The chair leg at the base broke. How to repair dry wooden chairs

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Probably, everyone can find wooden furniture in their home. Most often such furniture is wooden chairs. They are quite durable, environmentally friendly, and also have an aesthetic appearance.

However, unlike plastic ones, these products consist of many small parts connected to each other with glue.

After a long time, you may notice the chair creaking and certain joints coming apart. If you find that the chair has begun to creak and crack, this is direct evidence that the leg has begun to separate from the harness to which it is attached with spikes or dowels.

Once this has been noticed, you need to think about what is best to glue wooden chair. This does not mean that the chair is completely broken and should go to the dump.

Without spending special means and with some effort, you can repair furniture and give it its former strength simply by using special glue.

First of all, you need to pay attention to the characteristics.


  2. Moment Joiner.

Signs good glue are:

  • Light fastness;
  • Strength of adhesive connection;
  • Water resistance;
  • No marks on the surface.

The ideal option for these purposes would be PVA-based glue. You can also use epoxy or two-part glue. But it is important to remember that buying glue does not mean the job is done.

It is important to properly prepare for the gluing procedure: the quality of the work done will directly depend on this.


Most of the parts of a wooden chair, including the legs, are connected to each other using glue.

Over time, such seams tend to weaken and dry out, which is why very often chairs break. But don't despair about this.

To resolve the issue, how to properly glue a chair leg, it is enough to acquire necessary tools, namely:

  • A hammer with a rubber tip;
  • Sandpaper;
  • Durable adhesive intended for furniture;
  • Press;
  • With a sharp knife or chisel.

When these devices are prepared, you can begin the main process of gluing the chair legs. Furniture with simple design, repair is not a big problem, it is only important to follow the steps in the work:

  1. First, you need to remove the wobbly leg from the socket, and its upper part, which is inserted into the groove (trunnion), should be cleaned of dried glue. If the previously applied glue is difficult to remove, you can steam it with water steam.
  2. If the chair has thin layer glue, it can be removed using sandpaper, and if it is thicker, you must first remove the layer of glue using a chisel or sharp knife, and then sand the surface itself.
  3. After this, you need to apply a layer of glue to the pin, and also insert it into the seat socket. If the cord leg does not fit well into the socket, it is recommended to knock on it with a hammer equipped with a rubber nozzle. It is also allowed to apply some kind of press to the part.
  4. Visible adhesive residues should be removed using a piece of cloth.
  5. After 24 hours, when the glue is completely dry, you can use the chair.

Only properly gluing a chair leg you can count on its reliability and durability in the future. Without following simple rules, some tricks, desire and without resorting to the help of certain tools, it is simply impossible to achieve a positive result.

The glue is the best remedy for repair wooden furniture. By adhering to the instructions written on the packaging and taking into account all the gluing requirements, everyone has the opportunity to achieve the effect with their own hands and make the gluing area more reliable and durable than the wood itself.

Mainly for repairing furniture and in particular wooden chairs they use the following types glue:

  • PVA. This glue is resistant to temperature changes, easy to use and leaves no marks at all. It must be applied to a degreased surface and pressed at the junction. Complete drying should be expected after 24 hours;
  • Casein glue. It often changes the color of the wood and is distinguished by its strength, but in places where it is glued it can leave a noticeable mark. The glue is a light powder that is diluted in water until it becomes thick sour cream, after which it is recommended to mix it with water for about 40 minutes. Dried glue is more resistant to temperature changes;
  • Synthetic glue. This type of glue is used even on an uncleaned surface and is characterized by good performance frost resistance, moisture resistance and strength;
  • Wood glue. It differs from other types of glue in its incredible strength and resistance to temperature changes. Almost always its quality depends on correct process preparation, which involves maintaining proportions when mixing it with cold water.

And although modern market is able to offer customers a wide range of companies that produce glue, you must first familiarize yourself with the characteristics of a particular product in order to subsequently make the right purchase.

You have a broken chair leg and the question arises what can be done. A good solid wood chair is not cheap, and dining chairs As a rule, they come as a set, a set of several items. Having a set of the most common electrical tools for woodworking, it is not so difficult to produce high-quality repairs furniture at home.

As a matter of fact, such repairs can be done using hand tools, hacksaws, plane and chisel. But it is better to use a hand router and a circular saw.
You will also need wood glue, hardwood slats, paint and clamps.
We carry out all repairs ourselves, step by step.

The chair is almost intact, with a good varnish coating and not loose. The only but serious problem is a broken leg. There are such cases, it’s just that a texture node was hit unsuccessfully and the strength was broken, an awkward movement and this is the result.
This chair costs a decent amount, so it makes sense to do the repairs yourself.

The leg broke exactly according to the texture and it is enough to simply align the parts along the break.
Apply wood glue to the ends, connect the fragments and compress well using clamps.

If the ends are aligned strictly in place along the fracture, then, in principle, the gluing is quite high-quality. But the problem remains, if the texture in this place is weak, then who can guarantee that the leg will not break again next to the gluing.

By using hand router We make a groove on the edge of the part, 10-13 mm deep. , 10 mm wide. , length 100-150-200 mm. .
We measure the width of the groove with a caliper and circular saw cut the die to the required thickness.
The flat tenon should fit snugly into the groove on the leg, but not too tightly. Otherwise, you will hammer and break all the furniture.

The depth of the tenon is taken with a reserve, the excess is cut off after gluing. If the leg is straight where it breaks, then cut the bar to length and begin gluing.
If the leg in this place follows an arc, then it is necessary to mark and trim the lower edge of the die so that when compressed, the lower edge of the tenon fits tightly to the bottom of the groove.

In addition, we round the ends of the tenon along the arc that the cutter leaves when cutting out the groove along the edges. Be sure to apply glue inside the groove and on the surface of the tenon.
We press the die into the groove and compress it with clamps. It will be better if the excess glue is squeezed out, so it will fill all the gaps and inconsistencies.
Remove excess rhinestone glue with a dry cloth.

Using acrylic paints or select varnishes desired shade and tint the glued insert part.

It can be difficult to compress the fragments when gluing for the first time, you start to get nervous and nothing happens. Therefore, take your time, first assemble the leg without glue, prepare clamps to size and pads to protect the material during compression.
And only when everything is set up, apply glue and compress the part.
Work quickly, but calmly, without jerking, and quality repairs are guaranteed.

Carefully inspect the wooden chair from all sides. To fix it, you will need to disassemble the piece of furniture into its components. Remember its design. It is best for a novice craftsman to photograph the chair from all sides, so that later he can know exactly where and what part is attached.

Turn the chair over and look at the fastening of the soft or hard seat. It can be secured with bolts, or it can simply be inserted into the grooves. Pull it out and set it aside.

Separate the legs and remaining crossbars of the chair from each other. If there are screws anywhere, remove them. Disassemble the remaining connections using a hammer and wooden block. Apply all blows to the chair only through a block so that you do not form dents or chips on the wooden surface.

Clean all grooves from any glue residue. Use a screwdriver, an awl and sandpaper. Examine the wooden spikes. If any of them are damaged, remove them with pliers. Lubricate the recess with PVA wood glue and insert a new one. Clean the remaining spikes with sandpaper.

For repairs of chairs, use a joiner or furniture PVA glue. They have special additives that after drying the adhesive to maintain the elasticity of the connection. Operation During the chair, the tree will not break down.

Chair assembly

Spread newspapers on the floor or plastic film. Thickly coat the grooves and tenons with PVA glue and assemble the chair structure. Press each joint firmly so that the adhesive comes to the surface. First remove the excess with a knife blade, and then immediately wipe with a damp cloth.

If the groove is loose and became too large for the inserted spike, will drive the wooden stick, a toothpick or a wooden skewer, fluff them with glue.

Secure the assembled frame of your wooden rarity tightly with a rope and leave to dry for a day or two, depending on the ambient temperature.

Seat update

Bye wooden frame dries, take care of the seat. Remove the upholstery from the upholstered seat. Look at the condition of the foam. Remove it if necessary. Uncover new piece foam and secure it to the seat using double-sided tape.

Old upholstery place it on the newspaper and trace it with a pen. Cut out the pattern and transfer it to new material. If the fabric is thin, make a backing for the foam from another dense material. Assemble the seat. Cover it with new fabric, securing it with reverse side parentheses from furniture stapler.

Renew a dried out wooden chair frame. Take off the old one varnish coating using a sander and sandpaper. Fill any old chips with wood putty. Prime the surface, and after drying, apply several layers of varnish with intermediate drying. Put the seat back in place.

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There is nothing complicated about how to fix a chair leg. You only need tools and working hands that are adapted to work. If we are talking about wooden structure, then all the supports in it are usually glued or screwed.

So, you can order, which is of high quality and beautiful. Having taken up the repair, as soon as you have determined the fastening option, you can begin to work. First of all, you have to remove the remains of the broken leg and clean the groove. Surely there were fragments of wood and parts of fixing elements left there.

True, you need to do everything carefully so as not to damage the neighboring legs. Try to measure the length of the support down to the millimeter, and then make a new one on the machine. You can also do it manually; for this you will need a hatchet, a plane, a hacksaw and a vice.

It will take longer, but the pleasure of what you did on your own will overwhelm you. If possible, sand the new leg and varnish it. This way you will protect yourself from splinters and give it the aesthetic appearance of a structural element.

It doesn’t matter that the remaining legs are not painted with varnish; they can then be coated with a solution. Now we have to connect it back. You can pour glue inside and add it to the end of the element, and then insert the leg into the groove and press it tightly.

You can leave it like that, but it is advisable to fasten it from the inside with a small screw. This must be done so that the cap is not visible, using a beard. This way, you can repair the chair yourself, without the use of complex technical equipment.

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