Modern fortune telling at night and their meaning in our lives. The most truthful fortune telling for dreams - how to see your betrothed

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Many girls dream of finding out who their betrothed will be. Everyone wants to try various fortune telling, see their husband in a dream and understand when he will appear in their life. You should learn about the rituals in order to see your destiny in a dream on the night from Sunday to Monday.

Such a unique day as Monday is very difficult, since the action of the Moon during this period will be especially strong and clear. Dreams coming from this day will be a reflection of all the emotions and mental state of a person; it is these dreams that are closely connected with family and everyday life. If such a dream has been seen since Sunday, it is long-lasting, and there are also many actions that are strongly remembered and water is present, then this means troubles with the house. Such sleep is coming on a difficult day and is the work of the subconscious, this moment serves as a sign of rethinking the events that took place yesterday.

Dreams that have occurred since Sunday will be a clear warning to a person that various family troubles may await him in the coming days. There are two types of dreams on this day, some can be long, while others are stingy and short, which determines whether there will be further difficulties; a short dream will be a symbol of the good general condition of the future days.

It is believed that a dream from Sunday will be prophetic and will be able to tell about many problems in this world; you can see the solution to all problems and find a way out. difficult situation. Dream books will be able to clearly indicate the meaning of this dream, although its features will be individual for sure. Sleeping on this day is ideal for girls who want to see their betrothed, only for this purpose a certain ritual should be performed before going to bed.

What to do to make your dream prophetic

There are several basic rules that almost certainly guarantee prophetic dream. If you strictly follow them, your betrothed will definitely appear in your dream:

  • It is necessary to sleep in the room completely alone, so as not to be distracted by extraneous sounds and rustles.
  • To accurately see the prediction and understand what it means, you should put the pillow in the place where your legs used to be, that is, vice versa, and turn it down. You can also turn the sheets over and put on your pajamas or nightgown inside out.
  • After reading the cherished words in order for the betrothed to dream, you can no longer talk to anyone.
  • After waking up, you need to immediately write down the dream on a piece of paper, do not forget about the most insignificant details. This will all help to correctly interpret the dream. You can look at the most common dream books to accurately determine the meaning of the dream.
  • It must be remembered that if the dream turned out to be not very pleasant and even frightening, then you should not despair, because it can be interpreted in a completely opposite direction.
  • If the dream turns out to be frightening and bad, then you must definitely tell your friends and loved ones about it so that the dream does not come true and the trouble moves aside. In the case when a dream portends happiness, you need to keep it secret and not tell anyone.

Fortune telling for the betrothed

Four Kings

You should hide four kings from a deck of cards under your pillow and say the following words:

“Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, dream about me.”

If in a dream a girl was visited by the king of spades, it means that her husband will be a man in adulthood; the king of clubs means a man who has already had to tie himself to marriage. the king of hearts guarantees a rich and wealthy person, and the king of diamonds will definitely be loved.
You can use another method related to cards:

  • buy a new deck of cards;
  • take away all the kings;
  • put under the bed;
  • step on the cards with your heel;
  • say the words:

“My betrothed mummer,
I've been waiting for you
Come and show yourself."

Ritual with candles

In order to see your betrothed in a dream from Sunday to Monday, you should purchase three candles and place them one behind the other so that one is not visible behind the other. After this, you should light all the candles and say the following words:

“Candle flame, show me your betrothed!
Show me his image!
Let me at least see my fate in a dream.”

The candles must burn out to the very end, after which you need to go to bed.

Dream conspiracies

“Monday with Tuesday, Wednesday with Thursday, Friday with Saturday.
Sunday-widow, what dream will I have?
Let me, God, see someone with whom I can live forever.”

After this, you need to go to bed and not talk to anyone until the morning. After waking up, you should write down the entire dream in detail so as not to ignore the details and analyze the dream.
You can also say words while visiting that will help you recognize events for the near future and find out about the possibility of getting married:

“I lie young on the Zion Mountains, three holy angels are in my heads.
The first one sees, the second one will tell, the third one will tell me my fate.”

Elnik for attraction

Fate can be recognized and discerned both on holidays and in certain days and nights, the main thing here is to know who the fortune-telling is for, what exactly it should be and how to ask. From Sunday to Monday the night will be very good for girls who are not yet married, but before going to bed she should perform one interesting ritual. The ritual, if it was done and carried out rationally and in accordance with the requirements, will give the girl the opportunity to see her betrothed in a dream. Even before going to bed, you should place a spruce branch or a special spruce broom under your pillow, and then cast a spell.

The text of the spell is easy and consists of the following prayer:

“I go to bed on Monday, put a spruce tree at my head,

Dream about someone who thinks about me.”

This was a ritual only for an ordinary girl who was not yet married, and if we are talking about a woman who was already married, then such a ritual should be done on Wednesday.

You can also find out about your friend’s amorous adventures on Tuesday night; for this purpose, write a note on paper with the question: Does he remain faithful to you, and put this note under your pillow until bedtime. In the morning, try to immediately and quickly remember your dream, since the answer will be given to you there and you should find it out immediately and immediately, since this is very important for fate.

Simple Spells

There are a number of other spells, but the one described above is the main one; in a dream, the betrothed will be able not only to indicate his face, but also to do something special. For the bravest girl you can use this interesting experiment When going to bed, you need to wear a white sock, which should only be on the right foot, and not on the left. Then say this spell:

“The betrothed mummer come today in a dream to take off my shoes.”

The betrothed will definitely come in a dream to take off his sock, just remember that there were many strange stories with this fortune-telling, grooms came in a dream, but clung to the leg too tightly to the point of pain.

Another way to see your betrothed is to take four kings from the deck and come up with a name for each, now put the cards in a table near your head and say:

“Who is my betrothed, who is the mummer, dream of me.”

If you do this clearly and rationally, then your betrothed may come in the form of a card or with his own true face. There are many such spells and fortune-telling, but when you have nightmares on this day, it means that you will not be able to get married this year, as Slavic wisdom says.

Such unique and amazing rituals as fortune telling have long been of interest to women who want to see their betrothed in a dream; today there is big number technician how to better see your future. It is recommended to forget about meat and fatty foods 3 days before the fortune telling, and also not to eat eggs, salted or smoked foods, and it is advisable not to drink alcohol.

The day before such fortune-telling, you can only eat bread, washing it down with warm plain water; another condition is to feed everyone who lives with the girl well. Also, the girl must sleep alone in her apartment that day, and when the fortune telling is completed, it is better not to talk to others for 1-2 hours. Here the girl’s emotions and sensations received in a dream will be of great importance.

Fortune telling about the betrothed can be carried out not only on the night of a number of holidays, but also from Sunday, there is also interesting way to see in a dream is to lie down in another place or at a party, and before going to bed asking yourself where my person is. A dream that a person has seen since Sunday still needs to be rationally explained; if the dream is remembered, this does not mean that based on the dream one can make plans for the future. It is believed that there will be no sleep on this day of great importance and it may not even come true, although many girls can guess from Sunday and see their betrothed.

If a big element was seen in a dream, then soon the girl will face routine work, and if there were tears and resentment in the dream, then this is a sign of depression. The joy a girl sees in a dream will mean solutions to problems, ice will mean stagnation in life, and fear will mean difficulties at work, and this is just a subtle hint from the dream and nothing more. And if you see something else that day, that is, quarrels or minor problems, then don’t be too upset, since the dream may not come true, although you definitely shouldn’t ignore it.

Other folk methods

There are a great variety of very easy fortune telling for your betrothed. They appeared in ancient times, because even then young girls sought to find out their fate and understand when they would get married.

  • Before going to bed, you should weave a padlock into your braid, close it with the key and say the following words:

“Betrothed-mummer, come to me to ask for the key, to unlock the lock.”

The key should be hidden under the pillow. The betrothed should appear in the dream, who will help open the lock.

  • You need to make the jam yourself in advance, pour it into a saucer and place it near your bed overnight. In this case you need to say:

“I have all the sweetness.”

There will be no end to suitors after this.

  • You need to place a glass of water by the bed, place a wooden spatula across it and say:

“The betrothed is a mummer, come to me,
Take me across the bridge."

  • Before going to bed, you need to write the name of your chosen one on paper, kiss him with painted lips and hide the sheet along with the mirror under the pillow. If a young man dreams in a dream, it means that he will soon propose to the girl; if he is not in the dream, then you should not count on a relationship.

Fortune telling about a dream about a betrothed is very diverse. Better days fortune-telling - at Christmas (they are called Christmas fortune-telling), under “Old New Year" - from January 13 to 14, the night before Epiphany ( Epiphany evening- January 18) or on Friday, during the waxing month or on the full moon. You need to sleep alone, there should be no one else in the room. After speaking to your betrothed, you must not talk to anyone or be distracted by extraneous thoughts and deeds. The less conversations you have with other people about the supposed fortune-telling, the better. To see a true dream, you need to lie with your head in the other direction (that is, put the pillow where you previously lay with your feet), turn the pillow over reverse side, also change the sheet bottom side up and put the shirt on inside out.

Below are various options fortune telling for dreams, You can choose any one that; I liked it the most.

1. This is fortune telling for girls with long braids. Re-braid your hair before going to bed. When you go to bed, put a small new padlock into your braid, close it with a key and say: “Betrothed-mummer, come to me and ask for the key to unlock the lock.” Place the key under the pillow. In a dream, a groom will appear who comes to get the key.

2. Before going to bed, put a comb or comb under the pillow and say: “Mummer, come comb me.” (With this fortune telling, people go to bed without combing their hair).

3. Place a mirror and a comb under the pillow with the words: “Come, come. Comb it, comb it. Look at me, show yourself."

4. Before going to bed, place a jug of water and a mug close to the head of the bed. Before going to bed, say: “You’ll get tired from the journey, my betrothed, I have some water, come, I’ll give you a drink.” Cross yourself and go to bed.

5. Eat a thimble of salt at night without drinking water. “Whoever is my betrothed, whoever is my mummer, will get me drunk.” Instead of a thimbleful of salt, you can eat over-salted food.

6. They make a bridge out of twigs, place them under the pillow, wishing: “Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, he will take me across the bridge.”

7. They make a well out of matches and say: “Betrothed-mummer, come and drink some water.”

8. When going to bed, put socks on your feet, then take the sock off your left foot and put it under the pillow. Say the words: “Betrothed-mummer, come take off my shoes.”

9. Before going to bed, take out the twig from the new broom, put it under the bed, and put some thing from the horse (horseshoe, bridle) under the pillow. Since such things are rare these days, you can make a drawing of a horse or cut it out from a picture, you can also draw a horseshoe. After that, going to bed, say: “Betrothed, my sir, go to my home, shoe a horse, put me on it, take a rod, urge the horse, kiss me.”

10. Read three times at night: “Monday with Tuesday, Wednesday with Thursday, Friday with Saturday. Sunday is a widow, what kind of dream will I have? Let me, God, see the one with whom I will live forever.”

11. Place a bowl of jam near your head and say before going to bed: “I have all the sweets!” The groom will dream, and besides, there will be no end to the suitors. Make the jam yourself.

12. So that the mother-in-law dreams about her future son-in-law. Place a frying pan with a pancake under your bed before going to bed. Say: “Betrothed, come to your mother-in-law for pancakes.”

Always at all times, famous for her numerous fortune-telling Ancient Rus'. Now and in our time there are many various fortune telling, including is very popular and free fortune telling for the future before going to bed. Fortune telling from dreams from Thursday to Friday is considered the most true predictions. Mostly on the night from Thursday to Friday, young girls wondered about their betrothed and future love. In order to see a truthful, prophetic dream, on the night when you are telling fortunes, you should go to bed with your head turned to the other side, turn the pillow over, reposition the sheet with the bottom side up and put on your nightgown inside out. Having done all this, rest assured that your dreams will be prophetic; in your dreams you will definitely see.

There are many free ways to tell fortunes before bed.

  1. First way. When she went to bed from Thursday to Friday, the girl uttered the following words just before going to bed: “Friday - Friday, help me dream about who is striving for me.” Whoever you dream about this night is your betrothed.
  2. The second way of telling fortunes before going to bed. Before going to bed, the girl says the following words: “From Thursday to Friday, I lie down on the mat. Matitsa, turn over, whoever loves, dream.”
  3. Third way. Put socks on your feet, then take off one sock and put it under your pillow. Say the words: “Betrothed, mummer, come take off my shoes.”
  4. The fourth way to tell fortunes before going to bed: You need to make jam and put it in a vase at the head of your bed, and before going to bed say: “I have all the sweetness!” A fortune-telling girl will definitely dream about her fiance. And in general there will be no end to suitors.
  5. Fifth way. In front of the bed, near your head, you need to place a glass of water, put two forks crossed over each other on the glass. Having fallen asleep, your dreams will tell you about your future fate.
  6. Sixth method. At the head of your bed, place a jug filled with water, put a mug next to it and before going to bed, cross yourself and say: “You’ll get tired of the road, my betrothed, I have some water, come and let me get a drink!” “
Many people prefer to do online free fortune telling before bedtime using cards. You need to put the king of diamonds under your pillow, concentrate on your thoughts and think about your future groom. Before going to bed, be sure to wash your face, comb your hair and say the following words: “Dream of a betrothed, dream of a mummer.” In your dream you will see your husband.

All independent fortune-telling before going to bed, for your betrothed and for your betrothed, must be done while remaining in the room completely alone, otherwise your dreams will not tell you anything.

Fortune telling for a betrothed can be found in any culture of our world. And this is not surprising, because girls always wanted to know what fate awaits them, what kind of fate they will have family life, and most importantly: when will it come? These rituals will help you answer the questions that torment you.

In the article:

Fortune telling before going to bed for your betrothed

Many fortune telling for the betrothed is carried out before bedtime. This is done because it is quite difficult for an ignorant person who has not previously encountered witchcraft to accept and see the signs of fate. But sleep is a completely different matter. When we sleep, we are open to the world and perceive its cues. At least once, each of us has had a prophetic dream. And if you know exactly what kind of clues you want to know and carried out the ritual correctly, that is, made a kind of “request,” then you will undoubtedly find out the answer.

Fortune telling for a betrothed by salt

For this ritual you should take ordinary salt. It is often used in other rituals, for example, in the evening, when you prepare dinner, deliberately over-salt it. Thus, when you go to bed, you will feel thirsty. Before you fall asleep, say this spell:

Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, will give me a drink

The one who comes into your dreams is your chosen one. Don’t forget to write down what you dreamed as soon as you wake up from sleep, as it can quickly disappear from your memory.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with twigs

This fortune telling should mainly be done in the spring, since the branches for the ritual will need to be fresh and full of strength, with young buds. Weave them into a symbolic bridge. It is not at all necessary to make a miniature copy of the bridge, just so that it is similar and you know what it is and what it is needed for. Then, when you go to bed, place it near your head and say:

Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, will take me across the bridge.

Your chosen one should come to you in a dream this night.

Fortune telling about your future husband on the water

For this ritual you only need a bowl of clean water and an ordinary lock. It is desirable that there be full moon, and its light fell on the vessel. Late in the evening, before going to bed, click the lock over the bowl and whisper:

Come, my betrothed, ask for a drink.

Whoever you meet this night will become your husband.

Fortune telling for the groom

Native girls can also guess about their beloved. But for this it is necessary that the one being told fortunes move to sleep in a new place. In addition, she should not take part in the ritual. Following this, any thing that is used to tell fortunes is taken and “locked”, that is, the fortune teller takes a lock, hangs it on this item and locks it with a key. The one performing the ritual must place the same key near her head and say:

Betrothed-mummer, come to unlock your daughter-in-law and rescue her from captivity.

Respectively, future groom will see you this night.

Fortune telling about your future husband using cards

Now you must choose 4 kings from the ordinary one. It’s better to take a new, unplayed deck. When going to bed, hide the cards near your pillow and say:

Who is my betrothed, who is my mummer, appear in my dreams.

Your betrothed will come in a dream in the form of one of the kings. The suit will tell you about financial condition and the character of the groom.

  • So, king of spades symbolizes a man older than you, wealthy, but stingy. Besides everything, he is jealous and distrustful.
  • The cross king denotes a man of action. That is, he is an active, brave and determined person. Could be a military man or a firefighter, or just play sports and have extreme hobbies.
  • The King of Diamonds speaks of cute and slightly clumsy young man. He has a kind heart and loves animals. With a high degree of probability, the fortuneteller is already familiar with him.
  • The King of Hearts symbolizes a man in his prime, rich and full of energy. But he already has a lady of his heart, although not for long.

Fortune telling for the groom with a frying pan

First, find a suitable frying pan. You can use any household frying pan, especially if you use it often. Now you should quietly place it under your mother’s bed at night. It is very important that your mother does not notice this. When you go to bed, say:

Betrothed, come and visit your mother-in-law for pancakes.

The one who appears in a dream this night before your mother will be your chosen one.

Fortune telling on the groom on a towel

If you would like to find out if you will get married in this year, then use this ritual to find out the exact answer. In the evening you need to hang a piece of white clean fabric outside the window and say:

Betrothed, come to me and dry yourself with this towel

If in the morning it is still dry and clean, don’t expect to get married this year; if it becomes wet and dirty, then you will get married, but your family life will not be particularly happy. If the towel falls, expect trouble.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with jam

This fun ritual will surely please those with a sweet tooth. It not only helps to see the future betrothed, it also helps to attract suitors. To do this, you just need to take a saucer or bowl with your favorite jam. At night, before you go to bed, place the bowl near the head of the bed and say the following:

I have all the sweets

This night you will definitely dream about your future lover.

Yuletide fortune telling

Christmas time (January 7 - 19) is a favorite time for fortune telling for our ancestors. All the unmarried girls gathered together and wondered about their future marriage, the birth of children, their husband’s wealth, etc. Married women they also gathered, but separately, and the topic of fortune-telling was somewhat different. Why was this particular time considered the most appropriate? They say that it is on these days that the veil between this world and the next is lifted, and that’s all. magical actions, and especially fortune telling, acquire special power. Our website has an excellent article on, below are some Christmas rituals of divination.

Fortune telling for the betrothed with a mirror

This ritual was considered the most dangerous, and only the bravest girls dared to do it. After all, besides the lover’s face, a completely different face could look out of the mirror. So, the ceremony itself begins at midnight. The fortuneteller needs to be alone. You will need a candle and a mirror. Your hair should not be pinned up; if you are wearing a belt, take it off.

After this, turn off all the lights except the candle flame. Let the mirror stand opposite you. Take a close look at it and call, mentally or out loud, your betrothed. Without taking your eyes off or blinking, look behind your left shoulder. Gradually, the silhouette of a man will take shape there. Having examined his face, say: “Out of this place!” After this, the ritual will be considered over. Blow out the candle and turn on the light. It is advisable to hide the mirror away.

Fortune telling by patches

To carry out this fortune telling, you need to take pieces of fabric different color. You need to put them in one box. Next, ask the question out loud: “What color is my lover’s hair?” Following this, you should pull out a piece of fabric without looking into the chest. Accordingly, what color the fabric is, your betrothed’s hair will be the same. This way you can find out others external signs future lover, suppose eye color.

Fortune telling about your future husband

This ritual helped young girls find out who their husband would be in the current year, and if so. The meaning of fortune telling was that various objects were previously placed on the table: coal, ring, wheat, book, glass, coin, etc. The girl with her eyes closed entered the room and gropedly grabbed one of the things. Each item symbolized something of its own, a special meaning.

Thus, a spike of wheat was a sign that the future chosen one would be a grain grower, a coin announced the husband’s wealth, a book symbolized the groom’s learning, and a glass predicted a drunkard husband. Now this fortune telling has changed somewhat, since it appeared a large number of new professions. So in modern version you can add items such as: a flash drive, as a sign of a programmer’s husband, a knife denotes a military man, cereal - business man and a mirror - a playmaker. If a girl comes across a piece of coal, then she will not have a wedding this year.

Fortune telling for your betrothed in the snow

Not all fortune telling took place in the room, outside closed doors. Some of them required getting outside. These rituals are one of them.

First you need to go outside. It is important that there is no heavy snow this evening. Find a place where the snow is untouched. Walk along it, leaving clear footprints. After this you can return to the house. In the morning, go and see if anyone has crossed your tracks. If they are intact and untouched, it means that your husband will be kind and affectionate, and your home life will be quiet and happy. If they are trampled, alas, your marriage will not work out, you will be haunted by failures and poverty.

You can also go outside exactly in the middle of the night and pick up a handful of snow. Next, throw it against the wind. If the snowflakes fall directly on you, the betrothed will be young and handsome, and if the wind blows them in the other direction, then the betrothed will be an elderly and wealthy man.

Fortune telling for husband's name on paper

If you are interested in the name of the future groom, then this fortune telling is perfect for you. By the way, you can spend it together with your girlfriends. First you need to cut not very thin ones and write on them male names. Some of them should be left blank. Next, lower them to the bottom of a deep bowl and fill with water. The resulting whirlpool will bring notes to the surface, and the one who manages to grab one of them will learn the name of her future husband. If you caught an empty note, it means that the groom will not appear soon.

Fortune telling for your betrothed before going to bed is a mysterious phenomenon, shrouded in mysticism and hope. Eat ancient conspiracies, saying which it is possible to see the future groom. The best days for performing divination are: the night before Christmas (January 7), Old New Year (from January 13 to 14) and Epiphany (January 19). In addition to these periods, you can tell fortunes on Fridays on the full moon or on the waxing moon.

Preparing for night fortune telling

If you decide to tell fortunes for a future dream, sleep alone. After pronouncing the magic words, do not talk and try not to think about anything.

In order for your betrothed to appear in a dream, go to bed with your head towards the unusual side. Protect yourself from influence evil spiritsbed sheets and turn your sleepwear inside out.

If you want to have a prophetic dream, fast for three days. The day before fortune telling you can eat White bread and drink water. All other household members should be well fed.

Types of fortune telling before bed

Fortune telling from Monday to Tuesday

Place a spruce branch near the pillow. At night say:

“I go to bed on Monday, put a spruce tree at my head, if I dream of someone who thinks about me.”

Fortune telling on Wednesday night

Fill the cup with spring water and pick up the lock. Hold it over the bowl and slowly close the lock with the key. Pronounce:

“Come, my betrothed, come, my mummer, and ask me for a drink in a dream.”

The image you see is your future spouse.

How to tell fortunes from Wednesday to Thursday

Write the names of the men on small pieces of paper, put them in a bag or hat, and put them under the pillow. When you go to bed, stay alone.

In the morning, pull out a piece of paper at random. What you see will indicate the name of your future spouse.

Night predictions from Thursday to Friday

Such a time is considered prophetic; dreams seen certainly come true. Say magic words:

“Thursday is close to Wednesday, and Tuesday is close to Monday, Sunday is close to Saturday, and Friday is lonely, just like me.
I sleep on the mountains of Zion, three angels above my head: one sees everything, the second will tell about me, and the third will show my fate.”

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Types of fortune telling that are carried out from Friday to Saturday

To carry out the first version of the ritual, take a comb that you have in use. Let your hair down, comb it and a few minutes before bed, say the cherished phrase:

“My long-awaited betrothed-mummer, appear in a dream and comb my hair.”

To do the second option, drink some lightly salted water and before going to bed say:

“Whoever is given to me by God and destined by fate will bring me water to drink.”

The third option using a new deck of cards. Take kings of all stripes out of it and hide them under your pillow. Before going to bed say:

“My long-awaited betrothed, dream about me this night.”

From the dream of a king you can find out what kind of king it will be future husband.

Effective fortune telling on Sunday night

Take the frying pan and hide it discreetly under your mother's bed. Before going to bed, say the following spell:

“My betrothed, come this night to visit your beloved mother-in-law and treat yourself to delicious pancakes.”

The next morning, ask your mother what she dreamed about. If the young man she feeds with pancakes, then this will be your betrothed.

To explain the dream and use the information received correctly, remember simple tips:

  • After waking up, write down the events you saw. During the day you may forget important details. And using a diary, you will determine the pattern of repeating plots and images.
  • Read different dream books and see if their meanings match for you.
  • Don't be afraid of bad dreams. Bad events are also interpreted positively. And vice versa.
  • If you are afraid of a bad dream at night, tell as many friends about it as possible.

If you haven’t dreamed of a young man, it means the time has not yet come to find out who your betrothed is. Conduct fortune telling after a year.

Sometimes fortune telling brings harm to girls. Don't take a negative result seriously. Having learned that the groom is fair-haired, they sometimes do not notice the brunette nearby, who loves and treats the lady with trepidation.

Remember, the result of fortune telling is only one of the options possible in the future. Your destiny depends only on you. Decide what choice to make. By reflecting and analyzing the events seen in a dream, you can try to change your future for the better.


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