Scholarship at a technical school per year. Students' scholarships increased

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The information that the size is significantly inferior to the standards adopted in Europe cannot be considered a secret, and during the crisis this “discrepancy” has become even more noticeable. It is not surprising that the question ofin 2016-2017, today is considered especially relevant among Russians.

The issue of scholarships should be given special attention, because in modern times it is incredibly important, not only for students, but for the country as a whole. The lack of financial support from the state forces university students to look for part-time work, which usually takes up everything free time a person, as a result of which academic performance is rapidly falling, and instead of “excellent” marks, “satisfactory” marks appear in educational reports (and this is in the best case). Such a development of events does not benefit either the student, who spends a lot of effort on studying and working, but also the state, which is interested in obtaining qualified personnel aimed at the further development of the state. Consequently, material payments play a particularly important role in the lives of students important role Consequently, their size must be increased, and the authorities have recently set themselves a similar task.

Scholarship payments - types and features

Before we talk aboutwhat will be the scholarship for students in 2017, it is worth paying attention to the fact that financial assistance for students is divided into several types, respectively, they are distinguished:

  • state (social) payments;
  • academic scholarships;
  • nominal;
  • presidential and

The social scholarship is considered one of the most popular in modern times, and this despite the fact that the student’s academic performance does not affect its receipt in any way. It was developed specifically for people in need (orphans, members of large families or the disabled), and its amount today does not exceed 2,000 rubles per month (college and lyceum students can only count on about 750 rubles). This fact once again suggests that it should be increased scholarship for students since 2017, living wage,after all, today it has a higher size.

Academic benefits are paid to students who receive education on a budgetary basis, but they are influenced by the student's level of performance. The university management reviews them once a semester, and if a student receives bad grades, then financial assistance from the state is temporarily suspended (during the next semester the student can correct the situation). The payout amount is approximately 1500 rubles at the university, and about 500 rubles in colleges or lyceums. And it must be said separately that graduate students and doctors, who, in fact, are also students (they just also have the opportunity to teach) and make progress in their studies, can receive financial assistance in the amount of 6-10 thousand rubles (but they must write scientific papers, which can be selected from a list developed by specialists from the Ministry of Education).

It is impossible not to mention the personal scholarship payments that people who have made significant progress in their studies and have received documents that damage this fact (diplomas, certificates) can count on. Presidential scholarships are also distinctive signs for students, only, as you can tell from the name, their appointment is carried out by the president, and by analogy with them, they are appointed, the size of which varies from 2 to 5 thousand rubles.

Will there be a promotion?

The good news is thatscholarship amount for students 2016-2017 in the Russian Federation will definitely increase, but not 20% (as previously planned), but only on the amount of inflation, because, although, members of the government have thought about this issue. They could not find money in the budget for such an event. It is worth saying that local authorities have the opportunity to increase scholarship payments to students at their discretion (they will be able to allocate funds for this from the local budget). However, if this happens, it will most likely only increase social scholarship for students 2017, because it is intended for the most needy segments of the population (although there is no talk yet of equalizing its size with the subsistence level).

The maximum amount of scholarship payments will be no more than 10,000 rubles, but not all students will be able to receive this money, and the authorities are not yet able to increase its amount, because the country is going through difficult times and we just need to come to terms with it.

The scholarship is the main source of income for the student ,who went to study in order to master a profession, and not just get a diploma while working at the same time. Polish students receive about 600 dollars, and American students - about 2000 dollars a month, and these figures should become a reason for the authorities to think about how students receiving 2000-3000 rubles can live and study normally without wasting energy on additional searches for an alternative source of income.

Many students of universities and colleges are interested in what the size of the scholarship for students will be in 2018-2019. Of course, every student dreams of increasing it. Dear students, rejoice! The scholarship is expected to increase by as much as 5.9%, which will amount to, on average, 1,420 rubles. The stipend for students will also increase from 2019, but the percentage will be slightly less - 4.8%, so we get the amount of 1,487 rubles. Although this won’t make you rich, it’s still a small thing, but nice!
Some of the most successful students involved in scientific and public life University, they receive quite decent money per month. So, for example, a certain Masha Petrova, who is taking leaps and bounds to achieve a “honorable diploma”, is also a beautiful Komsomol member, the chairman of the trade union committee, a volunteer and anyone else can count on a scholarship of up to 15 thousand rubles.
Speaking about students of secondary educational institutions, their scholarship in 2018-2019 will be, on average, 487 rubles.
Not long ago in State Duma a promotion order was made minimum size scholarships for students from 2019 to the level of the minimum monthly wage established by federal law, which is neither more nor less, but 7,800 rubles. If it comes into force, then students of Russian universities can hope for a noticeable increase in their “hard earned money”.
Since many students have an income lower than the subsistence level, they have the right to receive state scholarships, the amount of which is determined by the university. But the amount of payments usually varies no less than 2000 rubles.
The queen of sciences, mathematics, tells us that in the future, a student receiving a social and academic scholarship will have an income approximately equal to the established one, which in 2019 will vary from 8922 to 9252 rubles.

Types of student scholarships

It should be noted that in Russia there are many various types scholarships, here are some of them:
academic scholarship assigned by the state (the student studies without debts at “4” and “5”);
semi-increased academic scholarship awarded by the university (no more than one “4” in the grade book, no debt);
increased academic scholarship awarded by the state (excellent academic performance);
social scholarship (awarded to students in difficult situations, as well as to disabled people, orphans and combatants);
presidential scholarship (for success in scientific activities);
other types of scholarships.
If you immerse yourself in studying each type of student scholarship, you can spend a long time researching them and even get confused. But all this was not invented by us, and the amounts of scholarships have long been established higher authorities, so you shouldn’t go deeper, but just find out their fixed sizes.
Many university students are wondering: what kind of scholarship will students expect in 2019?
Thus, the minimum academic scholarship in 2019 will be 1,420 rubles
The size of a semi-increased academic scholarship is set by the university; on average, it is 1,600 rubles.
An increased academic scholarship is usually 2,200 rubles.
Size decision social scholarship The university also accepts it, the average value for the Russian Federation is 2400 rubles.
The presidential scholarship for a student will be approximately 7,000 rubles.
Regarding other types of scholarships, the decision on their amount is made by the university or the Ministry of Education and Science.

Scholarship for students

The above was relevant for bachelor's and specialist students. But we cannot ignore the “older” guys, namely, postgraduate students.
The scholarship for students 2018-2019 in the Russian Federation will vary from 10.5 to 14 thousand rubles. In turn, the minimum stipend for a graduate student is only 2,637 rubles.
But not everything is as sad as it seems at first glance.
Not long ago, the President of the Russian Federation issued a decree that postgraduate students engaged in scientific work relevant to the Russian Federation can count on a scholarship in the amount of 22,800 rubles.
This amount is a Presidential scholarship for graduate students of the Russian Federation.

Students receiving a social scholarship

In order to receive a social scholarship in 2019, you must have a certificate from RUSZN, which is provided every year. To obtain a certificate from RUSZN, you need to collect the following package of documents:

After receiving a certificate from RUSZN, you must submit it to the dean’s office with an attached application for a social scholarship.
2019 is quite difficult to register, because... Not every student can “get” into the category of students who are entitled to receive a social scholarship.
The minimum threshold for payments to university students who find themselves in difficult situations life situation, is equal to 2010 rubles, for students of secondary educational institutions - 730 rubles per month. A social scholarship is received by the student regardless of grades in the grade book, but the educational institution reserves the right to deprive the student of payment if he does not comply with the rules internal regulations educational institution.
The final category of students is determined educational institution independently, based on the income of the university or college.

For graduates of Russian schools, one of the most difficult periods of their lives is coming to an end. The majority of recent schoolchildren successfully passed the Unified State Exam, received the results and applied to Russian universities for the specialties with which they dream of connecting their lives. While waiting for the announcement of the verdict and preparing for additional tests required for admission to budget places in the most popular educational institutions in the country, it’s time to ask what the scholarship will be in the 2017-2018 academic year. After all, what is a scholarship for a student? Often questions of actual survival and the need to find part-time jobs depend on it. Consequently, the size of the scholarship directly affects the quality of education and standard of living.

From this article you will learn:

Before you start detailed analysis, it is worth clarifying what the scholarship is.

A scholarship is financial assistance established at a certain level, which is provided to students of universities, colleges, technical schools, colleges and a number of other educational institutions, as well as cadets, graduate students and doctoral students.

The scholarship amounts, in most cases, are set by the educational institution itself, and, therefore, can differ significantly in different universities of the Russian Federation. Also, when choosing a place of study, you should know that the state scholarship, which will be discussed in this article, is paid exclusively to students of state educational institutions. Students of private universities, as well as those enrolled in contact form of education, are deprived of financial assistance from the state.

So, the average student of a state higher educational institution in Russia studying on a budget can count on the following types of scholarships:

  1. Academic– provided to full-time students who study at the expense of the budget and do not have academic debt. In other words, on this type payments can be calculated by those who only have “good” and “excellent” in their records. Although this is not the final indicator and the score for receiving a scholarship may vary in different universities, as well as additional criteria.
  2. Advanced academic The scholarship for students is awarded from the 2nd year, which means that those who entered the university in 2017-2018, in order to increase the amount of payments, must achieve certain levels during the first year of study high results in education or sports, as well as take direct part in cultural life educational institution.
  3. Social– paid to students in need of financial support from the state. Its size does not depend on success in education and is calculated on the basis of documents provided confirming the corresponding right of a citizen to state aid. It can be provided not only in cash, but also, for example, to pay for a hostel. The list of documents for its registration can be clarified in the dean’s office.
  4. Increased social intended for socially vulnerable students during their 1st and 2nd year studies. Like a regular social scholarship, this scholarship does not depend on grades and is awarded under one condition - the absence of academic debt.
  5. Personalized government and presidential scholarships– payments that students of faculties of priority areas who demonstrate high educational achievements can count on.

Amount of scholarships in the 2017-2018 academic year

As mentioned earlier, the amount of financial payments to students at different universities in Russia may differ due to the fact that the law gives educational institutions the opportunity to independently set the amount of scholarships, regulating only the lowest level of payments. All universities enjoy these rights, establishing scholarships for students in accordance with financial capabilities.

According to the changes made to the federal law“On Education in the Russian Federation”, three stages of increasing scholarships are planned:

1 in 20175,9 % 1419 rub.
2 in 20184,8 % 1487 rub.
3 in 20194,5 % 1554 rub.

It is obvious that for a student to have a normal life, it is not enough just to have good academic performance and no debt. It is necessary to strive to obtain the right to increased payments. For comparison, the average size The increased academic scholarship last academic year was about 7,000 rubles.

Today, the views of all Russian students are turned to the State Duma, where a bill has been introduced justifying the increase in scholarships to the level of the minimum wage, which means raising the minimum payment bar to 7,800 rubles.

Increased scholarships

The right to an increased social scholarship is granted on the basis of a package of documents confirming the student’s special status. Applicants for increased social benefits include:

  • orphans;
  • children deprived of parental care;
  • disabled people of groups 1 and 2;
  • disabled people and combat veterans;
  • Chernobyl victims.

Accrual of an increased academic scholarship is a complex process, since the amount of payments directly depends on the student’s rating and personal achievements. The amount of financial assistance, as well as the criteria for its applicants, is determined by each university independently.

If you are planning to compete for an increased academic scholarship, it is important to know that:

  • The scholarship is awarded on a competitive basis;
  • only 10% of students receiving a regular scholarship can qualify for increased payments;
  • The award decision is reviewed every semester.

An informational video was released for students of the Siberian Federal University on how to receive an increased scholarship. Perhaps it will shed light on some of your questions.

Personalized government and presidential scholarships in 2017-2018

For special achievements in studies and scientific work, students of universities of the Russian Federation are provided with a Presidential scholarship, which in the 2017-2018 academic year will be provided to 700 undergraduates and 300 graduate students in the amount of 2,000 rubles. and 4500 rub. respectively.

The number of students at a particular university will be determined by allocating quotas. Largest quantity Presidential Fellows this year will receive:

The distribution of quotas for graduate students for 2017-2018 gives the right to assert that the President's scholarship will be more accessible to scientists from the following universities:

1 Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology7
2 National Research Nuclear University "MEPhI"7
3 St. Petersburg National Research University information technologies, mechanics and optics7
4 Ural federal university them. Yeltsin6
5 Peter the Great St. Petersburg National Research University5

In addition to presidential awards, students can compete for other personal payments:

  • Moscow government scholarships;
  • regional scholarships;
  • scholarships commercial organizations: Potaninskaya, VTB Bank, Dr. Web, etc.

Why can a scholarship be revoked?

Most budget students expect to receive a scholarship upon admission. But, in practice, not all university students retain high level and receive financial assistance throughout the entire period of study. The loss of a scholarship is a serious problem for many, and therefore it is worth finding out in advance what can lead to such negative consequences and strive to avoid such situations.

So, in the overwhelming majority of cases, a student is deprived of a scholarship if:

  • the student systematically skips classes;
  • at the end of the academic semester there is academic debt;
  • grades below the “good” level appear in the record book.

You will also have to say goodbye to the scholarship when switching to part-time study and when applying for academic leave. However, all these reasons are well known and lead not only to the loss of a scholarship, but also to expulsion from the university.

Today in the Russian Federation there are about 15 types of calculating the amount of scholarships awarded to students, doctoral students, graduate students, interns and residents.

Of course, the size of these scholarships does not allow the student to feel like a wealthy person, but if the student has a certain right to several types of scholarships, the total amount of his income can be approximately 20 thousand rubles. Let's do some calculations that will clearly show you how you can get this amount.

Amount of minimum, increased and social scholarships for the 2018 – 2019 academic year

So, the minimum state academic scholarship in our country is 1633 rubles for higher education(bachelor's programs, specialist's programs, master's programs) and 890 rubles for average vocational education(training programs for skilled workers, office workers, training programs for mid-level specialists), the maximum is 6 thousand rubles. The last scholarship can be received by university students who do not have bad grades.

For well-study students, an increased scholarship is provided - from 5 thousand to 7 thousand rubles, for postgraduate students, its amount ranges from 11 thousand to 14 thousand rubles. To be fully eligible to receive such an increased scholarship, a student or graduate student must not only be an excellent student, but also become an active participant in creative, sports and other social endeavors at his university.

State scholarship for graduate students and doctoral students, postgraduate studies or scientific and pedagogical personnel ranges from 3120 rubles, scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school in the specialties of technical and natural sciences - from 7696 rubles, trainee assistants – from 3120 rubles, residency – from 6717 rubles Doctoral students receive from 10000 rubles

State social scholarship, for the 2018 – 2019 academic year, paid in the amount of 890 rubles per month for secondary vocational education and 2452 rubles for higher education.

Students who also receive academic benefits are entitled to receive this payment. Also entitled to a social scholarship are persons who are orphans, live without parental care, disabled people (groups 1 and 2), veterans and disabled combatants, people affected by nuclear power plants and persons whose family income is per one of the members family does not exceed the minimum in the region.

Read also: How to get a student loan?

In addition to the above types of scholarships, a number of nominal scholarships are accepted in the Russian Federation: for example, the scholarship named after. A.I. Solzhenitsyn is 1,500 rubles, the scholarship named after. V.A. Tumanova - 2000 rubles. A personal scholarship may also be awarded to students studying in the specialty of journalism, literature, etc. A.A. Voznesensky - 1500 rubles.

The scholarship of the President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation for well-study students ranges from 1400 to 2200 rubles, the amount for graduate students is from 3600 rubles to 4500 rubles.

There is also a special scholarship from the President of the Russian Federation and a scholarship from the Government of the Russian Federation, paid to those students who are studying in the highest priority specialties for the state: economics, modernization. The amount of payments ranges from 5 thousand rubles to 7 thousand. For graduate students, this amount is paid in the amount of 11 thousand to 14 thousand rubles.

Let's conclude: if you are interested in your successful studies, this can be rewarded with a ruble: the better you study, the more scholarship payments you can receive.

If you believe that you may benefit from additional scholarships, you should contact the Dean's Office to obtain the necessary information.

A real student cannot imagine his life without a scholarship, because this is his first real “salary”. IN modern world the scholarship is considered small financial assistance, with the help of which the state tries to help students throughout the entire period of study. A similar fee is given to students of technical schools, colleges, institutes, schools, universities, as well as doctoral students and graduate students. As is already clear from the name itself, a social scholarship is considered a type of payment that is provided for those who have difficulties with financial support.

According to the legislative level, issues regarding the payment of student scholarships are regulated by the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. Today, everyone is concerned about the question of what social scholarships will be for students at universities in 2016-2017. The amount of the social scholarship depends on the institution where the young people study. For technical schools, secondary educational institutions and colleges it should not be lower than 730 rubles, while in universities students should receive no lower than 2010 rubles. An increased social scholarship may also be issued, which will be equal to 6,307 rubles.

Who receives a social scholarship?

Initially, it is worth noting that only those students who study at
full-time and budget support. Also on this type Students who do not have parents are entitled to payments: children without parental care and orphans. Orphans are children whose parents have died and have not yet reached the age of 18, while children without parental guardianship are those whose parents were deprived of custody rights by their own children under the age of 18. If in this case the student is awarded a social scholarship, then its status can last up to 23 years.

Also, disabled children, people disabled since childhood and disabled people of categories 1 and 2 can also count on a social scholarship.
Children who have suffered some kind of radiation impact due to a catastrophe also have the right to receive a social scholarship. Chernobyl nuclear power plant, or any other radiation disaster. This list also includes children who have deviations from tests at the Semipalatinsk test site.

Another category of students entitled to a social scholarship are those who, before studying, served 3 years under a contract in the troops of the FSB of the Russian Federation or the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, in armed forces or executive authorities.

We should not forget about low-income children.

The threat of social scholarship

This year, the Russian government decided to amend the current bill, according to which the number of students receiving social scholarships will be significantly reduced. If the noted amendments are adopted by State Duma deputies, then from 2017 students may face serious changes, as well as bitterness regarding attractive payments.

According to experts, when making such a decision, Russian officials were most likely guided by the “all or nothing” principle.

They are now offering to pay scholarships in 2017 only to those students who are already considered recipients social assistance, appointed by special social protection bodies. It is worth recalling that now, in addition to the usual academic scholarship, students can also count on a social one, the amount of which can be regulated by the educational institution independently. According to analysts, in 2017 the size of the social scholarship may increase significantly and reach 10 thousand rubles - as a subsistence minimum.


Currently, a student who wants to apply for a social scholarship must bring a certificate from the social security authorities stating that he belongs to the category of citizens who can count on such payments. Now it seems to the government of the Russian Federation that in most cases students are being cunning and it is not difficult for them to earn such a certificate. At the same time, any student who lives in a dormitory can be recognized as low-income. According to official information from the Ministry of Education and Science, in 2016 there were 5.2 million students in Russia, with 240 thousand of them receiving social scholarships. To be honest, these are not entirely accurate figures, because most of them are cunning about their “involvement” in the list of socially disadvantaged.

As a result, the government is currently proposing to tie the possibility of students receiving a social scholarship in 2017 from their eligibility for state assistance. True, when offering such a “way out of the situation,” the Russian government did not think about the fact that the implementation of one right should not depend on another, because a person must independently choose whether he wants to take advantage of existing privileges or not. As a result, if a student accidentally fills out documents for receiving social assistance incorrectly, he will lose not only it, but also the right to receive a social scholarship in the future. Where is the justice here?

At the moment, the officials’ proposal has caused a wave of discontent among citizens, because it turns out that with the adoption of such a law, the right to education will no longer be available to people with low incomes.

Even if the majority of citizens of the Russian Federation still have hope that in 2017 the situation will reverse and everything will return to normal, the reality turns out to be so rosy. More recently, the State Duma has already adopted a number of laws regarding new social support measures, which are based on criteria of need and the principle of targeting. Nevertheless, in the end, such laws can hit the budget very hard specifically for citizens in need.

To understand exactly how this whole saga will end, it is worth waiting until the end of 2016 - during this period the draft law regarding the payment of social scholarships in 2017 should be approved or rejected.


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