Declension by cases of nouns 3 declension. Noun cases

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Nouns are very widely represented in the Russian language. They can act as main and secondary members of a sentence. By using noun cases, speakers and writers can relate these parts of speech to others in the context of a sentence. Another category of a noun is directly related to cases - its declension. By the way, the spelling correctness of what is written depends on the correct definition of which.

Case category

The case of nouns is like this grammatical category, which indicates the relationship of this part of speech to other words in the sentence. These connections can be realized not only with the help case forms- Prepositions help with this, as well as intonation and even word order.

In modern Russian there are only 6 case forms.

Case name

Noun case questions



Whom? What?


To whom? Why?


Whom? What?



About whom? About what?

Once upon a time in the Old Russian language there was another, seventh, vocative case. But it lost its significance during development linguistic culture. Echoes of the vocative case remain in common parlance. Previously, it was comparable to the nominative and denoted the address: father, man. On modern stage development of the Russian language, it is realized in the following colloquial addresses: Sing, Vasya, Tan, etc.

The meaning and form of expression of cases. Nominative

Besides grammatical meaning, cases of nouns have lexical. Let's sort them out.

Nominative. This is the basic form of a noun. Used in academic literature (dictionary entries). In this case there is always a subject, as well as a word in them. n. maybe integral part predicate.

Example: The roses bloomed on time. Subject roses costs in nominative case.

Another example: This tree is birch. Subject tree(Name p., predicate birch- the nominal part of a compound nominal predicate, stands in Im. P.).

Meanings of the genitive case

Genitive. Can associate nouns with different parts of speech. So, if the genitive case connects two nouns, then it will mean:

  • a substance whose measure is indicated: liter of kvass;
  • affiliation: mom's shoes b;
  • object of some action: boiling water;
  • definition relations: beauty of the fields.

The genitive case is used when comparative degree adjectives: stronger than (who?) a bull. With a cardinal number: thousand (what?) rubles.

As for the verb and verb forms, then this case is applied in the following cases:

  • denotes a specific object when associated with transitive verb: write out a receipt;
  • used after verbs such as to fear, to achieve, to lose me and others: seek (what?) permission.

The genitive case is used when reporting exact date. For example: She was born on the sixth (what?) March one thousand nine hundred and eighty-two.

Meanings of the dative and accusative cases

Other cases of nouns are not so rich in lexical meanings and grammatical connections. Thus, the dative case is associated with verbs and some nouns (verbal). Has a side object value: to help parents(compare: help around the house- direct object).

The accusative case indicates that we have a direct object: I'm writing a poem.

Instrumental and prepositional cases

A noun in the instrumental case will have the following meanings:

  • weapon or method of action: punch (with what?)(way), hit (with what?) with a hammer(weapon);
  • subject performing the action: written (by whom?) by mother; washed with (what?) a rag;
  • is part of the nominal part of the predicate: she was (what?) a doctor.

The prepositional case is special, as is clear from its name. It always requires a preposition. May refer to:

  • topic of conversation, thoughts, etc.: let's talk (about what?) about Goethe's work; I think (about whom?) about a beautiful stranger;
  • temporal and geographical indicators: met (when?) last weekend; work (where?) in a cafe.
  • used to indicate a date, but not a full date, but indicating the year: I was born (when?) in nineteen ninety.

Declension of nouns

To write spelling correctly, you need to know not only cases. The declension of nouns has a primary role. There are three types of declension in the Russian language, each of them requires certain endings. To determine whether nouns belong to one of them, case, gender must be known first.

Nouns like homeland, earth, frame, belong to the first declension. They are united by belonging to the feminine gender and endings -а/-я. Also included in these declensions are the few masculine nouns: Vitya, grandfather, dad. In addition to gender, they are united by the endings -a/-я.

The group of masculine nouns is much larger: son-in-law, wolf, sofa. They have a zero ending. Such words belong to the second declension. The same group includes neuter nouns with inflection -о/-е: sea, building, crime.

If you have a feminine noun ending in soft sign(zero ending), it will refer to the third declension: rye, youth, daughter, brooch.

Nouns can have an adjectival declension, that is, they change by case like adjectives and participles. This includes those who have made the transition from these parts of speech to a noun: living room, greeting.

To determine which cases of nouns are used in a sentence, you need to find the word to which the noun refers and ask a question.

For example, let’s determine the cases and declensions of nouns in a sentence: The motorcyclist was riding on flat ground.

Subject motorcyclist does not refer to any other word because it is main member The sentence is therefore in the nominative case. We determine the declension: the zero ending and the masculine gender indicate that the word has 2 declensions. Noun with preposition by area depends on the word was driving. We ask a question: drove (where?) around the area. This is a matter of prepositional case. Terrain- feminine, ending in b, therefore the third declension.

Declension of singular nouns

To determine with what ending you need to write a noun, you must know gender, number, case and declension. Declension can be hard or soft: a word can end in a soft or hard consonant. For example: lamp - solid type; pot- soft.

Let's give examples of declension of singular nouns and pay attention to endings in some forms.

First declension

Solid type

Soft type












About provocation

Pay attention to the dative and prepositional cases. They require the ending -e. In a noun ending in -iya, on the contrary, in these cases the ending -i should be written.

Second declension


Neuter gender

Solid type

Solid type

Soft type







Here we pay attention to the prepositional case: it requires the ending -e. If a noun ends in -й/-и, then it is necessary to write -и in this case.

Third declension

We pay attention to the genitive, dative and prepositional cases: they require the ending -i. It should also be remembered that after sibilants in the singular in this declension it is necessary to write a soft sign. It is not needed in the plural.

Declension of plural nouns

Let's look at the cases of nouns plural.

1st declension

2nd declension

3rd declension

Solid type

Soft type


Neuter gender















About the paintings

About pans

About the barracks

Nouns in the dative, instrumental and prepositional cases have identical endings.

The endings -и/-ы or -а/-я have plural nouns. The first can be found in all three declensions, the second - in some nouns of the second declension: director, watchman, professor.

To distinguish lexical meanings nouns put in the plural form have different endings: sheet, But leaves (of a tree) And sheets (of a book).

Nouns like treaties, elections, engineers, officers, designers You only need to write with the ending -ы. A different inflection is a violation of the norm.

Indeclinable nouns

The Russian language has a unique group of nouns. When changing by case, they have endings of different declensions. The group includes those words that end in -my (for example, time, stirrup), as well as the word path.
















about the stirrup

about stirrups

Like nouns of the 3rd declension, these words in the singular, genitive, dative and prepositional cases require the ending -i.

Immutable nouns

Another one special group nouns are unchangeable. They are not put in number and case form. They always have the same form: without kimono(R.p.) - about kimono(P.p.); new kimono(units) - purchased kimonos(plural).

How to determine in this case how the noun is grammatically expressed? We look at the number and case according to the word to which it refers. Examples:

1. Pedestrians were hurrying along the new highway.

2. New highways have been built.

In the first sentence we determine the number and case of the adjective new(units, d.p.). In the second - also by adjective new(plural, im.p.).

Unchangeable nouns are, as a rule, foreign words, like common nouns ( citro, cafe), and own ( Baku, Hugo). Complex abbreviated words (abbreviations) are also unchangeable. For example: Computer, nuclear power plant.

Many of us remember from school what is called declination. But not everyone will be able to reproduce all aspects associated with it. But knowledge of the rules associated with the declension of names nouns, will help us avoid making spelling mistakes in the future.

Actually any independent part of speech (except for adverbs and gerunds) can change according to its own rules. Verbs, changing in persons and numbers, conjugate, and nominal parts of speech are declined. What does this mean anyway? Declension of words is the ability of nouns, adjectives, numerals and participles to change according to:

  1. Childbirth (male, middle, female, not counting nouns).
  2. Numbers (singular and plural).
  3. Cases.

A vault recognizable to many Russian rules Grammar-80 explains differently what is called declension. He proposes to define it as a change in the class of words by case. Which of the definitions is closer and what is called declension, everyone is free to choose for themselves.

Based on the definition of declination in Russian language, we need to remember what case is. It is called a grammatical form that connects any noun with words of other parts of speech. Case indicates how the parts of speech specifically agree with each other.

For a long time, the case system was subject to changes. IN Old Russian the language counted not 6, as in our time, but seven cases. The next one was called vocative. Today it has already been abolished, and now there are 6 of them left.

  • Nominative. A special case, since only it is called direct (who? what?), others are indirect. In the form named after pad. subjects appear in sentences. Another feature of it: it is the original form for nominal parts of speech.
  • Genitive. This form answers the questions Who? What? In order not to confuse it with other cases, you can substitute the auxiliary word no: cat to them. p, (no) cat born. P.
  • Dative. This case is named so because it answers the questions To whom? Why? Declension of words will be easier if you substitute the word give: cat date. P.
  • Accusative. Quite a controversial form. Has a question similar to the nominative case for inanimate objects - What? True, in relation to living creatures they ask the question Who? The word blame, substituted for what he is checking. noun will help you understand the rules of declension: (blame) cat wine. P.
  • Instrumental. Special case. Answers questions by whom? How? The test word for him is to create: cat TV. pad.
  • Prepositional. Form answering questions About whom? About what? For easy memorization, we substitute the word think: about the cat sentence. P.

We remembered the case system that the Russian language is studying. Declension also depends on the category of number. There are only two of them in our language - singular and plural. Almost all nouns have both forms. But, as with any rule, there are exceptions. Some words are used exclusively in one single form. An example of those that only have a singular number: the sun (well, that's reasonable, it exists in one copy), milk, foliage, highway (it is foreign language).

But Russian the language is so diverse that it has in its arsenal words that are used only in the plural. Example: scissors, pants, glasses, watches, people.

The declension system in the Russian language, as is clear, consists of 3 groups. Each of them has its own characteristics. The 1st declension has the following special features:

  • Words naming certain male persons with the endings a or -ya. uncle, man, dad, Vanya.
  • Nouns that also have the endings a or ya. denoting people and objects of the feminine gender: spring, hand, aunt, Anna.
  • The same endings (-а/-я) with nouns of the general gender (in other words, they immediately denote both male and female persons): crybaby, grouch, sleepyhead, slob.

  • Nouns that have zero endings in their original form and are masculine: table, stump, ceiling, spouse.
  • Words spouse. kind, but ending in o or e. little house.
  • Them. noun with neuter endings o or e: sky, spot, sea, gun.

This group of nouns is the most special. It includes only words of the feminine gender and only with a zero ending: mouse, oven, life, reality.

You need to keep in mind a fundamental rule regarding the third declension: when a word ends in one of the hissing sounds, a soft symbol is certainly written in it (daughter, night, oven). They should not be confused with second declension nouns in sibilant (ray, cloak, mite). They are masculine and therefore do not require a soft sign at the end.

Summarizing the above, we were able to put together the declension of nouns. The table shows everything more clearly. Study it closely.

Now we know what is called declension and what words refer to each of them. But not the entire lexical composition of our language obeys these rules. There are nouns that incorporate endings of both the first and second declension. They are called heterogeneous.

What are the features of such nouns? Firstly, almost all of them end in me: time, name, burden, stirrup and others. And the word path also belongs to this group.

Secondly, the rules for declension of differently indeclinable nouns are such that when changing these words by case, all forms will have the suffix en (except I.p. and V.p.): time, stirrup, seed.

Thirdly, inflecting these words, we can notice that in genitive, dative and prepositional cases they took the ending from the 3rd cl. and in the instrumental the ending -em appeared, as in the 2nd declension.

Our speech is rapid replenished new words of foreign origin. They do not have declension forms in the Russian language and therefore are called indeclinable.

  • Foreign words that came to us from other languages ​​starting with o, -e, -i, - u. coat, fillet, Sochi, kangaroo. In all cases they will have the same form, so there is simply no point in declining them. (Walk in a coat, approach a kangaroo, go to Sochi.)
  • Surnames ending in ko, -ago, -yh. Yurchenko, Zhivago, Belykh. (To be a visitor to Kozarenko, to come to the Reds.)
  • Words formed by abbreviation: USSR, ATS.

Related to this topic is the correct spelling of the letters i and e at the end of nouns. By observing the rules of declension, we were able to identify that the ending e is written in the words:

  1. First declension (the exception is gender): to the river (dat.p.), about mother (pr.p.), on the topic (dat.p.).
  2. Second declension: about the ray (pr.p.), about the sea (pr.p.)
  1. Third declension: in the steppe (pr.p.), towards the night (dat.p.)
  2. First class used in birth. case: by the river.
  3. In words ending in i, i, i. V planetariums, on a promotion, about an event.
  4. For differently inflected nouns they also write and. on the way, about time.

After reading these simple rules, you will know what is called declination. It should not be confused with inflection of other parts of speech, such as conjugation of verbs.

It is imperative to study it, since our practical literacy depends on theoretical knowledge. From our article we can draw the following conclusions:

  • Nouns change not only by cases, but also by numbers.
  • But it is worth remembering that not all words of this part of speech have these categories. Some of them cannot be indeclined at all (indeclinable) and do not have one of the number forms (only plural or singular).
  • Each of the declinations has its own characteristics, so it is worth studying them carefully. We gave an example of the declension of nouns (table).
  • Personal endings that are not accented obey the code certain rules. Depending on the declension and case, the letter will be written either e or i. This topic one of the most difficult in the nouns course.

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In third grade, students are introduced to the concept of “case” and learn that nouns change according to case. Despite the fact that in school curriculum only 6 cases are studied; for children this topic is one of the most difficult topics to study in primary school. Children will have to learn cases and case questions, learn to ask the right questions in order to correctly determine the case of a noun in the text. Why define case? In order to subsequently write the endings of words correctly based on the case and declension of the noun.

Case- This fickle a sign of nouns, i.e. nouns change (decline) according to cases. Changing by case means changing nouns by question. There are six cases in Russian. Each case has its own name and answers a specific question. When a word changes by case, its ending changes.

Cases clarify the role of nouns and their relationship with other words in a sentence.

List of cases


Dry names of cases are very difficult for a child to remember. He needs associations. Therefore, a child’s acquaintance with cases can begin with a fairy tale.

Tale about cases

Once upon a time there lived Case.
He had not yet been born, but they were already thinking about what name to give him and decided to call him Nominative.
Born - became Parent. He liked this name even more.
He was a baby, he was given food and toys, and he became Dative.
But he was a big mischief-maker, they blamed him for all sorts of tricks, and he became accusative.
Then he grew up, began to do good deeds, and they called him Creative.
He began to offer his help to everyone, soon everyone started talking about him and now called him Prepositional.
That’s exactly what they said when they remembered him, they even sang a song:
Nominative, Genitive,
Dative, Accusative,
Creative, Prepositional.

To remember the order of cases, use the mnemonic phrase:

Ivan Gave Birth to a Baby Girl, Ordered to Carry the Diaper.

Table of cases of the Russian language

Please note that in almost all cases you can remember the reference word by the first letters.

Genitive - parents
Dative - gave
Accusative - I see, I blame
Creative - I create

Prepositions of cases and semantic questions

Nominative case - no prepositions. Semantic questions: who? What?

Genitive case: at, from, to, for, from, without, after, about (y), near (y), against, from under, because of. Prepositions that coincide with prepositions of other cases: p. Semantic questions: where? where? whose? whose? whose?

Dative case: to, by. Semantic questions: where? How?

Accusative case: about, through. Prepositions that coincide with prepositions of other cases - in, in, on, for. Semantic questions: where? Where?

Instrumental case: above, between, before. Prepositions that coincide with prepositions of other cases - under, for, with. Semantic questions: where? How?

Prepositional case: about, about, at. Prepositions that coincide with prepositions of other cases - in, in, on. Semantic questions: where?

Cases are divided into direct and indirect

Direct case– this is nominative. In a sentence, only a noun in the nominative case can be the subject.

Indirect cases– all others except the nominative. In a sentence, words in indirect cases are secondary members of the sentence.

To correctly determine the case of a noun, you must:

1. Find in the sentence the word to which the noun refers, pose a question from it;
2. Based on the question and preposition (if there is one), find out the case.

Seagulls circled above the waves. Circling (over what?) above the waves (etc.)

There is a technique that allows you to accurately determine the case only by questions asked. Let's formulate both questions. If we have an inanimate noun, replace it in the sentence with a suitable animate one and pose a question. For two questions we accurately determine the case.

I caught (who?) the cat. Replace the cat with an inanimate object: I caught (what?) a feather. Whom? What? - Accusative.

I couldn't reach (who?) the cat. Replace with inanimate: I couldn’t reach (what?) the branch. Whom? What? - Genitive

To correctly determine the case ending of a noun, you need to determine its case and declension.

Detailed table of cases and case endings of nouns of 1st, 2nd, 3rd declension













1 cl.

2 cl.

3 cl.



Who? What? (There is)

--- ---

And I

Oh, oh


Y, -i, -a, -i



Whom? What? (No)

without, at, before, from, with, about, from, near, after, for, around

Y, -i

And I

Ov, -ev, -ey



To whom? Why? (ladies)

to, by

E, -i

U, -yu

Am, yam



Whom? What? (I see)

in, for, on, about, through

U, -yu

Oh, oh


Y, -i, -a, -i, -ey



By whom? How? (proud)

for, above, under, before, with

Oh (oh)

To her

Om, -eat

Ami, -yami



About whom? About what? (Think)

in, on, about, about, about, at

E, -i

E, -i

Ah, -yah

How to distinguish cases in words with the same endings, forms or prepositions

How to distinguish the nominative and accusative cases:

A noun in the nominative case is the subject of a sentence and does not have a preposition. A noun in the accusative case is a secondary member of the sentence, it can be with or without a preposition.

Mom (I. p.) puts cucumbers (V. p.) in the salad (V. p.).

How to distinguish the genitive and accusative cases:

If the questions in R. p. and V. p. (whom?) coincide, the cases are distinguished by the endings of the words: in R. p. the endings are –a (ya) / -ы (и). In V. p. the endings are –у (у).

Paw (who?) of a marten - R.p. / I see (who?) a marten - V. p.

If both questions and endings coincide, it is necessary to substitute any feminine word with the ending –a(ya) – instead of the words. Then in R. p. the ending will be -у(и), and in V. p. the ending will be -у(у).

The paw of (who?) a bear - I see (who?) a bear.

We check:

Paw of (who?) (fox) bear - R. p. - I see (who?) (fox) bear - V. p.

How to distinguish the genitive and instrumental cases with the preposition “with”:

If the preposition “s” coincides in R. p. and Tv. etc. distinguish them by case and semantic questions (from where? in R. p. and with what? in Tv. p.) and the endings of words in these cases.

Picked up (from where?) from the ground - R. p. / picked up a box (with what?) with earth - V. p.

How to distinguish the dative and genitive cases, which are the same in pronunciation:

A word without a preposition in D. p. will coincide in pronunciation with the word in R. p. (their endings in writing are different). To distinguish them, you need to understand the meaning of the phrase with this word.

D. p. - wrote a letter to grandmother Natasha [and] - grandmother’s name is Natasha

R. p. – wrote a letter to Natasha’s grandmother [and] – this is Natasha’s grandmother

How to distinguish the dative and prepositional cases if they have the same endings and semantic questions:

In this case, you need to pay attention to the prepositions that are different in these cases.

D. p. - floats (where?) on the sea - prepositions to, by

P. p. – located (where?) in the sea – prepositions in, in, on

How to distinguish the instrumental and accusative cases when semantic questions and prepositions coincide:

In case of coincidence of semantic questions and prepositions in TV. p. and v. p. you need to focus on case questions and endings.

TV p. – hid (where?, behind what?) behind the chest of drawers

V.p. – hid (where?, for what?) behind the chest of drawers

How to distinguish the accusative and prepositional cases when prepositions coincide:

If the prepositions of V. p. and P. p. coincide, it is necessary to focus on questions.

V. p. - ascended (where?, on what?) onto the pedestal

P. p. – stood (where?, on what?) on a pedestal

Poems about cases

I am Nominative case,
And I don’t have other people’s clothes on me.
Everyone recognizes me easily
And the subjects are called.
I don’t like prepositions since childhood,
I can't stand being around you.
My questions are WHO? So what?
No one will confuse it with anything.

And I case Genitive
My character is sociable.
WHOM? WHAT? And here I am!
Prepositions are often my friends.
Prepositions are often my friends.
I look like an accusative
I happen sometimes
But in the text you will discern
Always two cases.

I am called Dative,
I work diligently.
WHOM should I give it to? Call for what?
Only I can say.

And I am Accusative case,
And I blame it all on the ignorant.
But I love excellent students,
I catch “fives” for them.
Who to call, what to play,
I'm ready to give the guys some advice.
Don't mind making friends with pretexts,
But I can live without them.

And I am instrumental case
I am filled with all sorts of hopes.
Create! - How? Create! - With whom?
I'll tell you - no problem!

And I am the prepositional case,
My case is complicated.
I don't like light without excuses.
Oh yes, we need excuses
I have no way without them.
Then I can tell
What is the dream?

Nominative, genitive,
Dative, accusative,
Creative, prepositional...
It's difficult to remember them all.
Always keep in your memory
Names. These are cases.


He is the beginning case,
Questions – WHO? So what?
It contains mom, dad, elephant, playpen,
Both school and coat.


Questions: No WHO? WHAT?
I don't have a brother
And not a single hamster...
It's all mom's fault!


This is an apple, tell me
I will give it to WHOM? WHAT?
Maybe Lena? Or Vitya?
No, probably no one...


Oh! The toys are a mess!
I don’t understand it myself:
Blame WHOM? So what?
A doll? Cubes? Lotto?


I want to compose songs.
WITH WHOM? WHAT should I use to study sheet music?
Write to me with a pen or pen,
Or colored pencil?


I'm thinking about WHO? ABOUT WHAT?
About school, about verbs.
Or rather, I'm thinking about
I'm so tired of school...

But now all cases
I have firmly memorized it.
Try teaching it that way too,
After all, knowledge is POWER!!!

Polak Frida

Nominative is you
picking flowers
and the genitive is for you
the trill and clicking of the nightingale.
If it's dative, it's all for you,
happiness named in fate,
then accusative... No, wait,
I'm not simple in grammar,
want new cases
Shall I offer you? - Offer!
- The countercase is the case,
the recognition case is
loving, affectionate,
kissing is the case.
But they are not the same -
expectant and languid,
parting and painful,
and jealous is a case.
I have a hundred thousand of them,
but in grammar there are only six!

Kirsanov Semyon

The nominative exclaimed:
- My birthday boy is THAT,
Which is amazing
Learns science!
“TOGO,” said the PARENT, “
I deny who
Can't live without parents
Put on your coat.
“THAT,” answered the DATIVE, “
I'll give you a bad name
Who hasn't loved diligently
Do the lessons yourself.
“TOGO,” said the ACCUSETIVE, “
I will blame
Who read the book expressively
Can't read.
I'm just fine
Who is very respectful
Refers to work.
I'll offer a story
Who in life can do
Useful for us.

Tetivkin A.

Spring cases

Everything has awakened from sleep:
SPRING is moving around the world.

It's like we're blooming
Feeling the arrival of SPRING.

And I wanted to go out
Towards young SPRING.

I'll drown in green leaves
And I’ll blame SPRING for this.

Nature breathes only one
Unique SPRING.

A starling perched on a pine tree
Bawling songs ABOUT SPRING.

Tell others about it
And you will repeat the cases.

Klyuchkina N.


I ran away from home
I walked until evening
I dived from a tree into a snowdrift,
I dreamed of living without lessons.
For the snowflake collection
I collected with my tongue.
Dancing around the fire
And he jumped around the yard.
Do I need to do homework?
I don't care about that!
Here I am standing at the blackboard
And I sigh with sadness.
But the genitive case
I won’t forget, even if I kill you. (T. Rick)


If I had names
Gave to cases
I would then be a giver
DATIVE named!
And how I daydream,
Dressing up as Santa Claus
And I bring gifts to everyone:
Brother, sister, dog.
And WHO else? WHAT?
Chick, horse, catfish,
Cat, hare, hippopotamus,
Crocodile and elephant!
I'm in a hurry to get to the locomotive,
I'm flying along the ground, rushing!
I'll deliver gifts to everyone
And then I’ll return home! (T. Rick)


I am the accusative case,
I blame everyone everywhere.
There's no hope
That I won’t make a mistake.
Substitute the word “see”
And define me.
- “If you want to know a lot,
Hurry up and learn to read!”
To remember the ACCUSATIVE,
I learned... to fly!
How can I fly to the ceiling?
Yes, I’ll wave over the threshold,
I fly out the window,
I'm heading for the meadow.
I hate to blame
I will list everything.
WHAT will I see and WHOM -
I'll name one!
I see a river, I see a garden -
I name everything!
I see a cherry, I see a plum.
How beautiful it is all around!
They are building a club not far away,
Painting a boat on the sand...
That's enough, I'm going back to school,
I fly into class lightly. (T. Rick)

Instrumental case

To keep up with everyone,
Be considered smart
We need to understand everything now
In the CREATIVE case.
What is there to say for a long time?
So I decided... to create!
Pencil, took paper
And I painted the landscape.
I am an artist, I am a creator!
Wow, what a great guy I am!
The bush is blooming in front of the castle,
A snake lives under a snag,
A falcon flies over the road,
Behind the fence the horse neighs.
I create with a pencil
On its big leaf.
I decorated the view with difficulty
A forest, a cloud over a pond.
Come on, I'll turn over the leaf.
And I’ll start creating again.
My the hero is coming war,
He wants to rule the country
Hit enemies with an arrow
Water them with resin from the tower.
Stop! Think with your head
Why go to war!
Better world finish the job!
I'll close my album (T. Rick)


I'm bored in class.
Well, I'd rather dream.
I really like to dream!
I wish I could become a princess!
I dream of a crown:
I will sit on the throne in it.
I dream of an elephant
To ride in the moonlight.
I dream of earrings
I dream of boots.
In the evenings in the dark
I dream of an eagle:
I will fly with him in freedom.
I will go to school...
Oh, I'm already dreaming...

All existing cases of the Russian language

1) Nominative case - who?, what?
2) Genitive case - no one?, what?
3) Dative case - give to whom?, to what?, determines the end point of the action.
4) Accusative case - I see who?, what?, denotes the direct object of the action;
5) Instrumental case - I create with whom?, with what?, defines the instrument, some types of temporary belonging (at night);
6) Prepositional case - think about whom?, about what?

7) Vocative case. From the Church Slavonic vocative case we only have the word “God!” (well, Father, mentor Ambrose, Panteleimon, etc. for those who read prayers). In modern Russian, this case occurs when we address: Mom, Dad, Uncle, Aunt An, where it is formed by “cutting off” the ending or by specially adding the ending: Vanyush (Tanyush), come out!

8) Local case. Usually used with the prepositions “At”, “In” and “On”. Characteristic question: Where? What does it have to do with it? On what? - In the forest (not in the forest), On the closet (not on the closet), On the shelf (not on the shelf) - but what about in Holy Rus', in Ukraine?

9) Dividing case. It is formed as a derivative of the genitive case: Pour kefir into a glass (Drink kefir), Lie a head of garlic (eat garlic) Take a sip of tea (drink tea), Set the heat (not heat), Turn up the heat (not move), Young man, no fire is there?

10) Counting case - found in phrases with a numeral: Two hours (not even an hour has passed), Take three steps (not steps).

11) Positive case - determines the starting point of movement: From the forest, From home. The noun becomes unstressed: I came out of the forest; it was bitterly cold.

12) Deprivative case - used exclusively with verbs of negation: I don’t want to know the truth (not the truth), cannot have the right (not the right).

13) Quantitative-separation case - similar to the genitive case, but has differences: a cup of tea (instead of tea), set the heat (instead of heat), increase the speed (instead of adding speed).

14) Waiting case - It is also the genitive-accusative case: Waiting for (who? what?) a letter (not a letter), Waiting for (who? what?) mom (not moms), Waiting by the sea for weather (not weather).

15) Permutative (aka inclusive) case. Derived from the accusative case (in whom? in what?). It is used exclusively in figures of speech like: Become a pilot, Run for deputy, Take a wife, Be fit to be a son.

Declension is the change in words belonging to different parts of speech (adjectives, pronouns, nouns, numerals and others) according to numbers and cases. The ability to inflect words is necessary for correctly composing sentences. For example, in simple sentence“I'm walking through the forest” the letter “U” was added to the word “forest”. If the wrong declension of this word were chosen, the sentence could take the form: “I am walking through the forest.” This is why it is so important to pronounce words correctly.

Cases in Russian

The type of declension cannot be determined without knowing the case of the noun. They are necessary to express the different roles of nouns when used in sentences. There are 6 cases in total, each of which can be determined by asking the main question. Words in some cases can also answer auxiliary questions, which makes determining the case even easier. For example, if a noun answers the question “where from?”, it is in the nominative case. The prepositional case can be determined if the noun answers the question “where?”, and the accusative case – “where?”. This is described in more detail in the table below.

Case name Main questions,
for which
names answer
in sentences
(not used
for each
Nominative(abbr. – I) "who what?" Earth
Genitive(abbr. – R) “who?”, “what?” "where?" Earth - and
Dative(abbr. – D) "to whom; to what?" Earth - e
Accusative(abbr. – B) “who?”, “what?” "Where?" Earth - yu
Instrumental(abbr. – T) “by whom?”, “with what?” Earth - her
Prepositional(abbr. – P) "About who about what?" "Where?" Earth - e

It is customary to call the nominative case direct, and all others - indirect. The ability to determine the cases of words in sentences is very important for determining declensions.

Determination of declinations

To determine the declension of a noun, you need to put the word in its initial form (singular, nominative case). Belonging to one of the declensions available in the Russian language can be determined by the ending that the noun has in the initial form.

The Russian language provides 3 main types declensions for nouns. They are presented in the table below.

Declensions Explanations What to pay attention to
First Nouns in the singular, in the nominative case, belonging to the masculine, feminine and general genders, having the endings - a, - ya. Examples: mass, pine, bully, young man. In nouns that end in –ia, in the prepositional and dative cases of the singular, it is necessary to put the ending – and (Armenia, action).
Second Singular nouns in the nominative case:
    1) With zero ending; 2) With endings - o, - e.

Examples: poplar, tree, sea.

In nouns with endings - й, - ь in the prepositional case of the singular it is necessary to put the ending - и.
Third Nouns in the singular, in the nominative case, belonging to the feminine gender.

Examples: night, oven, sadness.

If feminine singular nouns in the accusative and nominative cases end in a sibilant (ch, sh, zh, sch), a soft sign must be placed at the end of the word.

Examples: baldness, night, oven.

The main declensions are also called productive, since most of the nouns in the Russian language belong to them. But there are also so-called unproductive types of declinations.

Unproductive types of declinations

TO this type, which is also called minor, include the following:

  • Adjective, which is represented by nouns whose initial form corresponds to singular adjectives in the nominative case. Examples: subject, hallway, military.
  • Mixed declension, which includes nouns denoting names settlements(cities, villages) and Russian surnames with the suffixes -ov, - ovo, - in, - ino. Examples: Petrov, Malinin, Ivanovo.
  • Indeclinable words belonging to a noun. These include all nouns that end in -mya. Examples: name, time. Also considered heterodeclinable are those nouns in which, when declensioned, endings of different productive types of declensions appear. Examples: path, child.
  • Nouns that are not inflected. These include words that always have a zero ending, regardless of number and case. Examples: cocoa, coat, piano.

Declension of nouns in the plural

There are practically no differences between the types of declension of nouns that are in the plural. However, for some plural nouns that belong to the masculine gender and are in the nominative case, the endings - and (-s) can be replaced by stressed ones - i (-a). These include:

  • Most monosyllabic nouns (silk - silk - a, snow - snow - a). · Two-syllable nouns, if in the singular form the stress falls on the first syllable (evening - evening - a, voice - voice - a, district - district - a).

There are no strict patterns in the distribution of nouns according to various options. The table below shows some of the most commonly used words to avoid mistakes in their use.

For some plural nouns, both endings - ы (-и) and - а (-я) can be used in the nominative case. Examples: wind(s), years(s), mechanics(s), bakers(s), tractor(s) and others.

You should also take into account the meaning of words, which determines the use of plural endings in the nominative case. Examples: sheets ( paper production) and leaves (found in plants), bellows (used by blacksmiths) and furs (finishing animal skins), belts (related to geography) and belts (synonymous with belts) and many others.

When declension of plural nouns in the genitive case, there may be zero endings or - ев (-ов) and -е. There is also no clear pattern here, so for clarity, the table below provides some examples that will help you avoid mistakes.


When determining the declension of a word (part of speech - noun) in a sentence, it is necessary to present this word in the initial form (singular, nominative case). Declension is determined by the gender and ending of the word. It should be remembered that for nouns that have only a plural form, the declension cannot be determined (firewood, sleigh, etc.).

Video tutorial on the rules for declensions of nouns

Below is a video lesson on the Russian language on the topic “Declination of nouns”

Russian language is one of the most difficult on the planet. His grammar is difficult even for Russian people, not to mention foreigners. But we, native speakers, must certainly become familiar with it in order to be able to correctly express our thoughts.

Determination of declination

In order to understand what declension is, you need to study the cases a little. There are six of them in our language:

  • nominative, answering the questions “who?”, “what?”;
  • genitive - “who?”, “what?”;
  • dative - “to whom?”, “what?”;
  • accusative - “who?”, “what?”;
  • instrumental - “by whom?”, “with what?”;
  • prepositional - “about whom?”, “about what?”.

Case shows the syntactic role of a word in a sentence, in other words, it highlights the main and minor members, and also connects them with each other.

Declension is the concept of nominal parts of speech, because it is responsible for inflection in a sentence. This is a change in number, gender and case. Let's figure out how to determine declination various parts speech.

Declension of a noun

Changing nouns by case, as well as by number, is called declension. Now it’s worth learning more about how to determine the declension of nouns.

Depending on the ending of the noun in the singular and in the nominative case, this part of speech is assigned to one of the 3 existing declensions. Using the following table, it is very easy to figure out how to determine the declension of a noun.

Nouns that do not have a singular number cannot be classified into any of the 3 declensions. There are also a number of exceptions to the rule. For example, 10 neuter nouns ending in “-mya” and the nouns “path” and “child” are classified as heterodeclinable.

In response to the question of how to determine declination, tables were created for visual study. They show how a noun of one or another declension changes depending on gender and case.

1st declension




Now let's take a closer look at how to determine the declension of a noun that has a masculine gender and a zero ending.

2nd declension. Masculine


Unit number

Mn. number

2nd declension. Neuter gender

3rd declension

Declension of numerals

At every step in everyday speech we have to use numerals in one form or another. It would seem that they should already remember all the rules by heart, but that was not the case. Is this the form you use in your speech? The following tables will help you figure it out.

Since numerals can be quantitative, ordinal, collective and fractional, there will be several rules for determining declension. In addition, elements of one group can also have their own characteristics.

Cardinal numbers are inflected depending on number and gender. But this also has its own characteristics: for example, the numeral “one” can have a singular or plural form, and be masculine, feminine and neuter. The numeral “two” can be feminine or masculine, but “three” and “four” are declined depending on what is being said. If we talk about inanimate objects, we describe “three” objects, if we talk about living objects, we describe “three”.

How do ordinal numbers change? They have adjective endings: first, first, first, etc.

Conjugation of verbs

A very often asked question is how to determine the declension of a verb? However, this form of the question is not entirely correct, because the verb does not have a declension. Changing this part of speech is called conjugation, and the verb has two of them.

First of all, the verb is put in an indefinite form: it must answer the questions “what to do?” or “what should I do?” Then they look at the ending and compare it with the table:

It is also worth noting verbs that are classified as heteroconjugated, because they combine the endings of both 1 and 2 conjugations: want, run, honor.


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