Urgent publication of vac articles.

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Publishing house "Internauka" provides publishing services scientific articles in journals included in the list of Higher Attestation Commissions

Publication cost from 9,500 rubles.

Exact amount calculated individually depending on the urgency of publication of the article and scientific direction

Service includes

Article analysis

Certificate of acceptance
articles for publication

Selection of magazines,
included in the list of Higher Attestation Commissions

Informing about any changes in the status of the article

Article support
at all stages, right up to publication in the Higher Attestation Commission journal

A printed copy of the magazine (if necessary)

The publisher guarantees: Full refund in case of failure to fulfill obligations under the offer agreement

Scientific directions

  • 1. Architecture and construction
  • 2. Biology
  • 3. Information Technology
  • 4. Art history
  • 5. History and archeology
  • 6. Cultural studies
  • 7. Mathematics
  • 8. Medicine and pharmacology
  • 9. Interdisciplinary research
  • 10. Geosciences
  • 11. Pedagogy
  • 12. Political science
  • 13. Psychology
  • 14. Agricultural Sciences
  • 15. Sociology
  • 16. Technical sciences
  • 17. Physics
  • 18. Philology
  • 19. Philosophy
  • 20. Chemistry
  • 21. Economics
  • 22. Jurisprudence

Additional services

Services Price
Finalization of the article on technical requirements magazine 75 rub./page.
Increasing the originality of the text to the required level 200 rub./page.
Editorial editing of the text of a scientific article 100 rub./page
Proofreading the text of a scientific article 50 rub./page
Registration of the list of references according to GOST 100 rub./page
Translation of abstract, keywords RUB 0.36/character
Writing an abstract, keywords and design
title of the article according to the requirements of the journal
2500 rub./pcs.
Writing (revision) of a scientific article from 1800 rub./pcs.

Prices are for a standard page of text 1,800 characters

Requirements for article formatting

Originality of the text: at least 60% (checked in the anti-plagiarism system)
Minimum article length: 5 pages
Article language: Russian English
Font: Times New Roman
Font size: 14 points
Line spacing: 1.5 points
Fields: 2 cm on each side of the sheet

1. Title/title of the article: capital letters, bold letters, aligned to the center of the line
2. Full name of the author: font bold italic, right aligned
Academic title, academic degree, university, country, city: font italic, right aligned (abbreviations are not allowed)
If there are several authors of an article, then the information is repeated for each author.
4. Abstract
5. Keywords
6. Text of the article
7. List of literature

The article should not: be previously published, and also submitted for consideration and publication in another publication
Prohibited: use methods to bypass anti-plagiarism: formula words, replacing Russian letters with Latin ones, etc. These violations are detected using software and the article is returned for revision

Why is it necessary to publish an article in the Higher Attestation Commission journal?

If you need the publication of an article in a scientific journal of the Higher Attestation Commission, the Internauka publishing house is ready to assist in its placement in one of the peer-reviewed periodicals. The need for such an article for the author can be determined a number of reasons:

To the researcher who is completing work on a candidate's or doctoral dissertation, when submitting his defense, he must provide a list of articles on the topic of research. To do this, you should publish an article in the journal of the Higher Attestation Commission, and a minimum number of such publications has been established.

For social, humanitarian, socio-economic and cultural (art) specialties, the number is at least 3 for defending a candidate’s dissertation and at least 20 for defending a doctoral dissertation. For other specialties, this number is 2 and 15, respectively. Specialized councils, as a rule, increase this number by several points due to the fact that the Higher Attestation Commission may subsequently reject some articles for various reasons. The council itself may also reject the article, which may require urgent publication in the journal VAK.

In the certification case PhD applying for the academic title of associate professor, or Doctor of Sciences, applying for the academic title of professor, must also contain a list of published scientific works. In accordance with the current Regulations on the award of academic titles dated December 10, 2013, applicants for the academic title of associate professor or professor must publish at least 5 articles in scientific journals peer-reviewed by the Higher Attestation Commission. For applicants for the academic title of associate professor, this number is counted for the last 3 years, and for the professorship - for 5 years. These articles must be published in sections (headings) of journals corresponding to the scientific specialty of the applicant.

Many universities conduct rating of scientific and pedagogical workers or is efficient contract with them, which involves financial incentives for the scientific activity of teachers. The indicators for which points are awarded include publications in Higher Attestation Commission journals.

In target indicators University Development Programs, as well as five-year research plans of departments, in many cases the number of publications in the publications of the Higher Attestation Commission for the reporting period is indicated. In this regard, faculty members of departments are required to write and publish articles in peer-reviewed scientific publications.

Anyone who set himself the task of publishing his scientific article in a periodical included in the list recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission was faced with offers from certain intermediaries. Many different companies instill fear in the potential author of an article and offer him to use their services.

They argue that it is very difficult and time consuming to publish in a journal from the Higher Attestation Commission list. It is difficult to choose a HAC journal that is suitable for the author’s topic. It is required to collect reviews of articles from doctors of science. You must have a good knowledge of English in order to translate the abstract and keywords for the article. In addition, the requirements for articles in HAC journals are very, very strict; a student, master’s student or graduate student alone will not be able to complete it.

Judging by the huge number of similar companies, they are not poor and they have many clients.

But is there really a need for them? Is it really so difficult to prepare an article, collect the documents required by the editors of Higher Attestation Commission journals and publish a scientific article?

We know for sure that it is not such a difficult task to publish a scientific article in a periodical included in the list recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission. And we will try to prove that you – student, master’s student, graduate student – ​​do not need to turn to intermediary companies at all.

So, how to find a suitable scientific journal from the Higher Attestation Commission list that suits your article topic?

This is really not an easy task - it probably takes more time than actually writing a scientific article.

Official list of the Higher Attestation Commission “List of Russian peer-reviewed scientific journals, in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the scientific degrees of Doctor and Candidate of Sciences should be published,” published on the website of the Higher Attestation Commission http://vak.ed.gov.ru/87 has no classification, system, principle. It features over 2,000 magazines, simply listed in alphabetical order. This is such a huge dump of names, after seeing which, apparently, everyone decides to use the services of intermediary services...

But here it is important to understand that these journals differ significantly in requirements, prices, and in general the willingness to publish articles by people who do not have a scientific degree. This list includes such authoritative journals as “Psychological Journal”, “Questions of History”, etc. – You won’t be published there, don’t be offended. A huge part of the publications included in the list of the Higher Attestation Commission are Bulletins, News of various universities. Most of them (although of course there are pleasant exceptions) are not at all focused on the publication of scientific articles by external students and graduate students. Their websites do not stipulate specific conditions of publication, publication dates and the possibility of receiving your own copy of the magazine - you are not welcome there, therefore, it is logical not to bother them with your concerns.

Our advice: look for electronic scientific journals included in the Higher Attestation Commission list. Look not for highly specialized journals on “physics”, “pedagogy”, etc., but those that publish articles on several sciences.

Why: it will be easier to find a magazine that suits you, the cost will be lower, and the article will be published faster than in a printed magazine.

Therefore, what do you need to do? Go through the sites that search engines return for the request “electronic scientific journal of the Higher Attestation Commission”, “polythematic journal of the Higher Attestation Commission” or something similar. Select a few that suit your topic. Next, compare the following parameters:

Release dates for the next issues of the magazine

Deadline for reviewing a scientific article by the editors

Requirements for article formatting

Requirements for abstract and keywords

Publication cost

Cost information is not always provided on magazine websites. This information is a big, big secret for many magazines... And indeed, the cost can vary significantly. Keep this in mind!

Required supporting documents

A certificate of your status at the university will be required everywhere. Ask your academic advisor or the dean's office - they will tell you where to get it. By the way, we recommend that you immediately apply for 2-3 applications at the university, so as not to waste time on this each time.

Reviews from candidates/doctors of science are not required everywhere. Somewhere they require 2 reviews and only from doctors of science, somewhere 1 review from a candidate of science is enough, and somewhere an external review is not requested at all.

Certificates for checking a scientific article for plagiarism are also not required everywhere.

Ultimately select 2-4 magazines, which, according to the conditions of publication, are the most optimal. Please refer to the VAK website and double-check whether they are actually on the current list of recommended publications.

Surely, in some small details (the volume of the abstract, the number of keywords, requirements for the formatting of links and the list of sources used) all selected journals will differ. Therefore, you will need to redesign the article in accordance with the requirements of these 2-4 journals. Ultimately, 2-4 folders should appear on your computer desktop, each containing an article and an author’s profile, designed in accordance with certain journals.

Your next step– send your articles to journal editors. Just don’t get confused about who to send what to! And wait.

Most likely, within a week you will receive responses from all scientific journals. You will find out whether the article requires revision and, most importantly, the cost of publication and when the journal is ready to publish it.

Having received a response from the editors of the HAC journals you have chosen, it will not be difficult to choose 1, in which the article will ultimately be published. Just show respect to all participants in the correspondence you organized - send a letter notifying the refusal to publish and apologizing to the editors of the remaining journals.

Thus, publishing an article in a scientific journal included in the Higher Attestation Commission list is a matter that requires time and effort. Yes, you will need to spend more time searching for a suitable journal, preparing an article and collecting documents. But it’s not all that difficult, and it doesn’t take that long. Moreover, once you have carried out the analysis and found suitable journals, you will be able to exploit your findings for a long time and publish your articles in the selected journals.

No intermediaries are needed to publish an article in the VAK journal - you can find out everything you need directly from the editors of the journals. Feel free to write letters to the editor with specific questions - they will be happy to answer you.

And if it’s difficult for you to write an abstract and keywords in English, just find a journal that doesn’t require it.

If it is difficult for you to get reviews from doctors of science, find a journal that does not require this.

If you cannot determine the UDC for your article, just find the journal that does not require it.

It's all simple. Just deal with the issue of publishing a scientific article in the Higher Attestation Commission journal in advance, spend time on this and do not take the easiest and most dubious path.

P.S. Regarding the UDC code, contact the university library staff, they will certainly help you.

(c) APRIORI Scientific Publishing Center, Krasnodar www.apriori-nauka.ru And www.apriori-journal.ru

In an ideal world, a graduate student would not face such a pressing issue as urgent publication in the Higher Attestation Commission journal. According to the rules of the event scientific research, the scientist must compile detailed plan his future work and strictly adhere to it. If the researcher meets the deadlines, he can submit his article for publication in advance to a journal listed by the Higher Attestation Commission. This allows you to have required quantity printed works and easily obtain admission from a specialized academic council.

Unfortunately, the realities of scientific work in Russia do not always allow doing this. For various reasons, quite often a graduate student realizes at the last moment that he is missing one or two publications in publications from the Higher Attestation Commission list. In this case, the only opportunity to be admitted to the defense in time is to publish the article of the Higher Attestation Commission urgently, within the near future.

Scientists should try their best to avoid such situations. Most journals on the HAC list have a long queue for publication, although there are exceptions. The least popular journals are those that are not considered authoritative in their field. This can be understood using an indicator such as the impact factor: a low coefficient indicates a small number of citations to articles from a given journal. In addition, rapid publication of the Higher Attestation Commission is more likely in those publications that are not highly specialized or exclusive. We are talking about journals that publish work from several unrelated fields.

To speed up the process of publishing a work, you should prepare it in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission and take care of peer review. It won't be amiss covering letter or a call to the editor with an explanation of the situation and a request for assistance.

Another possible way quickly publish an article in a publication from the Higher Attestation Commission list - contact intermediaries. This is the most effective way to solve such a problem as the urgent publication of the Higher Attestation Commission. It is impossible to buy a place in the magazine directly from the editors, with rare exceptions. However, intermediaries agree in advance with the editorial board to book 1-2 columns in the issue that is being prepared for publication. The cost of such a service varies depending on the degree of urgency, as well as the rating of the scientific publication.

If deadlines are extremely critical, and it is impossible to publish an article in the Higher Attestation Commission journal within the near future, scientific publications can help in other ways. For example, if an applicant needs to indicate the name and number of the journal in which his work was published, the editors issue the researcher a certificate. It indicates that the article has been accepted for publication and will be published in the near future (the specific date of publication of the publication number is indicated). Such information can be safely indicated in the dissertation abstract.

Igor Arsenalny, Moscow

Thanks for your help in correct design articles! This is my first experience, so there were a lot of mistakes, but you fixed everything the first time!

Kirill Davydkin, Volgograd

I spent a long time looking for someone who could translate a complex legal text into English in a high-quality manner. I chose “Open resource” and was right, I received the translation within 2 days, thank you!

Those who need urgent publication in a journal from the List of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation, in any scientific specialty, can safely contact our company. In order to publish a scientific article, you must fulfill all the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission for articles. We provide assistance in preparing articles for Higher Attestation Commission magazines.

Publication in magazines

We are ready to offer you assistance in publishing scientific works, namely:

  • In scientific journals of our publishing house
  • In scientific journals from the List of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation. Publishing house help

Publishing monographs, publishing articles, other scientific works and fiction

We produce a full range of pre-press preparation of manuscripts, book layouts, brochures, articles, as well as typographical and publishing works. We also publish original and collective monographs. Find out more about the specifics of publishing scientific and artistic works and the features of working with us, namely:

Our publishing house prepares and publishes electronic publications, including electronic scientific and electronic educational publications. Publishing in paper and electronic versions is not a luxury, but urgent need. Electronic publications are not only widely used for reading fiction. Electronic textbooks and teaching aids are included in educational process and firmly took their place in it.

Participation in collective monographs

Anyone can, which is prepared and published by the publishing house. Applications for participation are accepted from both individual authors and scientific teams. Check out the list of suggested topics for collective monographs, terms of publication and scientific review. We are open to suggestions; anyone can suggest their own topics.

Read more about our cooperation when ordering the publication of your scientific work

We have experience gained over a number of years, established connections, good orientation and high technology for implementing assigned tasks.

Whether it is the need to publish in a regular magazine or a magazine included in the Higher Attestation Commission list, we will accompany you until the very end, that is, the moment when our agent personally hands you or mails your copyright copies.

If the need arises, you will not have to deal with adjusting the content of your article, formatting it, or translating it into English. We will do all this by providing you with pre-publication services for adjusting the content and design of a scientific article.

Depending on your specialty and topic of the article, as well as the desired journal for publication, both the cost of our services and the publication time may vary, from one month to six months or more. The cost of services can be discussed with the manager within 1-3 days after you send us a special request.

If, when sending us your article for publication, you already have an external review with a certified signature, you need to send that too. To begin with, along with the text of the article, you can send a signed (without certification, but with a transcript of the signature: full name and regalia) scanned review. Attention: scanning must be good quality. The editors will not consider documents with unclear images.

If you do not have the opportunity to receive a review at all, or receive it in short time, You can order the service of selecting a reviewer from us. A candidate or doctor of sciences specializing in the topic that your article examines will write a review for you in a short time, 1-1.5 pages in length.

All of the listed services (publication in journals, including journals from the Higher Attestation Commission list; design; translation of abstracts; reviewing) apply both to articles that you submit to us in a ready-made form, from a content point of view, and to those articles which you will write or edit using our service such as scientific consulting.

For all questions organizational nature Our staff will answer you by email or phone.

Selling ISBN

Attention to the authors. You can buy an ISBN for a book or purchase a complete set of codes and classifiers required for proper formatting of the publication’s imprint at our scientific publishing house.

Thanks a lot! Helped with an amazing job! We used current research and took into account all my wishes. I would especially like to note the desire of the company's managers to understand and help clients - this is worth a lot. I also advise everyone to order a speech - it really makes it much easier to defend your thesis! Thank you!

Elena, [email protected]

All reviews

How to write a good VAK article and publish it in a reputable central journal?

Where to publish an article before defending a dissertation?

fifteen works - for a doctoral dissertation, published in journals listed in the List of leading peer-reviewed scientific journals and publications (HAC articles).

In essence, these recommendations are mandatory and indicate the minimum amount articles of the Higher Attestation Commission to be published. At the request of the authors of dissertations and the availability of scientifically significant research, this number can be increased.

It is known that the list of HAC journals includes both serious and reputable publications and journals that focus exclusively on the solvency of the author of the article.

I would like to warn graduate students and doctoral students against formal publications in poorly peer-reviewed journals. Members of the dissertation council, members of the expert council of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation will definitely pay attention to where your articles were published and, based on this, will draw a conclusion about the quality of your dissertation work and the quality of the publications themselves.

If you don't have enough yet scientific experience to write truly high-quality articles, the publication of which will earn you authority and respect in the eyes of the scientific community, CONTACT US.

We are professionals with extensive experience and serious scientific training.

What to pay attention to when writing an article?

Russian Higher Attestation Commission journals are currently placed in conditions where, for the further development and existence of their editorial boards, it is necessary to significantly reconsider their attitude towards the quality of articles provided by authors. The time has come to pay closer attention to how articles should be formatted, what qualitative and formal changes in journals entail the requirements put forward by analytical Information Systems(citation systems), direct all efforts to the development of electronic versions of journals.

Literally all elements of the articles that make up the journal play the role of information indicators for assessing Russian science, Russian scientists, organizations and the journals themselves.

Journal articles submitted to the Higher Attestation Commission must consist of the following sequential elements:

Universal Decimal Classification Index (UDC);

Titles (titles) of the article;

The email address of at least one of the authors with whom correspondence should be conducted;


Article text;

Article bibliographic list;


For all journals without exception, there are database requirements for article titles. The title is especially important element articles, as some databases do not include abstracts.

The title of a scientific article should be informative, i.e. clearly convey its contents in a few words. This requirement is considered one of the main requirements in journal editorial offices, since a well-formulated title is a guarantee that the work will attract reader interest.

It should be remembered that the title of the work will be read much more more people than its main part. Authors of other articles that cite the research presented in it will cite the title of the work in their bibliographies.

We must try to formulate the title of the article not as a complete sentence, but as a headline (as they do in a newspaper).

When formulating a title, it is better to adhere to a simple word order and simple phrases.

You should not use verbs, as well as words like research, study, observation, as well as important, significant, etc.

The title should include almost all keywords.

The title of the article should not contain unnecessary words. The most important words should appear at the beginning of the title.

The golden rule: the title of the work should reflect only one idea, even if the work is complex.

Untranslatable slang, known only to Russian-speaking specialists, is not used. This also applies to author summaries (annotations) and keywords.

The title of the article should not contain mathematical and chemical formulas, letters of alphabets other than Russian and Latin, Roman numerals, as well as abbreviations, except those in common use.

After writing an article, you should make sure that its title fully corresponds to its content.

Based on the abstract, readers evaluate the publication, determine their interest in the scientist’s work, can use it in their publication and make a link to it, open a discussion with the author, etc. Therefore, we will devote this element of the article Special attention.

Let us list the required qualities of an annotation. Annotations must be:

Informative (do not contain general words);


Structured (follow the logic of describing the results in the article);

Compact (fit within 100 to 250 words).

Abstracts written by authors often contain common errors. Most often, annotations are replete with general nothing meaningful words, increasing the volume, but not contributing to the disclosure of the content and essence of the article. Often the annotation is limited to just a few lines (3-5). This presentation of the content of the article is completely unacceptable.

Experience shows that the most difficult thing for an author when preparing an abstract is to briefly present the results of his work. Therefore, one of the proven options for the abstract is a brief repetition of the structure of the article, including introduction, goals and objectives, methods, results, conclusion. This method of compiling annotations has become widespread in foreign journals.

To help you write annotations (abstracts), you can recommend at least two versions of the rules. One of the options is Russian GOST 7.9-95 “Abstract and abstract. General requirements", developed by VINITI specialists. The second is recommendations for writing abstracts for English-language articles submitted to journals published by Emerald (UK). When considering the first option, it must be borne in mind that it was developed primarily as a guide for reviewers preparing abstracts for information publications. The second option is the requirements for abstracts of English-language articles. Therefore, the required volume of 100 words most likely cannot be considered sufficient. Below are excerpts from these two options. They largely repeat each other, which once again emphasizes the importance of the provisions they propose.

The abstract and annotation perform the following functions:

They make it possible to establish the main content of a document, determine its relevance and decide whether to refer to the full text of the document;

Provide information about the document and eliminate the need for reading full text document if the document is of secondary interest to the reader;

They are used in information, including automated, systems for searching documents and information.

The volume of the abstract should include a minimum of 100-250 words (according to GOST - 850 characters, at least 10 lines) and reflect the following aspects of the content of the article:

Subject, theme, purpose of the work;

Method or methodology for carrying out the work;

Results of the work;

Scope of results; conclusions.

The sequence of presentation of the contents of the article can be changed, starting with a presentation of the results of the work and conclusions.

The subject, theme, and purpose of the work are indicated if they are not clear from the title of the article.

It is advisable to describe a method or methodology for carrying out work if it is novel or of interest from the point of view of this work. Abstracts of documents describing experimental work indicate the sources of data and the nature of their processing.

The results of the work are described extremely accurately and informatively. The main theoretical and experimental results, actual data, discovered relationships and patterns are presented. At the same time, preference is given to new results and data of long-term significance, important discoveries, conclusions that refute existing theories, as well as data that, in the opinion of the author, are of practical importance.

In the text of the abstract you should use syntactic constructions, characteristic of the language of scientific and technical documents, and also avoid complex grammatical structures.

Within the abstract, it is necessary to maintain uniformity of terminology.

In the text of the abstract you should use meaningful words from the text of the article.

Abbreviations and symbols, except those in common use, are used in exceptional cases or give their definitions when used for the first time.

Units of physical quantities should be given in the International SI System. It is allowed to give in parentheses next to the value in the SI system the value of the value in another system of units used in the source document.

Tables, formulas, drawings, pictures, diagrams, charts are included only if necessary, if they reveal the main content of the document and allow you to reduce the volume of the abstract.

Formulas given more than once may have sequential numbering, and the numbering of formulas in the abstract may not coincide with the numbering of formulas in the original.

The author's summary (abstract) is a short summary of a larger work of a scientific nature, which is published in isolation from the main text and, therefore, in itself should be understandable without reference to the publication itself.

It should set out the essential facts of the work. The abstract should not exaggerate or contain material that is not contained in the body of the publication.

1) the purpose of the work in a concise form. Background (history of the issue) can only be given if it is contextually related to the purpose;

2) summary basic facts of the work. The main thing to remember is:

Follow the chronology of the article and use its headings as a guide;

Do not include unimportant details;

The article is addressed to a competent audience, so technical (special) terminology can be used;

The text must be coherent using the words “therefore”, “moreover”, “for example”, “as a result”, etc., or the disparate provisions presented must logically follow from one another;

The writing style should be compact. Complex sentences should be used.

A significant part of innovative plans for the implementation of changes containing innovations at their core either does not reach practical implementation, or actually brings much less benefit than planned. One of the reasons for these trends lies in the lack of real tools for planning, evaluation and control over innovation by managers. The article proposes a mechanism for strategic planning of a company, based on an analysis of both the internal capabilities of the organization and external competitive forces, and the search for ways to use external opportunities, taking into account the specifics of the company. Strategic planning is based on a set of rules and procedures containing a series of methods, the use of which allows company managers to ensure a quick response to changing external conditions. These methods include: strategic segmentation; solving problems in real time; diagnostics of strategic readiness to work in future conditions; development general plan management; planning the company's entrepreneurial position; strategic transformation of the organization. The strategic planning process is presented in the form of a closed cycle, consisting of nine successive stages, each of which represents a logical sequence of activities that ensure the dynamics of the development of the system. The result of the strategic planning methodology developed by the author is a proposal for a transition to “interactive strategic management”, which in its conceptual basis is focused on the creative potential of the entire team and finding ways to increase it on the basis of quickly overcoming accelerating changes, increasing organizational complexity and unpredictable variability of the external environment.

Let's take a closer look at the structure of the “classic” abstract, which allows you to create a complete picture of an article or project, and give examples of each of the components. This structure must also be followed when preparing documents for foreign scientific foundations and journals.

Relevance. From the very beginning, it is necessary to demonstrate the importance of the problem being studied or the proposed project. The reader should immediately have an idea of ​​why the problem being discussed requires study.

Example. A blog is one of the social services used in teaching a foreign language and culture.

Formulation of the problem. After revealing the relevance, it is necessary to identify the existing problem, the solution to which the research project (article) will be aimed at. When reading this section of the annotation, the reader should get the impression that without your project, “further life is simply impossible.”

Example. However, in scientific literature There are no studies confirming the effectiveness of using a blog in developing students’ sociocultural competence.

Ways to solve the problem. In this section of the annotation it is necessary to list specific steps aimed at solving the existing problem. In qualitative research (in which there is no description of the experiment and analysis of its results), this may be a listing of the theoretical issues being explored. In quantitative studies (if the work contains experimental statistical data), this section of the abstract lists the methods of conducting experimental work and the variables being studied.

Example. IN this study, firstly, the component composition of sociocultural competence was determined, secondly, a methodology for the formation of sociocultural competence using the blog was developed, thirdly, the preparation and conduct of experimental training aimed at developing sociocultural competence using the blog was described, as well as an analysis of its quantitative and quality results.

results. This section presents the quantitative or qualitative results of the study. It is recommended to use general words such as “proved to be effective”, “proved to be ineffective”, without mentioning specific numbers, which may be misinterpreted.

Example. The study showed that during the 10-week cycle, the majority of students were able to develop sociocultural competence using the blog, which confirms the effectiveness of the proposed methodology.

Conclusion. In conclusion, it is necessary to outline the scope of implementation of the research results, show how much the work carried out has expanded existing ideas about the issue being studied, or propose a new solution to an existing problem.

Example. The results of the study expand knowledge about the methodological potential of blogs in teaching foreign language and culture.


There should not be many keywords (no more than 10), and they should clearly indicate the main content of the article. Should be avoided as keywords general concepts type “system”, since a keyword search (often present on the journal’s website) will not lead the reader to finding the information he is interested in.

The key word in some cases can be a phrase, but in no case a short sentence.

. Introduction- a brief summary of the state of the issue under consideration and a statement of the problem solved in the article.

. Materials and methods solutions to the problem and accepted assumptions.

. results- the main content of the article (for example: description of the physical essence of processes and phenomena, evidence of the provisions presented in the article, initial and final mathematical expressions, mathematical calculations and transformations, experiments and calculations, examples and illustrations).

. Discussion the obtained results and comparing them with previously known ones.

Let's look at each element of the article structure in more detail.

Introduction stimulates reader interest and provides a brief overview of the problem necessary to understand the main part of the work. The Introduction should clearly explain what specific problem the work is aimed at solving. The introduction is very useful for journal editors and article reviewers. It usually consists of 300-500 words, but can be longer if the article is of significant length, or is dedicated to presenting extensive scientific results, or solving a complex problem.

The introduction should be well structured and contain:

− a brief mention of the results already achieved in the presented area of ​​research, provided with references to the literature;

− presentation of the research object is the most important part of the Introduction;

− the need to conduct research;

− the hypothesis or research methods being put forward;

− definition of abbreviations and terms used in the article.

Materials and methods . This section must contain accurate and detailed description conducting research that allows others to replicate similar work.

Any modifications to equipment already used in scientific work should be described in detail, if they were created specifically for this work. If necessary, you can provide illustrative material.

When writing this section, you need to find a balance between detail and length. Here you can refer to other works in which the methods used were described in more detail.

Arrange methods either by type of procedure or in the order in which the study was conducted.

Explain why these methods or materials were chosen.

For quantitative measurements, the error of the method should be given. If statistical methods or comparison models are used, they should be described. This does not apply to standard methods, which can be given without comment. Rarely used statistical methods can be provided with a reference to the literature.

The units of physical quantities used must be in the International System of Units (SI). It is allowed to use units approved for use along with SI units, as well as multiples and submultiples.

This part of the article should be written in the past tense.

results . This section presents the main results of the study without their interpretation. If the journal's editors do not require the preservation of separate sections, it can be combined with Discussion.

It is advisable to present the results in the same order as the methods. For each result, the method by which it was obtained must be mentioned.

The numbers of tables and figures should correspond to their first mention in the text. Data presented in charts and graphs should not duplicate those presented in tables.

The inscriptions on the illustrations must correspond to the text of the article. Captions for figures should contain enough full information so that the data provided can be understood without reference to the text (unless this information is already given in another illustration). Abbreviations are deciphered in the figure captions, if this has not been done previously in the text.

This section should be written in the past tense.

Discussion . Contains the interpretation of the results, opinions and assumptions of the authors, addressed to future researchers of this problem. The purpose of the Discussion is to answer the question posed in the Introduction.

We should try to make this section of the article as short as possible. This is where the results need to be explained rather than repeated.

The logic of the discussion should be built from the particular to the general.

In the text of the Discussion, you should use the same keywords as stated at the beginning of the work.

It is necessary to explain how each of the results obtained relates to the literature data.

Considering different hypotheses and approaches to work, defend your own, showing its reliability.

At the end of the section, it is necessary to explain why the results obtained are important for understanding or solving the problem posed and provide several (no more than two) recommendations for further research.

Conclusion is the most difficult part of writing an article. It should be taken into account that most readers read the abstract, and then immediately the Conclusion. This section summarizes their own work, reiterating its importance.

The Conclusion must begin with a clear description of what has been achieved in the work.

It should be short and clear and prove to the scientific community that the results of the work are worthy of publication. Thus, the work is placed on a par with other works on this issue, filling in the missing information in the area under study.

The conclusion must contain evidence of the originality of the work. If the results of the work confirm already known research, it is necessary to emphasize what exactly its originality consists of.


Why are article lists needed? correct description, and what is the main bibliographic description of the source?

Using the links, evaluate the significance and recognition of the works of specific authors, scientific level journals, organizations and countries as a whole, determine the relevance of scientific areas and problems, identify their points of growth and decline, etc. Therefore, high demands are placed on this component of scientific articles all over the world. Despite the fact that in the scientific community there is a certain amount of skepticism towards this method of assessing scientific activity, one cannot help but admit that a link to a publication in a peer-reviewed scientific article is one of the main indicators of quality, or at least access to this publication.

It must be borne in mind that 90% of the articles published in the journal must have article lists. Not a large number of An article bibliography in a journal negatively affects not only its evaluation, but also the evaluation of the authors of the article themselves. And an article with a representative list of references demonstrates the professional outlook and high-quality level of research of its authors.

Unfortunately, it should be noted that Russian specialists pay significantly less attention to this part when preparing their publications than theirs. foreign colleagues, do not understand the meaning and significance of the sources presented in bibliographic lists. The average number of links in an article by Russian authors is 10 publications, while articles by English-speaking authors include an average of 30 links per article.

In addition, in terms of the composition of the reflected publications, article lists in Russian publications (excluding physics, chemistry and other fundamental sciences) contain a large number of references to regulations, laws, decrees, etc. official sources, unpublished documents, etc. Foreign publications in the social, economic, and humanitarian fields practically do not contain such references. In Russian publications of these thematic areas such links are natural. The articles do not contain links to articles by Russian, much less foreign, authors. This suggests that authors read little of the articles of both their colleagues and foreign ones.

The reference lists of Russian authors contain many errors, inaccuracies, duplication (with errors) of references from other sources, incomplete references, etc. Such lists in the citation system practically neutralize their significance and are not taken into account.

Russian-speaking authors include links to Russian sources in articles published in Russian-language or translated journals. If our authors are published in leading foreign journals, they try, as a rule, to refer to foreign sources.

A correct description of the sources used in the reference lists is a guarantee that the cited publication will be taken into account when assessing the scientific activity of its authors, therefore (along the chain) - the organization, region, country. By citing a journal, its scientific level, authority, effectiveness of its editorial board, etc. are determined. It follows that the most significant components in bibliographic references are the names of the authors and the names of the journals. In order for all authors of a publication to be taken into account in the system, it is necessary to include all authors in the description of the article, not limited to three, four, etc.

In the bibliographic list serial number references are indicated in the corresponding line of the article text in square brackets, and sources are located in the order of their mention in the article. Article bibliographic references must include the following information:

For articles - last names and initials of all authors; full title of the article; the name of the magazine, newspaper or collection in which the article was published; year of publication, publication time identifier (for a newspaper - issue number or publication date, for a magazine - year, volume or issue number, series), page numbers occupied by the article (start and end);

For standards - the name of the standard; standard number; place and year of publication; pages;

For patent documents - the name of the invention; patent number; a country; number and date of the application for the invention; patent publication date; invention bulletin number; pages;

For deposited scientific works - surnames and initials of all authors; full title of the work; name of depositor information center; number and date of deposit; number of pages of work.

Titles of books, articles, other materials and documents published on foreign language, as well as the names of their authors must be given in the original transcription. The bibliographic list should not include unpublished materials or materials that are not in the public domain.

Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the article lists should not include links to textbooks and teaching aids, since the information contained in them is well known to the specialists to whom the article is addressed.

Monographs included in article lists should not be more than 10 years older than the article. The exception is “classical” works, and even in this case, reference to them should be absolutely justified.

The mention of scientific articles, in particular articles by foreign scientists, in article lists indicates not only the competence of the authors of the articles, but also the relevance of the scientific research developed and presented in the article.

Last name, first name and patronymic in full;
. place of work;
. job title;
. academic degree;
. academic title (if it does not coincide with the title of the position);
. academic status (academician, corresponding member - if available) at the State Academy of Sciences;
. description of the area of ​​activity and scientific interests;
. Contact details with the authors (phone, email).

It is important for authors to adhere to the indication of one place of work, since information about the organization’s affiliation (affiliation) is one of the main defining features for identifying the author of the database. The lack of affiliation data leads to the loss of articles in the author’s profile, which is created automatically when all data for two publications matches.

The use of abbreviations or abbreviations in the names of organizations also leads to the loss of articles when taking into account the publications of the organization, especially if these abbreviations are not generally accepted.

It is unnecessary to use before the main name adopted in last years components names of organizations indicating affiliation with the department, form of ownership, status of the organization (“Institution Russian Academy Sciences...", "Federal State unitary enterprise...”, “Federal State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education ...”, “National Research ...”, etc.), which makes it difficult to identify the organization.

It is advisable to indicate in the name of the organization its department by affiliation. However, information about departments in articles is not always given, and therefore their profiles are quite incomplete.

Authors are encouraged to use addresses Email V mail domains your organization and minimize the use of email addresses from free public domains such as mail.ru, google.com, etc. This recommendation is due to the peculiarity of calculating indices scientific citation and linking these indicators to the organization in which the author works.


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