Dream interpretation: dead mother laughs. Dream Interpretation - Mom, husband, dying cat, house

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Dream Interpretation - People who died in reality and appeared in a dream

Those people who no longer exist in reality continue to live (exist!) in our consciousness.

IN folk superstition“seeing dead people in a dream means a change in weather.” And there is some truth in this as a result of sharp changes atmospheric pressure in the form of loved ones of the deceased, either phantoms of deceased acquaintances or lucifags from non-physical dimensions of the earth’s noosphere most easily penetrate into people’s dreams in order to study, contact and influence the sleeper. The essence of the latter can be clarified using special techniques only in lucid dreams.

And since the energy of the Lucifags is alien (non-human), it is quite easy to determine their arrival.

And although lucifags very often “hide” under the images of our loved ones, loved ones who have passed on to another world, when meeting with supposedly our dead relatives, instead of joy, for some reason we experience special discomfort, strong excitement and even fear!

However, what saves us from making direct destructive energetic contact with genuine representatives of underground infernal spaces is the lack of full-fledged daytime consciousness, i.e., unawareness, which, together with the high-speed action of our body, is our spiritual protection from them.

However, quite often “genuine”, “real” bodysuits of close people who once lived with us may appear to us.

In this case, contact with them is accompanied by fundamentally different states and moods. These moods are more trusting, intimate, intimate and benevolent.

In this case, from deceased relatives we can receive good parting words, a warning, a message about future events, and real spiritual and energetic support and protection (especially if the deceased were Christian believers during their lifetime).

In other cases, dead people in a dream represent our own projections, showing the so-called “incomplete gestalt,” an unfinished relationship with this person.

Such non-physically ongoing relationships are expressed by the need for reconciliation, love, intimacy, understanding, and resolution of past conflicts.

As a result, such meetings become healing and are expressed by feelings of sadness, guilt, regret, repentance and spiritual cleansing.

Interpretation of dreams from

You should not assume that dreams appear just like that, especially if we are talking about dreams in which people who have already passed into another world appear to the sleeper’s attention. The night image in which the late mother appeared to the sick woman should not be overlooked.

What if you dream about your late mother being sick?

Figuring out why a sick late mother dreams is actually not as difficult as one might think at first glance, because the behavior model of the deceased will be decisive for the interpretation of this image. The fact is that most dream books explain the appearance of the living dead in a dream as a usual harbinger of a change in weather (in sunny times - to rain and cold weather and vice versa), although in fact this is not entirely true. Typically, such an interpretation is appropriate only if the deceased behaved quietly and did not show any conspicuous activity.

In all opposite situations, it is recommended to treat such visions with extreme caution, especially if the deceased called the dreamer to follow him, extended his arms to him, or even tried to embrace him in his chilling embrace. For example, for a person experiencing health problems, this dream can promise the most negative development of the situation.

A night vision in which a deceased mother sobbed on the shoulder of her sick daughter or took her with her is considered especially bad, because in such a bizarre way the stars can warn the sleeping woman about the mortal threat hanging over her.

At the same time, interpreters of secret signs strongly recommend not to despair, but to pay attention to every word and gesture that was made by the deceased in a dream. For example, a dream about how a daughter rejoiced at the sudden resurrection of her own mother, experiencing great happiness and relief, a priori cannot foretell anything bad and should rather be regarded as an omen of some miracle and future joyful changes. And it is not at all excluded that the dreamer will soon experience a long-awaited healing.

At the same time, one should be extremely wary of the words that the deceased utters in a dream, taking them, as they say, literally, especially if they included some numbers or specific dates. As an example, we can cite cases where a dead man who appeared in a dream stubbornly repeated the same number, which soon played a fateful role in the life of the sleeper.

What does it portend?

Those night visions in which a deceased woman suddenly appeared and presented her daughter with some kind of gift will have a similar meaning, and its interpretation will directly depend on the gift seen. For example, a living flower in a pot will symbolize health and longevity, while a bouquet of cut half-withered flowers, on the contrary, is an omen of future troubles and misfortunes.

Seeing a revived mother pale, thin and sick is a bad sign, which may indicate that the dreamer will have to endure far from the most difficult times. better times, full of need, worries and deprivation. And here is a vision, according to the plot of which deceased mother represents one’s own daughter alive, blooming and full of strength; on the contrary, it can signal long-awaited changes for the better, so one certainly shouldn’t expect anything bad in this case.

Sometimes forecasters and astrologers explain the appearance of deceased relatives in a dream as a sign that they continue to protect their loved ones even while in another world. That is why they advise taking dreams about a deceased mother as another confirmation of a close connection that continues to exist even after death.

Deceased in a dream- Seeing your late mother alive again means that in reality you will have a joyful event, the birth of a daughter, you will provide help to someone who really needs it. For your mercy you will be rewarded with gratitude and respect.
Talking to your dead mother in a dream- to the news. News can be both pleasant and sad.
If in a dream you happened to quarrel with your late mother or watch her from the side without interacting, get ready for trouble, and also pay attention own health.
If in a dream you managed to talk about something, be sure to write down all your mother’s words, most often people so close come to warn you about something, and even if now all the phrases seem meaningless to you, it’s worth remembering them .
If in a dream you hugged your deceased mother, it means real life you now really lack care, love and understanding.
If you saw your deceased mother in a dream, perhaps some sorrows and troubles await you in life.
If you see your deceased mother in your home, then peace and tranquility will reign in your family. Children will bring joy, your husband will become a reliable support, household chores will not burden you.
If you see your deceased mother singing songs, then the dream is a warning about some danger, a threat to your health.
If you see your deceased mother in your house in a dream, it means that everything in your family will be fine, your children will not get sick or upset you, and your relationship with your husband will improve.
If the dream is good, you see your deceased mother alive, she visits your home or you have a calm conversation - family happiness and good luck in all matters await you.
Another dream in which you saw your late mother may also indicate that you should honor the memory of the deceased in the near future.
Sometimes you dream of dead people precisely because relatives forget to honor their memory, light a candle in church, or pray for the repose of their soul. Think about how long ago you did this.
Any dead person in a dream was always perceived as some kind of warning.
Hugging mother in a dream- you will be flooded with memories, sadness and longing for the deceased, a lack of tenderness and care in real life.
Bad sign, if you argued with your mother in a dream. This means that failures await you in life, you will commit serious mistakes, for which you will have to pay for a long time.
A deceased mother can appear in a dream for completely mundane reasons - when last time did you light candles in the church for the repose and visit her grave? Dreams of this type should be interpreted directly according to own emotions in sleep and surroundings.
The deceased mother is most often dreamed of in order to warn you about something, or when the time has come to remember her and visit the burial place.
Arguing with your deceased mother in a dream promises an unsuccessful business, making a mistake in reality, an unhappy marriage, or the loss of a child.
The most ominous dreams are those in which the dead are calling for you; if you dreamed that your dead mother was calling for you, this is most likely only a warning of a serious trouble, but not a threat to your life.
It is believed that seeing dead people in a dream- not good, but don’t panic if your late mother visited you in a dream.
Run away from your deceased mother in a dream- to troubles in relationships with others. Most likely, you will encounter anger, hatred and envy.
Run away from your dead mother- in the near future you will feel someone’s anger, ingratitude and envy.
Most often we are talking about the illness of people close to you. Problems can also arise due to your impressionability and excessive emotionality.

Some of the most difficult dreams for a person are those in which we see loved ones gone forever. But the most difficult test is to see the other side of reality of the deceased parents, father or mother. Perhaps such a dream will seem strange or frightening to some, others will simply be glad that they were able to see this person again, but it is better to listen to what was said by the late mother in the dream, remember what she looked like, and try to reveal secret meaning this night vision.

Seeing a deceased mother in a dream - meaning

Interpreters claim that seeing a deceased mother in a dream is a sign that carries a serious semantic load, even if nothing special was said or done in the vision itself. Once you think about this dream, the deceased mother can give a hint or warn about something that the dreamer may not even think about in real life.

First of all, you should calmly and sensibly evaluate what you dreamed. If the loss dear person happened recently, the dream may be an echo of the strongest emotional experiences caused by loss. The same applies to situations when the mother has not been among the living for a long time, and the dreamer misses her. It is worth understanding the interpretation if the night vision came unexpectedly.

Here are a few situations in which a deceased mother may dream, and their brief interpretation:

  • Smiling from afar - good news;
  • Worried, but not approaching - look around, perhaps you offended someone or were unfair;
  • Crying - you need to change your outlook on life and strive for more, no matter what;
  • Drunk mom - pay attention to health and rest, do not succumb to depression;
  • Quarrel with her - think about the actions you have committed, were all of them in good faith? If not, then the situation needs to be corrected;
  • Feed mom - to material well-being;
  • Clean with her - it's time to understand yourself and your problems;
  • I dreamed that you were little in your mother’s arms - lack of care and kindness;
  • When a pregnant woman dreams of her mother - for easy childbirth;
  • Hugging her in a dream - to troubles, the solution of which is only in your hands;
  • Giving something to mother - expect financial losses or health problems;
  • Follow the call of the deceased - to illness or new bereavements.

Conversation with the deceased mother in a dream

Many dream books note the importance of a dreamed dialogue with the deceased. Not everyone can talk or listen to a parent in a dream, so this vision is doubly precious. Why do you dream about your dead mother being alive and talking to her?

Any dreamed warning from the deceased about what is really happening to the dreamer in Lately, should be taken literally, and when you wake up you need to try not to ignore it. Perhaps it is worth reconsidering your current views, choosing a favorite activity for yourself, checking your health, paying attention to those people to whom the dreamer usually devotes very little time, and much more. Perhaps these dreams will change your life.

It is also important to listen not only to the mother’s words, but also to her intonation - this may also be a clue.

If you dreamed about being alive

Why do you dream about your deceased mother being alive? Some interpreters, including Freud and Loft, view these dreams as manifestation of human weaknesses , absence inner strength to move on and the desire to be protected by the person who during his lifetime always protected the dreamer. Interpreters assure that it is time to take decisive measures and start the process of fundamental changes, starting with yourself.

Miller's Dream Book explains dreams in which the deceased mother dreamed of being young and full of strength, as a sign of the imminent acquisition of the desired thing.

Modern dream book notes that the feelings experienced by the dreamer in a dream will be the key to interpreting the dream. Positive emotions promise well-being in family matters, you just have to take care of your health. Negative emotions promise trouble.

Vanga's Dream Book explains night dreams, in which the late mother appears ill, as a warning: everything that the dreamer says can turn into betrayal against her.

IN dream book of Meridian it is claimed that such night vision can warn of impending misfortunes in career or family life. Be careful, the dream book warns: you dreamed of a dead mother alive - trouble will come from unexpected places.

Doesn’t give optimistic forecasts Universal dream book , which means that the vision promises protracted family conflicts. If taken on time correct solution, the warning dream will not come true.

Why does the deceased mother dream about being alive, and at the same time she helps the dreamer around the house? The Sonan Dream Interpretation warns that a woman subconsciously understands that a difficult period has come in her family life, and this night vision is a green light to begin solving personal problems.

Why do you dream of a deceased mother who dies in her sleep? Subconsciously, the dreamer has not yet said goodbye to this loved one.

Why do I often dream about my dead mother? This is usually associated with emotional distress over the most difficult loss in any person's life. Perhaps it is worth going to church and doing a few good deeds in the name of the deceased. This will make it easier to come to terms with the loss.

Absolutely every person sees dreams, and they carry very different contents and have different meaning. Some are a reflection of our subconscious, our fears and problems, others help us deal with the future, the future.

Correctly recognizing the meaning of a dream means getting a hint about your future or present, understanding which problems and tasks you need to pay attention to first.

Dreams in which we see our deceased relatives are special. Firstly, after such a dream a person experiences a whole range of emotions - he gets the opportunity to first meet and then lose a loved one again, hence the inevitable feeling of disappointment and devastation. Each dream book interprets such dreams differently than the others. But, in any case, to see such a dream means to receive a sign from those who are no longer around.

And to see mom, the closest and loved one, alive again - this is a dream with a special emotional load. Let's try to understand its meaning with the help of Miller, Freud and other scientists who worked in this area.

Miller's Dream Book

A curious interpretation of such a dream by one of the most famous and sought-after compilers of dream books. According to this dream book, if you dreamed of a dead mother and she was healthy, young and cheerful, you received good sign. This means that you are ready to spend, to make spontaneous purchases, and this will definitely bring you pleasure; you will be able to successfully purchase an item that you have been meaning to buy for a long time. Whatever such a dream prepares you for, it will be a pleasant sign for you.

The dream book interprets a conversation completely differently if it took place in a dream. It is very important to listen to the intonations, to the words that you heard in the dream, what they are addressed to - they are a warning in your waking life, it is important to do correct conclusions. If words and their essence are related to what is happening in your life, take them as clues, take advantage of this unique chance and do the right thing, listen to advice.

Freud's Dream Book

The famous scientist and psychologist studied this topic extremely carefully, and therefore in his works there are many useful information, which helps to understand why a dead mother dreams. First of all, we see dead parents in our dreams because we miss their presence and support. Such dreams appear at difficult moments in life, when it is necessary to accept important decision, and we miss their attention, advice or participation so much.

The bond that certainly binds us to our mother throughout our lives remains just as strong after her passing. And therefore, if you dreamed about it, this is a very important sign. Freud interpreted it as a warning about what was destined to happen. By correctly recognizing a warning in a dream, you can avoid serious consequences.

Take such a dream as a hint: you need to reconsider the current state of affairs, study different variants developments and think about a backup plan.

Also, this dream may be associated with the mood of the person who dreamed it.

Dream Interpretation of Meridian

The main reason for this dream is the approaching problems. This dream is a warning about possible difficulties at work or in your personal life. To solve these problems as painlessly as possible, you need to completely keep the situation in real life under your control. You may have to face something you are not prepared for.

Dead mother in a dream can also tell you what aspects of your life need to be worked on, what you need to change in yourself. Even if you don’t want to admit it in reality, you can see it in your dreams.

If you are haunted by difficulties, you are sad and think a lot about your mother, such a dream cannot be interpreted. Most likely, it simply reflects your general psychological state. In this case, try to distract yourself from negative thoughts.

Universal dream book

This dream book is not very popular among those who want to receive exact interpretation his dreams, but regarding this dream he gives really useful and important information.

A dream about a deceased mother means that soon you will have to go through an unpleasant and painful breakup with one of your loved ones or relatives.

If you saw your mother alive, it means that you will cope with these difficulties and solve them in your favor. You may be able to correct the situation without loss.

Modern dream book

It will help you find out why your mother dreams about being alive. modern dream book. Here, such dreams are generally considered a good sign, but when interpreting them, the emotions that you experienced in the dream play a key role. If the dream was bright, colorful, light, and you woke up experiencing positive feelings, this is a good sign that predicts well-being and happiness, but you should pay attention to your health. If you experienced difficult feelings, you felt bad and sad even after waking up, take such a dream as a warning.

Loft's Dream Book

This dream book interprets the content of the dream in which you saw your dead mother alive again as a reflection emotional state dreamer Such a dream can reflect a whole complex at once negative emotions, which torment you and break out through the subconscious: these are fears, anxieties, and complexes. Such a dream may occur to a person suffering from loneliness or separation.

Having received this sign, you need to make a decision and begin to act. Pull yourself together, overcome your fears, find the strength to resist them.

If you have recently lost your mother, such a dream will demonstrate all your melancholy and pain of separation. Go to church and light a candle for repose.

Dream Interpretation Sonan

But this dream book interprets the meaning of the dream a little differently: the appearance of a mother in a dream means a desire to help her child understand difficult situation, do right choice, provide help and support.

This dream is also projected onto family life dreamer If, for example, your deceased mother helps you with housework, it means that your relationship with your husband needs serious support, and you will have to make a number of efforts to save your marriage.

Vanga's Dream Book

If you dream of your mother being alive, but sickly or seriously ill, this may mean that you will soon have to face accusations against you and betrayal. Be careful in your statements - they can turn against you.

It’s not so easy to figure out why mom dreams about being alive. Such dreams contain several key symbols at once: mother, death, rebirth of life; in order to understand the dream, you need to be well versed in each of these aspects. Dream books interpret these dreams differently, but one thing remains unchanged in each interpretation: the image of a mother is one of the key and fundamental ones in the life of every person, and her loss is one of the biggest shocks.

That is why it is very important to correctly connect the elements of life and death in a dream, to see the role of the mother, to hear what she wants to say or convey to you.

Such a dream carries many symbols, and therefore its interpretation cannot be unified.

Listen carefully to yourself, to your emotions, feelings, and you will definitely be able to find the right answer to any question, you will understand why your dead mother dreamed. Do not be afraid of such dreams - they warn us and protect us from mistakes. Heeding the warning correctly will help you make the right choice.


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