Countries with the best and worst drinking water. Where is the best water in Russia

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Do you safely drink tap water? Do you swim in local ponds with a light heart? Do you eat freshly caught river fish with appetite?

First, a little “water educational program”.

Water is one of the most important necessary elements to support life on Earth. Our planet is called blue because from space it looks exactly like this: 2/3 of the Earth’s surface is water, 99% of which is oceans and only a small part is freshwater bodies.

According to experts, water and its quality are one of the main factors that radically influence the quality of life. Of course, one can argue with this, because water seems to be a trifle, but a penthouse, a leopard rug under your feet, a cool car - have a much greater impact on the standard of living. But let's imagine for a moment what all this costs if there is no water...

Although it is a familiar component of our daily existence, which always flows from the tap in abundance, it is available in bottles in pharmacies and stores, despite its underestimation - water is the bloodstream that maintains the pulse of the Earth.

About 2 billion people, that is, a third of the world's population, suffer from diseases acquired as a result of using contaminated water.

And then there is Africa, Ethiopia, Indonesia, etc., where water is either almost absent or polluted... And every drop of water there is worth its weight in gold, and many local residents have never heard of such innovations as showers or sewerage.

The food that a person eats consists of 90% water, he himself consists of 80% water, and in old age (after 60 years of age), with a decrease in metabolism, a person’s “water composition” decreases to 60%.

In general, water is everywhere, water is necessary for all living organisms. Human health depends 80% on water quality, according to scientists who conducted special studies.

Of course, if you use clean water that meets all standards, but live in an unfavorable area where the air is filled with toxic emissions, and eat junk food, there will be few health benefits. Agree that a set of measures is needed. However, you can move to an area with cleanest air, eat village products, but if you drink “bad” water, the effect of the first two steps will be less than just improving the quality of the water. Water is our everything, together with everything else, of course.

How and what kind of water appears in the tap?

From the river water intake, through several stages of purification, water enters the city water supply, or from artesian well. The source of water is mainly freshwater reservoirs, rivers, and reservoirs.

« How does water intake occur on the river? They are laid on the shore hydraulic jacks, with the help of which the river bottom is penetrated steel pipes. The water, partially filtered by sand and clay, flows through pipes into the water intake structure. Here, large mechanical impurities are retained with the help of meshes and gratings. Then the water enters treatment stations, passes through numerous filters, is freed from the remaining suspended matter, while moving rather slowly and undergoing chemical treatment before entering settling tanks. The water then passes through filters, while sewage treatment plants are capable of retaining 99% of bacteria contained in natural water, and the water is considered potable. However, in each city or town, the degree of purification, despite all-Russian standards, may be different. The time of year also matters - during a flood, when melting snow penetrates the water intakes, the water will be dirtier and the risk of catching any infection increases.

Water is supplied from artesian wells according to a slightly different pattern. Conventionally, it can be considered cleaner, because in in this case water is lifted from a depth of 100, or even more meters- at such a depth it is sufficiently filtered by the soil and is less susceptible to pollution environment. At artesian wells, deferrization stations are usually installed, which make it possible to remove excess salts and metals from the water; the rest of the purification is carried out according to the plan already described.”

Water in reservoirs is replenished due to the action of the water cycle in nature, including the “harvest” of melt and rain. IN last years due to inventory reduction fresh water specialists are trying to implement artificial production of fresh water.

« According to various estimates, the share of fresh water in the total amount of water on Earth is 2.5-3%.

About 85-90% of fresh water is contained in the form of ice .

In connection with the increasing pollution of water sources, population growth, and the development of new territories, the task arises artificial production fresh water. This is achieved by:

— desalination sea ​​water, including solar desalination;

— condensation of water vapor from the air, using deep sea water;

condensation of water vapor in daily cold accumulators, in particular those of natural origin, such as caves in coastal rocks" (Wikipedia)

In theory and in practice, all pollution, drainage, sewage, sewage water and the rest of the nastiness does not go anywhere forever, they remain on the planet, settle in a thick layer on the walls of reservoirs, wander as impurities in fresh water, and in the end, sometimes - In order to save money, wastewater is purified and returned to our tap. If, nevertheless, part of the waste is able to transform quite noblely, becoming fertilizers, that is chemical compounds, which do not decompose into natural environment. They poison the entire ecosystem. Water affected by factory emissions transmits the disease to the surrounding flora and fauna. And we, not only do we drink partially poisoned and insufficiently clean water (sometimes purified sewer water), but we also breathe in emissions from enterprises and car exhaust.

In addition to all the delights of the water cycle in nature, we are faced with an additional risk: if, after passing through the purification systems, the water supply city ​​water Even though, depending on the sophistication of the equipment and the region, it can be considered relatively clean, then after passing through the pipes and all communications, it becomes completely “clogged.”

The urban system is something like a huge tubular web, no one has cleaned the pipes for decades, and no one will do it, as a result of the so-called “secondary pollution” the water comes to us charged with everything that the steel tanks have accumulated. Rust, harmful impurities, construction garbage, in case of insulation failure sewer pipes— it is possible for waste water to enter the running water. Night water also contains an increase in the number of bacteria that accumulate as a result of stagnation of fluid.

“Colonies of bacteria need standing water or at least a slow flow of water to reproduce. Plus the opportunity to “settle” on a rough surface - well, they have it in rusty pipes - in order to grow and multiply. Chlorine, which is added to water at treatment plants, stays in it for quite a long time, but sooner or later it is consumed and simply stops working. That's when, in the very center of the city, there is a danger of picking up with tap water infection.

It is very dangerous if tap water contains bacteria from the group of coliforms and enteroviruses that affect the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the hepatitis virus. These microorganisms enter the reservoirs from which water is taken from city sewers; washed away by rains and river floods from fields that are fertilized with manure. In water, pathogenic microflora begins to actively multiply, and the water has to be excessively chlorinated, especially during floods.”

— O.V. Efremov, “Caution: the water we drink. Latest data, current research"

Cryptosporidiosis, giardiasis, gastritis, duodenal ulcers, nephritis, hepatitis, metabolic disorders - all these diseases are often a consequence of drinking low-quality water.

What should the water be like?

Clean. But since for the most part we are not free to influence the process of its purification ourselves, guided by our own standards, there are standards that are basic for everyone. IN regulatory document San-PiN–96 “Drinking pure water» clean water indicators are divided into four groups: epidemic, radiological, chemical, organoleptic.

“That is, we are talking about bacteriological safety, the absence of foreign taste and smell, radiation not exceeding natural levels, as well as the absence of chemically hazardous impurities.

According to these current standards and regulations, high quality drinking water is:

water with appropriate organoleptic characteristics - transparent, odorless and with a pleasant taste;

water with pH = 7–7.5 and hardness not higher than 7 mmol/l;

water in which the total amount of useful minerals is no more than 1 g/l;

water in which harmful chemical impurities either amount to tenths or hundredths of their maximum permissible concentrations, or are completely absent (that is, their concentrations are so small that they are beyond their determination by modern analytical methods);

water in which there are practically no pathogenic bacteria and viruses

At the same time, in Russia as a whole, every fourth sample of drinking water does not comply hygienic requirements according to sanitary-chemical and every ninth - according to bacteriological indicators of the current standards"

— O.V. Efremov, “Caution: the water we drink. Latest data, current research"

Chlorine, which is used to disinfect water (depending on the quality of the water and the infectious status of the locality - saturation with chlorine can be increased by 6 times compared to the usual dose) will not save from some pathogens, in addition - with frequent use of such water, the risk of developing oncological diseases, premature aging, cardiovascular diseases, dysbacteriosis. In general, chlorine is both disinfectant and poison.

“Chlorine has a mutagenic effect and can cause infertility in men. When washing the floor, chlorinated water is absorbed through the skin (albeit a little, but we wash the floor often), and a little bit of chlorine gets into the air. Research has found that frequent visits to a swimming pool, where chlorine vapors are above the water, is tantamount to systematic smoking. Lungs become damaged like heavy smoker. Taking a bath with chlorinated water has the same effect on the body as ten liters of chlorinated water taken orally.

But that's not all. The danger is not limited to the fact that we drink water treated with chlorine. Water must be purified not only for drinking, but also for use for household purposes.

According to SanPiN, the concentration of chlorine in tap water after disinfection is not dangerous for a healthy person. But! Only for healthy people! Are there many healthy people in our country now?”

— O.V. Efremov

In general, you should not overdo it with Domestos for economic purposes. However, what about showering and bathing? There are special filters that are easily installed in the elements of the plumbing system and purify the water from impurities, chlorine, etc. It’s just that, unfortunately, very often people begin to think about the seriousness of the problem and ways to solve it when the seriousness is already evident, and in advance - many they don’t want to think. The sooner you install high-quality filters, the more health potential will remain unspent. Although there is also a point that you can make a business out of any fear. That's dirty water and the fear of becoming infected with something from its use was no exception. There are now countless variations of filters and “pseudo-filters”. Some, in addition to the banal sale of a product, are promoting an entire ideology to create a society where there is only clean water. It is still worth choosing filters and water ionizers that actually work and work well.

About how scammers deceive people by offering them dubious water purification filters

The method of water purification can be sorption, mechanical, or ion exchange.

How to choose a filter. Some tips in the video review

Regions with the cleanest and dirtiest water

"The most unfavorable in terms of quality tap water- Northern, Far Eastern and Kaliningrad regions. According to the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, the quality of drinking water is very low in Buryatia, Dagestan, Kalmykia, the Primorsky Territory, Arkhangelsk, Kaliningrad, Tomsk, Omsk, Kemerovo, Kurgan, Kaluga, Saratov and Yaroslavl regions. In Kalmykia, Karelia and Karachay-Cherkessia, more than 70% of water samples do not meet sanitary standards and norms. Tap water in Yekaterinburg is recognized by experts as “technical”, that is, not suitable for drinking and cooking.

According to specialists from the Research Institute of Human Ecology, the dirtiest tap water in the northern and northwestern regions of Russia, since they are concentrated there significant amount various chemical and oil refineries.

According to Moskompriroda, the water in the Moscow River belongs to pollution classes 4–6 (from polluted to very dirty). Moreover, over the past 12 years, the amount of sulfates that come from Wastewater Moscow enterprises in Oka increased 4 times, chlorides - 1.5 times. The content of iron, copper, nitrite nitrogen, and phenol in water increased significantly.

As a result of studies in nine cities of the Siberian region, it was found that the effect of contaminated water on morbidity ranges from 7.7 to 41%. Every year the number of epidemic outbreaks of acute intestinal infectious diseases that are caused by transmission of infection through water increases"

— O.V. Efremov, “Caution: the water we drink. Latest data, current research"

Of the natural reservoirs, the cleanest are: lakes Baikal, Ladonezh, Onega, Taimyr, Khanka, Chany (West Siberian region), Teletskoye ( Altai region), Svetloyar, Seliger (Tver region), lakes of Karelia.

The most clean rivers- small - in Siberia and on Far East. The dirtiest are Tom, Oka, Lena, Irtysh, Yenisei, Ob, Volga.

What are you proud of?

"Russia by resources surface waters occupies a leading position in the world. About 20% of the world's lake fresh water reserves and more than 80% of Russia's reserves are concentrated in the unique Lake Baikal alone. With a total volume of 23.6 thousand km³, about 60 km³ of rare purity are reproduced in the lake annually natural water» (Wikipedia")

Baikal is generally a separate reason for pride , in addition to being the deepest and cleanest lake in the world, it is also a huge reservoir of fresh water.

It was a discovery for me how important good water, or at least settled water, is for flowers. There was a period when I watered houseplants water from the tap - and they all started to get sick, the reason was not obvious. When I began to settle the water before watering, they appearance has improved significantly. This is flowers. And what can we say about a person?

Summarizing. What can be done in a situation with “bad” water? In Africa, even a liter of such water is in short supply... And in villages where there is no running water, too. Don't rinse it with something now miraculously pipes from the inside. It is possible, of course, to create innovative, fantastic equipment that tests the inner surface of pipes from the inside and, in case of contamination, removes them. But the problem is not only secondary pollution... You cannot change the entire system.

You can stock up on bottles of water extracted from a clean artesian well (the water must be extracted from a well located in a remote place - at least 50 km - from the city and packaged there), you can put additional filters on the taps, you can separately filter the water in special tanks. This way the problem is more solvable.


Russian state is not included in the list of the top ten countries that have high quality drinking water. Although there are a number of places in Russia with high quality drinking water.

List of Russian regions with high quality drinking water

  1. Altai. This region is distinguished by high levels of environmental cleanliness. The high quality of drinking water is also explained by the fact that this region has: healing air, clean lake waters in the local mountains. The authorities pay great attention to maintaining a high level of local ecology - wastewater treatment plants are installed at any enterprise with industrial and production activities.
  2. Karelia. A protected region in which drinking water has high quality indicators. The explanations are simple: favorable environmental conditions in the area. Experts do not include cities with developed industry here, since their ecology is not at the highest level (as is drinking water).
  3. Tyva. On the territory of this republic there are lakes with mineral water with healing properties. Drinking water directly depends on the environmental situation in a certain area: the worse it is, the lower the quality of the water. The region has protected areas protected by the state, so it is not in last place in the ranking of quality water.
  4. Kabardino-Balacaria. The region is located in the south of our state. There are mineral springs on its territory, and high quality water is also supported by healing air of increased purity.
  5. Buryatia. The location of this region is the center of Asia. There are excellent environmental indicators here, which are facilitated by coniferous forests in the reserves. And the drinking water is of excellent purity. Also worth mentioning is the protected area of ​​the Baikal coast - 16% of the coastal zone. Our legislation prohibits the construction of economic and industrial facilities in this area.

Water quality maps in Russia

About the quality of drinking water, both from springs and taps central water supply, you can find out from sites that contain such information. Their registration is mainly carried out by water treatment companies, so the information may not always be reliable. Thus, in Moscow taps, the indicators comply with all the necessary standards established at the state level. The same cannot be said about the quality of water from spring sources.

  • Map of springs, wells and wells of Russia -

1. Maldives.
The Maldives is a favorite destination for tourists from all over the world. There are a huge number of reasons for this: the sun, the sea, and the beautiful islands. The water here is so clear that while in a boat, you can see your shadow at the bottom of the sea.

2. Australia.
The water in this red stone cave is surprisingly clear. The only thing that distorts the view of the bottom is the light ripples formed by a nearby waterfall.

3. Lake of Five Colors, China.
This lake is located in the Jiuzhaigou Valley in the northern Chinese province of Sichuan. The lake of five colors is famous for its bottom, covered with a carpet of ancient trees, covered with a layer of clear water.

4. Sardinia.
Another popular place among tourists, you don’t even need to describe anything here, just look at the photo. The second largest island in the Mediterranean, Sardinia is home to some of the world's rarest species of animals and fish.

5. Crater Lake.
Located in Oregon, Crater Lake was formed by the explosion of an ancient volcano about 7 thousand years ago.

6. Piccaninnie Ponds, Australia.
These ponds are a real nature reserve located in South Australia. You can dive into the water here only after receiving special permission, but it's worth it.

7. Lake Mashu.
Officially, this is one of the most transparent lakes in the world, taking its name from the mountain of the same name, at the foot of which it is located. The transparency of the water here reaches 41.6 meters.

8. Lake Sheosar, Pakistan.
Located in the northern part of Pakistan, this natural lake is so perfect that you would think it was the work of man. Surrounded by mountains, with animals walking along its shores, Lake Sheosar is deservedly considered one of the most picturesque places on the planet.

10. Lake Baikal.
Besides its purity, Lake Baikal is known as the deepest lake in the world. The world's second contender for this title, Lake Tanganyika, lags behind the leader by as much as 200 meters. In spring, the transparency of Baikal water is as much as 40 meters.

Where is the cleanest water in the world?

So, in first place is the country of watches, chocolate and banks, Switzerland. If you go through the main eight parameters, Switzerland will score maximum amount points

The Swedes are in second place. The fact is that the inhabitants of the Scandinavian country treat nature with special reverence; they protect their forests and reservoirs. In addition, Sweden has practically impeccable drinking water and minimizes carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere.

The Scandinavians are in third place again. Norway has excellent quality of surface drinking water sources and wastewater treatment methods. high level. And about 98% of the electricity here is generated by hydroelectric power plants.

Another neighboring Scandinavian country, Finland, is in fourth place in our ranking. And this is quite natural - the Finns are rightfully proud of their numerous clean lakes, protect them and love them very much. The quality of drinking water is beyond praise. The government pays a lot of attention to the treatment of agricultural wastewater and caring for the waters of the country’s marine area.

However, let's leave old Europe and move to Central America. Costa Rica rounds out the top five countries that can rightfully be proud of their water resources and their attitude towards them. In this small but very beautiful country, almost all industrial, agricultural and domestic wastewater undergoes mandatory treatment. However, experts noted that Costa Rica still needs to improve its relationship with marine waters.

In sixth place is Austria, in this country they pay attention to both the quality of drinking water and wastewater. Things are going quite well with agriculture and protection of water resources, but Austria failed to make it into the top five.

New Zealand is working diligently to reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere and diligently protects its marine waters, but wastewater treatment, air quality and drinking water treatment leave much to be desired.

Rounding out the top ten are Latvia, which was advised to be more attentive to its marine resources, Colombia, which practically does not discharge untreated industrial and agricultural wastewater, and France. This country is in tenth place because it does not pay enough attention to the protection of water resources and the creation of protected marine zones.

Which countries have the cleanest drinking water?

In 2003, UN experts published a report on the results of a survey of drinking water quality in 122 countries. The cleanest water is in Finland. It is followed by Canada, New Zealand, Great Britain and Japan. Russia is in seventh place. Oddly enough, Belgium ranks last in this indicator. People even drink cleaner water in India, Sudan and Rwanda.

Vienna water is the cleanest city water in the world

Do you know that in Vienna in order to drink natural water from a mountain spring, is it enough to simply open the water tap? And this is exactly so. From springs in the mountains Styria and in the Lower Austrian Alps, without any pumps, water under careful control reaches the capital of Austria in 36 hours. Perfectly clean water is one of the factors thanks to which Vienna is recognized as the best city in the world to live.

Two high-altitude water pipelines deliver 400 thousand cubic meters of spring water to Vienna every day. Along the way, this water also passes through hydroelectric power stations, providing 65 million kilowatt-hours of electricity - for small town enough. Vienna is so proud of its drinking water, which put it under constitutional protection - the first in the world.

Mountain water pipelines were left without work water tower in the Favoriten district: it is no longer connected to the city water supply, but remains a noticeable architectural monument. The “industrial historicism” style is unusual and the tower is definitely worth a look. Moreover, around this tower there is a unique water park called Wasserturm with many streams and waterfalls, bridges and ponds. Well, just pure relaxation!


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More than 8.5 million Russians are not provided with clean drinking water. This is almost 6% of the country's total population. Such data are provided by Rosstat.

Moreover, experts say that in general in Russia the situation with the quality and availability of water has improved, but in individual regions, and there are at least ten of them, everything is only getting worse.

Water supply is also poor in some populated areas Siberia. In the Kostroma region and Buryatia, the water quality is also “not very good.” The winners of the anti-rating were Vologda Region and Karachay-Cherkessia, where half of the residents are deprived of safe water. At the same time, environmentalists remind that water can become the main risk to health and life.

In one of rural houses in the Ryazan region, drinking water from the tap is a dirty yellow liquid. In this form it reaches the filter rough cleaning. Those who don’t have it have given up tea and coffee a long time ago, and they bring water from a well for cooking.

"I cleaned the kettle literally two days ago, it is all covered with plaque and flakes are floating in the water. You'll probably wonder what's wrong with her. When we did a water analysis, just a primary analysis, it showed that the water had a high iron content", says Ryazan resident Evgenia Karpukhina.

Meanwhile, in the Kostroma region, the prosecutor’s office began checking the regional department natural resources. According to one version, officials issued permission to use wells without examination, and the water turned out to be contaminated with boron. True, the local authorities of the village of Krasnoe-on-Volga are optimistic about this problem.

According to experts, the main criterion is safety. You can get poisoned by water, but this is not the most serious problem. Systematic consumption of liquids mixed with, say, strontium leads to chronic disease bones. Nitrates and nitrites that fall into wells with rain are fraught with mutagenic consequences. Groundwater can also be poisoned during hydrocarbon production.

Centralized water supply can become at least some kind of quality guarantee, experts say.

The technology diagram for organizing centralized water supply looks like this: a reservoir, a water intake, a treatment plant, a pipeline system and the last link in this chain – the kitchen faucet. Utility workers call this stage the last mile. It often happens that it is worn-out communications in apartment building spoil high-quality drinking water that has traveled kilometers.

"The water goes into the distribution network, and there it already turns out to be Terra Incognita, because the condition of the distribution network is really not very good and it is possible that secondary excess pollution may form in the water after it has been cleaned", notes Georgy Sambursky, head of the water treatment department of the Russian Association of Water Supply and Sanitation.

High-quality water is not only the health of the nation. It is also a factor of production.

"In order for an investor to begin to consider the Astrakhan or any other region, a specific territory in this very region, he needs many factors to come together in this place: water, transport, electricity and, ultimately, access to at least some factors of production", says Vladimir Kolmakov, associate professor of the Department of Financial Management of the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics.

If regional authorities cannot provide the investor with water, then the money will go by the wayside, but it would be useful for the reconstruction of Soviet water utilities, of which there are still enough. According to statistics, 90% of Russians are provided with drinking water; the question is what lies behind this formulation.

"There is not even differentiation here, where, what source. This may be a well if we are talking about rural settlements, but the degree of safety is taken into account here", says the department's special correspondent social problems newspaper "Izvestia" Valeria Nodelman.

According to official data, 8.5 million citizens do not have drinking water. The record holder is the Vologda region, where half of the residents have no water at all, and the rest prefer not to risk their health and go to the spring with cans.

September 18 is World Water Monitoring Day, which aims to draw attention to the problem of water pollution. We have compiled a rating Russian cities with worse drinking water, where this problem is especially acute.

According to UN statistics, about three million people die every year from poor-quality drinking water. Most of the deaths occur in third world countries where there is an acute shortage of water resources. In Russia, although everything is not so dire, serious environmental problems are still observed in most regions of the country.

Every resident of Smolensk is well aware that in order to drink tap water, it must first be carefully filtered, then boiled and stored in a bottle. According to sanitary and epidemiological organizations, Smolensk is the leading city in terms of drinking water pollution. Here the water flowing from the tap is very high rigidity with impurities heavy metals. When living in this city, it is better to use bottled water from the store.

Yekaterinburg is not far from Smolensk: the cold water here smells strongly of chlorine, the warm water is quite dirty and sometimes smells of rotten eggs. Most of the city's water comes from open sources, which are not very well filtered. The result of this method of water supply is dirty drinking water, which contains prohibitive amounts of heavy metals and intestinal infections.

Even the city administration has reported more than once that there is a catastrophic water situation in Tula. In 2010, a resolution was even signed on temporary deviations from sanitary standards for city drinking water. This situation in the city has developed due to poor equipment and worn-out water supply infrastructure, which cannot provide citizens with water of adequate quality.

Water in Khabarovsk very often deteriorates greatly with the onset of heating season(although she’s not very good even before that). The water has a bad smell and a clear hint of rust, which cannot but irritate civilians. The water supply of Khabarovsk directly depends on the condition of the Amur water, which very often deteriorates due to industrial discharges in China. Often it is the negligent attitude of the neighboring country towards water sources causes problems in border towns.

Poor environmental conditions and not the most comfortable climate are not a complete list of the shortcomings of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. One of the most unpleasant drawbacks: water flows from the tap, which should not be consumed raw. The water here also suffers from toxic waste from plants and factories, so residents of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk are better off using filters and boilers.


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