Slavic runic formulas of Natalia the Treasured. Designation of Slavic runes

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Many have heard about the Scandinavian runic formulas, in these ancient signs there lives a great power that helps people even now. Are there any similar runic formulas among the Slavs, close to those who believe in our Native Gods? In the north we call such signs “traits”; they are made up of several Res, referring to the Slavic Gods. We will share with you a few magical Traits from our book “The Magic of the Slavic Res Rod” with you now.

Rules for choosing Slavic traits

Runic formulas– Slavic features They look simple, but there is great power in them. Therefore, before drawing them, you need to know the special rules. First ask the Gods, what is the reason for your need, why has your desire not yet been fulfilled? Get three Rezas, they will tell you what needs to be corrected in order to find happiness. Maybe the matter will be resolved without sorcery, but if not, ask the Gods again whether it is worth using runic formulas– Slavic features help you? After that, you can select the features, and before drawing them, ask the Gods what the result of the divination will be and get one Reza. If Reza is favorable, the ritual can be performed.

How to spell runic formulas - Slavic traits?

To runic formulas– Slavic features To fill them with power, when drawing them, you must first pronounce the names of the Gods, whose Cuts you are drawing, and feel their power. Afterwards, be sure to tell us your aspirations. If necessary, discuss how runic formulas - Slavic traits - will work, how each Reza in them will reveal its power for the benefit of you and other people. When all the signs are inscribed, say the names of the Gods again in order to call upon their power for help, from this moment Slavic magic will begin to act.

Runic formulas - Slavic traits for good luck and success in business

Such runic formulas They make devils if they want to attract good luck, to be successful in any business, to overcome all the obstacles in their path.

If you need success in any business, both old and new, Yarilo, Perun and Lelya will help.

Want Good work find the devil signs: Avsen, Kolyada and Svarog.

To return a happy life, Reza Makosh, Belobog and Kolyada draw.

Runic formulas - Slavic traits to protect the health of loved ones and home

They drew such features when they needed to protect their home or family from harm, and they even made amulets for themselves with them.

When you need to ward off trouble loved one, save his health, the devils of Reza Belobog, Yarilo and Lelya.

Chernobog, Belobog and Khors will save the house from theft and other troubles.

Runic formulas - Slavic traits to heal and increase health

To get rid of various ailments and increase health and strength, the northern Knowers know their traits.

Such signs will give a surge of strength and vigor: Belobog, Divya and Kupalo.

If you need to be cured of an illness, they draw Reza Morena, Zhiva and Belobog.

Afterwards, to preserve health and beauty, you can draw the following signs: Troyan, Lelya, Zhiva.

Where to apply runic formulas - Slavic features?

If you need signs to act quickly and affect only you, draw them on your body and apply oil or cream so that the signs remain hidden from other people. So a woman can draw features for beauty before meeting her sweetheart, and a man draws signs for successful work when he goes to apply for it.

If you want it to last for a long time runic formulas– Slavic features, put them on paper and always carry it with you. You can also make a talisman out of wood for yourself or another person; such a thing will last a long time.

How to learn more about Slavic traits?

Runic formulas– Slavic features made up of Rez, signs of the Gods, which have been preserved in our north. Each Reza contains within itself a particle of the power of the Slavic Gods. To create northern magic, you must first of all become familiar with this power.

In the shop you can already find two books about the Slavic Rezes of the Family, and from them you can learn about the power of each sign, how to use them in divination and divination. The third book will be released very soon. We called it “What do People Know?” In this book we tried to tell even more about what we ourselves know. We hope it will help you too

I took these runic formulas from the APHRODITE website.

love spell removal

Do you think that your loved one has started to behave strangely? Returns home late, doesn't look at you? What if someone is trying to bewitch him?

Try this simple but very effective combination of runes to remove a love spell. Draw a sign on a piece of paper. Place a photo or thing of your loved one on the runes. Then place a candlestick on this sheet and light the candle. A candle is necessary to activate the runes.

Usually one candle is enough to remove the love spell from your loved one. In particular difficult cases burn candles on this runic combination for several days in a row.

(This combination removes love spells only from men and must be activated by a woman)

A complex sign with a complex configuration. Activates creative channels, enhances energy, gives stamina and crystal clarity in thinking.

Thanks to this sign, you can find optimal solutions in the most difficult situations. And if you decide to change your life, start a new business, then this runic combination will help you show creativity in your own life and make your dreams come true

Sometimes it happens that negative experience the past prevents us from moving on. Are you tormented by negative memories? Are you worried about past events? Draw this sign and meditate on it from time to time. This runic combination will cleanse your life path, will help cope with complexes and fears. (Cleanses karma)

Sunny Bridge

This is a very ancient runic talisman, which I publish with the permission of the person who showed it to me. He says that the time has come for those who must come to come, and therefore the seal of secrecy is removed from many things.

With the help of this sign, I made my first out-of-body journey. The “Solar Bridge” opens a direct path to the gods of the Slavic-Aryan pantheon. Of course, not everyone can cross this bridge, but I think that most visitors to my site will succeed.

By working with this ancient sign, someone will gain knowledge and experience, someone will find solutions to their problems, and someone will be able to change their life with the support of the Slavic gods.

You need to work with the “Solar Bridge” like this:

Relax and concentrate your attention on the sign. Soon a bridge will begin from the bottom of the sign forward. The upper part of the sign will be like the sun moving over the bridge, opening the way for you. Don’t be afraid to mentally walk forward across the bridge. An amazing adventure awaits you.

(Sometimes a transparent tunnel or road appears instead of a bridge)

Draw this sign on paper during the waxing moon and place it in a visible place. Can be hung on the wall. Next, you will need to meditate on this talisman two to three times a week. Just look at it for 5-10 minutes and that's it. And very soon great true love will come into your life.

Slavic runes and idols with them - one way or another, during your own life you have heard these words and, perhaps, at least once thought about protecting yourself with the help of the magic of our forefathers. From the disgusting gaze, from the evil eye, from the slander of unkind people, from bad events in life and all those incidents that no adequately thinking person desires for himself. How to do this using runes?

Slavic runes - idols and their meaning in the lives of our ancestors

It should be kept in mind that mysticism is science. having its own cause-and-effect relationships, laws of work. She does not allow liberties or careless treatment of herself. Every magical ritual is based on the hundred- and thousand-year history of one’s own land. Every ritual, every practice, spell or rune, is older than all centenarians. Thanks to the sacred experience of our forefathers, we can understand the world better, understand the hidden meaning of our own actions, and understand why this ritual is performed in this particular way. People seeking to master mysticism should keep in mind that without knowledge of the historical and mythological roots of the practice, it does not gain power.

As we know, from ancient times to the present day, people have used pictographic signs, endowing them with special meaning and power. IN various countries, in various eras, sorcerers, shamans, priests, sorcerers, masters of occult sciences and even priests used signs in order to protect themselves from evil spells, attract fortune to themselves, and protect the mind from the influence of others. Even the Christian cross is less than a sign that has gigantic power thanks to the faith of billions of people around the world.

Our Slavic forefathers were also not far from similar practices. Even before the emergence of Cyril and Methodius, the Slavs had their own written alphabet, which they used everywhere. Embroidered protective signs and symbols on clothes own kind, they wore idols made of wood, bone, semi-precious stones and metals, minted things with runes and squeezed out special signs on the clay sides of household utensils. Even the doors of houses were covered with runes to prevent penetration evil spirits in housing.

The sacred idols had runes that signified the names and powers of these gods. Each person dedicated himself to some god, placing himself under their highest protection. Warriors from the princely squad and the prince himself prayed to the thunderer Perun, merchants and merchants, people whose activities were connected with funds - Veles, ladies and girls considered Makosh, the patroness of the hearth and giver of fate, and Lada, the goddess of maiden beauty, their intercessors.

Runes have even more meanings than written symbols, since the history of the runic alphabet goes back to the Bronze Age. With the help of these signs, our forefathers called upon the natural elements: rain on fields sweltering from the heat, dryness on the ground flooded with water. These are powerful conductors of energy that must be used very carefully so as not to harm yourself. So what should you still know about these signs so as not to get burned and cause harm to yourself?

Slavic runes - idols, their meaning and runic formulas

First, you should keep in mind that any rune has its opposite pair. Positive and creative rune "Peace (Belobog)" corresponds to the destructive rune "Chernobog". rune "Bereginya" opposite sign "Oud". Their opposite does not mean that they cannot be in the same runic formula, but it does indicate the difficulty of their joint implementation. Anyone new to magic who wants to make an idol or amulet for themselves without the help of others should not take on complex signs.

1st rune Slavic alphabet- this is the World or Belobog. She has great strength, because it means the World Tree and the progenitor of all Slavic gods. The one who wears it entrusts himself to the protection of Belobog, takes responsibility for his actions and even thoughts. One bad deed can damage the entire protective energy of the rune and direct it against the owner.

Chernobog is the rune of destruction of the old, the rune of change. It is suitable only for those people who want to completely get rid of the past and are not afraid of losing it. If used incorrectly, it can damage a person’s life and even lead to physical death.

Alatyr is the center of the world, the harmony of good and evil, chaos and order. Symbolizes stability. This is a symbol of people who do not strive for exploits and conquer new heights, but are ready to do their best to preserve what they have.

Rainbow is the rune of the path to Alatyr, a symbol for people who strive to achieve stability in their own lives and know their goal. In the same formula with the rune, Alatyr takes on the meaning “path and goal.” To create and wear it, you need to think carefully about what you want.

Need is a limitation, constraint, bonds, the imposition of an insurmountable prohibition. It limits your strength and does not allow you to move forward. The sign is even fierce, since it is used to shackle a person and not allow him to open up one hundred percent.

Her anti-symbol is Krada, a symbol of energy and accomplishing even what seems impossible. This rune is perfect for a person aimed at accomplishing a huge undertaking. The one who wears it gains great strength.

Demand - it gives a person what he wants, but takes something of equal value in return. Without giving, you cannot take, as this is a sign of sacrifice. A rune that is not easy to use and is not suitable for everyone.

Strength is power and authority, inflexibility in achieving one's own goal. The sign of real warriors, minions. It is very difficult to cast and wear, since it requires a lot and not every person can wear it.

There is a symbol of nature, unity with the world, exchange of forces. It is practically intended for those in need of restoration of current energy. Also suitable for those in need of elemental protection.

Wind is a sign of creative people, meaning unbridled impulse, inspiration, light as feathers. It does not allow you to slide into the abyss of stagnation and lose heart. Frees thoughts and awakens flights of fantasy.

Bereginya is only a female, maternal rune. This is feminine energy, the beginning of life, an idol for all ladies, from teenage girls to old ladies. It awakens emotionality and sexual energy in women.

Oud is a male rune dedicated to the fiery Yarilo, the god of fertility. Does not allow male energy to weaken, protects from destruction. Also gives health.

Lelya is a rune associated with flowing water, spring, joy. Increases intuitive capabilities, attracts fortune. Especially great for young girls.

Support is help, support, protection. This rune allows you to stand stronger on your feet and gain confidence within yourself. Is the strongest amulet, protecting against want, loss of spirit and helplessness.

Dazhdbog is the rune of the Slavic god of joy and abundance. Attracts fortune in all areas of life, helps its owner in all endeavors. Its main tasks are recruiting funds, preserving home well-being, protecting the health of family members.

Perun is a sign of beginning. The power of the Perun rune will help move a completely hopeless matter to a dead end. Attracts change, new, reliable people, changes the person himself.

Source is the rune of ending or stagnation. Slows down the circulation of energy, leads to calm. With the help of this sign they organize their thoughts, gain sobriety of the brain and clarity of vision. They also become more balanced in disposition.

You can find out the meaning of Slavic runes in fortune telling in a separate article on our website.

The action of Slavic runic amulets and their preparation

As experienced practicing magicians say, Slavic amulets runes are more effective on our land than Scandinavian ones. Perhaps this is due to the fact that we have a common energy field, historical roots and spiritual energy. It is much easier for Slavic people to interpret the Slavic runic layout than the Scandinavian one. Of course, with proper practice, you can learn to understand the meaning of all runes. But, everyone decides for themselves where their heart lies more - to their relatives, our eternal symbols, or to strangers who came to us from across the sea.

More advanced people, no longer new or experienced sorcerers, combine meditation and runes. They make up their own runic formula that makes sense prayers and appeals. and use it to enhance the energy call. The combination of meditation, which is used in the east to cleanse the mind, and runic signs gives an excellent effect and allows you to achieve impressive results.

In order for the runes to serve you for a long time, sorcerers recommend choosing strong and durable materials: wood, stone, metal. Wood is the easiest to process, which is why most runes are made specifically from it. A selected board of a certain type that is attractive to you is cut into small pieces, ideally round in shape, processed and runes are applied. After this, each rune must be varnished to best preserve it. Metal and stone are much more difficult to process, and besides, these materials are difficult to make at home.

With all this, it is believed that runes made of stone have greater power than those made of metal, and runes made of metal are stronger than wood runes. Perhaps this can be explained by the disinfecting effect of silver and the durability of the stone. You can order a set of runes to be made in a workshop, but it is best to apply the signs with your own hand - this way they become compatible with your energy even at the initial steps of their own creation.

You need to store your set in a soft bag made of natural fabric, cotton or linen. And you can activate the rune simple method: holding it in your hand, while closing your eyes and thinking about good things, own desires and goals. As a result, the possible bad effects that arise if the runes were made by another person are eliminated.

Remember: before you start practicing, fortune telling with runes, creating runic amulets and amulets, you need to carefully study the theory. Without knowing the specific meaning of each sign, you can harm yourself or the people around you who will receive your idols. Even a few positive signs in an incorrectly composed formula can have a strong negative effect.

I believe that it is better to use our Slavic runes for the idol, rather than Scandinavian ones. Those peoples have their own land, their own energy, therefore their runes can influence us in a completely different way. Finally, I found the meanings of the runes and such a detailed description of them in this article; at the moment, not enough people know and remember exactly their meaning and power. I didn’t know that you can make and charge runes yourself, I’ll definitely do it. If they helped our forefathers, then they can help us too. Maybe that’s why we constantly experience stress and lack of energy, because we are cut off from our roots, have no support and are not fed with energy from nature and culture. But the support of the clan and ancestors is very important, as is the knowledge of one’s own origins, it gives strength.

I saw such an idol made from Slavic runes from one of my friends and then became very interested. I found a lot of information about this on the Internet, but nothing meaningful. In this article I found what I was looking for - the meaning of the runes. Soon I’m going to get a tattoo with the image of runes, because this is also considered a kind of amulet that will always be with me.

The origin of Slavic (Vendish) runes.

There are many opinions on the origin of Slavic runes.

About the founders of the Slavic runes, in particular, it is written in one famous book:

“And Andrei Ionin, His disciple, asked: Rabbi! Which peoples should I carry? good news about the Kingdom of Heaven? And Jesus answered him: Go to the nations of the east, to the nations of the west, and to the nations of the south, where the children of the house of Israel live. Do not go to the pagans of the North, for they are sinless and do not know the vices and sins of the house of Israel.”

(Gospel of Andrew, chapter 5, vv. 1–3).

Slavic runes were created by the “pagans of the North”.

In ancient times, there were many systems of Slavic runes, including: Veles runes, Boyan runes, Rod runes, Mokosh runes, Mary runes and others.

Slavic runes were called Venedian, based on the name Slavic tribe“Vends”, who were so called by the Scandinavian tribes.

There were runic systems of the Slavic Magi, transmitted along the family line, and understandable only to them within the family.

This strengthened their ancestral powers and magical capabilities.

Any runic system is closely connected with the mystical worldview of people; runic writing has always been considered sacred.

Slavic runes were used ordinary people, warriors and wise men.

The most widespread, at present, among the Slavic runes are the Venedian runes, which are described in detail in the books of Anton Platov and Oleg Sinko.

We can say that, to a greater extent, the merit here is due to the developers of this runic system: Anton Platov and Oleg Sinko.

Advantages of Slavic runes:

They give a spiritual connection with the Native Gods;

They work as amulets;

They work as amulets (defense, attack);

Awaken ancestral memory;

They give strength, wisdom and much more.

In addition, Vendica makes one realize that “darkness” and “light” work in harmony, and one should use this correctly.

In ancient times, the Magi studied both sides.

In the future, they adhered to one way or another, to a greater extent.

Once upon a time, dark combat magic systems were widespread among the Cossacks.

The Kharakterniki Cossacks (in fact, you can call them dark magicians) used their capabilities to destroy the enemy’s manpower.

The Light Magi worshiped the Family from which all the Gods, both dark and light, originated.

In addition, they worshiped and turned to the Gods, depending on their purpose, if victory in battle was required - to Perun, if gaining magical powers- to Veles, but this division was conditional.

Usually the appeal was to the circle of the Gods.

The dark magi (noisy magi), to a greater extent, revered darkness (Mara), and the teaching spread among them that the Rod itself originated from darkness.

By the way, one of the founders of Western psychology, Carl G. Jung, wrote: “Darkness is your mother; she deserves deep respect because the mother is dangerous...Silence and peace come upon you as you begin to comprehend the darkness.”

So, the runic system of the Venedian, Slavic runes contains 18 runes, which mainly consist of “light runes” in quantity.

In this system there is no clearly defined futhark, as in the Scandinavian runes.

The following runes are considered “dark runes”: Viy, Need, Chernobog.

The combined use of these three runes indicates a desire for destruction and destruction.

Sometimes the Source rune is added to them.

For example, in the chapter “Nav”, section “Source” we find: “In the beginning there was only the Great DARKNESS - the Great Absolute - the Source of all things. Deep in its depths lay the Proto-Egg, inside of which the First Giant ROD was awaiting its awakening. And there was nothing except the Egg - the first carrier of matter and the THOSE that gave birth to it, filling EVERYTHING around. And there was Eternity.”

Source: Navi Shlyakh - M.: Institute of General Humanitarian Research, 2001. - p. 7.

The work of Tadeusz Wolanski (“Letters on Slavic Antiquities”, 2010. Publisher: St. Petersburg, “Secret”, “API” - 162 pp.) reveals the author’s view of Slavic Gods.

A shade of perception of the Slavs by a Western historian can be traced in the book, but this does not reduce its value; on the contrary, it only adds interest and distinguishes its uniqueness.

This is a fundamental work on the history of the Slavic peoples.

Also, the history of this work itself is very interesting: the book was banned and burned.

He writes in detail about the Slavic Gods; I will give only some page-by-page links:

Perun: p. 42.

Svyatovit: p. 98.

Radegast: p. 102.

Tur-Tor God (Belobog): p. 104.

Triglav: p. 108.

The work also contains names of Gods that are not currently voiced, for example, StrongGod.

For the Slavs, gods were ideals, role models, and were united with the forces of nature.

In other words, we can say that the ancient Slavic runic systems numbered hundreds, thousands of runes.

But even with their given quantity and combined use, enormous opportunities are granted.

Today it is difficult to find runescripts on Slavic Wendish runes, this is mainly due to the fact that they were initially considered as an analogue of Scandinavian runes.

Those. During development, the idea was laid that one Slavic Wendish rune corresponds to one Scandinavian rune.

Oleg Sinko writes about this direct correspondence, the author’s idea is clear.

But there is also criticism, for example this one.

I will quote, in mild form:

He told the story correctly, but about the runes themselves... This is expressed in the following:

1) the number of runes is 18, although in earlier works...these runes are ALWAYS 23;

2) the names of the runes are invented... some runes are called simply by some words (for example: Need, Source), and others by the names of the gods (Lelya, Chernobog, etc.).

Runes are always named in ordinary words, the names of the gods NEVER serve as names of runes - instead, various gods are associated with runes and written about this in interpretations.

3) there are errors in reading the runes.

4) interpretations of each rune are given based on the correlation with the Futhark... the Vendas are not Germans, the Vendas are Slavs, their system should be different!...

Vendian runes express the forces hidden within us.

If you see this nonsense somewhere... with the inscription “Vendic runes” or “Slavic runes” - know that the author is one of two things:

1) stupid copy-paste;

2) charlatan...

They are already drawing, cutting out and even making gang runes from Platov’s non-working version!

And all this for the sake of money, just to sell the suckers!”

Citation source:

As practice shows, the theory of direct comparison of runes does not justify itself.

Those who work with Slavic Wendish runes understand that what they give and bestow does not correspond to the direct interpretation of the Scandinavian runes.

Often in practice a complex or series of runes is obtained.

Those. one Slavic Wendish rune can be interpreted as several Scandinavian runes, and at the same time this interpretation will most likely also be approximate.

But, again, this comes in practice.

This system has one more advantage: it extrudes cabalistics in space, and, most importantly, in time.

Attempts at cabalistic explanations for the formation of the “Slavic egregor” lead only to an illusory perception, in fact, like “attempts” to count the history of the world only from the Sumerian pantheon, the Sumerian failed genetic, and later Egyptian genetic experiments.

Safety precautions for practical use.

Often people who attend church and religious institutions experience an interest in occult knowledge, which develops into a practical sphere of use.

As a result, they receive for their money, much less often without money, some kind of market cabalistic product.

It may not even be Kabbalah itself, but rather some of its forms, individual elements: tarot fortune telling, numerology, extrasensory perception, bioenergy, office yoga, etc.

In addition, the specifics of the presentation practical application Scandinavian runes may provide for their linkage with the tree of sephiroth, which is “yes” possible.

Therefore, the seeker, following different paths, is still carefully directed by the market to cabalistics.

You can go beyond the limits with the help of Slavic runes.

Slavic Venedian runes from their Scandinavian analogue were transformed into their own independent system.

A simple list of rules.

1. You cannot play with runes.

2. Through runes you turn to the ancient Slavic pagan gods, which no one can limit.

3. If you follow the Judeo-Christian tradition and at the same time use Slavic runes, an internal psychological conflict will arise, you will need to make a choice. This is usually not compatible. But if you follow the path of Radomir, there is an exception.

4. Activation by blood of Slavic Wendish runes is not used.

In general, what is most often taught - pricking fingers with needles, spitting on runes, sprinkling blood on runes - is a hobby from branches of cabalistics that has nothing to do with the Slavs.

5. Paradoxes. You can activate runes by breathing, fire, burning, visualization, intention. You don’t have to activate it, paradoxically, in practice you feel what works and how it works. The same thing with reservations. You can use a clause, or you can leave it out.

In general, what works here is what is intuitively convenient.

6. Knowledge of rune designs and understanding of their meaning is required; for this it is better to read the literature.

7. Working with runes in the lunar cycle, as in cabalistics, is not taken into account here. Applies regardless of the Moon.

8. Working with runes requires preliminary glorification of the Slavic Gods or appeal to them.

For example, in combat conditions, you will need to turn to the Gods and apply runes to yourself.

9. Working with a cigarette in your mouth while drinking a glass of vodka with runes is not acceptable.

10. Set a goal: create a formula, determine the result, then forget.

11. Try to feel the runes, i.e. how each rune works, what it brings to you. Feel each rune.

12. Don't get rune tattoos. Runes are dynamic, by nature. If you got a tattoo, even if it was just a whole row, you turned the dynamics into statics.

13. Hide all your achievements.

14. Actively apply for “taki-da” and/or any of their institutions.

A couple of differences:

1. Scandinavian formulas are often written with references; the author does damage by activating them with breath, saliva, and blood.

There are no bindings in the use of Slavic Venedic runes, because they are used in combinations with cuts, chirs, kolovrat, secret writing, ornaments, etc.

2. Scandinavian formulas are often written with subsequent farming.

Usually, cabalistic branches require: throwing something off at crossroads, throwing coins there, running through cemeteries, etc.

There are no payoffs in the use of Slavic Venedian runes; you can give thanks and bring demands to the Gods.

Practical interpretation for the use of runes.

Rune Source.

The rune of concentration of power is aimed at preserving forces, states, phenomena or objects.

Runa Perun.

Grants protection from evil, negativity, and is a heavy runic weapon.

Rune Dazhdbog.

Grants the acquisition of any gift: material or psychological, attracts positivity.

Works on a time interval.

Rune Support.

Grants blessing, support, protection in life circumstances.

Rune Rock.

The rune is often interpreted as a designation of the mysterious, the highest and the unknowable.

Used to establish a connection with the Gods.

In ancient times, it was applied to stones and trees to strengthen the connection with them.

Quite often associated with the Living Goddess, life itself.

Rune Lelya.

The rune of attraction, finding love, enchanting, desire and finding mutual feelings.

Rune Ud.

It is used for health purposes, as well as for illnesses or after illnesses, for therapy.

It also works in the sexual and fertility spheres.

Rune Bereginya (Makoshi rune).

The rune of fate, the rune of practicality, is used to correct the situation and achieve well-being.

Rune Wind (rune of Veles).

The rune is used for magical work, for initiation into secret knowledge, creative rune.

Rune Yes.

A beneficial rune, used for health, to revitalize, gain strength and endurance.

In addition, it is considered in terms of its effect as an analogue of the Fehu rune (according to O. Sinko).

Rune Strength (Rune of Perunitsa).

Used to gain strength to achieve victory and strengthen personal will.

Rune of Treb.

The rune, which fosters spiritual development, is also well used when you need to overcome life difficulties, obstacles, barriers.

Used to ask for what is needed.

This is a rune that includes and enhances the work of the rest of the runes of the series, the runescript.

Rune Need (Rune Viya).

This rune is a limiter, the range is wide from building obstacles to disasters for those against whom it works.

Rune of Krada.

The rune of fire and enlightenment, insight, gaining power, as well as purification.

It is used, in particular, to speed up the fulfillment of desires.

Rune Alatyr.

The rune of the center of all things, the first and most important rune.

In short, it can reflect the desire that one wants to receive.

It is used in a very wide range: obtaining solutions, knowledge, protection and much more.

Well connects “dark” and “light” runes in the runescript.

Rune Rainbow.

Rune of good luck and a good journey.

It works in situations where you need advice, you need to find your way in life, the fastest and most optimal way to achieve your goal.

Rune Chernobog.

Rune for removing negativity, damage, etc. Rune of influence on another person or other people.

Both a defensive rune and an offensive rune work.

It combines perfectly with both “light runes” and with the runes: Need (Rune Viya), Source, Rune Wind (Rune Veles).

Rune Belobog.

According to O. Sinko, it is an analogue of the Algiz rune in Scandinavian runes.

Brings peace, tranquility, tranquility, provides protection from negativity.

Affects both the operator himself and other people.

Rice. 1. Slavic (Vendish) runes.

Friedrich Marby, a famous occultist of the 20th century, put forward one of the hypotheses about the origin of runes. In his opinion, they were the language of the highly developed prehistoric Atlantean civilization. There were 33 runic symbols in his system. He became the founder of the League of Runic Research and invented a kind of “runic yoga”.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future with the help of runes.

Formulas of Slavic runes

Everyone knows ancient Scandinavian symbols. Many people turn to their help and solve their problems. But are there similar formulas of Slavic runes based on the power of the ancient gods of our people? Among the northerners they are known as features composed of several separate Res. Yes, such formulas exist, and we will share them with you in this article.

Terms of use

  • 1. Carefully study your problem: if it can be solved without help higher powers- do it. The ancient gods should not be disturbed over trifles; save their power for more important matters.
  • 2. Clear your mind of extraneous thoughts: focus on the desired result and only after that draw the runes.
  • 3. Do not write signs that you are not familiar with: their action may be unpredictable or the opposite of the desired result.
  • 4. Get rid of pride and disbelief: do not draw ancient signs if you do not believe in their effect.

To attract money

The first formula is aimed at success in the business sphere. To attract good luck, you need to draw runes:

  • Yarilo, Perun and Lelya.

To find a decent job, use the power of:

  • Avsenya, Kolyada and Svarog.

For good luck in risky business transactions, use runes:

Makosh, Belobog and Kolyada.

For love

To return a loved one, use the formula from the following Slavic runes:

  • Belobog, Yarilo and Lelya.

Each of the magical signs has its own effect and enhances each other.

Before looking for a life partner, you need to get yourself in order. Beautiful body, a youthful face and excellent posture help increase your chances of success. These signs will help you with this:

  • Troyan, Lelya and Alive.

Getting rid of excess weight

In the life of every person there is a huge baggage of unnecessary thoughts. They are like a weight that prevents you from moving forward. It is extremely difficult to get rid of this burden on your own, but with the help of runic symbols you can count on a positive result. To do this, just draw a formula with a combination.


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