Modern security systems for a private home. Business – installation of security systems

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Reliable protection own housing and property is possible only with competent design, professional installation and correct setting systems.

Nowadays, almost all premises are guarded and equipped with alarms. Lately They also began to equip it in private country estates and even in dachas.

Installation of a security system, carried out in accordance with all requirements, provides reliable control over the condition of the protected object and warns of unauthorized entry into its territory.

Installation is preceded by a project

Installation work is always carried out according to a pre-developed plan. When drawing up a project, many different requirements are taken into account, including the location of the object, as well as its purpose. The level and type of protection, the number of elements, and all other parameters depend on this. For example, in residential buildings, simpler equipment is installed, while in banking institutions, more complex equipment is installed.

Before installing systems burglar alarm, the object is analyzed, the presence of possible threats is determined, and the customer’s requirements are listened to. And only after this the actual installation begins.

Types of alarm systems and features of their installation at some facilities

The security system can be:

  • Autonomous
  • Control room
  • Intercom
  • Along the perimeter

Let's watch the video and consider the types of security of objects:

Each of them has its own characteristics and differences, including those related to installation. Consider the installation of an alarm system security type at the most popular sites:

  • Apartment – ​​the most acceptable option is to connect it to the security console. When an alarm is received, a response team immediately arrives at the scene and neutralizes the thief. Equipping an apartment with a cheaper stand-alone GSM alarm system can only scare away an intruder with a loud sound signal.
  • Dacha - experts recommend installing a wireless alarm system. In this case, the message about penetration is transmitted to the control panel of a nearby private security company and a detention group is immediately sent to the object.
  • Cottage - mainly wireless sensors are used to monitor the opening of windows, movement, and the appearance of smoke.
  • Office – being installed various systems, in most cases with output to the security console. In some rooms it can be installed alarm button and video surveillance.
  • Store – for those objects that are connected to common system, it is possible to install an autonomous type security alarm system. Large shopping centers combine security and fire alarms with a video surveillance system.
  • Warehouse - for greater reliability, an alarm system should be installed to help the guard. It wouldn't hurt to install video surveillance either.

Regardless of the type, each system includes a network of detectors that are combined into one complex. This makes it possible to control all rooms at the same time.

Stages of the installation process

The alarm installation process consists of several successive stages. Here are the main ones:

All work must be carried out by specialists, since this requires special professional skills that amateurs do not and cannot have.

The installation of all video security alarm systems must be carried out with very high precision. Any error, even the most insignificant at first glance, can lead not only to system malfunctions, but also to the loss of all its functional capabilities.

Very often, a logical question arises in this case: is a license required to install a security alarm system?

It should be noted that current legislation does not provide for the need to license this type of work. Here's to the installation fire alarm you can't do without a license. Therefore, if you decide to install a comprehensive security and fire system, you should contact a company that has the appropriate permit.

In many ways, installation prices depend on the type of system and the facility where it is located. A private house, apartment, cottage or garage, as well as any premises in general, can be safely left on for a long time unattended, if an alarm system is installed in it, the price of which consists of the following points:

  • System design
  • Installation of alarm systems, including placement of sensors and alarms, organization uninterruptible power supply, installation of a computer program
  • Electric installation work

The cost of installation of a security alarm also includes the delivery of devices and the visit of specialists. The final payment amount is also influenced by the urgency of the work, unfavourable conditions during installation, special customer requirements for design and some other aspects.

On average, installing a security system with notification via GSM channel at a facility whose area does not exceed 30 m2 will cost the customer around 17 thousand rubles.

In this case, the system includes the following equipment:

Installation of the system with everything necessary equipment on an area of ​​100 m2 is estimated at approximately 32 thousand rubles. Installing a wireless alarm system on the same area will be 7-8 thousand more expensive.

The total cost of equipment and work on its placement on an area of ​​500 square meters varies between 150 - 170 thousand rubles.

The wiring connection that provides a permanent connection between all elements of the system, primarily between the sensors and the control panel, should be soldered or clamped with terminal blocks.

Another rule that should be followed is to install devices in accordance with the instructions from the manufacturer. Only by following these recommendations can you be sure of the uninterrupted operation of the system.

It is recommended to install sensors in those places that were selected during the preliminary inspection. You should not deviate from the previously developed project, since all aspects were taken into account in its preparation. possible ways penetration into the object. Be sure to place sensors on all vulnerable structures, windows and doors.

After that, its connection occurs only after checking and setting up all devices and sensors.

Correct installation guarantees efficient operation of the system

Since the security alarm is designed to detect unwanted intrusion into a facility, the requirements for its installation are special. According to OKDP, the installation of security alarms should be carried out by companies that have trained specialists to provide this type of service.

Watch the video on how to choose the right system:

The main characteristic installed system consider efficiency, which is ensured by the following components:

  • Reliability – uninterrupted operation of devices is ensured by their quality and correct installation
  • Reliability of unauthorized intrusion detection - minimizing false positives, which is also achieved by correct installation
  • The likelihood of detecting an intruder is achieved by blocking the most vulnerable places

In some cases, the effectiveness of the security system is increased using devices early detection. Vibration sensors installed in the wall help to detect an attempt to break through the wall in a timely manner. weak points building.

It should be noted that one hundred percent safety of property cannot be achieved by installing an alarm system alone. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a whole range of various measures, including strengthening the facility different ways. These include installation metal doors and bars on windows, additional protective glazing. There must be a reasonable combination of mechanical reinforcement various designs buildings and alarms.

First of all, we note that such an alarm can be installed not only to protect against illegal entry into the premises, but also from some other threats. Examples include:

  • fire protection;
  • gas leak alarm;
  • water leak detection;
  • other possible types.

Let us pay attention to the fact that any such signaling is constructed more or less stereotypically.

  • IN in the right places sensors are installed (as needed and in the places where needed).
  • There is a control center where signals from the indicators are received.
  • There is also a warning system (for the owner of the premises or for transmitting a signal to a security company).
  • In addition, they can be used technical means to scare away uninvited visitors (this could be loud sirens or lighting, producing bright flashes).

The connection between the sensors and the control center can be either wired or wireless. One more important point is the need for autonomous power supply for security.

Otherwise, it would be enough to turn off the electricity to the site for the alarm to become useless.

How to install it yourself

In principle, you can invite the appropriate specialists for installation or carry it out yourself. In the first case, it will be more expensive, but at the same time much better and more reliable.

In the second case it will be much cheaper. However, you will need to put a lot of work into this process, carefully understanding the essence of what needs to be done.

Let's consider a situation where you decide to install a security system yourself. Moreover, once you have done all the work necessary for this, you will, without a doubt, learn a lot in this area.

What you need to prepare for this work

The heart of the security alarm is, without a doubt, the control panel unit. It receives signals from sensors. It is he who makes the decision that penetration has occurred and turns on the corresponding actuator. This unit is actually a rather complex electronic device.

To install it you need to buy it; doing it yourself is quite difficult.

Uninterruptible power supply device. If there is a power failure, the security system may fail. Of course, attackers could take advantage of this. To prevent this from happening, you can use such a device. A backup independent power supply is also required.

A number of different signaling devices are needed. Among them: reed switches with magnets, motion sensors, glass break sensors, smoke sensors (for the kitchen area).

Various notification devices. This may be the presentation of light or sound signals. Transmitting a signal to a security company. Notification to one or more mobile phone numbers (when using GSM alarm).

Keyboard remote control. It is actually the interface of the security system. It can be additionally equipped with a microphone, scanner or video camera for additional security measures.

Wires for connection to the control unit. Additional may be required technical devices to detect thieves (this can be video cameras, spotlights or similar equipment).

An optional, but nevertheless important addition to the alarm system is a contract with a security company that will receive an alarm in the event of a break-in and contact law enforcement to call the police.

Security system installation

We will tell you in detail how to carry out such work.

  • The initial stage is drawing up a plan. If the alarm system is installed not in your apartment, but in a public place, its preparation is mandatory. But this would also be desirable for residential premises.
  • Next, all necessary components are purchased in accordance with the drawn up plan.
  • Sensors are being installed. This is usually done as follows. On front door Reed switches with corresponding magnets are installed. As you know, they react to the opening of the door. Indicators that react to movement are installed in the corridor. You can place a smoke detector in the kitchen. On the windows you can install those that react to glass breaking. Motion indicators will be appropriate in the rooms.
  • Install a control unit for the entire alarm system somewhere deep in the apartment.
  • Conduct connecting wires to the control unit. When purchasing sensors and the specified unit, the rules for their installation and operating procedure are described in the instructions supplied with them.
  • Connect actuators such as mobile phone for GSM alarms, issuing an alarm signal to the control panel of the security company (if a corresponding contract has been concluded), turning on additional funds detecting intruders (such as floodlights or video cameras), activating a loud siren or powerful lights to deter thieves and possibly attract the attention of others.
Setting up an alarm system

Now you have assembled and installed such a system. Next important step it will be configured. In this case, you will need to make sure that the assembled and configured system is working.

The main link of any security system is its sensors. Their sensitivity can be changed within significant limits. After all, it is clear that the same settings may be suitable in one specific situation and not at all suitable for any other situation. Each sensor must be adjusted so that it operates reliably.

In this case, care must be taken to exclude the possibility of false positives. Before setting up, you must carefully study the instructions from the manufacturer.

Elements of a security system are high-tech equipment and require careful and qualified treatment.

Cost of services when contacting professionals

Note that the net cost of the security system components is very expensive. This amount can reach up to $500. Therefore, if it is possible to install a security system yourself and without the involvement of specialists, this will save a certain amount of money.

But let us note that the speech in in this case This is a highly qualified and very responsible job. Therefore, you need to weigh very carefully whether you can do this difficult job. Although it is difficult, it is quite possible. But still, if you turn to professionals, what can come of it?

For example, the security company "Delta". If we talk about installing an alarm system in an apartment, the installation cost will be 11,900 rubles, monthly maintenance will be 950 rubles. The installation of the system will be completed by the company’s specialists within just three hours. The company offers not only the security system itself and its installation, but also the services of a security company.

The arrival time in case of illegal entry into the apartment will be seven minutes. As we can see, it costs a lot, but a full complex is offered professional services. Monthly service Maintenance The system will cost two hundred rubles. The alarm system offered by the company also provides notification of fire, gas leakage and water leakage.

The security company "Legis", which operates in Moscow, offers the sale and installation of a security alarm system. They offer the use of a variety of sensor types.

  • Volumetric sensors that detect movement in the room.
  • Magnetic contact devices that detect the opening of doors or windows.
  • Acoustic sensors. They can be configured to react, say. To the ringing broken glass or to any other specific type of sound.
  • Vibration sensors are designed to detect the presence of vibration.
  • Ultrasonic sensors. They work on the principle of a locator. They emit rays and catch reflected rays. They are actually used as motion sensors.
  • Radiation. They react to the intersection of an invisible beam.
  • Capacitive sensors. They are sensitive to changes in capacity in the room. They are actually used as motion sensors.

The company offers not only the sale and installation of a security system, but also its design.

The cost of alarm maintenance in this company is 4,000 rubles per month.

Starting the conversation about the installation of security alarms, let me say a few words regarding the licensing of this type of work. A lot is said on this topic, there is no clear opinion (this is largely determined by the eternal imperfection of our legislation), however, it can definitely be said - unlike work on installing a fire alarm - a license for installing a security alarm is not required.

Next comes the question of membership in construction SROs (self-regulatory organizations). When the installation of a security alarm system is carried out for previously commissioned buildings and structures, this is also not necessary (no one has yet been able to prove the opposite), therefore, in most cases, a security alarm system can be installed by anyone, the main thing is that it performs its functions properly, and this requires certain knowledge.

If we talk about the regulatory framework, the installation procedure is determined by the governing document of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation RD 78.145-93, however, the basic rules can be stated in several paragraphs.

  • Installation of security alarm devices (sensors) must be carried out taking into account the recommendations specified in the passport (documentation) for each specific type of product. Along with this, for each group of detectors there are general features installations and applications, which are described in the section on security alarm devices.
  • Installation of any security system involves making electrical connections between its elements (devices and sensors). The theoretical part is described, but how it looks in practice can be seen using the example of installing a motion sensor (volume detection detector) in the pictures.
  • Speaking of electrical connections It should be noted that they must be performed by soldering or “screwed” on the terminal blocks of the devices themselves or distribution (switching) boxes.
  • The next point is the selection of alarm sensors and determination of their installation locations. Strictly speaking, this is the task of the designer, but if there is no design, then all vulnerable structures - windows, doors, non-permanent walls, ceilings - should be protected from penetration. This page tells you something about the features of using various detectors for these purposes.

By and large, installation of an alarm system does not require anything else, although the commissioning stage still remains. The main difficulty here may arise when setting up a security receiver. control device(PKP), in this case, if the device is not familiar to you, without studying it technical documentation not enough. In addition, it is also needed at the stage of installation (connection) of alarm loops.

I would like to note that if the installation is completed without errors, the alarm will work immediately. I repeat - the main difficulty is setting up the control panel, but for small objects you can use devices such as "VERS", "Granit" for 2-4 alarm loops, which are very easy to connect and set up.

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Installation of a security alarm is a mandatory measure to ensure the safety of material goods and the health of loved ones. SVM LLC

Security alarm classification

Like any other type of warning systems, security alarms are divided into several types:

  • Remote controller.
  • Autonomy.
  • Individual warning system.
  • CCTV.
  • Perimeter.
  • Intercom.
  • ACS.
Table with ID 5 does not exist. Alarm installation locations

The first four types of object protection are considered the most popular. Most autonomous alarms do not transmit an alarm. In the event of an attempted break-in or break-in, it triggers a light or sound alarm, which attracts the attention of nearby patrols, neighbors and others. The owner himself is responsible for the property. This type considered one of the cheapest methods of protection. Remote controller (English custodial service) is much more reliable, because it is security organization is responsible for the integrity of the object and the functioning of the system itself. At the moment of committing a crime, a light or sound indication may be turned on, but in addition, the signal will come to the general control point, where lightning-fast measures will be taken to send a rapid response team to the scene.

Of course, installing a security alarm of this type will cost more, but it will provide better security, timely testing of equipment, replacement of equipment, and installation. The individual type of notification involves the receipt of information about the danger to a person’s phone or other portable receiver. When an attempt is made to steal, the owner of the premises receives a message or receives a call indicating an alarm. At the same time, a sound and light indication is activated on the spot. Video surveillance is carried out by installing several small cameras with certain technical characteristics, allowing you to observe what is happening from the control point.

Installation nuances

Each type of alarm includes a large number of a variety of sensors combined into an integrated complex that allows you to deliver an alarm signal in a timely manner and prevent theft of property. Using several detectors, you can monitor individual rooms and the building as a whole. But the installation of such systems is closely related to other engineering communications buildings, so for quality installation And trouble-free operation The installation of a security alarm should be entrusted to highly qualified specialists.

The cost of the service must be discussed individually, since the calculation required material and the specifics of installation without a specific project is impossible.

The specialist will first visit the area, where he will determine the number of security points, the type of alarm required, the area of ​​the premises, etc. This will allow you to accurately draw up a plan, and then calculate the final cost. will help you maintain peace of mind, confidence in the protection and safety of property.

Satisfied client

IN security systems ah need both private and legal entities. If you have contacts and the opportunity to contact large enterprises in need of security systems, then this is great idea to start your own business, because in addition to selling and installing security systems, you can also earn money from maintenance.

According to statistics, 200 thousand apartments in Moscow are alarmed. This is not even 10% of the potential sales market. For example, in the West, where the crime rate is much lower, 40% of all apartments are equipped with an alarm system.

The way this system works is extremely simple. When a signal is received about a violation of the boundary of private property, a signal is activated on the control panel of the duty officer, who sends a police squad to the scene.

Security alarm systems are used to protect an apartment, house, or office from illegal intrusion. The interior volume of the room is protected by motion sensors, glass breakage sensors - magnetic contact sensors for opening windows / doors. If it is necessary to protect the perimeter of an object, infrared ray barriers, radar sensors, and barbed wire are used.
Alarm signals from the sensors of the installed security alarm system are sent to the control panel, which is the “brain” of the system. It processes the information received and transmits it to the security console.

European experience suggests that this particular niche is the most profitable for small businesses. And indeed, on Russian market there is a shortage small companies, who could install alarm systems in cottages and apartments, the number of which is growing very quickly.

It’s best to start your work with the simplest thing - buying ready-made, programmed security systems that just need to be installed. It is with the installation and local adjustment of security systems that most small companies in this market begin to work. This activity is licensed, so you will have to spend money on training staff and obtaining a license.

Security of objects other than apartments and garages:
Security of objects different categories such as office security, warehouse security, business center security, store security, boutique security, enterprise security

installation of security systems:

Installation of a security alarm system
- installation of a security video surveillance system
- installation of security and fire systems
- installation of access control and management systems (ACS)

Thus, installing a simple security system in an apartment (magnetic contact door opening sensor, motion sensor, control panel with a dual data transmission channel and two radio channel key fobs) will cost the client 18 thousand rubles. with installation. A set supplemented with motion sensors and fire and water leakage warning sensors - from 43 thousand rubles. Subscription fee for individuals - 1.1-3.2 thousand rubles. per month. , for offices and enterprises it ranges from 6 thousand to 25 thousand rubles.

According to market participants, this business is quite interesting and addictive. So, many, starting small, that is, installation companies simple systems video surveillance will soon expand its scope of activities. As a result, their company becomes multidisciplinary and deals with the whole range of issues: from design, installation, adjustment, repair, maintenance of equipment for fire protection systems, and ending with local PBX networks. These are the realities of modern life.

This is also driven by the fact that clients are increasingly demanding comprehensive solutions to security problems. This, firstly, is cheaper for them than working with several companies, and secondly, all the equipment is systematized and works perfectly together.

The cost of installing the simplest alarms is about 30 thousand rubles, monthly subscription service on average is 6.5 thousand rubles. for legal entities and 1.9 thousand rubles. for private owners.

Installing a video surveillance system in an office center will cost its owners $20-40 thousand, a cottage - $8-12 thousand.

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