebox. Despite the not entirely simple configuration, it is quite possible to create a Buleryan stove with your own hands.

Advantages of a DIY oven:

  • simplicity of design and operation;
  • use of any solid fuel other than coal;
  • Efficiency reaches 80%;
  • fast heating and long-term maintenance of the achieved temperature.
Rice. 1

Principle of operation

The operation is based on the principle of forced convection. This is a kind of hybrid of a wood-burning stove and a regular potbelly stove. A series of pipes curved at the top and bottom encircles the combustion chamber. The cold air entering the lower openings is very quickly heated by the firebox to about 100 degrees. The products of fuel combustion enter the secondary combustion chamber using convection pipes. This is where the final combustion of the incoming gas mixture occurs.

The heated air, under the influence of convection forces, is pushed into the upper openings of the curved pipes and enters the room, quickly heating it. The air is not pumped into anything, but the heating device can warm up several cubic meters of air in a minute and can heat even a small two-storey house.

First, the furnace itself heats up quickly. During this phase, fuel is added frequently, but when the stove warms up, fuel replenishment only needs to be done twice a day. A very high temperature provides an efficiency of about 80. It is possible to use Buleryan with a water heating circuit. Using simple control devices, the oven can be adjusted to two operating modes.

Rice. 2

Before you start making the installation of the Buleryan stove with your own hands, you need to study its structure. The stove is a solid metal structure consisting of a combustion chamber that wraps around several metal pipes. At the front of the heating unit there is a door designed for loading fuel. There is also an air regulation device here. With its help, you can change the combustion mode in the combustion chamber, where the recombustion chamber is located. A pipe is led from it under the chimney to remove combustion products.

A design feature is curved pipes connected to the firebox.

In order to increase heat transfer efficiency, you can perform following works:

  • thorough thermal insulation of the chimney;
  • equipment in the blower heating unit;
  • arrangement of an ash pit for fuel combustion waste;
  • assembly of a double back wall or a two-layer body.

Rice. 3

Using these drawings of the Buleryan stove, you can make a small unit with your own hands for heating a greenhouse or garage. To manufacture a unit for the purpose of heating large areas, for example, a house, the volume of the furnace and the number of convection pipes must be increased by one and a half to two times.

The sequence of manufacturing a homemade Buleryan type stove

To make a stove with your own hands you need following materials:

  • pipes with outer d 50-60 mm;
  • sheet metal 2 mm thick;
  • sheet metal with a thickness of 3 mm;
  • metal pipe d 100-110 mm.

To carry out work on the manufacture of a heating unit except regular tool You will need a welding machine and a pipe bender.

Do-it-yourself Buleryan installation sequence:

  • installation of convection pipes;
  • case manufacturing;
  • installation of rear and front walls;
  • making a firebox door;
  • grinding and polishing seams.

Preparation and installation of convection pipes

Eight identical blanks approximately 1.2 m long are cut from a pipe d 50-60 mm. Having bent them with a pipe bender at an angle of about 900, they begin welding. The radius of curvature and shape of all pipes must be the same. The pipes must be welded symmetrically. The outlet part of the pipes goes outside during installation.

Rice. 4 Installation of convection pipes
and pallet

Case manufacturing

When assembling the circuit, the pipes are initially fastened with spot tacks on a sheet blank cut out in advance according to the drawing, bent at an angle of about 1600 and installed horizontally between the pipes. Its thickness should be over 2.5 mm.

This is the future pan of the combustion chamber where the fuel will burn. To make cleaning easier, it is better not to bend it, as mentioned earlier, but to weld it in two parts at an angle to each other. Both options are acceptable.

To facilitate installation and fitting of parts, it is better to first make patterns from cardboard, and then begin preparing parts from sheet iron.

It is important that symmetry was maintained from the very beginning of the installation of the circuit. There should be no distortions or situations where some part is misaligned.

Having installed the sheet blanks of the upper part of the combustion chamber, it is well boiled along the contour.

Eight parts of the sheet steel housing, made in accordance with the drawing, are point-fitted to the installed pipes. This is the future frame of the heating unit.

Installation of rear and front walls

The most important in homemade stove, made according to the Buleryan type, is dimensional accuracy and correct production front door. The efficiency of the unit directly depends on the tightness of its fit.

The back and front walls of the future furnace can most accurately be made from metal using a template. By attaching the cardboard to the side and tracing around the perimeter with a pencil, you will get exact dimensions walls

Then the back wall of the stove, in which there is an already cut hole for the chimney pipe, is installed on the seat and is also grabbed.

After this, the chimney pipe is welded into the hole. For it, a pipe blank d 100-110 mm with a wall thickness of 3-5 mm is used. The height of the chimney must be more than 3 m. To do this, it is necessary to correctly calculate the height from the umbrella above the chimney to the ridge of the roof.

Making the fuel chamber door

A hole is cut out in the front part of the structure through which fuel will be loaded. Its diameter is approximately 50% of the diameter of the furnace itself.

The best option its location: the center of the hole is below the axis of the structure. A ring of sheet metal, to which the oven door will adjoin. The width of the ring is about 40 mm.

After this you should check assembled circuit for stability and, if necessary, make adjustments to the system. Then you can weld all the joints and gaps between the parts.

The firebox door is cut out of sheet metal with a thickness of at least 2.5 mm. At the bottom of the door there is a pipe with a damper. It is used to regulate the level of fuel combustion.

The door is hung on hinges welded to the front wall. Loops can be either industrial standard or self-made from metal residues. Next, a lock is welded to lock the door, which usually looks like two coaxial holes that are secured with a pin. Now you can do the cleanup welds and their polishing.

Rice. 5

Legs for the furnace are made from the remaining metal and welded to the body of the structure.

You can use an old heating boiler as walls for the stove. This option is convenient because it requires much less welding work.

To increase operating efficiency by increasing traction, the entire installation must be located at a distance of at least 0.3 m from the floor surface. You can also connect air ducts to the outlet openings of convectors.

Disadvantages of the stove

The disadvantage of a Buleryan type stove is that it is quite problematic to warm up rooms separated by walls. This problem is eliminated with the help of air ducts. For good heat transfer, heating air ducts to adjacent rooms are enclosed in special corrugated pipes.

Another disadvantage is the rapid cooling of air in a heated room after complete combustion of fuel. The dimensions of the heating unit are of paramount importance.

The larger the volume of the combustion chamber, the faster the room warms up:

  • firebox volume 40 l – heating rate 4.5 m3/min;
  • firebox volume 50 l – heating rate 9.0 m3/min;
  • firebox volume 100 l – heating rate 18.0 m3/min.

You need to remember the basic criteria safe operation ovens. When Buleryan is located in a residential area, the distance to the walls should be at least half a meter.

Typically, the heating complex is located on a small podium made of non-flammable material. It is best if it is a welded structure.

If the chimney is poorly insulated, the stove will smoke. The same will happen when tar accumulates on the walls of the chimney. Therefore, it should be cleaned at least once a year.

In front of the firebox, a metal sheet is laid out on the floor, which will protect the room from fire in the event of burning fuel or a spark. Soon after starting work, Buleryan becomes very hot and if you carelessly touch the surface of the case, you can get burned. Therefore, it is better to install a stove of this type not in the living room or hall, but in the utility room.

The Buleryan stove is often used to heat various utility rooms. This design was developed by Canadian heating engineers. They wanted to make an efficient stove that could heat temporary housing. In its features it is similar to a potbelly stove. The combustion chamber in the furnace has been improved and the efficiency has been increased.

Design features buleryan

Advantages and disadvantages of the Canadian stove

The presented type of oven has a huge number of advantages. It is important to comply with mandatory requirements and operating rules. The following advantages can be highlighted:

  1. Mobility. When cutting down trees, you need to constantly move around the forest. The stove can be easily transported; it can be easily moved from transport to room.
  2. Compact sizes. The design has different configurations, parameters and sizes. Thanks to this, the stove can be installed even in small buildings, premises.
  3. Safe operation. The device operates in residential areas and areas. The structure must be airtight so that no leakage occurs through the gap. carbon monoxide. To prevent leakage, it is recommended to use a single-door design. The body is configured in such a way that a person cannot get burned.
  4. High level of productivity. When used, the principle of convection is used forced type. The space warms up over a short period of time. All channels located inside must be carefully thought out. They help speed up air movement.
  5. Long burning. Work zone has an optimal configuration, there is a blower, so the oven will work for 3-4 hours from one load. Wood shavings, chips, bark or firewood are suitable for the firebox.

It tends to overheat the metal surface, so the body begins to deform and burn out. As a result, the geometry becomes distorted, the furnace door warps and stops closing tightly. Holes appear at the joints where seams are joined by welding.

Experts have come up with a way to use coal during combustion. To do this, the stove is additionally equipped with a manifold, which is installed in the lower part, and the air supply is regulated by a blower. Thanks to such modifications, the temperature inside the firebox is reduced to a safe level. The design of the furnace is simple and reliable in operation. To carry out repairs or self-made furnaces do not require large financial investments.

Oven appearance

Before operating Buleryan, it is important to familiarize yourself with the disadvantages. The performance of the stove is significantly reduced if damp or wet wood is used for the firebox. As a result of ignoring this requirement, water vapor is released, which worsens the intensity of heat generation. The efficiency of the stove decreases, and the room heats up slowly.

The design has a gas generator operating mode. Firewood does not burn, but smolders after being laid. As a result, a lot of smoke is produced, so harmful substances begin to be released. During installation and installation of the stove, it is necessary to ensure sufficient height of the chimney and its thermal insulation. Otherwise, the operating efficiency will decrease several times.

Varieties with photos

Note! There are several varieties of such a stove - these are Breneran, Buller and Butakov stove.

"Buleryan" is a brand of a company from Germany. The manufacturer produces improved potbelly stoves that quickly heat rooms. Such ovens are called bullers.


"Breneran" is a unit of a similar design. They are produced by domestic manufacturers who have received a license. The stove was developed by Professor Butakov, who lived in Russia. It has a similar operating principle, but there are certain differences that are worth paying attention to:

  • heat exchangers are slightly recessed into the housing;
  • the design is shaped like a cube rather than a cylinder;
  • during operation, the ash pan and grate are used;
  • The platform is completely flat, located at the top for heating food.

Many people use heat storage devices to conserve heat. They are mounted on convection pipes.

Buller appearance

Design features and principle of operation

During the development process, a convection-type oven scheme was used, which ensures long-term combustion. The door is made quite large so that users can load large fuel, tree roots, and chopped logs.

The blower has the form of a pipe that cuts into the fuel loading hatch. That is why such a furnace does not use a two-door design. To regulate the amount of air that enters the room, a round damper is used. It has a movable design.

The throttle control lever is moved outwards. Users will be able to decrease or increase the amount of air to control the power level. The firebox has the shape of a cylinder. Heat exchangers made of metal are embedded on each side at the same distance. They have a curved shape.

The firebox space is divided into three parts. You can install a grate at the bottom. It is possible to make stoves without these parts. The upper chamber is used to collect gases. They arise during the combustion of fuel. This is where they are burned. In order for the traction to be good, you need to make high-quality and high chimney. It must be insulated thermal insulation materials. Otherwise, the temperature in the afterburning chamber will decrease, so a large amount of tar and other carbon compounds will remain in the flue gas.

Chimney diagram

Drawings and diagrams of buleryan for making it yourself

Manufacturers do not disclose information about the production of Buleryan. Many experts took measurements and made them freely available. That is why everyone will be able to find a complete set of project documentation.

Important! It is necessary to observe all proportions, the relationship of each detail.

Below are drawings that can be adapted to your parameters and also used as an example.

Diagram with detailed parameters
Location and features of individual furnace parts
Camera options

What you need to make a convection oven

To make a durable stove that will last long time, it is necessary to use thick sheets of metal. It is recommended to buy steel that is designed specifically for the production of boilers. Its main advantage is heat resistance. It is available in specialized stores. Additionally, prepare the following materials:

  • steel sheets (parameters 1000*2000 mm);
  • heat-resistant steel 6 mm (size 400*700 mm);
  • sheet for blanks 3.5 mm (it will be used as a valve);
  • thick-walled pipe;
  • a small piece of metal tube;
  • reinforced hinges, which are used for mounting the hatch (fuel is loaded through it);
  • metal rods;
  • asbestos cord.

Sometimes used gas cylinders and other containers are used as the main chamber. But the material will not be able to withstand high temperatures. To make a convection oven, you need to take pipe benders that can bend thick rods. Additionally, a welding machine, a grinder, discs for cutting and stripping metal, an electric drill, drills of different diameters for steel, a hammer and a tape measure are used.

Asbestos cord
Door with flap

Instructions for making a stove

To make a heater you need to follow the instructions, do not follow the instructions. Below is the exact algorithm:

  1. The pipe, which is prepared for the convection heat exchanger, is cut into small pieces. They should be same size. Optimal length– 130 cm. To produce the stove, 8 blanks are taken. A pipe bender helps make the bend. It is important to take into account the radius of curvature.
  2. Holes are made in the workpieces. Pipe sections (diameter 15 mm) are installed in them. Their length is 20 cm. C outside There should be at least 15 cm remaining. Each gap is carefully welded. During installation, two pipes are located next to the door. They will help ensure air injection into the inner chamber. You can make them yourself from square pipe or round section.
  3. Curved pipes are laid on top of each other. One by one, the landmark changes in the opposite direction. The structure must be stable, so it is recommended to use slats. Their thickness should be equal to the diameter of the pipe.
  4. All parts must be welded together. Additionally, a partition for the firebox is made. For these purposes, steel sheets are used.
  5. The partition is installed inside the chamber. Places adjacent to the main metal sheet scalded with a continuous seam.
  6. Gaps occur between the heat exchanger. They need to be sealed using steel strips. They are pre-adjusted to each detail.
  7. The furnace body and pipes are welded with a continuous seam. Next, the slag is removed. It is important to carefully check the quality of the weld.
  8. You need to take a steel sheet and cut out two shaped parts. They are necessary to form the back and front walls.
  9. A small hole with a diameter of 110 mm is cut out on the back wall. It will be used to connect the chimney. The opening in the front wall must have a diameter of 350 mm to create a loading door.
  10. You need to take two pieces of pipe and make a T-shaped structure. It will be used to remove combustion products. It is also used to drain condensate.
  11. The steel plate is used to make a round gate valve. A rectangle is cut out inside the structure. The rods bend at an angle of 90 degrees. They form a swing arm.
  12. Use an electric drill to help install the rod in the central part of the smoke channel. The T-shaped chimney assembly is mounted on the back of the stove using welding.

A blower is made using a similar principle. A spring is used to fix the throttle in the required position. A ring is welded into the front panel, which has a width of 40 mm. Next, sheet metal is taken from which the door is cut out. Optimal diameter 370 mm.

Method of laying curved pipes
Air convection principle

Advice! To prevent the door from heating up during operation, a reflective screen must be installed.

Two hinges and a locking mechanism are welded onto the loading hatch. Next, all the parts, walls and panels, a hatch, and a fixing device bracket are assembled. To ensure air exchange, an injection device must be installed.

Refinement and modernization of the heating device

The finished structure is successfully used for heating small room. The finished heating stove does not have an entirely attractive appearance, so it is often used for outbuildings.

Distributing heat throughout the rooms of the house

To heat an entire house, corrugated pipes are used, which are connected to heat exchangers. The opening is ennobled decorative grille. It is recommended to carry out wiring at the stage of planning and execution of drawings.

In all rooms, special channels must be made in the walls that will supply warm air. You can install a calorific furnace in the basement, and run air ducts through the floor in all rooms. The buller design is subject to improvement. Collectors are installed in all chambers. They will ensure timely and rapid air distribution.

Pipe routing with basement
Air heating in the house

Improving the appearance of the unit using brick or stone masonry

You can make a furnace lining using bricks. This method has a huge number of advantages:

  • improving the appearance of the stove;
  • ensuring safety during operation;
  • increase in heat capacity indicators.

You can make a buleryan, which is stylized as a Russian stove or fireplace. Home owners have the opportunity to bring various design ideas and solutions to life. It can be semicircular or square. Brickwork done as close to the body as possible.

Important! The gaps must be filled with broken bricks, which are laid on the mortar.

Stylization of Buleryan as a Russian stove
Regular installation option without decoration

Converting a potbelly stove for liquid fuel

The design can be modified to use liquid fuel or automobile oil. This design cannot be used in residential premises. A liquid fuel stove is ideal for a garage or utility room.

To transfer Buleryan you need to do the following:

  • the oil container is installed at a slight elevation;
  • the fuel supply hose is pulled to the structure;
  • a hole is cut in the combustion door, which is intended for the tube and connection of the control valve.

To use waste machine oil, it is necessary to ensure traction and fuel regulation. Can be installed homemade burner.

Installation for liquid fuel use

Water circuit installation

To loop all the heat exchangers, you can make a furnace from sheet steel. The result is a structure of the correct cylinder shape. Another cylinder is connected at the top. It is used as a water jacket.

The lower part of the oven warms up slightly. This is why the furnace moves downwards. To maximize the use of heat, an additional circuit is installed at the exit of the smoke channel.

Water jacket oven

Correct operation and maintenance of the oven

To quickly melt and heat the stove you need to use small and dry firewood. They are placed on cardboard or paper. When the wood starts to burn, the main fuel is added to the buleryan.

When the wood begins to burn intensely, the structure is switched to gasification mode. The user needs to close the throttle valve and gate. The efficiency of the unit depends on the dryness of the firewood. They must be thoroughly dried before storing.

The oven can be moved to improve efficiency

If smoke occurs during operation of the furnace, then this process is associated with various errors that were made during operation or installation of the unit:

  1. The chimney is not of sufficient height. If the pipe has a height of 5 meters or higher, then it will provide good level traction. The top cut should be located above the roof.
  2. The slide valve is not open.
  3. There is condensation or soot in the smoke duct. For these reasons, combustion products are not removed.

During operation, carbon deposits accumulate inside and clogging occurs. As a result, traction deteriorates significantly. If there are deposits on the valve, the valve cannot close properly. It is necessary to ensure regular cleaning of the structure and internal chambers. Ignoring this rule leads to a deterioration in heat exchange.

An example of installing Buleryan in a living room

In this video, a specialist explains how to make a Buleryan stove with your own hands, diagram, drawing and detailed description:

Potbelly stove, buleryan: operating features:

In the world autonomous heating this is not the last place useful device like the Buleryan stove, also known as Breneran. Roughly speaking, it consists of a firebox, to which a series of bent tubes are connected. This design allows you to burn wood and other types of solid fuel with very high efficiency. The cost of industrial models starts at two hundred dollars and increases depending on the size of the firebox. Although the design of such a stove is somewhat more complicated than that of a conventional potbelly stove, many craftsmen have managed to make a buleryan with their own hands.

How does this design work?

Buleryan can be called a very successful hybrid of a potbelly stove and wood stove long burning. The device uses the principle of forced convection. A series of curved tubes are connected to the firebox at the top and bottom. Cold air enters the lower openings, which quickly heats up since the pipes are in direct contact with the firebox. Hot air enters the rooms through the upper openings. Its temperature is so high that it allows you to heat not only one specific room, but even a two-story house. There is also the possibility of combining the Buleryan stove with a water heating circuit. At the same time, the surface of the device itself remains not too hot and does not pose a danger to others.

Thanks to a number of simple adjustment devices, the oven can operate in two modes. First, the oven quickly warms up, and then the resulting heat is evenly distributed throughout the room. At the second stage, the oven switches to slow burning mode. In the beginning, fuel needs to be added quite often, but once the stove warms up, the firebox can be loaded only twice a day, i.e. every 12 hours.

Firewood burns in the firebox, and the products of this process flow through convection pipes into the secondary combustion chamber. Here the gas-air mixture is burned at very high temperatures, which ensures efficiency device around 80%. Next, the hot air is distributed throughout the room through convection pipes.

The process of operation of the Buleryan furnace is clearly presented in the video:

Diagram of the classic "Buleryan"

To successfully make such a stove yourself, you should first study its structure. This is an all-metal structure consisting of a firebox and a number of bent metal tubes adjacent to it. There is a door in front through which fuel is loaded, as well as a power control device with which you can change combustion modes. A secondary combustion chamber is equipped in the firebox and a pipe is installed under the chimney.

This diagram shows in detail the structure of the Buleryan furnace. Main distinctive feature designs - a series of curved hollow tubes that are connected to a two-chamber firebox

To increase the efficiency of using the Buleryan stove, it is recommended to thoroughly insulate the chimney, for example, with a layer of mineral wool at least 3 mm thick.

Of course, you will need a blower through which the air necessary for combustion of the fuel will enter the firebox. You can arrange a small ash pit, although the process of slow burning produces almost no waste. The double rear wall makes the device even more efficient. Some models use a two-layer casing for this.

Step-by-step manufacturing instructions

To make a Buleryan oven with your own hands, you need to stock up metal pipes with an outer diameter of about 50-60 mm, as well as sheet metal. To withstand high combustion temperatures, it is recommended to use steel sheets 4-6 mm thick. In addition to the welding machine and standard set You will also need a pipe bender.

  1. Manufacturing of bent pipe sections.
  2. Manufacturing of a device for smoke removal and condensate collection.
  3. Manufacturing of dampers for vent and outlet.
  4. Making a door for the combustion chamber.
  5. Weld a frame of bent pipes and install a partition in it.
  6. Welding metal sheets in the space between pipes.
  7. Installation of a door with a lock.
  8. Manufacturing and welding of metal legs.

Eight identical sections, about 1.2 m long, should be cut from the pipe. Using a pipe bender, they are bent with a radius of 225 mm and placed in a checkerboard pattern.

To make the hollow pipes needed for the furnace, you need to prepare eight pieces of pipe, each 1.2 meters long, and bend them to a radius of 225 mm using a pipe bender

To remove smoke, as well as accumulated moisture, a T-shaped device is made, through which the smoke will go up into the pipe, and the moisture will flow down. To remove moisture, a special tap is installed below. The moisture removal valve should be opened only for these purposes and then closed so as not to impair traction.

Left: The T-shaped furnace smoke exhaust device is designed not only to remove smoke, but also to collect condensation.
Right: The condensate drain valve is located at the bottom of the smoke exhaust and condensate collection device. It should be opened only when necessary, so as not to impair traction.

To remove smoke from the stove, a special damper is made, which is also used to regulate draft.

The damper for regulating the power of the stove is made with a special hole that allows you to change the draft, but does not allow you to completely block the chimney

For the blower, which is located on the front door, you should make a blind damper. To ensure that the flaps are securely fixed in correct position, a spring is used.

The flap for the blower, which is located on the front door, must be made blind. This is to ensure maximum efficiency stove operation in slow burning mode

The most difficult element of a homemade Buleryan is, perhaps, the front door. It should close almost hermetically. The better the door fits to the stove, the more efficiently Buleryan works.

From the pipe large diameter two rings are made that fit almost tightly into one another. To do this, cut two 40 mm pieces from a pipe with a diameter of 350 mm. One of the segments is cut and unfolded. After this, the front side of the stove is made using a ring of smaller diameter.

In the front wall of the furnace it is necessary to make round hole, to which a metal ring is welded. This element is necessary to ensure that the door closes as tightly as possible.

The second ring is used when installing the door; it is welded to a circle of sheet metal.

Two metal rings, the diameter of which is slightly different, are welded along the edge of the oven door. They are sealed with a special gasket made of asbestos cord

Then another ring is welded onto the door, which should be slightly smaller than the diameter of the ring placed on the front side of the stove. A sealing asbestos cord is placed in the gap formed between the door rings and the damper is mounted.

To complete the installation of the front oven door, it is necessary to weld the blower pipe with a damper to it. The damper is equipped with a spring for a tighter fit

Now we should return to bent pipes. It is necessary to make holes in the first two pipes and weld injection tubes into them. These are small metal elements with a diameter of 14-15 mm and a length of about 150 mm. They are necessary to ensure the connection of the convection elements with the firebox.

Special injectors should be inserted into the first two hollow pipes of the furnace, which will ensure air contact with the combustion chamber

A stove frame with a partition is made from pipes. For the partition, it is recommended to use sheet steel at least 6 mm thick.

For the furnace partition, steel 6 mm thick is used. To avoid having to “guess” with the dimensions, first make cardboard patterns

After this, the gaps between the pipes should be closed with strips of sheet metal, and the back wall should be welded, thus forming the furnace body.

The furnace body is formed from pieces of metal, which are welded in the space between hollow pipes. Cardboard patterns are also useful for making them.

In order to accurately cut out the elements of the partition, back wall and strip of metal, it is recommended to first make cardboard patterns.

It is recommended to make a special lock for the door. It is an eccentric that fixes metal loop located on the wall of the stove. With further scrolling, this device ensures the tightest possible fit of the door to the stove. To make such a device, you will need to perform a number of turning and milling operations.

Making a lock for an oven door is not easy. Inexperienced craftsmen should seek help from a professional turner or milling machine

All that remains is to make the hinges and hang the door, as well as cut, bend and weld the legs of the stove.

Legs for the furnace can be made from suitable thin tubes, giving them the required shape using a pipe bender or available tools

The manufacturing process of Buleryan can hardly be called simple; an ordinary potbelly stove is much easier to make. But ease of use and high efficiency fully justify the time and effort spent.


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