Improving the system of municipal property management in the Russian Federation. Increasing the efficiency of use of municipal property

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Local government is one of the most important institutions modern society. It is designed to solve and regulate various economic, social, political, environmental and other issues that arise at the local level. Reality and effectiveness local government is determined, first of all, by the material and financial resources available to municipalities and, in their totality, constituting the financial and economic foundations of local self-government.

Economic basis of local government municipality are located in municipal property property, funds from local budgets, as well as property rights of municipalities.

But, despite such a list of resources, most municipalities are subsidized. In the structure of financial assistance from the local budget, not subsidies, areas whose expenditures are determined by the municipalities themselves, are becoming increasingly important, but subsidies, i.e. share participation of a higher level of the budget system in expenses that a subject of the Federation considers necessary.

In such conditions, of course, municipalities lose their economic freedom and independence, which in turn reduces the effectiveness of local government. Municipalities are forced to do everything necessary measures to change the current situation. Thus, municipal property serves as the basis for the activities of a municipal entity as a tool for managing solvency and financial stability region.

IN last years the interest of scientists and practitioners in the problem of efficiency of use is becoming more and more noticeable municipal property. The increasing relevance of this problem is due to the ineffective use of municipal lands, which are often rented out or, even worse, sold at minimal prices. Municipal property is in a dilapidated condition, often unfit for use and in need of major repairs.

Analyzing this problem, we can identify several approaches to determining the efficiency of property use.

Firstly, in terms of the amount of income received. Such an indicator could be specific gravity budget revenues from the economic use of property (including revenues from property taxation; excluding revenues from property taxation).

Secondly, from the point of view of public benefit. Only qualitative indicators (for example, a decrease in child crime as a result of the construction of a network of children's clubs).

Thirdly, from the point of view of the economics of budgetary funds (widely used in pre-revolutionary Russia). For example, construction administrative buildings allows you to free up the housing stock that is occupied by various institutions (SES, housing departments, passport offices, etc.) and transfer it to residents, as well as reduce payments to the private sector for rented space.

In relation to municipal property, the degree of feasibility should be assessed, and not the degree of efficiency of use. If we talk about effective management, then the degree of effectiveness must be assessed by the level of satisfaction of all interested parties in solving certain problems. It is not possible to evaluate the effectiveness of management only by quantitative indicators, since the management of municipal finances and property is a specific area of ​​activity in which what is often important is not the number of issues resolved, but the quality of their solution.

When assessing the effectiveness of financial and property management, one should proceed from the goals and objectives facing local governments. Since the main goal of the activities of local governments is to satisfy the collective interests of the population living on the territory of the municipality and to ensure their basic living needs in the areas falling under the jurisdiction of the municipalities, we cannot directly use ordinary market assessments (profitability, profitability, etc.). IN in this case It is necessary, first of all, to answer the questions of how much the quality of life of the population has increased as a result of management, how dynamically the municipality is developing. Therefore it is necessary different approaches to assess the effectiveness of managing the revenue and expenditure parts of the local budget, various municipal property objects.

When assessing the effectiveness of municipal property management, it is necessary to divide the property objects necessary for solving social tasks, and property used to obtain additional income local budget.

This analysis can also be presented from the perspective of three aspects, with the help of which the efficiency of using municipal property is assessed: land, urban planning and environmental protection.

From the standpoint of the first aspect, efficiency is expressed by the maximum amount of collected land payments; from the standpoint of the second, by the creation spatial conditions development material base multi-sectoral complex of the city, from the position of the third - maximum preservation of valuable natural landscapes and ensuring ecological balance, which ultimately has a positive effect on the health of the population.

Based on an assessment of the efficiency of using municipal property, it is possible to plan options for using real estate (sale, lease, transfer to management, pledge, contribution to authorized capital created society).

The general basis for planning any of the listed activities is to determine the real market value real estate object. The main criterion for selecting an option is the maximum income from the implementation of a particular option for using a municipal property.

Consequently, one of the most important tasks of a municipality is to increase the efficiency of municipal property management as an unusual process of self-analysis, which should be present in the relevant management organizations.

One of the methods for increasing the efficiency of municipal property management is to hold competitions for positions of managers and municipal enterprises and institutions, advanced training of management personnel, strict control over their work, evaluation of their activities based on the results of the work of the complexes they manage.

The second is strict control over staffing table enterprises, which must exactly correspond to the volume of services they provide or work performed.

The third method is to lease municipal property on a competitive basis and organize auctions so that more profitable projects and investors have an advantage.

The main requirement for the sale or lease of a structure by a local community is that these procedures must be consistent with market conditions (auction, competition, and the requirement to ensure a market sale price, rent). The right to sell and lease buildings of the local community corresponds to its right to acquire old industrial buildings into private property. The purpose of the latter operation is to encourage new use after renovation by providing a discount to the buyer or lessee to cover the difference between the usually higher cost after restoration of the structure and its market price.

In addition, in some areas of the municipality that require encouraging the creation or expansion of economic activity on subjects of local government (for example, in the field of landscaping), local communities can provide discounts from market price sale or rental of real estate, for example, in the amount of 25% of the sale price or rental value of buildings.

Another method of increasing the efficiency of municipal property management may be to establish a procedure for accepting management decisions in case of failure to implement the program (plan, business plan). In particular, when justifying the impossibility of achieving a goal or implementing programs, decisions can be made on reorganization, liquidation of an enterprise, institution, privatization of municipal property, etc.

One can not only agree with these methods as providing the right approach to the direction of the current situation, but also a normative addition to them should be adopted at the local level legal act, according to which a mandatory clause of the agreement (contract) with the head of the enterprise will be a rule establishing the right of the owner of the transferred municipal property to relieve this manager from his position if the performance of the organization does not meet certain requirements.

However, the range of methods for improving the efficiency of municipal property and financial management is quite limited. The main problem is the preparedness and qualifications of management personnel, as well as their interest in the results of their activities.

Common for most countries modern world the tendency is to reduce the actual communal affairs and expand the mandatory and delegated ones. This situation reflects the increasing integration of local bodies into the state mechanism, their adaptation to solving, first of all, problems of national importance.

In this case, it is necessary to talk about reforming the relations between state and local authorities, namely the need to review the distribution of issues of jurisdiction (and, accordingly, property), municipalities and state power taking into account the opinion of each municipality in order to more efficiently use municipal property.

Thus, problems associated with the efficiency of municipal property management are caused, first of all, by the imperfection of legislation, which is designed to create conditions for the normal functioning of all participants in legal relations, including in the economic and social spheres. It is here that the municipal property management system is implemented in a single municipality. The social orientation of municipal property is especially important. The problem of bulkiness and dilapidation is also obvious. large number objects of municipal property. The ways to improve the efficiency of municipal property management are varied and municipalities need to carry out systematic and targeted work in this direction.

municipal property social economic

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In order to increase the efficiency of use of municipal property, we propose the following measures within the areas outlined above.

1. It seems necessary to sell land plots under privately owned objects as soon as possible real estate, which will allow:

· merge the land plot and the buildings, structures, structures located on it into a single real estate object;

· significantly increase the creditworthiness, capitalization and competitiveness of the copyright holders of such objects, and therefore the country as a whole;

· enter single tax for real estate.

1. Large-scale transformation of municipal unitary enterprises into state-owned enterprises and joint-stock companies with subsequent privatization in accordance with certain functions of local governments. In particular, it is necessary to privatize unitary enterprises that perform such “economic” functions as technical inventory, land management work, provision of municipal transport, etc. at the federal level, in order to clarify the legal status of state-owned enterprises, it is necessary to develop a federal law “On state-owned enterprises”.

It is necessary to reconsider the principles of state management of unitary enterprises. In the case of transfer of a municipal enterprise as an object to trust management, local government bodies will receive profit from such an enterprise, since for this there will be a real mechanism for the responsibility of the trustee for the results of its activities. According to Art. 1022 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a trustee who has not shown due care for the interests of the beneficiary or the founder of the management during the trust management of property, compensates the beneficiary for lost profits during the trust management of the property, and the founder of the management - losses caused by loss or damage to the property, taking into account its natural wear and tear, as well as lost profits. The liability of the trustee-entrepreneur is not conditioned by evidence of guilt; he is released from liability only by force majeure or the actions of the beneficiary (the founder of the management).

When transferring a unitary enterprise into trust management, local government bodies receive a real mechanism for monitoring the compliance of the trustee with the qualifications of a high professional entrepreneur and have the right to terminate the trust management agreement with the trustee at any time, subject to payment of remuneration to him. Note that the head of the organization is the subject labor law subject to dismissal only in exceptional cases: making an unfounded decision that entailed a violation of the safety of property, its unlawful use or causing damage to another organization, or a one-time gross violation of its labor responsibilities, or in cases provided for in the employment contract.

3. Equity participation and partnership. Local authorities may enter into partnerships with private sector businesses to provide certain services on a contract basis (partnership). In addition, they can purchase as many shares of private enterprises as necessary to establish full control over the decisions of the enterprise as the main shareholder (equity participation).

The choice between equity participation and partnership is a reflection of the circumstances and nature of the economic activity. If a private enterprise already provides a certain type of service in a given territory, and local government has legislatively acquired the authority to provide these services, then equity participation may be the most in a real way ensuring control. On the other hand, if certain type economic activity has not previously been carried out in this territory, it may be more practical to partner either with a private enterprise engaged in it in other regions, or with an enterprise that has experience in providing similar services.

The main difference between a partnership and an equity interest is that stock interests are generally easier to give up. This can be done simply by selling your shares to the relevant business. Relations with enterprises through partnerships are less flexible, since they are usually fixed by agreement, and the sale of a share in the partnership may be either practically impossible or not permitted by this agreement.

4. Creation of intermunicipal enterprises. The main goal of the activities of local government bodies is to resolve issues to satisfy the everyday, social, cultural, educational, medical and other vital needs of the population of municipalities. Resolving these issues is possible only if local governments have sufficient financial and material resources at their disposal, through which it would be possible to organize the provision of relevant services and goods to the population of these entities on the territory of municipalities. At the same time, the funds and material resources available to local governments for the implementation of plans and programs for the socio-economic development of municipalities, capital investments and budgetary investments in the development of the economy of the respective territories are currently insufficient. The insufficiency of revenue sources of local budgets does not allow local governments to ensure the full and high-quality execution of their powers in the context of the municipal reform carried out in the country.

Due to the fact that the size financial resources necessary to fulfill the expenditure obligations of municipalities does not correspond to the level of real needs of municipalities, and count on significant change in this area is unlikely to stand in the foreseeable future, municipalities need to look for more flexible and effective mechanisms solving the problems facing them to meet the needs of the population living on their territory.

In order to resolve socio-economic issues and in accordance with the Federal Law “On general principles Organizations of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation" local self-government bodies are currently given the right to participate in the creation of business societies, including intermunicipal ones, necessary for the exercise of powers to resolve issues of local importance. Having the opportunity to combine financial resources, material and other resources of several municipalities within the framework of the relevant business entities and relying on their activities, local governments will be able to:

Expand opportunities to meet certain needs of the population for services and goods;

As a result of the production activities of these companies, receive additional funds for the needs of municipalities in the form of distributed profits.

The right to participate in the creation of business societies, including intermunicipal ones, necessary for the exercise of powers to resolve issues of local importance is also provided for by the Federal Law “On the General Principles of the Organization of Local Self-Government in the Russian Federation.”

Creation (establishment) of business companies (limited liability companies, additional liability companies, open and closed joint stock companies, including intermunicipal business entities in the form of limited liability companies and closed joint-stock companies) - participants in civil transactions, is determined by the norms of civil legislation, as well as the norms of special legislation of the Russian Federation. State registration of intermunicipal business societies is carried out in accordance with the Federal Law “On state registration legal entities And individual entrepreneurs", and their activities are in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and other federal laws.

In our opinion, the comprehensive implementation of the above measures will improve the efficiency of use of the property of the Administration of the Taimyr Dolgano-Nenets Municipal Formation.

It is well known that the reality and effectiveness of local self-government is determined primarily by the material and financial resources at their disposal. The lack of sufficient financial resources in city budgets forces city authorities to improve budget and tax policies. And first of all, this is the establishment of payments for use natural resources and, in particular, fees for urban real estate.

Effective management municipal property is an integral part of the activities of the city administration in order to replenish the budget for solving economic and social problems.

The definition of municipal property is specified in Article 215 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation - property owned by right of ownership to urban and rural settlements, as well as other municipal entities, is municipal property.5

On behalf of the municipality, the rights of the owner are exercised by local government bodies and the persons specified in Article 125 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Municipal property management is a scientific and economic discipline that studies the system of relations of its subject (owner) to the property belonging to him as his own, which is expressed in the possession, use, and disposal of said property, as well as in the elimination of interference of all third parties in that area of ​​economic domination , over which the power of the owner extends.

In recent years, the interest of scientists and practitioners in the problem of the efficiency of use of municipal property has become increasingly noticeable. The increasing relevance of this problem is due to the ineffective use of municipal lands, which are often rented out or, even worse, sold at minimal prices. Municipal property is in a dilapidated condition, often unfit for use and in need of major repairs.

Municipal property, along with local finances, constitutes economic basis local government. The issues of forming effective management and disposal of municipal property are therefore a priority for municipalities. For newly created municipalities, the problem of speedy and comprehensive regulatory support for the activities of local government bodies in managing municipal property is of particular relevance.6 Solving the problem of creating effective system Municipal property management involves the concentration of rule-making, organizational and management efforts of local governments in the following main areas:

1. Ensuring proper (i.e., complete and timely) accounting of municipal property and maintaining its register, including a multidimensional (technical, economic, legal) description of the relevant accounting objects.

2.Ensuring the optimality of management decisions on the disposal of municipal property (maintaining a balanced balance of social, fiscal and investment goals), including when it is alienated, assigned to economic management or operational management, transferred for use or trust management, made as a contribution to the creation business entities, use as collateral for loan obligations (mortgage).

5 Civil Code of the Russian Federation Art. 215 “Right of municipal property”

6 Nekrasov V.I. Municipal property in the system municipal government// Problems of regional economics. - 2010. - No. 3/4.- P. 302-310.

3. Ensuring proper maintenance and effective use municipal property, including measures to increase the investment attractiveness of municipal real estate.

4. Ensuring effective control over the safety and intended use of municipal property.7

The construction of an integrated system of municipal property management requires the manifestation of active rule-making efforts on the part of the municipalities themselves. In their rule-making activities, municipalities today are following the path of adopting separate regulations in certain areas of activity for the management and disposal of municipal property. Some experience has already been gained in applying such regulations in practice. It seems that this experience can be used to develop a comprehensive legal act that will regulate almost all aspects of the management and disposal of municipal property.

Separate sections of a comprehensive regulatory legal act may be devoted to the following issues:

1.Accounting for municipal property;

2.Control over the use of municipal property; 3.Creation and reorganization of enterprises and institutions; 4. Liquidation of enterprises and institutions;

5.Enterprise management; 6.Participation in business companies;

7. Disposal of real estate assigned to the enterprise; 8. Sale of municipal housing stock;

9. Transfer of property for use under an agreement;

10. Offset of cost overhaul towards rent;

11. Sublease of property;

12. Trust management of property;

13. Participation in investment activities by transferring property to the investor;

14. Pledge of municipal property;

15. Write-off of municipal property.

Despite its comprehensive nature, this document will nevertheless make references to other regulatory and legal acts. Thus, authorized local government bodies should additionally develop and adopt the following regulations:

Regulations on the commission for the disposal of municipal property;

On the procedure and conditions for insurance of municipal property;

On approval of approximate forms of charters of municipal unitary enterprises and municipal institutions;

On approval of the approximate form of the contract with the head of the municipal unitary enterprise;

Regulations on the Supervisory Board;

On the procedure for establishing and changing the amount of the part of profit of a municipal unitary enterprise transferred to the budget;

On trusted representatives of the municipality in non-profit organizations;

Regulations on the procedure financial incentives activities of municipal representatives in the management bodies of business entities;

On the competitive appointment of sellers of municipal property;

On the procedure for privatization of municipal housing stock;

On the procedure for conducting tenders for the right to conclude contracts for the transfer of municipal property for temporary possession, use and disposal;

7 Vasin V.V. Strategy for managing the property of a municipal entity: mechanisms for development and implementation // Izv. Ural. state economy un-ta. - 2010. - No. 1. - P. 116-123.

On the use of funds received from the rental of non-residential premises;

On the organization of maintenance and operation of municipal non-residential facilities located in the municipal treasury.

It should also be borne in mind that a comprehensive regulatory and legal act will not apply to the procedure for managing and disposing of such municipal property as land and other natural objects, budget funds, extra-budgetary and currency funds of the municipality, as well as securities(except for shares). The procedure for managing and disposing of the specified municipal property will also be established by other regulatory legal acts.

Thus, the problems associated with the efficiency of municipal property management are caused, first of all, by the imperfection of legislation, which is designed to create conditions for the normal functioning of all participants in legal relations, including economic and social spheres. It is here that the system of municipal property management is implemented in a single municipality. The social orientation of municipal property is especially important.


1. Vasin V.V. Strategy for managing the property of a municipal entity: mechanisms of development and implementation // Izv. Ural. state economy un-ta. - 2010. - No. 1. - P. 116-123.

2. Civil Code of the Russian Federation dated November 30, 1994 No. 51-FZ ( current edition from 10/22/2014)

3. Nekrasov V.I. Municipal property in the system of municipal management // Problems of regional economics. - 2010. - No. 3/4. - P. 302-310.

Anichkova A.A. 2011

ways to improve the efficiency of municipal property management

A.A. Anichkova,

graduate student of Bashkirsky state university(Ufa)

[email protected]

The article discusses the financial and economic foundations of local self-government and approaches to determining the efficiency of use of municipal property, and proposes methods for increasing the efficiency of municipal property management.

Key words: municipal property, municipal property management, local government, financial resources.

UDC 351/354 BBK 67.401

Local government is one of the most important institutions of modern society. It is designed to solve and regulate various economic, social, political, environmental and other issues that arise at the local level. The reality and effectiveness of local self-government is determined, first of all, by the material and financial resources available to municipalities and, in their totality, constituting the financial and economic foundations of local self-government.

The economic basis of local self-government of a municipal formation consists of municipally owned property, funds from local budgets, as well as property rights of municipal formations (Article 49 of Federal Law No. 131).

But, despite such a list of resources, most municipalities are subsidized. In the structure of financial assistance from the local budget, not subsidies, areas whose expenditures are determined by the municipalities themselves, are becoming increasingly important, but subsidies, i.e. share participation of a higher level of the budget system in expenses that a subject of the Federation considers necessary.

In such conditions, of course, municipalities lose their economic freedom and viability, which in turn reduces the efficiency of local government. Municipalities are forced to take all necessary measures to change the current situation. Thus, municipal property serves as the basis for the activities of the municipality and a tool for managing the solvency and financial stability of the region.

In recent years, the interest of scientists and practitioners in the problem of the efficiency of use of municipal property has become increasingly noticeable. The increasing relevance of this problem is due to the ineffective use of municipal lands, which are often rented out or, even worse, sold at minimal prices. Municipal property is in a dilapidated condition, often unfit for use and in need of major repairs.

Analyzing this problem, we can identify several approaches to determining the efficiency of property use.

Firstly, in terms of the amount of income received. Such an indicator can be the share of budget revenues from the economic use of property (including revenues from property taxation; excluding revenues from property taxation).

Secondly, from the point of view of public benefit. Only qualitative indicators (for example, a decrease in child crime as a result of the construction of a network of children's clubs).

Thirdly, from the point of view of saving budget funds (widely used in pre-revolutionary Russia). For example, the construction of administrative buildings makes it possible to free up the housing stock, which is occupied by various institutions (SES, housing departments, passport offices, etc.), and transfer it to residents, as well as reduce payments to the private sector for rented space.

In relation to municipal property, the degree of feasibility should be assessed, not the degree of effectiveness.

activity of use. If we talk about effective management, then the degree of effectiveness must be assessed by the level of satisfaction of all interested parties in solving certain problems. It is not possible to evaluate the effectiveness of management only by quantitative indicators, since the management of municipal finances and property is a specific area of ​​activity in which what is often important is not the number of issues resolved, but the quality of their solution.

When assessing the effectiveness of financial and property management, one should proceed from the goals and objectives facing local governments. Since the main goal of the activities of local governments is to satisfy the collective interests of the population living on the territory of the municipality and to ensure their basic living needs in areas falling under the jurisdiction of municipalities, we cannot directly use ordinary market assessments (profitability, profitability, etc. .). In this case, it is necessary, first of all, to answer the questions of how much the quality of life of the population has increased as a result of management, how dynamically the municipality is developing. Therefore, different approaches are needed to assess the effectiveness of managing the revenue and expenditure parts of the local budget and various municipal property objects. The increase in the revenue side of the local budget, not related to decisions of government bodies regarding the transfer of additional revenue sources or an increase in the percentage of deductions, can be estimated at in absolute terms. The efficiency of using budget funds (expense management) can be assessed by the increase (decrease) in the quality of life of the population at equal costs.

When assessing the effectiveness of municipal property management, it is necessary to separate property objects necessary for solving social problems and property objects used to generate additional revenues from the local budget.

This analysis can also be carried out from the perspective of three aspects by which the efficiency of using municipal property is assessed: land, urban planning and environmental protection.

From the standpoint of the first aspect, efficiency is expressed by the maximum amount of collected land payments, from the standpoint of the second - by the creation of spatial conditions for the development of the material base of the city's diversified complex; from the position of the third - maximum preservation of valuable natural landscapes and ensuring ecological balance, which ultimately has a positive effect on the health of the population.

Based on an assessment of the efficiency of using municipal property, it is possible to plan options for using real estate (sale, lease, transfer to management, pledge, contribution to the authorized capital of the company being created).

The general basis for planning any of the listed activities is to determine the real

nove market value of the property. The main criterion for selecting an option is the maximum income from the implementation of a particular option for using a municipal property.

Consequently, one of the most important tasks of a municipality is to increase the efficiency of municipal property management as continuous process self-analysis, which should be present in the relevant management organizations.

One of the methods for increasing the efficiency of municipal property management is to hold competitions for positions of managers of municipal enterprises and institutions, improve the qualifications of management personnel, strictly control over their work, and evaluate their activities based on the results of the work of the complexes they manage.

The second is strict control over the staffing schedule of enterprises, which must exactly correspond to the volume of services they provide or work performed.

The third method is to lease municipal property on a competitive basis and organize auctions so that more profitable projects and investors have an advantage.

The main requirement for the sale or lease of a structure by a local community is that these procedures must be consistent with market conditions (auction, competition, and the requirement to ensure a market sale price, rent). The right to sell and lease buildings of the local community corresponds to its right to purchase old industrial buildings (into private ownership). The purpose of the latter operation is to encourage their new use after renovation by providing a discount to the buyer or lessee to cover the difference between the usually higher cost after restoration of the structure and its market price.

In addition, in some municipal areas that require the promotion of the creation or expansion of economic activity in the areas of local government (for example, in the area of ​​landscaping), local communities may provide discounts on the market price of sale or rental of real estate, for example, up to 25% of the sale price or rental cost of buildings.

Another method of increasing the efficiency of municipal property management can be the establishment of a procedure for making management decisions in the event of failure to implement the program (plan, business plan). “...In particular, when justifying the impossibility of achieving a goal or implementing programs, decisions can be made on the reorganization, liquidation of an enterprise, institution, on the privatization of municipal property,” etc.

One can not only agree with these measures as providing the right approach to correcting the current situation, but in addition to them, a regulatory legal act should be adopted at the local level, according to which a mandatory clause of the agreement (contract) with the head of the enterprise will be the norm, establishing the right of the owner of the transferred municipal property to relieve this manager from his position in

if the organization's performance does not meet certain requirements.

However, the range of methods for improving the efficiency of property and financial management is quite limited. The main problem is the preparedness and qualifications of management personnel, as well as their interest in the results of their activities.

As a result, over a certain period of time it would become possible to gradually and complete replacement managers of enterprises working today as “new” ones, with whom new contracts would be concluded. With some (perhaps the majority) - in view of the experience accumulated by these employees - it is enough to renew contracts without changing managers personally.

In order to increase the efficiency of municipal property management, you can use Foreign experience. The approaches to this problem in the Federal Republic of Germany are interesting. The local government system of this country is built in accordance with the administrative-territorial division, similar in most lands. Communities are integrated into common system state power. They exercise their power as part of the state and under its authority. At the same time, there are competencies of communities that directly depend on the instructions of their superiors. government agencies. In these cases, communities carry out administrative functions on behalf. In the sphere of delegated powers, the state can intervene in the actions of the community. It is significant that “... in Germany, own compulsory and delegated cases account for 80-90 percent of the total volume of cases carried out by local authorities.”

The trend common to most countries of the modern world is to reduce the actual communal affairs and expand the mandatory and delegated ones. This situation reflects the increasing integration of local bodies into the state mechanism, their adaptation to solving, first of all, problems of national importance. Combination of direct government controlled on the ground and local self-government, the construction of a certain hierarchical pyramid is the main feature of the continental system of local self-government.

In this case, it is necessary to talk about reforming the relations between state and local authorities, namely the need to review the distribution of issues of jurisdiction (and, accordingly, property) of municipalities and state authorities, taking into account the opinion of each municipality, in order to more effectively use municipal property.

Thus, the problems associated with the efficiency of municipal property management are caused, first of all, by the imperfection of legislation, which is designed to create conditions for the normal functioning of all participants in legal relations, including in the economic and social spheres. It is here that the system of municipal property management is implemented in a single municipality. The social orientation of municipal property is especially important. The problem of bulkiness and dilapidation of a large number of municipal property objects is also obvious.


1. the federal law Russian Federation dated October 6, 2003 No. 131-F3 “On the general principles of organizing local self-government in the Russian Federation” //

2. Voblenko S.V., Kokin I.A. Increasing the efficiency of municipal property and municipal finance management as necessary condition improving the socio-economic situation of the municipality // Problems and methods of socio-economic development of local communities in Russia. - 2008. - No. 2.

3. Levi A.V. Effective management of municipal property // Regional economics and management. - 2005. -

4. Grishchenko O.V. Analysis and diagnostics of the financial and economic activities of the enterprise. - M., 2004.

5. Lukashuk I.I. International law. A common part. - M., 2008.


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