Old varieties of bearded irises. Perennial irises: photos and descriptions of varieties, planting and care

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Variety of iris species

One may be mistaken in thinking that plants such as irises do not deserve close attention because of their short flowering time. Blooming buds remain fresh and attractive for only a couple of days in hot weather and up to four in cooler weather. But experienced flower growers, growing on own plot several varieties at once, they know that these flowers can delight with a riot of bright colors almost without interruption - from mid-May until the first weeks of August.

Bearded iris varieties photo

For arranging flower beds they often choose bearded irises varieties of photos with names that we will now consider. They are divided according to color into iridescent, two-tone, bordered, as well as one-color and two-color. By choosing several varieties at once, you can decorate your garden very beautifully, turning it into a real paradise, fragrant and beautifully blooming. The most popular are:

Summer night

Fragrant buds of a rich blue hue with a beautiful yellow core. They are classified as tall plants with a medium flowering period.

Mid-early pale yellow irises with an orange beard. These plants are also very tall (from 75 cm), but their smell is not so strong.

Flowering time for this tall flower- average. The pink-red bud with a contrasting orange border pleases with its spectacular appearance and strong aroma.

Late bearded irises with large purple-brown flowers. Large folds of leaves resemble fringe. These plants usually grow to medium size.


Mid-early ones, they have bright yellow massive inflorescences reaching 15 cm in diameter. They are classified as tall and especially aromatic.

Large white with yellow-orange core and veins. One of the best representatives of tall species with an excellent aroma.

Irises of the Alatau variety are not tall. The flowers are usually small and two-colored: the outer part is purple and the inner part is milky white. The yellow border makes them even more attractive.

Siberian iris varieties photos with names

Ease of care, winter hardiness and many varieties make this species ideal for growing in the northern part of Russia, where severe frosts are not uncommon. In this case, you should choose Siberian irises for the garden, photos and characteristics of which are described below.

Long-flowering, purple in color with a pretty creamy edging and an original golden center. They are suitable for well-drained soil and moderate watering- up to once a week at average importance and air temperature.

Multicolored irises, captivating with their unusual colors. Representatives of this variety can grow up to half a meter in height and bloom for a whole month. It is worth noting that excess moisture in the soil and shaded areas are harmful to them, so it is recommended to plant them away from trees.


Practically the same as all other Siberian varieties of irises whose photos and names we are considering, Rigamarole grows up to 70 cm high and pleases with soft lilac flowers with a golden core and a whitish rim of the petals, which form a bud resembling a rose. One of the most unpretentious species. For good growth It is enough to water the plant in a timely manner and, if necessary, apply mineral fertilizers.

Roaring Jelly

Excellent for breeding both in nurseries and on open flower beds. With proper care, the buds bloom several times a season with violet-crimson flowers with a lighter center and golden veins against a blue spot, without fading at all in the sun.

Esther C.D.M.

A unique snow-white iris with massive green leaves and stem. Frequent watering (a couple of times a week) and well-lit planting areas are suitable for it.

Highly decorative varieties of irises

The most exquisite and unusual irises, decorated with fringes, small and large. They will be an ideal decoration for any garden.

Blackberry Jubilee

The most disease resistant. The flowers are huge and ruffled, colored red-violet with a pale yellow center. The plants bloom late, but delight with their flowering for two months. It takes root on any soil and prefers illuminated flower beds.

Coronation Anthem

Irises of the photo variety and description of which we have already reviewed, almost all bloom once. But the massive and tall Siberian species Coronation Anthem can bloom again. Each seedling produces up to two stems with 4-5 ovaries of blue flowers with a yellowish center.

Crimson Cloisonne

One of the newest late and, on top of everything else, capricious varieties. Large burgundy flowers with lilac veins and a yellow center appear only in June. They are comfortable in shaded, cool areas.

Dance and sing

Fragrant and amazingly beautiful iris with giant light yellow flowers. Ideal for growing among low-growing carpet plants. Bright sunlight, light shading in intense heat, abundant watering is all that is needed for its growth.

Dawn Waltz

Delightful tall flowers with strong leaves and stems and large light lilac blossoms with a pale yellow center. main feature- very long (up to two months) flowering with sufficiently moist and fertilized soil.

Double standards

Cold-resistant, they grow to about 65 cm and attract attention with their large, bright, dark purple buds. The funny yellow centers make them really delicate and adorable. They need neutral soil and frequent watering, especially in the first year of life.


When listing the most fastidious varieties of irises, the first thing that comes to mind is the Siberian Kaboom. It can grow up to 70-80 cm with lush double flowers of a rich blue-violet color with a crimson tint, if you pay enough attention to watering and fertilizer.

Bottom line

Before you start planting flowers, the first and most important step is choosing varieties. This is especially true for areas with unstable or special climatic conditions. If you approach this issue incorrectly, caring for and growing irises and any other flowers can be too difficult and costly. Also, in most cases, incorrectly selected plants die.

Having considered the most famous and popular for northern latitudes varieties of irises photos with names will help when purchasing in nurseries, everyone will probably want to decorate their garden with such a stunning fireworks of rainbow shades. And this correct solution, since taking care of these plants will take a little time, but in return will give you a lot of pleasure. When growing flowers in the garden, do not forget about preventive methods of treatment against pests, and they will delight you with their colorful petals for a long time.

Tall bearded iris. In the description of this variety they usually write: “royally rich.”

Standards (upper petals) are red, fouls (lower petals) are deep burgundy, each stem has 8-10 flowers, and sometimes up to 14. Flowering is long-lasting. Winter-hardy iris variety.

2. Iris Torero

Belongs to the group of tall bearded irises. Standards are apricot-orange, fouls are strawberry-red with orange beards.

3. Iris Magical Glow

The height of the peduncles of this iris reaches 100 cm. Each has 7-9 buds.

The flowers are very bright, almost flaming, bright orange with red beards. Medium flowering iris.

4. Iris Cherry Blossom Song

A bright, spectacular variety of iris, 90 cm high - it belongs to the group of tall irises.

The standards are pink, the fouls are cherry-purple with pink rays in the center and a pink border. Tangerine beard. There are usually 7-9 buds on the peduncles. It blooms very profusely. Flowering period is average.

5. Iris Vienna Waltz

An unusually beautiful iris, 90 cm high. The petals are corrugated, at the base they have a light milky pink tint, turning towards the edge into a rich orchid pink color. The lower petals are lighter than the upper ones. Flowering period is late.

6. Iris Daring Deception

The height of the peduncle of this iris reaches 90 cm. The flower is huge, wide, and highly corrugated. The standards are white with light purple bases and a wide white border on plush dark purple fouls. Medium flowering period.

7. Iris One of a Kind

Iris 90 cm high. The standards are soft lilac, with dark red thin veins and a wide edging of the same veins. The fouls are velvety, the color of ripe cherries. Thin white rays come from the golden beard. A ruffled, super lacy variety of iris. During flowering it emits a faint musky aroma. Mid-late flowering period.

8. Iris Midnight Treat

It belongs to the tall varieties - its peduncles reach 90 cm.
The standards are purple-violet, the fouls are almost black with purple edging and remarkable corrugation. The beard is dark purple. The flowers are large. Iris has a mid-early flowering period.

9. Iris Celestial Explosion

This variety of iris has a very interesting flower color. Purple standards and white fouls covered in stunning purple speckling with darker purple edges. The beards are bronze-yellow. The flower is corrugated. On one flower stalk - up to 12 buds! Early flowering period.

10. Iris Swingtown

Tall (90 cm) iris. The flowers are super-crimped, dark crimson with a purple beard. The bush is powerful. Flowering period is average.

11. Iris Mere du Sud

Iris 90 cm high. Fouls and standards are clear blue, the beard is blue. The petals are heavily corrugated.

12. Iris Barbara Rider

The iris is 97 cm high. It is amazingly beautiful - bright yellow standards turn into a yellow base of lavender-blue fouls with a mustard-colored border. Late flowering.

13. Iris Who Needs a Prince

The name of this variety translated is “Who needs a prince.” This one for everyone! It is tall - more than 100 cm. And its flowers have an unusual combination of colors - lemon-yellow standards and plum-purple fouls. The beard is yellow. Medium flowering variety.

Iris with a strong pleasant aroma!

14. Iris Slew O'Gold

Iris 94 cm high. Yellow with white veins around a salmon-orange beard.

15. Iris Rodeo Girl

This variety is the result of a very complex crossing scheme. Height 107 cm. The standards are burgundy-red, the fouls are bright yellow, with a burgundy-red plicate along the edge. The beards are yellow. Medium flowering period.

16. Iris County Cork

Iris is 97 cm high. Its color is described differently - lemon yellow, green-yellow. But there is definitely no dispute about one thing - it is very gentle. Straw-colored beard.

17. Iris Action Packed

The height of the iris peduncle is 91 cm. The standards are all literally dotted with wine veins emanating from the center to the edges. The foils are velor, black and purple with striking white streaks surrounding orange and gold beards. Petals are corrugated!

18. Iris Tango Amigo

Peduncle - 91 cm. The flowers are of a very unusual color: the standards are soft white with a pink infusion along the main vein, the fouls are the color of coffee with cream, with soft brown veins. The beard is orange. Ruffled and slightly lacy iris.

19. Iris Johny Reb

A very spectacular tall variety of iris. Its petals shimmer in pink and purple tones. The flowers are very bright and large.

20. Iris Brazilian Art

Height 81 cm. Very beautiful iris with 7-8 flowers on one peduncle. Apricot standards turn into the same fouls but with a wide red-purple border and a distinguishable light edging. The beard is orange.

Bearded irises can easily be put first on the list of garden favorites; their main distinguishing feature is a fluffy stripe located along the central vein of the outer and sometimes inner petals of the flower.

Intensive breeding work with bearded irises began in early XIX century in Europe. Garden varieties bearded irises were obtained by crossing eight species of iris: German iris (Iris germanica), variegated (Iris variegata), pale (Iris pallida), leafless, Cypriot, Mesopotamian, Kashmir, Trojan. Therefore, to this day, in commercial labeling, bearded irises are often called German irises. This outdated name has now been replaced by another, which very accurately reflects the essence - hybrid iris (Iris hybrida hort.), because all varieties of bearded irises are hybrids obtained as a result of repeated crossings (artificial pollinations). This is truly a “handmade” flower, a masterpiece created by man in alliance with nature.

In addition to the border, patterns of strokes of different colors, complex combinations of different colors that transform into each other, many modern varieties have a specific texture of the petals. It creates special visual effects, giving pastel varieties the matteness of alabaster or waxy translucency, and dark ones a velvety depth. Irises, like daylilies, have varieties with a “diamond coating” that sparkle in the sun or shimmer in the summer twilight.
In bearded irises, a thick perennial rhizome is located horizontally flush with the soil, long cord-like roots extend from it, forming a fibrous root system. The xiphoid leaves, covered with a bluish waxy coating, are folded like a fan. The iris flower has three perianth lobes: those facing upward are called “standards”, those deviating downwards are called “fouls”.

Older varieties of irises have narrow foils, similar to the protruding tongue of a dog. Modern varieties have wide, rounded foils, domed or crown-shaped standards and various shapes corrugation. A distinctive feature of irises of recent decades are wide fluffy beards, which in a group of varieties turn into colored “horns”, “spoons” or “frills”.

The color of the flowers has also reached amazing diversity. But, despite the focused efforts of hybridizers, the iris has not yet been developed as a uniquely red color, numerous attempts to obtain it have led to the creation of a large number of red-burgundy varieties. Therefore, it is not an exaggeration to say that the modern range of irises covers the entire range of colors, including black.

According to the American Iris Society - the leader and legislator of modern breeding of bearded irises - today there are over 80 thousand varieties. In the AIS classification, irises are divided into six garden groups, differing in peduncle height, flower size and flowering time. To choose the right plants for your garden, you should get to know them better.


A number of terms have been adopted to describe the coloring features of bearded irises:
plicata - on a light background, a pattern of dark dots and strokes merging along the edge into a border;
luminata - patterned highlights on a dark background, lighter standards;
blend (iridescent) - two or more colors smoothly transition into each other;
amena - white or lighter standards in a two-color flower, in modern varieties there is a “reverse amena”, when the standards are darker colored than the lower fouls;
splash (“torn color”) - against the background of the main color there are numerous strokes and strokes of other colors.


Originators - this is the name given to the creators of new varieties - in the process of working with the plant, they endow the flower with new properties. This is a special type of creativity aimed at finding a new visual image: in color, proportions and shape. Therefore, figuratively speaking, all garden irises are works of art.

The most hardy and winter-hardy

The lower the iris, the faster it blooms, and therefore you will be the first to greet dwarf irises. Yes, they are not so small, 40 cm is an excellent height for flowering in the first ten days of May. “Dwarfs” (SDB) are taller than groundcovers, small bulbs and emerging perennials, but on a par or slightly lower with daffodils and tulips. They overwinter without shelter, are undemanding to the soil, do not need watering, the warmth of our summer is enough for them to multiply and bloom profusely. That is why, despite their low growth, dwarf irises have become one of the most fashionable and in demand for growing in temperate climates.

Low flowers in single and group plantings look organic among stones and ground cover plants on an alpine hill, adding color accents to the composition. The fantastic variety of colors of “dwarfs” allows you to create amazing combinations both based on contrast and within the same color scheme. Plant dwarf irises along with tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, miniature primroses, and the eternal problem - bare soil under the bulbous ones - will be forgotten forever.

Abundant and early flowering, unpretentiousness and fertility put dwarf irises out of competition when creating extended borders and flowering areas large area, on lawns, in tree trunks, on sunny slopes. In the May garden, barely covered with the first greenery, a bright carpet of blooming irises will attract everyone's attention, and after flowering it will become almost invisible. The pointed leaves of the iris with a bluish coating remain decorative throughout the season, but they are small in height, so they do not block other plants, content with the role of a tactful background. Dwarf irises can be divided and replanted even during flowering; after a warm summer, they often bloom again in August - September. “Dwarfs” can be grown in container culture, on balconies and loggias; they feel good in pots and are easy to force out in the cold season.

The most friendly

At the beginning of June, the flowering relay passes to medium-sized bearded irises up to 70 cm high, this group consists of Intermedia (IB), Table (MTB) and Border (BB) irises. The flowers of this group of irises can be very large and numerous, but due to the smaller height of the peduncles they are resistant to the wind. Table irises, as their name suggests, will decorate not only the garden, but also the house. Their graceful flowers on strong peduncles are ideal for making bouquets. All the buds of a cut flower open, which allows it to remain decorative in a vase for a long time. Moreover, such a bouquet can bloom for you by the New Year or on March 8 - medium-sized irises lend themselves well to forcing and are capable of indoors bloom fully in winter.
The flowering of the newest varieties of foreign selection simply amazes the imagination with the size, shape of the flowers, and the amazing play of shades. However, being plants of southern origin, they may require additional attention during the period of adaptation to new climatic conditions. This especially applies to peach-pink colors; they are the most vulnerable to frost.
At the beginning of June, in the off-season, when the primroses have already faded and the annuals and perennials are still preparing to bloom, it is the medium-sized irises that will add the missing colors to the garden palette. Medium-sized irises overwinter stably, grow quickly, forming lush bushes with many flower stalks.

This is the most versatile class of irises, beautiful both in single plantings and in all forms of group planting.

In addition to creating borders and large arrays, medium-sized irises the best way suitable for planting on slopes, their powerful root system will retain the soil layer and prevent relief deformation.

"High genre"

Tall Irises (TV)- born soloists. By growing such a meter-long beauty near your house or path, you will give yourself the incomparable pleasure of watching the birth of a flower, the change in its outlines and shades as it grows older. An iris bush can produce 10-15 peduncles, each of which has up to 25 flowers open at the same time. The collection of irises is of particular interest to connoisseurs of fragrances, because the variety of smells in different varieties Bearded irises come in no less than a range of colors and shapes.

Jasmine, peonies, foxgloves, daylilies, heucheras and onions blooming at the same time will serve as an excellent background for irises. The outstanding decorative qualities of many modern varieties with massive peduncles and large corrugated flowers will be emphasized by the restrained “accompaniment” of decorative leafy crops (sage, sage, hosta, bergenia, wormwood, cuff, sedum and young).
In all classes of bearded irises, there are varieties that are capable of repeated flowering; this property is called remontant and is designated by the abbreviation (RE). But in the middle zone this is more of a disadvantage than an advantage. In our climate, re-blooming in autumn is very irregular and occurs in dwarf and medium-sized irises after a very warm summer. All remontant varieties in the fall they continue to grow actively, not having time to enter a state of dormancy before the onset of frost, which is necessary for successful wintering. Therefore, re-blooming irises are the least cold-resistant and difficult group of varieties to grow.
In group planting, varieties of pastel colors or simply similar in color look harmonious. Be especially attentive to two-color irises; they rarely “suit” planting in a single mass. In the area of ​​contrasting combinations, a lot of possibilities are opened by the non-linear arrangement of clumps of a sufficiently large area; it is advisable to arrange groups from an odd number of varieties.

The June bloom of the tall bearded irises is truly magnificent! Their advantages are obvious, and the variety of varieties will satisfy the most demanding connoisseur. The choice depends entirely on your tastes and the location of the garden. I will only note that tall (TV) is the most demanding class of irises in terms of growing conditions.

The most unpretentious and resistant to cold, pests and diseases are the old classic irises, bred in the 19th and early 20th centuries. However, for all their endurance, they are significantly inferior to modern varieties in terms of decorative qualities. Beginning flower growers should pay attention first of all to varieties of domestic selection, one of the main priorities of which was the breeding of varieties that are most resistant to cold and disease.


The planting unit of a bearded iris, the so-called “delepka”, is a section of a thick rhizome with roots extending from it and a fan of leaves, which are shortened to a length of 10-15 cm. Delenki High Quality have clearly visible buds on the sides. Irises can be planted from May to September, so planting material goes on mass sale in early spring. Wherever you buy irises, be sure to take a cutting in your hands and carefully examine the plant. Yellowing of a couple of outer leaves is quite acceptable, but if softened areas of the rhizome, mold or stains are found, you should refrain from purchasing.

Bearded irises are very sensitive to excess moisture. Humidity, especially in combination with heat, is destructive for planting material. Mature rhizomes are not afraid of drying and can be stored in a dry and cool place for up to 2 months. This feature has contributed to the wide dissemination of the culture of bearded irises, because delenki tolerate mailing well. Therefore, the most rational way to purchase planting material that is healthy and appropriate for the variety is to turn to collectors.

The largest association of iris lovers, as well as breeders and competent producers of planting material is the Russian Iris Society. Within the framework of this non-profit association of flower growers, exhibitions, training seminars, official registration of new varieties are held, and the purchase of planting material of Russian and foreign selection is coordinated. Anyone can become a member of the ROI; the association maintains an official website (http//rusiris.narod.ru) and annually publishes the newsletter “Irises of Russia” with an overview of the most significant events in the modern world of irises, articles on agricultural technology and breeding of these plants. Society address: 129110 Moscow, st. Gilyarovsky, 36-23.

What is important to take into account when purchasing planting material from private collections?

The level of collection maintenance is largely evidenced by the catalog - a list of proposed varieties with a description that informs you as much as possible about the properties of the variety. The variety class according to the height of the peduncle must be indicated. The name is followed by the surname of the breeder, the year of registration of the variety, a description of the color, features and awards received.
The times when one could mostly dream about new breeding products are over. Now we excitedly leaf through catalogs, jumping from site to site in search of interesting varieties. But the more choices, the more difficult it is to make. One “golden” rule will allow you to lay and maintain a strong foundation for your iris garden - first of all, choose award-winning varieties.
Collectors who value their reputation and circle of customers offer a system of discounts, bonuses, guarantees and order approvals, following the world practice of offering planting material. Including its unwritten law: the older the variety, the lower its price. The high cost of the newest varieties is explained not only by their outstanding decorative qualities, but also by the number of plants themselves. In irises new variety propagates only vegetatively, that is, by dividing one “original” plant obtained from a seed, therefore, by the time the variety is officially registered, the number of plants that bear it is small, and it is customary to charge the highest price for the right to own them. For reference: price of varieties current year among the luminaries of American selection it ranges from 30 to 50 dollars.


Choosing a landing site

In order for flowering to be regular and abundant, the area for planting bearded irises must be as warm and light as possible, and when planting tall irises, it must be protected from the wind. Bearded irises do not tolerate excessive moisture, so flooded lowlands are not for them, in areas with high lying groundwater planting is possible on raised ridges.

Soil preparation

The best soil for irises is light loam. Clay soils can be improved by adding sand and peat, acidic soils can be neutralized with dolomite flour, and sandy soils can be improved with clay and well-rotted compost. The soil under irises should have good water and air permeability. In the fight for porosity, all means are good - coarse sand, crushed brick, fine limestone, and charcoal will do.

Excess nitrogen reduces winter hardiness and increases the risk of bacterial infections, so organic additives (completely rotted compost or manure humus) can be added in small quantities to the lower layer of soil, to the depth of thin roots, avoiding contact with the thick rhizome.

To obtain large plants of exhibition quality (especially tall irises), planting is practiced on two-layer raised beds. The bottom layer of soil consists of compost with the addition of dolomite flour, long-acting mineral fertilizers or phosphorus-potassium complex, the top layer of the ridge (10-15 cm) is sand.


You can plant irises and replant them with a clod of earth from May to September, the best time is July, since at this time the active growth new roots. Planting young trees should begin with disinfection. To do this, it is enough to withstand them for 15-30 minutes. in a pink solution of potassium permanganate. If the weather is sunny, place the cuttings in the sun for several days so that the rhizome is illuminated from all sides. This “tanning” destroys pathogenic bacteria and promotes better survival and formation of flower buds.

Perennial rhizomes should remain on the soil surface when planting. Make a hole with a scoop, pour earth into a mound at the bottom (or best of all, a mixture of sand and wood ash). Hold the rhizome level with the soil surface, spread the roots along the sides of the mound, as if planting a tree astride the mound. Fill the hole by pressing the soil tightly around the roots with your hands. Water thoroughly to ensure the division does not fall over. There is no need to water the plantings anymore; it is important that all planted plants maintain a vertical position and the rhizome is not buried. The planted cuttings can be supported from the leaves with sticks or stones; after 2-3 weeks, new growing roots will provide the plant with proper contact with the soil.

And the last step, optional but very forward-thinking, is to install a label with the name of the variety. A disposable plastic knife would work well as such a label. Write the name of the variety with a permanent marker and stick it next to the plant.

The taller the iris, the more space it needs. And the more often you plant irises, the sooner you will have to plant the plants. When planting irises in groups, it is advisable to place the plants at a distance from each other: for tall irises 30-40 cm, for medium-sized ones - 15-20, for dwarf ones - 10-15 cm. During the growth process, bearded irises move, the rhizome moves forward along the soil surface, therefore, when planting in a border, all cuttings should face one direction; it is better to orient the cut on the rhizome to the south-eastern sector, so the rhizome will be better illuminated and warmed up. When planting in nests, the divisions are placed with cuts towards the center.


In the spring, after the snow melts, it may seem that the irises have died, but do not rush to conclusions. If the rhizome is hard, after 1-2 weeks the iris will turn lushly green. Treat the iris and the soil around it with ash or one of the fungicides. Wood ash for irises is both a hygiene product and a fertilizer; it is applied several times a season.

Most often, the upper part of the rhizome with the flower bud freezes out. Cut the damaged area down to solid healthy tissue as soon as possible. Irises lay renewal buds on the sides of the rhizomes, so even a radically “operated” iris still has a chance of survival. Fresh cuts on the rhizome should always be disinfected. Here are the remedies from the extensive experience of practitioners; a mixture of sulfur and charcoal, brilliant green, fucorcin, potassium permanganate, metronidazole powder. Try to provide the rhizomes with maximum illumination, solar ultraviolet - the best remedy fight against bacteriosis.

The moisture requirement of bearded irises is covered by the amount of natural precipitation; they do not need regular watering; watering is desirable in dry summers for tall irises during the flowering period. In the non-chernozem zone, the development and winter hardiness of plants can be stimulated with the help of fertilizing. In spring, nitrogen-phosphorus (3:1), during budding - nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium (1:1:1), 2-3 weeks after flowering - phosphorus-potassium (1:1). Fertilizers are applied to moist soil, preventing granules from getting on the rhizome.
Prevention and protection against diseases

Basic care for irises comes down to disease prevention. The occurrence of rot, caused by various types of bacteria, is facilitated by dampness, excess organic matter, thickened plantings and long-term cultivation in one place. When a disease is detected, there is only one method of control: the affected part of the plant is cut out, the remaining part is treated with fungicidal agents (see above).

An effective measure for the prevention and control of rots of various origins is the introduction of live bacterial preparations (Trichodermin, Glyocladin) into the soil under irises, which suppress the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Spring sowing in areas intended for summer planting of irises, annual green manure crops (white mustard, phacelia), followed by planting them to a depth of about 20 cm, will improve the soil and provide the irises with optimal nutrition.

In the second half of summer you can see irises on the foliage brown spots and yellowing ends. Spots caused by various pathogens do not directly threaten the life of the plant, but they spoil the appearance and can affect winter hardiness. Help to keep the foliage healthy: regular preventive spraying of foliage with fungicides (foundazol, Maxim,

0.2% copper oxychloride), spacious planting, pre-winter pruning of leaves (and even subsequent whitewashing with lime).


Irises of domestic selection and time-tested foreign varieties, which have been grown for quite a long time, are distinguished by the greatest winter hardiness. middle lane. For most irises, 30 cm of snow is sufficient protection from frost. The most vulnerable are the new items in the world selection of tall irises. The potential of their winter hardiness and methods of covering have to be established experimentally.

Most dwarf and medium-sized irises in gardens near Moscow can overwinter without shelter. In tall irises in November, before the cold weather, the rhizomes are covered with 8-10 cm of soil, and when the soil is frozen, they are covered with spruce branches or any breathable material.

The most reliable way to cover bearded irises is “dry wintering”.

In rainy autumn, a low, rigid canopy is installed over the irises so that the soil remains dry and the shelter is blown through. With the onset of the first frost, the foliage is cut off at a height of 10 cm, the plants are sprayed with fungicide and covered with lutrasil over the canopy.

A small number of plants can be covered with mesh plastic boxes and lutrasil or caps made of plastic containers with holes at the bottom. Any method that allows you to maintain air circulation under the shelter is good.

They have long gained popularity due to their unusual appearance and unpretentiousness. They practically do not require any maintenance; even an inexperienced gardener can cope with growing them. A lot of varieties of this plant have been developed. In order not to get confused in such diversity, you need to study irises, varieties with photos and names in advance. This will help create spectacular garden the envy of all the neighbors.

Varieties of irises

Iris is an unpretentious perennial plant that is distinguished by its unusual shape and color of flowers. It is suitable for growing on open areas, flooded with sunlight. A distinctive feature of the flowers is their enchanting delicate aroma. Therefore, they are often used in the perfume industry.

Wild irises today can be found in meadows, steppes or on steep cliffs. Under the conditions, about five hundred were withdrawn different varieties, which are suitable for growing in garden plots. They can be divided into several large groups:

  • bearded;
  • dwarf;
  • bulbous;
  • Siberian;
  • swamp;
  • Japanese.

In European countries, it is customary to divide these plants into 10–15 categories. Separately, border, Californian and some other species are distinguished. To decide which of them will take root better on your site, carefully study the irises, their varieties with photos and names.

Bearded irises

Bearded iris is considered one of the most common plant varieties. Its distinctive feature is the presence of fine hairs on the lower petals. They have a more saturated color compared to the general tone of the flower. Among the most spectacular varieties are:

This is just a small part of the variety on the market today. When choosing, pay attention to the fact that the flowers are in harmony with neighboring specimens and fit into the overall design of the site.

The height of such varieties can reach 80 cm, so you should not plant them in close proximity to light-loving low-growing plants.

Dwarf irises

The dwarf iris differs from its fellows in its small stature. The height of the peduncles does not exceed 40 cm. In most varieties this parameter is even 20 cm. They will become ideal option for decorating small compact flower beds. Among the most popular varieties are:

Dwarf irises thrive in light, moisture-permeable soils. If the soil in your garden is heavy, add sand to it before planting.

Bulbous irises

Everyone is accustomed to the fact that irises are rhizomatous plants. Modern experts have managed to develop several varieties growing from bulbs. They are unusually different early flowering. They can be compared to snowdrops. As soon as the snow melts, the first flowers appear. There are three main types:

Bulbous irises look good in a flower bed with crocuses, galanthus and so on. They will be an ideal option for alpine slides.

These varieties can be grown in pots and large flowerpots. They will be an excellent decoration for verandas and gazebos.

Siberian irises

Photos of Siberian irises are impressive. They are distinguished by the extraordinary beauty of their flowers. The value of this species also lies in the fact that the foliage of the plant has a rich green color throughout the season. The most spectacular varieties are:

Such varieties look impressive along the banks of improvised reservoirs, in large ones. Groups of such flowers can be used to decorate the lawn, which will make the landscape unusual.

Swamp irises

Swamp iris or iris grows everywhere in our country. The leaves of this species are sword-shaped. Their length can reach two meters. This species does well in partial shade. Therefore, such flowers can be planted along fences or near trees with a not too thick crown. Among the most popular varieties are:

Having studied these varieties of irises with photos and names, we can conclude that they are ideal for group plantings. With help different types Irises can be used to create spectacular flower beds.

Japanese irises

Japanese iris has orchid-shaped flowers. Their size can vary from 15 to 25 cm. In Japan, such plants are planted so that they can be admired from above. From this angle they look most impressive.

The plants are large, so when planting between them it is necessary to maintain a distance of at least 30 cm. The most popular varieties:

After studying photos of varieties of irises, you can choose the right planting material suitable for your soil type. If you choose specimens with different flowering periods, you can admire the beauty of the flowers all summer long.

Irises bloom in the garden - video

Entering a village garden on a warm June day, you will probably see an overgrown curtain of elegant cockerels. Simple and unpretentious, but no less charming for that. U folk flower there is also a more euphonious name - iris, there is both a rich pedigree and its own elite. The magnificent varieties of irises with photos and names described in this article will appeal to amateur gardeners and professional garden designers.

Iris - the personification of grace and elegance

rainbow flower

The rhizomatous perennial belongs to the Kasatiaceae family and has almost 800 species, distributed almost throughout the planet. It is difficult to find a person who does not know what an iris looks like - its flower is so unusual that once you see it, you will not forget it. But if there are any, we offer a description of the plant.

Its rhizome is creeping, divided into annual units. A fan of flat sword-shaped leaves sprouts from each segment in the spring. From this bunch comes a thick, durable peduncle, on which 1 to 6 single flowers bloom.

The flower itself is large - 7.5–11 cm high, up to 18 cm in diameter, consists of 6 petals (lobes) - three internal and three external. The inner petals are usually raised upward and form a “crown” or “glass”. The outer lobes, also called fouls, diverge horizontally to the sides or are lowered down.

Both the variegated colors of the petals and the palette of numerous varieties of irises confirm the name of the flower, which is translated from Greek as “rainbow”. There are a variety of tones and combinations:

  • plain (self) – white, pastel, rich, almost black;
  • combinations with traditional color combinations - white and blue, yellow and brown;
  • contrasting combinations of tones and shades, for example, pink and lavender;
  • variegated (speckled, edged).

There is no single international classification of the plant - in our country only rhizomatous perennials are called irises; in Europe, bulbous relatives of the flower are also included in the same genus. And the domestic garden classification does not add clarity to the simple amateur gardener. Without going into botanical details, the following types of irises are most often grown in gardens and parks:

  • bearded (the most numerous, widespread and sought-after group);
  • Siberian;
  • Japanese;
  • Spuria irises;
  • bulbous hybrids (Dutch or English).

Before purchasing collectible irises, carefully read the assortment and resistance of the specimen you like to the climatic conditions of your region. Many of the hybrids bred in the USA, Japan, Holland, Australia are heat-loving and cannot withstand the frosts of the middle zone, not to mention Siberia or the Urals.

By choosing varieties with different flowering periods, you will enjoy a rainbow palette from mid-May to July

Bearded irises

More than 500 varieties and interspecific hybrids - the bearded iris boasts such a large family.

Powerful, resilient and unpretentious perennial According to the height of the bush, they are divided into 3 groups:

  • dwarf varieties (21–40 cm);
  • medium height (41–70 cm);
  • tall (from 71 cm).

In the tall group, forms have been bred that grow up to 110–120 cm with powerful peduncles that simultaneously bear 5–12 flowers. The taller the plant, the larger and more massive they are, with dense, corrugated petals and a “lace” edge.

The distinctive feature due to which the iris received its specific name is the so-called beard, clearly visible in the photo below. This is a shaggy stripe of dense short hairs located at the base of the central vein of the outer fouls. In color it can either coincide with the main background or contrast with it.

A coral-colored beard is clearly visible at the base of the outer petals.

Advantages of the view

It is no coincidence that bearded irises are so popular. Apart from the magnificent appearance and a wide range of colors and shades, they have many other advantages.

  • The plant grows quickly and intensively.
  • Blooms profusely and for a long time.
  • A large number of frost-resistant varieties have been developed that do not need to be covered for the winter.
  • The flower is hardy, rarely gets sick, and is resistant to pests.

Bearded irises are good in flower beds and as cut flowers. Dwarf varieties are appropriate in borders and on alpine hills, solo and in composition with other perennials. Tall specimens are indispensable for tapeworms; they look great in company with lilies and peonies.

Review of popular varieties

We offer a small selection of varieties of bearded irises with photos and names. This is only a small part of the assortment offered by domestic and foreign breeders, for which we selected spectacular specimens that have proven themselves in our conditions.

  • Supreme Sultan is a two-color hybrid of American selection, a powerful plant more than a meter high. The inner petals (standards) are a rich yellow-ocher color, collected in a crown, the fouls are cherry-burgundy with a yellow beard, dropped low. The edge of the petals is corrugated. Flowering period is May-June.

    Pictured is the American variety Supreme Sultan

  • Thornbird is a popular variety of green-flowered bearded plants, tall (over 80 cm) with a strong peduncle and a luxurious fan of leaves. The flower is large (ø 13–14 cm), orchid-shaped with cream standards and greenish-mustard foliates, on which a yellow beard with a violet-brown horn stands out. It blooms in June-July, magnificently and abundantly. Suitable for growing in the middle zone.

    Green-flowering variety Thornbird

  • Sultan Palace is one of the spectacular monochromatic hybrids of Dutch selection. The height of the bush is about a meter, the flower is large with a diameter of up to 15 cm. The upper and lower petals are dense, velvety, rich reddish-brown in color with burgundy veins along the field and a slightly corrugated edge, the beard is yellow. The flower smells nice. The plant belongs to the highly winter-hardy group and will delight you with long and lush flowering.

    Red ones are one of the most elegant irises

  • Vaibrant is a variety of irises for those who love yellow flowers, so magnificent both in the flowerbed and in the photo. The color is uniform, thick, golden-yellow, the petals are strongly corrugated along the edges, and yellow-orange beards are barely noticeable at the base of the follicles. The flower has a light, refined aroma. The plant itself is of excellent quality, tall (from 85 cm), large-flowered, and does not degenerate during the growing season. Blooms early.

    A flower for lovers of sunny irises

  • Vizir is a magnificent tall variety with large, solid flowers. The rich palette of petals plays with raspberry-violet, cranberry, and pomegranate shades. The petals are corrugated with “bubbles” along the edge. On bright fouls, an orange beard stands out.

    In the photo - Vizir iris variety

  • Champagne Waltz is a tall two-color hybrid of an American origin. The standards are a delicate peach shade with apricot veining, the fouls are white with an apricot-yellow border, low-set. The petals are dense, corrugated, with a velvet texture. The beard is red-orange.

    Border along the edge of the fouls - a new trend in the selection of irises, the Champagne Waltz variety

  • Immorality is an amazing white iris, pictured below. Standards, fouls, beard - everything about this flower is pure snow-white, the petals are slightly wavy, with a velvet texture. The height of the peduncle is 75–85 cm. The uniqueness of the variety lies in its remontability. It blooms for the first time in May, and again, under favorable weather conditions, in September. It has good frost resistance.

    Reblooming iris variety Immorality

  • Toronto is a tall, mid-early hybrid of an American origin. The flowers are large (ø 13–16 cm), two-color, floating in shape. The inner petals are a warm pinkish-peach color with a wavy edge, the foils are a contrasting dark burgundy tone, turning along the edge into a burgundy-pink “lace” frill. The red-orange beard stands out clearly against the dark foil. Very colorful, elegant flower!

    In the photo - iris variety Toronto

  • Super Model is a tall, monochromatic beauty with large lavender flowers. The shape of the flower is orchid-shaped with floating foils, the petals are corrugated, with a fringed edge, decorated with an orange beard with white tips. This variety of iris smells pleasant. Blooms in July, winter-hardy.

    Elegant variety - a real Supermodel

  • Super Hero is a real superhero with a cap of large, heavy flowers on a strong, tall peduncle. The crown is formed by white standards with a golden border, the fouls are horizontally located, with an ocher area in the center, turning into dark burgundy, almost black edges. The golden-yellow beard stands out as a bright spot on the petal.

    Two-color variety Superhero

Siberian irises

Our compatriot Siberian iris in the photo looks similar to its bearded relative, but in the structure, agricultural technology and description of the flower it has a number of differences.

  1. The shape of the flower is similar, but it is somewhat smaller, without a beard, the petals are narrower and elongated. Although in fairness it must be said that some modern varieties can compete with beard irises in flower size.
  2. The plant grows in big bushes and just expels a huge number of flower stalks.
  3. The foliage of this species is brighter and more elegant and serves as a decoration for the garden even after flowering.
  4. The species is extremely hardy, cold-resistant, in unfavorable conditions weather conditions more reliable.
  5. Unlike the bearded iris, this flower can grow and bloom in the shade.

Unfortunately, Siberian irises have no scent. But that doesn't detract decorative possibilities flower and interest in it from breeders.

Assortment of Siberian irises

Dozens of varieties and hybrids have been bred around the world Siberian irises for every taste, we have collected some of them in this collection with photos and names.

  • The Snow Queen is a tall “Siberian” with bright green foliage and an incredibly elegant medium-sized flower (ø 10 cm). The petals are snow-white, with a bright yellow back in the places where the foliums bend. Blooms in July. In especially cold winters, in order to avoid freezing of the generative buds, it is better to cover them.

    On the picture Siberian iris The Snow Queen

  • Cambridge is a time-tested, reliable and highly decorative variety. The height of the bush is 80–100 cm. The flower is medium-sized, elegant, with floating azure-blue petals and a yellow base. It grows quickly and blooms profusely. The variety is resistant to severe frosts.

    Sky blue iris Cambridge

  • Impression is a medium-sized representative of Siberian irises with half-meter peduncles. The flower plays with a mixture of violet-red and amethyst colors with tiger strokes at the base of the lower petals, the styles are almost white.

    Amethyst Iris Impression

  • Magnum Bordeaux is an impressive hybrid with a very large soaring flower on a 70 cm peduncle. The petals are slightly corrugated, with a velvety texture, very elegant. The rich purple color is complemented by blue-yellow spots at the base of the fouls and purple veins.

    One of the most prominent representatives of the species

  • Double Standard is a representative of the collection of double Siberian irises. The flower is blue with a lavender tint; the folials have a contrasting yellow spot. The petals are velvety, dense, slightly corrugated. Blooms in June. The variety is recommended by leading flower growers as unpretentious, frost-resistant, and intensively growing.

    Double petals give the flower a resemblance to Japanese irises

  • Jinje Twist is a tall, early, profusely flowering “Siberian”. The flower is bicolor - the upper lobes are light fawn with lavender spots, the foliates are ocher-yellow, turning into a mustard edge, with brown veining and small splashes of lavender tone. One of the few fragrant varieties of Siberian irises.

    Each peduncle of Jinje Twist bears 5–7 buds

Japanese irises

Sword-shaped irises that grow in Japan and in our Far East are called Japanese. This is not a specific, but rather a collective term. For a long time they were considered unsuitable for cultivation in the northern regions; they were grown in Primorye, the Caucasus, and the Black Sea coast. Breeders are trying to actively promote the culture to the north, more or less frost-resistant varieties, but in general, the “Japanese” in the middle zone do not have enough heat and light.

The Japanese iris flower is very interesting - large (ø up to 25 cm), similar to a saucer. All 6 lobes are bent horizontally, only the branches of the pistils (styles) with an openwork comb at the end are raised upward. In addition to single-color and two-color varieties, speckled, bordered varieties with contrastingly colored veins are common. Let's give an example of a few of them.

  • Vasily Alferov is one of the first winter-hardy cultivars of domestic selection. The standards are white, the fouls are speckled blue and orange. The snow-white styles are finished with a fringed comb. There are 3–4 flowers with a diameter of up to 20 cm on the arrow-shaped peduncle.
  • Kogesho is a sword-shaped hybrid of Dutch selection, tall (80–120 cm). The leaves are light green with a central purple vein. The flower consists of a double row of lilac-white petals with yellow spot at the base, the styles are white with a flirty comb. The variety overwinters under cover.

    Pictured is the popular Kogesho variety

  • Lion King is a magnificent hybrid with a very large flower. Consists of 9 lobes gathered into a fluffy layered “skirt”. Petals with snow-white centers and purple-pink corrugated edges, a yellow stroke is visible at the base of the central vein, the styles are white. The variety is heat-loving.

    In the photo - the Lion King variety

  • Crystal Helo is a frost-resistant plant with strong growth and lush flowering. The upper and lower petals are slightly corrugated along the edge, lowered down. The main field and styles are blue-lavender in color with purple veining; along the central vein of the fouls there are bright yellow strokes.

    Purple-yellow Japanese iris

  • Frekld Geisha is a double hybrid with nine lobes. The petals are snow-white with lilac-lilac specks and the same border, corrugated along the edge. The branches of the pistils are white with a lilac comb. Plant height – up to 85 cm.

    Lilac-white iris Frekld Geisha

    Bulbous relatives of irises

    Bulbous xyphiums are flowers very similar to irises. In the English and Dutch traditions they are called bulbous irises.

    The main difference is the presence of bulbs instead of rhizomes. Their leaves are narrower, grooved, more like daylilies, the peduncles are thin and tall. The flowers are identical in structure to the cockerels - they consist of 6 lobes; some species have a marigold curved upward on the foils, as can be seen in the photo below.

    This is what a bulbous iris looks like

    In the southern regions, this flower is cultivated quite successfully, but in the north it does not take root, and even if it blooms in some years, it then withers and disappears.

    Another flower that resembles either irises or daylily is the now fashionable alstroemeria.

    In the photo - Alstroemeria

    This is a South American rhizomatous perennial that grows up to 1 m. The flowers are six-petaled, variegated, multi-colored. The plant is heat-loving, so it can be grown in the garden only in the south, but in the middle zone - only indoors.

    Video about types and popular varieties of irises:


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