Constellations by month. Zodiac signs in the Chinese (Oriental) horoscope by year of birth

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Astrologers have long determined that the Sun, Moon and constellations have a huge influence on a person. From astronomical units the characters and destinies of people depend. Knowing how the zodiac signs are distributed by month, you can unravel any personality.

The zodiac circle is divided into 12 equal parts, each of which makes an angle of 30°. In one year, the Sun makes a full revolution, passing 1 section of the ecliptic in 21-22 days. Zodiac year begins on March 21 - the day of the vernal equinox. The names of the sectors coincide with the nearby constellations.

Thus, the classic zodiac calendar includes 12 signs: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. They all have their own astrological symbols and go strictly in order. The dates when a particular sign comes into force can be determined from the zodiac table:

Some astrologers identify another sign - Ophiuchus. The sun moves through this constellation for 10-17 days. However, there is heated debate today regarding its inclusion in the zodiac system.

It is enough to compare a person’s date of birth with the astrological calendar to find out under which zodiac sign he was born. It happens that the number falls on the border of the transition of two characters. To do this, take into account exact time according to Greenwich. Each constellation endows a person with certain personal qualities.

Zodiac signs determine the type of behavior, temperament, and the presence of certain abilities. But to make more detailed horoscope, one date is not enough. To do this, it is necessary to take into account the exact time of birth, place, and year.

Twelve zodiac signs are distributed in threes between 4 groups of elements:

  • fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius;
  • earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn;
  • air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius;
  • water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.

People born under fire signs are impulsive, energetic, and have strong self-confidence. The element of earth makes a person practical, hardworking, with a sober outlook on life. People born under air signs are intellectually developed, very sociable, and have a lively mind. Water endows a person with well-developed intuition and spirituality.

Video “How to find out your zodiac sign”

In this video, an astrologer will tell you how to find out your zodiac sign.

Winter signs

People born under winter zodiac signs, not easy. They know how to attract with their versatility.


December is the time of Sagittarius and Capricorn. Born in the first winter month is under the rule of Jupiter. For this reason, he has a rather complex character: he is very hot-tempered, ambitious, cannot stand criticism, and does not accept compromises. A “December” person will always be true to his ideals. He knows how to listen to the voice of reason. This is a leader who relies only on himself. He always makes his own decisions.

Being a purposeful person, he will go straight towards his goal. Honesty and truthfulness are the main character traits. He has a highly developed intellect and has a wonderful sense of humor. Quite sociable, loves an active lifestyle. If the influence of Jupiter is excessive, then the person may be selfish, arrogant, vengeful, jealous, and prone to tyranny.


Those born under the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius are under the influence of Saturn with the Sun. Being a dominant personality, he will never allow himself to be overpowered. Has enormous willpower. He will defend his principles and views on life, no matter what the cost. This is a big skeptic who does not like to have outside opinions imposed on him. He has a calm, balanced character.

A person born in January is intelligent, endowed with a sense of tact, and is able to get along with everyone. mutual language. He is caring, attentive, always keeps his promises, and is ready to help in difficult times. A “January” woman will have predominantly masculine qualities.


Aquarius and Pisces are the February zodiac signs. The period of maximum influence of Saturn. For “February” people, actions often precede thoughts. Those born in February are an introvert. He loves to be alone with himself. Modesty and suspiciousness are the main traits of his character.

This is a very vulnerable, touchy person. However, such a person does not like to show his feelings to others. His care, ability to sympathize, give on time helpful advice inspire confidence in others. A “February” person knows how to perfectly sense someone else’s mood. He likes everything mysterious and enigmatic.


People born in spring have a special charm. They are contradictory, expressive and charming.


March is the month of the constellations Pisces and Aries. Creative people are born who often become artists, writers or musicians. A person born in March is very sensitive and overly emotional.

Because of his inconstancy, he often falls under the influence of others. Sometimes this prevents him from focusing on a specific goal in order to achieve certain heights. He has a broad outlook on life and loves to travel. Such a person is prone to mysticism and strives to know the unknown. He does not like noisy companies, preferring silence and solitude.


"April" Aries and Taurus are influenced by Mars. A person born in April is particularly persistent. This is an energetic personality, gushing with many new ideas and plans. He is independent, decisive, and easily achieves his goals. But it is difficult for him to find a common language with others.

It is better not to give advice to such a person, not to interfere in his affairs. He often lacks caution, which is why he can make enemies for himself. A man born in April is principled and has many ambitions. Thanks to these qualities, he will easily advance in his career.


Venus favors Taurus and Gemini in May. A person born under its influence is guided by a highly developed sense of beauty. For this reason, he is very demanding of himself and those around him, which prevents him from creating a strong union. He can be touchy and vindictive. The predominant character traits of the “May” personality are generosity and sacrifice.

A person born during this period is open, sociable, and cheerful. He knows how to win over those around him and radiates friendliness. There are always a lot of people around him. Excessive emotionality and sentimentality leads to frequent mood swings. The hobbies of such a person are rarely permanent.


In summer the Sun rules the roost. People born in the summer months are bright, kind, sunny individuals.


June is the second-largest summer month. His zodiac signs are Gemini and Cancer. Those born in June are influenced by Mercury. He is ambiguous and difficult to understand. A gentle character, kindness, vulnerability, and indecisiveness do not allow such a person to be a leader. He will almost never fight for his goal.

Being under the influence of Mercury, he often does not complete the work he has started. However, excessive responsibility and a tendency to self-criticism make him a conscientious worker in the team. Those born at the beginning of summer are a very sensitive nature, prone to neuroses.


July zodiac signs - Cancer and Leo. The Moon, influencing a person this month, endows him with fidelity, constancy, and affection. The family matters to him great value. A person born in July has a good memory, is energetic, and prone to adventure. He doesn't miss the chance to make an easy profit.

This is an enthusiast who can become good leader. He is tireless, ready to do anything to achieve his goal. Very attentive in financial matters. Due to the influence of the moon, he is prone to mood swings and often doubts himself. In men born in July, more feminine qualities predominate.


Leo and Virgo in August are ruled by Mercury and the Sun. Those born this month have powerful energy. This is an excellent leader with oratorical abilities. He is unforgiving, unvindictive, and can be called generous.

This is an optimist who will always find a way out of different life situations. Such a person rarely falls into despair and is not subject to depression. Talented people are born in August, successful people. The main disadvantage of the “August” personality is pride coupled with vanity.


People born under the auspices of the autumn zodiac signs are charming, but at the same time complex and ambiguous.


The ninth month - September - is the time of such zodiac signs as Virgo and Libra. A “September” person knows how to correctly identify goals for himself, after which he moves towards them systematically, slowly. He will always draw a useful conclusion from any situation. Being responsible, he will definitely complete the work he has begun.

This is a straightforward, emotional person. Such a person is proud and not used to hiding emotions. He is overly irritable, but absolutely non-conflicting. This is a very good listener. A woman born in September is obsessed with cleanliness and order. The “September” man is very jealous.


Libra and Scorpio are influenced by Saturn in October. This makes the person born this month sensitive and balanced. Since childhood, he has good taste. An innate sense of beauty makes him constantly seek harmony in everything. This is a non-conflict personality.

Before taking someone's position, such a person will first figure out who is right and who is wrong. Justice comes first for him. He has a sharp mind and a well-spoken tongue. A person born in October knows how to make friends, so he always has many acquaintances and friends. The “October” woman is a born leader. A man is dominated by such qualities as objectivity, practicality, and stinginess.


November according to the schedule is the time of Scorpios and Sagittarius. This month is ruled by Mars. Those born at the end of autumn are a pedantic, calculating person. He always tries to find benefits, is vindictive, and vengeful. Mars endows such people with fighting qualities.

The “November” person is capable of aggression and is often tactless. He is brave, energetic, resistant to conflict situations. This is an assertive, purposeful, courageous person with a sharp mind.

A rich inner world pushes a person towards everything mysterious and secret. In search of hidden meaning, he constantly strives for deep secrets. It is often difficult for such people to understand themselves. A woman born in November is often characterized by self-confidence and narcissism. The character of the “November” man is often hypersensitive. For this reason, he may suffer from depression.

These days it is difficult to find a person who has not heard anything about the circle of the Zodiac. Moreover, very often people, getting to know each other, are interested in what constellation they were born under. It's no secret that when looking through horoscopes in search of an answer to a question of interest, many of us are feverishly trying to find similar character traits and trace/compare life situations. It’s as if we are trying to squeeze into the framework of a character description limited by date of birth. Does everyone know what the zodiac signs mean?

A little about the history of symbols

To understand such a system as the Zodiac, you need to commit small excursion into her story. The word "zodiac" has Greek roots and is translated as "animals in a circle" (sometimes the expression "animals in a wheel" is used). This circle is divided into twelve completely equal sectors, each of which is named after one of the constellations. The zodiac was known more than four thousand years ago, in Ancient Babylon. In those ancient times, it was depicted as a circle, which included the constellations, and a luminary revolved around it. It was believed that it was the Moon. This was explained by the absence of the most ancient special astronomical instruments with which one could observe the constellations in the daytime.

In the five hundred years BC, the zodiac circle undergoes major changes. It was divided into equal parts, and each was given a name that corresponded to a specific constellation. The ancient inhabitants of Babylon began to take into account the movement of not only the Moon, but also other luminaries, in particular the Sun.

After Babylon fell, the ancient Greeks took up the baton of observations. It was they who continued the study of movement heavenly bodies. It was the Greeks who introduced the term "zodiac", which has successfully survived to this day.

Undoubtedly for long story existence of the Circle, adjustments were made. For example, the constellation Luhunga (Peasant), known since Babylon, was renamed Aries. And in ancient times, apparently, it was not recognized at all. The first mention of it dates back to the second century AD.

Despite the thousand-year history, the zodiac circle, it would seem, has retained its appearance. But still key points have been significantly changed. For example, among the ancient Greeks the zodiac wheel was divided not into twelve, but into thirteen sectors. Over time, the thirteenth constellation - Ophiuchus - was lost, and perhaps deliberately thrown out.

Ancient Greek Zodiac

Medieval astrologers made one, but very serious mistake. Restoring the astrological knowledge lost during the Inquisition, they took as a basis the calculations of Ptolemy, which have changed significantly over one and a half thousand years, which is quite natural. And the most important “blunder” can be called the shift in the starting point (the vernal equinox). When Ptolemy made his calculations, she was in the sign of Aries. Unfortunately, the ancient Greeks blindly copied the existing zodiac, and in the meantime the main point of reference moved to the sign of Pisces. Today, even a schoolchild knows that every fourth year is a leap year, that is, every four years there is a day of error, but then what can we say about the past thousands of years? Despite this, the modern zodiac, which, by the way, for some reason we call Chinese or Eastern, begins with Aries. This is where we will begin to analyze the symbols of the zodiac signs.

Elements of the zodiac

However, before we begin to describe and decipher the mentioned symbolic images, we should briefly dwell on one more important point. We are talking about the elements, of which there are four: Water, Fire, Air and Earth. Each of them patronizes a group of 3 signs:

The symbol of Taurus contains the characteristics of two opposite principles - the Moon, as the energy of the soul, developing the feminine principle, and the Sun, which symbolizes solar energy, Spirit. This is a sign of perseverance, will, development. The Soul dominates over the Spirit, which indicates Taurus’s closeness to the Earth and Nature, and not to God and the cosmos. Among other things, these people are characterized by endurance and endurance, the ability to hide and store what they have acquired, thanks to which they accumulate a huge potential of energy, including spiritual energy.


One of the symbols that is quite easy to interpret. These are two letters "I". At the same time, they resemble the Roman numeral two. However, why be surprised? This is Gemini - a zodiac sign, the symbol of which personifies the eternal struggle of two personalities in one person. It’s not for nothing that people born under this constellation are considered hypocritical. But let's return to symbolism.

IN in this case this is the possibility of connecting the incompatible: the waxing and waning Moon, perceiving the past and the future. In many cultures, Gemini characterizes the path of development, and at the same time, the sunset and decline. According to another version, this symbol represents a combination of day and night, black and white, good and evil.

Geminis, as a rule, are torn between two decisions, two issues, most often mutually exclusive. They rush to extremes: darkness or light, evil or good. It is always difficult to determine which Gemini you are currently communicating with. They are easy to pick out in a crowd - you just have to pay attention to a person whose actions do not match his words, and whose behavior changes every five minutes. They usually do several things at once, eat and talk quickly.


This symbol is quite complex. Outwardly, it resembles two inverted commas, located one above the other. This is Cancer - a zodiac sign whose symbol represents duality. This is a feminine sign. The graphic image means femininity, motherhood, but at the same time perseverance and tenacious grip.

In the usual interpretation, the Cancer symbol is represented as two vortices, two beginnings. This is necessary for the revival of new life. The pattern is often perceived as the closing claws of a cancer or as the process of fusion of male and female cells.

Since Cancer is a sign with a highly developed feminine principle, men born under it are often impressionable and sensitive natures. In addition, typical representatives of this zodiac character adore their families, and especially their mothers, and they will not contradict them under any circumstances.

Leo: symbol, meaning

Sometimes the symbols of the zodiac signs are quite intricate. An example is a curved line with a circle at one end. And who does this very original symbol of the zodiac sign represent? Leo, of course, fits perfectly into such an intricate characterization. Judge for yourself: doesn’t the smooth line resemble the wavy, curly and completely unruly mane of a predator? Graceful and sophisticated Leos can easily be distinguished from a huge crowd thanks to luxurious, thick curls that organically complement dark tanned skin and, as a rule, brown eyes.

The elegance of this symbol indicates the refined aristocracy, love of freedom, and sensitivity of Leo. It's funny, but there is only one thing that is beyond the control of the strong and proud representatives of this sign. They are unable to style their unruly hair. You can straighten them with an iron or curl them with a curling iron, you can even tie them in a tight knot, but still, sooner or later, one of them will break out.


Many experts believe that symbols and pictures usually very clearly characterize those who belong to them. Well, they're probably right. Virgo belongs to the element of Earth. She is the only woman in the entire system. She personifies the ancient Greek patroness of Nature, harvests, and fertility. This is how she is - Virgo, a zodiac sign whose symbol is a capital letter “M” with a neat curl on the right. Most likely, its creators had in mind the reproductive function of women.

Virgos often promote healthy image life. They are critical of their own weight, nutrition, appearance, and health. There is an opinion that it was the Virgos who invented the first, most daring diets.


Graphic images of the Zodiac signs surprisingly accurately emphasize not only the characteristic external features, but also the internal qualities of people. This statement can easily be attributed to Libra. Their symbol is a kind of hat above a straight line horizontal line. This is the personification of scales (a symbol of justice), but everyone born under this sign is fair judges, capable of resolving any conflict by carefully listening to both sides.

In Hermetic, alchemical and Kabbalistic teachings, scales are a symbol of the division of spiritual and physical, heavenly and earthly, and in the Bible - the balance between external and inner world. They identify wisdom and the return to unity through a truce of opposites.

It is quite easy to recognize people belonging to this sign in your environment. You just need to start a small conflict and pay attention to who will be the first to listen to the arguments and arguments of the parties.

Scorpio: zodiac sign, symbol

Water Scorpio perfectly remembers old grievances (which, by the way, everyone has long forgotten) and will not miss an opportunity to avenge them. The Latin letter “M” ends with a small arrow on the right, which symbolizes the poisonous sting. Scorpio never admits to his thoughts of revenge. They are kept in the strictest confidence.


The next Circle character is Fire Sagittarius. A zodiac sign whose symbol clearly depicts a raised bow and arrows being shot at random objects. These people can greatly injure those around them and those close to them with the arrows of their honesty, without thinking at all that they are hurting their pride. Sagittarians are not burdened with excessive diplomacy and a sense of tact.

In the traditional interpretation, this symbol is cosmic; it expresses the idea of ​​a perfect person, who is both a physical and spiritual being, worthy of divine origin. The arrow is a symbol of spiritual evolution and inner transformation.


Next in line is the zodiac sign Capricorn, whose symbol is the intricately twisted horns of a proud and fast mountain goat. This is one version. Another says that the horns make up only a fragment of the pattern that resembles the letter “V”, and the rest is the tails mythical creature- a non-existent sea goat. In any case, this is the personification of wisdom, which develops beyond its years, with early childhood. The drawing also means determination and courage, which help to overcome any obstacles. Interestingly, Capricorns have a “built-in” system of resistance to aging. They always look much younger than their age.

The Capricorn symbol represents the upward striving, the ascent towards light and life. This is on the one hand. On the other hand, a rapid fall into the void. This is expressed by the duality of the “monster” itself - half-goat - half-fish, inhabitant of mountain peaks and the depths of the sea.


The symbols of the zodiac signs quite often consist of straight lines. Aquarius is no exception. Two parallel broken lines mean fast flowing water. Others believe it is a graphic representation of electricity. After all, the abode of Aquarius is Uranus.

Evaluating everything critically, representatives of this sign are the most intelligent in the zodiac wheel. These are great debaters. Don't believe me? Express an idea in a group of people, and the first person to object to you will probably be an Aquarius. And not at all because he categorically disagrees with you. It's just hard for him to resist arguing. It is almost impossible to force him to change his point of view.

Zodiac sign Pisces: symbol and meaning

This personification of dual nature is somewhat reminiscent of the Gemini symbol. Two fish swimming in different directions, depicted by two curved lines. In the middle they are connected by a small segment. This is a vivid symbol of two fighting souls living in one person.

A complex and very sensitive sign. People born under it, as a rule, live in their own world, understandable only to them. But if it seems to you that Pisces weakly go with the flow, hiding from conflicts, then you are mistaken! They are very ambitious, aggressive and capable of going to great lengths to achieve their goals. With a few sarcastic barbs, they can trample all your attempts to improve the relationship.

Today we tried to find out a little more about the mysterious signs of the zodiac. Symbols, pictures, descriptions and meanings of all representatives of the zodiac circle have interested, interest and will interest humanity as long as it exists. And we can talk about this endlessly.

Classical astrology, which dates back about 3,000 years, tells us that there are only 12 Zodiac Signs, but new scientific research tells a different story.

Previously we wrote about the secret of the 13th Zodiac Sign. Today it's time to remember him again. True, it is not known whether astrologers will take Ophiuchus seriously, since traditional astrology has proven its strength over these millennia, and the new teaching can destroy everything that people believe in, and everything that has been proven by experience and observations.

Changes in Zodiac Signs

According to scientists, over many centuries the movement of the Sun relative to the starry sky has changed because the earth's axis has changed. NASA confirms the fact that the Earth's axis is shifting. In this regard, a number of scientists propose changing the dates of passage through the 12 main zodiac constellations. Taking into account the 13th constellation - Ophiuchus, which, thus, can now officially become the 13th Sign of the Zodiac.

Now, in the opinion of scientists, the updated horoscope should look like this:

  • Capricorn: January 20 - February 16
  • Aquarius: February 16 – March 11
  • Fish: March 11 - April 18
  • Aries: April 18 - May 13
  • Calf: May 13 – June 21
  • Twins: June 21 - July 20
  • Cancer: July 20 - August 10
  • A lion: August 10 - September 16
  • Virgo: September 16 – October 30
  • Scales: October 30 – November 23
  • Scorpion: November 23 – November 29
  • Ophiuchus: November 29 – December 17
  • Sagittarius: December 17 – January 20

Please note that a new Sign has been added - Ophiuchus. At the dawn of astrology, it was almost invisible, so it was not taken seriously and was not included in the Zodiac Signs, but now it is more than distinct, so it is proposed to be introduced. Authoritative scientists have fully argued their proposals regarding the shift of the Zodiac zones, but this does not mean global changes, since people are accustomed to the standard horoscope. Classical astrology does not accept changes in Zodiac Signs - at least not yet.

The new horoscope dates created a lot of noise in the world, as people began to wonder which Sign they should classify themselves as - the new or the old. Popular magazines like Cosmopolitan supported the hype and made many people doubt the truth and monumentality of such a science as astrology. Experience and time overcome impulsiveness and the desire for novelty, so for now everything remains the same as it has always been.

If you doubt which Zodiac Sign you and your character belong to, you can take our free Zodiac Sign test and find out how accurate your horoscope has been all along!

13th Zodiac Sign and new zodiac dates

The Earth and the Sun are in a constant dance that lasts 26,000 years. When this time passes, everything starts anew. Over this long period of time, a lot can change in the night sky from the point of view of observation from Earth.

If you follow these changes, then every 150-300 years you need to change the dates of the horoscopes, slightly shifting the Zodiac Signs. The only relevant information is the 13th Zodiac Sign, which is very important. People born from November 17 to 27 can consider themselves Ophiuchus - this is not an independent Zodiac Sign, but rather an addition to the character of Sagittarius or Scorpio. These people destroy what they love. Their fate is often difficult, but in the end happiness always awaits them.

Ophiuchus are fickle, flighty and fearless. They need time to make their lives more stable and meaningful. They can become anyone - everything is limited only by their imagination. That is why among Ophiuchus you can meet talented actors, directors - and at the same time cruel rulers and revolutionaries.

We wish you good luck and advise you not to take internet and magazine articles about changes in Zodiac Sign dates seriously. The astrologer community has not yet accepted and most likely will not accept any changes in the coming years, because it is not relevant and can cause a huge amount of controversy. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

20.09.2016 13:43

We often read horoscopes to learn more about ourselves and the essence of those around us. ...

The Sun, in its annual majestic movement among the stars, successively moves from one constellation to another, describing during the year a complete “circle of life” - the zodiac.

Order of zodiac signs by month

The list of zodiac signs begins with Aries, symbolizing selfishness, active activity in the world, energy, ambition, stubbornness, and often cruelty.

In the West, it begins on the day of the vernal equinox, March 21, and Aries, the first in the order of the zodiac signs, is the beginning of beginnings, a sign of rebirth, the personification of everything new.

Then the zodiac signs follow in order: Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces. All signs have their own characteristics and meaning, and are also divided into groups.

Let's consider groups of zodiac signs, united by elements, nature of actions and gender of the signs.

Groups of zodiac signs - elements of horoscope signs

In Western astrology, it is customary to talk about four elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water. The zodiac signs are included in each of the trigons as follows:

Fire – Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Earth – Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
Air – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
Water – Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces

  • Fire is the element of leaders, Zodiac signs this groups- typical representatives of strength, they are courageous, their energy is unquenchable, they always strive upward. They have high intelligence fire signs and people. A strong will allows them to make decisions and take responsibility.
  • Under the influence of a group of zodiac signs of the Earth element, practical people are born, with a well-developed intellect, capable of managing matter and property. The earth bestows a penchant for trade and crafts; people of these signs know how to establish useful connections.
  • Air - this element allows you to solve material problems with the help of other people. Air signs use other people's resources to achieve their goals. They are fickle, superficial, have little leadership potential, and their level of intelligence allows them to be hired workers.
  • Water - those born in this element have highest level consciousness, aimed at knowing oneself and the Higher Mind. These people have superbly developed intellect, high moral principles, many of them are religious.

Groups of zodiac signs - the nature of the action of horoscope signs

Zodiac signs act differently in the world around them. Starting with Aries, the signs of the zodiac, in order, belong to one of three triads, or crosses: cardinal, fixed, mutable.

  • Cardinals - Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn. These are innovators, striving for reforms, in order to effectively achieve their goals, they change, and find short, better ways.
  • Fixed groups of zodiac signs - Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius. These people are mostly conservative, they are wary of any changes, they do not rush into something new, as if into a pool headlong, they calculate everything, and save energy. What is started is completed.
  • Mutable zodiac signs in order are Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces. Generators of ideas, hatching ideas for conquering the world, then rush into battle, then calm down, grab onto a lot of things, without bringing anything to the end.

12 male and female zodiac signs in order

There is also a sign that allows you to divide the zodiac signs into groups. Male and female zodiac signs - by this sign you can understand the character of representatives of 12 signs. Male - active, active, female - soft, accepting.

Each of us is born under a certain zodiac constellation. They say that it is precisely this that has an incredible influence on a person’s life, predetermines the future fate and main character traits. Experienced astrologers can tell a lot about a visitor just by knowing the day of his birth. You can verify the veracity of the above by looking into any one and comparing the characteristics written in it with yourself. 90% of people admit that such astrological forecasts absolutely true.

It's no secret that zodiac signs are divided by dates. We will talk about this in more detail below in the article.

Aries: March 21 - April 20

Purposeful, attentive, hardworking and balanced Aries are capable of literally moving mountains. They never stop there, do not listen to other people’s opinions and are able to independently build a dizzying career from scratch. Sometimes such a stubborn character plays a cruel joke on them that especially affects personal life.

Taurus: April 21 - May 21

Very kind, patient, friendly Taurus are excellent companions and comrades, faithful life partners and simply wonderful people. They often become the life of the party, but you shouldn’t assume that you can use them without a twinge of conscience. Their inquisitive mind perfectly distinguishes sincere friends from envious enemies.

Gemini: May 22 - June 21

Spontaneous, sincere, cheerful and sociable, Geminis are excellent employees and family men. They have a sincere desire for fidelity, so it is with them that you can build strong, lasting marriage bonds. But they make bad leaders due to excessive restlessness and even some impulsiveness.

Cancer: June 22 - July 22

Noble, selfless and patient Cancers prefer a bird in the hand to a pie in the sky. They take every step carefully, thinking through the situation in advance and deeply experiencing failures. Excessive caution sometimes causes them significant inconvenience, but at the same time it protects them from dangerous and risky incidents.

Leo: July 23 - August 21

G Horde, powerful and energetic Leos love to lead, manage the process, and control the situation. Their irrepressible energy cannot be resisted, and their tenacity is enviable. It seems that even stone wall able to move away under their pressure. At the same time, true kings of beasts are characterized by innate nobility.

Virgo: August 22 - September 23

Practical, intelligent, logical individuals born under the sign of Virgo are distinguished by their unshakable character and breathtaking straightforwardness. They will never plot intrigues, try to denigrate an innocent person or build happiness on someone else’s grief. However, their desire for the naked truth is not always liked by the surrounding society.

Libra: September 24 - October 23

Friendly, soft-spoken and elegant, Libras are blessed with incredible luck and a love of life. They never see anything bad in their interlocutors, colleagues, friends and loved ones, which sometimes turns into a bad outcome. On the other hand, they are very lucky, so every day is unforgettable.

Scorpio: October 24 - November 22

Characteristic, reasonable and a little tough, Scorpios are characterized by an uncompromising attitude towards everyone life spheres, from work to love relationships. Their pride and some cynicism sometimes cause their loved ones to suffer. On the other hand, their innate sense of justice cannot be ignored.

Sagittarius: November 23 - December 22

Energetic, carefree and smiling, Sagittarians have an explosive character. They are reckless travelers who can break loose at any moment, and their ease of recovery is truly amazing. They are comfortable and convenient, and their stunningly cheerful disposition infects you with its optimism from the first second.

Capricorn: December 23 - January 20

The amazing morality of the Capricorn Zodiac both helps him and spoils his fate. But patience and resilience to all kinds of problems and difficulties cannot but please. Fight to the last, fight steadfastly with opponents and withstand even the most unpleasant events - Capricorn can more than teach this to anyone.

Aquarius: January 21 - February 19

A continuous state of sincere love for everything, from profession to hobbies, characterizes romantic Aquarius. Their lifelong passion and a certain lightness of thought guarantee a continuous carousel of emotions and events. The only thing they lack is seriousness.

Pisces: February 20 - March 20

Soft, sensitive, sophisticated Pisces, born on spring dates, often become driven. However, they make unsurpassed home guardians, wonderful housewives and patient, sensitive parents. It’s easy and cozy with them, but you shouldn’t count on stunning emotions and crazy actions.


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