How many generals of the Red Army went over to the side of the enemy during the Great Patriotic War. The fate of captured Soviet generals

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During the Great Patriotic War On the fields of fierce battles, not only ordinary soldiers and commanders died, but also their senior commanders, generals and admirals.
So in the early 1990s, a list was published in the Military Historical Journal containing 416 names of Soviet generals and admirals who died during the war.

Brief information about the dead.
Losses of generals military ranks, positions held and circumstances of death are characterized by the following data:
Marshal Soviet Union 1
Army Generals 4
Colonel General 4
Lieutenant General 56
Major Generals 343
Vice Admirals 2
Rear admirals. 6
Total: 416 people.

Among the dead and deceased generals and admirals (416 people) the following were taken into account:
Marshal of the Soviet Union Shaposhnikov Boris Mikhailovich, former chief of the General Staff of the Red Army, died of illness on March 26, 1945, while being head of the Academy of the General Staff. Buried in Moscow.

Army generals:
Apanasenko Joseph Rodionovich, deputy commander of the Voronezh Front. Died of wounds on August 5, 1943. Buried in Belgorod.
Vatutin Nikolai Fedorovich, commander of the 1st Ukrainian Front. Died of wounds on April 15, 1944. Buried in Kyiv.
Pavlov Dmitry Grigorievich, commander of the troops of the Western Front. Shot by a military tribunal in 1941. Rehabilitated on July 31, 1957.
Chernyakhovsky Ivan Danilovich, commander of the 3rd Belorussian Front. Died on February 18, 1945. Buried in Vilnius, reburied in Voronezh.

Colonel General:
Zakharkin Ivan Grigorievich, commander of the troops of the Odessa Military District. Died on October 15, 1944 in a car accident. Buried in Odessa.
Kirponos Mikhail Petrovich, commander of the troops of the Southwestern Front. Killed in battle on September 20, 1941. Reburied in Kyiv.
Leselidze Konstantin Nikolaevich, commander of the 18th Army on the North Caucasus Front. Died of illness on February 21, 1944. Buried in Tbilisi.
Pestov Vladimir Ivanovich, commander of the artillery of the Transcaucasian Front. Died of illness in April 1944. Buried in Tbilisi.

This number did not include Colonel General A.D. Loktionov, who did not take part in the war. G. M. Stern, Lieutenant Generals P. A. Alekseev, F. K. Arzhenukhin, I. I. Proskurov, E. S. Ptukhin. P. I. Pumpur, K. P. Pyadyshev, P. V. Rychagov, Ya. V. Smushkevich, Major Generals P. S. Volodin, M. M. Kayukov, A. A. Levin, repressed before the war and executed during the war years.

Generals (admirals) by position:

Commanders of troops of fronts 4
Deputy and assistant commanders of troops of fronts 3
Chiefs of Staff of Fronts 5
Commanders of the troops of military districts 1
Deputy commanders of military districts 1
Chiefs of Staff of Military Districts 2
Members of the military councils of fronts 2
Members of military councils of armies 4
Army commanders 22
Deputy Army Commanders 12
Chiefs of Army Staff 12
Corps commanders 54
Deputy commanders of corps 19
Chiefs of Staff of Corps 4
Division commanders 117
Deputy division commanders 2
Brigade commanders 9
Squadron commanders. Air Force commanders of armies, fronts, fleets 9
Heads of communications, engineering troops, rear and VOSO fronts 2
Army logistics chiefs 9
Commanders of artillery, armored and mechanized forces of fronts, armies, corps 41
Chiefs of engineering troops, army communications 3
Deputy chiefs of staff of fronts, fleets, armies 6
Generals of the central and main departments of the People's Commissariat of Defense of the USSR, military academies, schools, research institutes 45
Other officials 28
Total 416

Among them:
Commanders of the front troops, Army Generals N.F. Vatutin, D.G. Pavlov, I.D. Chernyakhovsky, Colonel General M.P. Kirponos.

Deputy and assistant commanders of front troops, Army General I.R. Apanasenko, Lieutenant General F.Ya. Kostenko, Major General L.V. Bobkin.

Chiefs of staff of the fronts, Lieutenant General P.I. Bodin, P.S. Klenov, Major General V.E. Klimovskikh, G.D. Stelmakh, V.I. Dead ends.

Commander of the Odessa Military District, Colonel General I.G. Zakharkin. Chiefs of staff of military districts, Major General A.D. Korneev, N.V. Pastushikhin. Members of the military councils of the fronts, Lieutenant General K.A. Gurov and K.N. Zimin. Members of the military councils of the armies, Major General A.F. Bobrov, I.V. Vasiliev, I.A. Gavrilov, B.O. Galstyan.

Army commanders Colonel General K.N. Leselidze, Lieutenant General S.D. Akimov, A.M. Gorodnyansky, F.A. Ershakov, M.G. Efremov, A.I. Zygin, V.Ya. Kachalov, P.P. Korzun, V.N. Lvov, I.F. Nikolaev, K.P. Podlas, P.S. Pshennikov, A.K. Smirnov, P.M. Filatov, F.M. Kharitonov, V.A. Khomenko, Major Generals K.M. Kachanov, A.A. Korobkov, A.V. Lapshov, A.I. Lizyukov, M.P. Petrov, K.I. Rakutin.

According to the circumstances of death (death)
Killed in action 185
61 died from their injuries
14 missing
Killed or died while in captivity 23
Exploded by mines 9
Killed in a plane crash 12
Killed in a car accident 6
Died in an accident 2
Died from the disease 79
18 were shot and posthumously rehabilitated
Committed suicide to avoid capture 4
Committed suicide 3
Total 416

In addition, during the war, 2 corps and 5 divisional commissars who served in political positions were killed, died or went missing:
members of military councils of fronts 2
members of military councils of armies 3
head of the political department of the army 1
deputy division commander for political affairs 1

However, not all researchers and historians agree with the figure 416, for example, the military historian Shabaev is convinced that there were 438 of them, Kuznetsov - 442.

Military-historical literature and documents of the Russian State Military Archive (RGVA) and the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (TsAMO) provide grounds for including in the list - in addition to 416 - the names of 42 more generals and admirals who died from 1941 to 1945. Taking into account the new data, a list of 458 people is obtained.

In 1993 and 2001, a team led by Colonel General Krivosheev published a statistical study in two publications on the losses of the Soviet Armed Forces (AF) in the twentieth century. If in the first edition the number was 421 (general), then in the second it was reduced to 416.

The authors, citing the figure of 416 people, stated that this number did not include Colonel Generals Alexander Loktionov, Grigory Stern, Lieutenant Generals Alekseev, Arzhenukhin, Proskurov, Ptukhin, Pumpur, Pyadyshev, Rychagov, Smushkevich, General, who did not take part in the war - Majors Volodin, Kayukov, Levin, repressed before the war and executed during the war.

This statement is not entirely true. Firstly, generals Volodin, Proskurov, Ptukhin and Pyadyshev were arrested not before the war, but at the beginning of the war, which means they took part in it. Aviation Major General Volodin at the end of June 1941 was the chief of staff of the Red Army Air Force, Lieutenant General Pyadyshev fought as deputy commander of the Northern Front and commanded the Luga operational group, and Heroes of the Soviet Union, aviation lieutenant generals Proskurov and Ptukhin participated in the war as commanders Air Force of the 7th Army and Air Force of the Southwestern Front. Secondly, among the 416 listed on the official list there are several dozen generals and admirals who were not in active army not a single day and died from illnesses and accidents in the rear.

The greatest combat losses occurred in 1941. This is when in six months (June 22 - December 31, 1941) the Red Army lost 74 generals - that is, it lost 12-13 people every month. representatives of their senior command staff.

According to other data, losses in 1941 were even higher (in six months - 107 people) - 18 people per month. True, already in 1942–1944 the losses were half as large (from 8 to 9 people per month).

In the first year of the war, four generals, finding themselves surrounded, did not want to surrender and shot themselves; it is known that during the entire war, 11 Soviet generals did not want to surrender alive to the enemy and shot themselves.

By category, command personnel suffered the greatest damage during the war (almost 89%), while political - less than 2%, technical - 2.8%, administrative - 4.6%, medical - about 1%, legal - 0.65%. Air Force (Air Force) generals accounted for 8.73% of the fatalities, while admirals and Navy generals accounted for 3.71% total number losses of senior officers. The Ground Forces suffered heavy losses - 87.56% belonged to them dead generals. 1%.

In the 1960s-1990s, domestic publications cited different figures for the losses of Soviet generals and admirals in 1941-1945. In 1991-1994. an updated list containing 416 names of senior officers of the army and navy 1 was published in the Military Historical Journal; military historian A.A. Shabaev wrote about 438 generals and admirals who died during the war 2, and finally, I.I. Kuznetsov provided new data - 442 people 3 .

The study of military historical literature, documents of the Russian State Military Archive (RGVA) and the Central Archive of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (TsAMO RF) allowed the author to include in the list, in addition to 416, 42 more names of generals and admirals who died in 1941-1945. Taking into account the identified names, more than full list generals and admirals (458 people) indicating the last name, first name, patronymic, rank, last position, date and circumstances of death 4. It should be noted that in military-historical and memoir literature other names of fallen generals are also named. Since writers and memoirists sometimes give erroneous information about the time and circumstances of the death of a particular general, each name had to be checked against documents from the RGVA and TsAMO of the Russian Federation, eliminating obvious errors and making the necessary clarifications.

Having established the total number of losses, it is necessary to consider them by period of the war and the circumstances of death. According to the order of the Deputy People's Commissar of Defense dated February 4, 1944, irretrievable losses include those killed in battle, missing at the front, those who died from wounds on the battlefield and in medical institutions, those who died from diseases acquired at the front, or those who died at the front from other causes. who were captured. By their nature, losses are divided into combat and non-combat. Combatants are those killed on the battlefield, those who died from wounds during medical evacuation and in hospitals, those who went missing in action and those who were captured. Non-combat losses include losses not associated with the direct execution of a combat mission, including in troops conducting fighting: those who died due to careless handling of weapons, in accidents, catastrophes and as a result of other incidents, who died from illness in medical institutions (at home), who committed suicide, who were executed by verdict of military tribunals for various military and criminal crimes 5 .

In 1993 and 2001 a statistical study on the losses of the Soviet Armed Forces in the twentieth century was published in two editions 6 . If in the first edition the figure was 421 generals, then in the second it was reduced to 416 people, although it should have been the other way around, since during the time that elapsed between the two editions, additional information about the generals killed in the war, 7 and the total number of losses was supposed to increase. However, the authors of the statistical study, citing the figure of 416 people, stated that “this number did not include Colonel General A.D. who did not take part in the war. Loktionov, G.M. Stern, Lieutenant General P.A. Alekseev, F.K. Arzhenukhin, I.I. Proskurov, E.S. Ptukhin, P.I. Pumpur, K.P. Pyadyshev, P.V. Rychagov, Ya.V. Smushkevich, Major General P.S. Volodin, M.M. Kayukov, A.A. Levin, repressed before the war and executed during the war” 8.

But, firstly, generals Volodin, Proskurov, Ptukhin and Pyadyshev were arrested not before the war, but at the beginning of the war, i.e. took part in it. Secondly, in my opinion, there is no reason to exclude generals who died or were killed during the war from the number of non-combat losses under the pretext of their non-participation in hostilities. Therefore, in accordance with the mentioned order, it is apparently advisable to include in the list of irretrievable losses all generals and admirals whose lives were cut short between June 22, 1941 and May 9, 1945. Of course, some of them will be included in the category of combat losses, others - non-combat losses.

The results of calculating the irretrievable losses of the Soviet senior officers are presented in table. 1.

Table 1.

* Russia and the USSR in the wars of the twentieth century. Losses of the Armed Forces: A Statistical Study. M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2001. P. 432.

As we can see, the major generals suffered the greatest losses - 372 people, i.e. more than 80 percent, 66 lieutenant generals died (about 14 percent), colonel generals - 6 (1.3 percent), rear admirals - 7 (1.5 percent), the rest (marshals, army generals and vice admirals) - less than 1 percent.

It is natural that the greatest combat losses occurred in 1941, when the Red Army was retreating, entire armies were surrounded, hundreds of thousands of people were captured, including dozens of generals. If during the 46 months of the war 15 generals went missing, then over 73 percent. this amount occurred in the first six months. Combat losses during this time (June 22 - December 31, 1941) amounted to 74 people, i.e. 12-13 generals died monthly (see Table 2).

Table 2.

Combat losses of senior officers in the Great Patriotic War

Reasons for losses Years in the period from 1941 to 1945.
1941 1942 1943 1944 1945
Killed in battle 48 41 40 37 16 182
Died from wounds 10 10 13 17 12 62
Missing 11 2 2 - - 15
Died in captivity 3 6 6 5 3 23
They shot themselves to avoid capture 1 3 - - - 4
Exploded by mines 0 1 2 6 - 9
Died at the hands of saboteurs 1 - - - - 1
Total: 74 63 63 65 31 296

Already on the second day of the war, June 23, 1941, the Soviet generals suffered their first losses. During a German air raid on the command post, the assistant commander of the Western Front, Major General I.P., was killed by a fragment of an aerial bomb. Mikhailin. Until the end of June 1941, division commanders, Major General V.P., died in battle. Puganov and D.P. Safonov, corps commanders S.M. Kondrusev, M.G. Khatskilevich, V.B. Borisov and other formation commanders. On July 8, a Messerschmitt fired at the car of the commander of the 13th Army P.M. Filatova. The seriously wounded general was evacuated to a Moscow hospital, where he died. Lieutenant General Filatov became the first army commander to die in the Great Patriotic War.

The difficult situation of retreat often forced the generals to mind their own business. There are known cases when military leaders, instead of leading the battle from a command post, personally led soldiers into an attack and died on the battlefield. When surrounded, many of them found themselves under enemy fire and died like ordinary soldiers. As an example, we can cite the death of the commander of the Southwestern Front, Colonel General M.P. Kirponos and the chief of staff of the front, Major General V.I. Tupikov, who died in the Shumeikovo tract on September 20, 1941.

Division and corps commanders and army commanders died in dozens. In the first year of the war, 4 generals, finding themselves surrounded and not wanting to surrender, shot themselves: the commander of the 33rd Army, Lieutenant General M.G. Efremov, Chief of Staff of the 57th Army, Major General A.F. Anisov, generals S.V. Verzin and P.S. Ivanov.

During the war years, over 70 Soviet generals were captured (the vast majority in 1941-1942). Well-known generals in the army were captured: former commander of the Ural Military District, Lieutenant General F.A. Ershakov, head of the department of the Academy of the General Staff of the Red Army, Lieutenant General of the Engineering Troops D.M. Karbyshev, several army commanders and dozens of corps and division commanders. The vast majority of captured generals behaved with dignity and remained faithful to their oath. Only a few agreed to cooperate with the enemy. In total, 23 Soviet generals died in German captivity.

Several generals, finding themselves in enemy-occupied territory, continued to fight as part of partisan detachments. On December 10, 1941, the head of the Bakhchisarai partisan region, Major General D.I., died. Averkin, previously commander of the 48th Cavalry Division. In June 1942 he died in hand-to-hand combat commander partisan detachment General N.V. Kornev (former chief of staff of the Air Force of the 20th Army of the Western Front). Commander of the 10th Tank Division of the Southwestern Front, General S.Ya. Ogurtsov was captured in August 1941, and in April 1942 he escaped from captivity, fought in a partisan detachment and died in battle in October 1942.

Unfortunately, a number of losses are explained by ordinary carelessness. So, on November 9, 1943, the commander of the 44th Army, Lieutenant General

V. A. Khomenko and the chief of artillery of this army, Major General S. A. Bobkov, having lost their orientation, drove a car into the enemy’s location and were shot at point-blank range 9 .

In the combat losses section specific gravity those killed in battle and those who died from wounds ranged from 77 to 90 percent. About 5 percent total losses (or about 8 percent of combat losses) were losses in captivity. 11 generals went missing in 1941 (about 15 percent of combat losses), in 1942 and 1943. two generals each (less than 1 percent). Of the 458 total casualties, combat losses for the entire period of the war amounted to 296 people (64.6 percent).

Thus, irretrievable losses among the Soviet generals amounted to 107 people in 1941, 100 in 1942, 94 in 1943, 108 in 1944, 49 in 1945; only 458 people.

An analysis of non-combat losses (see Table 3) shows that in 1941, out of 33 people, three died from illness, two shot themselves, one died in a disaster, and 27 generals (almost 82 percent) were shot. In 1942, the share of repressed generals in the number of non-combat losses decreased to 56.8 percent. This is also a lot of 10. In 1943-1945. the picture has changed. The bulk of non-combat losses were already those who died from disease. Moreover, these were not always elderly people. Many of the deceased generals (about 60 percent) were under 50 years of age. In addition, there were losses as a result of various accidents and accidents. Thus, the commander of the Baltic Fleet squadron, Vice Admiral V.P. Drozd died on January 29, 1943, while driving in a car on the ice of the Gulf of Finland. The car fell into a hole in the ice, and the honored admiral died. Head of the Scientific and Technical Directorate of the Navy, Engineer Vice Admiral A.G. Orlov died in a plane crash on April 28, 1945. In 1944 and 1945, 15 people died in car and plane accidents, and a total of 19 generals and admirals died during the war.

Table 3 .

Non-combat losses of senior officers in the Great Patriotic War


Distribution of losses of senior officers by year and military rank

In the period 1941 to 1945

Marshal of the Soviet Union

Army General

General - regiment

Lieutenant General

Major General

Vice Admiral

Rear Admiral

Table 5

Distribution of losses of senior officers by position

Job title



Are common

Front Commander

Commander of a military district

Deputy and Assistant Commander of the Front and Military District

Army commander

Deputy Army Commander

Corps commander

Deputy Corps Commander

Division commander, his deputy

Brigade commander

Commander of a special (separate) group

Chief of Staff of a front, military district, army
, corps, division, his deputy

Commander of artillery of the front, army, corps

Commander of Armored and Mechanized
troops of the front, military district, army

Commander of the Air Force of the front, military district, army, his deputy

Member of the military council of the front, army

Head of Logistics (Communications, Engineering Troops, Military Communications)
front, army, his deputy

Generals of the main and central departments of NPOs

Employees of design bureaus, research institutes and military educational institutions

Admirals and generals of the NKVMF

Other officials

Share of non-combat losses in 1941-1943 fluctuated between 27-30 percent, and in 1944-1945. - 36-39 percent. If at the beginning of the war there were many repressed generals, then at the end of it the mortality rate from disease increased, amounting to 85 percent in 1943, 75 percent in 1944, and 66.6 percent in 1945. non-combat losses of the corresponding year.

During 46 and a half months of the war, 458 senior command personnel were killed and died, i.e. on average about 10 people per month (see Table 4). But these losses were distributed unevenly over the years of the war. They were the highest in 1941 - 107 people in 6 months, i.e. about 18 people monthly. IN

1942-1944 losses were halved (8 - 9 people per month). And in the last months of the war, January-May 1945, there was again an increase in losses: 49 people in 4 months (12 per month). However, in 1945, this figure increased mainly due to the increased number of deaths from disease and fatalities in disasters.

The largest number of irretrievable losses of senior officers in the army and navy occurred in the first year and a half of the war. So, the losses of 1941-1942. amounted to more than 45 percent. all losses of generals and admirals during the war. In 1943, 94 generals died (about 20 percent), two-thirds of this number were combat losses. In 1944, with an increase in overall losses, there was a noticeable decrease in the number of combat losses of general officers, which was the result of an increase in the technical equipment of the army and an increase in combat skill and organizational abilities of command personnel. However, even then the losses continued to be large. During the year, our army and navy lost 65 generals killed. The total losses of generals in 1944, including those who died from disease and those killed in accidents, amounted to 108 people.

In the last 4 months of the war (January-April 1945), an increase in combat losses was again observed - 31 generals (that’s more than 7 people per month) 11 .

It is important to analyze what positions the deceased Soviet generals held and under what circumstances they died (see Table 5).

Thus, during the war, 4 front commanders, 22 army commanders and 8 their deputies, 55 corps commanders and 21 deputy corps commanders, 127 division commanders and 8 brigade commanders were killed (died from wounds and illnesses). If combat commanders died mainly on the battlefields (85 percent of all irretrievable losses), then the main causes of death for generals who served in the central apparatus of the People's Commissariat of Defense, in military educational institutions, design bureaus, research institutes and other institutions located in the rear were illness (about 60 percent) and repression (over 20 percent). Every third general of the central apparatus of NGOs was repressed or died of illness, 16 percent. died in disasters and only 20 percent. - during combat operations (during business trips to the fronts).

The losses of senior officers of the Navy were relatively small - 17 people, of which 12 people were non-combat losses. Over the entire period of the war, the Navy lost two vice admirals and seven rear admirals. Both vice admirals died in accidents. Four rear admirals died of disease, and one shot himself. The combat losses included three naval aviation generals (F.G. Korobkov, N.A. Ostryakov, N.A. Tokarev) and two rear admirals (B.V. Khoroshkhin and N.I. Zuikov).

In total, during the war, 458 people, or about 10 percent, died, died from wounds and illnesses, went missing, died in captivity, in car and plane accidents, and were shot. total number of generals and admirals serving on military service in the personnel of the Armed Forces of the USSR during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.

The combat losses of generals (those killed in battle, in captivity, died of wounds, missing in action, blown up by mines and shot to avoid capture) amounted to 64.6 percent, while 44.5 percent were lost in battles. (182 out of 458), 62 people died from wounds (13.5 percent) and 5 percent died in captivity. Non-combat losses reached 35.4 percent, of which 17.9 percent. (82 people) - died from diseases. The greatest monthly losses occurred in June-December 1941 and January-April 1945.

The irretrievable losses of generals and admirals by composition, types and branches of troops (services) were distributed in the following ratio: command personnel - 88.9 percent, political - less than 2 percent, technical - 2.8 percent, administrative - 4.6 percent ., medical - about 1 percent, legal - 0.65 percent. The distribution of general losses by type of Armed Forces is shown in Table. 6.

Analyzing the data presented, we can conclude that from the number of dead and missing senior officers large share falls on the command staff of the active army and navy, commanders of fronts and armies, their deputies and chiefs of staff of formations and formations, commanders of corps, divisions, brigades, and most of all - division commanders.

Table 6

Losses of senior officers of the Ground Forces, Navy and Air Force

Table 7

Losses of generals and admirals fascist Germany


Deaths due to accidents

Those who committed suicide

Executed by the Germans

Executed by the Allies

Died in captivity

Died from the consequences of war


Compiled from: Yakovlev B. New data on human losses of the German armed forces in the Second World War // Military History. magazine. 1962. No. 12. P. 78.

Table 8

Losses of generals and admirals of Nazi Germany (by rank)

In this regard, it is interesting to compare the scale of losses of Soviet and German generals. The fact is that half a century ago the Germans summed up the losses of their generals and admirals. In 1957, a study by Foltmann and Müller-Witten on this topic was published in Berlin 12 . In the early 60s, in the works of L.A. Bezymensky 13 and B. Yakovlev used figures from this book, including the publication of a final table on the losses of the German generals.

As can be seen from table. 7 and 8, the total losses of the German generals are twice the number of killed Soviet senior officers: 963 versus 458. Moreover, for certain categories of losses the excess was significantly greater. For example, as a result of accidents of German generals
two and a half times more died, 3.2 times more went missing, and eight times more died in captivity than Soviets. Finally, 110 German generals committed suicide, which is 11 times (!) more than Soviet generals. This indicates a catastrophic decline in the morale of Hitler's generals at the end of the war. I believe that these figures indicate the superiority of our generals over the enemy generals, more high level Soviet military art, especially at the final stage of the war.


1 Military history magazine. 1991. No. 9-12; 1992. No. 6-12; 1993. No. 1-12; 1994. No. 1-6.

2 Shabaev A.A. Losses of officers of the Red Army in the Great Patriotic War // Military Historical Archive. 1998. No. 3. P. 180.

3 Kuznetsov I.I. The destinies of generals. Higher command cadres of the Red Army in 1940-1953. Irkutsk: Irkutsk University Publishing House, 2000. P. 182.

4 Pechenkin A.A. The senior command staff of the Red Army during the Second World War. M.: Prometheus, 2002. P. 247-275.

5 Russia and the USSR in the wars of the twentieth century. Losses of the Armed Forces: A Statistical Study. M.: OLMA-PRESS, 2001. P. 8.

6 Classified as classified: Losses of the Armed Forces of the USSR in wars, hostilities and military conflicts: Statistical research/ V.M. Andronikov, P.D. Burikov, V.V. Gurkin et al.; Under general ed. G.F. Krivosheeva. M.: Voenizdat, 1993. P. 321; Russia and the USSR in the wars of the twentieth century... P. 430.

7 They gave their lives for their Motherland // Military history. magazine. 2000. No. 5. P. 24-28; Kuznetsov I.I. Decree. op. P. 182; Shabaev A.A. Decree. op. P. 180.

8 Russia and the USSR in the wars of the twentieth century... P. 432.

9 Kuznetsov I.I. Decree. op. P. 68.

10 If out of 72 captured generals in Hitler’s camps every third died, then out of a hundred generals arrested by the NKVD, almost two thirds died - 63 generals, of whom 47 were shot, and 16 died in prison in 1942-1953. Calculated by the author.

11 The dynamics of losses among Wehrmacht generals was completely different: in 1941-1942. Only a few German generals died, and in 1943-1945. 553 Nazi generals and admirals were captured; These same years accounted for the vast majority of irretrievable losses of senior officers of the “Third Reich.”

12 Folttmann J., Moller-Witten H. Opfergang der Generale. Die Verluste der Generale und Admirale und der im gleichen Dienstgrad stehenden sonstigen Offiziere und Beamten im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Berlin, 1957.

13 Bezymensky L.A. German generals - with and without Hitler. M., 1964. pp. 399-400.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War in Soviet captivity About three and a half million soldiers were captured and later tried for various war crimes. This number included both the Wehrmacht military and their allies. Moreover, more than two million are Germans. Almost all of them were found guilty and received significant prison sentences. Among the prisoners there were also “big fish” - high-ranking and far from ordinary representatives of the German military elite.

However, the vast majority of them were kept in quite acceptable conditions and were able to return to their homeland. Soviet troops and the population treated the defeated invaders quite tolerantly. "RG" talks about the most senior Wehrmacht and SS officers who were captured by the Soviets.

Field Marshal Friedrich Wilhelm Ernst Paulus

Paulus was the first of the German high military ranks to be captured. During the Battle of Stalingrad, all members of his headquarters - 44 generals - were captured along with him.

On January 30, 1943 - the day before the complete collapse of the encircled 6th Army - Paulus was awarded the rank of Field Marshal. The calculation was simple - not a single top commander in the entire history of Germany surrendered. Thus, the Fuhrer intended to push his newly appointed field marshal to continue resistance and, as a result, commit suicide. Having thought about this prospect, Paulus decided in his own way and ordered an end to resistance.

Despite all the rumors about the “atrocities” of the communists towards prisoners, the captured generals were treated with great dignity. Everyone was immediately taken to the Moscow region - to the Krasnogorsk operational transit camp of the NKVD. The security officers intended to win the high-ranking prisoner over to their side. However, Paulus resisted for quite a long time. During interrogations, he declared that he would forever remain a National Socialist.

It is believed that Paulus was one of the founders of the National Committee of Free Germany, which immediately launched active anti-fascist activities. In fact, when the committee was created in Krasnogorsk, Paulus and his generals were already in the general’s camp in the Spaso-Evfimiev Monastery in Suzdal. He immediately regarded the work of the committee as “betrayal.” He called the generals who agreed to cooperate with the Soviets traitors, whom he “can no longer consider as his comrades.”

Paulus changed his point of view only in August 1944, when he signed an appeal “To prisoners of war German soldiers, officers and the German people.” In it, he called for the removal of Adolf Hitler and an end to the war. Immediately after this, he joined the anti-fascist Union of German Officers, and then Free Germany. There he soon became one of the most active propagandists.

Historians are still arguing about the reasons for such a sharp change in position. Most attribute this to the defeats that the Wehrmacht had suffered by that time. Having lost the last hope for German success in the war, the former field marshal and current prisoner of war decided to side with the winner. One should not dismiss the efforts of the NKVD officers, who methodically worked with “Satrap” (Paulus’s pseudonym). By the end of the war, they practically forgot about him - he couldn’t really help, the Wehrmacht front was already cracking in the East and West.

After the defeat of Germany, Paulus came in handy again. He became one of the main witnesses for the Soviet prosecution at the Nuremberg trials. Ironically, it was captivity that may have saved him from the gallows. Before his capture, he enjoyed the Fuhrer’s enormous trust; he was even predicted to replace Alfred Jodl, the chief of staff of the operational leadership of the Wehrmacht High Command. Jodl, as is known, became one of those whom the tribunal sentenced to hang for war crimes.

After the war, Paulus, along with other “Stalingrad” generals, continued to be captured. Most of them were released and returned to Germany (only one died in captivity). Paulus continued to be kept at his dacha in Ilyinsk, near Moscow.

He was able to return to Germany only after Stalin's death in 1953. Then, by order of Khrushchev, the former military man was given a villa in Dresden, where he died on February 1, 1957. It is significant that at his funeral, in addition to his relatives, only party leaders and generals of the GDR were present.

General of Artillery Walter von Seydlitz-Kurzbach

The aristocrat Seydlitz commanded the corps in Paulus's army. He surrendered on the same day as Paulus, albeit on a different sector of the front. Unlike his commander, he began to cooperate with counterintelligence almost immediately. It was Seydlitz who became the first chairman of Free Germany and the Union of German Officers. He even suggested that the Soviet authorities form German units to fight the Nazis. True, as military force the prisoners were no longer considered. They were used only for propaganda work.

After the war, Seydlitz remained in Russia. At a dacha near Moscow, he advised the creators of a film about Battle of Stalingrad and wrote memoirs. Several times he asked for repatriation to the territory of the Soviet zone of occupation of Germany, but was refused each time.

In 1950, he was arrested and sentenced to 25 years in prison. Former general were kept in solitary confinement.

Seydlitz received his freedom in 1955 after the visit of German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer to the USSR. After his return, he led a reclusive life.

Lieutenant General Vinzenz Müller

For some, Müller went down in history as the “German Vlasov.” He commanded the 4th German Army, which was completely defeated near Minsk. Müller himself was captured. From the very first days as a prisoner of war he joined the work of the Union of German Officers.

For some special merits, he not only was not convicted, but immediately after the war he returned to Germany. That's not all - he was appointed Deputy Minister of Defense. Thus, he became the only major Wehrmacht commander who retained his rank of lieutenant general in the GDR army.

In 1961, Müller fell from the balcony of his house in a suburb of Berlin. Some claimed it was suicide.

Grand Admiral Erich Johann Albert Raeder

Until the beginning of 1943, Raeder was one of the most influential military men in Germany. He served as commander of the Kriegsmarine (German navy). After a series of failures at sea, he was removed from his post. He received the position of chief inspector of the fleet, but had no real powers.

Erich Raeder was captured in May 1945. During interrogations in Moscow, he spoke about all the preparations for war and gave detailed testimony.

Initially, the USSR intended to try the former grand admiral itself (Raeder is one of the few who was not considered at the conference in Yalta, where the issue of punishing war criminals was discussed), but later a decision was made on his participation in the Nuremberg trials. The tribunal sentenced him to life imprisonment. Immediately after the verdict was announced, he demanded that the sentence be changed to execution, but was refused.

He was released from Spandau prison in January 1955. The official reason was the prisoner's health condition. The illness did not stop him from writing his memoirs. He died in Kiel in November 1960.

SS Brigadeführer Wilhelm Mohnke

The commander of the 1st SS Panzer Division "Leibstandarte SS Adolf Hitler" is one of the few SS generals captured by Soviet troops. The overwhelming number of SS men made their way to the west and surrendered to the Americans or British. On April 21, 1945, Hitler appointed him commander of a “battle group” for the defense of the Reich Chancellery and the Fuhrer’s bunker. After the collapse of Germany, he tried to break out of Berlin to the north with his soldiers, but was captured. By that time, almost his entire group was destroyed.

After signing the act of surrender, Monke was taken to Moscow. There he was held first in Butyrka, and then in Lefortovo prison. The sentence - 25 years in prison - was heard only in February 1952. He served his sentence in the legendary pre-trial detention center No. 2 of the city of Vladimir - “Vladimir Central”.

The former general returned to Germany in October 1955. At home he worked as a sales agent selling trucks and trailers. He died quite recently - in August 2001.

Until the end of his life, he considered himself an ordinary soldier and actively participated in the work of various associations of SS military personnel.

SS Brigadeführer Helmut Becker

SS man Becker was brought into Soviet captivity by his place of service. In 1944, he was appointed commander of the Totenkopf (Death's Head) division, becoming its last commander. According to the agreement between the USSR and the USA, all military personnel of the division were subject to transfer to Soviet troops.

Before the defeat of Germany, Becker, confident that only death awaited him in the east, tried to break through to the west. Having led his division through the whole of Austria, he capitulated only on May 9. Within a few days he found himself in Poltava prison.

In 1947, he appeared before the military tribunal of the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyiv Military District and received 25 years in the camps. Apparently, like all other German prisoners of war, he could return to Germany in the mid-50s. However, he became one of the few top German military commanders to die in the camp.

The cause of Becker’s death was not hunger and overwork, which was common in the camps, but a new accusation. In the camp he was tried for sabotage construction work. On September 9, 1952 he was sentenced to death penalty. Already February 28 next year was shot.

General of Artillery Helmut Weidling

The commander of the defense and the last commandant of Berlin was captured during the assault on the city. Realizing the futility of resistance, he gave the order to cease hostilities. He tried in every possible way to cooperate with the Soviet command and personally signed the act of surrender of the Berlin garrison on May 2.

The general’s tricks did not help save him from trial. In Moscow he was kept in Butyrskaya and Lefortovo prisons. After this he was transferred to the Vladimir Central.

The last commandant of Berlin was sentenced in 1952 - 25 years in the camps (the standard sentence for Nazi criminals).

Weidling was no longer able to be released. He died of heart failure on November 17, 1955. He was buried in the prison cemetery in an unmarked grave.

SS-Obergruppenführer Walter Krueger

Since 1944, Walter Kruger led the SS troops in the Baltic states. He continued to fight until the very end of the war, but eventually tried to break into Germany. With fighting I reached almost the very border. However, on May 22, 1945, Kruger’s group attacked a Soviet patrol. Almost all the Germans died in the battle.

Kruger himself was taken alive - after being wounded, he was unconscious. However, it was not possible to interrogate the general - when he came to his senses, he shot himself. As it turned out, he kept a pistol in a secret pocket, which could not be found during the search.

SS Gruppenführer Helmut von Pannwitz

Von Pannwitz is the only German who was tried along with the White Guard generals Shkuro, Krasnov and other collaborators. This attention is due to all the activities of the cavalryman Pannwitz during the war. It was he who oversaw the creation of Cossack troops in the Wehrmacht on the German side. He was also accused of numerous war crimes in the Soviet Union.

Therefore, when Pannwitz, together with his brigade, surrendered to the British, the USSR demanded his immediate extradition. In principle, the Allies could refuse - as a German, Pannwitz was not subject to trial in the Soviet Union. However, given the severity of the crimes (there was evidence of numerous executions of civilians), the German general was sent to Moscow along with the traitors.

In January 1947, the court sentenced all the accused (six people were in the dock) to death. A few days later, Pannwitz and other leaders of the anti-Soviet movement were hanged.

Since then, monarchist organizations have regularly raised the issue of rehabilitating those hanged. Time after time, the Supreme Court makes a negative decision.

SS Sturmbannführer Otto Günsche

By his rank (the army equivalent is major), Otto Günsche, of course, did not belong to the German army elite. However, due to his position, he was one of the most knowledgeable people about life in Germany at the end of the war.

For several years, Günsche was Adolf Hitler's personal adjutant. It was he who was tasked with destroying the body of the Fuhrer who committed suicide. This became a fatal event in the life of the young (at the end of the war he was not even 28 years old) officer.

Gunsche was captured by the Soviets on May 2, 1945. Almost immediately he found himself in the development of SMERSH agents, who were trying to find out the fate of the missing Fuhrer. Some of the materials are still classified.

Finally, in 1950, Otto Günsche was sentenced to 25 years in prison. However, in 1955 he was transported to serve his sentence in the GDR, and a year later he was completely released from prison. Soon he moved to Germany, where he remained for the rest of his life. He died in 2003.

On October 28, 1941, when war was raging throughout the country, a train arrived at the railway station in the village of Barysh. The train was hastily driven to a dead end and surrounded by a cordon of NKVD officers. Some time later, dull shots were heard in the ravine near the station. This is how they dealt with the military and economic-political elite of the Soviet Union.

The Aviators' Case

This page in the history of the Ulyanovsk region has not yet been written. In the meantime, we will tell you what is known about the execution in Barysh now...

Shortly before the attack of Nazi Germany on Soviet lines, another purge began in the ranks of the Red Army. With special zeal to find “enemies of the people,” the internal organs began to air force ah (hereinafter referred to as the Air Force - ed.), because our planes were seriously inferior to the German ones. Stalin personally instructed Lavrentiy Beria to supervise the Soviet aircraft industry, To the People's Commissar Internal Affairs. However, he was unable to correct the situation. But in order not to fall out of favor, Beria ordered his department to identify “enemies of the people” among the largest heads of the Air Force. The defeat of our aviation in the first months of the war added fuel to the fire, and then the denunciations of envious people did not take long to come - the positions of those arrested were of the highest order. This is how the “military-fascist conspiracy in the Air Force” was fabricated - another bloody page in the book of extermination of the Soviet military elite.

One by one, 20 people are arrested on suspicion of spying. In October 1941, all of them were sent straight from prisons by train to Kuibyshev, where according to the plan, if the Germans captured Moscow, the entire Soviet government and various departments were to be evacuated. But one of the train cars did not arrive at its destination. Just in our region, near the Barysh station, he was overtaken by an urgent telegram from Beria: stop the investigation immediately, shoot all twenty without trial. The sentence was carried out on the spot...

Of the two dozen prisoners shot in Barysh (whose remains are not interred to this day, moreover, the exact place of their burial is not known) - four Heroes of the Soviet Union, two colonel generals, four lieutenant generals, four major generals, heads of people's commissariats , world-famous aviators and designers. The color of the air force, the elite of aviation, the best of the best. First they were tortured in prison dungeons, then they were brutally finished off on the road and, finally, they were thrown with earth in a dusty quarry near the village station...

Interrupted flight

Among those executed was Grigory Mikhailovich Stern, Colonel General, Chief of Staff of the Far Eastern Front. A renowned hero of the fighting on Lake Khasan and the Khalkhin Gol River in 1938, adjutant to Klim Voroshilov himself, and before his arrest, head of the Main Air Defense Directorate of the People's Commissariat of Defense. A brilliant career built by exemplary courage and bravery!

During the investigation, Hero of the Soviet Union Stern will be reminded of his criticism of the report of Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov shortly before his arrest. Unheard of: a colonel general dared to speak out, albeit to the point, but to whom?! Previous achievements were immediately forgotten. And later one of the investigators will write in his testimony: “...they treated Stern especially brutally. There was no living space left on it. During each interrogation he lost consciousness several times.”

The day after Stern’s arrest, June 8, 1941, Yakov Vladimirovich Smushkevich, an aviation lieutenant general, one of the few in the country twice awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, was arrested. The commander of the aviation group in the battles on the Khalkhin Gol River in 1939, the head of the Red Army Air Force, and before the arrest, the assistant chief of the General Staff for aviation, underwent a serious operation three days before the arrest. They took the lieutenant general straight from the hospital, and after interrogating the exhausted man, they beat him on fresh bandages, on wounds obtained in battles for his homeland.

All those arrested were interrogated with passion: 19 of them confessed to sabotage under torture. Except for one thing - Alexander Dmitrievich Loktionov. The Colonel General, commander of the Red Army Air Force, Deputy People's Commissar of Defense for Aviation, and since 1940, commander of the Baltic Special Military District, were interrogated by the three of them. But the investigators failed to extract a confession of a non-existent conspiracy with the Nazis: “Loktionov roared in pain, rolled on the floor, but did not agree...”. He was a hero in the sky, he remained a hero in dungeons.

Aviation Lieutenant General, Hero of the Soviet Union Pavel Vasilievich Rychagov is also on the list of those executed. His lightning-fast career was the envy of many: at the age of 29 he headed the Main Directorate of the Red Army Air Force, and a couple of years later rose to the rank of Deputy People's Commissar of Defense! Many people wanted to take Rychagov’s place, but honor and valor are not given out in the workplace... A day after Rychagov’s arrest, his wife Maria Nesterenko, deputy commander of a special-purpose regiment, was also arrested. Shortly before her arrest, Maria Nesterenko made a world record for long-distance flights, falling several kilometers short of reaching her destination. The plane became icy, and Major Nesterenko was forced to land the plane, but the world record had already been broken. Beria recalled to the wife of the ousted lieutenant general those kilometers of “underflight”, without even taking into account the record itself. Maria Nesterenko was executed along with her husband. On the morning of the execution, they continued to beat her in the train carriage, extorting her testimony, although the verdict had already been received.

Among those executed was the former first secretary of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) of Kazakhstan, and before his arrest, the Chief State Arbiter of the USSR, Philip Isaevich Goloshchekin. A man of amazing destiny: he was one of those who shot royal family V Ipatiev House in Yekaterinburg, and after the revolution he restored the economy of the Samara region.

Here are just a few of the most vivid and complete biographies to date of those who were shot point-blank in the Barysh ravine. Among them were Aviation Lieutenant General Fedor Konstantinovich Arzhenukhin, head of the Military Academy of Command and Navigation Staff of the Air Force, Aviation Lieutenant General Ivan Iosifovich Proskurov, head of the intelligence department of the Red Army, Hero of the Soviet Union, as well as Yakov Grigorievich Taubin, a weapons designer, creator of the first in the world of automatic grenade launcher. Together with their husbands, the wives of Artillery Major General G.K. Savchenko, A.I., were executed. Fibich and Deputy People's Commissar of Trade D.A. Rozov - Z.P. Egorov.

That night, in the Barysh ravine, aviation major generals I.F. Sakrier and P.S. Volodin, technical troops major general M.M. Kayukov, artillery colonels S.O. Sklizkov and I.I. Zasosov, chief experimental design bureau of the People's Commissariat of Armaments M.N. Sobornov and the first secretary of the Omsk Regional Committee D.A. Bulatov.

All of them were rehabilitated posthumously.


P.S. Until recently, this execution at the Barysh railway station was classified as “Top Secret”. Little is known about this story even today; even the exact reason for such a rush to execute is not clear. According to one version, the country’s leadership expected the Volga region to be captured by the Nazis, and therefore feared that “enemies of the people”, also aces of the aviation command, would provide all possible assistance to the enemy. The exact location of the execution is not known, but it can be assumed that due to the haste They did not take the doomed to the depths of the forest, and therefore they chose a quarry not far from the station as the place of execution. Around the ravine even now steep slopes, so it was almost impossible for people exhausted and mutilated by torture and interrogation to escape.

There are still many mysteries in this tragedy. So far, only the power of this brutal extermination of the real heroes of their country is obvious, for whom, to this day, a foreign land, without a single mark of that terrible October day, has not become peace.

During the years of the Great Patriotic War German captivity 78 Soviet generals were hit. 26 of them died in captivity, six escaped from captivity, the rest were repatriated to the Soviet Union after the end of the war. 32 people were repressed.

Not all of them were traitors. Based on the Headquarters order of August 16, 1941 “On cases of cowardice and surrender and measures to suppress such actions,” 13 people were shot, another eight were sentenced to imprisonment for “improper behavior in captivity.”

But among the senior officers there were also those who, to one degree or another, voluntarily chose to cooperate with the Germans. Five major generals and 25 colonels were hanged in the Vlasov case. There were even Heroes of the Soviet Union in the Vlasov army - senior lieutenant Bronislav Antilevsky and captain Semyon Bychkov.

The case of General Vlasov

They are still arguing about who General Andrei Vlasov was, an ideological traitor or an ideological fighter against the Bolsheviks. He served in the Red Army from Civil War, studied at the Higher Army Command Courses, advanced through career ladder. In the late 30s he served as a military adviser in China. Vlasov survived the era of great terror without shocks - he was not subjected to repression, and even, according to some information, was a member of the district military tribunal.

Before the war, he received the Order of the Red Banner and the Order of Lenin. He was awarded these high awards for creating an exemplary division. Vlasov received under his command an infantry division that was not distinguished by any particular discipline or merit. Focusing on German achievements, Vlasov demanded strict compliance with the charter. His caring attitude towards his subordinates even became the subject of articles in the press. The division received a challenge Red Banner.

In January 1941, he received command of a mechanized corps, one of the most well-equipped at that time. The corps included new KV and T-34 tanks. They were created for offensive operations, and in defense after the start of the war they were not very effective. Soon Vlasov was appointed commander of the 37th Army defending Kyiv. The connections were broken, and Vlasov himself ended up in the hospital.

He managed to distinguish himself in the battle for Moscow and became one of the most famous commanders. It was his popularity that later played against him - in the summer of 1942, Vlasov, being the commander of the 2nd Army on the Volkhov Front, was surrounded. When he reached the village, the headman handed him over to the German police, and the arriving patrol identified him from a photo in the newspaper.

In the Vinnitsa military camp, Vlasov accepted the Germans’ offer of cooperation. Initially, he was an agitator and propagandist. Soon he became the head of the Russian liberation army. He campaigned and recruited captured soldiers. Propagandist groups and a training center were created in Dobendorf, and there were also separate Russian battalions that were part of different parts of the German armed forces. The history of the Vlasov Army as a structure began only in October 1944 with the creation of the Central Headquarters. The army received the name “Armed Forces of the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia.” The committee itself was also headed by Vlasov.

Fyodor Trukhin - creator of the army

According to some historians, for example, Kirill Alexandrov, Vlasov was more of a propagandist and ideologist, and the organizer and true creator of the Vlasov army was Major General Fyodor Trukhin. He was former boss Operational Directorate of the North-Western Front, professional General Staff. Surrendered himself along with all the headquarters documents. In 1943 Trukhin was the head training center in Dobendorf, from October 1944 he took the post of chief of staff of the Committee for the Liberation of the Peoples of Russia. Under his leadership, two divisions were formed, and the formation of a third began. In the last months of the war, Trukhin commanded the Southern Group of the Committee's armed forces located in Austria.

Trukhin and Vlasov hoped that the Germans would transfer all Russian units under their command, but this did not happen. With almost half a million Russians who passed through the Vlasov organizations in April 1945, his army de jure amounted to approximately 124 thousand people.

Vasily Malyshkin – propagandist

Major General Malyshkin was also one of Vlasov’s associates. Finding himself captured from the Vyazemsky cauldron, he began to collaborate with the Germans. In 1942, he taught propaganda courses in Vulgaida, and soon became assistant to the head of training. In 1943, he met Vlasov while working in the propaganda department of the Wehrmacht High Command.

He also worked for Vlasov as a propagandist and was a member of the Presidium of the Committee. In 1945 he was a representative in negotiations with the Americans. After the war, he tried to establish cooperation with American intelligence, even wrote a note on the training of Red Army command personnel. But in 1946 it was still transferred to the Soviet side.

Major General Alexander Budykho: service in the ROA and escape

In many ways, Budykho’s biography was reminiscent of Vlasov’s: several decades of service in the Red Army, command courses, command of a division, encirclement, detention by a German patrol. In the camp, he accepted the offer of brigade commander Bessonov and joined the Political Center for the Fight against Bolshevism. Budykho began to identify pro-Soviet prisoners and hand them over to the Germans.

In 1943, Bessonov was arrested, the organization was disbanded, and Budykho expressed a desire to join the ROA and came under the control of General Helmikh. In September he was appointed to the post of staff officer for training and education of the eastern troops. But immediately after he arrived at his duty station in Leningrad region, two Russian battalions fled to the partisans, killing the Germans. Having learned about this, Budykho himself fled.

General Richter – sentenced in absentia

This traitor general was not involved in the Vlasov case, but he helped the Germans no less. Having been captured in the first days of the war, he ended up in a prisoner of war camp in Poland. 19 German intelligence agents caught in the USSR testified against him. According to them, from 1942 Richter headed the Abwehr reconnaissance and sabotage school in Warsaw, and later in Weigelsdorf. While serving with the Germans, he wore the pseudonyms Rudaev and Musin.

The Soviet side sentenced him to capital punishment back in 1943, but many researchers believe that the sentence was never carried out, since Richter went missing in last days war.

The Vlasov generals were executed by the verdict of the Military Collegium Supreme Court. Most - in 1946, Budykho - in 1950.


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