Wells in the oil industry. What are the types of water wells and types of drilling for autonomous water supply?

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Wells for water can be filter, artesian, or mineral water. Last (for mining mineral waters) stands apart. This is an expensive, complex deep water intake structure of a telescopic design. The development of a mineral spring is surrounded by laws, instructions, and permits. Consider this type of water intake in context autonomous water supply there is no point: we are interested in what kind of water wells there are on private plots, and how they are drilled.

The design depends on the formation being developed: filter wells are installed for sand, artesian wells are installed for limestone.

There are 4 types of artesian ones: classic, with double casing, with a conductor, with a transition. Artesian waters lie in water-pressure layers and can even gush out.

Flowing well on site

There are 2 types of filter wells: mechanical and manual drilling. Manual drilling - these are the so-called Abyssinian wells (although in Lately manual drilling is replaced by mechanical drilling: a device with a motor is used). There are also exploration wells that are drilled at the preparatory stage, but with their use they do not extract water, but search for it.

Artesian water well

Artesian - deep well for water. Its construction requires a permit for the use of subsoil, since artesian waters are classified as minerals. It is necessary to organize a sanitary protection zone around the structure (sanitary protection zone; regulated by SanPiN with preliminary development of the project. Preparatory stage consists of research, preparation of documentation and its approval.

An artesian well is drilled into an aquifer of rock (usually limestone).

There are 4 types of structure design:

  1. Classical: with a casing reaching the upper boundary of the aquifer, and an open trunk of a smaller one (relatively casing pipe) diameter.
  2. With double casing: with two casing pipes, where the first (larger in diameter) reaches the boundary of the aquifer, and the second (smaller in diameter) reaches the reservoir; the pump is placed in the second pipe; it is perforated.
  3. With a conductor: with one casing pipe, with a diameter less than the diameter of the conductor, cutting off quaternary deposits upper layers.
  4. With a transition: a telescopic structure of several casing pipes, where each subsequent one is narrower than the previous one (usually there are three).

The choice depends on the calculation of water consumption, geological characteristics, water depths. Each type of artesian well is good for a certain soil, but the most common are designs with a conductor.

Filter well for water

They drill to water-bearing sand to a depth of 30 m. It is a casing pipe with a filter at the lower end and a cap at the upper end. The filter - perforated, mesh, slotted - is placed on a downhole pipe entering the aquifer. Through the filter holes, water enters the pipeline, from where a pump lifts it to the surface.

Head - the ground part of the structure; it houses pumping and related equipment. Pumps can be submersible or surface: the choice depends on the depth of the aquifer and water consumption.

Abyssinian well

The Abyssinskaya is fundamentally a filter well, but with the difference that the pipe is very narrow (inch), and the pump can only be used superficially. Hence the shallow depth - up to 10 m. Accordingly, low-quality water, unpredictable flow, low service life. But you can drill such a well with your own hands using a banal garden borer. In most cases, the Abyssinian well fully satisfies the need for water for irrigation of the site and other technical purposes for several years.

Advantages and disadvantages of a filter well

For a sand well, there is no need to collect a package of documentation, and there is no need to coordinate drilling work either. The work and equipment are not expensive (unless you have to drill many times before finding the lens). The well is drilled quickly. The structure is easy to maintain and repair. There are also disadvantages:

  • unpredictability of occurrence/behavior of aquifers;
  • high probability of mixing with soil and wastewater;
  • relatively low service life;
  • inability to pump the well, its frequent silting, low flow rate.

Types of water well drilling

There are three types of drilling: vertical, horizontal, directional. Water drilling is mainly vertical, both manual and mechanical.

There are three types of manual drilling (they are used to construct Abyssinian wells):

  • shock-rope,
  • rotary,
  • screw

Water drilling: an auger brings destroyed rock to the surface

Mechanical drilling can be rotary, impact, or combined; It is divided according to the drilling equipment used into:

  • diamond,
  • vibration,
  • shot,
  • rotary,
  • turbine,
  • screw,
  • drilling with electric drill, etc.

For exploration wells, the core drilling method is most often used: the rock is destroyed by an annular diamond (or carbide) bit, and cores are taken through its cavity.

Artesian wells are drilled (rotary method) using mobile drilling rigs based on KamAZ, Ural, ZIL. The rock is destroyed with a roller bit. The most commonly used method is drilling with circulation. It allows you to take cores in the process (the solution brings the destroyed rock to the surface) to determine the passable layer and predict the flow rate of the absorbed liquid. Less commonly used is drilling water wells with purging: the destroyed rock is removed by a gas flow.

In the construction of filter wells for water, auger drilling is most in demand: the rock destroyed by a cutter is taken to the surface by an auger. This method is very popular because it does not require additional equipment to remove crushed rock and allows you to go 10 m deep in a day. However, it is only suitable for soft soils: stones, boulders, moraines - the load is too large (often insurmountable) for the cutter.

The optimal type of drilling is selected based on the results of geological analysis.

Artesian or filter

The construction of an artesian well is regulated by several legislative norms, including the law “On Subsoil”. The construction of wells and spring catchments is regulated by SanPiN, which states that the basis for choosing the location of a source of decentralized water supply is the results of a sanitary survey and geological and hydrogeological studies of the territory. The owner of the site at this stage must involve specialists in the work (clause 3.2). In this regard, filter wells benefit from being outside the regulations: theoretically, they can be drilled on your site without permission or other paperwork - this is one of the main advantages of sand wells.

However, this aspect is the most slippery. At first glance, it seems that you can seriously save money here, but in reality, without exploration, a filter well risks turning into an expensive one: you can’t drill it yourself (the most you can do is rent equipment; the exception is the Abyssinian well), and drillers charge for each meter deep , and already the second well can make a hole not only in the land, but also in the budget. Also, the choice becomes less obvious if we take into account that the flow rate of sand wells is low, they strongly depend on the intensity of operation (they silt up and fail quickly if they are not used in winter), their service life can be less than 5 years (this is unpredictable), and artesian service - from 30 years. In addition, the quality of the water is incomparable: artesian waters lie deeper and are therefore much cleaner (natural filtration in several layers makes the water almost flawless).

Which water well to drill, what to give preference to - an expensive artesian with a bunch of paperwork or a simple, inexpensive, but completely unreliable filter - it's up to you to decide.

Having built Vacation home at a considerable distance from communications, each owner is forced to solve the water supply problem independently or together with neighbors. To obtain stable access to underground sources, various types of water wells are used. Among hydraulic structures, mine wells, wells for sand, sandstone or limestone are popular. What are the differences between such structures? What are the characteristics? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the main types?

The well is one of the most popular types shallow wells found everywhere in private backyards. In the old days, the walls of the well were made in the form wooden log house, which affected its short service life. Wood of most species is subject to rotting and destruction when exposed to moisture. The only acceptable option that can increase the service life of wooden log houses for well shafts is the use of larch or oak wood. These materials can withstand decades of continuous exposure to water. Nowadays, wells made of reinforced concrete rings with a meter and one and a half meter diameter are popular.

The design of the well makes it possible to collect water from the perched water. Shallow springs, unlike wells, can be used only for technical purposes, watering garden beds. This water is not suitable for drinking raw. When the mine is deepened to at least 15 meters, there is a high probability of reaching the water more than High Quality.

The technology for constructing a mine well consists of sequential installation concrete rings Each other.

  • The 1st ring is installed on the soil, after which the soil is selected inside. As you excavate, the ring will lower under its own weight.
  • The 2nd ring is installed after the 1st is completely immersed. Further excavation allows the next fragment of the well wall to descend evenly.
  • Subsequent rings are installed in a similar way until the shaft reaches the aquifer.
  • A head is installed on top of the shaft, consisting of one recessed ring and one upper one.
  • Around the head at a distance of 0.6 m, soil is selected to a depth of 1 meter from the soil level. The cavity is filled with clay and compacted.
  • A blind area is poured on top of the clay and sand.
  • A cover is installed to prevent dust and debris from entering.

The main advantage of wells is not only their accessibility and simplicity, but also a good replenishment rate for the extracted volume of water during favorable periods of the year.


Wells are not without their drawbacks. These include:

  • Time and labor costs.
  • Unstable volume during periods of drought.
  • The volume of water in wells is usually unstable and seasonal. In spring, the water becomes unsuitable for drinking.
  • The well requires regular cleaning. To do this, it is emptied of water and dirt using a pump.
  • There is a direct relationship between water quality and the seasons and amount of precipitation.
  • Well water must be boiled.

In places where there are floods and floods, swamps, it is not permissible to install wells for drinking water intake.

Abyssinian well

The needle well or Abyssinian well is another simple and accessible one in terms of financial costs type of hydraulic structures. It consists of a narrow 1…1.5” pipe, at the end of which there is a filter and a needle-shaped tip. The projectile penetrates the soil to a depth of 10...25 meters to the aquifer, thereby bypassing the unstable high water.

To create a needle well, two-meter pipes are taken and sequentially driven into the ground. As they deepen, the pipe sections are connected to each other by means of threaded connections. Either a manual or electric pump operating on the vacuum principle is installed on the pipe itself.

After organizing water intake, the well is pumped to obtain clean water. It will be suitable for drinking purposes within a day. It is recommended to do chemical analysis its composition in the SES or hydrogeological laboratory. As practice shows, after all the preparatory and preventive manipulations with the Abyssinian well, the water will meet sanitary standards.


Simple and efficient design, which allows you to meet the need for a small amount of good quality water, has the following advantages:

  • The service life of the well is at least three decades.
  • Small dimensions allow you to drill a well in the basement of a private house.
  • The possibility of contamination from soil horizons is excluded.
  • No permits required.


From negative aspects inherent this type The source includes the following disadvantages:

  • Since the Abyssinian well is made from a one and a half inch pipe and involves drawing water only with the help of a pump. Surface pumps not effective after ten meters depth.
  • The design requires regular cleaning of the pipe from silt and sand.
  • Possibility to deliver Abyssinian well Only available in soft ground conditions.
  • The Abyssinian design is picky about the quality of the water carrier and will not work on quicksand; uninterrupted efficiency is possible only on a layer of coarse sand.

When an Abyssinian well becomes clogged, use a bailer - cylindrical vessel for extracting dirt, silt, sand.

Sand wells

This source is simple in design and does not require a long installation time. The wells are aimed at producing water in loose interstratal aquifers. As a rule, this is sand, pebble, gravel. The discovered deposit is used for autonomous water supply country house.

Depending on the depth of the horizon, sand wells are divided into two types:

  1. On fine sand– up to 40 meters.
  2. For deep sand (sandstone) - from 40 to 90 meters.

When choosing the type of source, keep in mind that shallow wells are inferior in water yield to deep ones (1 m3 versus 2 m3).

By their design, wells constructed on sandy horizons are a trunk in which there is a steel or plastic casing pipe with a diameter of more than 10 cm. The lower pipe has perforations for moisture seepage, and the bottom is equipped with a filter mesh. Rock penetration is carried out using an auger drilling rig. The water is lifted by means of submersible pump.

Due to the presence of sand particles, centrifugal pumps are not suitable for lifting water. The filter element becomes clogged very quickly, which leads to failure of the device.


  • The depth is sufficient to obtain clean water compared to the sources listed above.
  • Wells for deep sand have a stable volume.
  • The chemical composition of water in sandstones fits into sanitary standards.
  • High productivity from 1 to 2 m 3 /h.
  • No permits are required to tap an aquifer.
  • The penetration time with installation of the casing pipe takes no more than 2 days.
  • The service life of such water wells is up to 30 years.


  • The volume of water at wells for fine sand is more dependent on the level of precipitation.
  • The chemical composition of water from shallow sources is not constant and is sensitive to anthropogenic and technogenic factors.
  • The presence of fine-grained sand contributes to siltation of the well.

Artesian well

One of the most complex types of wells in terms of its design and drilling. When drilling, an artesian aquifer located on limestone is exposed. When the aquifer is opened, the water level in the shaft is set an order of magnitude higher than the impermeable layer. The source is fed remotely, passing through multi-meter layers of rocks, the filtering properties of which ensure high-level purification.

The depth of artesian wells depends on the location of the aquifer in a particular area. It can be 90 meters or more.

The water quality is constant and not subject to seasonal fluctuations. However, it is impossible to do without installing special filtering equipment. Passing through the thickness of various rocks, the water is saturated with various minerals, the maximum permissible concentration of which can exceed established standards. Therefore, it is very important to submit water samples for chemical analysis after pumping the well.

The volume of water is stable. It will be enough to provide several country houses With permanent residence families.

When opening an artesian horizon, special drilling equipment is used. A casing pipe is lowered into the mine shaft. To increase the service life of the water intake, a pipe made of unplasticized polyvinyl chloride (uPVC) is placed in the casing pipe. Upon completion of drilling, a caisson is installed, which acts as a heat and water insulator.

The water is lifted using deep well pumps . To increase the service life of pumping equipment, a hydraulic accumulator is used.


  • High quality water.
  • High potential for artesian water release over 3 m 3 /h.
  • Uninterrupted water supply.
  • Long service life - up to 50 years or more.


  • Use of heavy drilling equipment.
  • A project needs to be drawn up.
  • Receipt required special permission(licenses) for the use of subsoil.
  • Mandatory registration with assignment to the State Water Cadastre.
  • High cost of work and materials.
  • Long periods of excavation and installation.

Main characteristics

Depending on the purpose of the well, an analysis will be required for a number of parameters that describe the level of abundance of the aquifer, the recovery rate water resource after water intake. This data is necessary to determine whether it can fully solve the problem of providing water in a particular case. In general, all types of water intakes are characterized by the following parameters:

  • Piezometric level. The depth is measured from the soil surface to the exposed aquifer.
  • Well water conductivity level measured in cubic meters that the water intake point can produce within 24 hours.
  • Dynamic level calculated during the active use of the well, the level to which the water rises along the length of the pipe is checked and recorded.
  • Setting the indicator for statistical well level occurs an hour after the water intake stops. During this period, the bottomhole pressure comes into balance with the pressure of the formation located above the aquifer, the water level is fixed, and it stops rising.
  • Based on static and dynamic characteristics wells, calculate the debit of the water intake point. It is calculated as the ratio of extracted water to its inflow. Find out the main characteristic showing how much water a well can produce in a specific time period.

Wells with a high level of water yield have a difference in dynamic and statistical levels that does not exceed a meter. Artesian wells are characterized by equal static and dynamic levels.

As you can see, the types of water intake structures have their pros and cons. What is suitable for a large village may not be effective for individuals and vice versa. When choosing a well type, it is necessary to take into account not only economic features, but also geological parameters and hydrogeological conditions.


Earth is a planet of water. If you want independence, you need your own water. If you need water, you cannot do without drilling a well on your site.

  • What types of wells are there?

For water intake in the Moscow region there are: filter wells (up to 35 m - “for sand”) and deep (up to 100 m or more - “for limestone”), they are sometimes called “artesian” wells, although Professor A. Gadzhi-Kasumov believes that artesian wells are wells with “self-flowing” (by name French province Artois, where such wells were first drilled), in the memory of our workers there was only one such well.

A filter (sand) well is drilled into the nearest aquifer located in sandy soils, and its depth is usually 20-30 m, the well consists of casing from pipes with a diameter of 127-133 mm and galloon weaving mesh filter. Its flow rate is up to 1 m 3 /hour. Well drilling is done quite quickly - within one to two working days.

However, these wells tend to silt up, and their service life directly depends on both the thickness of the aquifer and the intensity of its operation: the more often a well is used, the longer it lasts (in practice, up to 15 years, more often - 5-8 years).

Deep (“artesian”) wells (for limestone) are drilled to the aquifer lying within Moscow and the region in limestone at depths of 20-200 m, and are distinguished not only by their depth and productivity (up to 100 m 3 /hour), but also the complexity of drilling. Such wells are usually drilled with a larger diameter and greater depth than “sand wells”. This is due to a large number of casing strings in the well, and higher, because the price per linear meter of drilling a well directly depends on the diameter of the casing pipes and, consequently, their cost. increases to 5 or more days depending on the rock and depth. The cost of drilling a well with limestone is higher, but the service life is much longer - 50 years or more, since the filter in such wells is the aquifer itself (limestone) and silting does not occur.

  • What is the depth of an artesian well?

Across the Moscow region, aquiferous limestones occur unevenly from 20 m in the south to 200 m in the north. An approximate display of depths can be seen in the diagram; more accurate ones can be found only using cadastres. The most accurate thing is that you will find out after drilling the well itself.

Approximate occurrences

  • What is the diameter of the well?

For sand wells: 127-133 mm. For a limestone well for personal water supply, the diameter of the column at the top can vary from 127 to 324 mm depending on the pump performance, depth and design of the well. The volume of water consumption when drilling an industrial well dictates much larger diameters.
  • What kind of pipes are in the well?

Steel ("black"). Steel St20, seamless drawn. Wall 5 mm. Connections are threaded or welded. Galvanized pipes are not suitable for the casing string of the mine - over time, harmful zinc compounds appear in the water. Do not drink water from a galvanized well!
  • Do you need plastic?

The question, of course, is interesting... On the one hand, of course, there are progressive technologies, but on the other, there are no statistics on plastic pipes; they appeared only 1.5 years ago ( The article was written in 2003. - V.S.), how plastic pipes will behave in 40 years is unknown, but a black pipe is predictable: its service life with a wall thickness of 5 mm is 50 years (at a corrosion rate of 0.1 mm per year).

However, for discerning customers, plastic pipes are installed inside the casing (they will not save you from corrosion, but will make the pump more comfortable to operate by cutting off particles of rust from the walls of the steel column from the expensive mechanism), the price of a meter of drilling such a well is 400-700 rubles. expensive. Sometimes, in difficult geological conditions, plastic column steel inside may be useful, i.e. no plastic is used instead of steel pipes, and together with them.

Plastic instead of steel is sometimes used in small wells, but it must be approached with caution: steel column stronger than plastic and better resistant to ground movements.

  • But the “black pipe” is iron, and there is already a lot of iron in the water...

In the water of the Moscow region, the presence of iron is due to the content of chemically dissolved divalent iron (in rust - trivalent) in the aquifer. In Moscow, water comes to the tap after passing through kilometers of “black” pipes, but there is no iron in it!

Iron or fluoride present in chemical composition water from an artesian well is determined using chemical analysis and removed using special iron-removing filters (by oxidation and converting it into sediment). Filters are a necessary attribute of autonomous water supply.

  • Which well is better?

A shallow well for sand is cheaper. With a drilling cost of 1,100 rubles per linear meter A 20-meter well will cost (without equipment) 22 thousand rubles. An artesian well 100 m deep (1,300 rubles per meter of drilling) costs 130 thousand rubles. Their average service life is 5 and 50 years, respectively. The price/lifetime ratio (4400 and 2600 respectively) is clearly not in favor of the sand well. And we did not take into account the costs of arrangement, the price of which, practically, will depend only on the pump, and the caisson will be the same.

At the same time, we must not forget about the incomparable water abundance of aquiferous limestones and perched water. And if we take into account the ecology and the proximity of aquifers to the surface of the earth with its storm water, cesspools and microorganisms, then everything will become clear. However, any problem is solved based on the goal: for irrigation - a shallow well, for year-round life support for the cottage - an artesian one.

  • What is included in the cost of drilling a well?

Travel to the work site, drilling itself, casing the well with a string of pipes, pumping to visually clean water. Express analysis is possible.
  • Some firms include chem. analysis of the cost of drilling a meter of well...

Chem. analysis can be included in the work of drilling a well, but it will not give a reliable and complete picture, since immediately after drilling the well still contains imported water used in drilling. Water samples for analysis should be taken after three weeks of operation, when the composition of the water is completely stabilized, i.e. It is better if the analyzes are carried out during the installation, because based on their results, water treatment equipment will be selected.
  • At what distance from the house is it possible to install a well?

No closer than 3 meters.
  • What is "arrangement"?

For year-round water consumption, the well must be completed with a buried (sealed steel box) for all-season maintenance of pumping equipment. A pipeline is laid from the caisson at a depth of 1.8 m into the house. Automation is installed for uninterrupted control of the pump and filters for purifying water from the well from mechanical impurities.
  • Why is drilling an artillery well more expensive?

The cost of drilling a well directly depends on the price of the casing metal (recently there has been a sharp jump in prices on the stock exchange). The diameter of the casing depends on the depth of the well and the planned water consumption (more powerful pump has large dimensions). Drilling a meter of artesian well is also more expensive because more powerful equipment is used.
  • Why do some companies drill cheaper...

1. There is an old stock of pipes left (this won't last long).
2. Light galvanized pipes are used (they are also beautifully called “anodized”). Due to the anti-corrosion coating, the thickness of the pipe can be reduced, and drilling due to metal savings will be much cheaper. In this case, the health of the customer is not taken into account, who after some time will begin to consume harmful zinc compounds with water. In addition, in acidic groundwater the column will deteriorate more quickly.
3. Some companies put prerequisite installation of your equipment or arrangement. They will take their share in this part of the estimate.
4. Short warranty period.
  • Do I need a license for the right to use subsoil?

It is not needed for drilling a shallow well in sand, just like for a well. To drill an artillery well, it is necessary. But some companies act as follows: they issue two passports, one for the owner, the other for the inspection authorities. This, of course, is not good. For industrial wells, a license for environmental management is absolutely necessary. takes up to six months.
  • What if there is no water?

In exceptional cases, when drilling into sand in the indicated place, there is no water, or there is not enough water - the well is regarded as an exploration well, and only 50% negotiated price.
  • Which pumps are better?

A recognized leader in its field, the German company Grundfos has been manufacturing its excellent pumps from corrosion-resistant stainless steel for thirty years. Although there are options, pumps from Italy are also quite good, and the cheapest is our “Malysh” (we recommend those produced by the Moscow Dynamo plant). Personally, I have “Aquarius” in my well. Submersible well pumps of various modifications are produced in Italy.
  • Is it possible to clear a silted shallow well?

Yes, you can, it requires special tool, there is a restoration method by flushing the filter in the lower part of the well with water under pressure, the well is pumped, fine particles are washed out of the filter, and the flow of water is resumed. - a complex, high-tech process, it is carried out by specialized companies.
  • Is it possible to install a well right in the house?

Yes, it is possible, but not deep. There are small-sized drilling rigs; you can drill a well in the basement of a house - if the ceilings are at least 2 m. An interesting alternative is. However, a serious well cannot be located in the basement, even if the house itself has not yet been built, because... maintenance and repairs (pump replacement, maintenance, etc.) require the use of large-sized ones, access to which is impossible in the basement of the house.
  • Instead of a conclusion

It is best to start drilling a well before building a house, immediately after marking the area with pegs. This will save a lot of effort and money on restoring the fence and lawn after the drillers arrive, and will provide the builders with drinking and industrial water, will give you the opportunity to feel like the owner of the property even before the fence is erected.

If things don’t work out right away with the well, don’t despair - you can do it later, in any case, your own well will give completeness to your property and give you a sense of independence.

  • Post Scriptum

And one last thing. If you find this article in whole or in part on the website of any drilling company without reference to the source, i.e. presented as your own, think about whether it is worth dealing with people who do not care about their reputation.

Victor Svirin

When citing an article, please be sure to provide a link to the source. Thank you.

This article is for those who are planning to provide individual water supply to a private home by drilling and installing a water well, but have no idea yet which way to tackle this issue. We will tell you what types of water wells there are, what their depth is, and their characteristics. What methods exist for drilling water wells and what will be the estimated cost of the source, depending on the technologies and equipment used.

Before we begin to understand what types of water wells there are, let’s get acquainted with the types of groundwater available for extraction from relatively shallow and relatively inexpensive wells. The soils lie in heterogeneous layers of horizontal orientation. Aquiclude- a layer of soil of a significant area, formed from dense rocks with minimal water permeability. The volume of moisture filtration through the aquitard is low, free flow of water is impossible. When drilling to shallow depths, they mainly encounter aquitards composed of dense clays, and less often - rocks. If a layer of loose, porous soil (sand, gravel, limestone, marl, silt, etc.) lies above the aquiclude and the terrain conditions allow a sufficient amount of moisture to accumulate in it, a aquifer. It is from this that you can extract water by drilling a well or digging a well. The soils, with their layered structure, vaguely resemble the popularly loved Napoleon cake. Just as cakes alternate with cream, so in soils aquifers alternate with loose rocks, forming aquifers. The deeper they lie, the cleaner and fuller the latter. But this is only a general trend, and the depth of occurrence of certain aquifers in a particular plot of land depends on the soil structure of the area and the level of precipitation in the region.

The soils have a layered structure, rocks of different densities and permeability alternate, forming aquifers

So, what types of groundwater can we encounter when drilling shallow wells:


Perchal water is called underground water located close to the surface above water-resistant lenses of limited area. Such fragmentary aquitards are not available everywhere, and therefore perched water cannot be found everywhere.

Since the perched water is practically not protected from above by a filter layer, a significant part of the biological and chemical contaminants from the surface enters the water, which is why its quality is very low in areas where economic activity is carried out. A limited aquifer is fed only by precipitation, so it is abundant can only happen after the snow melts and during the rainy season. During the dry season and in the depths of winter, the amount of water in a well or well built for high water drops sharply or disappears altogether.

The only reason why it generally makes sense to consider low-quality perched water as a potential source for water supply is its shallow depth, on average from 2 to 8 meters. Very simple and low-cost methods of drilling a well will allow you to cheaply produce water suitable for economic purposes.


Groundwater is an aquifer (an aquifer with a free surface) that lies above the extensive aquifer closest to the earth's surface. As a rule, it lies at a greater depth than the perched water, on average from 6 to 20 m in middle lane Russia.

Traditional village wells are usually dug to groundwater

Groundwater is also not protected by a filter aquifer on top and often does not meet the requirements for drinking water. But passing surface waters Through a thicker layer of soil it removes some of the contaminants; groundwater is of better quality than perched water. As for water content, the open horizon is in any case noticeably subject to seasonal fluctuations. In a wooded area, a region with sufficient rainfall, water in varying quantities will flow into the well or well all year round. In areas with an arid climate, groundwater may disappear seasonally or be completely absent.

As the name implies, interstratal waters are aquifers located between two layers of impermeable strata.

Interstratal waters are located in a layer of permeable, loose soil located between two aquitards

We have already mentioned that there can be many waterproof layers of soil, and accordingly, there can also be a lot of horizons. Interstratal waters lie relatively deep, from 20 to 80 m. Although individual horizons can rise close to the surface and even emerge as springs. In order for moisture to penetrate into the interstratal horizon, it has to overcome a significant layer of soil and the thickness of water-resistant rocks, which filter out a significant part of the contaminants. Therefore, the quality of interstratal waters is significantly higher than that of perched water and groundwater. Not every horizon carries enough moisture, so when drilling, geologists look for the most water-saturated layers. In general, the deeper, the more abundant and purer the interstratal aquifers. The water, sandwiched between two low-permeability layers of aquitard, is under pressure under the influence of the weight of the overlying soils. Entering the working string of a drilled well, it expands. Therefore, the static water level in the well may be noticeably higher than the location of the aquifer. There are interstratal waters, the pressure of which is so high that when a well is drilled on it, a spontaneous outflow to the surface occurs, the water literally shoots out from under the ground like a fountain. These are artesian waters.

Not all artesian aquifers, which are a type of interstratal water, are capable of gushing. But high blood pressure and as a result, high level water in the well is typical for all artesian sources. Artesian waters, forming vast underground pools at relatively great depths (from 100 to 1000 m on average), are abundant and clean.

Clean and abundant artesian waters (7) are located deeper than other types of groundwater

As a rule, artesian horizons are found in porous and fractured sedimentary rocks, most often in limestone. Because of great depth methods of drilling a well for artesian water are very expensive. However, in rare cases, it is possible for artesian horizons to emerge close to the surface; more often, this phenomenon occurs in depressions of the terrain. If you are very lucky, artesian water can be found at a depth of 25 m.

Types of water wells

So, what types of wells are there when drilling for water, depending on the type of groundwater that feeds them and the drilling technology?

The diagram shows what types of water wells there are depending on the drilling depths and the types of aquifers from which they feed

Abyssinian well (Norton well)

The design of the Abyssinian well was invented and first implemented in the 19th century by the British engineer Norton. Since then, the term “Norton well” has been used in the technical literature and among specialists. It is not drilled, but driven into the ground. A steel pipe of small diameter (50-60 mm) is lifted to a height using a tripod and a block and then collapsed into the ground. Having initially plunged into the ground, they continue to score, striking from above. At the end of the pipe there is a sharp tip with a filter for receiving water, due to which the Abyssinian well also received the name “wellpoint”.

The Abyssinian well filter consists of perforated holes on the lower section. It is advisable to protect them with a stainless steel mesh

The drill needle is driven in, increasing it with additional sections as it deepens. It will not be possible to drive the pipe deep, especially if there are stones in the ground.

The usual depth of an Abyssinian well is 6-12 m, and from this depth you can only extract perched water or groundwater. They raise water using a traditional hand column or a surface pump. The submersible will not fit into a small diameter casing pipe. A wellpoint filter cannot serve as a full-fledged source of water for a comfortable country house, but with its help you can inexpensively and quickly organize temporary water supply at a construction site or dacha.

The Abyssinian well filter can not only be plugged in, but also screwed in by placing a drill at the end of the first section. However, this is only possible when the soil is very soft, without stones. Yes, and significant efforts will be required.

Norton's well is unlikely to last long. Most likely, within 5 years, maximum 10, it will become unusable.

Well on sand

As we have already mentioned, aquifers at shallow depths are located in porous rocks. Basically it is coarse sand, pebbles, or a mixture of them. A full-fledged well for water supply to a private house must be drilled to such a horizon, to the sand. Hence the name: “sand well” or “sand well”. It can be built on various geological layers, from groundwater to interstratal waters of different levels. The following types of water well drilling can be distinguished:

  • Drilling using a small-sized mobile or self-propelled unit. In many regions, a mobile installation can be rented and used independently; it will cost less.

Semi-handicraft drilling small-sized mobile unit. The possibilities are limited, but renting such equipment is relatively inexpensive

The engine power of small-sized units is small; they operate effectively only in soft soils that do not contain large stones. Manufacturers of such installations declare drilling depths of up to 40 meters or even more, but in practice it can be difficult to go deeper than 25-30 meters.

Small-sized drilling machine on a UAZ chassis

  • Drilling using a self-propelled rig on a truck chassis. The most common mobile wheeled drilling rigs are capable of drilling holes up to 300 m deep and working with hard, even rocky formations. However, it should be taken into account that when drilling deeper than 100 m, the complexity and cost of work increases significantly. 100 m, by the way, is practically the limit efficient work well pumps, which can be bought for reasonable money. You can drill much deeper, but you will need heavy self-propelled, mobile or stationary drilling equipment. The cost of manufacturing and equipping such a well increases sharply.

The URB 2A2 self-propelled drilling rig is theoretically capable of “taking” a depth of 300 m. In practice, this is not always feasible; the depth is limited by the density of the soil, the presence of large stones in it and other factors.

The service life of a sand well depends on the quality of the aquifer and provided correct operation averages 10-30 years. Over time, it becomes clogged with sand and silt. A regressed sand well can be restored to varying degrees by removing contamination.

Sand well construction

The casing pipe (working string) of a well can be steel or polymer. Metal is stronger, but susceptible to corrosion. Plastic is not afraid of water, it is cheap, but can collapse in quicksand soils. In addition, when restoring a clogged well, the plastic is easily damaged. We do not recommend using polymer in wells deeper than 25 m. In deep wells and located in problematic soils, the working column can be composite: the upper part is double, on the outside there is an additional working pipe that protects the internal filter pipe, which goes to the lower mark. The end of the casing pipe can be open or closed; many holes are drilled in the side walls of the lower section, which close mesh filter made of stainless steel. It prevents sand from penetrating into the column. Special sand separation devices can also be installed below the submersible pump.

The well drilling filter is made of stainless mesh with small cells.

A caisson is installed above the working column, protecting it from atmospheric influences. It can also house part of the water supply equipment.

Basic design of a sand well. Upon completion of drilling, geologists are required to measure the parameters of the well and issue a passport. Based on data on dynamic, static level and flow rate, it is selected pump equipment

Well for limestone (artesian well)

An artesian well is fundamentally similar to a sand well, but, as a rule, it is not necessary to install a strainer in the lower section. The artesian waters themselves are quite clean, there are no silt particles in them, and the aquifer is usually located in the thickness of stone and limestone. In this case, there is no danger that the well will become clogged with sand. Often it is enough that perforated holes are made in the walls of the lower section and the end is left open. The flow rate of artesian springs is high, at least 3 m3/hour. A flow rate of 10 m3/hour is common, but this is by no means the limit. Since artesian waters are of high quality and abundance, but drilling to great depths is very expensive, developers who want to have a comfortable individual water supply for a reasonable price often put together an artesian well for several houses. The service life of an artesian source is long, from 50 years or more .

Construction of an artesian well on limestone.

You can find out the approximate depth of occurrence of certain types of water on a specific plot of land from geologists. A map of drilling wells or wells will also help with this. Knowing the depths of the aquifers, you can roughly calculate the cost and decide which types of wells you can afford.

How much does a well cost?

Many, of course, are interested in what kind of wells come in price? The total cost consists of the following costs:

  • Drilling cost. It is determined by the types of well drilling, the technologies used and the equipment used. And the depth of the well, of course.
  • Price of casing pipes.

A set of pipes for constructing a 10 m Abyssinian well costs from 6,000 rubles. The cost of drilling with a small-sized rig can be low if you rent it. Two to three days for work plus the cost of the pipes, from 200 rubles per linear meter of plastic casing. Steel is more expensive. The filter costs from 2,500 rubles. The cost of drilling a sand or artesian well with a self-propelled rig is certainly higher.

Average cost of drilling sand wells in the central regions, taking into account the price of casing pipe

Average cost of drilling artesian wells

  • Cost of caisson. Ready-made is the most expensive, but it is sealed and easy to install. The caisson can be made from concrete well rings, it is cheaper. A very cheap, but not entirely adequate alternative to a caisson is a borehole adapter.
  • Water supply equipment. This is a submersible pump, a hydraulic accumulator, automatic control and safety.

There is enough material on our website about caissons and equipment, as well as their cost.

Finally, a few words about legislation in the field of use of natural resources. The “Law on Subsoil of the Russian Federation” allows drilling a well up to 5 m deep on one’s own land plot. individual regions local regulations increase this figure to 20 and even 40 m. In Ukraine and Belarus there are restrictions of 20 m. If you want to go deeper, submit an application, order a project. It is not easy for a private individual to obtain permission; it will be necessary to designate the territory as a protective and sanitary zone. In practice, few people apply for permission; most drill without approval, without advertising the depth of the well. Otherwise, you may end up with a hefty fine and an order to fill up the well. Officials, of course, understand this, but so far they have not gotten around to monitoring water intakes in the courtyards of private houses.

Video: methods of drilling water wells

We hope that those who had the patience to read the article to the end received general idea about what types of wells there are and what their cost depends on. High-quality individual water supply is not a cheap pleasure. We recommend that you carefully select contractors and trust the drilling of a well, its arrangement, selection and installation of equipment only to experienced, reliable professionals.

Arrangement of a water supply system on the site is extremely important point, because the lack of free access to water greatly complicates everything gardening work and makes it impossible to live comfortably in the country. Many people understand that they need a water well.

The most optimal solution the problem is water well- this design allows you to get water best quality than from a well and can provide water from one to several areas for many years. The very concept of a well is expressed by a simple definition - this is what they call production in earth's crust, predominantly cylindrical in shape, allowing access to ground and other underground waters.

There is a division of types of wells according to purpose, depending on the presence of inclination or curvature of the pit, the depth of excavation, and the type of water produced. The last point is key; it depends on the type of groundwater which type of mine is suitable for a particular site.

The groundwater

The types of groundwater vary depending on the types of soil in a given area, its qualities - moisture holding capacity, and the depth at which it lies. The structure of the soil is layered - dense clay or rocky layers do not allow moisture to pass through well, which is why they are called aquicludes. Between them lie layers of looser soil - silty or sandy. Such soil has good moisture holding capacity and forms an aquifer from which water can be extracted using excavations.

The purity of the resulting water depends on the depth of the aquifer.

The structure of soils varies significantly depending on geographical location, therefore, knowledge of the types of soil that predominate in a given area will tell you how to find water for a well on a site.

Groundwater suitable for a well comes in several types:

  • Verkhovodka- an aquifer formed close to the surface (2-3m) above a layer of denser soil. Its abundance is directly affected by the presence of rain or melting snow, and due to its shallow occurrence, all contaminants from the surface enter the water. Therefore, although perched water is convenient for water extraction due to its location shallow underground, the quality of this type of water is very low - it can only be used for economic work. Usually, when drilling a mine, they try to isolate this layer to avoid polluting the waters below.
  • Groundwater- often they are used for water intake. This aquifer lies immediately above the first impermeable layer and also does not have a sufficiently reliable filter above it, so the purity of the water largely depends on the proper protection of the area from pollution. The depth of groundwater is 7-20m. Because the layer is open, it is affected by weather, for example, during a very dry period, groundwater may become depleted or disappear. Due to its rather deep occurrence, groundwater is most often suitable for drinking, although it requires mandatory treatment.
  • Interformational waters- lie between two waterproof layers of dense soil. Depth - from 20-40m and more, since there can be many similar layers. It is more difficult to dig a well for interstratal water, but it is clean and has a relatively constant level. The water located between the impermeable levels is under pressure of varying strength, so some aquifers gush out when drilling a well - such layers are called pressure layers.
  • Artesian waters- pressure layers of groundwater, usually under high pressure and allowing for a high water level in the mine. Artesian waters lie deep (from 100 to 1000 m), their advantages are a high degree of purity and constant filling of the well. Artesian wells are most often drilled to produce drinking water.

The type of groundwater will have a major influence on which well design will be chosen, so it is advisable to first carry out a survey to find out what aquifers are available at a given site.

Exploration mine

This type of well has a smaller diameter; drilling is usually carried out using the fastest and most cost-effective rotary method, or auger (if the well depth is less than 50m). If the mine is supposed to be deep, the core method is used.
By using exploration well the following operations are carried out:

  • the depth of the aquifer is measured
  • take soil samples from the aquifer to determine its water capacity and water quality level
  • take soil samples from the waterproof layer to find out the degree of its reliability, determine the possibility of subsidence of the excavation or its filling

Often, after the formation of an exploration mine, a compromise solution By further work- in this case, an already dug well is expanded to the size of a production one. This option is more economically profitable than drilling a new well

Types of wells

In addition to the type of groundwater great importance has used equipment for a water well. Depending on these two points, the following types are distinguished:

Abyssinian well

For small summer cottage can be used different types water wells. The shallowest, and therefore requiring the least expenditure, is the Abyssinian well, which is also called the Norton well, named after its inventor.
Layed using steel pipe with a special sharp filter tip - the whole structure ultimately resembles a large needle. The metal pipe is lifted above the ground using a special block and a support tripod, then driven into the ground, gradually attaching additional sections. The diameter of the well is very small - 1-2cm, and the depth rarely exceeds 5-10m - therefore, only surface and groundwater can be obtained in this way.

The advantages of the Abyssinian well are ease of installation- the arrangement does not require complex dimensional equipment and large financial costs, and it can be located anywhere on the site. Minuses- small amount of water received and its low quality. The design of the well does not allow the use of a submersible pump, so water is supplied manually using a surface pump, and in winter it is impossible to extract water without additional equipment.

It is possible to install an Abyssinian well only in an area with fairly soft soil, and its service life does not exceed several years

Well on sand

When deciding which well to choose for a summer cottage, the choice often falls on it - water intake for sand does not require large investments and provides higher quality water and in larger volumes than Abyssinian. This water well received its name due to the properties of the first aquifer of interstratal waters to lie in loose and porous rocks, most often in sand.
To dig a mine of this design, you will need a special drilling rig - you can usually rent it for a short period of time and carry out all the work yourself, which will save money. The depth of the first interstratal waters is from 15 to 100 m, so the quality of the water is quite high and it is suitable for drinking.
The design of a sand well is metal pipe, the lower part of which is perforated for water intake and covered with a mesh filter to protect against contamination. Sometimes a double column of plastic pipe, which is not subject to corrosion, and is closed on top with another metal one to prevent damage to complex types soil.
Water is lifted from a sand mine using a submersible pump and a column. A sand well lasts much longer than an Abyssinian one - from 8 to 15 years; its service life can be further extended if it is regularly cleaned of sand and silt.

Option for drilling a well into sand using PVC pipe

Disadvantages of sand mining are also quite significant - the main one is that a usable sand aquifer is not available in every area. Therefore, if there is no accurate information, it is advisable to conduct reconnaissance and take measurements of the soil for water saturation.

These types of wells usually do not have sufficient depth to avoid contamination from the upper layers, and their filling depends on atmospheric precipitation and can fluctuate between seasons

Artesian mine

If you need a reliable well in your house that provides clean water in sufficient quantities - that is certain best choice It will be artesian. After the first layers of interstratal waters with horizons in loose rocks, much more extensive aquifers lie at greater depths in limestone - with clean water under great pressure. A water intake well on limestone is called an artesian well.

The depth of such a mine can be from 40 to 200 m, this is the reason for the exceptional purity of the water - impurities from groundwater do not enter it. But the content of mineral salts and iron is often higher than normal, which in large quantities is unhealthy - that’s why many people even filter artesian water. Water is collected using deep-well pumps; the mine itself is almost not subject to contamination and does not require maintenance if all work has been done correctly.
Disadvantages of artesian excavation due to the high cost and complexity of installation - drilling is carried out using large-sized equipment, and requires quite a large space - after completion of work around the mine, buildings cannot be erected and carried out at 30 m electric wires. Also, to obtain permission to drill an artesian well, you need to collect certain documents, and for further operation you need to issue and pay for a license.
But despite the fact that its development will require large investments and the help of specialists, such production can become a source of high quality water for an entire village.

The peculiarities of an artesian well are that its filling will not fluctuate due to seasonal changes, and its service life is immeasurably longer than sand and Abyssinian mines - if high-quality equipment is used, it will work properly for more than 50 years


If you have sufficient information about the soil structure of the site and knowledge of what types of water wells there are, choosing a suitable well will not be difficult. For a small country house or cottage optimal choice There will be a well in the sand, if the water source is needed for a short time or only in the summer, an Abyssinian well will do.

If you need a reliable one uninterruptible source For big house or several, or for farm, then the best choice would be an artesian well


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