Tires in the children's area. List of interesting crafts for the playground from old car tires

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If there are small children in the family, it is simply necessary to arrange for them playground in the country. Here they will play fresh air, allowing parents to rest or go about their business. And when you are free, you can always join them. The play area in the garden will become much more positive, brighter and more interesting if you use crafts for the playground. There are many ways to make them yourself, which we will discuss in this article.

To decorate a children's playground, it is not at all necessary to buy expensive garden decor. Crafts made by yourself will allow the site to look very original. This will be a unique children's corner that only you and your children have.

Making crafts yourself is pleasant in all respects - materials for such creativity are available in abundance, and completely free of charge; it is enough to use your imagination, creative imagination, and soon you will be able to please your kids. Work must begin by choosing the location where the site will be located. A spacious place not far from the house, where there is both sun and shade, is suitable.

A good covering for the area where the crafts will be placed is a sand mound or lawn. It is necessary to keep the lawn clean so that there are no glasses, sharp pebbles and sticks among the grass, so that children can play barefoot, as well as inedible berries. As you know, in childhood we want to taste everything, especially what looks bright and attractive.

What can be used as raw materials?

First of all, these are old tires. Nowadays, used tires are literally taking on a new life - they are used to make flower beds, swings and a wide variety of crafts for the playground.

Tires are good because they can be used to create sports equipment. For example, such a tunnel, make a swing, dig it into the ground at a distance so that you can jump and walk on it

Today, not only boys, but also girls are delighted with cars. Such a luxurious car can be made from tires and a plastic chair. An easier option is to dig 4 tires into the ground and make a wooden seat

From tires you can create amazing crafts- funny bears (tires of different sizes, cardboard, an old basin are used), bright tropical parrots. When painted, they seem to come to life and turn the playground into a corner of joy and positivity.

Tire before starting creative process needs to be washed and dried. You can walk and jump on the tires that are dug in while standing; you can attach boards on top, paint them, and make such “climbing walls” even more interesting. You can make a sandbox out of a large tire, and there are simply countless options for creating different figures.

More ideas for arranging a children's playground in the country:

Bottle palms and plastic zoo

Plastic bottles are also a very common material for crafts. The variety of their shapes and sizes allows you to create very interesting things - palm trees, flowers, figures of insects and animals.

Exotic palm trees will enliven any landscape, and making them is not at all difficult. There is plenty of material such as bottles everywhere. You don’t have to follow strict instructions; experiment by creating a tropical corner for yourself.

Making such a pig is very simple - use it for the body five liter bottle, two-liter - for legs. The ears from the tail are also cut out of plastic.

This flower garden will not wither throughout the summer. Flowers are the necks of bottles, cut in the shape of lilies and bells, leaves are bottles without a base, cut into 4-6 pieces. Paint them with paint from the remote control and install them in the right place

Such crafts are practical - they are not afraid of either rain or scorching sun. To make a palm tree, cut off the bottom of the bottles and string them on top of each other, insert a metal rod inside - this is the base of the palm tree. To create a “crown”, use one or more bottles and cut them from the base to the neck into several strips - these will be the leaves. Then trim the cut pieces at an angle so that they resemble the shape of the hard leaves of a palm tree. Insert the neck of this bottle into the “trunk”. To create a classic palm tree, brown bottles (trunk) and green bottles (crown) are used, but it is not at all necessary to adhere to classical standards.

Useful: how to do it garden figures for a do-it-yourself garden:

Parade of plywood figures

Plywood is a great material for making flat, brightly colored figurines that will lift anyone's spirits. You can depict anything on plywood - your favorite cartoon characters, movie and book heroes, and then cut out the figures and place them in the garden. The composition can be used as a delimiter fence for garden areas.

Figurines in the form of your favorite cartoon characters are always a delight. For creating Winnie the Pooh a five-liter bottle is also used

Plywood cat and mouse surrounded by flowerpots, located on a soft lawn - an excellent place for relaxation and active games for kids

Foam figures

Polyurethane foam is not very common, but interesting material for making crafts. The figures made from it look like toys, look great and are very popular with children.

Figures from polyurethane foam look ready. The website has a master class on how to make them, if you are interested, you can master the technique of making them

Hedgehogs and ladybugs made from pebbles and boulders

Large pebbles too suitable material. If you color round stones bright colors, you will get funny bugs, hedgehogs or other animals, depending on what your imagination tells you. It's better to color them acrylic paints, and then cover with colorless varnish. Drawings with a clear outline look good. First it is drawn with a pencil, then with black or white paint. Colored paints are applied between the contour lines.

Such a family of ladybugs will add positivity to a children's corner. The easiest way to paint stones to look like bugs is to apply a simple outline drawing, and then use bright contrasting paints and varnish

Combinations of materials - room for creativity

You can create interesting crafts from logs by combining pieces of wood of different sizes and different lengths. Combinations various materials– tires and logs, tires and plastic bottles will not let you get bored at all, you can make a children’s playground that will be the envy of those who purchased a ready-made one for their garden.

You can create interesting lawns or flower beds in the shape of animals and insects using bottles as a fence. Work with your children; they usually come up with completely out-of-the-box, interesting ideas.

A funny crocodile flowerbed - a suitable decor for a children's playground, made of plastic bottles (outline), eyes - plywood and plastic

If there was an old tree on the property that you cut down, do not rush to get rid of the stump. From it you can make something like this great house with door, roof and windows. Not only will it please the children, but it will also wonderful decor for the site

Zebras are made from logs and tires, and their manes are made from plastic. This is both sports equipment and homemade garden decor at the same time

To create the sun, plastic bottles and old tire. The composition is very bright, positive, and easy to make. Bottle caps are nailed to the tire, then screwed to the bottle - the beams are ready

If you still have unused materials after building a house or arranging a garden, do not rush to throw them away. For example, pieces of bright ceramic tiles you can lay out paths, space around the figures, or use pieces of broken tiles to lay out mosaics, images of various characters. Draw the outline of the figure on the path, and then lay it out with tiles. If laid out on the ground or sand, such a mosaic will be short-lived, but laid out on cement mixture will create an image that will last for years. Rub the seams after drying, and the result will please you.

You don’t need a lot of money to decorate a relaxation area in your country house or a playground - everything can be done with your own hands from scrap materials. The creativity of this design will delight children and guests on your site.

What can old tires and wheels be used for?

Old tires from your car can get a second life; all you need is a little imagination and some simple work. Painted crafts made from wheels (as in the photo) can decorate both a children's playground and a place for adults to relax.

The range of tire applications is wide:

  1. Curbs and fences. A classic example of using tires. To make a strong and durable fence, it is enough to cut the wheels in half and install the resulting arcs around the flower beds or on the sides of the path. To add brightness and additional decor, tires are painted and decorated with ornaments.
  2. Checkerboard fence. Tires placed in rows on top of each other in a staggered pattern - good Alternative option wooden and iron fences. If desired, the fence can be painted and decorated with other elements. To imitate a hedge, soil is poured into the wheels and plants are planted. Over time, the fence will become overgrown with greenery and become a beautiful, useful and living structure.
  3. . Flower pots outdoors are irrational to use, and the beds do not have beautiful design. Therefore, creating it directly in the tire is an excellent solution. A simple combination of wheels of different sizes, painting and decorating with ornaments will ennoble the space in front of the house or on the site. Whole compositions of animals, equipment and dishes are created from wheels, with flowers growing inside them. This DIY decoration of a summer house and playground will bring pleasure to both adults and children.
  4. Baby swing. Simple design using tires will bring a lot of pleasant time to children and adults. By attaching a tire to a turnstile or cutting it in half and attaching it to a board, you can create an inexpensive and comfortable swing.
  5. Chairs and tables. Such furniture will not be afraid of either cold or heat, or precipitation or drought. The strong arrangement of tires on top of each other with a decorated back and armrests can be covered with a cover or tablecloth. With a little effort you can get a great relaxation area.
  6. Bicycle parking. The convenient configuration, coupled with ease of manufacture, will significantly reduce the space for parking bicycles. The area will look well-groomed and stylish. To do this, the tires are cut in half and dug into the ground at the same distance in a row. If desired, the parking area is painted and decorated.
  7. Pet bed. Create cozy place You can easily relax your pets out of a tire in 2 stages: painting the tire and placing a pillow inside it. As a result, pets will be happy, and owners will not need to buy expensive furniture for animals.
  8. . You can organize a place for playing with sand and at the same time prevent its scattering throughout the entire area using a large tire. It is trimmed slightly, then decorated and filled with sand. Such beauty can also be used in kindergarten.
  9. Lake or pond. Making your own with lilies, fish and other flora and fauna is easy. A large tire is dug 1 third into the ground. The bottom is covered with polyethylene. If necessary, the tire is decorated with paint, plants or stones. Once the decoration is finished, water is poured inside the tire.
  10. Ladder. The steps consist of old tires laid out one at a time, with earth or gravel poured inside them. Such a staircase is created quickly and, if desired, can be easily disassembled.

Crafts from plastic bottles

More available material for making crafts than plastic bottles Various sizes, hard to find. These by-products are used to create functional, varied and beautiful decorative elements for decorating children's playgrounds, country and house areas.

Ideas for creating crafts from cylinders and other plastic containers:

  1. Hanging flower pots. The bottle is cut, secured with woven threads or ropes, giving the shape of birds, insects or simple pots. Soil is poured inside and plants are planted. The result is comfortable and beautiful hanging flower beds.

  2. Decorative large flower beds. Ever-blooming and bright flowers are made great from plastic. To do this, the bottles are cut in half and petals are formed. To make them curved, the plastic is heated over a candle and given the required position. After which the flowers are painted and installed on the site.
  3. Furniture. A large number of identical bottles are secured with tape or glue, gradually giving the shape of the necessary piece of furniture. For softness, cover with foam rubber. Such furniture will last a long time, will please the eye and will not be afraid of adverse weather conditions.
  4. House. Children dream of building a hut or tree house. Such game Zone Easily created from many bottles. They are fastened together with tapes, glue or electrical tape. The roof is covered with imitation tiles - rounded cut out pieces of plastic. If desired, the house is decorated, furnished with interiors and curtains.
  5. Dolls and garden decorations . Bright, simple and unique toys for children are made from bottles by painting and assembling. These dolls are used to decorate areas and playgrounds, and children can play with them with pleasure. There are countless options for dolls. Any animal fairy tale hero or equipment is easily created from ordinary plastic.
  6. . Feeders and birdhouses are created to attract various birds and small animals. Children can observe the animals around them up close, and also take part in feeding them. The bottles are cut and arranged in a convenient way, leaving shelves and holes for food. If desired, the crafts are painted and then installed on a tree or hung from the roof.
  7. Paths. Children's playgrounds can be easily decorated with bright paths made from plastic bottle caps. The plugs are attached to the substrate using glue, placing them in in the right order and close to each other. Such paths are convenient and beautiful to use. They depict whole pictures or simply decorate them with a pattern.

  8. Curtains. Curtains made from fastened parts or bottle caps will decorate any house or area. Movable curtains are convenient for play and are easy and quick to make. The corks are pierced with a hot awl and secured with thread. The assembled rows are secured to the crossbar. The order of arrangement of elements can be any - from patterns to a full-fledged picture.
  9. . From various parts bottles create an imitation of water, plants, animals, people and technology. The elements are painted, fastened together or dug into the ground. The result is a beautiful installation (see photo), with which children can play and adults can admire or take pictures.

  10. Playground. Various mechanisms are made from containers, with which children can simultaneously play and learn the laws of physics. Examples include developing wind and water mills, communicating vessels, weather vanes and other mechanisms.

Boulders and pebbles in the design

Using stones various colors, shape and size local area and children's playgrounds are transformed into real works of art. Pebbles are used to lay out paths, and boulders are used to decorate flower beds and pools.

What to make from logs, driftwood and stumps?

Residual parts of trees are a real help in making decorations and platforms. Wood is easy to process, easy to paint and deform.

Thanks to these properties, they create practical, beautiful and interesting elements venue decor:

Plywood figures

Making various figures and figurines from plywood will bring pleasure both in the process of creation and in the result of the work.

Such decorative elements perform several functions at once:

  • decoration;
  • toy;
  • masking flaws.

Silhouettes of the desired image are cut out or cut out of plywood, painted and fastened together. The result is original and bright crafts:

Other materials for decorating the playground

You can decorate an area for summer children's games using scrap materials, paper and stingrays. The main thing is that they are safe for children and easy to transform. All materials can be combined with each other, creating unique outdoor compositions.

In addition to logs, driftwood, stones, stumps, plastic bottles and tires, other materials and residues are used:

To decorate children's playgrounds and local areas, anything a person's imagination is capable of can be done. Create such crafts from waste material can be done easily at home.

Turning used items into various pieces of furniture and decor has long become the norm. Many people no longer look at old tires, pallets and plastic bottles as garbage, but solely as construction material. Perhaps, after reading our article, you will also join them, because today we will talk about what amazing crafts from tires you can make with your own hands.

How to make crafts from tires with your own hands.

Let's start with not just beautiful, but with beautiful and useful. From used tires you can make many functional things for your garden plot.

How to make garden furniture from tires with your own hands - master class.

Old tires need to be washed and cleaned. You can use it for cleaning special means for cleaning tires - then your tire will acquire a black shiny appearance.

We paint the side surfaces of the tire with acrylic paints. For more interesting looking garden furniture We can cover the side surfaces of the tires with leatherette and paint it.

To get rid of the gloomy black color, first paint our entire workpiece white. Then we apply our drawing with colored paints. And finally, add clear dark contours to the drawing.

For the middle of our ottoman we make a round pillow. In order to apply color painting on black leatherette, fill the space under the design with white paint, and then apply a colored pattern on top of it.

How to make an ottoman with a knitted cover from an old tire - master class.

If for garden furniture made from tires its resistance to weather conditions, then for a gazebo or terrace we can make another nice option ottoman made from tires.

We attach the legs to the tire that has been cleaned of dirt.

Knitting lateral surface for our ottoman. If you don’t know how or don’t want to knit, you can use parts of an old sweater for these purposes.

We fasten the knitted fabric to the tire from the side and bottom. We close the top hole in the tire with a circle of plywood.

We crochet the round knitted piece for the top of the ottoman with the side piece.

Interesting options for crafts made from tires.

There are others simple options garden furniture made from tires. We can stack tires on top of each other and use scraps from the top of the tire to make seats and armrests.

Or another version of furniture made from tires. Wooden spacers are inserted into the tire halves and a soft roll is sewn in - so you have a comfortable seat for the chair.

Tire crafts for children.

It is easy to make devices for playgrounds from tires. For example, here is a simple swing.

Or a car that will not leave any child indifferent.

DIY flower beds made from tires.

Very often, old tires are used to create flower beds and street flower pots. So to speak, cheap and cheerful. The flowerbed can be given more decorative look, decorating its edges in a more interesting way.

To make such a flowerbed, you should mark side part tires as shown in the photo. And then just cut along the line.

The cutting process itself can be tricky. Ideally, this is best done with a jigsaw. If you are cutting with a knife, then lifting the cut with a wooden peg will make your work much easier.

The cut tire must be turned out. It's easier to do it together. But you can turn out the tire alone by stepping on the edge of the tire with your foot and turning out the other edge with your hands.

Such flower beds can be varied and original - this is what helped them gain great popularity. Most known variant— place the tire on the stand that we previously cut from its upper part.

The more colorful and varied the playground is, the more fun you can have there. Even banal sandboxes and slides can bring kids a lot of joy. And if skillful dads get down to business and make photo cars for the playground with their own hands, then the children’s joy will know no bounds. To make children's transport you will not need expensive materials or complex instruments. The work ahead is quite simple, even older children can be involved in it.

Transport for young racers

Game elements in the form of transport always attract the attention of children. After all, sitting behind the wheel of an almost real truck or motorcycle, it’s so easy to imagine yourself as a dashing racer.

The easiest way is to buy such a complex, but it is much more interesting to make it yourself. The main criteria that must be adhered to when making a car for the playground with your own hands are safety and aesthetics. All parts must be firmly fastened together, making sure that bolts and nails do not stick out. If the car is wooden, plan the logs and boards well, protecting children's hands from splinters.

Wooden train

Train made from sawn wood

Mobile sandbox

Idea for old tires

You can make a car for the playground from a wide variety of available materials. Even if the game element resembles a real car only remotely, no problem. Children's imagination knows no bounds, so a simple log can turn into a racing car or a passenger train. A mandatory attribute of any vehicle is a steering wheel. It will be great if it becomes a real steering wheel. However, you can also do it yourself; realism is not at all necessary.

Children's wooden cars

Look at the photo - these wooden cars for the playground look very cute. To create them you will only need boards, logs and a little bright paint.

Can be put into action ready-made boxes different sizes. A large container will make a truck body or an entire bus, and smaller containers will make a cabin. A sandbox designed to look like a car looks interesting. For this purpose, the sides are made higher, wheels are attached to the sides, and a cabin is attached to the front.

Simple wooden car

Using the same principle, you can make an unusual motorcycle for the playground with your own hands. Its basis will be a small bench, the steering wheel will be blocks of wood. Wheels can be real or cut from OSB sheet.

Toy transport made from tires

It is very popular to decorate a children's playground with car tires. Game elements made from this material are durable and, most importantly, safe. Rubber is less traumatic than wooden or iron parts.

For the little ones

From old tires you can easily make unusual cars or a motorcycle for the playground. This type of transport is suitable even for the smallest children.

Metal game elements

Craftsmen who own welding machine, can build a metal car. This complex, which includes a small horizontal bar or ladder, is perfect for older children. If there is a seat in the car, it is better that it be made of wood.

A car made from a real old body will cause special delight. It is enough to clean it from rust, paint it bright color and attach the steering wheel. Thus, an item intended for recycling will acquire a new life.

Metal play complex made of pipes

Instructions for creating a simple wooden car

To make a wooden car with your own hands, you will need carpentry tools: a hacksaw, a hammer, a plane, as well as nails or screws. The material will be boards and OSB sheets.

Stages of work on building a truck with a sandbox body:

  1. Before construction begins, raw boards are well planed and sanded. They are impregnated with drying oil to resist rotting.
  2. Make at least a rough drawing of the future truck on paper indicating the main dimensions. Mark the contours of the body and cabin on the ground. To make it convenient for children to play, the part with the sandbox is made quite spacious, for example, 180 by 100 cm. The body can be of any size, but such that the kids can go there.
  3. At the site of the body, remove the soil with a layer of 30 cm, cover the bottom with geotextile or tarpaulin so that the sand does not mix with the ground. Four posts 40 cm high are dug into the corners. Boards are screwed to the posts, forming a sandbox box that serves as a body.
  4. They begin to build a cabin close to the sandbox. To do this, dig posts in the corners of the passenger and engine compartments, then screw planks or cut OSB sheets to them. The hood lid can be made liftable using conventional door hinges. The space under the opening hood will serve not only for games, but also for storing toys.
  5. A steering wheel is attached to the cabin, and on the sides of the car there are wheels made of tires or cut out of logs. The finished wooden car is painted.

Car with sandbox

DIY tire car

Making your own car out of tires for a playground is even easier than making one out of wood. To work you will need 11 old tires from passenger car, 2 seat boards and steering wheel.

Stages of work on creating a car from tires:

  1. They mark the contours of the car directly on the ground and lay out old tires on them to get an idea of ​​how the finished car will look. Four tires are placed on the sides, simulating wheels. It will take another five for the seats, and two for the engine compartment.
  2. Remove the tires and dig holes for them. There is no need to dig very deep; a third of the height for the wheels and half for the back will be enough. The distance between the wheels is made so that a seat fits between them.
  3. They put the tires in place and then cover them with earth. At this stage, a steering wheel attached to a long pipe is installed. It must be firmly dug into the ground, because little racers will drive recklessly and can break the shaky structure.
  4. Tires for the seats are placed between the wheels, and rather wide planks are placed on them. The car is painted, decorated with headlights and old wheel caps.

Racing car made from old wheels

Motorcycle for the playground made from scrap materials

Making a gaming motorcycle from old tires is very simple. They dig two tires into the ground one after another, and between them leave a place for sitting from a block of wood or a plank. The steering wheel is mounted at an angle in the front tire. More complex models require three or four tires.

Stages of creating a motorcycle from four tires:

  1. Mark the outline of a motorcycle on the ground. If there is a small bench on the site, you can include it in the overall ensemble, then you will only need three tires.
  2. The two rear wheels are dug vertically to a third of the height, leaving a seat between them. The third wheel is dug in at the front.
  3. Another tire and a seat board are placed between the rear wheels. The steering wheel is attached to the front wheel.

Motorcycle for children's playground

There are a lot of design options for cars and motorcycles for children's playgrounds. The design can be complicated by adding additional tires or wooden elements. Undoubtedly, such a vehicle, made with love, will become the main place for children to play.

Crafts made from tires and tires are widely used to decorate the site of a kindergarten or dacha.

It is difficult to find cheaper material for decorating a playground, old car wheels. After looking at the photos and reading the instructions and master classes in our thematic section, you will notice that the tires are in capable hands can turn into not only original homemade garden decorations, decorative sculptures, but also often perform special functional tasks. You can make excellent vases, flower beds and flower beds from tires with your own hands. Tires dug into the ground are used as zoning of the territory or design of a children's playground. Wheels can be used as a sandbox, pond or pool.

Tire crafts

Contained in sections:
  • Design of kindergarten sites, landscaping

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