Silicate glue - scope of application, methods of preparation, instructions for use. Is there such a thing as liquid glass, or is it all about silicate glue?

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Liquid glass is understood as an alkaline aqueous solution of sodium or potassium silicate. It is often called silicate glue. Unique properties this compound has led to its widespread use in different areas industry and in everyday life.

Liquid glass was first produced by the German mineralogist and chemist von Fuchs in 1818. Now this material produce according to different technologies. The most common are the following:

  • Placing diatomites, tripoli, flasks and other types of siliceous raw materials in alkaline solutions, where they dissolve at relatively low temperatures and normal pressure.
  • Treatment with sodium hydroxide (in concentrated form) of compounds that contain silicon. This operation is performed in a special autoclave.
  • Fusion of soda and quartz.

Silicate glue

Silicate glue is sold either in the form of a dry powdery substance, which must be diluted in certain proportions with water (the specifications of this process are contained in the instructions for liquid glass), or as a ready-to-use solution. For everyday use, it is wiser to take an already prepared composition. But construction and industrial enterprises The described material is often ordered in dry form.

The main indicator of the chemical composition of an adhesive is its silicate module. This value indicates the release of silica into solution. It also describes the ratio of silicon oxide to potassium or sodium oxides, which are contained in silicate glue. It is worth knowing that the quality of glass is not determined by the module indicator.

Solutions of the liquid compound in question include a variety of high-dimensional forms and the simplest orthosilicates of the monomer type. The amount of polymerization of liquid glass has a variable value. It changes with fluctuations in the ratio of alkali and silicic acid, and also depends on the concentration that characterizes the silicate substance.

Liquid glass

The most important indicator of the quality of silicate glue is viscosity. It becomes smaller with increasing temperature at which the material is manufactured, and increases with increasing concentration of the silicate solution. Also, viscosity becomes higher when added to glass well soluble salts. To know exact value this value can be measured using special instruments - viscometers.

They have different designs, but they use one technique in their work - measuring the speed at which a ball made of steel falls in a liquid compound. To measure the density of silicate glue, a conventional aerometer is used. It is able to indicate the real density of the compound as reliably as possible, even when a small portion of the solution is analyzed. This value changes with fluctuations (including slight ones) in the ratio of the alkaline and silicic acid components of the glass.

The active use of liquid glass in construction and other industries is determined, as mentioned, by the special characteristics of this material. Its high astringent properties depend on the cooking point (in other words, the liquefaction temperature), which varies between 760–870 °C. Silicate glue is characterized by a pH value of 11–13 units. At the same time, it is often called neutral, which is incorrect.

Application in construction

It is impossible to change the pH of the solution by a significant amount. If you add 10 to 100 parts of water to it, the pH will change by a maximum of one unit and become equal to 10–12. The described glue hardens when different temperatures– from -2 to +10°. When diluted, it returns to its original state without losing its properties. True, store the glue at negative temperatures undesirable due to the risk of crystals appearing on its surface. After heating, they cannot be eliminated.

Drying of glass is carried out at elevated and natural temperatures. Manufacturers usually dry it to speed up the process. finished products at a temperature of about 375 °C. Silicate glue dissolves in water without residue. If salt compounds, ketones, alcohol-containing substances, ammonia or aldehydes are added to its solution, a so-called “salting out effect” is observed. The described glass is incompatible with organic compounds, with the exception of urea, alcohol and sugar.

The use of “miracle glue” in modern construction

The main consumers of the described material are considered to be enterprises construction industry. The use of liquid glass in concrete is widespread. Silicate glue is characterized by a relatively low cost. And at the same time, it significantly improves the performance properties of the concrete solution, guaranteeing the latter excellent waterproofing. Besides, liquid glass has high antibacterial capabilities.

Due to this, mold never appears on the concrete into which it is added, and fungus does not appear. All pools these days, as well as structures operating at constant high humidity, are concreted with compounds containing the “miracle glue” we are considering. It is worth taking into account that liquid glass hardens quite quickly. And in some cases it cannot be mixed with concrete before starting work. The builders found a way out of this situation.

They use a “cunning” method, which involves treating an already erected concrete structure with a solution of water and liquid glass (the components of this mixture are taken in equal quantities). Silicate solutions are well suited for combating soil subsidence under erected buildings and structures. IN in this case It is recommended to use liquid glass, the use of which does not require any large-scale work.

Surface treatment with liquid glass

When combating subsidence, silicate glue is pumped into the ground under construction according to one of two schemes:

  • One-step method - a mixture of a special hardener and liquid glass is formed, which is supplied under the building.
  • Sequential technique - glass is pumped in first, then the hardening compound.

Impregnation of plaster and wood with liquid silicate solutions is common (we will discuss this below). Silicate glue is also added to zinc silicate paint, which provides protection metal products from corrosion manifestations for 25–30 years! Liquid glass is also included in modern particle boards. Their impregnation with “miracle glue” makes any wood products durable and very resistant to compression.

About the areas of use of liquid glass

Impregnation of plastered and concrete surfaces silicate solution guarantees an excellent antiseptic effect. Coatings become resistant to aggressive external factors, flue gases, high humidity and improve their other performance characteristics. They gain:

  • abrasion resistance;
  • high hardness;
  • the ability to “lock” various irregularities and pores that form in coatings (such pores destroy a layer of concrete or plaster).

Wood impregnation ( construction products made of wood), concrete and plastered surfaces can be different. The most commonly used method is in which the impregnating composition is applied to the coating to be strengthened with a spray gun or conventional paint brush repeatedly. This technique is called deep processing surfaces. There is also a more “gentle” way to protect plaster, concrete and wood. It involves processing the coating only once.

Liquid glass, among other things, is used in the production of:

  • hydro- and fire-resistant coloring compositions for wood products;
  • putties for cast iron pipes used in water supply networks;
  • acid-resistant cement mixtures;
  • solutions for cleaning machine oils;
  • electrodes for welding;
  • adhesives for joining cellulose products.

And in everyday life, silicate solutions have long been used by gardeners to treat tree trunks. Now liquid glass is being replaced by more modern compositions for caring for plants. At the same time, many amateur gardeners prefer inexpensive and time-tested silicate glue.

Silicate glue - the most popular household adhesive, is an alkaline solution of glassy potassium and/or sodium silicates on water based. In its composition it is very close to glass, which is why it received its second name “liquid glass”. Another name for it is “stationery glue.” He bought it because of its ability to glue paper well. Before staplers came into use, in offices and accounting departments all documentation was connected with this adhesive.

Glue with liquid glass (click to enlarge)

History and composition

The “father” of office glue is the German chemist Jan Nepomuk von Fuchs. In 1818, he first produced liquid glass by reacting silicic acid with alkali. Having studied the resulting solution, the scientist found that it was a wonderful substance with unique adhesive properties. At the same time, it is not difficult to make, and the raw materials are widespread and inexpensive. All this has made silicate glue a popular and affordable product.

What is silicate glue for (click to enlarge)

The composition of silicate glue is based on silicas (silicates) - inorganic compounds of alkali metal and metasilicic acid. The glue formula depends on the ingredients used. Basically, silicic acid salts (sodium silicate Na2O(SiO2)n and/or potassium silicate K2O(SiO2)n) are used to produce the product. Less commonly used in production is lithium silicate Li2SiO3. It is the silicas that give the composition its main adhesive properties.

Production methods

Silicate glue is produced by several technological methods. Can be fused quartz sand with sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) in a special vessel. The product can also be obtained by treating silicate with solutions caustic soda(NaOH), potassium hydroxide (KOH) and/or lithium hydroxide (LiOH).

The resulting substance has high adhesion to almost any surface. The adhesion of dissimilar planes (adhesion) is based on physical properties solids The application of silicate glue stimulates the emergence of attraction between molecules that are weaker connected at the surface than inside. Due to the adsorption of the adhesive liquid, the viscosity increases and the adhesive seam becomes denser. Due to a shift in the equilibrium of surface particles and modification of silicic acid chains, a polycondensation process occurs and a reliable adhesive seam is formed.

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Areas of application

Silicate glue is used in a wide variety of human activities. It is needed in everyday life and is in demand in various industries.

In the household

Many people have been familiar with transparent glue in a plastic bottle since childhood, which can quickly and reliably glue paper and cardboard. How happy the children were when they brought home the appliqués they had glued together with their own hands. A household version of liquid glass is used for this - office glue. It can be used to join leather, fabric, ceramic and glass products. Silicate glue has also found its application in gardening: it is used to treat fresh saw cuts. This adhesive composition has excellent antiseptic properties and prevents the appearance of fungal diseases on the tree.

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Advice! Using this product, you can easily remove carbon deposits on a frying pan with your own hands. To do this, a solution is made from office glue and water and the required cleaning utensils are boiled in it. After this, the carbon deposits will come off easily, and the frying pan will need to be rinsed thoroughly.

In construction

Liquid glass has found its widest application in modern construction. Adding glue to concrete, putty and primer mixtures will give them greater strength and additional waterproofing and antiseptic properties.

Using silicate floor adhesive (click to enlarge)

Such compositions are successfully used in places with high humidity or in direct contact with water. Waterproof the pool and protect the foundation of the building from exposure groundwater, you can prevent the destruction of floors, walls and basement ceilings using liquid glass.

After watching the video you will learn how to use it in construction:

Interesting! Silicate glue is a non-flammable substance. Treating wooden, plastic, and synthetic parts of a building structure with it or mixtures based on it can significantly increase the fire resistance of the building.

More recently, liquid glass had to be used in construction in pure form. The craftsmen added it to the mixtures with their own hands, observing the required proportions. Now sold on the market ready-made mixtures, with silicate already included in the composition. They are produced in compliance with regulatory requirements, which allows you to be confident in the quality and final result.

In other industries

Another useful property of liquid glass is used for the manufacture of heat insulators. The fact is that in the foamed state the glue has very low thermal conductivity. This material can withstand repeated heating and cooling. The maximum temperature load is 1300 degrees.

In addition, glue based on silicic acid salts is used in the following industries:

  • metallurgy and foundry - in the manufacture of casting molds, cores and coatings for electrodes used in welding operations;
  • mechanical engineering – for careful connection of parts;
  • light industry and pulp and paper production - adding silicates gives fabrics and paper shine and additional strength;
  • chemical industry - as a coating resistant to acidic environments when working with aggressive components. Included washing powder There is also glue. I add silicate and different kinds facade paints.

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Office glue still remains in demand in various types of institutions where a large flow of paper documentation passes through. And this is despite the fact that it competes with modern devices such as staplers, files and binders.

Advantages and disadvantages

The main advantages of liquid glass include its relative cheapness, ease of production and availability starting materials. Thanks to its properties, it has found wide application in various industries. But this composition also has a number of disadvantages:

  • When working with paper, it is worth keeping in mind that after some time the glued areas will turn yellow and become deformed. And such paper looks damaged;
  • Liquid glass contains chemically active metals. They are able to react with many elements, which can lead to negative consequences;
  • upon contact with air, stationery glue quickly hardens and loses its properties. Therefore, containers with adhesive should only be opened while working with it.

Important! If children will be using office glue, they must be given instructions on safety precautions. The components of the silicate adhesive composition are very dangerous for the eyes and when working with it, you need to remember this.

Despite the presence of a number of negative characteristics of silicate glue (liquid glass), it remains a popular product and sells quite well. Although its use in its pure form is gradually declining. It is being forced out of the market by modern developments. But in various mixtures as an additive, liquid glass will not lose its relevance for many years.

Silicate glue, otherwise called liquid glass, is an aqueous saturated alkaline solution of glassy potassium or sodium silicates.


Silicate glue is used in various fields. It is quite difficult to do without this product in construction; it is used for waterproofing. It is also used in the production of acid-resistant, water-resistant and heat-resistant concrete.

The use of liquid glass as an addition to building materials can increase their durability, strength, fire resistance and weather resistance. Silicate glue is used to impregnate wood and fabric products, which gives them fire resistance and density.

This adhesive can be used when pruning the garden. It is used to prime wood, brick, concrete, and plastered surfaces, and to waterproof tanks and swimming pools. Silicate glue will be needed for gluing all kinds of products made from cardboard and paper, glass, wood, leather, porcelain and fabric. Also used on various types facing tiles and linoleum.

This composition can be used both as an independent product and in conjunction with various materials. Liquid glass is used as a cleaning and detergent. Adhesive composition also used in the textile, cardboard, chemical and soap industries. The composition is an environmentally friendly antiseptic, prevents the formation of mold, fungi and rot.


Stationery silicate glue is used for gluing cardboard and paper. However, over time, the glue line becomes brittle and turns yellow, and the paper begins to warp. There are other disadvantages as well. These include labor-intensive process preparation, which does not justify even fairly high performance characteristics. It is for this reason that it is now rarely used for critical work as an independent component, but most often in combination with other materials, for example, it is added to adhesive putties and mixtures.

How to use liquid glass

Before using silicate assembly adhesive needs to be mixed. To do the job you need to prepare a roller, brush or brush. Before applying the composition, the surface is cleaned of various contaminants, wood material it is recommended to clean sandpaper. Silicate glue is applied thin layer onto the surfaces to be joined, which are then pressed against each other.

To make waterproof plaster, you need to mix cement and sand (1 to 2.5) with a 15% composition of liquid glass. The same solution is used for masonry external elements chimneys, stoves, fireplaces.

To perform waterproofing of floors, basements, floors, walls, the adhesive is connected to concrete mortar in a ratio of 1 to 10.

At ordinary work for gluing, silicate glue, the price of which starts from 8 rubles, is taken from next calculation: 300 - 400 grams per 1 sq. m.

To clean dishes (pots, pans and other household items), prepare a solution of watery glass and water (1 to 25), in which the dishes are then boiled.

Silicate glue

Silicate glue, more often called liquid glass, is a mineral compound widely used in everyday life and in the national economy for joining (gluing) various materials. The viscous fluid substance has been known to mankind for almost 2 hundred years, and all this time it has been successfully used for many purposes.

History of liquid glass

Liquid glass was first produced in Germany by the chemist Jan Nepomuk von Fuchs in 1818. The technology for its production turned out to be quite simple, and the raw materials - natural or artificial - were cheap and widespread.

Liquid glass is an aqueous alkaline solution of sodium polysilicates Na2O(SiO2)n, potassium K2O(SiO2)n or lithium polysilicates Li2O(SiO2)n. A necessary component of liquid glass, from which the glue itself gets its name, is silicates - substances that contain silica SiO2. Deposits of natural silicates are available everywhere, production methods are not complicated, and broad scope applications makes silicate glue one of the most affordable.

Methods of obtaining

There are several technologies for producing liquid glass. It is possible to roast (fusion) a mixture of quartz sand and baking soda in a special container. Raw materials containing silica are also exposed to saturated solutions of sodium, potassium or lithium hydroxide. Wherein a necessary condition is to maintain the boiling point of a particular alkali solution.

The adhesive ability of liquid glass is related to physical feature silicates - good adhesion to almost any surface. Adhesion is based on physics solid. On the outer surface of solid objects, molecules are bonded less tightly than on the inside. When silicate glue is applied to such surfaces, molecular attraction occurs between them. The liquid in the adhesive is adsorbed on the surfaces being joined, resulting in an increase in the viscosity and density of the adhesive joint. The equilibrium of the surface particles shifts, the silicic acid chains are modified, the process of polycondensation occurs and a stable adhesive seam is formed.

Glue in industry and everyday life

Silicate glue is used in many sectors of the national economy. But one of the simplest and most common areas for a long time It was used as a connector for paper. Since childhood, the familiar liquid transparent glue in plastic bottles is nothing more than a stationery version of silicate glue. The correct consistency and careful application of liquid glass made it possible to glue different types of paper and cardboard. However, it has been found that over time the glue line turns yellow and the joint itself becomes brittle. Therefore, although silicate glue is now used in office work, its use is more limited than before.

One of the largest areas of application of liquid glass is construction. A mixture of sodium silicate with inorganic waste from various industries produces a highly durable inexpensive material, which is used in the construction of basic building structures. The waste used is slag from ferrous and non-ferrous metallurgy, as well as waste products from processing factories. Ash from state district power stations and thermal power plants and soil unsuitable for agriculture are also used. An undeniable advantage of concrete obtained in this way is that its production requires much less costs electricity, which brings clear economic benefits. Sodium silicate is also used for the production of building panels and light ceramics.

A little about the properties

Foamed liquid glass conducts heat very poorly. This quality is actively used to produce special heat-saving materials. Heat insulators based on sodium silicates are used in both industrial devices and individual thermal insulation products. Reeds, cotton stalks, sugar cane press, and also are used as fillers for the silicate solution. wood shavings and sawdust. It can also be iron-chrome slag and quartz sand. Silicate thermal insulation can withstand temperature loads up to 1300°C and multiple changes in heating and cooling.

Silicate glue is used in metallurgy in the manufacture of spraying for welding electrodes, and also as a binding material in the production of casting molds and cores. Liquid glass is used in mechanical engineering - for delicate joining of parts, in the production of pulp, paper and textiles. Sodium silicate is an essential component of many processes in the iron and steel, foundries and chemical industries.

The main attention here is paid to the strength properties of silicate glue. In chemical production, when working with aggressive products, liquid glass is an indispensable acid-resistant coating. Silicate glue is also included in washing powder. Sodium silicate added to cellulose adds shine and extra hardness to paper and fabric.

Silicate glue plays an important role in ensuring fire safety. In the construction of many structures, not only non-combustible materials such as stone, concrete and metal are used, but also extremely fire hazardous elements such as wood, plastic and synthetics. To guarantee the safety of housing and workplaces, they are coated with a special fire-retardant substance based on liquid glass. In addition, fire-resistant plasters and pastes have waterproof and anti-corrosion properties.

Often silicate glue is used in large and small repair work. Thus, liquid glass is part of acid-resistant, resistant to high blood pressure and the heat of the limestone and cement-sand mortars. It is also the main component of moisture-resistant sealing putties and silicate facade paints. Silicate adhesive is used to protect the foundations of buildings from the effects of groundwater, is used for waterproofing swimming pools, and protecting floors, walls and basement ceilings from moisture. Liquid glass in interaction with ferrochrome slag and ash extends the service life of dirt roads.

Let's sum it up

Silicate glue is an unusual compound used in various areas of production. Created for gluing paper and cardboard, it later began to be used as part of various adhesive mixtures and putty. Compositions containing silicate glue are resistant to high temperature, are heat insulators and are not susceptible to organic pests (rot, mold, insects)

The disadvantages of liquid glass include its highly alkaline reaction, which can cause burns if handled carelessly. Nevertheless, beneficial features silicate glue ensure its demand in modern production.

Glue became a companion of human life a very long time ago. The first glue, according to archaeologists, appeared 9.5 thousand years BC. It was made from various components of animal origin. Bones and tendons, fish scales and natural resins were the main components of the adhesive mass. Stationery glue has become the most common, as it is used by the population, young and old.

Making glue

Brew from natural materials and animal waste our ancestors used until the 20th century.

When science began to develop rapidly, people's knowledge about the quality and properties of materials and substances expanded, and artificial ingredients for creating glue began to appear. The first person to receive a patent for the invented glue was the chemist Leo Baekeland. This happened in 1901. And in 1909, based on his patents, phenol-formaldehyde adhesives with electrical conductivity began to be mass-produced. Stationery glue appeared in the late thirties - early 40s of the last century.

Nowadays, high-tech equipment is used to produce glue. The process is becoming increasingly automated. On modern factory can carry out the complete process, from producing the bottle to labeling it.

Modern market

Every year the chemical industry produces more than 100 million packages of office glue.

Sales turnover at the end of the year is estimated at at least $10 million. Manufacturers say that the demand for stationery glue is not growing, but is at a stable level. The form in which the product is promoted is changing. New types of pencils, stickers and tapes with high adhesive properties are appearing. The highest quality products are produced by the following countries: South Korea, Russia, Malaysia and Germany.

Purpose of glue

The main purpose of any adhesive is to join two surfaces. They all differ in their composition and purpose. They have a different smell, color, they are drying and non-drying. Stationery glue is used for gluing paper various densities and cardboard. It can also be used for household purposes.

Characteristics of stationery glue:

  • Drying out.
  • Frost-resistant.
  • Transparent or white.
  • Can be liquid or solid.

The manufacturer must obtain a quality certificate for office glue. The composition is tested for toxicity and compliance with environmental requirements.

Types of stationery glue

There are liquid types of glue: silicate and stationery.

PVA glue is also well known to builders and furniture makers.

Options for using PVA glue.

  • Used for
  • Attaches the carpet to the floor well.
  • Reliable when fastening linoleum.
  • Used for gluing facing tiles.
  • Will be useful when gluing wallpaper.
  • Add to primer and putty, water-based paint.

PVA glue has gained popularity due to its non-toxicity, fire safety, high adhesive ability and ease of use. They can glue paper, leather, glass, fabric, plastic, metal.


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