DIY snow. How to make a snowball, garland or Christmas tree toy from cotton wool

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Kyiv decided that spring had begun. I even found fluffy cats on the willow, can you imagine! And Ksyusha has been yearning for snow since summer. She remembers it so much that the baby waits for new snow all year. Well, no, that means you need to do it yourself. In my search for the perfect homemade snow, I came across many interesting recipes, each of which promises to be super-duper. Okay, we'll try everything. During the day's walk, Seraphim and I visited all the necessary nearby shops and collected a bunch of ingredients.


From all this wealth, I prepared 4 types of artificial snow and wrote them down for you short video an overview that shows what each snow mixture looks like: is it moldable, how free-flowing and smooth is each of them:

Recipe one: “Cold homemade snow”

Shaving foam snow


  • Shaving foam

I mixed the ingredients without adhering to any proportions, although the recipe says that you need to take 1 can of foam for 1 pack of soda. I decided to save the foam for two more experiments, so I did artificial snow not from the entire can.

This snow turned out to be wet, cold and fragrant (we smell of menthol and something else). It's easy to make snowmen from it.

Recipe two: “Fragrant delicate snowball”

Snow made from baby oil


  • 2 cups of flour
  • 1/4 cup baby massage oil


The original recipe called for 1 cup baby oil per 8 cups flour. I thought this portion was too big, so I reduced it by 4 times. You need to knead it thoroughly; you can use an egg whisk for this purpose.

This recipe made the most delicate homemade snow with pleasant aroma. Suitable for children with very sensitive skin. You can make snowballs and figures from it, just like the real thing.

Recipe three: “Very white and crispy snow”

Corn starch snow


  • 3 cups cornstarch
  • 1/2 cup vegetable oil

Important: the presence of oil in the recipe makes it difficult to clean up after playing!

Mix the ingredients very thoroughly, you can also use a whisk. The result is super crispy, pleasant to the touch, living snow, which is a little reminiscent of kinetic sand. By the way, this recipe is, surprisingly, the most economical :) And one more significant plus for mothers of one-year-olds: This snow can be eaten and it is safe!

Recipe four: “Do-it-yourself kinetic snow”

Snow made from soda, starch and flour


  • 1 cup soda
  • 1/2 cup cornmeal
  • 3/4 cup water
  • 1/2 cup cornstarch

I prepared this snow like this: I mixed baking soda with cornmeal, added water, then added required quantity starch (about 1/2 cup). The snow turned out to be very interesting to the touch, somewhat fluid. Corn starch adds this sensation to it.

How to play with homemade snow?

  • To each snow you can add sparkles, snowflakes, food colorings or other little things.
  • Worth preparing for games different instruments for (rolling pin, plastic knife, spoons, spatulas, molds, stamps, etc.), baby dishes or bottles with liquid paint and a sprayer.
  • You can also invite different characters to the game: animals, Santa Claus, and others.


It looks neater on a tray with sides

I don’t like to build a children’s game according to a certain scenario, so I don’t come up with any fairy tales in advance. I simply create conditions that promote exciting play. The only thing is that before each game I voice some rules, for example: “Don’t scatter snow around you, don’t walk around the house with a box, use tools in turns, and the like.” Of course, these rules often go unnoticed by my girls :) But I think they still need to be said...

Simochka pours snow into a mini ice cream bowl with a spoon

Snow. Soft, fluffy, delicate, fresh, sparkling, captivating and alluring. Fun Science today suggests making snow with your own hands. Make snow at home. Children will definitely enjoy snow experiences and experiments. A snow fairy tale awaits you. Welcome, friends.

DIY sparkling snow

Ready to make fluffy, cold and very soft snow? The ingredients are simple and affordable. No dangerous ingredients. The recipe is easy. To make snow with your own hands, you need to thoroughly mix the following components together:

  • corn starch,
  • shaving cream,
  • mint extract (optional)
  • sparkles.

DIY snow plasticine

An unexpected combination, you must agree. If you want to sculpt with snow mass, then write down the recipe. The child will undoubtedly enjoy this experience and will be useful for training motor skills and developing tactile sensations. The magic of this modeling compound is the ordinary ingredients and the shimmering shine. It won't take long to prepare the snow. Take:

  • 2 cups baking soda,
  • 1 cup cornstarch,
  • 1 cup cold water,
  • a few drops of mint extract,
  • sparkles.

Combine all recipe ingredients except glitter in a large saucepan. Simmer until the ingredients begin to bubble and the liquid begins to thicken. Stirring continuously, puree until smooth. Remove the pan from the stove. Transfer the mixture into a deep cup, let cool, cover with a towel. Once cooled, add rainbow glitter and knead into clay. How long to knead? Until you achieve the desired shine, smoothness, and plasticity. In order for the snow clay to slightly cool children's hands, store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Making your own snow paints

Is it possible to paint with snow? Certainly. But first you need to prepare snow paints. This is exactly what we will do now. We prepared for this task in advance. In the evening we put the shaving foam in the refrigerator, and in the morning we put the glue in there (for 10 minutes). When everything was ready, we began to experiment.

In a deep cup, mix shaving foam and glue in equal parts. Add glitter + a few drops of peppermint (to add a fresh scent) and mix everything thoroughly. As you may have noticed, the recipe is simple. And what wonderful drawings you get. Try it! Your child will love this fun! See even more recipes for homemade and safe paints.

Making “silk” snow with your child at home

When you can't go outside to play in the snow in winter. Or there is no snow, and you miss it, ask your parents to organize a snow fairy tale at home. And now I will tell you the recipe for silk snow:

  • frozen white bars of soap of any brand,
  • cheese grater,
  • sparkles.

Place a few bars of soap in the freezer overnight. Take out one piece at a time and start grating the soap. The last step In this short process, you will add rainbow sparkles and peppermint extract. Your own homemade snow is ready. It's time to build a snowman.

Snow dough - a super recipe for home cooking

This recipe is based on just two simple ingredients:

  • 450 g corn starch,
  • 250 ml of any cosmetic body lotion.

Friends, to make snow dough, just mix these ingredients with each other and that’s it. Adjust the density of the mass at your discretion. Little advice: You can reward the dough with pleasant coolness and special softness if you cool the ingredients before mixing. Want to keep the dough longer? Place it in a tightly sealed bag and put it in the refrigerator. If the dough becomes dry, mix it with hands moistened with lotion.

Liquid snow - prepare it at home with your child

Let me remind you that today we are making snow at home with the children. And therefore, most of the ingredients need to be cooled or frozen before starting the experiment. So, take the starch out of the freezer and add it little by little ice water until the consistency is not too liquid.

Friends, if you have never made non-Newtonian fluids before, you are in for a magical surprise. Be careful, with active interaction the mass becomes not only harder, but more viscous, and spreads at rest.

But that is not all. We have prepared for you the most complete selection of snow recipes that you can prepare with your child at home.

Artificial snow made from shaving foam, a simple recipe for making at home

The process of squeezing shaving foam into a basin is a fascinating activity in itself. Entrust this stage to your child, he will be wildly delighted. Empty your can of foam? Great, it's time to gradually add soda (1 pack). At the final stage, add glitter. The artificial snow is ready and you can sculpt figures from it. Cold homemade snow will be pleasant to the touch when it is pre-cooled in the refrigerator. Enjoy your experiments.

“Fragrant gentle snowball” for children’s entertainment

In previous recipes, we added peppermint extract. The fresh smell is amazing. But if you want other flavors, then you will probably like the following recipe:

  • 2 cups of flour,
  • ¼ cup baby oil.

The recipe is simple, and the snowball turns out delicate (ideal for children with sensitive skin), with a pleasant aroma. You will need a whisk for thorough mixing.

Important! The presence of oil in the recipe makes it difficult to clean up after playing.

Another recipe on the way unusual snow. Are you tired yet? Then we continue.

Making artificial snow from a baby diaper

How far progress has come, science is advancing by leaps and bounds across the planet, and today, we will tell you how to make snow from diapers at home. Well, the components of this recipe are also simple:

  • baby diaper,
  • water,
  • fridge,
  • great mood(by the way, this is a required ingredient in all recipes).

Parents and teachers go to great lengths to bring their child joy, pleasure and ignite a spark of interest in science. After all, we all understand that science is fun. The main thing is to find the right angle from which to show the child all the beauty of what awaits him tomorrow.

Today I suggest you gut your baby diaper and extract the sodium polyacrylate from it. Important note! Transfer the entire mass into a deep cup and gradually, in small portions, add water - continuously! Violation of technology and the snow will turn out too wet. Now it's time to add realism to our project, let's put the resulting snow in the refrigerator.

Dear scientists, are you tired of experiments yet? Fun Science has prepared for you some more entertaining instructions on how to create snow at home. It doesn’t matter whether the New Year comes tomorrow or in six months. This type of entertainment is relevant in any season. The main thing is the desire and availability of the necessary components at hand.

Do you have soap and toilet paper? If yes, then I suggest making snow from these elements.

Making snow with children from foam polyethylene

Do you like the idea of ​​sprucing up the whole house before a magical holiday? Prepare some PVA glue and coat the surface you plan to decorate. liquid solution. Now begin the process of making snow. Children will especially enjoy working with gloves and it can be an amazing experience. You need to grate polyethylene or foam. As a base, you can use packaging material for equipment, shoe inserts or polystyrene foam. Add sparkles to this airy mixture and enjoy the decorating process.

Making decor, preparing frost from salt

Continuing the decorating theme, I suggest making frost. To do this, you need to prepare a base - a concentrated saline solution. Take a saucepan, pour a small amount of water into it and put it on low heat. Add salt to the pan until it stops dissolving. Dip the branches of spruce, pine or any other plant into the hot solution and leave for a while. And now the science is starting to work. The process of crystal formation starts, which goes much faster in warm water! Let the water drain and leave the plants to dry for 4-5 hours. That's it, you get frost-covered branches. Further decor is at your discretion. Send photos of your work in the comments to this article. What innovation can you add to the recipe?

Artificial snow for a “snow globe”

Glass bowl- a fascinating children's toy. You can add regular sparkles to such a ball. But then the experiment will not work. Therefore, we take a white paraffin candle and rub it on a fine grater. That's it, the snow is ready. And to create “ snow globe“We will need a ball, water, glycerin and artificial snow flakes. You can add shimmering accents with glitter. We close the container hermetically and when shaken, the snowball smoothly sinks to the bottom.

PVA snow and starch

Take and thoroughly mix the starting components:

  • 2 tablespoons starch,
  • 2 tablespoons PVA,
  • 2 tablespoons silver paint.

Congratulations! You have just received excellent snow for 3D decoration of any craft for kindergarten or decoration of interior items.

Preparing a mass that imitates snow

Starting components:

When everything you need is ready, we begin the cooking process. Follow the instructions, follow the steps:

  1. Pour 250 grams (a full faceted glass) of your chosen material into a deep plate.
  2. In that bulk material start adding white little by little acrylic paint. Our task is to ensure that the loose particles stick together, but do not float in the slurry.
  3. Now it's time to add thick (this is important) PVA glue. We try to achieve elasticity and ductility. Add PVA little by little.
  4. And the last, very important touch is glitter. We thoroughly mix our artificial snow and... that's it!!!

Sugar snow

This recipe is suitable for decorating children's (and not only) parties. Before pouring juice, compote or cocktail into a glass, do a simple manipulation. Dip the edges of the glass (glass) into water or syrup. Done? Now you need to dip the wet edges in sugar. It is most convenient to do this on a tray. This is how fast and easy way make festive, snow-covered glasses.

Salty “snow” for meat

Young cooks can provide invaluable help to adults and prepare decorations New Year's table- meat.

For this recipe we will need:

Place egg white and a pinch of salt in a deep cup. Now turn on the mixer and beat our liquid mass into a stiff foam. What's next, you ask?

We take meat, for example, chicken, and put this improvised snow on it. Done? Amazing. It's time to put the meat in the oven. The result of our culinary experience is delicious and holiday dish: chicken in a snowdrift!

These are the recipes for creating a magical snowy atmosphere at home, prepared for you by Merry Science. Write about the progress of your experiments in the comments. Send your photos. Show your masterpieces to the scientific world. Tell us about all the stages of your preparation for the New Year. But remember that if in the summer you want winter, open this page and feel free to make snow. In summer! On own kitchen together with the children! This will be a lot of fun!

We might have missed something in this collection. Therefore, if you have own recipe“how to make artificial snow at home” and you want to tell everyone about it - we are waiting for your letter. We will be happy to publish your New Year's experiments.

Winter is in full swing, and although last year's new year holidays have already passed and have even managed to forget a little, winter-themed crafts are still relevant, especially if there are snowdrifts outside the window. Snow... It’s so good to make an original snowman that you often even want to take it home. However, a snow craft sparkling in the frosty sun will melt in a matter of minutes in the warmth, bringing grief and natural everyday problems. And if so, then let’s get down to business and learn how to make artificial snow, which will delight you and your loved ones, giving your masterpieces a truly fabulous winter flavor! In this article you will learn how to make artificial snow at home.

In fact, there is no one recipe for making artificial snow with your own hands: there are many known methods that differ from each other in the result - the resulting “snow” mass - sometimes quite strongly. However, each recipe has its adherents among craftsmen and can serve decorative purposes in its own style, for certain crafts. In this article we will look at several of the most successful, in our opinion, methods for making artificial snow and frost: we advise you to try each one, choosing for yourself best option(or variations).

For the sake of objectivity, it is worth mentioning that there are special aerosol cans with “artificial snow” on sale, the contents of which very realistically reproduce real snow, as well as corresponding powders and granules for dissolving in water. However, we will not follow this simple, but significantly more expensive path, but now we will begin to roll up our sleeves and get down to business.

Any recipe for artificial snow is multi-component in structure and consists of several ingredients, which, when mixed in certain proportions and at certain conditions, give the desired result. Almost all of the proposed options are easy to make in a regular kitchen or home workshop.

How to make artificial snow at home?

Method No. 1

You can get a great sparkling result by mixing cornstarch with shaving cream and glitter. You will have to experiment with proportions to achieve the result you want. If desired (and if available, of course), you can add mint extract when kneading. Instead of starch, corn flour is suitable, and glitter is often “replaced” with mica. In any case, the result of your efforts will definitely please you.

Method No. 2

Shaving foam can also be mixed with regular baking soda (sodium bicarbonate, sodium bicarbonate or sodium bicarbonate - they are the same thing, do not be alarmed by the differences on the packaging from different manufacturers). It is important to gradually add it to the foam squeezed out in advance into a suitable container; the resulting white mass, pleasant to the touch, can be “seasoned” with sparkles, achieving the charm of snow sparkling in the sun. Usually one and a half standard packs of soda are required per can of foam.

Method No. 3

Pre-frozen toilet soap grated on a cheese grater looks incredibly believable as artificial snow. Any variety will do, as long as the color of the bar is as white as possible. Mint extract and glitter added to the resulting mass will also come in very handy for more decorative effect.

Method No. 4

Not exactly cheap and not at all free way(although, depending on who) - gut a regular baby diaper: we only need its sodium polyacrylate filler, which then needs to be torn into small pieces. This is an absorbent material that crystallizes when exposed to moisture and retains it. Therefore, the material extracted from the diaper is placed in a container and gradually poured clean water, just make sure that there is not more than enough to form “snow”. If you have doubts about the harmlessness of sodium polyacrylate, take into account the fact that you took it out of the thing that is most loyal to the baby’s sensitive body - a diaper.

Method No. 5

In nature, snow, as you know, can look somewhat different, while remaining the same snow. That's this method offers a slightly unique artificial snow - it is best used to create “snow massifs”, “snow-covered expanses”. You will need ordinary starch, PVA glue and silver paint: just take one equal part at a time (usually it is calculated in the volume of 2 tablespoons, but this is not important) and mix and grind thoroughly until you get the “snowy” mass you need.

Method number 6

This is not really snow, or rather, not snow at all, but “frost”, which may be required to create believable compositions. Sprigs of pine needles, ordinary twigs and grass are covered for this purpose with a very cool salt solution, which, when dried, crystallizes on their surface and shines, just like real frost! And achieving this effect is very simple: table salt coarsely ground gradually pour into a container with hot water on the stove over low heat, and when the salt stops dissolving, turn off the heat and lower the pre-prepared plants into the solution. The twigs with future “frost” are infused until the water cools, then taken out and dried under normal conditions for about 4-5 hours - you will see the result for yourself!

Method No. 7

Often, to design a “winter” craft, you may need the so-called. "snow paint" To prepare it, let's take the shaving cream we already know (the brand doesn't matter - the main thing is that it is white), PVA glue, as well as the ubiquitous glitter - where would we be without them, and mint extract. Well-mixed ingredients form a characteristic mass, which is applied with a brush or sponge and can be used to either tint a craft or fully draw on a plane, for example, snowmen.

OK it's all over Now. “The Magic Seven” completes our selection of the most available ways making artificial snow to decorate crafts on a “winter” theme, giving them the necessary charm and appropriate color. In fact, there are almost three times as many such methods, however, those presented here will be quite enough to create real masterpieces!

Veronica Parfenova

Children sincerely rejoice at the arrival of winter, especially when there is a lot of snow. Then you can play various games with him games: fashion snowmen, build snow fortresses, go downhill, ski and sled. But the most favorite entertainment for children is playing with snowballs.

But what to do if winter weather brings us surprises: That very coldy, then it will rain, then it will be icy. There is no opportunity to go for a walk and play in this weather. So I asked my parents for help and together we did it for our children." snowballs" from cotton wool. Now we can play “with snow” in a group, regardless of any winter weather. Moreover, there is a great variety of games; in essence, we are replacing " snowballs"small balls in winter time of the year. Children get great pleasure from this.

I suggest to you, dear colleagues, manufacture This is a seasonal physical education benefit for your guys.

You will need:

Starch - 2 teaspoons

Water - 250 ml


Execution Sequence:

1. Cook glue (paste) from water and starch.

Pour 250 ml of cold water into the pan and add 2 teaspoons of starch. Stir evenly and put on fire. This mixture should be brought to a boil, but not boiled. Don't forget to stir.

The paste will be ready when it thickens enough to be spread with a brush.

Leave the welded glue to cool.

2. Let's start working with cotton wool.

Unroll the cotton wool and form it into balls the right size. At the same time, we apply glue both inside and outside, then " snowballs"will be stronger and last longer.

Dip the fully formed balls into the paste, remove them and evenly distribute the glue with your fingers over the surface of the cotton wool. lump.

3. Place the resulting blanks on plastic surface or tray.

Dry" snowballs"in a warm place (I dried it near the radiator) until fully prepared. And for uniform drying periodically (in 2-3 hours) turn them over.

From one package I got two cotton wool"snowballs".

Environmentally friendly, lightweight, safe snowballs are ready.

Enjoy your games!

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Get ready for winter holidays? Do you want to decorate your interior with something unusual? If you are tired of colorful tinsel and want to create a stylish, neat composition, make cotton wool snowballs with your own hands and use them as decoration. Delicate fluffy balls will add zest to any winter decoration.

How to make snowballs. Options

The simplest thing is to make snowballs from cotton wool with your own hands, but there are other ways that will make it possible to get original elements winter decor. Modern materials will allow you to create white balls with sparkles, shimmer, and even fluffy ones. So, besides cotton wool, snowballs can be created in the following ways:

In a word, there is a choice. You can try different variants. This will be especially interesting for children.

DIY snowball made from cotton wool: a method without glue

This technology is simple, but you can use it to make different types of jewelry. In this case, you will need it from any material, and decorate the surface with just cotton wool or additional decor. The materials needed are:

  • old tights;
  • thread and needle;
  • cotton wool;
  • bandage;
  • white or silver tinsel or other decor.

A DIY snowball made from cotton wool is made using this method as follows:

  1. Cut a piece of a suitable size from the tights and twist it into a ball, sew where necessary with a needle. You can use tights as a shell, and fill the spherical “bag” with scraps or padding polyester. The color of the base is not important as the surface will be covered.
  2. Tear off a little cotton wool and spread it over the resulting ball so that the “insides” do not show through, especially if they are of a different shade. Wrap a layer of cotton wool with a bandage and sew with threads so that it does not unravel.
  3. To give decorative properties surface, wrap the resulting workpiece with white or silver tinsel or grass-type yarn.

There is nothing complicated. The only negative is the use of a needle and thread, that is Small child he himself will not be able to manufacture a product using this technology.

Cotton wool and glue

If you want to find out with your own hands with your baby, then use one of the following methods. In the first case, you will need the following materials:

  • cotton wool;
  • (preferably with glitter).

The manufacturing technology consists of three steps:

  1. Take a piece of cotton wool and drip PVA onto it.
  2. Roll the ball so that the glue is inside.
  3. Cover the surface with hairspray.

This is how quickly you can make snowballs from cotton wool.

We make snowballs with our own hands in another way. Here you will need to weld the paste. You need the following:

  • A glass of cold water.
  • 2 teaspoons starch.
  • Heat-resistant container (saucepan).
  • Stirring tool (spoon, stick).
  • Brush for applying glue.
  • Cotton wool.
  • Sequins or other decor.

The working technology is as follows:

  1. Pour water into the prepared container and gradually add starch, stirring as you do so.
  2. Place the mixture over low heat until signs of boiling (bubbles) appear, also stirring thoroughly constantly. If lumps still form, stir everything with a whisk or use a fork.
  3. While the glue cools, roll cotton balls.
  4. Apply the prepared composition evenly with a brush to the surface of the ball and sprinkle with glitter.
  5. Place the products to dry near the radiator or use a hair dryer. It is advisable to turn the balls over during the drying process.

The second technology with paste is suitable even for small children, as they use safe materials, and the composition is applied while it has cooled. The paste, of course, will be made by adults.

How to use artificial snowballs

So, in front of you are ready-made white balls. What can you do with them next:

  • Make
  • Make toys for the Christmas tree.
  • Place it under the tree.
  • Collect snowmen or animal figures.
  • Compose beautiful composition in a basket in combination with colored balls.

These are just a few possible ideas for using snowballs. Use your imagination and you will get some great interior decorations.

As you can see, you can make snowballs from cotton wool with your own hands different ways. Choose the right one and create original winter decor yourself or with your children.


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