Creation of social advertising by elementary school students. Ecology and social advertising

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Have you ever thought about what our children see around them, what examples they are brought up on? As a rule, parents do their best to protect their children from the problems that exist in modern society. But this is becoming increasingly difficult to do. Dirt on the streets, accidents on the roads, homeless children begging, aggressive teenagers drinking alcohol and other “diseases” of modern society, unfortunately, have become commonplace phenomena in our lives. Faced with these negative manifestations every day on the street, in public places, as well as on television screens, our children cease to see them as something out of the ordinary.

How can we change the current situation, draw children’s attention to the factors that “poison” our lives, explain to them what is good and what is bad? One way to solve this problem around the world is to create social advertising.

Advertising can be found everywhere today. On radio, television, newspapers and magazines they advertise everything: from sweets and chocolate to cars and residential buildings. But not everything that is said in advertising is useful and necessary for people. But there are so many things in the world without which a person really cannot live: friendship, compassion, love, respect. Social advertising is designed to remind everyone that the most important thing in life is a good relationship between people.

According to our observations, children are ideal targets for advertising. They, unlike adults, enjoy watching it on TV, remember it, and quote it. Advertising has a serious impact on the formation of a child’s ideas about the world around him. It is not without reason that they say that childhood impressions are the most powerful.

Having studied the influence of advertising on children and the world experience of using social advertising as a means of preventing moral “diseases” of society, we decided to choose the direction of our work - the creation of social advertising by students primary school. It seemed to us that it would be interesting for younger schoolchildren not only to watch commercials, but also to participate in their creation. In addition, children's perception of the world around them sometimes differs from the generally accepted one, which can make advertising created by children more sincere and free from cliches.

We believe that advertising products created in this way can help cultivate in children a friendly attitude towards peers of a different nationality, tolerance, tolerance, respect for elders, careful attitude to the environment, love for a healthy lifestyle. This means that this work will contribute to the education of a moral generation that is not indifferent to the troubles of other people.

Description of the project work

For the fourth year now, our school has been working on creating social advertising for junior schoolchildren. At the beginning of work on the project, through a survey, we identified the problems of modern society that are closest to primary schoolchildren.

The project is being implemented in several stages. At the beginning of each stage, one problem is selected from the resulting list. Then all elementary school students are asked to come up with and draw a sketch of their own social advertising on a given topic. Based on the best sketches, computer versions of the posters are drawn. Students studying in the computer graphics studio are involved in this work. Any graphic editors are suitable for this work ( Adobe Photoshop, Corel Draw, Paint, Logo Mira, etc.) and even text Microsoft editor Office Word.

  • The very idea of ​​advertising should be unusual and creative;
  • Interesting, unusual solution compositions;
  • Whole color scheme;
  • Selection of an original, readable font;
  • Focus on what's most important.

Finished works are printed on sheets of A3 or larger format and hung around the school. Posters can be used for social events, talks, classes and other events.

In parallel with the creation of print advertising, a group of children, under the guidance of a teacher, is developing a script for an advertising video on the topic. Various programs can be used to make commercials, ranging from PowerPoint to programs for creating cartoons and videos.

The finished videos are presented to an audience of elementary school students.

Results of work

As a result of this work, a series of advertising posters were created at our school:

  • “Children should laugh and live in a peaceful world”
  • – posters reflecting personal relationships younger schoolchildren with parents, peers, children of other nationalities;

  • "Bad habits"
  • – about the dangers of smoking, alcohol and drugs.

When working on a series about the dangers of smoking, alcohol and drugs, elementary school students not only drew posters, but also found facts on the Internet on this topic, which formed the basis class hour"Bad habits. Harmless hobby or dangerous game? for students in grades 3-4.

  • “Let's Talk About Friendship” - the video is an animated presentation made in PowerPoint. The work was carried out in the 2005-2006 academic year by a group of 4th grade students.
  • “How beautiful this world is”
  • – the video is dedicated to the problem of war and peace. Created in the 2006-2007 school year by a 4th grade student. In his work, the boy wanted to show how scary and beyond recognition our beautiful world can change if we fail to stop the spread of war.
  • "Why?"
  • – the video touches on the problem high level crime in our country. Why do people break the law, why do they become criminals? Maybe they don’t have a roof over their head, they don’t have money to buy food for themselves, they can’t feed their family? But you can go to work and get money for everything you need for life. Or maybe no one explained to them that there are so many good professions in the world? Our video helps children think about what they should become in life. The video is an animated film made in Macromedia Flash. Created in the 2007-2008 academic year by 4th grade students.

I would like to go into more detail on the video "What is good and what is bad". We took a poem by V. Mayakovsky as its basis. Written in the last century, it has not lost its relevance today. But we live in the 21st century – the century of computer technology. Our life is complex and fast-paced. Our children are very different from their peers of the last century: different games, interests, problems. It seemed to us that modern life requires some changes and additions to the poem.

We tried to reflect in our work how ugly those who do not follow the rules of behavior at home and in public places look from the outside, and also to remind all children about healthy way life.

That's it new Age came,
It's time to remind the “little ones”:
what is good
and what is bad.

If mom and dad are in a quarrel,
if the house is just hell,
everyone knows it's bad
for big ones and for kids.

If everything is calm at home,
if there is peace and harmony in the family,
it means everything is fine in life
the big ones and the guys.

If the son sat half the night,
I watched the clip on MTV,
know, this is very harmful
for a child's head.

This one, after reading the book,
He goes to bed at nine.
He protects health
It will be useful in life.

If a boy likes chips,
does not eat soup with peas,
for a child's stomach
this is very bad.

If a boy likes yogurt,
eats cottage cheese for breakfast,
This Boy very smart,
doing well.

If, after running around again,
the boy begins to groan
he is not friendly with physical education,
This is very very bad.

If he jumps and jumps,
boy, like a kangaroo
dreams of becoming strong and dexterous,
Well done such a child!

If you're on break
hit the girl with a briefcase,
that you are a strong boy,
We won't believe it for anything.

If you helped the girl
bring the books,
Let's talk about this here:
nice little boy.

If there is a pogrom in the room,
there is a saucepan under the table,
lives in this room
slob and dirty.

This one irons his own clothes,
He washes his own socks.
Although he is still small,
helps mom.

If the boy is quietly
smokes a cigarette,
he does stupid things in vain,
ruins your health.

This one, even though he’s only an inch tall,
Fights smoking.
This boy is so good
just a sight for sore eyes!

We would like to give advice
both big and small:
We must do well
and don't feel bad.

Of course, work on such projects affects the behavior of the participants, contributes to the development of an active life position, increases their awareness and changes their attitude towards the world around them.

We believe that the experience of creating social advertising can be used by other educational institutions, since such projects are quite simple to implement, effective in content and popular among students.

Description. Research in ecology, aimed at studying paper advertising arriving in the mailboxes of residents of Slutsk. It examines the role of advertising in society and the possibilities of its use in children's arts and crafts. The author presented this research to students of the State Educational Institution “Slutsk Ecological and Biological Center for Students”. The study may be of interest to educators additional education environmental and biological profile, biology teachers and primary classes, as well as everyone interested in energy saving problems.
Kononovich Ekaterina, 15 years old, student of the “Eureka” interest association, State Educational Institution “Slutsk Ecological and Biological Center for Students”, Slutsk, Minsk region, Republic of Belarus.
Supervisor: Danilchenko Oksana Anatolyevna, teacher of additional education, State Educational Institution “Slutsk Ecological and Biological Center for Students”, Slutsk, Minsk region, Republic of Belarus.
Advertising appeared as a consequence of the development of trade. Initially, the goals of this phenomenon, which has become commonplace today, were simple: to introduce a product or service to potential buyers and encourage them to buy.
Modern advertising is multifunctional and exists in various forms. One of its forms is advertising booklets, leaflets and newspapers. To make them, spruce and pine wood is required. The lifespan of Norway spruce is 300-400 years, and that of Scots pine is 100 years.
Hundreds of years ago, a huge part earth's surface was covered with forests, today the area occupied by forests has sharply decreased, and in some places they have completely disappeared. Therefore, the question arises: “Is it worth destroying the forest to make advertising booklets, leaflets and newspapers, if a person often does not even deliver them to his apartment?”
The relevance of the research topic lies in the attempt to find a compromise between the need to respect the forest and the development of advertising in modern life.
Purpose of the study: determination of the number of trees and paper required for the production of advertising, which ended up in the mailboxes of residents of Slutsk within one month.
- get acquainted with the importance of forests in human life and the history of the appearance of paper;
- reveal the importance of advertising in modern life of society;
- to foster a careful attitude towards the consumption of paper, as a product for the manufacture of which wood is used;
- offer your own version of using advertising products on paper in children's arts and crafts.
Object of study: advertising products (newspapers, booklets, leaflets) in the mailbox.
Research methods:
- search method;
- method of analysis and comparison;
- questionnaire method;
- generalization method.

Review of sources

Chapter 1. The importance of forests for humans

Forest is one of the main types of vegetation cover on the Earth, represented by numerous life forms of plants, among which the main role is played by trees and shrubs, and the secondary role is played by grasses, shrubs, mosses, lichens, etc.
Forests play a big role in economic development, improvement environment, improving the well-being of the people.
The trees themselves are the most powerful creators of biomass; these are suppliers of fuel, and most importantly - wood, technical raw materials, tanning, medicinal, dyeing and many others useful substances. For example, the leather industry cannot do without tanning extract obtained from the bark of forest trees. More than 20 thousand types of products and products are made from wood: sleepers, containers, plywood, furniture, paper, cardboard, etc. Even in the manufacture of plastics, fertilizers, and explosives, wood is used. Alcohol, sugar, and synthetic rubber are obtained from sawdust.
For a long time people have been using wild plants as food and medicine. Widely known healing properties sea ​​buckthorn, bird cherry, raspberry, rose hip, St. John's wort, currant and many others medicinal plants.
The influence of forests on the course of processes occurring in nature is very diverse.
Forest ecosystems are very important for the life of the biosphere.
Firstly, they enrich the atmosphere with oxygen and maintain the level of carbon dioxide in it. Trees are the green factory that restores the life-giving power of exhaust air. The better forests grow, the more oxygen they release and the faster they absorb carbon dioxide. It has now been established that more than half of the photosynthetic oxygen in the atmosphere is supplied by forests.
Secondly, forests play a large role in the water cycle. Trees evaporate moisture into the atmosphere and have a beneficial effect on the climate by increasing air humidity. Forests are decreasing surface runoff and by doing this they prevent the washout and erosion of the soil by melt and rainwater, and act as an important soil-protective factor. Deforestation usually leads to shallowing of rivers, disappearance of springs, and drying up of streams.
Thirdly, forest soils filter water flowing from fields and industrial sites and purify them from many harmful impurities.
Fourthly, the forest is a habitat for many species of animals and plants.
With the rational use of forest ecosystems, ecological balance is maintained in them - populations of plants, animals and fungi are naturally renewed. As a result, the biosphere role of forests is preserved. However, the principles of rational use of forests are not always observed.
Main violations of forest management
1. Excess of timber harvesting within the limits of annual growth, which causes significant damage to the forest and it cannot recover.
2. Uncontrolled grazing. During grazing, young trees die, which are eaten and trampled by livestock, conditions for the growth of mature trees worsen, birds disappear and pests multiply en masse.
3. Emissions of toxic gases and dust into the atmosphere negatively affect forest ecosystems industrial enterprises and transport.
4. Forests can die during the construction of reservoirs and large roads that disrupt the underground flow of groundwater. In low places adjacent to the reservoir and along roads, they approach the surface. groundwater. This is called flooding. Species such as linden, oak or pine are not adapted to life in waterlogged soils and die.
5. With excessive harvesting of forest products: mushrooms, berries, medicinal plants and irregular shooting of game, forest resources are depleted.
6. Depletion of the species composition of forests occurs when using chemicals. In modern forestry they use chemicals pest control. In the year of use, pesticides suppress pests, but along with them they destroy many “enemies of our enemies” - predatory insects (wasps, ants) and birds. On next year more massive populations of pests can quickly recover again, and the less numerous species that control their density can disappear altogether. The ecological balance will be disrupted, and pesticides will have to be used every year, increasingly worsening the ecological situation in the forest and reducing the diversity of animals living in it.
Chapter 2. History of paper
We all, to one degree or another, come across paper and products made from it on a daily basis. This, so to speak, communication with paper begins in early childhood when a child reaches for a bright book, white sheet to leave traces of your first pencil exercises on it. Paper accompanies a person throughout his life. She reminds of herself every time he turns to documents - a passport, diploma, certificate, when he picks up a book, or takes correspondence out of his mailbox. But what do we know about the origins of paper?
The word "paper" is believed to have come from Italian word“bambagia”, which means “cotton”. Strange, of course. After all, the first writing sheets were made not even from cotton, but from papyrus and parchment.
Parchment was made by monks. It was usually made from the skins of sheep, goats, calves, and oxen. The process of making parchment was very labor intensive.

Papyrus is a giant perennial herbaceous plant up to 5 m high, and its stems are up to 7 cm in diameter. The oldest known papyrus manuscripts date back to the 3rd millennium BC.

But by the 12th century, the production of papyrus as a writing material had completely ceased, and paper firmly took its place.
It is still unknown exactly when it was invented. There is no doubt that the beginning should be sought in China. It is believed that paper appeared in China in 105 AD.

At the turn of the 2nd and 3rd centuries AD, paper made from plant fibers was not considered a rare material in China. In the 3rd century, it completely replaced the wooden tablets previously used for writing. Chinese paper was stored for a very long time, as it was impregnated with special substances that repel harmful insects. Since time immemorial, China has had a method of reproducing texts using signets. Initially, impressions were made on clay and bamboo tablets; later, paper was used for these purposes. All kinds of decorations, umbrellas, fans were made from it, food was wrapped in it, and it was inserted into windows.
For many centuries, the Chinese alone owned the secrets of paper making, protecting the secrets of the craft.
Historians give different dates for the appearance of paper in certain places. If you mentally follow the routes of paper penetration from China to the East and West, it turns out that in the 2nd century AD it reached Korea.
In the 3rd century, paper moved through Korea to the shores of Japan. But development paper production in the Land of the Rising Sun began only in 610.
In the 3rd century, the peoples of Central Asia became acquainted with paper. In the 7th century it became known in India, in the 8th century - in Western Asia. In the 10th century, paper reached Africa, in the 12th century it entered Europe, and in the 16th century it was already known in America. On the American continent, paper first appeared in Mexico, but later, somewhere in the 17th century, it arose handmade paper in what is now the United States of America.
The Arabs, who formed a vast state in the 7th-8th centuries on the conquered lands of Asia, Africa and part of Europe, built the first paper workshop in Samarkand with the help of captured Chinese. They did not have the plant materials for making paper that the Chinese and Japanese used, so they began to make paper from rags (cotton). It was used for books.
The innovations introduced by the Arabs into paper production contributed to its successful development. Thus, the Arabs were the first to notice that grinding paper pulp was more practical than pounding it in a mortar and pestle.
Spain was the first in Europe to begin making paper, having adopted the art of paper making from its conquerors, the Arabs.
Continuing to march across Europe, paper conquered more and more countries. In 1300, Hungary began to produce it, in 1390 - Germany, in 1494 - England, in 1565 - Russia. In 1586, paper production was founded in Holland, in 1698 - in Sweden.
We see that paper comes from one country to another at regular intervals, after about 50-100 years, and its importance is growing.
The next few centuries led to such progress in the production of paper that it became possible to use it not only as a writing material.
Of course, over many centuries of the development of paper production, paper manufacturing technology has undergone significant changes, although the principles of forming the paper web have not changed.
The invention of coated paper was revolutionary paper base special paste based on kaolin.
Today, paper is made from wood from trees, mainly spruce and pine.

Chapter 3 History of advertising development
Modern advertising is multifunctional and exists in various forms.

Its most primitive types were used back in the days of “BC.” Thus, the oldest example of an advertising message that has survived to this day is considered to be Egyptian papyrus. In the era of the pharaohs, this means was used to notify the public about the sale of slaves. Ancient Greece and Rome, which reached their peak already in ancient times, also used advertisements written on wooden tablets, engraved on copper or bone, which were published in squares and other places of mass visitation by people.

With flourishing ancient culture advertising activities are also becoming increasingly complex shapes, based on “hot” information. Now advertising is already a whole complex of verbal, sound, written and visual techniques aimed at creating a certain image (image) of the advertised object. Of course, this form of advertising has a greater ability to influence potential customers: by attracting their attention and arousing interest, it encourages the advertiser to take the action expected by the advertiser - purchase. The invention of book printing determined the onset of a new qualitative stage in the development of advertising.

The spread of printing, founded by Gutenberg, rapidly covered all of Europe during the second half of the 15th century. In 1472, the first printed advertisement was born - from a leaflet posted on the doors of one of the London churches, parishioners learned about the sale of a prayer book. The founder of print advertising in Europe as a trend is considered to be the doctor Theophrastus Zealously, who in 1630. opened an information office in Paris. This company published advertisements in the popular French Newspaper. So, the first published advertisement there was a notice of a reward for anyone who could indicate the location of 12 stolen horses. This advertisement was also published in one of the London newspapers.
The next logical stage in the development of advertising is its definition in the 19th century as the main activity of specialized companies and agencies. Not only organizations with an extensive network of branches and representative offices are beginning to engage in advertising, but also departments created in industrial and trading companies, large enterprises, publishing houses, etc. The work of the first advertising agencies began with the banal purchase of printed space for subsequent resale to advertisers with the addition of a commission.
In the USSR, advertising addressed to the mass consumer first appeared in the 80s of the 20th century, during the years of perestroika. From the beginning these were advertisements in the media mass media about foreign goods; Naturally, a number of foreign firms paid significant sums of money for it.
Today, a whole industry of advertising business is developing. This is evidenced by such obvious indicators as:
- occurrence large number advertising agencies;
- an increasing number of people engaged in advertising as their main specialty;
- the emergence of tolerance, and in some cases a completely positive assessment of advertising in society.
According to Western experts, the development of advertising is only gaining momentum, its pace and quality will depend on the capabilities and pace of development of the countries' economies.
Modern advertising media. The use of ordinary objects and objects as advertising media is quite widespread in the world. Passengers minibus On the road they watch commercials. Advertising appeared on the walls of buildings and tunnels. Banners appear stretched along the roads. Increasingly, you can see an electronic billboard, as well as billboards advertising goods and services in entrances and elevators. Most experts consider the use of so-called ambient media (surrounding objects and environment) effective and necessary, since advertising reaches the human senses in the most unexpected places. And most importantly, all these methods do not entail the destruction of forest lands. Thus, they prolong the life of all life on Earth.
However, paper advertising continues to exist!
To make 1 ton of paper you need 5.6 m3 of wood. If we consider that the average volume of one log (tree) is 0.33 m3, then 17 trees are required to produce 1 ton of paper. And from 1 ton of paper you can make about 30 thousand ordinary student notebooks.

Main part

Stage 1. Questioning of residents of Slutsk
Target: studying the attitude of city residents to advertising in the mailbox.
At this stage, 50 people aged from 20 to 50 years were surveyed. To the question “What kind of advertising do you prefer?” the majority (61%) answered – posted on the Internet. Many spoke out against advertising in mailboxes. Target: collection of advertising on paper from the mailbox.

For 4 months I collected advertisements from the mailbox of my apartment. Target: determining the number of trees that need to be cut down to make an advertisement.

1. I determined the mass of advertising in the mailbox in one month for one apartment.
To do this, I collected all the advertising material (booklets and advertising newspapers) received in the mailbox of my apartment for 4 months (1.7 kg), and then found a lot collected material in 1 month.
Mass of collected material for 1 month 0.425 kg

2. Determined the total mass of advertising booklets and newspapers for one month in her building with 144 apartments. It is equal to 61.2 kg.
3. Determined how many trees would be used to make advertising, which ended up in the mailboxes of one building with 144 apartments within one month.
To produce one ton of paper, according to Internet sources, it is necessary to cut down 17 trees. Then, to produce 61.2 kg of paper advertising, it is necessary to cut down 1 tree.
4. I determined approximately how many trees will be used to make paper advertising for residents of Slutsk in one month.
To do this, we assume that approximately 4 people live in one apartment (or one private house). Knowing that about 6,400 people live in Slutsk, we get approximately 11 trees.
Accordingly, to produce advertising that ends up in the mailboxes of Slutsk residents throughout the year, 132 trees will have to be cut down.
Knowing that in the Republic of Belarus at the beginning of 2016 the population was 9,498,884 people, we find that 195,502 trees are cut down per month for advertising. And this is already a small forest!
Stage 4. Advertising in arts and crafts
Target: find the use of advertising in children's arts and crafts.
The most accessible and widely used method for recycling used paper advertising is to collect it and hand it over for waste paper.
While collecting advertisements, I noticed that most of the advertising brochures and newspapers were very bright, and decided to try replacing them with them. colored paper, used in some arts and crafts paper techniques.
To do this, I studied various paper techniques and tried using advertising brochures and newspapers instead of colored paper.
Most interesting works Made using the techniques of iris folding, origami, mosaic and quilling.

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200 thousand trees have already been cut down for golf courses. Greepeace launched an advertisement against their distribution. The poster depicts a man in the pose of a golfer, but not with a club, but with an ax in his hand.

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The International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) conducted a social campaign environmental problem pollution of rivers and seas. The visual series of posters developed by the Springer&Jacoby agency perfectly conveys the message about the environmental threat without words. Figures of dolphins, seals, and pelicans are made from garbage. Slogan: “Sea animals no longer wash ashore” (Appendix 1).

Managing Director of News Outdoor Maxim Tkachev said: “The new flyer of the “Whatever?!” campaign once again calls for an active position in life. It depends on each of us whether the city will be clean or dirty. If each of us takes the trash to the trash can, he will not only help the city, but will also win a small victory over his laziness and indifference.”

“As part of this campaign, we are raising a very important issue for everyone,” says D. Korobkov, Chairman of the Board of Directors of ADV Group. -- It is natural for us to maintain order in the house, but many do not think about the need to take care of the nature and cleanliness of city streets. Our world is becoming catastrophically polluted - and this is the work of man. We must remember that the conservation of nature depends only on us."

Types of social advertising dedicated to environmental issues

Social advertising has many functions: informational - to notify citizens about the presence of a certain social problem and attracting attention to it, economic - to form a point of view that would help partially or completely eliminate a social problem, which would lead to an improvement in the well-being of the state, educational - to disseminate certain social values, their inculcation in society, social - for the formation of public consciousness, changing the behavior of both society as a whole and its individual citizens. Social advertisement capable of influencing the consciousness of people in the right way.

  • - posters;
  • - shields;
  • - leaflets;
  • - emblems on consumer goods;
  • - graffiti;
  • - comics;
  • - photo;


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