Ultra-fine sound insulation. Soundproofing walls in the house: how to achieve silence from the next room? What material is best for soundproofing an apartment?

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To reduce the level of noise passing through the walls in an apartment, two design options are currently used - frame and frameless cladding systems. This implies that the walls themselves or interior partitions have already been installed and their dismantling for the purpose of erecting more efficient designs not expected. For interior partitions from thin homogeneous materials - plaster and aerated concrete blocks with a thickness of no more than 100 mm, special solutions are used, described in the section Sound insulation of thin partitions. The information below is relevant for massive walls made of reinforced concrete, brick, thick gas-foam blocks with a surface density of more than 200 kg/m2.

Soundproofing walls in an apartment: frameless cladding

So let's start with frameless systems soundproofing. We are talking about the frameless soundproofing panel system ZIPS. This system is a sandwich panel with eight vibration-isolating fasteners and a finishing sheet special drywall AKU-Line. The sandwich panel is mounted directly to the wall being protected, and the plasterboard layer is fixed to the ZIPS panel.

Depending on the thickness of the system (from 53 to 133 mm), the indices of additional airborne noise insulation are 9 - 18 dB for walls with an initial sound insulation of 50 dB. Type indication existing structure walls for which additional sound insulation values ​​were obtained is extremely important, since various manufacturers show the “feats” of their systems on partitions with their own sound insulation of less than 40 dB, where it is much easier to add 15 dB, not to mention 10 dB. The main characteristics of ZIPS systems - thickness and efficiency are given in Table 1.

Table 1 Comparison of frameless soundproofing structures for walls

*ΔRw - index of ADDITIONAL sound insulation of airborne noise provided by the structure

At the same time, the main distinguishing feature of these systems is their complete readiness for installation: vibration-isolating fastening elements incorporated into the design, a set of special fasteners and vibration-isolating gaskets. Thus, it is easier to install the ZIPS system correctly than incorrectly at a sufficiently high installation speed. This good foundation to the use of ZIPS for those who care about the final result, namely high sound insulation of the room. It is important that these systems have been produced for 17 years and the total footage of insulated walls and ceilings has exceeded 2 million square meters. In 2016, the third generation ZIPS system entered the market - model ZIPS-III-Ultra. With a total thickness of 55 mm, it increases the sound insulation of the wall by 11-13 dB.

Video instructions for installing ZIPS-III-Ultra:

Using frame cladding for sound insulation

Frame soundproofing systems contain significantly more elements that must be installed correctly to achieve the stated effect. However, they have undeniable advantage: such systems are based on plasterboard technologies that are widely known to every builder and are essentially a kind of “tuning” of well-known frame cladding designs. An important advantage of frame cladding is the ability to simultaneously use them not only for sound insulation, but also for leveling the surface of walls.

It remains to list the set of elements that make up an effective soundproofing cladding or suspended ceiling.

Metal carcass. Ceiling and wall metal profiles of the Gyproc Ultra Steel system are used. Choosing this manufacturer metal frame due to its high quality workmanship. These products are also used for ordinary cladding, partitions and ceilings.

Acoustic triplex Soundline-dB 17 mm. One of essential elements soundproofing cladding. Compared to ordinary plasterboard sheets, it provides higher sound insulation values ​​due to the higher surface density (1220 kg/sq.m versus 680 kg/sq.m) and the separation of the two thin layers GVLVU 8 mm through an elastic connection.

Soundproofing plasterboard AKU-line 12.5 mm. Used as a finishing sheet for cladding. It combines increased sound insulation characteristics due to a higher surface density (950 kg/sq.m versus 680 kg/sq.m) with the properties of high-quality plasterboard, convenient for finishing work.

Sound-absorbing boards Shumanet-BM/-ECO/-SK 50 mm. Used as fill internal space soundproofing linings. They combine high acoustic and performance indicators: non-flammability, environmental friendliness, durability, high mechanical strength.

Vibroflex vibration isolating mounts. One of the most important structural elements of frame wall cladding. Provide reliable fastening structures to the load-bearing elements of the building while minimizing the transmission of sound vibrations through the fastening units. Due to the use of a special Sylomer elastomer in products, they have a long service life without deteriorating vibroacoustic and operational characteristics.

Vibration-isolating gasket Vibrostek-M 4 mm. It is used in places where elements of soundproofing structures meet ( metal profile and sheathing sheets) to adjacent surfaces: walls, floor and ceiling. Reduces the transmission of sound vibrations from and to them.

Vibroacoustic sealant Vibrosil. Seals joints between soundproofing structures and other surfaces without compromising sound insulation due to its stable elastic properties.

Thus, frame cladding will only show high additional sound insulation characteristics when all the elements mentioned above are present in in the right place, in correct conjunction with each other and in a strictly specified sequence. For this purpose, the Acoustic Group company almost 10 years ago developed and is continuously improving the Album of engineering solutions “Soundproofing structures”. The Album contains exact diagrams of the recommended set of soundproofing claddings with their connections to other enclosing structures. At the moment, the fifth updated edition (code ASP-501-0118), released in January 2018, is current.

In addition to this Album, the values ​​of additional sound insulation of cladding structures, indicating their thicknesses, are given here in Table 2.

table 2 Comparison of frame wall soundproofing structures

Soundproofing designThicknessΔRw*
Soundproof frame cladding using Vibroflex-connect-PS (90 mm) 90 mm 14-16 dB
Soundproof frame cladding using Vibroflex-KS (110 mm) 110 mm 15-17 dB
Soundproof frame cladding (90 mm)
90 mm 15-17 dB
Soundproof frame cladding (140 mm)
It can only be installed on a soundproofing floor and a suspended soundproofing ceiling.
140 mm 16-18 dB

*ΔRw - index of ADDITIONAL sound insulation of airborne noise provided by the structure.

It should be noted that the effectiveness of both frame and frameless systems of additional sound insulation is indicated by a “plug” of two decibels. Thus, the manufacturer sets a certain margin of safety for the results of their use, since laboratory values ​​(the upper value of the interval) are not always achievable on real objects, even with full compliance with the installation technology. This demonstrates Acoustic Group’s responsible approach to guaranteeing acoustic efficiency for its branded products.

Scientists have established the fact that exposure to constant noise negatively affects the human psyche, does not allow him to fully relax and unwind, and worsens the general condition of the body. Therefore, the issue of soundproofing walls in an apartment and private house with modern materials is becoming increasingly relevant. There are a huge number of soundproofing materials on the market. The most popular and effective ones will be discussed below.

How to choose a material for high-quality soundproofing of walls in a private house

This question cannot be answered unequivocally. All types of sound insulation offered by modern manufacturers are divided into categories and types, which have their own characteristic features.

Before purchasing soundproofing material, you should first determine its function. The material can be:

  1. Sound-absorbing.
  2. Soundproof.

The first type absorbs noise, ensuring its attenuation inside the structure. Sound-absorbing materials have a fibrous or granular base. Significant advantages are low price, low weight, and therefore ease of installation.

Soundproofing structures reflect noise and prevent it from entering the room. Optimally solves the problem of sound penetration from the street. All of them are quite massive and heavy, so they are inconvenient during the mounting process.

You should also take into account the features of the room. In small rooms, noise spreads faster, and the issue of sound insulation is especially acute. At the same time, oversized structures eat up useful space and reduce the already small footage.

Noises can be structural or airborne. Structural include the sounds of moving furniture and falling objects, the stomping of children, etc. Airborne noise travels through the air. These are people's voices, music playing and equipment working.

Airborne noise is eliminated using a thick and dense surface. Materials that absorb vibration help reduce the sounds of footsteps, impacts during repairs, and falls. To get rid of structural interference, sealing individual areas with durable materials is suitable. The ideal solution will combine all types of sound insulation. This is an expensive and energy-intensive process that reduces available space but provides the highest quality results.

Important! Some modern materials combine all types of sound insulation.

Types of modern materials for sound insulation

Mineral wool is very popular for sound insulation

  • still remains one of the most popular options for soundproofing in an apartment. It is inexpensive and, according to professionals, can retain up to 98% of various noises. Designed for finishing most types of surfaces, but may lose properties due to high humidity.
  • Cork are soundproofing boards that can be easily mounted on a prepared surface. Because of natural origin costs more than mineral wool, but for protection against impact noise it is the best option. Not subject to rotting, prevents the proliferation of bacteria and microorganisms. At correct installation and operation will not lose its properties for about half a century.
  • Among the new products it is worth highlighting sandwich panels ZIPS (thermosound-insulated) with interlayers mineral wool and plasterboard cladding. They are one of the best materials on modern market with ideal parameters of sound reflection and noise absorption at the same time. They are very easy to attach, but are expensive and require installation in several layers.
  • Soundproof breathable boards ISOPLAAT. Made from natural, environmentally friendly fibers coniferous trees. They isolate the room from both shock and airborne noise. They are mounted with glue and consist of a 2700 x 1200 mm slab with a thickness of 10 mm, a weight of 4 kg and a sound insulation index of 23 dB.

  • Wall panels "Kraft" made of environmentally friendly fiberboard, with front side lined with waxed paper, and with the back – corrugated cardboard. Each 12 mm thick sheet weighs about 5.5 kg. Rw is 23 dB. Suitable for finishing.
  • EcoZvukoIzol panel made from quartz sand and seven-layer cardboard profiles. The acoustic mat has a thickness of 13 mm. Weighs from 10 to 18 kg, but has a sound insulation index of 38 dB.
  • Mineral plate Schumanet made from basalt fibers and is considered a premium sound insulator. One side is covered with a fiberglass layer, which helps maintain the integrity of the mat and holds the basalt fibers in one position. This characteristic is especially useful if lining with acoustic panels is planned. Due to its low moisture absorption, it is suitable for use in wet areas.
  • Texound appeared on the market relatively recently. Its main advantage is that, due to its small thickness, it practically does not consume any usable space. The basis of the material is the calcareous rock aragonite, and harmless materials are used as binders. polymer compositions providing flexibility and elasticity. Even thin-thick canvases are very effective and are capable of dispersing high-intensity sounds, not only penetrating from the outside, but also occurring inside the room. The sound insulation index is 28 dB.
  • Acoustic foam. Foam mats are one of the most effective sound insulators in the budget price category. It is successfully used in concert halls, studios and large rooms. They perfectly absorb and dissipate sound vibrations and are able to drown out low-frequency sounds (for example, the bass of music). The material is quite durable and has a wide size range. The main condition for its installation is fastening directly to the base of the wall, without additional pads. If you soundproof not only the walls, but also the floor and ceiling with foam rubber, the room will become almost soundproof.

Sound insulation price

When purchasing sound insulators, you need to pay attention to such characteristics as:

  • Density.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Resistant to fungus and mold.
  • Fire safety.
  • Resistance to tensile and pulling.

The better these indicators, the more optimal properties will have material. Naturally, its price will be higher. Pricing is also influenced by naturalness - environmentally friendly material safer and more expensive.

If we consider each type of sound insulation separately, then sandwich panels will be the most expensive. Their average cost is in the range of 1000-1300 rubles per square meter.

  • Plates based on mineral and glass wool cost between 200-300 rubles. per meter
  • Drywall sheets – 100-300 rubles.
  • The price of sound-absorbing materials in rolls varies from 170 to 300 rubles.

How to save on sound insulation

Prices for soundproofing walls in a country house with modern materials may vary, but in any case you should not skimp on indicators such as fire resistance, moisture resistance, etc. Then the soundproofing system will last a long time and provide additional safety to your home.

First you need to determine the type of noise you want to eliminate. For example, if your neighbors dog barks behind the wall, then the noise disturbing you is of airborne origin. In this case there is no need to purchase expensive materials, designed to combat several types of noise. Choose a sound insulator that eliminates only airborne noise. If constant renovation work– insulate the wall from structural noise.

Do not buy sound insulators intended for industrial and public spaces. They have high specifications, but for ordinary apartment materials with lower performance are suitable. For residential buildings, systems with a sound insulation index of 15 dB or more are suitable. An index of 22 dB is suitable for rooms with special requirements.

How to choose the best soundproofer

According to experts, the best sound insulators on the modern construction market are materials based on mineral wool or fiberglass. They allow air to pass through, do not burn, are easy to cut and, at the same time, are affordable for most consumers. But universal material still no. Manufacturers offer dozens of options. To achieve the best effect, it is better to combine several of them. Most often used in homes:

  • To overcome airborne noiseceramic brick, wood structures, plasterboard, foam concrete, fiberglass, special multilayer panels, mineral wool.
  • To overcome impact noise– cork materials, polystyrene foam, bitumen-cork substrates, polyethylene, etc.
  • To overcome structural noise– vibroacoustic sealant, fiberglass, silica-based substrates and other highly elastic materials.

The consumer tries to give preference to the most durable and elastic sound insulators that have a budget price. When installed correctly, all sound insulators will create a pleasant and calm atmosphere in your home.

And if you still have doubts, watch a video with comparative characteristics of different soundproofing materials:

Soundproofing of residential premises is becoming more and more relevant every year. And every homeowner wants to choose the best soundproofing material, protecting from outside noise. Although it is difficult to choose them based on the “good or bad” principle, since many of them have a specific purpose and, to one degree or another, fulfill the assigned tasks.

So what is soundproofing? As a rule, noise and sound insulation is a complex multilayer structure, including dense layers that reflect sound waves and soft layers that absorb extraneous sounds.

In this regard, neither mineral wool, nor membrane, nor panel materials should be used as independent sound insulation.

At the same time, it is a mistake to assume that heat insulators (cork, PPS, PPE, etc.) are capable of fully fulfilling the role of noise protection. They are not able to stop creating a barrier against the penetration of structural noise.

Even worse, if sheets of polyurethane or polystyrene foam are glued to the wall under the plaster, then such a design will increase the resonance of incoming noise.

Review of the best soundproofing materials

Rock Wool Acoustic Butts

In first place we can put Rockwool Acoustic Butts, a group of companies that have been producing basalt fiber slabs for the eighth decade.

Stone wool, pressed into panels, has found its use in both residential and industrial construction as a heat and sound insulator.

Advantages of Rockwool Acoustic Butts:

  • High sound absorption class (A/B depending on thickness), excellent sound absorption ability: air vibrations up to 60 dB, shock – from 38.
  • Low thermal conductivity and complete fire safety.
  • Vapor permeability, moisture resistance, biostability, durability.
  • Certification according to Russian Federation and EU standards.
  • Easy to install.


There is a risk of purchasing a fake.

High cost, largely due to the need to use additional components and waste accounting.


These are membrane-type bitumen-polymer soundproofing materials based on modified resins, which have sound, heat and waterproofing qualities.

Applicable for walls, ceilings and floors, including “warm” ones using a floating system. Included in category G1 - low-flammable.

Positive properties:

  • Versatility, durability, affordable price.
  • Water, bio and temperature resistance (-40/+80°C).
  • Low degree of thermal conductivity in accordance with SNiP 23-02-2003.
  • Sound protection for airborne noise up to 28 dB, for shock – up to 23.


  • A small dealer network in the Russian Federation.
  • The elements have considerable weight, and therefore they cannot be called the best option for weak load-bearing foundations.
  • There is only one installation method allowed - adhesive.


The company produces polymer-mineral membrane soundproofing materials. These are flexible, elastic roll products, very dense, which is why they are classified as heavy.

The basis is aragonite and elastomers. Belongs to classes G1 and D2 - low flammability, with an average degree of smoke formation.


  • Resistance to rotting, moisture and temperature resistance (properties do not change even at t°-20), durability.
  • Versatility due to the property of stretching.
  • Certification according to Russian and European standards.
  • Environmental safety due to the absence of phenol-containing substances.
  • Reduction of airborne noise up to 28 dB.


  • Possibility of installation - only adhesive.
  • Not applicable as an independent material for sound insulation.

The cost is above average.


Mineral wool boards of the Schumanet series are designed for wall and ceiling frame soundproofing systems for subsequent finishing with facing materials (plywood, plasterboard or fiber sheets, chipboard).

  • Resistance to humidity, formation of mold and mildew, durability.
  • Excellent vapor permeability and minimal thermal conductivity.
  • Complete fire safety and non-flammability - classes KM0 and NG.
  • Compliance with high sound absorption classes - A/B at any frequency, reduction of structural and airborne noise waves from 35 dB.
  • Russian Federation certification.
  • Easy to install due to its elastic properties.


An increased degree of phenol emission (slightly exceeds the permissible limit), that is, environmental friendliness is in question.

High cost due to the need to purchase many additional items. elements, the need to strictly follow the installation instructions.

ZIPS panels

The panel system from the manufacturer Acoustic Group appeared at the very end of the last century. This is a multi-layer structure, the composition of which varies depending on its purpose.

For ceiling and wall surfaces, tongue-and-groove joints are used as a base. plasterboard sheets, for floor - gypsum fiber. They are supplemented with fiberglass or basalt slabs.

To a large extent, vibration units made of polymer and silicone prevent the transmission of vibration and noise waves. Flammability degree G1 (low flammability).


  • Durability, efficiency and biostability.
  • Low thermal conductivity.
  • The absence of inter-plate gaps during installation is ensured by the tongue-and-groove type of connection.
  • There is no need to use adapters when attaching plates.
  • Compliance with GOST requirements.


When mounted on a wall, the slabs can resonate by 2-3 dB with incoming and outgoing low-frequency noise up to 100 Hz.

During the installation process, many components are required, which significantly increases the final cost of installation.

SoundGuard Plates

A fairly effective product, attractive at an affordable price, produced by an alliance of experienced manufacturers who have been known in the industry for several years. Russian market. Prefabricated noise protection structure includes:

  • Drywall Volma,
  • SoundGuard profiled board (consists of plasterboard with mineral-quartz filler and a cardboard cellulose panel),
  • Frame profile.

According to the degree of flammability, they belong to group G2 (moderately flammable), toxicity T1 (low). The advantages of SaunGuard panels include:

  • Compliance with all safety requirements and certification of the Russian Federation.
  • Versatility - the slabs are suitable for any wall and floor bases.
  • Minimum thermal conductivity.
  • Good sound insulation performance (airborne noise - up to 60 dB, shock - up to 36).
  • Easy installation, the ability to choose the installation method (adhesive, frame, using plastic dowels).
  • Disadvantages:

    • Lack of moisture resistance properties.
    • There are few sales representatives in Russia.
    • High prices.
    • During the cutting process, the mineral filler is shed. This necessitates the need to cover the edges of all slabs with tape or tape.

    In addition, if the panels are used as an independent sound insulator, then the degree of interference with impact and airborne noise does not exceed 7 dB. Like ZIPS, panels can resonate with low-frequency noise.

    Noise is not as harmless a phenomenon as it might seem: it is no coincidence that its level and time, acceptable for noisy work and entertainment, regulated by law.

    If you suffer from rowdy neighbors, noise from operating equipment, or screams coming from the sports field, do not try to get used to it: it may cause health problems(from hearing impairment and nervous disorders to hormonal imbalances and cardiovascular diseases).

    In cases where it is impossible to neutralize the noise source, the only reasonable solution would be to acoustically insulate your own apartment.

    Review of modern materials

    The first thing you need to know about acoustic insulation: sound absorption and sound insulation are different concepts.

    Soundproofing- this is the installation of obstacles in the path of the sound wave that will prevent the sound from penetrating into the room or, conversely, spreading outward. Sound absorption occurs due to the conversion of sound energy into thermal energy and a decrease in the intensity of the reflected wave.

    Naturally, different materials are required for these purposes: soundproofing materials must have sufficient large mass and density, and sound-absorbing – have soft, porous structure.

    So, we list the main sound-absorbing materials:

    1. Fiberglass or mineral wool boards(better than basalt) are quite effective, but have a noticeable thickness (from 3 cm). They are placed in a special frame inside sheathing made of plasterboard or gypsum fiber sheets.
    2. Polyurethane foam panels (acoustic foam, “sound-absorbing pyramids”) are simply attached with glue, and it is not even necessary to level the surface under them. The thickness of such a panel is from 3.5 to 10 cm; the height of each pyramid is from 2 to 7 cm.
    3. Liquid sound insulation- only the name, in reality, sound absorption occurs. It must be applied in a thick layer (at least 3 cm), without particularly leveling: you will still have to cover it with plasterboard or a decorative panel.
    4. Cork sheets or rolled cork– the coating is decorative, but with a thickness of 0.8-1 cm it can be used for sound insulation. Sound absorption will be more effective if the diameter of the pressed chips is no more than 3 mm (be sure to pay attention to this, since crumbs up to 6 mm in diameter are found).

    For sound insulation, products from the following list are usually used:

    1. Wall covering with plasterboard or gypsum fiber sheets with mounting to the wall at a distance. A gap of at least 4 cm wide must be provided between the wall and the sheathing to be filled with noise-absorbing materials (see above).
    2. Soundproofing panel systems(ZIPS or sandwich panels) - industrial version of the previous version; their thickness varies from 5.5 to 13.5 cm. Ready-made sandwich panels are mounted directly on the wall frameless way.
    3. Decorative soundproofing panels– thin (1.2-1.5 cm) layered material made of a cardboard frame and loose mineral filler (for example, quartz sand). To prevent sand from spilling out when cutting panels, it is necessary to seal their sections with special tape.
    4. Acoustic boards made of soft fiberboard– layered structure, including waterproofing, polystyrene foam and reinforcing mesh. Depending on the thickness of the filler, the slab can be thin (from 1 cm) or wide (about 10 cm).
    5. Wood fiber panels(more often coniferous species trees) is also relatively thin (from 1.2 to 2.5 cm) facing material with soundproofing properties.
    6. Thin, high-density membranes The material is essentially homogeneous, but for ease of fastening to the wall they are sometimes coated.

    How to choose the right insulation material?

    If we do not take into account the financial component and subjective preferences for the color of the panel trim, then There are only two main criteria:

    1. Who will carry out the work: professionals or the residents themselves?
    2. What is more important: reducing the decibel level as much as possible or saving the usable area of ​​the apartment?

    If you plan to do the installation yourself, then it is better to choose sandwich panels (ZIPS), which are assembled using a frameless method, or any covering that is glued with the entire surface to the wall.

    More complex complex insulating structures are best left to professionals to install.

    The answer to the second question allows you to choose between:

    • covering the walls with multilayer panels or plasterboard (followed by filling with soft sound-absorbing material);
    • thin soundproofing coatings.

    Thin soundproofing materials

    Objectively speaking, thin sound insulation is not a self-sufficient tool: even manufacturers often indicate in the description of the material that it is intended for use as part of “laminated” panels.

    However, many people prefer to do everything possible for sound insulation even in cases where, for some reason, “sandwich” designs are not applicable.

    Here is a list of the most common materials and their approximate thickness:

    • lead foil in a polyurethane foam “case” - 0.7 cm;
    • polymer-bitumen membrane coated with polypropylene – 0.4 cm;
    • mineral membranes – 0.25-0.37 cm;
    • polyethylene insulation for wallpaper - 0.5 cm (more details in the next sections).

    Among thin single-layer materials, those with greater mass and density and the highest possible critical frequency (preferably outside the range that can be heard by the human ear) - that is, definitely not polyethylene.

    Not everyone knows that the soundproofing capabilities of a material depend on the frequency of the “hostile” sound. So, the critical frequency is the lowest frequency after which the soundproofing characteristics of the material decrease.

    From familiar materials highest critical frequency has lead, a level lower - steel, concrete, brick, rubber. If you choose according to this criterion, then best option– lead membrane. But, since lead is not the healthiest element periodic table, it is worth taking a closer look at the polymer-bitumen membrane: this artificial material has a critical frequency of lead, but does not contain harmful impurities.

    The most popular mineral membranes - aragonite (Texaund) and barite (sound block, loaded vinyl) - contain polymers as a binder component, which give the material plasticity and elasticity. The small thickness of the membranes allows them to be used in several layers to improve the effect, alternating with noise absorption.

    With a slight stretch Fine noise insulation includes those discussed earlier:

    Basic methods of do-it-yourself noise isolation

    They cope well with the noise coming from the street plastic windows, but the main thing here is not to overdo it: you should not order a two- or three-chamber double-glazed window, since more glass not only does not improve, but in some cases may impair sound insulation. It is better to install a single-chamber package (of two glasses) with as much distance between them as possible.

    It is much more difficult to level out noise coming from indoor sources (in our case, an apartment building). Fortunately, the preparatory stage of work on soundproofing your apartment anyone can do it, who has ever encountered repairs.

    It’s best to start by sealing the joints between the slabs and sealing other cracks and holes. If the gaps are large, you need blow them out with foam or, at worst, tamp tightly with a rag; if they are small, just carefully putty on them.

    Next important point– get rid of the through sockets (to do this you will have to slightly redraw the electrical wiring) and strengthen all the others in the socket.

    Now the next step is plaster (of course high quality, elastic, with good adhesion). It turns out that a thick layer of plaster plus putty already provides a good level of noise insulation: in a standard situation, when the neighbors have no-repairs, no-holidays and no-fights, you will be able to sleep or work peacefully.

    Soundproofing walls in an apartment: video instructions.

    If “standard” situations are rather an exception to the rule, then You can’t do without additional acoustic insulation. For DIY installation the following will do:

    • soundproof sandwich panels (ZIPS);
    • decorative panels with loose filler;
    • panels made of wood fibers or compressed cork chips;
    • thin high-density insulating coatings;
    • liquid sound insulation;
    • polyethylene backing for wallpaper.

    All these materials do not require special installation skills: with their help, anyone can equip a soundproofed room!

    To insulate walls in spacious rooms, preference should be given to combined multilayer structures: their sound insulation characteristics are significantly higher than those of homogeneous materials.

    If you are a professional in the field of repair and construction work, it will not be difficult for you to cover the walls with plasterboard with mineral or fiberglass filler inside the sheathing: this option is a classic of acoustic insulation, but will cost less good finished panels.

    How to soundproof walls under wallpaper?

    So, the walls are prepared for finishing putty. If you decide to make light sound insulation with polyethylene foam, then it is not necessary to add putty to the ideal, the material itself will perfectly hide small irregularities.

    The polyethylene foam backing for wallpaper is usually already covered with paper on both sides and rolled into rolls, so it is simply cut into pieces of the required length and glued to the plaster (without overlap!) with glue for heavy wallpaper.

    Be sure to take care in advance that during work and when drying the material the temperature in the room was above 10◦C.

    When the substrate dries, you can glue any wallpaper: both ready-made and for painting (material has water-repellent properties, so the water emulsion will not harm it).

    Acoustic ceiling insulation

    The purpose of soundproofing the ceiling is to get rid of not only airborne (spreading through the air), but also structural (spreading through floor slabs) noise.

    The last type of noise is also called vibration or shock: This includes sounds that occur when dragging furniture, falling heavy objects, walking in heels on parquet, etc.

    Important: Regardless of which soundproofing method is chosen, the first thing you need to do is foam or putty the gaps between the slabs.

    Whatever the original height of the room, It’s better to sacrifice centimeters: optimal solution To isolate from impact noise, a suspended plasterboard or stretch ceiling will be installed.

    Moreover, the gap between the ceiling and the newly formed ceiling must be filled with good sound-absorbing material (see photo) (in no case with polystyrene foam!).

    Please also ensure that the fastenings (and the substrates under them) are also soundproofing.

    Both tension and suspended ceilings among professional builders there are plenty of ardent supporters, so it's up to you to decide. An additional advantage in favor of tension is that its coating itself is narrower is a decorative element, while plasterboard construction needs to be puttied, wallpapered or painted.

    If the height of the room is so small that you cannot even think about reducing it, it’s worth trying decorative ecological soundproofing panels (1.2-1.5 cm thick) or an ultra-thin aragonite soundproofing membrane.

    Important: Soundproofing one ceiling (without walls and floor) will not help to completely remove even noise from neighbors above, since sound can also spread through wall partitions.

    The review of materials for acoustic insulation provided here is, of course, not complete, but can be a starting point for your search.

    In expensive cars, the problem of sound insulation is solved by the manufacturer at the concept creation stages. The situation is different in cheap models, where noise protection is ignored or a minimum amount of noise insulation work is carried out on two or three units.

    Airborne noise comes from the engine and transmission. Exhaust mechanisms, tires and door seals also make noise - sound interference depends on the degree of development of the design of these components.

    Another type of noise, called structural noise, occurs due to vibrations power unit, transmission mechanism and chassis. Suspension elements are conductors of vibrations to the composite body panels and floor elements.

    The comfort of travel in such cars is reduced to a minimum.

    Constant irritability, fatigue while driving, inability to listen to music - these factors push the driver to take steps to soundproof the car using high-quality materials and modern technologies.

    Types of car sound insulation

    These are bitumen-mastic tiles glued to the cleaned metal of the car body. The basis of car sound insulation, which dampens vibration waves of the engine, transmission and suspension transmitted to the body.

    The thickness and structure of the vibration damper is selected according to the thickness of the car body. Self-adhesive vibration isolators are applied as the first layer of sound insulation to the body, giving it additional strength.

    They are laid in a second layer, on top of vibration dampers. They perform a double function: they protect the vehicle interior from external noise and insulate the hood of the car.

    Sound absorbers

    Soft and highly porous structures that absorb sound waves. The absorption rate reaches 95%.

    Seals (anti-creaks)

    Eliminate squeaks and beating of panel joint seals and rods in the car. These are sound insulators for machine parts.

    Reduce the amplitude of vibrations and vibrations of the mechanical components of the machine. The sound generated in the vehicle's components when hitting a surface is converted into vibrations of the full frequency range.

    To absorb them and convert vibration energy into heat, special materials with viscoelastic properties are used. They consist of viscous bitumen and mastics, covered with a layer of foil on top.

    The elastic material rubs against the foil, and the energy of mechanical vibrations is converted into thermal energy. On the reverse side, it is applied to the vibration damper sheets adhesive composition, securing the sheet to the floor or ceiling of the machine.

    Act as a barrier to vibrations, suppressing them to a minimum. The flexible structure of sound insulators allows them to be installed on parts of complex configurations - in the interior and on the trunk of a car.

    The area of ​​contact of the sound wave with the sound insulator is so vast due to the cellular structure that the sound is lost in numerous voids.

    Characteristics and advantages of sound insulation for cars

    Here is a list of vibration damping materials and their characteristics, which have been confirmed by research laboratories:

    BiMast Bomb

    The basis is bitumen and mastic. The top of the base is covered with aluminum foil. The recommended treatment area is limited to 50% of the total surface of the vehicle.

    This is necessary to avoid making the structure heavier, because specific gravity BiMast Bomb is 6 kg/m2. Four-millimeter sheets are cut into pieces of 0.4 m 2.

    Lighter than the previous type, but the foil layer is replaced with paper. Warming up is required before installation on the vehicle. The characteristics of thickness, dimensions and specific gravity are the same as those of the previous BiMast brand.

    BiMast Standard

    Made elastic and resilient, applied without heating. For strong adhesion to difficult surfaces, you can slightly heat it up, this improves the adhesion of the glue. The bitumen-mastic base is covered with non-woven material on top.

    The material is thick - 3 mm, and the sheets are formatted to size 0.53x0.75 m. Considering that the material is a third lighter than others, up to 60% of the surface is processed with BiMast.

    A product used for vibration protection of plastic and composite surfaces, the specific gravity is 3.0 kg/m2. The sheets are mounted in a cold state.

    The width and length of the sheets are the same, but they are thin (2 mm). Processed up to 70-80% components car.

    VibroPlast Gold

    Practical for application in places where it is undesirable to weigh down the structure (door surface). Thanks to its elastic structure, it can be installed without heating.

    The thickness reaches 2.3 mm, the specific gravity is 4 kg/m2. They can treat up to 80% of the car's area. The sheet is 0.53 m wide and 0.75 m long.

    Moisture-resistant bitumen, adhesive base. Withstands aggressive influences from outside environment, resistant to decomposition. When processing surfaces, Vizomat heats up to 40-50 degrees. The relative weight is negligible.

    Suitable for insulating car doors and ceilings.

    The first type of sound insulation materials based on a fiber structure is the felt-bitumen structure, where the felt is natural or made from synthetic fibers.

    Natural fiber intensively absorbs moisture. Over time, this leads to rotting of the material and the appearance of rust on the metal in the places where it was used. The disadvantage disappears with artificial felt: it is moisture resistant and does not decompose.

    The second type includes synthetic gas-filled compounds.

    More often, motorists use the following types of sound insulators:

    Soundproofer Accent

    Practical, easy to use and lightweight material, having a weight of 0.5-0.8 kg/m2. The synthetic layers are covered with foil on top, protecting them from moisture; A layer of adhesive composition is applied on the bottom.

    The sound absorption coefficient (SAC) with dense installation reaches 70-90%. The thickness of the sheets is 10, 15 or 20 mm. They are cut into rolls of 0.75 m2.

    Externally it is no different from Accent, but the internal structure is different. The cells are small, capable of capturing and suppressing frequencies from 600 Hz to 4000 Hz, while the Accent has an upper limit of suppressed frequencies of 3000 Hz.

    The top covering is made in the form of perforated lavsan or PVC film. Below is an adhesive layer. The thickness of Isoton is 10 and 20 mm with dimensions of 1x2 m or 2x2 m. Weight - 0.25-0.5 kg/m 2.

    Soundproofing BitoPlast

    Noise-absorbing and anti-creaking material. It dampens sound waves of a reflected nature, absorbing them in an expanded state. Available in two versions - 5 and 10 mm thick. Weight – 0.4 kg/m2. KZP reaches 60%. The size of the standard sheet is 1x0.75 m.

    Soundproofing BiPlast

    An improved version of the previous sound absorber in terms of sound absorption. They are pasted over with it plastic panels. The sound absorption coefficient reaches 85%. The specific gravity is less than that of Bitoplast and is 0.35 kg/m2. Sheet area – 0.75 m2.

    Soundproofing Splen

    The material with an adhesive layer insulates sounds and heat flows, made on the basis of polyethylene foam. Thermal conductivity – 0.038 W/K. Operating temperature range: from -70 to +80°C. The manufacturer supplies sheets 4 or 8 mm thick, measuring 1x2 m.

    Seals for cars

    Motorists often use improvised gasket materials as sealants: foam rubber, carpet (carpet), plasticine. They are short-lived and decompose under the influence of external influences. Factory production means are much more efficient.

    BitoPlast Gold

    Seals technological gaps while absorbing noise. When compressed, BitoPlast returns to its previous state, has “memory”, and therefore fills the joints to the limit. Sold in the form of samples 1x0.75 m with a thickness of 5 mm. Weight – 0.4 kg/m2, bullpen – 60%.


    The improved BitoPlast brand is open structure from thousands of cells. Replaces Accent on surfaces with complex configurations. The material is elastic and flexible, dampens vibrations to low levels, and is equipped with an adhesive surface.

    The sound absorption coefficient reaches 85%. The thickness and size are the same as BitoPlast, but it weighs half as much.

    Anti-creak for Madeline cars

    It is a dense decorative material with a sticky composition applied underneath. Thoroughly seals minimal gaps at the junction of air ducts.

    The thickness of Madelin is 1 or 1.5 mm, it belongs to the category of materials with low weight (0.34 kg/m2). The area of ​​a standard size plate is 2 m2.

    The following liquid noise-insulating materials have become widespread:

    The paste from the Swedish company AUSON AB is available in the form of a can for aerosol spraying. Completed on polymer based, plastic, converts vibrations into heat.

    Apply with a roller, spray or brush to a degreased metal or plastic surface in several stages, layer by layer, until a film of the required thickness is obtained (from 1 to 2.5 mm).

    On original surfaces thickness from 0.5 to 5 mm produces durable polymer coating, protecting against noise and having water-repellent and anti-abrasive properties. 2-4 kg of material is enough per square meter.

    Soundproofing Dinitrol 479

    The composition contains synthetic rubber, which is a noise-insulating and anti-corrosion material. Used for application to the underbody of the car, protects against damage by gravel.

    A film of 1-1.5 mm is applied with a brush or spray and polymerizes in 6-12 hours.

    Noise LIQUIDator mastic

    Vibration-absorbing and anti-corrosion mastic reduces noise by 3 dB. It is recommended to apply it to hard parts with a relief surface (on arches). A spatula is used in this work.


    The disadvantage of vibration dampers is their high weight due to the bitumen they contain. When treated with a vibration isolator, the total weight of the vehicle increases by 50-60 kg.

    When operating such a vehicle, fuel consumption rises by 2-2.5%, driving dynamics and maneuverability decrease. In addition, the risk of sagging of a door treated with bitumen vibration isolator increases.

    Sheet bitumen materials do not completely isolate the car from noise:

    • The thickness of 4 mm does not protect against vibrations, recoil is achieved at 10 mm, but this dramatically increases the additional weight of the car.
    • The sheet does not adhere well and bends on complex spherical surfaces.
    • The materials do not work at temperatures above +30 and below -20 degrees.

    Which one to choose

    Select samples for vibration isolation according to technical characteristics - specific gravity and mechanical factor. In many cases, the first indicator becomes decisive. The higher the value, the better and with greater efficiency the material dampens vibrations.

    The consumer should be interested in the following features:

    • how difficult is this material to install;
    • is it susceptible to easy flexion and extension;
    • does it have plasticity?
    • how it will behave when sticking to curved surfaces;
    • Is a heat gun used for heating?

    Seals are compared based on the following properties:

    • how tightly do the parts between which they are installed contact;
    • how effectively squeaks are eliminated;
    • what is the abrasion resistance;
    • How long does it take for the previous shape to be restored, what is the elasticity of the deformation;
    • how much they can shrink when used in small gaps between parts.

    Noise insulation protects against mid- and high-frequency noise in the audio range. Efficiency is directly proportional to the thickness of the material.

    The specific gravity indicator for soundproofing blocks is not critical; the main thing for them is the sound absorption coefficient. Ideally, the EPC is 1, but materials with an EPC value of 0.8-0.9 are considered the most suitable for car sound insulation.

    Products of the sound and heat insulation group have a number of advantages in the form of low cost, moisture resistance, and good heat reflection. But materials in this category cannot be basic; they are used as heat insulators under the hood of a car.

    What is the best sound insulation for a car?

    • When choosing vibration-proofing materials, take into account the structural characteristics of the base of the sheet - mastic. If, while rolling a sheet over the surface, the mastic is squeezed out and spreads after heating, then the quality of the material leaves much to be desired.

    Pay attention to the stickiness and quality of the top layer, because the foil acts as a reinforcing coating. Material that is too thin breaks during installation.

    • It is important to take into account the technical characteristics of the vibrating material. It should have as much IMP as possible, and its specific gravity should be as small as possible. The vibration isolator chosen is non-toxic and does not emit foreign odors after installation.

    The service life is equal to the life of the car, or even exceeds it.

    • For the gaps formed between the door casings, BitoPlast is suitable, and the edges of the glove compartment lid and the millimeter joints on the panel are glued with Madelin.

    The purpose of using vibration-isolating materials is achieved if it is possible to reduce vibrations coming from the engine compartment, wheel arches and transmission. Up to 50% of the body surface is covered with plates, which is not critical for the total weight of the car.

    The installation procedure for an anti-vibration insulator takes place in several stages:

    • Clean the body surfaces from dirt, rust and dust, and degrease.
    • First remove protective layer vibration-proof sheet and place it on the surface to be treated.
    • Preheat the sheet using construction hair dryer from the side of the adhesive layer evenly, without bringing to a boil.
    • Glue the sheet to the surface and roll the mounting roller over it.

    The installation method, when heating occurs inside the machine after gluing one end of the sheet, is not recommended. It threatens to damage car interior parts and melt paintwork.

    When purchasing soundproofing materials, look for documents that guarantee that the products comply with sanitary and hygienic standards. These conclusions indicate that the product high quality, and it is harmless to humans.



    A major manufacturer on the Russian market. Through a network of regional representatives, StP supplies the market with popular soundproofing, soundproofing and sealing materials.

    They have passed certification, which is confirmed by hygienic certificates. Standardplast products are affordable.


    The products of the SGM-Techno company are also widely known to consumers of specific products. It is a diversified enterprise that develops and produces special products and materials for car noise insulation under the brand name “SGM-vibro (SGM)”.

    Products are characterized good quality and low cost.

    For a buyer with high quality demands, the products of the Russian company Teknikal Group will suit them.

    The research and production enterprise develops and creates noise and vibration insulating materials for vehicles, based on modern innovative materials and technologies.

    Developer and manufacturer of self-adhesive sheets that are used in anti-noise tuning of cars. Every third of the surveyed professionals claims that the company’s products meet the criteria for modern sound insulators.

    The company's products occupy the middle price sector of the market and are suitable for most car models.


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