View gardens with coniferous landscapes. Coniferous plants and trees in landscape design - we create beautiful coniferous compositions in the garden

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With the help of evergreen coniferous plants you can decorate and ennoble personal plot or a flowerbed near a residential building. This advantage of coniferous plants has been known for a long time, and therefore evergreen decorations various kinds so relevant. The beauty and originality of such green spaces is preserved throughout the year. This applies to both compositions of conifers and a single tree.

Most varieties of conifers tolerate lack of sunlight well and have a well-developed root system, which allows plants long time do without watering. Some varieties of coniferous plants take root well and develop in dry and rocky soils.

The majority of coniferous trees and shrubs tolerate pruning well. Some coniferous tree species naturally have the correct geometric shape and does not require haircuts or complex care.

The role of conifers in the landscape of a summer cottage

Coniferous plants can perform a wide variety of functions in landscape design. It can be:

The design of a garden with coniferous plants can be either purely decorative or have a functional purpose. In particular, with the help of juniper or thuja you can create a beautiful living fence, which will shelter from prying eyes recreation area in the yard. For example, if you plant these shrubs very closely next to each other, you will get a magnificent hedge.

Using dwarf juniper you can create low fence for playgrounds or flower beds large area. Such a fence will not block the view and will create a visual boundary. In addition, it will create a purely aesthetic frame effect.

Conifers with unusual shape crowns or colors can be used as single decorations for the site. Such a “soloist” is able to decorate a yard or garden throughout the year. The background for such a tree can be a gravel covering or a grass lawn.

Composition from ornamental plants for landscape design, framing a path or fence, has another name: mixborder. This element is very popular among gardeners. To create a mixborder you can combine conifers with ground cover plants, flowers, lawn grass. If a mixborder is created near a garden path, it is best to create it from dwarf forms of plants, then it is possible to take in the entire composition at once.

Such compositions are a ready-made, original and at the same time very attractive solution for creating a landscape for a courtyard or summer cottage. You can combine conifers in your dacha with suitable deciduous plants.

Gives a good effect play on contrasts of color and shape plants. You can combine columnar and spherical thujas and complete this composition with creeping juniper. Bright green color at the same time it will harmonize with golden and deep dark green. This composition looks very attractive.

If you model the landscape composition correctly, the territory of your site will look very cozy and harmonious. A complete picture of a coniferous garden can be created if you adhere to the following rules:

It is best to orient the plantings to the east or west,

Not recommended overload landscapes with an abundance of shapes and colors– this will create a feeling of anxiety. It is best to limit yourself to two or three contrasting colors. Even on a fairly large area, it is better to limit yourself to alternating two shades and avoid chaos of all kinds of colors.

Gallery: conifers in landscape design (25 photos)

Creating flower beds from conifers

With the help of conifers various shapes and size, you can arrange flower beds in your garden or summer cottage. The design of such a landscape will depend on the size of the plot, the shape of the flower bed and, of course, the skill of the gardener.

Exists several varieties of conifer flower beds:

Alpine slide with conifers

Using ornamental coniferous plants different colors and sizes can be perfectly designed alpine slides and small ponds on the site. An ideal landscape design option would be a pond or stream lined with conifers.

  1. Spruce or pine has a spherical shape, western thuja, balsam fir or ephedra.
  2. The conical shape can be maintained in gray spruce, Lawson cypress, Serbian spruce or mountain pine.
  3. The cylindrical shape is inherent eastern thuja, berry yew, Virginia juniper.

Plants of various shapes can be combined at the dacha with creeping juniper species.

Coniferous bonsai

Bonsai- This unique opportunity take your garden home for the winter chill. Such trees are grown in special containers and require a lot of time, effort and attention. Only experienced and patient gardeners can do this task.

The root system of such microconifers can be severely damaged in the harsh Russian winter. IN summer time Bonsai can decorate a garden and a personal plot, but for the winter it must be moved to a room with a temperature of 1 to 12 degrees. Be sure to follow the rules for winter watering of plants. Such painstaking work will be more than rewarded with the delightful and very aesthetic landscape of your dacha.

Advantages and disadvantages

All decorative coniferous crops differ a number of undoubted advantages.

However, along with such advantages, some gardening experts see in them a number of disadvantages. In particular, according to gardeners, conifers can behave unpredictably in the garden as adults. However, if you approach the issue of growing and caring wisely, these shortcomings can be completely avoided. It is enough to choose the right planting location and type of plant and periodically feed it with nutritious fertilizers - and the fluffy plant will give a lot of pleasure with its fresh appearance.

IN last years, V landscape design Coniferous plants are becoming increasingly popular. They are often used to create, beautiful compositions and reliable for various areas. This is due to the wonderful combination of conifers with deciduous plants, stones, herbs, flowers, plus a variety of species, differences in shades, shapes and sizes, as well as a unique healing aroma, filling the air, and year-round decorativeness.

Compact coniferous composition in front of the house

Features of creating a rock garden from conifers in front of the house

A rockery is a gently sloping garden, the design of which uses stones, flowers, shrubs and, in some cases, dwarf trees. Basic principles for creating a rock garden in front of the house:

  • lack of clearly defined tiers;
  • to create a plot pattern, a combination of large stones with gravel is used;
  • the basis of the plant composition is conifers, or rather them;
  • When choosing plants, preference should be given to the most unpretentious representatives of coniferous species.

A simple composition of unpretentious conifers

It is customary to distinguish 3 main types of rockeries, depending on the flora characteristic of certain natural zones: European, English and Japanese. The first one is usually decorated with plants that grow V middle lane . When creating an English rockery, the main emphasis is on the restraint of the composition; the main plants here are cereals, wormwood and some types of coniferous shrubs d. is predominance of stones, with a minimum amount of vegetation.


The landscape is complemented by steppe grasses


Composition of conifers in front of the house in the shade of a deciduous tree


In this photo, conifers replace mosses, framing the path imitating a river, but it is not difficult to imagine spherical thujas in place of the mossy islands.

There are other types, but these are the most common, so to speak, classic. If you want to be original, for example, you can create a mobile rock garden, which will represent a fragment of a gently sloping garden placed in some kind of container. It could be something like a hollowed out tree or its imitation.

How to choose a place for a rockery with conifers

One of distinctive features The gentle slope of the garden from the alpine hill is that the former does not require abundant lighting. Therefore, when choosing a place for a rock garden, there should not be any particular difficulties. It will look harmonious near the gazebo or in front of the windows of the house, near a decorative pond.

It is important that the site is level, even if it is on a slope; there should not be pronounced differences in levels.

Composition of conifers on a slope.

Level differences, natural or artificial, make it possible to create a waterfall.

On a flat area.

Compositions on level ground are relatively simple and can be done by beginners.

Coniferous compositions in landscape design

After the location has been chosen, you should decide on the plot of the composition and first create a project on paper. There are also subtleties and nuances here.

Firstly, when drawing up a composition on paper, it is necessary to take into account sizes of stones and plants.

Secondly, choose the right color palette of stones, here designers recommend giving preference to yellow, brown and beige shades.

Gray stones dilute the bright coniferous greenery, adding a watercolor feel to the composition.

Thirdly, most importantly - achieve a natural imitation of the natural location rocky outcroppings on the surface of the earth.

Conifers can also act as an accentuating background for a composition of other plants.

Fencing made of Vergina juniper.

The advice is not to allow one color to predominate.

Conifers can vary quite a bit in color. When creating a composition, important plays the correct formation color range. There are also rules developed over the years:

  1. For a 3-component composition, there must be 2 colors.
  2. 5-component - 3 colors.
  3. A multi-component composition is created from plants that are grouped according to color characteristics.

Three active colors in the composition.

A mistake was made in this composition - the predominance of one shade of green, although the bush with bright colors slightly smoothes out the impression of monotony.

The organic and carefully thought out color scheme, as well as the arrangement of shapes, make this composition almost perfect.

When creating compositions of coniferous trees and shrubs, it is necessary to take into account the distance from the place from which it will most often be viewed. It should be equal to or greater than two heights of the entire composition. For coniferous plants, many designers consider the best background. It is preferable to place the compositions on the eastern or western side of the site.

A thoughtful coniferous composition and a well-groomed lawn are made for each other.

Compatibility plays an important role various plants. Conifers visually combine well with roses. But it should be taken into account that the former oxidize the soil, and for the latter this is undesirable. Therefore, additional costs will be required to maintain the soil in proper condition.

So that over time the composition does not lose its attractiveness and does not look like wild thickets, when selecting plants, you should take into account their height when they grow, as well as the shape and size of the crown.

Among the most popular and sought-after coniferous plants are:

  1. Tall:
    • (up to 5 m);
    • El Khupsi (up to 15 m);
    • Skyrocket - juniper (up to 3 m);
    • Watereri - Scots pine;
    • Pincus Sylvestris - pine (up to 40 m).
  2. Medium height- are especially loved by landscape designers:
    • yew berry;
    • Konika - spruce;
    • golden yew.
  3. Creeping and short ones:
    • Tiny Tim - western thuja;
    • Mini Pug and Hampi - mountain pine trees;
    • Lombers - common spruce.

If the area of ​​the plot allows, then it can be divided into separate zones, which can not only decorate the garden, but also its fencing. True, to form the latter you will have to wait a certain time.

Design of a recreation area.

Coniferous compositions at the dacha

You can create compositions from coniferous plants on small summer cottages. Here it is necessary to take into account the general landscape of the area and its area. As practice shows, the most optimal for them will be small rock gardens with an area of ​​3.5 m2 or more or mobile compositions.

Conifers as a border near the house.

On a small dacha plot

A dramatic composition with conifers in the backyard, compact, but quite difficult to implement.

Composition only from conifers

When creating them, it is very important proper preparation soil for planting and strengthening the site from subsidence under the weight of stones and gravel. This is done in several stages. At the first stage, markings are made, then a layer of soil is removed and a small pit is dug. Usually the depth does not exceed 30 cm.

In the process of preparing a place for a coniferous composition.

At the second stage, the selected soil is thoroughly cleaned of roots and weeds, the soil is strengthened with geotextiles and the soil is returned to its place. If you plan to use it, then in these places drainage is made from a compacted mixture of fine sand and gravel or expanded clay.

Large stones are buried approximately half or one third into the ground; for stability, you can place smaller stones under them or add gravel. Designers recommend that the direction of the entire composition be oriented in one direction. The final stage is abundant watering. At this stage, it is advisable to prevent soil erosion.

To make it convenient to care for the composition, it is necessary to provide convenient and functional tracks. Alternatively, they can be made from wooden cuts or flat stones. Such a path will also become an additional decoration of the garden.

Coniferous compositions along the path.

Caring for coniferous compositions is not particularly difficult, but it requires knowledge of some rules and strict adherence to them.

  1. Regular weed removal.
  2. Periodic pinching and pruning.
  3. Regular application of fertilizers, starting from the 3-4th year.
  4. Moderate loosening of the soil.
  5. Sheltering plants for the winter with spruce branches.
  6. Into the strong summer heat, it is advisable to protect conifers from direct sun rays, installing awnings.

Schemes of coniferous compositions

Almost all owners of personal plots are keen on creating. With a little effort, they transform their homes, ennoble them and create an almost fabulous atmosphere.

At the same time, it is not so important whether you are the owner of a luxurious mansion or a modest country house. After all, you can create a masterpiece on any site, even if it does not have a large area.

In addition, we should not forget that nowadays lawns, flower beds and various color compositions are more common, rather than standard gardens and vegetable gardens. Gradually they fade into the background, and you can’t see them very often.

Just a few years ago landscape designers used flower beds and ornamental shrubs as a decoration for the garden area. At the same time, coniferous compositions were practically not used.

However, their popularity is increasing every year, so landscape design with coniferous compositions can be seen on almost every site.

Rules for planting coniferous trees

Because of high cost Using the services of professional landscape designers, many home owners have to arrange their own backyard areas. Having studied enough material on correct design site design, you can be sure of success.

But at the same time, it is worth taking into account the nuance that you will be working with coniferous species.

There are some rules for planting plants related to coniferous, which are not recommended to be violated if you want to end up with a truly beautifully landscaped garden. Let's look at these rules in more detail.

The distance from the point from which the tree and shrub species will be viewed to the composition should be 2 times its height. This way your composition will look more holistic.

If you are going to use coniferous plants for design, then it would be wiser to give preference to the lawn. It will become a wonderful background that complements the composition.

If there is a pond on your site, you should plant coniferous shrubs nearby. In combination with weeping foliage plants they will look quite original, beautiful and elegant.

According to experts, compositions of coniferous plants should be placed oriented to the east and west. This composition will look more natural and harmonious.

You should not plant flowers such as roses in close proximity to coniferous plants. And although the designers confirm that such a combination looks very impressive, it is worth remembering that any coniferous species acidify the soil. And roses, as you know, do not take root well in oxidized soils.

As you can see, these simple rules quite simple to follow. Therefore, you should not neglect them.

Do not forget that only plants and trees planted according to all the rules will be able to please you for many years and decorate your garden.

Coniferous color combinations

Did you naively believe that all coniferous plants and trees look the same? You were wrong. In fact, there are many plants that belong to this breed and differ in color.

That is why various compositions are often used, in which there are more than two specimens of plants that differ in color.

Combination various colors gives a stunning effect that cannot leave anyone indifferent.

However, do not rush to use the first colorful plants you come across. After all, you need to achieve the creation of a unique range, and this can only be done if you follow a few tips from designers:

  • if you are going to include 3 components in the composition, you should not use more than two colors;
  • if the composition includes 5 elements, it is necessary to increase the number of colors to three;
  • more bulky compositions, which consist of 25 or more components, should be divided into small groups (approximately 3 copies each). Each group must correspond to a single color attribute.

The composition assembled in this way will look like a single ensemble. Each of the selected colors will help create a holistic and harmonious picture.

Photos of coniferous compositions

They try to structure each garden around some kind of supporting point, some kind of skeleton, which can be artificially created like a sculpture, a fountain, or natural in the form of an evergreen plant. Nowadays, greater preference is given to coniferous trees and shrubs, especially their dwarf versions, which also retain beautiful decorative properties all year round, regardless of the season. Dwarf conifers for the garden 55 photos of landscape design ideas.

In fact, dwarf and creeping coniferous plants in wildlife They are extremely rare, inferior to their giant relatives. Miniature plants are generally created artificially based on structural anomalies known as “witches' brooms” by grafting cuttings onto prepared rootstock of the desired species. The second popular method of growing “dwarfs” is cross-pollination of conifers in a nursery. Coniferous plants for the garden photo:

Amateur gardeners understand the name - dwarf plants- flora that does not exceed the height of human growth in adulthood, that is, almost two meters. Dwarf conifers for the garden, shrubs do not require annual pruning, they tolerate well curly haircut correcting shape, unpretentious to the soil, most of them tolerate shade and frost well. Due to the wide variety of crown shapes and needle colors, they represent serious tools for the work of landscape designers.

Often decorative conifers for the garden, trees find their home on alpine roller coaster, in rockeries or other types of rocky gardens. In these options, they act as the center of the composition, grouping other types of plants around themselves; it is worth taking advantage of all the richness of colors and shapes coniferous dwarfs. If you skillfully use the principle different heights You can avoid monotony and create several original viewpoints at once.

Traditionally, low-growing conifers for the garden are taken for the construction of borders, the organization of low hedges, medium height. Forms with dense bushes of cypress, spruce, juniper, and western thuja beg to be used in borders. Medium hedges can be formed by common spruce, yew, and junipers with a crown in the form of columns.

An environment of heathers will help to emphasize the graceful appearance of low-growing coniferous trees. The entrance to the estate in the form of a thuja arch will look stylish, and the approaches to the porch of the house will be decorated with common spruce and prickly spruce in containers. Coniferous plants for the garden photo:

Trees in garden landscape design

Large trees, trees more than two meters in height, as well as coniferous trees for the garden, are widely used in landscape design. When carrying out landscaping work in city parks, almost always, so as not to disturb the green interior", large trees are planted with old-time trees. On private country estates, mature plants with a properly formed crown can also act as hedges. In both cases, tree planting is carried out in accordance with the texture and habitation characteristics of permanent natural representatives.

Landscape large trees and dwarf conifers for the garden are grown in nurseries, from where they are delivered to a new planting site. Companies that sell large trees monitor the quality of the specimens they offer. On their websites, they post offers for the sale of trees of various species without trade margins. See below for low-growing conifers for the garden:

The degree of survival of trees in a new location is influenced by such factors as resistance to tree insects, general condition, compliance with all standards during cultivation, digging from the ground, transportation and final planting; also take into account the location, where it is better to plant shade-loving conifers for the garden, and where sun loving people.

Nursery specialists advise purchasing large-sized ones in winter period time. Planting trees in winter ensures a high survival rate in a new area.

Winter planting is recommended after slight freezing of the soil. Optimal period planting - from late autumn to early spring at temperatures from -15 0C. Since coniferous trees for the garden are in a state of deep dormancy at this moment, they root system less susceptible various damages, then the chances of settling down in a new place increase exponentially.

It is worth taking into account the fact that in winter the root system of the tree freezes completely. This process occurs gradually, with the air temperature significantly lower than the ground temperature. When digging up plants, their roots are protected with an earthen lump, the size of which should correspond to their size. If you allow the coma to weather and freeze, the root system will die. Accordingly, the tree will not wake up in the spring.

Modern landscape design is unthinkable without majestic spruce trees, luxurious thujas, mighty oaks, serious larches, frivolous pines; dwarf conifers for the garden are also always held in high esteem. Wood compositions of the large ones is a timid reminder of the forest, noisy and green in summer, silent and thoughtful in winter. Coniferous plants for the garden photo:


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