Accurate horoscope for Aquarius man for the year. Finances in the Year of the Rooster Aquarius

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The horoscope for 2017 does not foretell any serious shocks for Aquarius - very optimistic against the background of astrological forecasts for other signs of the Zodiac, most of which are predicted to be unstable and turbulent events throughout the year. Aquarius, on the contrary, will spend the Year of the Rooster relatively calmly and moderately active.

The only thing that will require close attention from Aquarius is their own perception in the first half of the year. The stars warn that during this period of time Aquarius will be prone to excessive pettiness and pickiness towards others.

Minor mistakes of others will begin to infuriate Aquarius, provoking criticism, discontent and conflicts.

However, this desire for accuracy will also be reflected in positive side– increased attention to detail will allow Aquarius to do the work carefully and scrupulously, avoiding mistakes and shortcomings.

The second half of 2017 will relieve Aquarius of excessive pickiness, but will retain the desire for precision and clarity. In all areas of his activity, be it creativity, career or personal life, it will be easier for Aquarius to act according to pre-developed templates, rather than try to invent something new. This conservative approach for Aquarius in 2017 will serve him well and bring him success.

Love horoscope for 2017 Aquarius

The stars inform Aquarius that, especially in the first half of the year, he will have many chances to create and develop romantic relationships, and the result will largely depend on himself. However, due to its perception, this zodiac sign is able to either not notice such chances or not take advantage of them.

In addition, the first half of the year can complicate the dating process for Aquarius due to the increased desire of this zodiac sign for specifics, and love tends to communicate with a smile and glances. Those Aquarians who already have a significant other are at risk of tension in their relationships due to their excessive meticulousness and criticism. A tendency to exaggerate can create problems out of the blue and look for non-existent shortcomings.

Despite all of the above, Aquarius, if desired, can easily cope with bouts of negativity. This will only benefit him in relationships with the opposite sex. The sociability of this zodiac sign will provide a variety of acquaintances, and a serious attitude will contribute not to fleeting hobbies, but to long-term and promising relationships.

Career 2017 Aquarius

In the year of the Rooster, the Aquarius career horoscope will provide him with an effective ability to achieve his goals systematically, purposefully and slowly. The tenacity of this zodiac sign, combined with scrupulousness and meticulousness, will bring him success in 2017 in all matters that require increased attention to detail and thoughtful, competent actions.

Aquarius will move towards the intended goal in small steps. Particularly successful in the first half of the year for this zodiac sign will be tasks that require the need to calculate the development of the situation in advance. This could include various technical issues, planning, training, clerical work, and day-to-day activities.

The same tasks that require original creative approach, the stars recommend that Aquarius postpone it until a later period. The most favorable time will be from the beginning to the end of autumn 2017. But even during this period, it would be nice for Aquarius to play it safe by discussing with colleagues their extraordinary approaches to solving problems, since the stars recommend conservative methods of solution to this zodiac sign. By acting differently, he may lose his footing.

But it is better for Aquarius to postpone questions that require a creative or, even more so, innovative approach until later. In 2017 the most best time for them - from September to November, but even then Aquarius should play it safe by bringing their creative plans to the discussion of colleagues. The fact is that the stars incline Aquarius in the year of the Rooster to act in conservative, proven ways. Going beyond these limits in 2017 risks losing ground.

Finances in the Year of the Rooster Aquarius

In order to stay afloat and get rich in the year of the Rooster, individuals born under the sign of Aquarius will have to show all their talents. Some of the Aquarians may decide to marry a wealthy person, others will decide to improve their financial situation through fraud and forgery, as well as through bribes, which the stars strongly advise against doing.

It’s absolutely not worth it for Aquarius to spend money, since already in autumn period There will be a real opportunity to purchase real estate for the whole family. During this period, you should expect help from your family and friends, who will help Aquarius free of charge.

Health in the year of the Rooster Aquarius

People of this zodiac sign are somewhat careless about own health, believing that nothing threatens their strong body. This is not entirely true, which means that with the connivance of Aquarius himself, treacherous weather will definitely find a loophole in the strong immunity of these people. In addition, due to regular drinking, problems with the liver or kidneys may unexpectedly appear, which may even require hospitalization for this person. It is important to avoid overeating and food poisoning.

Horoscope 2017 Aquarius man

Aquarius men will also be able to arrange their lives in the year of the Rooster. True, for this they will have to fight off the woman they love from their rivals by arranging romantic dates and giving expensive gifts. In the summer, these people need to control their behavior and not run into rudeness, because otherwise there is a risk of injury and spending the end of the year in the hospital. By the way, December 2017 will be successful for those Aquarius men who decide to change jobs.

Horoscope 2017 Aquarius woman

The stars advise hot women of the Aquarius sign to complete the things they start and not to abandon them halfway, because otherwise these women will not be able to achieve harmony and will suffer from instability. Aquarius women may miss the love of their life in the spring if they follow the principle and do not want to understand their loved one. Also, you should not deceive a person while in a relationship with him or cheat on him, because very soon the partner will find out about the betrayal anyway.

Horoscope for 2017 for zodiac-eastern signs:


It may not be strange, but the well-being of many Aquarius will depend on their selflessness and willingness to come to help even strangers. The support provided by that person will not go unnoticed and Aquarius will return his actions a hundredfold.


This person has a great risk of missing out on all the prospects of this year, spending it in a hospital ward, but only if he does not pay attention in time to the condition of his body, namely the lower extremities. Surgery may be necessary.


A difficult and largely changeable year awaits these Aquarians. You need to be prepared for the fact that close person or a business partner may betray or fail to provide support when needed. It’s better to rely only on yourself from the beginning of the year.


This year is suitable for achieving harmony with yourself and reconciling with those people who Aquarius once offended. If this person is sincere in his intentions, he can return lost feelings and even restore the family that he himself destroyed.


A happy year awaits those born under the sign of Aquarius. These individuals will be successful in financial transactions and will be able to quickly get rich by reselling or trading. But the stars categorically do not recommend engaging in financial scams and frauds.


In order to maintain a relationship with his loved one, Aquarius, born in the year of the Snake, will need to give up his principles and give his partner a chance to improve. Particularly categorical Aquarians will part with their loved ones.


By paying more attention to their health, perhaps taking care of themselves and getting rid of bad habits, these Aquarians will feel in good shape again. An Aquarius' health problem can become quite acute and end up in the hospital.


The stars warn this person that Aquarius should not become a tyrant in his family or work team. If he does not stop demanding the impossible from those around him and harassing him with reproaches, he will lose his respect,


When engaging in any business, a representative of the Aquarius sign must cast doubts aside. The indecisiveness of some individuals of this zodiac sign will close their doors upward. career ladder and will not allow you to feel the happiness of love.


From the very beginning of the year, such people should devote more time to their household, especially their own children. It should be understood that it is important for relatives not only to provide them with finances, but also to care and participate in their lives.


Trying to build your happiness on the misfortune of other people will not lead to anything good. Once in love triangle, Aquarius should abandon decisive steps to win a partner, since this will not bring happiness.


Such people should monitor their behavior throughout this period and carefully monitor safety precautions. The year ahead will be very alarming, because Aquarius will be prone to injuries.

You have all the necessary abilities and opportunities to become happy and deserve universal recognition. Let your talents shine!

Changes will occur that will further show your a strong character. Let Sunbeam within you illuminates the path even on cloudy days. Your patron Uranus will help in difficult times and suggest a solution. It's time to take a fresh look at your life and do what needs to be done.

Love, family, friendship for Aquarius in 2017:

Love: A novel with a sequel

Disagreements over trivial matters can lead to conflicts over more serious issues. Even if you are right, if you stubbornly stand your ground, you make the situation worse. In January-February it will generally be difficult to find a compromise, especially on financial issues. If you feel that the conversation is not going well, it is better to move it to another topic. Now is not the time to sort things out.

In spring, do not give in to temptations and do not leave your familiar surroundings. During this period, it is best to take care of personal affairs and solve common household issues. You will finally be able to agree and do an important common thing. Lonely Aquarians in late spring - early summer can make interesting acquaintances. Whether the romance will last depends on your behavior and mood. There is no need to pretend to be something; an invented image will push your partner away. Only a friendly and sincere attitude will help strengthen your union. But in the fall you can splurge. Fans will pay more attention to the external picture, but they will not be able to establish a long-term relationship.

Family: heartfelt conversation

The loved ones you help will be very grateful. On their part it is probable material aid. In March, quarrels in the family are possible. The reason will be accumulated and unspoken irritation. Have a heart-to-heart talk, this will help avoid conflict.

At the end of spring, Venus harmonizes relationships with those with whom you were in a quarrel. This is very good period for reconciliation. Be very attentive to the needs of older relatives; at the end of the year they may need your support.

Friendship: go with the flow

Your immediate environment will change. People you know well will surprise you and make you think about the prospects for future relationships.

Suddenly, people will appear in your life with whom you have long and, as it seemed, parted forever. We will have to interact again, look for common ground. Those people whom you consider like-minded people will bring a lot of worries. Don't try to overcome circumstances, just go with the flow. Those people who are loyal to you will remain close. Those who are afraid of difficulties and leave are not worth your pity.

Aquarius health in 2017:

movement is life

Try to protect yourself as much as possible from negative news, at least in the first ten days of the year. The only thing that seriously threatens your health during this period is psychosomatic diseases. Maintain inner balance, learn meditation and visualization. Mentally create a cocoon of calm around yourself.

From the beginning of June, internal energy will increase, but in the summer months there is a risk of allergies. During this period, you need to carefully monitor your diet and drink more water.

Those for whom the problem is relevant excess weight, can go on a diet (it is best to do this in mid-August). If you have the willpower, start running in the morning. At the very end of the year, take care of yourself, there is a high risk of colds.

Career, work, business for Aquarius in 2017:

Stay in touch

Be careful what you say, especially at the beginning of the year. Your words may be misinterpreted and this will affect your career.
Large expenses are likely in spring. But not all purchases will be successful (at this time it is better not to purchase jewelry or outfits). Now it would be good to keep track of all income and expenses. Moreover, it is not safe to spend money this year; money will slip through your fingers. In the summer, be more careful about those you work with. Even if you are confident in your companion, check all important documents and papers for him.

Closer to autumn, competitors may become more active. If you want to get a promotion, pay attention to partners from afar. Communicate with them, enter into contracts. As soon as it appears free time, improve your skills or learn a new profession. Even if you don’t intend to change anything yet, extra knowledge won’t hurt. Very soon there will be an opportunity to change a lot and apply knowledge in practice. Keep your finger on the pulse of events, now you can’t fall out of life.

Aquarius woman in 2017

She will go where her heart takes her and embark on the journey of her dreams.

Aquarius man in 2017

He will give up unnecessary business, gain even more freedom and meet his love.

Aquarius child in 2017

Beware, experiment! He will have to grow up and develop those traits that are now missing. Summer is the time for experiments. The baby will rush from one hobby to another. This is also a time of learning. The child will become assiduous. But don’t expect fantastic success from him; look realistically at his capabilities.

Rating 5

In accordance with the laws of the Universe, the old always comes to be replaced by the new. The same applies to the cycle of nature. 2017 will appear on the calendar very soon. And the lord of the year, the Rooster, will bring it on red fiery wings. And what exactly this bright bird will bring to the zodiac sign Aquarius can be learned from astrologers and participants in the popular television show..

Summary 5.0 excellent

Horoscope for 2017: Aquarius

In accordance with the laws of the Universe, the old always comes to be replaced by the new. The same applies to the cycle of nature. It will appear on the calendar very soon 2017. And the lord of the year, the Rooster, will bring it on red fiery wings. And what exactly this bright bird will bring can be found out from astrologers and participants in the popular television show "".

General horoscope for Aquarius for 2017

All the attention of those around the zodiac Aquarius in 2017 will be directed to the manifestation of his bright “figure”. The archetypal sign has never manifested itself as strongly as it will be expressed now.

Astrologers, speaking about the Fire Rooster, they indicate that a brighter manifestation of one’s own “I” will be characteristic of everyone born under zodiac sign Aquarius in the first weeks of the year. It is during this period of time that representatives of the sign of Aquarius will not treat everything in their traditional manner. This applies to both relationships with the opposite sex and communication with people around Aquarius. Aquarius will also display this attitude towards business and financial issues.

All people born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius will easily and quickly open up to new ideas and hobbies. There will be a lot of new acquaintances. Aquarius will have more friends in 2017 than ever before. And we are talking about both women and men.

There is a high probability of striving for intellectual communication with other people. They will literally need understanding. Without him, Aquarius will have a very difficult time and Vital energy will begin to decrease.

Astrologers and former participants in the popular television project on TNT “” claim that the stars just so happened that in 2017 the entire nature of Aquarius will tilt towards romantic relationships. Even though representatives of this sign have never tried on the mask of a spouse before, this time it will come in handy. For the sake of their partner, Aquarians will even be ready for equality.

Interestingly, another discovery for those born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius is the emergence of a feeling of gratitude towards those people who previously did something for them. Now Aquarius will feel gratitude towards them and may even develop an emotional attachment.

If you follow the compiled astrological horoscope for the entire 2017, then the last eight months in this time period will be literally oversaturated with various kinds of events. Everything that happens will be connected with close friends and the implementation of once-conceived plans. Some dreams may come true, but you will have to seriously fight for them.

Aquarius will need all the strength and time. This is the only way for representatives of this sign to achieve what they want. Otherwise, they are likely to fail.

Astrologers also say about those born under the sign of Aquarius that in 2017 people in this category may become interested in metaphysical questions. They can even get education related to this field.

Fire Rooster warns: that in 2017, representatives of the sign of Aquarius may encounter an unconventional religion, will spend a lot of time with sorcerers, and will also often turn to esotericists for help.

Career, money and work of Aquarius in 2017

After the participants of a popular television project in the territory Russian Federation"" together with astrologers compiled a general forecast for 2017; it would be terrible if they ignored the issue of career and finances. In this section of the article we will talk about the material side of the issue and successes in work.

In the year of the Fire Rooster, all financial resources that will pass through the hands of the zodiac Aquarius will be drawn through Jupiter and Neptune. And even despite the fact that previously the planet Jupiter was among the representatives Ancient world was considered a planet that brings happiness and worldly goods to everyone who comes under its influence, astrologers say that in 2017 it will mean something completely different for Aquarius. The patronage of the “planet of universal happiness” promises difficulties in the financial sector. This is due to the fact that the planet is located in an opposition position to Uranus. This is exactly the kind of interaction that will bring to representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius heavy expenses and unexpected costs.

The Fire Rooster says that Aquarius may have problems with credit obligations, alimony debts, inheritance or taxes.

Astrologers and psychics in the city of St. Petersburg are confident that the best position regarding finances in 2017 for Aquarius is not to give anything to anyone and not to borrow anything from anyone.

As for work issues and careers, in 2017 the beneficial Saturn will patronize Aquarius in this area. So no difficulties are expected in the workplace. Your career will be as stable as possible.

If we take into account the fact that all three planets together will create a very favorable contour from an astrological point of view, so even if there are losses in material terms, they will not seriously hit the pockets of representatives of the zodiac sign of Aquarius.

Also from the horoscope for 2017 for Aquarius, one can emphasize the fact that he will earn very good money in the year of the Fire Rooster. But this only applies to those representatives of the sign who devote themselves entirely to art and art. So, for example, success in money issue will be waiting for all Aquarius-poets, Aquarius-musicians and Aquarius-artists. You should also expect material miracles in more mundane professions:

  • those who have devoted themselves to chemistry for the rest of their lives;
  • employee of medical institutions;
  • people involved in photography;
  • as well as more subtle specialists: narcologists and psychologists.

Generally speaking, all Aquarians who have dedicated themselves to serving the people will experience true success.

People born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius should expect the arrival of monetary currency directly from loved ones in 2017. This could be monetary influence in Aquarius’s business from close friends, or material benefits will come to Aquarius from marriage partners.

Concerning career growth, then for a given zodiac sign it will manifest itself only in such workers who have dedicated themselves to:

  • jurisprudence;
  • pedagogy;
  • cultural and educational activities;
  • political figures.

Relations within the team will be very, very cool, because they will influence general activities in the workplace of Aquarius there will be an absolutely lonely Moon in the zodiac sign of air.

Love horoscope for Aquarius for 2017

The Fire Rooster will bring incredible changes to everyone born under zodiac sign of Aquarius in 2017. In the coming year, the fickle and loving Mercury will take on the role of the angel of love.

Aquarius will find their one and only soulmate in the first months of 2017. The happiness and joy that so suddenly fell on the head of the zodiac Aquarius will force him to reconsider his previously formed views on romantic relationship basically. As soon as Aquarius begins to show confidence in personal relationships, he will have it in all other areas of life.

The fiery Rooster also hints that in 2017, the zodiac Aquarius will also have a walk to the altar. Most people in this category will want to make their relationship legal and will confidently move towards the nearest registry office.

There is a huge possibility that for some zodiac Aquarians, relationships with the opposite sex will become something of an epiphany or hobby that will reveal a completely different side. For example, a person born under this zodiac sign may discover something in himself that he had not even suspected before (a craving for tantric sex, body painting or BDSM).

But the series of romantic meetings and love torments will end after six months. After all, the second half of the year for the zodiac Aquarius will be very difficult and completely devoid of the usual Good luck. It should also be noted that all marriages that will be concluded at the beginning of the year will be incredibly strong and harmonious. Some partners that people swarming under the zodiac sign of Aquarius will encounter in the new year 2017 will change the life of Aquarius completely. They literally turn it upside down. Even the closest people could not expect such a transformation from people of this category.

Family and relationships of Aquarius in 2017

Despite the fact that the Fire Red Rooster is a proud and bright bird, it does not foretell anything new for the representatives zodiac sign Aquarius in their relationships with relatives and loved ones.

All the forces of Aquarius will be thrown into improving and creating the maximum comfortable conditions for your stay in shared housing. He will do everything to ensure that every centimeter matches his taste.

Some astrologers argue that it is likely that the designer transformation of the home will be expressed in stylish Hi-Tech. Aquarius can also spend his last money on purchasing the latest plasma panel or other equipment, which, in his opinion, will make the house better and more pleasant.

However, the Fire Rooster still hid one piece of news for representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius - in his wanderings around the house, the hero of the article may stumble upon a skeleton that has long been hidden in the depths of the closet. For example, it could be a secret that relatives have been hiding from him for decades. The information received can be directly related to both close relatives and their tricks, and to distant family representatives.

Psychics also claim that quarrels and unclear relationships between relatives and Aquarius are possible due to differences in financial matters. All this may have a connection to older relatives. Which is not surprising, but in 2017 Aquarius’s relatives will suspect him of all the sins of hell.

An outlet for representatives zodiac sign Aquarius will communicate with their children. They are the ones who will bring harmony to the life of Aquarius, who is entangled in family feuds. With children of any age everything will be smooth and sweet. Aquarius will find without much difficulty mutual language with any child, his communication with his children will bring only positive emotions, Aquarius will be charged with joyful energy and will receive great pleasure from relaxing together.

Aquarius health in 2017

Clairvoyants and other participants in the popular television project on the TNT channel claim that Aquarius in 2017 may have a very risky situation regarding his physical health. There is a high chance that he will become anemic. It is for this very reason that you should be as careful as possible about your diet and lifestyle. You should also not overexert yourself. Otherwise, everything could end very badly.

The Red-feathered Rooster advises everyone born under the zodiac sign of Aquarius to enter into large quantities add vitamins and iron to your diet.

It is very important to undergo a medical examination at the end of January and beginning of February. You will also need to be as careful as possible about your gastrointestinal tract. As for the fairer sex, astrologers recommend that they also visit a mammologist in the same time period.

What do you think? Does it make sense to turn directly to astrology and representatives of the world of extrasensory perception and clairvoyance? How often do your horoscopes come true? Do you believe them?

Let the sunbeam within you light the way even on cloudy days. Your patron Uranus will help in difficult times and suggest a solution. It's time to take a fresh look at your life and do what needs to be done.

Forecast for Aquarius by time of year


The flame of creativity gradually flares up, you feel a surge of strength and enthusiasm. Load yourself less with things. This is a time for inspiration and creative exploration.


This is a period of error correction, correct conclusions and the return of what was lost. While you have time, work on your mistakes. Don't spare any effort, you will be able to do more than you expected.


Much seems unclear. Moon eclipse in your
sign (August 7) ​​will present you with a tricky and unusual task. It won't be easy, but you'll handle it just fine.


Look for like-minded people, explore new horizons. You need not just an assistant, but also a mentor. Otherwise, you will get confused in the labyrinth of things that you invent for yourself.

Kaleidoscope of happy days

You have all the necessary abilities and opportunities to become happy and deserve universal recognition. Let your talents shine!

✓ Love: a novel with a sequel

At the end of spring, Venus harmonizes relationships with those with whom you were in a quarrel. This is a very good period for reconciliation. Be very attentive to the needs of older relatives; at the end of the year they may need your support.

✓ Friendship: go with the flow

Your immediate environment will change. People you know well will surprise you and make you think about the prospects for future relationships. Suddenly, people will appear in your life with whom you have long and, as it seemed, parted forever.

We will have to interact again, look for common ground. Those people whom you consider like-minded people will bring a lot of worries. Don't try to overcome circumstances, just go with the flow.

Those people who are loyal to you will stay by your side. Those who are afraid of difficulties and leave are not worth your pity.

✓ Health: movement is life

Try to protect yourself as much as possible from negative news, at least in the first ten days of the year. The only thing that seriously threatens your health during this period is psychosomatic illnesses. Maintain inner balance, learn meditation and visualization. Mentally create a cocoon of calm around yourself.

From the beginning of June, internal energy will increase, but in the summer months there is a risk of allergies. During this period, you need to carefully monitor your diet and drink more water.

Will appear at the end of the year unique opportunity make an interesting trip. Don't hesitate, hit the road!

Born from January 21 to January 31

The troubled time has passed, you are confidently walking along the bright side of the street. However, if you relax, you can easily fall under the influence of a stupid person. Stay alert to what's happening and don't be too hard on yourself. At the end of autumn, pleasant changes await you in your personal life. Just not the ones you expect.

Born from February 1 to February 10

Before you start anything, make sure you are doing the right thing. Until June, you tend to make hasty decisions. It’s hard to swim against the current, but you can overcome everything and catch a fair wind. Forward to adventure! Don't stop until you feel inspired.

Born from February 11 to 19

Do not give away your intentions in any way and be more reserved. Until you have accumulated enough information and feel confident, hide. Something extraordinary will happen in your life an important event, which you may not at first attach importance to. So as not to miss important point, focus on intuition. She will give you a sign when it is time to act.

Forecast for men

The Aquarius man will give up unnecessary business, gain even more freedom and meet his love.

You already for a long time dealt with an issue that had lost its relevance. Now you will find the strength to give it up.

In spring, there will be less fuss and work to do, and you will be able to more realistically assess the situation. Calmly and confidently face the truth, do not lie to yourself and make a serious decision. If you do everything right, a miracle will happen. You will feel that by giving up what you thought was important, you will become free. More opportunities and strength will appear.

Autumn will spin you around in the dance of falling leaves and bring love with it. The feeling will develop gradually. You will begin to look closely at your partner for a long time, perhaps even check her, but at the end of the year you will understand that this person was sent to you by fate and you do not intend to refuse such a generous gift.

Born from January 21 to January 30

Short but burdensome worries will bother you until the beginning of summer. There will come a time when you decide to make drastic changes. You are at the start of a new life. It is extremely important now to remain true to your convictions. Then everything will work out the way you need. And there will be someone nearby who will always understand and support.

Born from February 1 to February 10

Indecision is your enemy in business and personal life. The slightest difficulties can unsettle you at the beginning of the year. But with the beginning of spring, new perspectives will appear, and you will easily part with your previous goals and objectives. And even with those people with whom you have had a long relationship. But all changes will be for the better, you have nothing to worry about.

Born from February 11 to February 20

One date follows another, but it doesn’t make you happy. Stop and think about what you really want. If you are not yet ready to make a decision, do not give in to the pressure of your loved ones. At the end of summer, be sure to rest, preferably alone, this will help you sort everything out. By the beginning of winter, expect a new addition to the family.

Forecast for Aquarius born in the year...

The traffic light of life lights up yellow light: Rest a little and start preparing for the start.


1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

Don't be confused by the fact that the movement is too slow. For now, there is no need to rush for more successful colleagues. Start only those relationships in which you are confident. This is a time of gaining experience.


1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

You have every chance to succeed. But for this you will have to work hard and change something in your life. Do not be afraid of anything, but do not go straight, but take roundabout paths. You will find what you need in the most unusual place.


1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

Plans, ideas, bold proposals - this is the basis of the coming year. Be in the thick of things and share your dreams. Unite people around you. Among them there will be someone who will become the most important person in your life.

A rabbit

1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

Encourage those around you right now. There is so much energy that it is enough for several people. Dedicate this year to yourself. Pamper, entertain, give gifts. And get more rest. You
deserve it!


1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

You are too much of an addict. In pursuit of profit, you can run past an important person. Stay calm, then you will be able to find what you have been looking for and see something that will surprise you.


1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

Share your success with those who helped you. Pay off debts, return what does not belong to you. And remember, now you are clearing the way for new events. There is no need to make any sudden movements or change anything yet.


1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

Even if you feel overwhelmed by your strength, don’t take risks. Now it’s better to wait, look around and calculate everything again. Otherwise, you will become a hostage to your own illusions. Pay attention to detail.


1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

Good luck awaits you. But not at all where you expected. Everything will turn upside down, and you will have to join the game that fate plays. However, if you are lazy, you will lose a lot. Be prudent and do not take unnecessary risks.


1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

A dizzying takeoff awaits you. Take safety precautions once you reach the peak. Do not do or take anything that is in excess. And do not strive to go where the path is closed to you. Be happy with what you get.


1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

This year all your connections will come in handy. Opportunities will surround you anywhere and everywhere. Connect your friends and don't miss a single chance. Spin, run and enjoy the endless change of impressions.


1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006

Be generous and avoid excesses. This is the year of comprehending the highest wisdom, finding oneself. If you decide to make changes, then be consistent. Even if others don't believe in your luck, go ahead and win.


1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007

You will be able to recognize the plans of those who set traps for you, and you will come out with honor even from the most difficult situation. Tenacity and perseverance are all you need this year. There are no obstacles that you cannot overcome.

Children's horoscope

Beware, experiment! He will have to grow up and develop those traits that are now missing. Summer is the time for experiments. The baby will rush from one hobby to another. This is also a time of learning. The child will become assiduous. But don’t expect fantastic success from him; look realistically at his capabilities.

The patron of 2017, the Fire Rooster, is very favorable to Aquarius. For representatives of this sign, 2017 will be marked by a creative breakthrough, great achievements, as in professional field, and in the field interpersonal relationships. Aquarians will be able to achieve their goals thanks to their organizational skills and creative thinking. They will not overwork themselves or take on extra responsibility, but at the same time they will non-standard approach to solve problems will help Aquarius easily and naturally cope with all the current circumstances. Aquarians are very sociable and sociable; they easily and quickly find an approach to any person, which is an indispensable quality in team work. Self-realization, the development of their abilities and talents, which will bring them a good income in the near future, will be in the foreground for Aquarius in 2017. The rooster will give you a lot excellent opportunities and the perspectives that make you you will succeed and get what you have been striving for so hard and for a long time. With highly developed sociability, Aquarians are not used to shouting around about their problems and feelings. They are great at hiding their thoughts and emotions from others. This feature of the representatives of this sign will play a big role in their lives over time. They will act secretly, without telling anyone about their plans, and when the result is ready, they will greatly surprise those around them.

Horoscope for 2017 Aquarius woman

Aquarius women are creatures with a very fine mental organization. They are very successful in their activities, friendly, but also very vulnerable. This makes them even more charming and attractive than they actually are. 2017 will bring representatives of this sign many new acquaintances, adventures and romantic encounters. But practical Aquarius women will put the interests of their loved ones first. For their sake, they will strive for success and financial independence. The most successful side will be in 2017 creative activity or business. It is in this direction that Aquarius should work in the year of the Rooster. They will be full of strength and energy, which will allow them to solve problems of any complexity, overcome obstacles and build their own lives the way they want. Luck will smile on women born under this sign throughout their journey. The stars advise not to get too immersed in everyday work and to always find ways for emotional and physical release. Avoid negative and pessimistic personalities, try to communicate and spend your time with them less. They will suck all the energy out of you and interfere with your self-realization.

Horoscope for 2017 Aquarius man

Men born under this sign and accustomed to solving their problems through intermediaries will be tied to one place. Perhaps it will be work with documentation or something like that, but they need to rest from routine work, and rest actively and cheerfully. Despite the monotony of the work, it will bring you many pleasant bonuses, which could be a salary increase or promotion. But in order to increase productivity and entrepreneurship, Aquarius is recommended to have a good workout from time to time. These could be sports hobbies, vacations outside the city with family or friends, traveling and visiting. In 2017, Aquarians will rethink their entire lives, work on mistakes, their worldview will change and life values, along with which will change and the world. You have great inclinations, excellent abilities and acumen, and the energetic Rooster will throughout the entire period give you new ideas and opportunities that you just have to catch in time and take advantage of them.

Horoscope for 2017 for the zodiac sign Aquarius is a generalized astrological forecast for 2017 for typical representatives of the zodiac sign Aquarius. For a more accurate representation of the events of 2017, we recommend compiling personal horoscope for 2017. By ordering an individual astrological forecast for 2017, you will receive an accurate analysis of planetary aspects and their impact on your destiny throughout 2017. This is a significant advantage in the form of guidance that allows you to manage events more rationally, taking optimal solutions to achieve the desired goals.
- Horoscopes for 2017 for zodiac signs:


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