Countries and zodiac signs correspondence. The ideal country for every zodiac sign to live in

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Any region of the Earth is under the influence of one or another zodiac sign. And depending on how a given zodiac sign is presented in the Birth Chart (which planets were in it, which houses were ruled, which aspects they had), it is determined how favorable a given region is. The projection of zodiac signs onto the Earth's surface has a structural structure: the main projection and subprojections. The earth's surface is first divided into large regions based on their correspondence to zodiac signs. Within a large region, subprojections are also felt according to the correspondence of zodiac signs to cities located in this region. In its turn, big cities have their own sub-subprojection according to the correspondence of the areas to the signs of the zodiac.

Determining whether an area belongs to a particular zodiac sign occurs through the planets associated with that sign. To identify the zodiac sign of the region in astrogeography All regions are assessed according to the following criteria:

- basic national characteristics the nature of the population historically living in a given territory,

- its culture and traditions,

— features of government;

— relief and geomorphology factors;

climate features;

- some noticeable features of flora and fauna.

Based on these characteristics, each region should be correlated with planets. And then choose a sign based on which planetary signs are clearly manifested in it (this will be a planet in the monastery or in exaltation in this sign), and which are completely absent (this will be a planet in exile or decline).

Traits and properties of the essential nature of planets:


gaiety, cheerfulness, generosity, Creative skills: many are gifted with an artistic or musical gift, there is a desire for holidays and entertainment, they strive to show themselves to the world through beauty, creativity or politics: trendsetters in fashion, the film industry, political trends. They usually experience difficulties with democracy: often regions with authoritarian power, a cult of personality is possible.

Relief, landscape of the area: area of ​​sandy beaches, recreation areas, play areas, with dense buildings: large metropolitan cities.

Climate: as a rule, regions with a hot climate, with a predominance clear weather, a large number of sunny days a year, often the climate is healthy, warm and dry.


National character traits of the region's inhabitants: increased emotionality, a great desire to preserve long-standing traditions, conservatism, silence, non-conflict, in these countries nepotism is highly valued, great importance is attached to origin, great respect for parents, emphasis on procreation. Often there is an inability to repel invaders. Most of the population secretly or openly profess ancient religious cults; magic and mysticism are popular among the population.

Relief, landscape of the area: The terrain is flat, lowland, often swampy, the morphology is dominated by standing water: ponds, lakes, swamps.

Climate: regions of excess moisture, areas with high precipitation, close groundwater, prone to waterlogging; with predominantly cloudy or rainy weather.


Relief, landscape of the area: The terrain is hilly, with ravines and hollows, with noticeable elevation changes.

Climate: windy weather regions; strong winds, risk of tornadoes and hurricanes are often observed; The climate of the area is generally dry and/or cool.

Features of flora and fauna: the vast majority of fauna are small in size.


National character traits of the region's inhabitants: kindness and peacefulness, affability and friendliness. the peoples inhabiting this territory have increased sexuality, and sometimes they are completely fixated on sex, when the entire way of life is subordinated to issues of sex, they are famous for being excellent lovers. among other national talents: artistic, musical and artistic abilities, sense of style and form, theater and cinema, design; subconscious ability to create comfort.

Relief, landscape of the area: The morphology of the area is dominated by flowing waters: deep rivers. The regions are distinguished by very fertile soils, and the landscape is characterized by the presence of a large number of gardens and parks. Often regions with a characteristic topography of weathered rocks overgrown with vegetation. The presence of resorts and recreational places is mandatory.

Climate: regions with a mild warm climate; characterized by slight fluctuations in average daily and average annual temperatures: a favorable combination of moderate humidity and moderate heat; extreme climatic situations are not typical.

Features of flora and fauna: Among the vegetation, wild forms of fruit trees predominate and stand out.


National character traits of the region's inhabitants: aggressiveness, expressiveness, belligerence, determination, energy, sportiness, but at the same time devotion. residents of these regions, if not outright bullies and bullies, then at least value brute force, love fights, violence and cruelty occupy a special place in their lives: hard sex and violence are popular in the culture of these countries, issues of the use of force between citizens are particularly important and from law enforcement agencies. They are aggressive towards their neighbors and display aggressive instincts. Sports and sports training are very popular. mastery of self-defense in general is a socio-cultural aspect of respect. often this is a developed industrial region with well-established industry; the population is characterized by endurance and efficiency, with high performance labor. Business people achieve success through initiative, courage and leadership qualities.

Relief, landscape of the area: the terrain is rather flat, or with the presence of weathered rocks, the landscape is characterized by harsh conditions: forests, taiga, jungle, or deserts and semi-deserts.

Climate: regions with arid or sharply continental climates; often the climate of the area is dry and hot, with a clear lack of moisture, or these are areas of extreme continental climate; The area is characterized by poorly permeable soils.

Features of flora and fauna: Predators and large animals are often found in these regions.


National character traits of the region's inhabitants: cordiality and good nature, generosity and friendliness, hospitality and sociability; The population is characterized by law-abiding behavior. Residents are distinguished by generosity and cheerfulness, love of holidays and cheerfulness. Great respect among citizens for law, order, science, or religion. In most cases, these are countries where you can successfully conduct business and purchase real estate. these countries have influence in the modern world, or have been of great importance in world history. They have established diplomatic relations with many countries, but at the same time they constantly interfere in the internal affairs of other countries and strive to rule the world. but the inhabitants of these countries themselves are not evil, honest and decent. and these are countries where a healthy lifestyle is a national priority, and the main national action is exercise physical culture: physical education, athletic appearance, masculinity and sexuality are held in high esteem and respect. however, these are regions of suppression of female energy, defiminization, where femininity is associated with evil. These are regions of the cult of masculinity, and friendship between men is fully encouraged.

Relief, landscape of the area: Usually flat terrain, with the absence of mountains, ravines, and the presence of fertile soils.

Climate: regions of hot and moderately humid climate, with a large number of sunny days a year.


National character traits of the region's inhabitants: gloominess, suspicion, unsociability, secrecy, coldness in feelings and emotions, hard work, asceticism and unpretentiousness in everyday life. A characteristic desire is to isolate oneself from the outside world. Indifference and cruelty between fellow citizens are possible when “homo homeni lupus est”. The life of the population is simple and harsh, without luxury, often inconvenient and uncomfortable, full of restrictions on sex and entertainment, living conditions are difficult. all of its historical traditions have been preserved in the culture of the people; Discipline, diligence, order, and workaholism are valued. these are regions with totalitarian power and a clear social hierarchy, possibly with religious dogmas.

Relief, landscape of the area: mountains, foothills, ridges, hills. Area with distinct synclines.

Climate: regions of harsh climate: excessively cold or dry, very unfavorable for life; the area is characterized by the sudden arrival of cold weather air masses, destructive winds, tornadoes, hurricanes, with heavy rain or hail, sudden cold snap.


National character traits of the region's inhabitants: originality, ingenuity, revolutionism, brotherhood and friendliness. The inhabitants of these places, even without being scientists and engineers, tend to come up with something new, construct something, and somehow improve their life with local things. moral positions, some social conventions, and the opinions of individuals in these regions carry more weight than actual laws. at the national level, there is a lack of aggressiveness in foreign policy; its characteristic features are originality, unpredictability, a certain strangeness and incomprehensibility for the rest of the world, originality, but at the same time genius. These are regions of free-thinking and democracy, humanism and respect for people, where the principle is professed that all people are brothers.

Relief, landscape of the area: unique landscapes and natural phenomena.

Climate: sharply changing weather, when in a matter of minutes the air temperature can change by tens of degrees, there is an unexpectedly sharp change in long weather periods: there was a drought, then suddenly heavy rain began for several weeks, leading to flooding. These are areas characterized by storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, and blizzards.

Features of flora and fauna: territories in which unique animals and plants live or grow, not found anywhere else in the world.


National character traits of the region's inhabitants: strangeness and mystery, amorphousness and religiosity, gentleness and courtesy are characteristic of the inhabitants of these regions: they try in every possible way to avoid conflicts, are able to bend, submit to another ethnic group, but surprisingly do not forget their original culture, weaving it in a plastic way into new conditions. Many residents of this region have healing and extrasensory abilities; The countries of this region are characterized by extremes: either religious fatalism or absolute sexual freedoms, when sex is both the meaning and way of life, same-sex contacts occupy a special place in the national sexual culture: they are given special status and respect, they are surrounded by an aura of mystery and romance. Often these areas become resorts and recreation areas. But in such regions, alcohol and drugs can become easily accessible, and residents like to indulge their weaknesses.

Relief, landscape of the area: usually coastal areas adjacent to seas and oceans, sometimes these are areas of characteristic lowlands lying even below sea level or areas with the threat of flooding. in such regions the presence of mineral and other springs, healing mud, etc. is often discovered. characterized by extensive beaches.

Climate: coastal, humid or monsoonal. Characterized by high humidity, frequent rains, and strong tides on the coast.

Features of flora and fauna: In these regions, the fauna of the coastal ocean is most widely represented: many marine inhabitants, as well as sea inhabitants that come ashore.


National character traits of the region's inhabitants: the population is distinguished by a noisy, proud, harmful, restless, irrepressible, gloomy, aggressive disposition, residents often have endurance in extreme situations, enormous fortitude, are characterized by adherence to traditions and conventions, very strong national, ethnic, family ties, the communal nature of life, when the community or relatives are able to interfere in personal life. the population has a highly developed national and collective identity, a strong civic position; however, these are the most difficult regions of absolute power and dictatorship for life: the population is often powerless, suffers from violence and various kinds of coercion from the authorities or criminals, these countries are characterized by the cruelty of laws, a powerful position of power, as well as a huge influence on the consciousness of the people of religion, with with the aim of subordinating him to religious dogma. Often such states either become the instigators of wars, or suffer from them - in any case, living conditions are always extreme. Sexual potential plays an important role in the life of the population; personal sexuality acts as an assessment of public opinion; punishment often results in a traumatic effect on the victim’s genitals [ in historical eras there were castration rites].

Relief, landscape of the area: volcanoes, geysers, thermal springs, mountain plateaus and plateaus, lifeless deserts, where the harshest living conditions are.

Climate: not clearly expressed, it often happens that a climate or geological catastrophe suddenly hits an area with a mild and favorable climate for life: cold, rain, volcanic eruption, which can destroy civilization in the region; or an initially harsh climate.

Astrogeography: countries and zodiac signs


Astrogeography of Europe: European countries and zodiac signs


Germany, Sweden (north of lakes Mälaren, Elmaren, Vänern, north of approximately 58°-59° N).

Comments. Germany is the country that started two world wars, the instigator of most conflicts in Europe (the abode of Mars). Leader in hardcore porn production (Mars). At the same time, Germany is a very developed industrial state. The Germans are a very sporty nation (influence of Mars and the Sun). Phonetics German language- rude. In 1933, the Nazis came to power in Germany (influence of Pluto). The Swedes are also a sporting nation; Historically, Viking warriors lived in these places, distinguished by their fighting spirit. In the north of modern Sweden, Nazi sentiments are popular.


Luxembourg, northeast France (Champagne), Finland, Czech Republic.

Comments. The Duchy of Luxembourg with its simple and solid way of life. Northeast France with its gastronomic delights. The Czech Republic is a country of sexual freedom (Venus), with the famous resort of Karlovy Vary (Venus and the Moon), with fertile soils, and a peaceful disposition. Famous Czech beer (exaltation of the moon). Finland is a country of lakes (exaltation of the Moon); a country with a high level of everyday comfort (comfort is the symbolism of Taurus);a state with very developed industrial production. Finns are one of the most practical nations. And everywhere here there is slowness and solidity (characteristic of the earthly element).


Belgium, Hungary, Slovakia, Kola Peninsula of Russia.

Comments. Hungarian hospitality. The headquarters of international organizations are located in Belgium.


Bulgaria, Moldova, Romania, Russian north, north and north-west France (Bretonne).

Comments. Romanian culture is thoroughly imbued with mysticism, communication with spirits, there are magical rituals(exaltation of Neptune). Bulgaria has a patriarchal way of life. The Russian north still preserves ancient Slavic knowledge and remnants of the once great Slavic culture (Cancer is a symbol of tradition and preservation). Breton (northwest France) strikes with peace and tranquility (which is typical for the influence of Cancer).

A lion:

Andorra(?), Macedonia, Monaco, central and southern Russian Plain (Russia), central-western and southern France (including the island of Corsica).

Comments. France is the center of world culture: trendsetters and political trends. The famous fashionable resort of Monte Carlo is located on the territory of Monaco. These places are the center of world social life!

Russia is traditionally considered to be Aquarius: many Russian authors write about this. But common sense, logic and the history of the country do not allow us to consider Russia an Aquarius! By associating Russia with Aquarius, pseudo-astrologers point to democracy. However, where and when was democracy in Russia? Serfdom lasted until 1861, longer than in any other European country (of those where it existed at all). Until 1917, the form of government was ABSOLUTE MONARCHY. After the revolution, in 1922, the totalitarian dictatorship of the CPSU was established. cult of personality I.V. Stalin, repressions of 1937. The fall of the totalitarian regime in 1991 will be replaced by a new totalitarian regime in 2000, the unlimited power of V.V. Putin and his entourage. Democracy was completely profaned when such a democratic element as elections actually turned into an insignificant formality in 2011.

In second place they supposedly indicate the tolerance and tolerance of the Russian people. But one should not distinguish tolerance from violence on the part of the authorities, from public tolerance! Any sociological survey will show a pronounced intolerance of Russians towards dissidents. Thirdly, they indicate the revolutionary spirit of the Russian nation. But dry historical facts indicate that there were no more revolutions in Russia than in other countries. In Europe they began to occur earlier than in Russia: there is no reason to consider Russia super-revolutionary. Ingenuity. Perhaps there is a place to be, but remains impenetrable due to the all-consuming bureaucracy. In general, Russians are very conservative when it comes to new things.

On the other hand, throughout history, Russia has always played a significant political and cultural role, and the rest of the countries were ALWAYS forced to reckon with it (Leo is the leader!) And no one has ever been able to defeat Russia - Leo cannot be broken. Russia is a strong state, and the Russian people are a dominant nation.

Aquarius is simple-minded, modest and unpretentious in everyday life, while Leo loves luxury: and what Russian doesn’t like to demonstrate his material wealth. and even if it costs chronic lack of sleep and malnutrition, it will be possible to brag.

The Russian people are distinguished by their hot temperament, emotionality and expressiveness: Russians are people with a warm heart and a violent disposition. These outstanding national qualities are more likely to correspond to the loving Leo than to the cold and insensitive Aquarius. In Russia, relationships between people are always filled with feelings, people fall in love deeply and with all their hearts, and for the sake of love they are capable of deeds and heroism. Love plays a big role in people's lives.

Thus, considering Russia to correspond to Aquarius is a complete delusion! Perhaps it was invented due to the fact that from the 22nd century for 2160 years, as a result of the phenomenon of precession, the point of the Vernal Equinox will be in the constellation Aquarius. But constellations, by definition, have nothing to do with the signs of the zodiac. The logic of common sense, based on the analysis of sociological observations, confidently shows that the center and south of the Russian Plain is Leo! By the way, the plain in terms of relief corresponds to the Sun, the ruler of Leo; and the ruler of Aquarius, Saturn, is the mountains.


Belarus, Greece, central-eastern France (Dijon, Lyon, Grenobyl), Switzerland (Canton of Geneva), Yugoslavia (Kosovo, Serbia, Montenegro).

Comments. Greece is the birthplace of many sciences. In Switzerland, in the canton of Geneva, the world's largest laboratory for high energy physics is located - CERN (CERN). Swiss precision has become the world standard for punctuality (Virgo symbolism). Swiss watch (symbolism of Virgo). Belarusians are practical and law-abiding (after the collapse of the USSR, this republic largely retained production).


Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, northern Italy and the Apennine Peninsula approximately to Florence, Crimea, Slovenia, Ukraine (without the western territories (Transcarpathia)), Croatia, Switzerland (without the canton of Geneva).

Comments. Northern Italy and Austria are centers of fine art (statues, architecture - the reign of Venus, the exaltation of Saturn). These are countries of high culture, but at the same time erotic culture. Geomorphology (relief) of Austria, northern Italy and Switzerland - mountains (exaltation of Saturn); and at the same time these are resort countries (rule of Venus). Switzerland is a symbol of neutrality and diplomacy (exile of Mars). Ukraine is seeking balance between Europe and Russia (symbolism of scales). Ukraine is the most tolerant Slavic country regarding sexual freedoms: contradicting sexual desires is considered stupid here. Wearing only the necessary minimum clothing is encouraged here. The Zaporozhye Sich is a historical stronghold of tolerance for same-sex love (the reign of Venus). The territories of these countries are distinguished by the fertile composition of the soil (rule of Venus). Crimea, Slovenia and Croatia are resort areas.


Albania, Southern Italy, south of Florence (including the islands of Sardinia and Sicily), Malta, Poland, San Marino, western Ukraine (Transcarpathia).

Comments. Southern Italy is an area with active volcanoes. Italians are the hottest and most violent nation in all of Europe. Italians are obsessed with sex. Castrati singers (Pluto). In Italy, nepotism and respect for parents are also very developed. The Vatican is located on the territory of Rome - the center of Catholicism, which has dominated the minds of the population for many centuries, and was the initiator of many persecutions and violence. Sicily is the birthplace of the mafia (Pluto). Italy is a developed industrial state, the automotive industry is especially developed (rule of Mars). Poland is always restless, always dissatisfied with everything, always plotting against its neighbors. Nationalist ambitions are very strong in Albania and Transcarpathian Ukraine. Albania is the center of conflicts in Europe.


Andorra, Spain, Lithuania, Portugal.

Comments. Merry Spain. Warm, generous and friendly Spaniards love holidays and entertainment, and are democratic in terms of sexual freedom (ruled by Jupiter). and at the same time one of the most religious countries in Europe (rule of Neptune). The culture attaches great importance to appearance and physique, so the love of training, developing the body, as well as risky sports is in their blood. In the modern era, Spain pursued an expansive colonial policy. Portugal is a country of travelers.


Great Britain, Ireland, Latvia, Estonia.

Comments. Great Britain is the standard of order, law, rules. A country of elaborate etiquette, great importance is attached to the origin of a person, respect for history, rigor and severity prevail in the education of youth (the joint influence of Saturn and Mars). A developed industrial state, at the same time a colonial invader (exaltation of Mars). Society consists of classes. Individualism is one of the main character traits of the British. The British are devoted to their work, to their work, which they put above their personal lives. But at the same time, the culture of the British and Irish is imbued with mysticism, communication with spirits, ghosts (the elements of the Moon and Saturn). But at the same time, Great Britain became the first progressive power in Europe since the era of ElizabethI (rule of Uranus). Estonians are a symbol of slowness (the earthly element is felt). Nationalist currents (earth element) are strong in Latvia and Estonia.


The Netherlands, southern Sweden.

Comments. The Netherlands is famous throughout the world for its democracy! Availability of all democratic freedoms. Warmth and friendliness towards visitors. The Swedes are simple in everyday life and democratic, avoid luxury and unnecessary chic, prefer comfortable things to beautiful ones. In character, Swedes are reserved and cold, correct and reliable. Sweden is a country of democracy and sexual freedom, and at the same time a state with high science-intensive technologies.


Denmark, Iceland, Norway.

Comments. Icelanders live secluded from the rest of the world (solitude is a symbol of Pisces), honor their traditions, but at the same time Iceland is a very socially developed state (rule of Jupiter). Norwegians and Danes are melancholic, they are connoisseurs of secrets and mysticism; Their favorite pastime is alone by the fireplace. The Norwegian king can easily walk into an ordinary bar... For all their melancholy, the Norwegians, Danes and Icelanders are very hospitable (rule of Jupiter, exaltation of Venus). These are very environmentally friendly countries (exaltation of Venus).

Asia, Australia and Oceania


Bangladesh (?), Yemen, Iraq (?), southern China (?), Syria, Philippines.

Comments. Bangladesh is a state torn apart by strife and upheavals (the influence of Mars and the lack of stability (the fall of Saturn) is felt). Syria is a region of military conflicts (rule of Mars). In the ancient world, Damascus (Syria) was the world's weapons and technology center (rule of Mars). The climate of Syria is semi-desert (Mars). Yemen is similar: most of the country is desert. Yemen is the poorest country in Asia (exile of Venus). Iraq is also one of the aggressive states in Asia. In the ancient world - the center of Arab science. The Philippines is an island constantly suffering from volcanic eruptions and tsunamis (Pluto means natural disasters), although the country itself has a wonderful climate (exaltation of the Sun). Philippine cuisine is a meat cuisine (meat is related to Mars).


Cyprus, Oman, southeastern China (Hong Kong and Taiwan).

Comments. All these territories are regions with the highest standard of living in Asia (Taurus is a symbol of money, wealth). Cyprus is an offshore zone that attracts capital from other countries (Taurus symbolism), at the same time, it is a resort island (rule of Venus, exaltation of the Moon). Oman is a rich and developed state in the Arab world with a very high standard of living; all citizens have the right to a share of oil sales. Hong Kong and Taiwan are the most developed and safe (security is the essential nature of Taurus) countries in Asia.


China (without Tibet, southern and southeastern provinces, Hong Kong and Taiwan), United Arab Emirates.

Comments. China is the oldest center of culture and science in the Far East (rule of Mercury). Chinese medicine, feng shui, Chinese astrology, Chinese inventions are the results of the intellectual work of the ancient Chinese (the elements of Mercury and Uranus). The Chinese are hardworking, work hard (symbolism of Mercury, the dispositor of work), and excellent traders. This is a very expansive nation (Chinatowns in many cities around the world) - the Chinese have taken over the world (alternating sign symbol). At the same time, the Chinese are not too tidy and think about the opinions of others (expulsion of Jupiter). The United Arab Emirates is a state made up of separate mini-states - emirates. This is a highly developed state, where the highest knowledge in the World has been built (the elements of Mercury and Uranus).


Bahrain, India.

Comments. India is a country with an ancient culture, ancient knowledge and traditions, with a rich history. Mysticism, magic, and astrology have a big place in traditions. India stores unique knowledge about ancient civilizations and contacts with extraterrestrial intelligence. The ancient Indian epic Mahabharata describes ancient space technologies ( aircrafts(book Vimanika-shastra)). India keeps many secrets and mysteries, just like the Russian north (symbolism of Cancer). The greatest value for Hindus is family (the abode of the Moon).

A lion:

Georgia(?), Iraq(?), Malaysia, Singapore.

Comments. Singapore is a city-state: the economic and cultural center of the whole South-East Asia. The city is rich in entertainment. Malaysia is also one of the leading countries in Asia.


Vietnam, Western Siberia.

Comments. The Vietnamese - a very friendly and peace-loving nation that was able to maintain friendliness despite the difficult pages of history (wars in the twentieth century) - feel the influence of Mercury. The Vietnamese are active, lively, love to dance, and very hardworking. The activity and mobility of the essential nature of Mercury. Most Vietnamese people have outstanding business skills.


Far East, Singapore, Turkey (European part and some areas of Asia Minor), South Korea, Japan.

Comments. The Japanese are the most disciplined nation (Saturn exaltation). The Japanese are responsible and careful, and at the same time they are not devoid of a sense of beauty. The Japanese are born scientists and aesthetes (exaltation of Saturn, reign of Venus). Japan and South Korea are leaders in electronic technologies (element of Uranus). The Japanese love to pursue a hidden aggressive policy (expulsion of Mars), and outwardly they try to behave diplomatically (typical of Libra). Japan is a country of rules and laws (exaltation of Saturn); but at the same time, sexual freedoms are allowed here, sexual culture is developed (the influence of Venus). Until the mid-twentieth century, the country was practically closed to foreigners (exaltation of Saturn). Russian Far East- gateway to Asia.


Azerbaijan, Armenia, Afghanistan, Brunei, Hawaii, Indonesia (Sumatra island), Iran, Cambodia, North Korea, Turkey (mountainous areas).

Comments. Turkey is an earthquake-prone region (Pluto), a state with a dictatorial regime of power with great religious pressure on the public and politics (rule of Pluto). In its history, it waged wars of conquest (the reign of Mars), the Turks brutally treated prisoners (Pluto). Afghanistan is an eternal, never-ending war and political upheavals(rule of Pluto, exaltation of Uranus, expulsion of Venus and fall of the Moon). Very difficult living conditions. Iran is a state with a very cruel totalitarian regime. Throughout history, it has never been captured or enslaved by anyone, always autonomous and independent. Religious dogmas have great power over the consciousness and actions of the population, sometimes even being decisive. The laws contain extreme cruelty towards those who violate them. There is a lot of violence within the country. Those in power can afford to humiliate their subjects. In North Korea there is a total dictatorship and arbitrariness of power, complete lack of rights for the people. Lots of restrictions, cruel laws. The Caucasus is also an eternally turbulent region. Constant wars, clashes between different ethnic or political groups, clans. Caucasians are very aggressive peoples (rule of Mars), and at the same time “gregarious” (rule of Pluto). Cambodia is a country of difficult economic conditions and problems with drinking water. Hawaii is a volcanic archipelago in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.


Jordan, Mongolia (?), New Zealand, Uzbekistan, Thailand, Turkmenistan.

Comments. Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan are the leading states of Central Asia. In ancient times, there was also a center of scientific thought here. The peoples inhabiting the north of the Arabian Peninsula (modern Jordan), like Mongolia, have long led a nomadic lifestyle. Jordan and Mongolia are countries of law and order, but their laws are not cruel, but fair (the influence of Jupiter, but not Pluto). There are sexual freedoms here.Thailand is the country most famous for its resorts. The country of freedom of sex, same-sex marriage and transsexualism (rule of Neptune). Thailand is also a country of fun and prosperity (rule of Jupiter). New Zealand is one of the most socially developed countries in the World (rule of Jupiter). A state with developed science and technology; warm climate (element of the Sun). There are many New Zealanders creative personalities(element of the Sun).


Kazakhstan, Qatar, Kyrgyzstan, Myanmar (Burma), Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, North Korea (?), Tajikistan.

The Zodiac sign of a geographical object is determined by the terrain, climate and natural resources, the nationality and religion of the majority of the inhabitants, their main trade and characteristics of local traditions and language, the image on the coat of arms and flag, the founding date of the city or state, if known.

From time to time, ideas about a country or city change, history adds new features, and the old features of these places are forgotten or cease to be so. Therefore, astrogeographical correspondences accepted in ancient centuries now seem dubious and incomprehensible.

Any city or country is characterized by several signs of the Zodiac, the most pronounced in a given area. Signs can appear simultaneously or replace each other over time. In addition, any locality can be divided into twelve sectors, each of which corresponds to its own zodiac sign.

Countries and cities of Aries

The terrain of Aries is desert or steppe. Residents are engaged in sheep breeding, metal processing, weapons manufacturing, or often fight. The character is bold, the speech is sharp and abrupt. The coat of arms and flag contain symbols of military valor and the color red. Aries cities were built by pioneers, the buildings are chaotic or the streets are very straight, the houses are built in a clear long line.
COUNTRIES: Germany, Denmark, Azerbaijan, Palestine, Ancient Rome, almost the entire Caucasus.
CITIES: Berlin, Marseille, New York, Krasnoyarsk, Rostov-on-Don.

Countries and cities of Taurus

“The terrain of Taurus is very fertile. Residents are eager to save and love to live close to the land and nature. Low-rise buildings, residents prefer cottages
COUNTRIES: Ukraine, Belarus, Eastern Switzerland, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Moldova.
CITIES: Moscow, Samara, Belgorod, Zurich, Istanbul, Dublin.

Countries and cities of Gemini

The Gemini area is highly located, there are many roads. Residents are very mobile and travel on compact types of transport: bicycles, motorcycles, small cars. A city is often divided in two by a river or formed from the confluence of two or more settlements. These places are famous for educational institutions, writers and scientists.
COUNTRIES: Ancient Greece, USA, Belgium, Romania, Yugoslavia.
CITIES: Cordoba, Melbourne, San Francisco, London, Ufa, Novosibirsk.

Countries and cities of Cancer

The area is fertile and rich in water. Residents are conservative, honor ancient traditions, and are often engaged in agriculture. The buildings are low-rise, there are many temples and ancient buildings, ancient ruins and graves. Excavations are often carried out in these places and treasures are searched for.
COUNTRIES: India, Nepal, Africa, Holland, Scotland, New Zealand.
CITIES: Amsterdam, Genoa, Milan, Istanbul, Volgograd, Kyiv, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Kursk.

Countries and cities of Leo

The area is rich in precious metals or stones. Residents are proud of themselves, love fun, glitz and luxury. These are capitals, centers of culture, places of residence of rulers, no matter what other signs are assigned to these cities. They have magnificent palaces and parks, monuments of impressive size, many places of entertainment and recreation, including elite ones, for very rich people.
COUNTRIES: France, Italy, Czech Republic, Ancient Persia.
CITIES: Damascus, Chicago, Philadelphia, Ravenna, Rome, Paris, Hollywood, Bombay, Moscow, Odessa.

Countries and cities of Virgo

The area is fertile and rich in minerals. Residents are very businesslike, but not vain. There are many agricultural and industrial enterprises, medical institutions, the service sector is developed. Places famous for professionals high level, doctors, folk craftsmen. The development is characterized by division into many microdistricts.
COUNTRIES: Brazil, Crete, Croatia, Greece, Switzerland, Turkey, Japan, Germany.
CITIES: Riga, Strasbourg, Berlin, Boston, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Nizhny Novgorod.

Countries and cities of Libra

The area is beautiful not only because of nature, but also because of people. Residents love art and aesthetics in everyday life, their manners and speech are reserved. The cities have many well-groomed gardens and parks, beautiful buildings, graceful bridges, openwork fences, and sculptures.
COUNTRIES: China, Japan, Argentina, Burma, Austria, Hawaii, Egypt, England.
CITIES: Frankfurt am Main, Copenhagen, Speyer, Vienna, Antwerp, Johannesburg, St. Petersburg.

Countries and cities of Scorpio

The area is low, where there are a lot of swamps, dirty water, underground rivers or rich underground reserves of oil, coal, ore. There is a threat to life from the elements or radiation, poisonous snakes or crime. Places associated with war, death and mysticism. Many burial places, places of sorrow and danger anomalous zones. There are many banks, financial and security agencies in the cities. Places are famous for magicians, rich people and powerful authorities.
COUNTRIES: Algeria, Morocco, Germany, Syria, Vietnam, Azerbaijan, Libya, Sicily.
CITIES: St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Munich, Washington, Perm, Saratov, Cherepovets.

Countries and cities of Sagittarius

The area is spacious, often away from major crowded areas. It could also be a port city. There are many visitors: immigrants, tourists, pilgrims, nomads, preachers. Many temples or universities.
COUNTRIES: Australia, Madagascar, Portugal, Arabia, Spain, France.
CITIES: Baghdad, Cologne, Acapulco, Lugansk, Voronezh.

Countries and cities of Capricorn

The area is mountainous, with many rocks, stones, caves and dungeons, mines, and ancient ruins. The climate is often cool, and the people are harsh and reserved. The city has fortresses, underground passages, many towers and high fences. The houses are made of stone, without architectural frills, with thick walls and small windows.
COUNTRIES: Korea, Afghanistan, Albania, Iceland, Bosnia, Mexico, Bulgaria, Tibet, Estonia.
CITIES: Oxford, Warsaw, Boston, Brussels, Montreal, Kazan, Moscow, Dresden, Chelyabinsk.

Countries and cities of Aquarius

The area is spacious, with plenty of water. The architecture is unique. Strange, funny or very high buildings. The industry is associated with the manufacture of electronics, cars, and aircraft. Places are famous for inventors, revolutionaries, predictors, and people with unusual abilities.
COUNTRIES: Russia, Brazil, Sweden, Ethiopia, Finland, Chile, Canada, Lithuania.
CITIES: Hamburg, Los Angeles, Pisa, Salzburg, Stockholm, Buenos Aires, Bremen, Vologda.

Countries and cities of Pisces

An area with many lakes, swamps, and rivers. An island state, a city on the shore of the sea or a large river, a city with many shrines, temples, monasteries, and prisons. It is shrouded in secrets and mysticism, there are many anomalous zones and hidden treasures. A place that is famous for saints, benefactors, and clairvoyants. Shipbuilding, fishing, and chemical industries are developed here. These are also closed cities and ghost towns where no one lives.
COUNTRIES: Malta, Portugal, Ceylon, Indonesia, Israel, Singapore.
CITIES: Dublin, Casablanca, Lisbon, Preston, Seville, Bukhara, Samarkand, Astrakhan, Arkhangelsk, St. Petersburg.

astrologer Nina Strelkova, newspaper “Anomalous News”, No. 20, 2012


Geography: Southern Russia, Tataria, Kalmykia, Kazakhstan, Palestine, Africa, Spain, Crete, Turkey, South Africa, Mexico, Cuba, Uruguay.
The national character traits of Aries are especially clearly manifested during periods of crisis in the development of the ethnic group. The active, inexhaustible energy of Mars, the main planet of Aries, is especially strongly manifested in those periods of time when the state is conducting military operations.
But not less important features National character is high efficiency, fiery, cheerful disposition, childish spontaneity, sometimes even naivety and a penchant for romantic adventures.
The territories of Aries, as a rule, are saturated with metallurgical industrial enterprises, sports facilities, military institutions, and defense industry enterprises. These are areas where society is more or less active or spends time actively. The Aries regions should have a well-developed transport network. The people of these regions may have a proud military past, which is often reflected in the names of cities, towns and even streets. In addition, the area should be organized simply and directly, making it possible to quickly achieve the intended goals.

Compatibility of countries and people

In the regions and cities of Aries, life is best for fire signs - Leo, Sagittarius and Aries. These zones are also harmonious for Gemini and Aquarius (friendly elements). For representatives of opposite elements, staying in countries and cities under the sign of Aries is not always favorable. People born under the sign of Pisces in these regions can improve their financial situation, and Scorpios can improve their health here. Virgos in the countries of Aries await unforgettable adventures, sometimes associated with great risk.


Geography: Ukraine, Moldova, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Switzerland, partly Norway, Taiwan, Australia
Peoples belonging to the sign of Taurus value beauty, prosperity, and earthly joys. But these are not the only indicators of national character. Such peoples are often distinguished by a special, free attitude towards love, even to the point of cults of gods and goddesses that extol romantic relationships. How can one not recall Swedish love and the gypsy romance of Moldova. But national character is no less clearly manifested in times when the country is engulfed in the fires of war. Ethnic groups belonging to this zodiac sign are so fierce in the struggle that they are ready to do anything, even self-destruction. The people inhabiting the territory of Sweden are endowed with bright Taurus qualities.
Thoroughness and the desire for lasting well-being are the main characteristic Swedes Norway also finds itself in the zone of Taurus influence, although it experiences it to a lesser extent.
Compatibility of countries and people
In the Taurus region, Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn feel good. Leos and Aquarius may lose their colorful personality here. Scorpios may have material or love problems. For Aries and Libra, this is an area of ​​large material income. Sagittarius needs to take care of their health here, and Gemini needs to be wary of secret enemies.


Geography: USA, Greece, Belgium, Armenia, Italy (modern), Greece, Yugoslavia, Korea, UAE, Singapore, Madagascar.
The Gemini people are not without some cunning, they have trading savvy and do not consider it shameful to “cheat” a neighbor if such an opportunity arises. In Gemini countries, intelligence, mobility and the ability to work with hands are valued. As a rule, these countries are rich in transport communications and have good, open street layouts. In populated areas there may be transport service enterprises, auto shops, bookstores, fairs, and a developed network of markets. The architecture has a light, open form. In central areas, buildings will have increased number of storeys and earthquake resistance. Houses are designed in such a way that it is possible to alter and adapt to the needs of residents. The decoration uses bright and colorful elements. Morality, the desire for something new and a thrifty attitude towards traditions, a love for bureaucratic institutions and an exaggerated attitude towards jurisprudence, a desire for unity and a deliberate emphasis on the inviolability of the rights of the individual, a desire for globalism and limitless expansion - the main features inherent in the people of the United States, and indeed any another country under the patronage of the zodiac Gemini.
Compatibility of countries and people
In the countries and cities of Gemini, Libra, Aquarius and Gemini themselves feel comfortable. Fire signs Aries and Leo also do not feel any disharmony here. But Sagittarius, Scorpio and Cancer have a hard time in these regions. Chronic diseases may worsen in Capricorns, Sagittarians quarrel endlessly with fellow travelers and tour guides, Cancers fall into black melancholy. Scorpios in these countries and cities are irresistibly drawn to occult secrets. Often such foolish curiosity can end in tears.

Geography: India, Uzbekistan and partly Central Asia, Holland, Scotland, Denmark, Canada, Paraguay, New Zealand
The peculiarity of the national character of Cancers is a certain closeness from the influence of the surrounding world and individualism. Nations and peoples under the influence of this zodiac sign have a developed system of spiritual beliefs, a philosophy focused on the priority of spirituality over matter. The national character of Cancers includes reverence for teachers, gurus, mentors, masters, clergy and, in general, authorities of the highest social and spiritual power. In cities, the preferred architecture is low-rise buildings, without wide highways. Cancers like small old alleys with public gardens, parks, and ponds. There should be a network of children's institutions and it is desirable to have some monuments that will remind of the connection with the ancestors. In architecture, Cancers prefer isolated rooms, comfortable and convenient. Appliances, a nice bathroom, and the ability to grow flowers or access to the yard. The design of the apartment contains calm light tones of green, opal or chestnut shades. Pieces of furniture should be expensive, impressive, calm in shape and very comfortable.
Compatibility of countries and people
In the Cancer region, Pisces, Cancers and Scorpios do well. Taurus will acquire useful connections there, as well. Virgos will find true friends. Libra, Capricorn and Aries may have problems and disappointments. Geminis can earn extra money, and Leos, because of their stiffness, can make enemies for themselves. For Sagittarius, this is an area of ​​extreme manifestations, and for Aquarius there is a danger of ailments of a nervous nature.

Geography: Spain, Czech Republic, Italy, Iran, Hungary, Poland, Brazil
In the national character of countries under the influence zodiac Leo, there is royal grandeur and inner pride in belonging to one’s people, as well as a love for colorful actions and theatrical performances. Leo's communities abound with cultural enterprises and sports facilities. The houses have a majestic style that declares prestige and national pride, although often only from the outside, the façade facing the main thoroughfare. The architecture of interior spaces and backyards is not that interesting to Leo.
When choosing a place to live for Leo, it is important that the house has its own special, individual architecture and is not obscured by surrounding buildings. Leos especially like houses with lush front entrances. The interior of the apartment should emphasize the individuality of the owner, but in no case compete with him in its beauty and high cost.
Compatibility of countries and people
It is pleasant for Sagittarius, Aries, and Leo to live in the Leo regions. Scorpios, Aquarius and Taurus are better off staying away from these places. Virgos may lose their perspective in life, and Pisces may experience exacerbations of chronic diseases from overwork. For Cancers and Capricorns this is a profitable place, however, for the latter it is associated with a certain risk. Libra will find new friends here, and Gemini will learn a lot of interesting information.


Geography: Japan, Belarus, Baltic states, Germany, Czech Republic, Vietnam, Canary Islands
The character of the ethnic group under the protection of the zodiac Virgo contains such qualities as accuracy, consistency, concern for environment, high intellectual level and constant curiosity. In the Virgo regions, all urban elements are successfully combined with each other, giving even the most insignificant service the opportunity to work. Special attention is given to a developed network of consumer services, as well as to medical institutions of various profiles, from preventive, sports and recreational institutions to therapeutic and medical. The architectural traditions of the Virgo region feature functional simplicity, there are no unnecessary decorations, but there are all the details that make life easier. At the same time, housing is often full of technical improvements that make life easier. In the Virgo region, not only every detail of the interior is amazingly thought out, but also special meaning is given to landscaping work.
Compatibility of countries and people
In countries and cities under the patronage of Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo feel at ease. For Cancers and Scorpios, these territories are also favorable, but only for short-term vacations. Sagittarians who want to study in distant countries should not choose the domain of Virgo for this, and holiday romances here are unlikely to be successful. Unpleasant surprises await frivolous Geminis in Virgo territory, and Aquarians here constantly find themselves in extreme situations. For Aries, staying in the countries and cities of Virgo threatens with headaches, both literally and figuratively. Libras may discover some secrets and even gain faith, but this requires traveling alone. Pisces have the worst time visiting Virgo. Problems arise in relationships with others.


Geography: Great Britain, China, Burma, Austria, France, England, Syria, Saudi Arabia.
In the national character of the ethnic group, which is under the influence of the zodiac Libra, there is a desire for beauty and completeness of forms. Moreover, the form matters more than its internal content. Great importance is attached to a person’s social position and the level of his relationships with people around him. In urban architecture, as a rule, Libra includes elite areas, harmoniously planned, with comfortable living conditions. The architecture contains elements of decorative finishing, many ornamental bushes and lawns. The style of housing is usually open and light. A person who finds himself in the Libra area is impressed by comfort and harmony, conducive to relaxation.
Compatibility of countries and people
Staying in countries and cities under the influence of Libra is favorable for Libra, Gemini and Aquarius. Fire signs - Leo and Sagittarius - also feel good there. It is good for Virgos to go to the domain of Libra for shopping. Scorpios are in wait for many enemies, imaginary and real, in the territories of Libra. Long stays in countries and cities under the protection of Libra, Aries, Capricorn and Cancer are contraindicated.


Geography: Azerbaijan, Turkey, Indochina, Iran, Afghanistan, Switzerland, Hungary, Cuba, Iceland, and also partly Norway (this country gradually emerged from the influence of the zodiac Taurus in the post-war years), Cambodia, Algeria, Egypt, Morocco, Tunisia.
Countries ruled by the zodiac Scorpio tend to have an ancient history of ups and downs. A typical representative of these ethnic groups has an internal feeling of belonging to the wealth of the entire nation, regardless of their own real property status. The people of these countries have a pronounced collectivism not only in making all decisions concerning the life of the ethnic group, but also in holding holidays and rituals at any level. As a rule, these people are emotional, active and deep. An important feature of the national character is the factor of collective aggressiveness. Each person alone is more emotional than aggressive, but when people unite together, they resemble a disturbed beehive.
In the architecture of these ethnic groups there is a desire for strong, solid structures with thick walls, brickwork, severe constipation. There is often a courtyard, large and enclosed, invisible from the street. As a rule, there are no external decorations, but inside there may be all the signs of prosperity and wealth. The territories of these countries are rich in mineral resources, often oil, or serve as an arena for attracting monetary resources from around the world. The peoples of these countries cannot be called warlike in the familiar Martian meaning of the word; they would rather prefer to buy peace than to fight. However, in the event of a serious threat to the wealth of the nation, they become invincible, using all means to fight, including self-sacrifice.
Compatibility of countries and people
Staying in countries and cities ruled by Scorpio is favorable for Cancers, Virgos, Capricorns, Scorpios and Pisces. True, the latter in these territories may be overcome by unmotivated attacks of nervousness. Libras in these cities and countries would do well to go shopping and souvenir shops. Sagittarians in Scorpio's domain feel lonely and abandoned. And Geminis are overcome by all sorts of ailments. It is good for Aries to travel to Scorpio countries to earn money. And the Scorpio patrimony is completely unsuitable for Aquarius, Leo and Taurus.


Geography: France, Poland, Yugoslavia, Brazil, Georgia, Cyprus, Portugal, China, Argentina, Australia.
The character of the ethnic group under the protection of the zodiac Sagittarius has an initial belligerence, a generous nature and a desire for luxury. At the same time, these peoples gave the world not only great conquerors and commanders, but also philosophers who made a great contribution to the development of world culture.
Compatibility of countries and people
In countries and cities under the patronage of Sagittarius, Aries, Leo and Sagittarius will feel good. Both Libra and Aquarius will do well. Cancers are drawn to the Sagittarius domain, but they must remember that their health is in danger here. Taurus people get into various troubles here. A long stay in these territories is contraindicated for Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces.


Geography: Scandinavia, Germany, Tibet, Nepal, Mexico, Ireland, Israel,
The national character of the ethnic group, which is under the influence of the zodiac Capricorn, contains a desire for clarity, consistency, obtaining specific results, as well as a high significance of career achievements. In architecture, as a rule, there is a classical style. Houses are often built according to individual project. High walls protect from prying eyes interior spaces territories. The interior decoration contains dark brown and dark green shades. Generally architectural style gives the impression of rigor and simplicity.
Compatibility of countries and people
In countries and cities under the influence of Capricorn, it is good to live, work and relax for Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. Staying in Capricorn's domain has a negative impact on Aries and Libra. For Cancers, traveling through these territories is simply dangerous. Geminis are not recommended to stay in these cities and countries for a long time on business matters - there is a risk of deception. Leos, being in the domain of Capricorn, need to take care of their health. But Aquarians need to be extremely careful and always listen to their inner voice. This will save them from a lot of trouble.


Geography: Russia, Canada, Sweden, Argentina, Peru, Chile, gradually Japan
In the national character of the ethnic group under the protection zodiac Aquarius, deep inner knowledge is combined with outright recklessness. The peoples of the Aquarius countries have developed individualism, there is an interest in everything new and often a disdainful attitude towards the traditions and values ​​of past years. As a rule, these are people who value company, friendship and value their freedom. The ideas of equality and brotherhood permeate many of the philosophical concepts of these peoples.
The architecture contains new technology construction. In the regions of Aquarius there may be enterprises in advanced branches of science and technology.
Compatibility of countries and people
In the territories under the sign of Aquarius, Aquarius, Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries feel comfortable. All sorts of unpleasant surprises await Taurus here. Leos should avoid the Aquarius domain, and Virgos here need to pay special attention to their health. Cancers and Pisces should not spend a long time on vacation in the countries and cities of Aquarius. Capricorns may be able to make good money in these regions.


Geography: Portugal, Indonesia and Oceania, Iceland, Romania, Finland, Nepal, Philippines, Ceylon, Palestine, Venezuela, Hawaii, Colombia.
In the national character of ethnic groups under control zodiac Pisces, there is some secrecy. The craving for mysticism, the special role of rituals, as well as the amazing intuitive sensory abilities of the people of these countries create an aura of mystery around them. They are musical, artistic, and appreciate beauty. At the same time, the national character includes temper, unbridled passions and the high importance of material wealth. The Pisces people value relaxation and fun more than everyday work. Well, in terms of romantic adventures, and without being particularly picky about partners, they simply have no equal.
Compatibility of countries and people
In the territories under the protection of Pisces, Pisces, Cancers, Scorpios, Taurus and Capricorns feel good. Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius are better off choosing other countries and cities for their holidays. Libra can have a good holiday here, but work will not work out. Leos face all sorts of dangers. Aries can be bored, but for Aquarius it's a good place for earnings.

Newspaper “Anomalous News” No. 20, 2012


The Zodiac sign of a geographical object is determined by the terrain, climate and natural resources, the nationality and religion of the majority of the inhabitants, their main trade and the characteristics of local traditions and language, the image on the coat of arms and flag, the founding date of the city or state, if known.

From time to time, ideas about a country or city change, history adds new features, and the old features of these places are forgotten or cease to be so. Therefore, astrogeographical correspondences accepted in ancient centuries now seem dubious and incomprehensible.

Any city or country is characterized by several signs of the Zodiac, the most pronounced in a given area. Signs can appear simultaneously or replace each other over time. In addition, any locality can be divided into twelve sectors, each of which corresponds to its own zodiac sign.

Countries and cities of Aries

The terrain of Aries is desert or steppe. Residents are engaged in sheep breeding, metal processing, weapons manufacturing, or often fight. The character is bold, the speech is sharp and abrupt. The coat of arms and flag contain symbols of military valor and the color red. Aries cities were built by pioneers, the buildings are chaotic or the streets are very straight, the houses are built in a clear long line.

COUNTRIES: Germany, Denmark, Azerbaijan, Palestine, Ancient Rome, almost the entire Caucasus.

CITIES: Berlin, Marseille, New York, Krasnoyarsk, Rostov-on-Don.

Countries and cities of Taurus

“The terrain of Taurus is very fertile. Residents are eager to save and love to live close to the land and nature. Low-rise buildings, residents prefer cottages

COUNTRIES: Ukraine, Belarus, Eastern Switzerland, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Moldova.

CITIES: Moscow, Samara, Belgorod, Zurich, Istanbul, Dublin.

Countries and cities of Gemini

The Gemini area is highly located, there are many roads. Residents are very mobile and travel on compact types of transport: bicycles, motorcycles, small cars. A city is often divided in two by a river or formed from the merger of two or more settlements. These places are famous for educational institutions, writers and scientists.

COUNTRIES: Ancient Greece, USA, Belgium, Romania, Yugoslavia.

CITIES: Cordoba, Melbourne, San Francisco, London, Ufa, Novosibirsk.

Countries and cities of Cancer

The area is fertile and rich in water. Residents are conservative, honor ancient traditions, and are often engaged in agriculture. The buildings are low-rise, there are many temples and ancient buildings, ancient ruins and graves. Excavations are often carried out in these places and treasures are searched for.

COUNTRIES: India, Nepal, Africa, Holland, Scotland, New Zealand.

CITIES: Amsterdam, Genoa, Milan, Istanbul, Volgograd, Kyiv, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Kursk.

Countries and cities of Leo

The area is rich in precious metals or stones. Residents are proud of themselves, love fun, glitz and luxury. These are capitals, centers of culture, places of residence of rulers, no matter what other signs are assigned to these cities. They have magnificent palaces and parks, monuments of impressive size, many places of entertainment and recreation, including elite ones, for very rich people.

COUNTRIES: France, Italy, Czech Republic, Ancient Persia.

CITIES: Damascus, Chicago, Philadelphia, Ravenna, Rome, Paris, Hollywood, Bombay, Moscow, Odessa.

Countries and cities of Virgo

The area is fertile and rich in minerals. Residents are very businesslike, but not vain. There are many agricultural and industrial enterprises, medical institutions, and a developed service sector. The places are famous for high-level professionals, doctors, and folk craftsmen. The development is characterized by division into many microdistricts.

COUNTRIES: Brazil, Crete, Croatia, Greece, Switzerland, Turkey, Japan, Germany.

CITIES: Riga, Strasbourg, Berlin, Boston, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Nizhny Novgorod.

Countries and cities of Libra

The area is beautiful not only because of nature, but also because of people. Residents love art and aesthetics in everyday life, their manners and speech are reserved. The cities have many well-groomed gardens and parks, beautiful buildings, graceful bridges, openwork fences, and sculptures.

COUNTRIES: China, Japan, Argentina, Burma, Austria, Hawaii, Egypt, England.

CITIES: Frankfurt am Main, Copenhagen, Speyer, Vienna, Antwerp, Johannesburg, St. Petersburg.

Countries and cities of Scorpio

The area is low, where there are a lot of swamps, dirty water, underground rivers or rich underground reserves of oil, coal, ore. There is a threat to life from the elements or radiation, poisonous snakes or crime. Places associated with war, death and mysticism. There are many burial places, places of grief and dangerous anomalous zones. There are many banks, financial and security agencies in the cities. Places are famous for magicians, rich people and powerful authorities.

COUNTRIES: Algeria, Morocco, Germany, Syria, Vietnam, Azerbaijan, Libya, Sicily.

CITIES: St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Munich, Washington, Perm, Saratov, Cherepovets.

Countries and cities of Sagittarius

The area is spacious, often away from major crowded areas. It could also be a port city. There are many visitors: immigrants, tourists, pilgrims, nomads, preachers. Many temples or universities.

COUNTRIES: Australia, Madagascar, Portugal, Arabia, Spain, France.

CITIES: Baghdad, Cologne, Acapulco, Lugansk, Voronezh.

Countries and cities of Capricorn

The area is mountainous, with many rocks, stones, caves and dungeons, mines, and ancient ruins. The climate is often cool, and the people are harsh and reserved. The city has fortresses, underground passages, many towers and high fences. The houses are made of stone, without architectural frills, with thick walls and small windows.

COUNTRIES: Korea, Afghanistan, Albania, Iceland, Bosnia, Mexico, Bulgaria, Tibet, Estonia.

CITIES: Oxford, Warsaw, Boston, Brussels, Montreal, Kazan, Moscow, Dresden, Chelyabinsk.

Countries and cities of Aquarius

The area is spacious, with plenty of water. The architecture is unique. Strange, funny or very tall buildings. The industry is associated with the manufacture of electronics, cars, and aircraft. Places are famous for inventors, revolutionaries, predictors, and people with unusual abilities.

COUNTRIES: Russia, Brazil, Sweden, Ethiopia, Finland, Chile, Canada, Lithuania.

CITIES: Hamburg, Los Angeles, Pisa, Salzburg, Stockholm, Buenos Aires, Bremen, Vologda.

Countries and cities of Pisces

An area with many lakes, swamps, and rivers. An island state, a city on the shore of the sea or a large river, a city with many shrines, temples, monasteries, and prisons. It is shrouded in secrets and mysticism, there are many anomalous zones and hidden treasures. A place that is famous for saints, benefactors, and clairvoyants. Shipbuilding, fishing, and chemical industries are developed here. These are also closed cities and ghost towns where no one lives.

COUNTRIES: Malta, Portugal, Ceylon, Indonesia, Israel, Singapore.

CITIES: Dublin, Casablanca, Lisbon, Preston, Seville, Bukhara, Samarkand, Astrakhan, Arkhangelsk, St. Petersburg.

Each country has its own energy, its own problems, its own character and destiny. And each country, like any person, has its own zodiac sign. Which one is right for you?

Have you noticed that in one country a person is very comfortable, but in another there is a feeling that this is not him at all? This happened to me when, after living for some time in the Czech Republic, I realized - it’s not for me! Everything was wrong there: the people, the mentality, the very energy of the area - in one word, uncomfortable. After some time, I moved to Poland... from the very moment I crossed the border, I felt at home here, as if I had lived here all my life, and when I reached the capital, I immediately felt - this is it! Having lived here for 3 years, I became confident in the feeling that this is my country. I didn’t do any horoscopes, no one told me where I would definitely feel good - I just tried and found it. But now I understand that my search could be greatly simplified thanks to astrology.

Each country is influenced in one way or another by the sign of the Zodiac and a certain set of planets, while one country can be influenced by several signs at the same time. Twelve signs are twelve types of attitude towards life. Each person will have their own world, environment and, accordingly, country. In order to determine what will be best for you, the science of astrology has come up with such a thing as “relocation”. But it is not always possible to use such services, and, to be honest, finding an intelligent astrologer is not so easy. It is for such cases that I suggest you use a general approach that will give at least a general understanding of how in tune you and the country are.

Countries by zodiac sign

Spartan Aries

Yes exactly. In ancient times, it was this sign that patronized Sparta. The Spartans had almost all the traits of those born under the sign of Aries - belligerence, determination and asceticism. Germany became the modern personification of Sparta. Of course, this does not mean that all Aries urgently need to pack their bags and set off to conquer a new homeland. But as an option for a vacation (and maybe even for moving), this country is still worth considering. In addition, Aries will feel quite comfortable in America, Spain, southern Russia, Palestine, Turkey, Mexico, Uruguay, Cuba and Africa.

Earthly Taurus

So, we know that the main planetary ruler of Taurus is Venus. She, in turn, appears to us as something blooming and fruitful. Therefore, the most favorable countries for Taurus will be countries with rich nature - Moldova and Bulgaria, most of Ukraine. In addition, we know that Taurus is an earth sign, i.e. The peoples who live in the countries of “Taurus” value the warmth and comfort of home. But, again, don’t generalize everything! Therefore, many other countries will be comfortable for Taurus, such as Japan and Switzerland, Estonia and Finland, Tibet and Australia.

Twin Greece

Yes, yes, in ancient times it was Greece that was under the sign of Gemini! Geminis are characterized by goodwill and, to some extent, carelessness, optimism and giving a hand to their neighbors. Geminis value their own family traditions, pay great attention to the rights and freedoms of the people who live next to them. Therefore, Geminis are recommended to visit or consider the following countries as a prospect for moving: Greece, USA, Belgium, Italy, Armenia, Korea, UAE, Singapore or Madagascar.

Indian Cancer

So, Cancer is a sign of humanism, purity and preservation of traditions. India, which is connected by a complex mix of cultures, corresponds to these qualities. Cancers are individualists, they are vulnerable, warm-hearted and kind. But if someone decides to encroach on their territory, they will attack. The peoples who inhabit the “countries of Cancer” are, as a rule, spiritually rich. It is in these countries that religions and secret teachings originate. A distinctive feature of the material life of these countries is the difference from very prosperous to extremely poor, but this is not their main priority. That's why best countries for Cancer are: India, Holland, Denmark, Uzbekistan, Canada, New Zealand, Paraguay and Scotland. In addition, in these countries it will be comfortable not only for Cancers, but also for Pisces and Scorpios. Taurus can establish the “necessary connections” here, but Virgos will definitely find new friends.

Spanish-French Lion

Yes, this is precisely the direction that suits Leos, given that the symbols of this sign are endless color, unimaginable beauty, bright external attributes that are elevated to the rank of the highest art! Leo is a very bright nature; accordingly, majesty and steadfastness are his life credo. The country that best matches these characteristics is Spain. And with it the country of high fashion and “world catwalks” - France. In addition to them, the following countries were also under the influence of Leo: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Italy, Iran and Brazil. In addition to Leo, Sagittarius and Aries will also feel comfortable there. For Gemini, these countries will become a source of information, and Libra will be able to find like-minded people in them.

Japanese-Swiss Virgo

Virgo is a family sign, consistent, thrifty and neat. Representatives of this sign are intellectuals, they are inquisitive and love nature. They are pedantic, scrupulous and never rush from one extreme to another. Japan and Switzerland correspond very well to these characteristics. In addition, they should visit the Baltic states, Germany, the Czech Republic, Belarus, Vietnam and the Canary Islands.

Balanced Libra

Refinement, grace and style are all about Libra. And all these characteristics, of course, are best met by the country of “real ladies and gentlemen,” England. In addition, the patron countries of Libra are France, China, Austria, Syria, Burma and Saudi Arabia. By the way, Gemini, Aquarius, Leo and Sagittarius will also feel comfortable in these same countries. Virgos can successfully go shopping in these countries.

Emotional Scorpio

As expected, Scorpio will correspond to “biting” countries; it simply cannot be any other way! And, as a rule, such countries are of Islamic origin, which tend to suppress instincts and transform them into a kind of spirituality, isolation on their ideals and principles. The main ones on Scorpio's track record are Iran and Afghanistan (I personally have never been drawn there!). In addition, countries such as Turkey, Azerbaijan, Cuba, Iceland, Algeria, Cambodia, Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia are under the influence of Scorpio. Cancers, Virgos, Capricorns and Pisces will also be quite comfortable in these countries.

Don Quixote - Sagittarius?

Apparently yes! If he is an idealist, then he is a Sagittarius! So, Spain is actually under the sign of Sagittarius. The breadth of nature, the expansion of borders, conquest and the desire for luxury - all this is about Sagittarius and Spain. Also “Sagittarius countries” are Cyprus, Poland, New Zealand, Australia, France, Brazil, Georgia, Portugal, China and Argentina, and, perhaps, Hungary. Sagittarius can take Aries, Leo, Libra or Aquarius with them for company. And better yet - all together!

Capricorn the Conservative

And again, the most conservative country - Germany - snatches the palm. But in the case of Capricorns, not the entire part of it, but only the western part, without Bavaria and the former GDR. Both Koreas and Mongolia are also quite filled with conservatism. But that’s not all: in Saudi Arabia, Scandinavia, Tibet, Mexico, Nepal, Israel and Ireland, Capricorns will also feel at home. Capricorns can safely take Taurus and Virgo with them as travel companions.

Aquarius: Individualist Hunter

Aquarius combines the qualities of lightness and recklessness with a sense of beauty. Aquarians are real hunters for something new, they do not tolerate loneliness and love freedom very much. Therefore, countries such as Japan, Finland, Canada, Sweden, Argentina, Chile, Peru and Russia (northern and European parts) are suitable for them. Aquarius can share these territories with Libra, Gemini, Sagittarius and Aries.

Fishing countries?

And what are they? And there are a lot of them! Egypt, Iceland and Portugal are considered the most “fishy” countries, because these countries (like, in fact, Pisces themselves) live in their own special rhythm. Considering that most Pisces are creative people who have a craving for something hidden, unknown and even occult, the following places are also suitable for them: Columbia in Sicily, Normandy in France, Indonesia and the countries of Oceania, Romania, Palestine, Venezuela, Hawaii, Finland and Nepal. Scorpios, Cancers, Taurus and Capricorns will feel comfortable in these countries along with Pisces.

Today, more and more people are turning to astrologers for recommendations in order to find luck, find out their strengths and weak sides, and, often, decide on your choice. Even when going on a trip, we usually ask ourselves questions: which country is better to go on vacation, where “the soul calls,” so to speak, where we will like it, and where it will be uncomfortable. And in general, maybe even change the city or country of residence? If you look inside your soul, trust your desires, and also take into account the advice of astrologers, you can find the answer to any question, then, just like with the choice of direction, you will not go wrong. Of course, you can travel to many countries, live in different cities and states, and finally, using the “trial and error” method, find “your” direction, and the best thing is to significantly simplify your search, thanks to astrology. Read the article and feel free to go on vacation!

It often happens that you feel very comfortable in one country - happiness never leaves you, but in another - you feel as if you are not at ease? Or in one city you settle down and everything works out for you, but in another - on the contrary, even over time, the feeling of discomfort and anxiety does not leave you. How then can these sensations be explained? Why is this happening? After all, indeed, all people are different with their own characters and temperament, habits and desires. And it can be quite difficult to predict which country (city) to travel to, or even move to permanent residence.

Each person has his own characteristics, determined by his zodiac sign, which means there is an ideal place to relax, which will not only give happiness, but also bring good luck. Determine in which country it is possible the best way You can realize your potential with the help of natal chart your zodiac sign, which is professional astrologers. But what if there is no opportunity to consult an astrologer?

Aries (March 21 – April 20)

Germany and Egypt, perhaps China, are suitable for purposeful and energetic Aries. You can have a good time in Austria or Italy. Aries' vacation should be active, and the place should be full of events and vivid impressions. The Maldives may be such a place.

The terrain of Aries is desert or steppe. Residents are engaged in sheep breeding, metal processing, weapons manufacturing, or often fight. The character is bold, the speech is sharp and abrupt. The coat of arms and flag contain symbols of military valor and the color red. Aries cities were built by pioneers, the buildings are chaotic or the streets are very straight, the houses are built in a clear long line.

COUNTRIES: Germany, Denmark, Azerbaijan, Palestine, Ancient Rome, almost the entire Caucasus.

CITIES: Berlin, Marseille, New York, Krasnoyarsk, Rostov-on-Don.

JOURNEY FOR ARIES. Aries is not afraid of unfamiliar places and traveling alone - the main thing is that the head is loaded with solutions to interesting problems. Adventures often happen to him and he is happy to prove himself where there is excitement, pursuit, speed and physical activity. Aries also likes traveling, which is filled with communication with like-minded people and brings him new creative ideas or thoughts about developing your business. It is better for family Aries to spend their holidays with children when they grow up, since they are unlikely to have enough patience for kids.

Taurus (April 21 – May 20)

Restrained Taurus will feel great in the UK, Switzerland, and the Hawaiian Islands. If you have never been to Easter Island, you need to visit this corner of the planet.

“The terrain of Taurus is very fertile. Residents are eager to save and love to live close to the land and nature. Low-rise buildings, residents prefer cottages

COUNTRIES: Ukraine, Belarus, Eastern Switzerland, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Moldova.

CITIES: Moscow, Samara, Belgorod, Zurich, Istanbul, Dublin.

JOURNEY FOR TAURUS.. For Taurus, a travel plan and, of course, a room with amenities are of great importance, excellent cuisine and rich nature of the country chosen for travel. After all, Why go somewhere spontaneously if everything can be planned? Taurus loves to try on the role of a rich spender on vacation, but sometimes they become carefree devils, taking a break from the role of the family breadwinner. Taurus tries to avoid being in a large company all the time, but enjoys relaxing with the whole family, paying attention to raising children. They like to visit art museums and exhibitions on vacation

The adventurous nature of Gemini will be close in spirit to America, Sweden and Spain. Countries such as Chile, Venezuela and Australia can be a great place to relax with your family or alone.

The Gemini area is highly located, there are many roads. Residents are very mobile and travel on compact types of transport: bicycles, motorcycles, small cars. A city is often divided in two by a river or formed from the merger of two or more settlements. These places are famous for educational institutions, writers and scientists.

COUNTRIES: Ancient Greece, USA, Belgium, Romania, Yugoslavia.

CITIES: Cordoba, Melbourne, San Francisco, London, Ufa, Novosibirsk.

JOURNEY FOR TWINS. Travel for Gemini is the acquisition of new knowledge, new experiences and new acquaintances. Even a month before the trip, they can begin to study information about the country and learn its language. Geminis love to walk a lot, take photographs, communicate with the natives and travel to big companies. And after arrival, share your impressions of your vacation and discuss the trip with friends or relatives. For family Geminis, it is better to travel with children who are over 12 years old - this is useful for intellectual development offspring and interesting to the sign itself.

Cancers can safely choose India, Turkey or Japan. Ideal choice Mexico and Canada may be suitable for permanent living or vacationing. Although, perhaps, Cancers will like a much more exotic place - the Seychelles.

The area is fertile and rich in water. Residents are conservative, honor ancient traditions, and are often engaged in agriculture. The buildings are low-rise, there are many temples and ancient buildings, ancient ruins and graves. Excavations are often carried out in these places and treasures are searched for.

COUNTRIES: India, Nepal, Africa, Holland, Scotland, New Zealand.

CITIES: Amsterdam, Genoa, Milan, Istanbul, Volgograd, Kyiv, Kazan, Yekaterinburg, Kursk.

JOURNEY FOR CANCER. Cancer views travel primarily as a break from everyday life. Most likely, this sign will prefer solitude with loved ones in nature to active and noisy travel in a group, and will also visit places that are filled with ancient traditions and are the ancestors of world religions. For relaxation, this sign will most likely choose a place near the water. There is an opinion that Cancers are closed and like to stay at home; in fact, they are more unpredictable than they might seem. Sometimes they need a workout before the ride, and sometimes they easily take off. They love to vacation with the whole family with children, but sometimes they go on trips alone, returning more calm and refreshed. Cancers can relax in a big company if they trust their surroundings.

Focused and proactive Leos should be pleased with Spain, France, the Czech Republic and Romania. And the best place for a romantic trip will probably be the amazing and ancient country of Sri Lanka.

The area is rich in precious metals or stones. Residents are proud of themselves, love fun, glitz and luxury. These are capitals, centers of culture, places of residence of rulers, no matter what other signs are assigned to these cities. They have magnificent palaces and parks, monuments of impressive size, many places of entertainment and recreation, including elite ones, for very rich people.

COUNTRIES: France, Italy, Czech Republic, Ancient Persia.

CITIES: Damascus, Chicago, Philadelphia, Ravenna, Rome, Paris, Hollywood, Bombay, Moscow, Odessa.

JOURNEY FOR A LION. If this fire sign manages to get to a carnival, bullfight, parade or place historical battle, where the country demonstrates its beauty, strength and prowess - the trip was a success. Leos on vacation strive to get maximum pleasure and will do everything in order to feel like a free and attractive person around whom the world revolves. Family Leos are proactive in preparing their holidays and are not averse to spending it with their children, provided that they do not disturb the adults.

Peaceful and calm Virgos need to recharge themselves with the fabulous atmosphere of Indonesia, Morocco and Tunisia. If Virgos need a change of scenery, then perhaps they should consider Norway, Estonia or Ireland.

The area is fertile and rich in minerals. Residents are very businesslike, but not vain. There are many agricultural and industrial enterprises, medical institutions, and a developed service sector. The places are famous for high-level professionals, doctors, and folk craftsmen. The development is characterized by division into many microdistricts.

COUNTRIES: Brazil, Crete, Croatia, Greece, Switzerland, Turkey, Japan, Germany.

CITIES: Riga, Strasbourg, Berlin, Boston, Chelyabinsk, Kurgan, Nizhny Novgorod.

JOURNEY FOR THE VIRGO. Virgos love to be useful, so in their youth they often choose volunteer programs abroad that give them the opportunity to both travel and participate in environmental projects. The resting Virgo is difficult to distinguish from a local resident. Those born under this sign subconsciously become imbued with the national idea of ​​the country and begin to copy the way of life created by it. If Virgo likes the acquired traditions, then, upon returning from vacation, she will continue them at home.

Libra (September 24 – October 23)

Libras are characterized by grace, style and poise. The most prominent representative of this zodiac sign is “the country of true ladies and gentlemen” - England.

The area is beautiful not only because of nature, but also because of people. Residents love art and aesthetics in everyday life, their manners and speech are reserved. The cities have many well-groomed gardens and parks, beautiful buildings, graceful bridges, openwork fences, and sculptures.

COUNTRIES: China, Japan, Argentina, Burma, Austria, Hawaii, Egypt, England.

CITIES: Frankfurt am Main, Copenhagen, Speyer, Vienna, Antwerp, Johannesburg, St. Petersburg.

JOURNEY FOR LIBRA. Libra feels good in countries where people enjoy life, smile, sing and dance. To satisfy their aesthetic needs, Libras choose vacation spots rich in art museums, theaters and concert halls. This sign loves when everything is organized in advance and requires a minimum of effort. Libras love travel companions, but will give preference to vacationing with their spouse, whose opinion is very important to them. Partnerships are important to Libra. They love to enjoy the beauty of the world with their loved one and instill a sense of beauty in their children while traveling.

Scorpio (October 24 – November 22)

For thrill-seekers - Scorpios - the atmosphere of Latvia, Hungary and Cyprus will help them find peace of mind. Astrologers also recommend “biting” countries for Scorpios, in particular Afghanistan and Iran.

The area is low, where there are a lot of swamps, dirty water, underground rivers or rich underground reserves of oil, coal, ore. There is a threat to life from the elements or radiation, poisonous snakes or crime. Places associated with war, death and mysticism. There are many burial places, places of grief and dangerous anomalous zones. There are many banks, financial and security agencies in the cities. Places are famous for magicians, rich people and powerful authorities.

COUNTRIES: Algeria, Morocco, Germany, Syria, Vietnam, Azerbaijan, Libya, Sicily.

CITIES: St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Munich, Washington, Perm, Saratov, Cherepovets

JOURNEY FOR SCORPIO. Scorpio is a professional traveler. He loves to leave home and come back a completely different person. The motives for his travels can be both personal and professional. He craves challenge and adventure. In unusual situations, Scorpio feels complete and changes internally, plunging into thought after the experience, comprehending the events that happened to him. Scorpio, who takes risks quite easily in his independent travel, on vacation with children, she will try to completely protect them from extreme hobbies.

Sagittarius (November 23 – December 21)

Sagittarians with their imagination and passionate temperament need to visit Spain, Sicily in Italy, the Peloponnese Peninsula, Guatemala and Saudi Arabia. Ideal for both frequent, business trips and holidays, Japan and Italy.

The area is spacious, often away from major crowded areas. It could also be a port city. There are many visitors: immigrants, tourists, pilgrims, nomads, preachers. Many temples or universities.

COUNTRIES: Australia, Madagascar, Portugal, Arabia, Spain, France.

CITIES: Baghdad, Cologne, Acapulco, Lugansk, Voronezh.

JOURNEY FOR SAGITTARIUS. Sagittarians don't like beach holiday and organized tours. They love to conquer another country, falling in love with its culture, traditions and cuisine. Sitting in one place for a long time is unfavorable for Sagittarius. It is believed that this particular sign of great others strives to travel, since in its very symbolism there is hidden a desire to go beyond limits and boundaries. When choosing a country to travel, it is important for this sign to listen to yourself and your desires. What does he want? Walk on your head, be the center of public attention, or remain invisible, disappear among people? In the first case, Latin American countries may suit him, and in the second, Poland. When traveling with children, Sagittarius will spoil them, trying to show their best. They love to travel with company and family, but at the same time they are very freedom-loving and independent.

Capricorns are conservative, and they need countries that are the same. Ideally, travel around Germany, its southern part.

The area is mountainous, with many rocks, stones, caves and dungeons, mines, and ancient ruins. The climate is often cool, and the people are harsh and reserved. The city has fortresses, underground passages, many towers and high fences. The houses are made of stone, without architectural frills, with thick walls and small windows.

COUNTRIES: Korea, Afghanistan, Albania, Iceland, Bosnia, Mexico, Bulgaria, Tibet, Estonia.

CITIES: Oxford, Warsaw, Boston, Brussels, Montreal, Kazan, Moscow, Dresden, Chelyabinsk.

JOURNEY FOR CAPRICORN. Mountains fascinate representatives of this sign. But Capricorns are not romantics, they simply dream of standing as firmly as a mountain. For them, the mountain is a symbol of solidity and constant upward mobility. They say that Capricorns gain rather than waste strength during their lives, unlike other signs. After sixty, when many no longer have the strength or desire to relax away from the couch, Capricorn organizes mini-tours for his family to Karelia or Lake Baikal. This sign often takes over the entire organization in small companies, trying to plan the vacation in detail. Pays special attention to the ratio of cost and quality. When vacationing with children and their significant other, Capricorn feels great responsibility for them - it is difficult for him to give independence to his family on a trip.

Astrologers believe that there is no other country on the world map that would be as close to strong and resilient Aquarians as Russia. Sometimes Bangladesh, Ethiopia, France and Ukraine are also called “Aquarius” countries.

The area is spacious, with plenty of water. The architecture is unique. Strange, funny or very tall buildings. The industry is associated with the manufacture of electronics, cars, and aircraft. Places are famous for inventors, revolutionaries, predictors, and people with unusual abilities.

COUNTRIES: Russia, Brazil, Sweden, Ethiopia, Finland, Chile, Canada, Lithuania.

CITIES: Hamburg, Los Angeles, Pisa, Salzburg, Stockholm, Buenos Aires, Bremen, Vologda.

JOURNEY FOR AQUARIUS. Aquarius feels good almost everywhere, as he knows how to adapt to any environment. Those born under this sign feel the importance of their presence in the world, so they are comfortable in prosperous countries with a good social status. Aquarius is easy to lure into a trip with something non-standard: the unusualness of the vacation spot or the way it is carried out. He will easily go with his friends to the ends of the earth in order to glorify his name or country. Participation in a regatta and climbing Everest with a flag will also resonate in the soul of Aquarius. It is best for family Aquarius to travel with children when they grow up, because this sign has a need to communicate with them on equal terms. When relaxing in a company, they are excellent generators of ideas, but they do not like to take on organizational issues.

Pisces (February 20 – March 20)

Pisces live in their own special rhythm. Therefore, people belonging to this zodiac sign will like Egypt, Portugal and Iceland. Normandy in France and Calambria in Sicily are also under the patronage of Pisces. You can visit the Antilles, Malta, India, Uruguay, Indonesia.

An area with many lakes, swamps, and rivers. An island state, a city on the shore of the sea or a large river, a city with many shrines, temples, monasteries, and prisons. It is shrouded in secrets and mysticism, there are many anomalous zones and hidden treasures. A place that is famous for saints, benefactors, and clairvoyants. Shipbuilding, fishing, and chemical industries are developed here. These are also closed cities and ghost towns where no one lives.

COUNTRIES: Malta, Portugal, Ceylon, Indonesia, Israel, Singapore.

CITIES: Dublin, Casablanca, Lisbon, Preston, Seville, Bukhara, Samarkand, Astrakhan, Arkhangelsk, St. Petersburg.

JOURNEY FOR FISH. Rest for this sign is an opportunity to relax, retire and not do anything specific. Pisces don't like strict schedules and plans. It is important for him to break away from everyday life. This sign loves to travel with family. While on vacation with children, they can sacrifice everything to fulfill their desires, which is not always for the benefit of the children. But Pisces is not characterized by strictness.

Travel correctly! Oh, yes, and don’t forget to take as many souvenirs with you as possible - they will charge you with positive energy and will be a wonderful reminder of the place where a “piece” of your soul remains.


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