The window is leaking. Plastic windows are “crying”: what to do? Why do plastic windows “cry”? And how does this relate to windows?

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If your plastic windows are constantly covered with moisture, this problem should not be ignored. By ignoring dampness, you risk the formation of fungus and mold in your apartment.

In most cases, dew on glass is due to high level humidity in the room, and in this case, neither repairing the double-glazed window nor replacing it will bring results.

The source of the problem may also be in the window itself. To get rid of water, you need to find the cause of its occurrence.

The liquid that covers the surface is condensation. It occurs when water changes from a gaseous state to a liquid state. The transition occurs when the substance cools. Accordingly, the colder the side of the PVC window that is directed into the room, the higher the likelihood of droplets forming on the glass.

The temperature near the window at which the vapor contained in the air turns into droplets on the glass is called the “dew point”.

Fogging of windows indicates problems with the microclimate in the apartment. These include:

If the room has good air exchange and is well heated, even the cheapest and most imperfect double-glazed window should not fog up.

When and where do house windows fog up?

You may have noticed patterns associated with foggy windows. For example, in one part of the house the windows sweat more than in all others, or in the morning condensation appears on the windows more often than at any other time of the day. Such observations help to identify the cause of fogging.

Glass “cries” in winter

Most often, glass becomes covered with moisture in winter. Dampness on glass can be combined with the formation of ice.

Most likely, there is a significant difference between the temperature of the glass unit and the air temperature in the apartment.

With what it can be connected?

  • The radiators in the apartment are heated too hot (25-29 °C).

The heating system in the house was designed taking into account the fact that excessive heat regulated by the flow of outside air from the cracks.

Replacing old windows with sealed double-glazed windows leads to an increase in the humidity and temperature in the apartment, and this is a sure way to the appearance of condensation on the glass.

  • It is possible that cold bridges have formed in the plastic, causing the air surrounding the window sill to become colder than the air in the room.

If you measure the temperature of the window sill, it will be more than 5-7 °C below room temperature.

  • The window may be ventilated.

Most often this happens in the area of ​​the vestibule. If it blows from under the lower loop, it freezes from the cold air coming from the street.

Plastic windows “sweat” in the morning

Formation of dew on grass and water on glass in morning time- similar phenomena. Perhaps the operating mode is to blame central heating. In some houses there is more heat at night than during the day. The temperature outside, on the contrary, reaches minimum levels.

Because of this, in the morning the air temperature near the windows reaches the “dew point” and drops form.

Only in one room

If you find a room in which the glass sweats more than in others, it means that the humidity level in this room is high or air circulation is impaired.

The following factors can affect fogging:

  • washing and drying clothes;
  • presence of an aquarium in the room;
  • density and location of curtains;
  • a large number of indoor plants;
  • window sill width;
  • presence or absence of ventilation.

Leak in the kitchen

The kitchen is always a territory high humidity, this is where glass leaks can occur. If your hood is not working well, steam from the stove and boiling kettle will settle on the hermetically sealed windows.

Sources of abnormal humidity in an apartment can also be problems in the house: a leaking roof, dampness in the basement, clogged ventilation.

Why do PVC windows sweat from inside the room?

If the windows sweat on the side facing the apartment, you need to look for the cause of the fogging first in the house, and then in the design of the double-glazed window.

Humid air in the apartment

To find out whether the humidity in the apartment meets the standards, purchase the simplest hygrometer. A humidity level of 55% is considered normal. Please note that in frosty weather the humidity in houses always decreases.

If the humidity is normal, you should look for flaws in the double-glazed window.

Impaired air circulation

Problems may arise due to non-compliance with window installation rules and engineering communications. Perhaps the air circulation in the apartment is impaired, since heating system incorrectly designed. What could be the errors:

  • the windows are not installed airtight;
  • heating radiators are installed without taking into account the location of windows;
  • wide window sills prevent the passage of air between the glass and the battery.

Can be reduced heat losses, if the enclosing structures are thoroughly insulated. Changing heating appliances will also help distribute heat more evenly in the apartment. The problem of window fogging is eliminated by heated floors and chiller-fan coil systems.


If the glass is not blown with warm air, it becomes the coldest surface in the room and condensation settles on it. A wide window sill may interfere with the flow of heat to the glass. Another reason for freezing is insufficient tightness of the glass unit.


The window may overheat and fog up winter time, If warm air surrounding the battery does not circulate freely throughout the apartment. In this case, you need to make changes to the heating system.

Lack of ventilation

Glass becomes covered with moisture when water particles are constantly “hanging” in the air. When the air cools to a certain level, the water vapor condenses enough to form droplets. Ventilation can solve this problem.

Pay attention to the ventilation in the house - its poor performance can cause abnormal air humidity.

In old houses, ventilation was designed taking into account the fact that the house would have wooden windows. A supply and exhaust unit in the apartment will help improve the air exchange situation.

Apartment renovation

High humidity in an apartment after or during renovation is a normal situation. You can protect windows from condensation by tightly covering them from the inside with polyethylene. Then the moisture will settle on the film, and the glass will not sweat or become covered with ice.

Problems with adjustment or parts

The window may get wet if you forget to turn it winter mode. Poor fittings can also interfere with thermal conductivity, preventing it from closing tightly.

Check periodically sealing rubber bands. They can become unusable over time, causing the glass to freeze and become covered with water or ice.

Small glass thickness

The glass may be damp due to the fact that you have installed double glazing that does not match the profile. When choosing the thickness of double-glazed windows, you need to take into account the climatic conditions of the region.

The desire to save money by purchasing a thinner and cheaper double-glazed window will result in problems with the thermal conductivity of the product.

Failed installation

Condensation can occur due to improper installation of double-glazed windows. What mistakes can employees of a window installation company make:

  • poorly sealed assembly seam;
  • the package is located too close to the outer surface of the wall;
  • loose connection window sash to the frame.

Window specialists should help you choose a PVC package suitable for the climatic conditions of your region and warn about possible risks, associated with the choice of not the most successful design. For example, installing a wide window sill for flowers can disrupt air circulation.

The video explains the reasons for fogging of plastic windows.

Could there be moisture inside the glass?

To avoid the formation of condensation, you need to install double-glazed windows with several chambers (at least two-chamber) or single-chamber energy-saving types. The formation of moisture is not always a sign of a defective product.

Defective glass unit

If you find moisture or frost between the panes, you should contact the company that provided your window. This is an obvious manufacturing defect that is unacceptable according to GOST standards. In this case, the glass unit will have to be replaced.

The formation of liquid inside the glass unit indicates that it is not sealed enough.

Single-chamber double-glazed window

Owners of single-chamber packages are more likely to encounter the problem of condensation formation, because this type of double-glazed window has weak thermal insulation properties. The exception is energy-saving double-glazed windows.

How to solve the problem of fogging of PVC windows?

So, the main reasons for the formation of moisture on windows are poor ventilation and high air humidity in the house. How to adjust air circulation:

  • install regelairs on the windows - devices that allow a small amount of outside air to pass through;
  • change the foam on which the glass unit was installed;
  • frequently ventilate the room or install forced ventilation;
  • install heated floors that provide uniform heating of the room.

There are also folk recipes, allowing to reduce the formation of condensation. Glass can be wiped with a weak solution of glycerin (a few drops per liter of water) or salt (a third of a glass per liter of water).

If your double-glazed windows sweat regularly, it is worth looking for the cause of the problem not only in the windows, but also in the house. Even the best quality window can fog up when the air in the apartment is filled with water particles.

Window companies are often faced with a phenomenon that is popularly called “windows are crying.”

Dew point - The eternal problem of winter condensation (windows “leak”, “cry” in cold weather, condensation falls abundantly on the glass and frames) gives no one peace of mind. This problem is especially of concern to those who have not yet installed plastic windows and are very afraid of encountering this problem in the future. So whyfog upwindow? Let's figure it out.

Dew point - what is it?

The dew point cannot be adjusted. It is not on windows or double glazed windows. It can only be seen on graphs, where a thick black line, drawn diagonally between the axes of temperature and humidity, divides two zones: the dry zone and the zone in which condensation begins to form.

However, we encounter the dew point every day.We raise glass lid from a frying pan with delicious sizzling chicken breasts, - Water flows copiously from the lid. We step out of the bath, turn to the mirror to look at ourselves clean - oops, the mirror is completely fogged up. We enter a warm store from the street in winter - our glasses instantly fog up. We breathe on the glass to draw a face - the same story. This is all dew point jokes.

Two main factors influencing the formation of condensation (and its subsequent freezing) are: temperature and humidity.

The fact is that in any case, the surface of the window glass and the windows themselves are the coldest surface in the apartment, therefore, with high humidity (and it should be no more than 40%), condensation will inevitably fall both on the windows and on everything brought in from the street cold objects.

The main thing to remember is that you need to clearly understand - that condensation is equally affected by both factors: temperature and humidity. If a cold object is brought into the room from the street, its temperature and the humidity of the room can together lead to the formation of condensation (glasses in a store). If you simply lower the temperature at constant humidity - the same story, condensation will begin right in the air, fog, beloved by all drivers, will form on the highways - in the lowlands and in areas of water bodies. If you raise the humidity at a constant temperature, everything will happen exactly the same (mirror in the bathroom).

Ways to deal with "crying windows"

And since condensation is influenced by two factors (temperature and humidity), then there are two ways to combat “crying windows”.

1. Increase in temperature of the inner surface of the window.

Double-glazed window preferable to single chamber.

Check your batteries. They should be under the windows! And they should not be cut off by wide window sills, screens and other nonsense that prevent the direct flow of warm air to the glass.

Thick curtains block the access of hot air from the radiators to the windows.The solution to the problem is blinds.

2. Fighting moisture. It needs to be lowered.

High humidity can never be a consequence of normal life in an apartment. The issue is most likely due to a broken apartment hood. If the house is old, this is most likely. There are stories when, during repairs attic spaces Literally bags of long-term deposits of leaves, poplar fluff and dead pigeons had to be unloaded from the air ducts. If the house is new, perhaps one of the residents “successfully” carried out the redevelopment and crashed his refrigerator into the fume hood, there were also such stories. Check and repair the hood- this may help and the question is why they fog up window will never bother you again.

Flowers are sources of active release of moisture, which then settles on the glass. However, another suitable place Flowers usually don’t live in an apartment - they need light. It is the flowers near the window that can be the last straw in the water-air-heat balance of the apartment, which leads to the formation of condensation.

Find another place for your flowers.

An unnoticeable circumstance that greatly influences the air humidity in the room: the consequences of repairs. There are works (wallpaper, plastering, concrete) that are extremely dangerous for the humidity conditions of the apartment. Moisture that gets under the wallpaper during the process of gluing it can take several weeks to come out, depending on the amount of moisture, the type of glue and the texture of the wallpaper. Moisture after plastering works- and even more. One thing multiplies on the other, and if the apartment’s freshly plastered walls are covered with thick film-type wallpaper, the room falls outside the normal humidity range for one and a half to two months. And the worst thing is concrete works. Fresh concrete screed on the floor, laid with insulation and covered with laminate. This has been a moisture concentrator for several months.

And all this time, the only method of dealing with high humidity will be only ventilation.

If you are convinced that everything is in order with humidity, and with temperature, and with double-glazed windows, but the windows are leaking anyway, it means that you have opened some kind of new law physics. Visit the nearest branch of Sberbank - most likely, a Nobel Prize awaits you :))

And window factories have made and continue to make absolutely correct windows like proper bees - the right honey And the first thing a competent expert will take out of his pocket upon entering your apartment is a moisture meter. And if the scale displays something exceeding 50%, the problem is not with the windows and why the windows fog up is not a question for them. Window technicians won't help you. Although, honestly, we would like more than anything else for this question - about the fault of the window workers in the appearance of condensation on the windows - to be removed once and for all.

The phenomenon of “crying” windows is more or less familiar to every owner. plastic double glazed windows. However, if for some people condensation only occasionally reminds them of the need to ventilate the room, for others it becomes a real test and requires constant attention not only to the windows themselves, but also to the adjacent surfaces and the room as a whole. After all, fogged double-glazed windows - be it in a room or on a balcony or loggia - do not just “block” the view of the street. They provoke the appearance of dampness and fungus and lead to damage to the window sill coating, which occurs due to the regular presence of flowing water on it. However, what is the reason for the increased formation of condensation? Let's try to figure it out in our article.

Natural phenomena at home

From school lessons, we all remember the description of such a vital process as the water cycle in nature. One of its stages is associated with the transformation of water from a gaseous state into a liquid, an example of which in the natural environment is the fall of dew drops on the grass. Invisible water vapor contained in warm air cools as temperatures drop, turning into particles of water. Similar physical phenomenon We can also observe in the example of some windows, which, due to their tendency to fog up, were called “crying”.

Condensation occurs due to temperature differences between inside double-glazed windows and indoors. Accordingly, the colder the window surface, the greater the likelihood that drops of water will appear on it. By the way, the temperature of the window at which the vapor contained in the air is converted into liquid on the glass is called the “dew point”.

So, main reason condensation is a violation of the microclimate, a large gap between the temperature on the surface of the glass unit and inside the entire space of the room, house, loggia or balcony. At the same time, it is necessary to understand what this problem is connected with.

Experts identify several factors:

Lack of proper circulation of warm air;

Violation of ventilation;

High humidity;

Installation of low-quality and technologically imperfect windows, as well as their unprofessional installation.

In order to identify the true causes of the appearance of excess moisture, it is necessary to analyze under what circumstances it “decorates” the surface of the window and whether all structures in the house are susceptible to its formation. Any detail can play a role here, including the time of year and time of day when perspiration appears and turns into liquid, the depth of the window sill, heating parameters and access to fresh air, the presence of indoor plants and the purpose of the room.

Thaw in the winter cold

Observing the formation of condensation, you may notice that its loss is more typical of seasonal cooling. This indicates that with the onset of cold weather outside and the heating system in the house turned on, the coldest part of the house became the surface of the glass unit. That is, the heat from the heating devices either does not reach the window, or “leaves” due to some source of cold air.

If we talk about impaired circulation of warm air, here, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the operation of heating devices. Perhaps the reason is low heating parameters and then you just need to solve the issue with the heat supply. If the heating is at the proper level, then the reason for the appearance of drops on the double-glazed windows should be looked for somewhere nearby. First you need to check the window sill: probably, too much overhang is blocking the flow of heat into the window area. Protective screens on heating devices, which prevent heat from reaching the bottom of the window, which is why dew is released here. Thick curtains covering the radiators can also interfere with sufficient heating of double-glazed windows.

It also happens that heat loss is associated with the presence of “cold bridges” in the plastic. Because of them, the air temperature near the windowsill becomes lower than room temperature. In this case, the difference can reach 5-7°C. In addition, the entry of cold air occurs due to insufficient tightness in the area of ​​the vestibule, seams or lower hinge. But we will dwell on this a little later.

The windows need a breath of fresh air

The first thing fans point out is wooden windows, this is that such structures, unlike plastic ones, “breathe”. In fact, of course, it is not the wood that breathes, but the cracks through which fresh air from the street enters the room. By the way, it is in these cracks that the secret of the appearance of fabulous winter patterns on glass lies, which you definitely cannot see on high-quality plastic windows. Is it good or bad? It depends on what to prioritize - warmth and comfort in the house or ice patterns on the glass, and sometimes ice on the frame. But let's return to the issue of ventilation.

Often the cause of condensation is poor ventilation when exhaust system does not cope with its function. By the way, checking this is quite simple - just open the sash of any window and attach a sheet of paper to the opening of the hood in one of the rooms. If a stream of air presses it against decorative grille, this means that the ventilation is working properly; if not, an additional exhaust system duct needs to be installed.

Regular ventilation can also solve the problem, which will be useful not only for the windows, but also for your body. In addition, this option can be made continuous - through the organization of a permanent supply ventilation. Fresh air supply to in this case is ensured either by installing modern window structures with built-in microventilation systems, or by installing wall or window supply valves.

It is also important to ensure free passage of air through the doors of rooms, bathrooms and toilets. To do this, the distance between the floor and the bottom door leaf should be 1.5-2 cm. If there is no such gap, ventilation valves (transfer grilles) should be installed at the bottom of the doors.

wet business

Often, fogging of double-glazed windows and their subsequent “crying” is caused by increased humidity in the room. Moreover, as a rule, this is not typical for the entire living space, but specifically for that part of it where the greatest evaporation occurs. This is a kitchen - with a working kettle and a switched on stove, on which food is prepared, and insulated balconies and loggias, where clothes are dried and numerous plants are pleasing to the eye.

You can get rid of excess moisture different ways– with the help of a dehumidifier, regular ventilation, use of a hood, proper housekeeping and rational operation household appliances. So, for example, turning glazed loggia V " winter Garden"be prepared for the fact that in the absence of air circulation you will encounter the so-called" greenhouse effect“and, as a result, fogging and “crying” windows. If the air exchange is disturbed, the insulated room will also turn into a mini-sauna. glass balcony, on which clothes are dried. To avoid this, you just need to set the doors to ventilation mode and ensure full air circulation in the room.

Good windows don't cry

As mentioned above, the difference between the temperatures on the surface of the glass unit and inside the room contributes to the formation of condensation. Like morning dew, it covers the windows with perspiration, droplets of which ultimately end up on the slopes of the lower frame, and then on the window sill. This unnecessary moisture causes complete inconvenience, as it requires constant attention. Otherwise, the accumulation of liquid can lead to damage to the window sill coating and the appearance of mold and mildew, which is much more dangerous.

Often, condensation is caused by low-quality or technically deficient window systems, as well as the lack of professionalism of the employees of the company that installed them. The shortcomings include, in particular, the insufficient thickness of the double-glazed windows, chosen based on considerations of economy, and not the climatic features of the area and the operational characteristics of the windows. Thus, in winter conditions, a conventional single-chamber system will behave incomparably worse than a standard two-chamber or single-chamber system, but made of modern heat-saving material and equipped with an energy-efficient profile.

Regular “crying” will also be typical for cheap plastic windows. They are often made from low-quality raw materials and have insufficient heat-shielding properties and tightness. In addition, the same questionable quality They are distinguished by the fittings and profile system with which they are equipped, and this is a loose fit of the sashes, gaps between the frame and the glass unit and the lack of thermal insulation. Moreover, the sizes similar products and the opening intended for them may simply not coincide.

The result of all the above defects is the freezing of the window, which, being unable to “retain” heat, at the same time perfectly conducts cold street air. The result is condensation. Caused by temperature differences at the junction of air flows, it turns into a constant companion of such window structures.

Let us add that during installation poor quality windows moisture can form not only outside, but also inside the glass unit. This indicates a manufacturing defect. And about your mistake when choosing a window company.

Recipe for crying: high-quality windows and professional installation

Installing high-tech plastic windows from a reliable manufacturer will help you avoid such problems. For example, the company "Windows-Etalon", which is one of the leaders in the window market Far East, offers its customers high-quality glazing of residential spaces, as well as balconies and loggias. We are talking, in particular, about the installation of energy-efficient plastic windows in a heat-saving profile from the German concern REHAU. Modern materials, Hi-tech and professional installation make these products virtually invulnerable to natural challenges.

Windows from the Okna-Etalon company can independently regulate the temperature in the room, creating the environment in which you are most comfortable. Such unique abilities of these structures are primarily explained by the fact that their production is based on the use of i-glass. That is, glass with a multilayer coating and the finest silver coating on the surface, applied in a vacuum space and under operating conditions. magnetic field. The silver ions contained in the material allow the window to reflect long-wave heat rays towards their emitter, leaving heat where there is more of it. In other words, in summer the rays turn towards the hot street, bringing coolness into the house, and in winter they are directed towards heated rooms, thereby reducing heat loss and “returning” up to 90% of the heat waves emitted by heating devices.

Another very important technical characteristics Such double-glazed windows provide improved thermal protection performance. If for a regular double-glazed window at +20°C indoors and at an outside air temperature of -26°C the temperature on the surface of the window inside the apartment will be only +5°, then for a design with i-glass the same figure is up to +14° ( !). As you can see, the difference in temperatures is quite insignificant. This means that the likelihood of condensation, which is so characteristic of conventional window systems. By the way, in terms of thermal insulation, plastic windows with i-glass are significantly superior to their predecessors. They don't feel cold. And this also suggests that such structures will not “cry” due to the access of cold air from the street.

The profiles with which they are equipped also have high levels of thermal protection and energy efficiency. Manufactured at the factories of the famous German concern “REHAU” - a recognized world leader in the production of profile systems for modern plastic windows - they are endowed with exceptional heat-saving properties. Take, for example, the REHAU SIB profile, designed specifically to take into account the harsh climatic conditions of Siberia. His unique opportunities confirmed during tests carried out by specialists from the leading industry institute, Research Institute of Building Physics, RAASN. The experiment, carried out in a special chamber, demonstrated the unchanged performance characteristics of REHAU SIB under the influence of extreme low temperatures. In particular, at a temperature of outside windows at -42°С and +20°С – inside, as well as at elevated temperatures relative humidity≈55% of the window did not freeze and did not “cry” with condensation, excellently withstanding a temperature difference of more than 60 degrees. By the way, the material used to produce profiles under the REHAU brand is so ready to withstand the vagaries of nature that it performs equally well at temperatures from -50° to +50°C.

In addition, all REHAU profile systems have high waterproofing parameters. The double-circuit seal guarantees the tightest possible fit of the sash to the frame along the entire perimeter and 100% tightness. Thanks to this, plastic windows in the REHAU profile reliably protect the premises from drafts, and the windows from unnecessary moisture.

We also note that no matter which profile from the REHAU concern the customer chooses, he can be confident in the highest quality of the product. Control on the part of the manufacturer is very strict and involves conducting its own verification of the dimensional accuracy and quality of incoming raw materials, as well as analyzing its chemical and physical properties. In addition, internal monitoring is enhanced by the presence of independent experts, which overall ensures flawless high quality, which means the reliability and durability of windows in profile systems REHAU. By the way, the service life of structures equipped with the latest generation REHAU profile can reach 60 years, which was proven at the testing stage.

The principle “Quality in everything!” The Okna-Etalon company also adheres to this, which also controls the quality of its products at all stages of its production. For example, to produce high-quality products, the process of cutting and cutting glass at the enterprise was fully automated. It is carried out by a special automatic table. Along with dimensional accuracy, this Italian equipment provides high-quality edge processing of cut material. And this guarantees increased tightness of double-glazed windows and, of course, increases their service life. Thus, errors and shortcomings typical of manual processing are completely excluded here.

Just as excluded Negative consequences from unprofessional installation, so typical of fly-by-night companies. Unlike unscrupulous service providers who, unfortunately, are present on the local market, all employees of the Okna-Etalon company have undergone special training and have appropriate certificates. That is why the quality guarantee here extends not only to the plastic windows themselves, but also to their installation. The Okna-Etalon company values ​​its reputation.

Detailed information You can obtain information about the installation of plastic windows at the offices of our partner - the Okna-Etalon company, as well as by phone:

The most well-known disadvantage of PVC windows is fogging and condensation. Condensation flows down the glass and puddles appear on the windowsill. If neglected, this problem leads to serious consequences: the walls begin to collapse, and fungus grows on them. The air in the room becomes suffocating. Why do plastic windows leak?

Causes of condensation

There are two of them, and they act together:

Increased humidity in the room or directly in the glass area;

A sharp contrast in the temperatures of warm air and the cold surface of the package.

When heated steam comes into contact with ice glass, condensation occurs.

What causes these two conditions?

There is a single package on the window, air gap not enough to keep the inner glass warm;

Video “Why plastic windows leak and how to deal with it”:

The sealing of the windows is broken. Due to poor-quality installation or due to shrinkage of the house, there are gaps between the frame and the walls of the opening. Through the cracks, cold outside air flows to the glass;

Too much deep window sill overlaps the radiator located underneath it. Convection currents do not reach the glass;

Thick curtains can also be the reason why plastic windows leak - they prevent free convection;

Poor ventilation in the apartment. Sometimes, after installing new windows, residents, by inertia, continue to ventilate the room in the same mode as before. Previously, when there were old drafty windows, this was enough. New sealed structures “do not breathe”, there is no natural ventilation, and humidity does not decrease.

Humidity is increased due to various reasons:

Vapors come from the kitchen, bathroom;

From indoor flowers on the windowsill;

Do you regularly dry wet mittens on a radiator;

Recently renovated, dehydrated Decoration Materials: putties, emulsion paints, wallpaper glue, etc.

What to do when windows leak

Replace the package with a double one. This is not a case where you can save money;

Check the junction of the frames to the slopes for the presence of cracks.

Advice: if the cracks are not visible to the naked eye, and the draft is not clearly visible, you can test the perimeter with a lit match.

If the installation was carried out recently, call the experts so that they can eliminate their own shortcomings;

If there is nowhere to turn and the plastic windows are leaking, seal the cracks with foam yourself. It also makes sense to insulate the external slopes with foam plastic;

Ensure adequate ventilation: supply valves, fan or air conditioner with dehumidification function, regular ventilation in intensive mode;

Close doors to the kitchen when preparing food and to the bathroom;

Do not keep near windows indoor flowers and other sources of moisture;

Replace the window sill if it is too wide, ensuring a free flow of warm air to the glass.

If wooden windows leak

New window structures made of wood are constructed in the same way as plastic ones, and wooden windows also flow. And their frame coating is often airtight. Although it is believed that wood “breathes,” a new wooden window is the same hermetically sealed chamber as PVC. Accordingly, the prerequisites for fogging are the same.

Or the owners took too much care in sealing the old window, sealed it and completely filled all the cracks, joints, holes with sealants, insulation, sealants and foam. The result was a handmade imitation of an airtight window design This is what causes double glazed windows and windows to leak.

This is not as paradoxical as it seems. When there are Soviet-era frames with holes in the openings, the house is cold. Because of this, you decided to replace windows in our difficult times of crisis.

The house is cold because natural ventilation: through the cracks the air is renewed, vapors escape, there is no strong contrast between room and street temperatures. And new windows (or carefully sealed old ones) prevent free air exchange, that is:

Couples remain in the room;

The house is hot;

And at the same time, cold air can flow to the glass itself; there are “cold bridges”.

If wooden windows leak, it is worse than PVC. Wood collects moisture and swells. If fungus on the walls is completely treatable, then a damaged, deformed, cracked frame can only be replaced.

To prevent this from happening, you need to remove insulation, seals, and sealants from the frames and thoroughly dry the window construction hairdryer. And after that, proceed to full-fledged, well-thought-out thermal insulation of the opening.

The article discusses why plastic and wooden windows leak and methods for solving this problem. The main thing is not to waste time and follow all the recommendations as quickly as possible.

Condensation on windows is a common problem. Getting rid of it is not so easy. But this must be done. Constant moisture on window blocks, slopes, window sills leads to the appearance of fungus. Which is also difficult to get rid of. It is important to note that condensation on windows, like people's temperatures, is not a problem, but an indicator of a problem that needs to be identified and corrected. The reasons may vary.

Causes and methods of eliminating condensation on windows.

This problem arose with the advent of plastic windows. Houses were built with exhaust ventilation, which extracts air from the rooms, and air entered the rooms from the cracks of unsealed wooden windows. This is how constant ventilation took place. After installing plastic sealed windows, air flow through the cracks does not occur and moisture accumulates in the room. The most common cause of condensation on windows ishigh indoor humidity.

Elimination of high humidity in the room.

High humidity can be permanent or temporary.

Constant humidity can be:

  • because of bad work exhaust ventilation. The cause is a clogged ventilation grille or ventilation duct. To check, take a paper napkin and apply it to ventilation grille. If the napkin, after applying it, stays on the grill and does not fall, then the ventilation is good. Otherwise, it is necessary to clean the ventilation duct;
  • high humidity may be present due to faulty plumbing equipment. This is a leak in water supply or heating pipes. After repairing the leak, the humidity in the room will decrease;
  • also if warm, dry air from the radiator does not reach the window. The window sill should not cover the battery by more than ⅓ of it. Thick curtains and blinds should not interfere with the flow of heat from the radiator. From large quantity flowers with wet soil on the windowsill in the winter-autumn period, it is better to get rid of them. Remove window sills from large objects that block the passage of warm air. Do not cover the radiator;
  • lack of room ventilation;
  • presence of a large aquarium;
  • a constantly running humidifier located near a window.

Temporary humidity can be:

  • during renovation of the premises (wallpapering, plastering and painting work);
  • in the autumn-spring period, when there is high air humidity outside, and during this period there is no heating in the room. It is possible to cope with condensation during this period if you install the heater so that the warm air is directed towards the window;
  • during prolonged cooking, when a lot of moisture evaporates;
  • boiling laundry;
  • long-term operation of the steam generator, iron with steamer;
  • drying large amounts of laundry indoors.

All of the above circumstances are the causes of increased humidity in the room. And as a result of condensation on the windows. Having installed normal humidity indoors, condensation on the windows will disappear.

Another reason for condensation on windows may bepoor installation window unit, as well as a defective or damaged window unit during transportation and installation.

Elimination of condensation on windows, the cause of which is the double-glazed window itself.

It should be noted here that when choosing plastic windows, you should give preference to two-chamber or three-chamber double-glazed windows. Thermal insulation properties They have significantly higher than single-chamber double-glazed windows. This choice can eliminate the problem of condensation.

If the reason is a defective double-glazed window, then you need to contact the company that installed the double-glazed window for you.

Also the reason may be poor-quality installation, lack of polyurethane foam for complete sealing of the glass unit and the presence of unsealed cracks in the slopes. Once these shortcomings are eliminated, the condensation problem will also be solved.


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