Own business: production of knitted products. How to sell your own products

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In what main secret success of women who want to organize own business? You must really love your job! That is why, most best view earnings will come from selling products made by hand and with love. In this article we will talk about knitting as a business and a way make money at home. So, where to start and how to succeed in this matter?

Quality of work

The most important aspect knitting business at home is the quality of your work. Many girls complain that no one wants to buy their things, and the reason is often considered to be the irrelevance of such income. However, it is not! In order to develop a profitable business, you need to constantly improve and learn.

There are many master classes and free video lessons on knitting and crocheting on the Internet. You can register on forums and in social networks, where participants will happily share beautiful diagrams, ideas about what is best to sew, business plans and experience in making money from scratch. By the way, you should not think that this type of needlework will be profitable only in winter time of the year. In addition to scarves and hats, you can knit many different things:

  • toys;
  • women's jewelry (brooches, rings and even bracelets);
  • bags and phone cases;
  • dresses, sweaters, etc.;
  • gloves and mittens;
  • summer boots and slippers;
  • rugs, carpets;
  • napkins;
  • swimwear;
  • clothing for animals;
  • children's things (including booties and socks for little ones).

As you can see for yourself, the list is quite impressive and it can be continued for a long time. The main thing is imagination, patience and a great love for knitting. Please note that if you really want to organize a profitable knitting business, you need to devote a lot of time to this business. You won't be able to earn much money if you devote your free hour before bed to crafts. Here we are talking specifically about knitting to order and sale, and not just about a pleasant hobby and pastime. If you are not ready to devote a sufficient amount of time to needlework, this option is suitable as additional income, but not your main income.

You can also earn additional income from knitting by recording your own instructional videos. About, how to make money doing master classes on the Internet, we talked about in the corresponding article!

Attracting clients

So, are you sure that you have learned to knit like no one else and are ready to open your own knitting business? It's time to start actively advertising so that customers know about you. There are several methods that are best combined and used together for better results:

  1. Creating a group on social networks. At the moment, this method is the most effective in finding new clients. Be sure to take beautiful photographs of each of your works and display them in a group, adding a small interesting description. Invite everyone you know to join the group, as well as those who may be interested in knitting. Make sure that the information in the group is updated frequently and be sure to communicate with clients.
  2. Website creation. This option will be more relevant when your knitting business is already quite well known, otherwise hardly anyone will visit the site. Here you also need to take care beautiful design, high-quality photographs and advertising on social networks. To create a decent website, we recommend turning to a professional and keep in mind that this type of client search cannot be done without investments. In addition to advertising your items for sale, you can also give master classes, this will make the site more popular.
  3. Your video blog on Youtube. You can create your own video blog teaching knitting at home. The method for developing a business is quite labor-intensive, but if done correctly, you can not only earn money by advertising and selling knitted items, but also get additional income from blog views.
  4. Ads. Despite the fact that now almost every home has Internet access, we should not forget about time-tested methods of finding buyers. Advertise in newspapers, post ads on poles, send a news ticker to your local TV station, or create your own flyers.
  5. Advertising among “friends”. Be sure to tell your relatives, friends and work colleagues about your knitting business. As experience shows, most often it is the people you know who make the first purchases. By the way, for better efficiency, from time to time wear things associated with you, it will attract attention and become a good self-promotion.

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Hand or machine crafts

A hand knitting business will be valued much more, hence the price will be high. Don’t forget about this, value your work and sell your products at a high price. However, keep in mind that if people in foreign countries are willing to buy clothes hand made, then in the CIS countries the majority of consumers have average earnings, so you shouldn’t inflate the cost of goods too much. A good price/quality ratio to start with is a 100% markup on the cost of the material used. Those. if you spent 1,000 rubles on yarn for a scarf, feel free to sell it for 2,000 rubles. Such profitability cannot but rejoice, and I think questions about whether it is profitable to do business in knitting should not arise.

You can also buy a knitting machine to increase your productivity and sales. As reviews show, it is worth doing this only if you have found a sufficient number of buyers and cannot cope with the number of orders on your own. The cost of such a knitting machine is from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles. Expensive models will be ideal for business development; you will be able to knit any items, decorate them with a variety of patterns and use the most complex circuits. Thus, you will be able to organize a real knitting workshop at home!

So, we told you about where to start and how to succeed in knitting as a business. Love your job, improve yourself, learn and communicate with clients. Believe in your success and then everything will definitely work out!

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Sooner or later, any person who is passionate about any craft or needlework thinks about whether his hobby can bring additional (or even main) income. Not every master achieves success in these endeavors, which is due to the specific nature of handmade work. Really high quality, unique and beautiful products hand-made products are expensive, and the majority of consumers prefer to buy ready-made, albeit mass-produced products, which often do not fit perfectly in all respects, but are usually cheaper. However, in last years The artists' clientele is increasing. This also affected knitters.

When is it worth taking the risk of turning a hobby into a business?

If you have been knitting yourself for quite some time, are aware of fashion trends and are able to implement them in your work, and have established a private practice (that is, many customers), you can try to earn an official income. It’s great if you know both hand knitting (hook, knitting needles) and machine knitting - using technology significantly speeds up the production process of the product.

If a knitting machine, even if not the most modern, is already available, even better. The costs of starting your own business will decrease significantly. By the way, the model of the machine that is popular today costs about 120 thousand rubles, plus additional parts are purchased, for example, an openwork carriage; Add to this the cost of yarn - the amount comes out to be quite large.

State support makes it easier to start your own business financially: you can contact the employment center at your place of registration and apply for a subsidy. However, be prepared to provide a well-thought-out business plan where Special attention will be devoted to the sale of goods.

Is it necessary to register a business officially?

If you start your business seriously, there can be no question of “illegal” work. An individual entrepreneur is very useful if you want to knit not only to order, but also for sale, that is, you plan to hand over knitted items to specialized departments and stores where they will be sold. Moreover, you need to register as an entrepreneur if you want to open your own point of sale of products.

When collaborating with points of sale, it is important to consider the following: when you give things away for sale, you risk getting them back if they are not sold in a deplorable condition after many fittings. Therefore, it is much more profitable for a master to work with departments and shops on the terms of their purchase of items. However, finding such partners is very difficult.

Cheap or expensive?

Business in the production and sale of knitted products can be done in several ways. In one case, you can completely rely on yourself - both on the master and on the organizer. This option is suitable for those who are confident in their talent, knit exclusive items that are strikingly different from ready-made knitted items, and have experienced the “saleability” of manufactured products. The work will be carried out mainly to order, but models can also be knitted for free sale - if you have time, of course (and knitters are often in short supply).

To sell things not related to specific clients, you cannot find anything better than your own showroom, department, store. To help the craftswoman, Internet blogging with beautiful photos will attract new customers. With such an organization of work, each item will be ideally suited to the client, take into account all his wishes and parameters, and be created in a single copy - which means the cost of the product will be high.

Another option for doing business is suitable even for those who do not know how to knit at all, but have organizational inclinations. In this case, several knitters are hired, working either at home or in a studio. If necessary, they provide them with equipment and knit items in whole batches at the request of points of sale. Of course, implementing this option will require much more funds. However, it is worth noting that material state support can also be much greater, because for each hired employee the entrepreneur will receive a considerable amount. Making knitted items in batches reduces their cost, as well as exclusivity.

The expansion of the customer base

The main weapon of any master is word of mouth. One satisfied client told a friend, he was also pleased and shared with his relatives - and away we go, everyone is tied up from head to toe.

Participation in exhibitions and fairs can also increase the number of potential customers - do not skimp on making business cards when participating in such events. If you decide to implement finished goods in departments, for example, selling yarn, leave your business cards there too.

A modern needlewoman who makes money from her hobby should take advantage of the possibilities of the Internet. This is a treasure trove creative ideas and plenty of opportunities to get a client. A group on a social network, your own blog, a website - choose the most convenient option taking into account your target audience.

What about profit?

Creating and selling knitted items is not an easy task, especially if the craftswoman views her work as creative process, and not as an assembly line job. Starting your own business from scratch and spending a minimum of 200 thousand rubles (including the purchase of a machine, a supply of yarn, a steamer, necessary tools), you should expect that the expenses will pay off within a year at most, but rather in two or three. The same goes for organizing a knitting workshop. Although the costs will be higher, the sale of products is guaranteed, the production rate is higher - as a result, the first net profit will also appear a year or two after the start of work.

It should be taken into account that knitting has its own seasonality - even with a stable demand for summer things in winter, there is still more work, and you can make good money just on mittens and warm house slippers and socks. What can we say about cozy sweaters with fashionable Scandinavian patterns!


When you decide to start your own craft business, be prepared for any outcome, but still hope for the best. The demand for handmade things is steadily growing, and gradually the consumer understands why high price for such products. Moreover, he agrees to this price at proper quality products. So the craftswoman only needs to add the ability of an organizer to the knitter’s talent and move according to plan, stitch by stitch, to make a profit.

All things that are considered knitted will always remain in the tender; they will be fashionable in any weather, and regardless of the knitting methods, be it manual or machine labor, or the choice of patterns with threads. Turn knitting into a business allows you to sew booties, knitted hats, any blouses ─ these popular things are not ignored by young mothers and not a single wardrobe of any fashionista exists without such accessories.

Knitting as a business we can continue with a long list of those things that are popular in everyday life among many citizens. And despite the fact that knitting at home can be done a large number of women, then not every one of them wants to try to implement their business plan. What is stopping them? Basically, many halves of the female population suffer from a lack of time. Most of the problems associated, for example, with raising children and their main job fall on their weak shoulders. But you can combine business with pleasure, as most needlewomen prefer to do. And any of them can turn knitting into a business if she wants to.

This is the most profitable option open a knitting business. If you do this type of work manually, then such products will cost much more. The cost of the product depends on the quality. Although you shouldn't raise the price too much. Make a 100% increase, where if you spent, for example. For all the material 1000 rubles, then add the same amount to the total cost. And we will help each needlewoman create her own business plan, which will not take her much time to create her masterpieces.

How to turn knitting into a business? Where to start and succeed in this matter

Starting the journey home business, then there is the opportunity to open your own business on a larger scale, for example, create your own clothing industry. But for such purposes, a beginning business lady knitting children's things and the necessary custom-made wardrobe, you will need to specifically change your outlook on life, cancel any unnecessary habits and radically change your attitude towards the entire knitting process. A business plan for this type of income advises devoting as much time as possible so that in the future you can freely open a knitting business. Based on this, it can be assumed that aspiring handicraft entrepreneurs should give their all free time for hand and machine knitting, look for places where you can buy all raw material. Also, knitting as a business involves searching for customers and the necessary sales channels for your product. It’s good if you have already developed your own client base.

The business plan advises renting a premises that will be fully equipped; it will also need to allocate some space for storing raw materials and other attributes of the sewing workshop.

Today, Russian stores are filled with various knitted items, and open a knitting business at home can mean one thing, creating another competitor for them. And, despite all this, most people turn to needlewomen for help, asking them to do knitting at home or to do it for them. knitting children's things. It's all about the format of such clothes. When trying it on in stores, it may be reluctant to lie on the body, but custom knitting allows you to accurately cut clothes that will sit just right on the body.

So, in the tender are the following types manufactured models.

  • Scarf and hat.
  • Children's clothes (Blouses, booties and much more).
  • Cardigans.
  • Coat.
  • Toys.
  • Blankets, rugs, pillows.
  • Mittens with socks and other things.
Machine knitting has more opportunities to make elegant things. It's thinner and lighter knitting at home.

The whole process can result in chic things, such as: blouses, skirts, summer sundresses and light tops and many other similar things.

Business plan: hand and machine knitting

In order to reach the majority of the audience with maximum opportunity, needlewomen use both methods and each of them is good in its own way. Open a knitting business requires certain conditions, for example, one of them involves creating a business plan, because this document will be a good assistant in this not an easy task. He will be able to deal with the most important points, for example, knitting at home, how and how much you can earn from it. And it will help you calculate how likely it is to get a good final profit.

Knitting as a business - is it profitable?

Turn knitting into a business, which would also generate a good income, is not an easy task. Take, for example, the purchase of raw materials. The calculations may not please you too much. Knitting to order is carried out according to certain criteria, where, say, if you purchase yarn, then you need to do it wisely. So, if you buy an extra one, you may not need it for a month or a year. Therefore, a business plan will be a good assistant in this matter. Where, if you receive an order, first calculate a certain percentage for the entire work, how much time you will spend on the entire product, and then add the resulting amount to the cost of the yarn. In general, when making a summary, take the order first, and then calculate the cost of the raw materials and take how much you need.

When working with things with which you are planning to open a knitting business, and also use machine knitting, then by handing over your goods in a store, you can lose them in price, since wholesale purchases always come at a cost lower than retail trade. And from here you can calculate the entire profitability of your enterprise, where you will receive income from one thing up to 600 rubles, or even more, it all depends on the complexity of the product.

Searching and attracting clients

So, if you are convinced of your abilities, where knitting at home has become your life's work and you are ready open a knitting business, then it’s time to be active in advertising activities. After all, the more clients you attract to your side, the better it will be for you. A business plan suggests several ways for such purposes. And it’s better to combine them so that 100% results are visible.
  • Group on social networks. This technique is one of the popular ones these days. Because in a group you can do whatever you want, for example, post a bunch of photos of your products, give a master class on knitting at home for beginners and experienced needlewomen, share your thoughts and new products. In general, here you can achieve the desired result of attracting a large part of clients.
  • Own website. This option is the most commonplace these days. If you are already knitting at home full swing and you are known to many, then attract the attention of more visitors, where on the blog page they can share their opinions about your abilities. To create a website, it’s better to contact a professional and know that this approach will not do without minimum investment.
  • Video blog on YouTube. You can open your own knitting channel at home on this popular video site. Here you can create your own video blog, which will talk about your experience in knitting at home, and you can also offer your fans a master class, knitting children's things, if it is within your competence. Your own video blog can bring you good advertising, and you can also get a small income from it for viewing it.
  • Ads. Nowadays every home has the Internet. Although it can bring good results, you should not forget about proven methods of an advertising campaign. For example, a notice board, a ticker on TV, advertising leaflets on poles and driveway billboards. Having such information will never be superfluous.
  • Advertising company among existing clients, acquaintances, etc. This point is also important. If you tell me about your abilities knitting children's things and other types of your activities to acquaintances, friends, colleagues, relatives and existing clients about this, then such news can quickly spread throughout the entire district. And those things that your consumers will wear can attract the attention of an even larger number of a full-fledged audience, and you can then work purely on orders in advance.

Knitting training at home

Another attractive way open a knitting business at home, this is to organize your own courses in both hand and machine knitting. This method can also bring good income. After all, there are many willing “entrants” among the female population who not only want to learn how to embroider different things, but also want to create their own masterpieces, where knitting children’s things may also be needed by many young mothers. In general, the courses can attract a huge audience of people who want to learn how to embroider on their own. Here it will be enough to use own apartment and you won’t have to pay extra money to rent premises for courses.

And thanks to such courses, you will be able to grow in skill yourself, improving your skills and abilities. And on average, a business plan suggests charging about 500 rubles for training, depending on the influx of people willing to study. So. profit is easy to calculate. If 10 people come to you a month, then the profit will be 5,000 rubles, minus the expenses for yarn and knitting needles, this is only with minimal calculations.

You can also divide the courses into hand and machine knitting, where the former will cost more. If you dare, you can organize day and evening courses. In general, it's up to you and your desire to work in this direction.

Workbench Tools and Equipment

And finally, let's talk about how you should work comfortably, what equipment you will need to complete orders. Please note that if you do not want any complications, then create your desktop in the most professional way. After all, you will probably receive your regular customers at home, that’s why workplace should be created quite professionally. So, for a comfortable desktop, you will need the following equipment.
  • A clear storage system, otherwise a simple display case.
  • Comfortable furniture, better soft stool and comfortable table.
  • Knitting machine.
  • A fitting room where the visitor could try on the finished product.
After all, the main criteria for working from home have always been convenience and comfort, and work was a pleasure, even despite the large volumes.

Tools for knitting at home

The following types will be needed here: When planning to use machine knitting at home, you should purchase another specialized machine. You will have to pay about 60,000 rubles for it, but professional equipment costs much more, although it is not necessary to start this business with it. When you are fully back on your feet, then think about purchasing such a device.

Well, we have shared all our opinions with you to make it easier for you. turn knitting into a business. If you love this business, then improve in it, learn to communicate with your clients. And most importantly, believe in your capabilities, create the right path to the pinnacle of success, then you will succeed in this business, and at the same time you will have a good income. Good luck to you!

Are you doing what you love at home, but don’t yet know if you can make money from knitting? Or do you have a store on Esti, but sales are not going well? I think now is the time to get inspired by ideas that other sellers have already implemented.

Explanation of the article

In this article I have collected 100 ideas for knitting products. All of them are sold on Etsy and find their buyer (this is if you are wondering where you can sell handmade knitted items online).

There are obvious items on the list, for example, clothing. But there are also a lot of completely unexpected ones. At least I myself was often surprised when I found this or that product on Etsy.

For each type of product, I wrote down the level of competition and the average cost of the product, which the website helped me determine. Competition, in in this case, this is the number of listings offered by an Etsy search for the search phrase found.

I would like to note that many products can be described with different phrases. And therefore the number of “competitors” will also change and differ from my figures.

The average cost of goods is influenced by a large number of schemes/patterns, which cost 3-5 dollars, and finished goods can be valued at several tens or even hundreds of dollars.

What is the difference between crochet and knit

There are two types of requests in the selection of products: crochet and knit. The first option is crochet. The second is knitting. Both these and other products sell well on Etsy.

The selection most often shows the most popular knitting option for these products (based on the frequency of requests for the search phrase on Google).

How much can you earn selling knitted goods?

Let's look at a few successful stores on Etsy and let's try to estimate how much they earn from their knitted items.

VendulkaM is a store from the Czech Republic that sells knitted patterns/patterns. About 200 sales per month with an average price of goods of about 5.5 dollars. That's $1,100 a month.

BUBUCrochet is a store from Bulgaria. About 100 sales per month at an average price of about $20. In total, the store owner earns about $2,000 a month from knitting.

ReddApple is a store from Turkey. About 20-25 sales per month with an average price of goods of about $30 bring the store owner approximately $650-700 monthly.

Plexida is a store from Greece. About 20 sales per month. The goods are quite expensive, for example, $120, but there are also $40. If you imagine that the average price for a knitted item is about $60-70, then the profit per month is $1,200.

Already from the examples of these 4 stores it is clear that with the help of Etsy you can make money by knitting at home (crochet and knitting) large amounts, $500 a month or more. For Russia, for example, this is about 30,000 rubles. And for Ukraine - 13,000 hryvnia. And this is more than the average salary in most non-capital regions.

The main thing is to choose the direction of the goods. Let's see what they sell and how they make money on Etsy.

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1. Hats

Probably the most popular look yarn products on Etsy.

Hats are sold in the most different options: women's, men's, children's, for babies, holiday, funny, with cartoon and movie characters.

Competition - 150,000 products. average cost- 27 dollars.

2. Headbands

A small branch from the topic of hats. Competition for knitted headbands is much lower than for hats.

Competition - 25,000 products. The average cost is $17.

3. Gloves/mittens/mittens

Don’t think that mittens are worn only in cold countries, like Russia, Ukraine, etc.

Fingerless mittens/gloves are also very popular on Etsy.

Competition - 23,000 products. The average price is about $27.

4. Scarf

Scarves, like hats, are extremely popular on Etsy. In addition, scarves can be not only warm, but also decorative.

Competition - 100,000 products. The average cost is $40.

5. Snood

A scarf-tube or a scarf-collar - snood is not losing popularity.

Competition - 6,000 products. The average cost is $37.

6. Shawl

This knitted scarf can warm you up not only on winter evenings, but also in unpredictable summer weather.

Competition - 30,000 products. The average cost is $77.

7. Socks

Despite the fact that socks are both clothing and shoes, this accessory is worn by everyone - both big and small, both women and men.

Competition - 30,000 products. The average cost is $30.

8. Knee socks

But knee socks, compared to socks, are predominantly a female wardrobe attribute. Although in modern world one cannot be so sure and exclude men from the number of owners of this item of clothing.

Competition - 2,000 products. The average cost is $45.

9. House slippers

House slippers can be an ideal gift for any occasion, don’t you agree?

Competition - 10,000 products. The average cost is $28.

10. Dresses

Competition - 45,000 products. The average cost is $125.

11. Wedding dresses

Competition - 2,500 products. The average cost is $270.

12. Pants

Did you know that leggings, leggings and pants can be not only knitted, but also knitted?

Competition - 15,500 products. The average cost is $37.

13. Swimwear/bikinis

Despite the fact that knitted swimsuits have proven themselves for a very long time, it is still not often possible to meet girls in this “outfit” on the beach.

Competition - 15,000 products. The average cost of a set is $50-60.

14. Sweatshirts

Competition - 22,000 products. The average cost is $60.

15. Skirts

Competition - 13,000 products. The average cost is $65.

16. Vests

Competition - 13,000 products. The average cost is $50.

17. Cardigan

Warm, large and cozy, a cardigan differs from a poncho in its design, although their purpose is approximately the same.

Competition - 40,000 products. The average cost is $125.

18. Poncho

Competition - 11,000 products. The average cost is $80.

19. Shorts

Knitted shorts can be either warm for autumn or winter. And openwork - for the summer, crocheted, for example.

Competition - 18,000 products. The average cost is $37.

20. T-shirts

Competition - 8,000 products. The average cost is $37.

21. Crop tops

Competition - 5,000 products. The average cost is $32.

22. Underwear

No, no, not a swimsuit, but underwear.

Competition - 4,000 products. The average cost is $30.

23. Tunic

Option for the beach or for hot summer walks.

Competition - 9,000 products. The average cost is $75.

24. Booties

Competition - 14,000 products. The average cost is $18.

25. Diaper panties

I thought for a long time about what to call this type of product. Either a cover or clothes for diapers. In the end I settled on this option.

Competition - 3,000 products. The average cost is $23.

26. Kippah/yarmulke

Traditional Jewish men's headdress.

Competition - 300 products. The average cost is $22.

27. Collar

Competition - 10,000 products. The average cost is $22.

28. Boot tops

Roughly speaking, a cuff that is worn on the legs.

Competition - 4,500 products. The average cost is $18.


29. Bags

Large and small, over the shoulder and purses.

Competition - 19,000 products. The average cost is $50.

30. Backpacks

Competition - 1,300 products. The average cost is $45.

31. Yoga Mat Bag

Considering that yoga accessories are now more popular than ever, I think a mat cover will be very popular.

Competition - 160 products. The average cost is $30.

32. Wallet

Competition - 7,500 products. The average cost is $15.

33. Jewelry (earrings, bracelets, necklaces)

Competition - 110,000 products. The average cost is $35.

34. Tie

Yes, yes, who would have thought that they even knit ties!

Competition - 9,000 products. The average cost is $20.

35. Bow tie

Competition - 2,500 products. The average cost is $13.

36. Belts

Competition - 3,000 products. The average cost is $20.


Competition - 2,200 products. The average cost is $16.

Things for the home

38. Blankets

Competition - 30,000 products. The average cost is $96.

39. Blankets for child car seats/chairs

40. Carpets/rugs

Competition - 3,700 products. The average cost is $100.

41. Mug holders

Competition - 2,200 products. The average cost is $11.

42. Clothes for the teapot/teapot

Competition - 3,500 products. The average cost is $22.

43. Hot pads/potholders

Competition - 800 products. The average cost is $13.

44. Napkins/plate coasters

Competition - 350 products. The average cost is $22.

45. Cosmetic bags

Competition - 3,000 products. The average cost is $25.

46. ​​Covers for chair legs

Competition - 60 products. The average cost is $13.

47. Ottomans

Competition - 800 products. The average cost is $95.

48. Pillowcases

Competition - 800 products. The average cost is $45.

49. Kitchen towels

Competition - 5,000 products. The average cost is $11.

50. Napkin holder

Competition - 200 products. The average cost is $13.

51. Afghan blankets

Competition - 9,500 products. The average cost is $90.

52. Curtains

Competition - 2,500 products. The average cost is $60.

53. Toilet cover

Competition - 200 products. The average cost is $16.


54. Paintings

Competition - 3,300 products. The average cost is $55.

55. Wall decor

Competition - 5,500 products. The average cost is $40.


Competition - 6,000 products. The average cost is $16.

57. Garlands

Competition - 3,200 products. The average cost is $20.

58. Lamps

Competition - 800 products. The average cost is $40.

59. Mandalas

Competition - 3,000 products. The average cost is $35.

60. Portraits

Competition - 500 products. The average cost is $100.

61. Dream catchers

Competition - 3,000 products. The average cost is $40.


62. Hair clips

Competition - 6,300 products. The average cost is $10.

63. Soft toys

Competition - 96,000 products. The average cost is $22.

64. Rattles

Competition - 3,500 products. The average cost is $18.

65. Beard

Competition - 400 products. The average cost is $24.

66. Dolls

Competition - 31,000 products. The average cost is $28.

67. Clothes for dogs

Competition - 2,000 products. The average cost is $22.


Competition - 360 products. The average cost is $20.


Competition - 900 products. The average cost is $43.


Competition - 2,600 products. The average cost is $7.

71. Mermaid tail

Competition - 700 products. The average cost is $43.


Competition - 120 products. The average cost is $9.

73. Flowers

Competition - 96,000 products. The average cost is $25.

74. Bouquets

Competition - 1,500 products. The average cost is $35.

75. Letters

Competition - 600 products. The average cost is $12.

76. Names

Competition - 1,800 products. The average cost is $28.


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