Subtleties of installing external slopes for plastic windows. Finishing windows from the outside How to cover plastic windows from the street

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When installing a plastic window, as a rule, window hole loses its attractiveness. In this case, potholes, cracks, and remnants of polyurethane foam appear. What to do?

There is a simple way out - to make high-quality external slopes. To do this, it is enough to choose the right installation material and perform work using existing technologies.

Let us dwell in more detail on issues related to the finishing of external slopes.

Purpose of external slopes

Coating inside window opening, which protects the window profile from influence environment, is called a slope. Conventionally, based on location, it is customary to distinguish external and. Although they are parts of the window opening, each has its own function.

The main functions of external slopes include:

  • giving the glass unit an attractive appearance. High quality window design should not be adjacent to a broken wall;
  • increasing the level of thermal and sound insulation. Without high-quality slopes, it is impossible to create the necessary tightness of double-glazed windows, which means that the room will not be protected from the street;
  • protection of the window frame from environmental influences. A well-equipped slope protects the mounting elements of the structure from corrosion; in addition, the possibility of freezing and fogging of the glass unit is reduced. In any case, a protected window frame lasts longer, which means it does not need to be repaired or replaced frequently.

When installing plastic windows, installers rarely finish the outer slopes at the same time. This work is significantly more expensive than installation and is performed separately.

The sun destroys the foam


It is better not to put off finishing the external slopes for too long. Firstly, unprotected polyurethane foam has no strength, and secondly, it will have a bad effect on the condition of the window frame.

About materials

All materials for slopes create their own decorative appearance and different levels of protection for the glass unit.

When finishing, the advantages and disadvantages of materials must be taken into account. Typically, the following materials are used for finishing work on external slopes.

  1. Plaster mixture.

A long-known method is plastering. The plaster mixture is prepared from different compositions.For exterior work, you cannot use a mixture with gypsum, as it absorbs moisture and then crumbles.

The advantages of the plaster mixture include:

  • the ability to cover any surface;
  • economic benefit;
  • high resistance to moisture penetration.

Owners of plastic windows note the following disadvantages of plastered slopes:

  • high labor intensity and duration of work. The solution is applied in layers;

  • Low thermal insulation qualities of plaster can lead to freezing of slopes. In addition, condensation may accumulate and fungus may form.
  1. Plastic.

Plastic panels have a hollow structure

The material is successfully used in window openings overlooking a loggia or balcony.

For slopes, sheet plastic or plastic panels are used.

To the advantages plastic slopes applies:

  • glossy surface harmonizes with the window profile;
  • good thermal insulation qualities if you add insulation;
  • a wide variety of color options;
  • long service life.

Plastic slopes have disadvantages:

  • poor quality material turns yellow over time;
  • the damaged fragment changes completely.
  1. Sandwich panels.

Between top layers PVC is expanded polystyrene foam

This is a three-layer panel made of plastic and insulation. When choosing panels, the conditions in which the slopes will operate are taken into account. Thanks a lot color palette, it is not difficult to match the panels to the color of the window profile.

Panel with plastic decorative profiles

Sandwich panels are considered good choice, thanks to its advantages:

  • high thermal insulation qualities reliably protect the window from changes in temperature and humidity;
  • environmental Safety;
  • quick installation;
  • high strength;
  • easy care.
The slopes were finished with sandwich panels

The disadvantages of sandwich panels include:

  • at low temperatures, color changes and deformation occurs;
  • fade in the sun;
  • the panels are produced in large sizes, so they must be cut during transportation;
  • If the laying technology is violated, the material may delaminate over time.
  1. Metal.

Galvanized steel, coated with special anti-corrosion compounds, is considered the most comfortable material for the formation of external slopes. Thanks to its special strength, the appearance of the window opening does not deteriorate throughout its operation.

Such a disadvantage of metal slopes as high price, is compensated by their advantages:

  • high strength. The material is not afraid of mechanical stress;
  • wide variety of color coatings. Easy to paint;
  • easy care. It is enough to wipe occasionally with a cloth.

The material has minor drawbacks:

  • cannot be used in arched window openings;
  • If you install it without noise-absorbing tape, then when it rains you will hear the characteristic sound of drops hitting the metal.
  1. Styrofoam.

Using polystyrene foam for external slopes has a double effect. Firstly, it increases thermal insulation premises, and secondly, the appearance of the window improves.

In addition to these advantages, such slopes have others:

  • quick and easy installation;
  • the material is easy to process;
  • good insulating qualities;
  • light weight;
  • the ability to create any color options;
  • long-term operation.

Slopes made of this material have disadvantages:

  • low strength. The material must be covered with a protective layer;
  • poor air exchange;
  • destruction when hit by some chemical compositions. The material requires protection and selection of adhesive solutions.

For external slopes it is better to use a type of foam - this is expanded polystyrene, which has a higher density.

Preparing the window opening

External slopes made of any material will be of high quality and beautiful if the opening is properly prepared.

Preparation includes the following operations:

  1. Removing damaged and protruding sections of the window opening. This operation is easily performed using a chisel.

  1. Cleaning the surface adjacent to the window frame from flaking fragments (paint, whitewash).


It is better to remove the protective film on the plastic window after finishing the installation of the slopes.

Plastering instructions

In order for the plastered slope to reliably protect the window unit, several recommendations must be followed:

Plastering work is carried out in the following sequence.

  1. In some cases, the lath is removed and then the corner is straightened.

Video instruction:

Instructions for finishing with plastic

Before laying the plastic panel you need to prepare:

  • wooden slats up to 70 mm wide and up to 15 mm thick;

The work is performed in the following sequence.

Instructions for finishing sandwich panels

There are many ways to install slopes using sandwich panels. The simplest is installing panels in the window opening using “liquid nails”.

A more labor-intensive method, but it produces slopes High Quality when installing panels on the sheathing.

  1. The sheathing is installed in the window opening using 20x40 mm slats.

  1. The side parts are attached in a similar way.
  1. A platband is attached to the sides of the window opening.
  1. The installation is completed by sealing all joints with liquid plastic.

Instructions for finishing with metal sheets

The process of installing metal slopes is not complicated, but it requires care and precision. To properly insulate a room from the street, it is practiced to place thermal insulation under the sheets.

The work is performed in the following sequence.

  1. At the final stage, the top strip is installed.
  1. To improve the insulating characteristics of the structure, sealant is applied to the joints of the strips.

Video instruction:

Instructions for finishing with foam plastic with plastering

Before you begin installation work with polystyrene foam, you need to choose the right adhesive. The adhesive composition ST-85 Ceresit is considered optimal.

The work is performed in the following sequence:

  1. The adhesive composition is mixed until it becomes a homogeneous mass, but it should not flow down the instrument.

  1. Initially the tide is set. A sheet of foam plastic is placed under it to reduce the noise from the sound of raindrops.
  1. The foam sheets are laid from the bottom up, close to the window frame. To avoid voids, the adhesive composition is not saved. Excess glue must be removed with a damp sponge.
  1. All cracks are sealed with foam.

  1. The top layer of plaster is covered facade paint, which is matched to the color of the building.

Same process in video:

In general, the external slopes for a plastic window can be finished with any material you like. If you don't break technology installation work, then the slopes will last a long time and will not lose their attractiveness.

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Window finishing: 12 pressing issues

What materials can be used to decorate windows outside and inside? What is the finishing technology in each specific case? In my article I will try to give detailed answers to some questions related to finishing in one way or another.


  1. How moisture resistant should finishing materials for windows be?

Window exterior finishing can only be done with waterproof materials with low hygroscopicity. In the warm season, external slopes come into contact with precipitation, but during frosts, water absorbed in damp weather crystallizes and contributes to the destruction of the finish.

Interior finishing can be done with materials that are not resistant to dampness, provided that the ventilation of the room is sufficiently effective. It’s worth making a short lyrical digression here.

Most of the country's housing stock consists of Soviet-built houses. The ventilation system in them was designed quite similarly:

  • Ventilation ducts with exhaust grilles in the kitchen, bathroom and;
  • The inflow is provided by the gaps of window frames in living rooms.

However, when installing plastic windows, the ventilation scheme is disrupted: since the sashes are closed hermetically, the influx fresh air from the street completely stops. And in the absence of normal air exchange, humidity begins to increase in the room: your breathing and any other substance contribute to an increase in the percentage of water vapor in the air. economic activity(laundry, washing floors and dishes, etc.)

At a certain humidity level, excess water begins to precipitate as condensation on the coldest surfaces. First of all, they are glass, frames and... yes, that's right, internal slopes.

Fortunately, there are several simple and effective solutions ventilation problems in living rooms:

  • Installation supply valve into a window frame or into a main wall;
  • The use of fittings with a micro-ventilation system, which allows you to fix the sash ajar by a few millimeters;
  • Installation of a window retainer that performs the same functions;

  • Finally, supply ventilation can be organized by simply cutting out part of the seal on the sash and frame.

As a rule, a couple of pieces of 3-5 centimeters are cut out. The seal on the frame is cut at the bottom, and on the sash that opens inward - at the top: in this case, dust transferred supply air, will settle inside the window frame and not in the room.


External slopes

  1. How are external slopes finished?

Here are the most popular types of exterior finishes:

  • Cement plaster and putty;

Plaster slopes are a time-tested classic.

Along with dry mixtures, you can use a sand-cement mixture for their preparation in the proportion of 1 part M-400 cement to 3 parts sifted sand. To make the solution more mobile, add shampoo or liquid soap at the rate of one tablespoon per bucket.

  • Acrylic facade putties and plasters for mineral substrates;
  • Galvanized or polymer-painted steel. Metal slopes can be equally successfully mounted on window openings of stone, concrete and wooden houses;
  • With the same success, slopes made of polyvinyl chloride can be used in any buildings;
  • In a wooden house, wooden platbands are traditionally used to finish the opening. As a rule, there are no full external slopes for windows in a log house: the window is installed flush with the outer surface of the wall;
  • Finally, the window opening is often finished with wild stone or tiles.

To paint external plaster slopes, you can use any façade paint. In my opinion, the best material for this purpose is the so-called rubber acrylic-latex paint: it is absolutely waterproof, durable and adheres firmly to any mineral substrate.

Internal slopes

  1. What materials can be used if you have to finish plastic windows inside? ?
  • Along with cement building mixtures, gypsum can be used for interior decoration;
  • Drywall allows you to significantly speed up finishing and get a perfectly smooth surface of the slopes, even if you do not have any experience in plastering work;

  • Plastic slopes have become very popular in recent years. For their production, along with insulated sandwich panels (expanded polystyrene, laminated PVC), ordinary wall paneling appropriate width;
  • In this case, wooden houses often stand apart: they use wide planed boards or wooden lining to finish the slopes.


  1. How to finish the exterior of a window opening using cement plaster ?

Here are step-by-step instructions for plastering external slopes:

  • The opening is completely cleared of old plaster and remove dust with a vacuum cleaner or brush;
  • Then the surface of the slopes is primed with penetrating acrylic primer. The primer will stick to remaining dust and improve adhesion;
  • The plaster solution is applied to the wall with a rectangular spatula. The application technique is intermediate between throwing and spreading: a spatula with a solution applied to it is pressed against light wall blow;

  • Plaster that has dried but not completely set is rubbed with a wooden or polyurethane trowel.

If you doubt your ability to make the edges of the opening smooth, use beacons. Lighthouse profiles are attached with building plaster near the frame and at the edge of the opening strictly level. When plastering, a wide spatula, rule or any other suitable object is used to remove the plaster protruding above the beacons.

For puttying slopes, I recommend using façade putty on white cement. Its price is slightly higher than that of the gray one, but the opening will remain white even if the paint is damaged.

As a rule, both external and internal slopes are painted white. It visually increases the size of the window opening and makes the room brighter.

  1. How to trim the slopes of plastic windows from the outside with plastic ?

Installation is extremely simple: custom-made slopes and ebbs are mounted on foam and screwed to the window frame with galvanized self-tapping screws, after which all seams are filled with silicone sealant. For additional fixation to the wall, dowel screws can be used.

There are few subtleties here:

  • Use sanitary rather than universal sealant. Thanks to antiseptic additives, it is more resistant to mold;
  • Take the time to pre-treat the external slopes with penetrating soil. This will significantly improve the adhesion of the foam and sealant to the mineral base.

  1. How to do the external finishing of plastic windows with metal slopes yourself ?

Their installation is carried out in the following order:

  • The opening is cleared of debris, peeling plaster and old paint, after which it is primed with penetrating primer;
  • The ebb is trimmed in width with a margin of 4 - 6 centimeters;
  • Its edges are cut and curved upward. The bends will not allow water to flow in at low tide;

  • The lower surface of the ebb is foamed, after which it sits on the window sill shelf and is screwed to the frame with galvanized screws. The step between the attachment points is no more than 60-70 cm. While the foam is setting, the ebb must be loaded or fixed with spacers: the mounting foam noticeably increases in volume and can lift it;
  • The upper slope is also trimmed with a margin; its edges are bent down, after which the slope sits on foam and screws;
  • The junction of the upper slope to the wall is sealed with silicone;

Sealing will become much more reliable if you bend the upper edge of the slope at a right angle to the wall and insert it into the cut made by the grinder in it.

  • The side slopes are installed with an overlap on the curved edges of the ebb and flow and the upper slope, after which all seams are sealed.

  1. How to decorate PVC windows on the outside with tiles or wild stone ?

After the obligatory priming, the tile or other material is placed on ordinary frost-resistant tile adhesive. You can use it instead silicone sealant, dotted along the perimeter and in the middle of each tile. Grouting of joints is epoxy or silicone.

It is more convenient to cut tiles and porcelain tiles in place not with a tile cutter, but with a grinder with a diamond wheel. It allows you to cut edges of any shape. Unlike abrasive, diamond blade does not burn itself and does not overheat the edge of the cut.

  1. How to attach wooden trims?

After trimming the foam protruding beyond it, the installation seam is sealed aluminum tape; then the trim, cut in place, is treated with protective and decorative impregnation (it can, however, be successfully replaced by ordinary drying oil) and nailed with copper nails without heads. When hammering a nail, use a nail hammer that will prevent you from crushing the wood with hammer blows.

It is easy to make a hammer by grinding it off with sandpaper or cutting off the tip of a construction dowel with a grinder.

  1. How to plaster internal slopes?

Exactly the same as external ones. The only difference is that gypsum plaster can be applied by spreading it using a wide spatula. Do plaster slopes even, and in this case, beacons attached to plaster will help.

It is more convenient to attach them to building plaster rather than to gypsum plaster or putty. If construction gypsum mixtures set for at least half an hour, then pure alabaster hardens within 5 minutes after mixing.

Puttying on plaster can be done with acrylic or gypsum finishing putty. The first material is convenient because it is supplied ready-made, but the second is noticeably cheaper. To obtain a perfectly smooth surface when using a gypsum-based material, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • When preparing putty, dry gypsum mixture is poured into a container with water, rather than water being poured into the mixture. In the latter case, dry lumps will inevitably remain at the bottom of the container;
  • After pouring the putty into water, let it swell for 5 minutes and only then mix until it reaches a uniform consistency with a spatula or a construction mixer;

  • Prepare at one time the amount of putty that you produce in 20-30 minutes. After half an hour, the mixture begins to thicken and becomes difficult to apply;

Some putties can be diluted with water and work continued. In particular, I successfully used this maneuver with Turkish ABS Saten. It left a pleasant impression and a fairly long life after mixing with water: the mixture remains suitable for application for up to 45 minutes.

  • Be sure to wash the container and spatulas before preparing each new batch of putty. Otherwise, lumps of set gypsum, falling under the spatula, will leave untidy furrows on the surface of the slopes.
  1. What does the interior decoration of a window with plasterboard look like??

I do it like this:

  • Slopes are cut from gypsum plasterboard with a small margin in width;

  • The opening is cleared of old coatings and primed;
  • Pieces of gypsum glue or putty are applied to the slopes. A continuous bead of glue is formed on the side of the frame;
  • The slopes are alternately pressed against the edges of the opening and leveled. The upper slope will have to be fixed while the gypsum sets. For this purpose, you can use dowel screws or supports;
  • The seams between the slopes are reinforced with serpyanka or fiberglass and puttied;
  • The edges of the slopes protruding beyond the plane of the wall are removed with a regular carpenter's plane, after which the cavities between the slopes and the wall are filled with putty;
  • All surfaces are sanded for painting.

To strengthen the edges of the opening, a corner reinforcing profile is usually used, which is placed under the putty. I prefer another way of finishing the corners: after painting they are finished with decorative plastic corner, glued with silicone sealant.

  1. How to decorate the inside of a window opening with plastic panels?

I'll tell you about the most accessible method- using wall lining.

To finish the slopes you will need:

  • The actual wall panels are of sufficient width. It is better to buy a white glossy lining: it will be easier to wash and less dirty. Pay serious attention to the strength of the panels: the corner of the lining should not be crushed with your fingers;

  • Starting profile. It will border the slopes on the side of the frame and at the junction with the window sill;
  • Corner profile for connecting slopes to each other;
  • Decorative outer corner width 25 - 30 millimeters;
  • Insulation (as a rule, rolled material is used for this purpose) mineral wool 50 mm thick);
  • Silicone sanitary sealant (white or transparent);
  • Polyurethane foam;
  • Galvanized screws measuring 3.5x16 or 4x16 mm.

Installation is carried out in the following order:

  • Along the perimeter of the window, a starting profile is attached to the frame using silicone and self-tapping screws;

Both the panels and the profile are very convenient to cut with a grinder and any abrasive wheel. The cut is perfectly accurate, without deviations from the markings and without burrs. Don't forget to wear a gauze bandage: breathing plastic dust is not good for your health.

  • The slopes are cut to size and inserted into the profile;
  • The space between them and the edges of the window opening is insulated with mineral wool;
  • Installed in corners corner profile, at the junction with the window sill - segments of the starting one;
  • The edges of the slopes are foamed and pressed against the wall with a plastic corner glued to the sealant. While the foam and sealant dry, it can be pressed against the wall and slopes masking tape.

Window sills

  1. How to install a window sill correctly?

This is usually done like this:

  • The window sill is cleared of debris and primed with a primer;
  • The window sill is leveled on block blocks. The edge of the window sill closest to the frame should fit tightly under the corresponding protrusion of the lower profile. Let's allow a slight slope towards the room: in this case, condensation will not accumulate near the window;
  • A strip of sealant is applied to the edge of the window sill closest to the frame;
  • The window sill sits on the foam and is loaded while it sets;

  • Excess foam is cut off after it dries. sharp knife, then the assembly seam is puttied.

Several windows in my house do not have window sills as a class: instead, tiles are laid on the lower part of the opening. He was placed on the leveled cement-sand mortar base; for filling seams in different time I used acrylic facade putty and transparent silicone.


I hope that my experience will be useful to the dear reader. The video in this article will help you learn more about the ways in which window finishing can be done. As always, I would appreciate your contributions and comments. Good luck, comrades!

September 30, 2016

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There are several finishing options window slopes outside. You can cover street slopes using classic plaster, plasterboard, PVC material or metal panels. In the article you will learn about the features of each material, advantages and disadvantages, and features of installation of external slopes.

Finishing external slopes with plaster

For a long time, this method of decorating the external slopes of the windows of a brick or panel house was the main one. Although this option is old and proven, it still requires special care and skill. Professionals will do this work quickly and efficiently; people without training should use beacons.

Carrying out the work in stages:

Cautions! Due to the different degrees of expansion of plastic and cement, over time, small cracks will appear on the plastered surface, which will need to be hidden under a layer of silicone.

Finishing slopes with plasterboard

When deciding to do plasterboard finishing For slopes, only moisture-resistant materials should be purchased, otherwise the slope will soon begin to swell and peel due to moisture.

Preparatory work is carried out similarly to the first option (finishing with plaster), dust and debris are removed, and the cracks are covered with mortar.

Let us immediately note that the sheets of drywall differ in weight; they must be thoroughly secured.

There are two ways to fix a plasterboard slope in relation to the frame. In the first option, you can screw the cladding to wooden plank, which is installed close to the frame; in the second, pre-install a special profile. If used wood profile, it must first be treated with antiseptics and a water-repellent solution.

Let's look at how to install drywall on an L-shaped profile:

  • The measured and cut-to-size profile is screwed onto the edge of the window with self-tapping screws. The strip must be attached to the frame so that in the future the plasterboard lining will lie along the wing.
  • The prepared panel is chamfered from the outside using a file or plane.
  • You can fix plasterboard slopes with polyurethane foam, but it is better to use construction glue. The adhesive mixture is applied with a spatula to the edge of the wall, then a sheet of drywall is pressed tightly to the surface.
  • At the next stage, when the plasterboard slopes are well fixed, it is necessary to plaster them. The surface of the drywall is first treated with a primer and reinforced with fiberglass mesh. Then the starting plaster is applied in a layer of 2-3 cm, and after it dries, the finishing composition is applied.
  • The final touch is sanding the surface and coating it with paint.

PVC slopes

The exterior finishing of window slopes can be made from PVC materials or sandwich panels. The first method is cheap, the second is more expensive, but more effective - due to multi-layering, the issue of thermal insulation is immediately solved. In terms of installation technology, both options are identical.

It should be noted that the materials should be intended for outdoor use only, otherwise the plastic sheets will turn yellow over time.

The sequence of installation of external PVC slopes on windows:

  1. Preparing the base: removing dust, filling cracks cement mixture or foam.
  2. Low tide installation. How to install it is described in the first method of finishing window slopes from the outside using the plastering method.
  3. Profile installation. The PVC material is fastened to special profiles. For this purpose, U-shaped strips and snap-type corners are purchased. U-shaped profile secured to the frame with self-tapping screws (2-3 cm increments). Along the edge of the wall you need to attach a tape with a tongue for the finishing corner.
  4. Installation of PVC panels. Cladding blanks are cut out of plastic; when cutting, it should be taken into account that the panels will be inserted into the grooves, so the top cut is made last.

Attention! When covering windows with external slopes made of plastic, there will always be a gap; it will need to be sealed with a sealant that matches the color of the plastic.

  1. Foam is applied to the inner edge of the plastic blank, the plate is inserted into the U-shaped profile and pressed tightly against the edge of the wall. Instead of foam you can take assembly adhesive. For greater reliability, if the walls allow, it is better to nail the panel along the outer edge.
  2. Installation of the finishing corner when finishing the external slopes of plastic windows. Before finally installing the corner, sealant is liberally applied to its edges.

Metal external slopes for windows

External window trim with metal slopes - the simplest way. You can carry out such installation with your own hands, the main thing is to choose required color panels. The disadvantage of such slopes is the price. It is better to choose metal external slopes for plastic windows in relation to wooden buildings. Wood is a fairly changeable material; drywall, plaster and plastic are not suitable for wooden walls. For metal external slopes for plastic windows, choose a profiled sheet with a thickness of no more than 1.2 mm.

Attention! External metal slopes for plastic windows of wooden or brick buildings must be selected with a special coating that protects against corrosion and fading.

The advantage of metal slopes is that they are sold ready-made; they just need to be cut to size. The corrugated sheets are fastened with self-tapping screws with caps on wooden sheathing. Planks 3 cm thick are installed in the same way as homemade beacons when plastering.
Do not forget that it is necessary to close the street slopes as quickly as possible, since over time serious problems may appear: the foam between the frame and the wall under the influence of the sun will begin to lose its hermetic properties, and cracks will appear through which it will leak.

To choose the right facing materials for external slopes for plastic windows, it is better to consult with specialists. Improper finishing can lead to condensation and the development of mold and mildew.

High-quality finishing of window slopes on the outside is no less important than the interior design of window openings. Often, craftsmen simply install windows and sills, and that’s where their services end. The owners themselves have to take care of things further finishing works or look for craftsmen who will cladding the window slopes from the outside. Experienced craftsmen will not only help you buy the necessary building materials, but also perform all the work efficiently.

The most important component of insulating windows and walls is the external slopes for windows. The installation of a modern metal-plastic window alone cannot solve the problem of insulation and sealing of the room. External window slopes will help here, which, in addition to everything, will become a beautiful decorative element.

What functions do external slopes perform?

The joining seam, which is formed after installing the window block, is usually foamed with polyurethane foam. This material serves as a good fixer, as well as sound and heat insulator. But with all our positive qualities Polyurethane foam, unprotected by external slopes for windows, is destroyed over time by precipitation and the sun.

The finishing of external window slopes is no less important than the finishing of internal ones. The reliability and durability of window units directly depend on reliable external protection. External slopes for plastic windows without finishing lead to the appearance of condensation in the frame of the window unit. As a result, a fungus appears that harms the health of people and the premises.

If you postpone the finishing of external slopes for an indefinite period, then best case scenario soon you will have to do serious repairs, or at worst, replace the window unit.

Advantages of external window slopes:

  • reliable insulation of windows and walls;
  • additional sound insulation;
  • ensuring the reliability and durability of the window unit;
  • aesthetic and attractive appearance of the window opening as a whole.

Types of exterior finishing of window slopes

The variety of finishing materials challenges difficult choice. First of all, you need to pay attention to all the advantages and disadvantages of each type of finishing of external window slopes. Whatever you choose, don’t forget:

You cannot save on finishing materials for window slopes. It will be the main indicator of the durability of the window and the heat in your home.

The most popular materials for installing external window slopes with your own hands include:

  • plaster;
  • plastic;
  • sandwich panels;
  • metal;
  • Styrofoam;
  • drywall.

Let's take a closer look at the pros and cons of each material.


Plastering the external slopes of windows is the cheapest type of finishing. Dry cement is diluted with water to a certain consistency, then a thin layer is applied to the slopes. To give the slopes the required appearance, the plaster is applied in several layers. Before applying each layer, be sure to check whether the previous one has dried well. Then the entire fur coat of several layers is sanded. Finally, paint of the desired color is applied.

Please note: The thickness of the plaster layer is determined as the polyurethane foam is closed. The solution should reach the window profile.

The advantages of this type of finishing end at the low price. When plastering, the external slopes turn out to be “cold” even after adding thermal insulation additives to the solution. The plaster mixture will never fully combine with plastic profile window. The layer of plaster will begin to peel off. The junctions with the frame will freeze, condensation will occur, and then mold will appear.

The disadvantages of this type of finishing of external slopes of plastic windows include the formation of a large amount of dirt and dust during work. Long term(3-4 days) its completion will also not leave pleasant memories.


It is worth immediately noting that window slopes made of plasterboard can be installed outside, but under one condition - if the window faces glazed loggia, balcony or terrace. Lack of of this material moisture resistance negatively affects its quality under the influence of precipitation. Drywall deforms, delaminates and collapses.

The main advantages of such cladding of external slopes for plastic windows include simplicity and ease of installation. As a result, an even smooth surface, on which you can simply apply paint.

A fairly inexpensive and quite good method of finishing slopes will insulate and relieve windows from condensation. But this result will be successful only if the surface is properly prepared: treated with antibacterial impregnation.

On modern market finishing materials, it is possible to choose exactly the model of external slopes for windows that will completely suit you in appearance and technical specifications. We can only advise using a less expensive finish for a small country house where you rarely visit in winter. But for a city apartment or an expensive country residence the best option will be used more expensive material for high-quality installation of external slopes.

External slopes video

And here you can watch a short video about the need for street slopes.

A hackneyed expression “Windows are the eyes of the house” however, it makes a very clear analogy with human face. When we meet, we always look into the eyes of the interlocutor, and in the same way, when looking at a house, we first of all pay attention to its windows. If from the inside they are most often hidden by curtains and do not attract the eye as much, then the external decoration of the windows becomes the most expressive element of the building’s exterior.

Windows without decoration are like eyes without eyelashes and eyebrows - boring, inexpressive. How can we give them, and at the same time the entire façade, beauty and style?

Without this window treatment, the house would look completely different.

Types of window decoration

Technology and appearance exterior finishing windows are selected depending on how and with what the façade of the house is finished.

For example, if it is lined vinyl siding, finishing the windows of the house from the outside with stone or stucco:

Wet technologies

These types of finishes are based on the application plaster mixtures and are used to decorate windows in brick, stone, concrete and plastered facades.

Classic version– basic leveling of slopes, which allows not only to give them a neat appearance, but also to seal all the cracks and crevices around the openings, to protect the polyurethane foam used to install double-glazed windows from destruction under the influence of ultraviolet rays and other natural factors.

Note. The layer of plaster should cover the foam and extend onto the window frame by 1-1.5 cm. If it turns out to be very thick, the instructions recommend reinforcement.

This type of finishing can be final (only sanding and painting the slopes with durable facade paint is required), or can serve as the basis for subsequent decoration.

  • Creation of false platbands. Platbands, as well as slopes if they are large thickness, cut out of ordinary foam plastic and glued into place using cement mortar. After reinforcement with fiberglass mesh and plastering, the platbands are allowed to dry, then finishing– painting or decorative plaster.

The process of creating false trims

  • Window trim with stone on the outside. Both the slopes and the perimeter around the openings can be lined. As facing material For exterior decoration of facades, natural and artificial stone, porcelain stoneware, and clinker tiles are used, which are glued using the same technology as conventional tiles.

The windows in this photo are decorated with artificial stone

  • Stucco finishing. Regardless of what the stucco molding is made of - gypsum, concrete, polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam - it is mounted on a perfectly flat base. Or it is leveled during the gluing process with a thick adhesive solution, the excess of which is removed.

Dry technologies

They consist of facing slopes sheet materials mechanically. To do this, most often a frame is created to which the cladding is attached, or a starting profile is mounted around the perimeter of the window into which the decorative panel is inserted inside, and the outer one is attached to the outer sheathing and decorated with overhead F-shaped profile.

We’ll tell you how to do it yourself a little later, but for now we’ll list the materials used for the exterior decoration of building facades.

  • Plastic sandwich panels. They consist of a layer of dense insulation, covered on both sides with hard plastic. It can be of any color, which allows you to make the one most suitable for appearance home choice. Sandwich panels are usually used to finish plastic windows on the outside and inside even during their installation by the installation organization. If this is not done, you may well be able to handle this job yourself.

  • Metal panels. Manufactured from galvanized steel with polymer coating according to window size. This shaped products, which simultaneously cover the slopes and the outer perimeter of the opening. They are attached directly to the frame using colored roofing screws.

Metal window slopes

Advice. In order for the lining of the slopes to gain additional strength, the space under it is filled with polyurethane foam.

  • Siding. This type of finishing is used when cladding facades with siding panels. Window framing is made from special elements, the price of which is much higher than that of the panels themselves. Their installation is quite complicated, it detailed description will be given in the relevant materials on the site.

Window finishing wooden house outside with siding

  • Tree. A traditional material most often used to decorate window and door openings in a wooden house. There are many options for this design - ordinary planed boards, lining, carved elements for platbands, bamboo.

How to decorate a window with plastic panels

It's not difficult to do this. If you look at the diagram below, everything becomes clear.

Exterior finishing of plastic windows with sandwich panels

  • Using a sharp knife, cut off the mounting foam that protrudes beyond the plane of the frame;
  • Attach the U-shaped starting profile to the frame along the entire perimeter with self-tapping screws, aligning it level;
  • Secure a wooden strip along the outer perimeter of the slopes;
  • After careful measurements, cut the parts from the plastic plate - first the sides, and after installing them - the top;
  • Insert the part with one side into the starting profile, place insulation under it (or foam the empty space), and screw the other side with self-tapping screws to a wooden batten;

Advice. If there is a sufficiently thick layer of hardened polyurethane foam between the window frame and the wall, you can do without a starting profile by recessing the edge of the panel into it.

  • All that remains is to secure the overlay F-shaped profile or casing along the outer perimeter and seal the joints in the corners with silicone sealant.


Decorative window design options finishing materials there can be a lot - only the most popular methods are given here. And it is not always necessary to use the services of experienced craftsmen for this. The video in this article will teach you how to do it yourself by providing basic information. All you have to do is follow these tips or use your imagination and come up with your own way of decorative finishing.

External window decoration. Decorative window treatments

Why do you need to finish the outside of the window? Yes, it’s just that decorative window treatments will significantly decorate the facade of your home, allowing you to highlight or emphasize windows or other details. In any case, living in a beautiful house is much more pleasant than in an ordinary “gray” house like others.

Do-it-yourself window decoration on the outside

In this master class we will learn how to transform the appearance of windows and thereby make your home more beautiful. The work is not difficult and anyone can do it, even those who have never encountered repair work.

To decorate the window we will need:

  • expanded polystyrene (foam);
  • adhesive solution, for example Ceresit ST-85;
  • materials and tools for plaster and putty.

We begin our work by preparing the adhesive solution. We need to mix the dry mixture with water in a container. It is better to use a drill with an attachment for mixing; it will be faster and more efficient. Make sure there are no lumps in the solution.

Now the window opening needs to be primed and a layer of adhesive solution applied to it. All this will contribute to maximum adhesion of the finish to the wall.

Styrofoam mode for stripes. The width of the strip is at your discretion, but you should not make it too thin, less than 10 cm.

Apply adhesive solution to the strips. To do this we need a notched spatula with a tooth height of 10 mm.

Glue the foam to the wall. So that everything goes smoothly, we control the progress of work at the construction level.

This is what our window should look like.

Apply the solution to the slopes and the lower part of the window opening. The surface should be flat and as smooth as possible.

We glue strips of foam plastic onto the slopes.

We reinforce our structure with fiberglass mesh. To do this, first apply the solution to the foam plastic, then embed the mesh in it with a spatula. In the corners we place the mesh overlapping.

We also reinforce the perimeter of the decorative finishing of the window with a corner, which is used for plastering the corners.

The bulk of the work has been completed, very little remains. The window already has a completely different look.

After the solution has completely dried, we need to prime our structure with a special façade primer-paint.

We apply last layer finishing - decorative plaster.

It can be applied with a spatula or a special trowel. The process is very simple. The plaster contains an abrasive filler (granules) of approximately the same size, so the layer will be the same thickness without much effort.

This is what the window will look like when the work is completed.

Framing and finishing of windows on the facade and in the interior

Windows are commonly called the eyes of the house. Their appearance reflects the tastes of the owner. The decoration of windows and their framing give the façade completeness and emphasize architectural style building, its severity and elegance. Realtors claim that framing openings from the outside increases the value of a home by 15–25%. A variety of decorative elements from various materials allow you to create an individual image of the building, imitating any era and direction in architecture.

Window siding

Finishing and framing around the window is an element of architectural decor

Window finishing with facing bricks

Vadik came to me for advice. His elderly relative asked him to prepare and sell the house. It was necessary to raise the price of the building as much as possible at minimum costs to give it a marketable appearance. The site was located near the city, and we went to have a look.

I immediately noticed the window frames. It was old, faded cladding with cracked paint. It provided sealing of the opening, but lost its aesthetic appearance. There was no cash on the façade. You can create a beautiful facade only in harmony of all elements. It was necessary to start with finishing the doorway and windows in uniform style.

We had to replace the wooden frames. We decided to put plastic sandwich panels and frame each opening in the same style throughout the entire facade. It was the same inside wooden cash. They prepared polyurethane slopes to replace it.

Plastic frame parts are the most practical

Do-it-yourself window finishing

While we were drawing sketches of the future facade, I was telling my friend what decorative elements there are for cladding an opening, and how to make cashing inside and outside.

The finishing of plastic windows is made from various materials:

  • tree;
  • stone;
  • porcelain stoneware;
  • rubber with added crumbs;
  • facing tiles;
  • plaster stucco;
  • plastic parts;
  • foam elements.

Wood is most beautiful in its uniqueness and warmth. But it requires constant care and is quickly destroyed by dampness.

Stone and porcelain tiles are difficult to install and require periodic varnishing. Their main drawback is their heavy weight and load on the foundation.

Polystyrene foam and plaster look great, but they are hygroscopic and require a multi-layer protective coating.

Polyurethane parts suited us. Plastic products look good inside and out. They have several advantages over other products made from other materials:

  • identical color throughout;
  • resistance to abrasion;
  • do not fade in the sun;
  • serve for more than 20 years outside the building without losing its appearance;
  • moisture resistant;
  • fireproof;
  • easy to install around the opening.

A large selection of parts and accessories made of polyurethane allows a novice specialist to independently make trim and window frames.

Window cladding elements made of polyurethane

Do-it-yourself window cladding

When framing the windows with polyurethane parts, we first installed plastic trim. The windows were too small relative to the size of the house. Therefore, white cladding should visually enlarge them.

Outdoor use a large number of decorative elements made of polyurethane for lining door and window openings:

It is possible to use other parts, such as stucco molding, rosette. But they are used less frequently, mainly in the classical Baroque and Renaissance styles. In front of us was a modern house with a massive stone-lined foundation. To visually equalize the proportions, it was necessary to lay overlays in the form of rusticated stones on the corners. Framing windows using wide side elements will increase them.

There is a wide range of colors for plastic products. The most in demand are white, wood and various gray tones. The color scheme is selected to match the chosen style. It is necessary to take into account the size of the building and openings. Light wide cladding enlarges the windows. If you need to reduce or make them less noticeable, you should choose dark-colored plastic that matches the tone of the walls. Then it is enough to install platbands and a window sill.

If you install only a narrow molding around the perimeter of the opening, the facade will look strictly, in a retro style. A bracket and a sander without a console will stretch the window vertically and make it narrower.

The keystone reminds us of the times of the knights, when they could not make even ceilings and instead built arched vaults. In combination with rusticated stone overlays, the illusion of a massive building is created. But such cladding does not look good on wooden houses.

Suitable for log houses carved frames and false shutters. It is advisable to choose a color that imitates pine and birch, or just white.

Finishing the doorway and windows in the same style

To give it a stylish look, we decided to install window sills made of acrylic stone under white marble on the first floor. They are durable, repel water and are not afraid of frost and UV rays. Look more solid and elegant than standard ones plastic castings. Place brackets and moldings under them. On top there is a wide sandstone with a triangular protrusion in the center.

To increase the width of the doorway, we mounted pilasters on the sides, creating the illusion of semi-columns. Similar wide consoles decorated the windows. Moldings along the perimeter of the frame emphasized the geometry of the lines and their severity.

Placed on the second floor plastic window sill, platbands and the finishing of the opening along the side wall were made with false shutters with arched sandstone. By front side The façade imitated the cladding of the walls around the opening with rustication. At the top were keystones and molding.

A realtor I know, after we completed framing the windows and transforming the facade, said that the value of the house had risen by 30%. A correctly created façade image has great importance. After all, it is external view home makes the main impression.

In addition, we have significantly improved the thermal insulation of windows. The exterior decoration not only decorated it, but also reliably protected the walls from getting wet. It became quieter inside; there was almost no noise from outside. The light frame enhanced daylight rooms.

Cladding of openings inside and outside the house

Inside the house we dismantled the old window sills and trim. Installed plastic panels at the bottom. We replaced the insulation on the sides and top. Then we checked the vertical and installed a new profile around the perimeter for support. The upper slope was installed. We adjusted the side panels and positioned them in place by sliding them behind the starting profile around the frame and gluing them to the corner along the inside of the opening.

When the buyer came to look at the house, Vadik and I were convinced that our actions were correct. He was not interested in interior decoration, since each person remodels it in his own way after purchasing it. He checked the condition of the pipes purely mechanically to ensure they were not leaking. But the good condition and beautiful decoration of the doors and windows was noticed first.

DIY window decoration (photo)

What kind of window decoration can there be? Frame around the window. Plastic and polyurethane elements. Windows and doors should be in the same style. Framing inside the house

Methods for finishing window slopes from the inside

The design of PVC windows after their installation includes finishing of the slopes. After completion of this work, the corners are drawn up decorative corners or install internal slopes on windows.

Why do you need window treatments?

The interior decoration of plastic windows carries not only decorative function, but also protective. The installation seam must be reliably protected from the influences exerted on it so that window system In general, it functioned correctly: the glass did not fog up or freeze, and condensation did not accumulate on the slopes.

The installation seam on the outside must also be reliably protected from the effects of precipitation, wind and sun rays, under the influence of which expanded polystyrene is destroyed. You can effectively protect it by installing metal slopes and trims on plastic windows for exterior decoration, which will give the window a neat, finished look.

For interior decoration For window openings in the house, different types of material are used. This could be decorative plaster, do-it-yourself installation of PVC panels or drywall on the slopes of plastic windows. The finishing of internal slopes with decorative artificial stone looks impressive. To understand which of these methods is better, it is worth considering each of them separately.

Decorative plaster

When carrying out renovations in a house, interior decorative plaster is often used as a finishing material for walls. This material will make the slopes on the windows unusual and spectacular.

Decorative plaster is often used for interior decoration of slopes

The composition of decorative plaster may include fillers of various fractions and origins - these can be natural fibers wood or stone chips or artificial granules of various sizes. Decorative plaster is used as a finishing layer, creating an unusual textured surface or an intricate design, like Venetian plaster.

As a material for interior finishing of slopes, decorative plaster has the following characteristics:

  • effectively masks base unevenness;
  • it can be applied to any base material: brick, concrete, plasterboard, wood;
  • this material does not absorb odors;
  • safe, non-flammable and environmentally friendly composite;
  • has soundproofing qualities;
  • in case of minor defects in the base, preliminary repairs are not required;
  • when treated with wax or painting, the plaster layer becomes moisture-repellent;
  • has breathability;
  • Repairing the plaster layer is very simple, there is no need to remove all the finishing;

finishing of arched window structures is possible.

Types of decorative plasters

Depending on the type of filler and main substance, decorative plasters are:

  • textured plaster has a pronounced pattern that is known in advance;

Texture plaster creates a pre-known pattern

  • structural plaster has a less pronounced relief than textured plaster, but its pattern is unpredictable in advance;

Structural plaster creates an unknown drawing

  • Venetian plaster has many layers, resulting in an intricate pattern and smooth surface.

Venetian plaster creates a smooth, multi-layered surface

Surface preparation

The durability of the plaster layer depends on a well-prepared surface.. Therefore, finishing window slopes inside with decorative plaster should begin with preparing the base.

  • the surface of the slopes is cleared of construction waste and remove dust. If there are cracks, they are embroidered and puttied;

At the first stage, cracks are sealed and the surface is dust-free

  • The surface of the slope is primed, a starting layer of plaster is applied and the surface is leveled. At this stage, metal perforated corners;

The prepared surface is primed and leveled

  • The plaster layer is rubbed down and allowed to dry. Then they are primed again;

After leveling the slope, the surface is rubbed and re-primed

  • apply a decorative layer.

On final stage perform decorative finishing of the slope

Drywall slopes

Finishing slopes with plasterboard is quick and does not require special construction skills. Installation is possible using polyurethane foam or putty as an adhesive or on metal carcass . Drywall for windows must be marked GKLV.

Drywall on slopes can be mounted on a metal frame

It is characterized by the following positive qualities:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • affordable price;
  • simple installation;
  • decorative effect when finishing with any materials;
  • smooth, durable surface;
  • durability;
  • possibility of designing arched openings.

Preparatory work

Surface preparation consists of the following steps:

Removing foam residue

  • taking measurements of future products;

The sides are measured from the outside and inside

  • manufacturing of parts;

Stationery knife cut sheets according to measurements

  • sealing base defects and leveling the surface;

Level the surface of the slope

  • surface primer.

Using polyurethane foam, you can finish a window opening without having any construction skills. It is important to remember that drywall is a fragile material, so cut it out necessary details it must be done carefully, without any effort.

To get smooth edges at the cut points, it is necessary to make an incision along the drawn line on a sheet of drywall, applying a ruler, using a sharp construction knife. You need to cut the top paper layer and a little inside. Then you can lightly tap along the cut - the drywall will break itself along the intended line.

Foam mounting

  • foam is applied to the part and the wall;

Apply a layer of foam to the panel

  • the fragment is applied briefly and removed until the foam expands again. Then they put it in place;

The part is applied to the slope for some time

  • All fragments are secured in this way and left to dry, securing the structure with masking tape;

Use masking tape to secure drywall

  • after 24 hours the joints are puttied;

After a day it is necessary to putty the joints

  • A decorative corner is attached to the corners.

The corners are covered with a decorative corner

Finishing slopes with plastic panels

Finishing of window slopes inside can be done using plastic ceiling panels or multi-layer sandwich panels. The installation of this material is so simple that it is possible to finish the inside of plastic windows with your own hands. How to make slopes for plastic windows in a house will be described below.

PVC panels are most often used to finish slopes from the inside.

Sandwich panels are better than ceiling panels due to the presence of a layer of insulation inside. However, ceiling ones also have thermal insulation properties due to air chambers between the internal stiffeners.

Installation and repair of slopes inside a building using these finishing materials is possible due to their qualities:

  • PVC slopes are durable;
  • the use of panels for finishing window slopes gives them an attractive, neat appearance;
  • finishing options can be very diverse thanks to a wide range of colors,
  • which have external surfaces of panels;
  • it is possible to install plastic on arched structures;
  • Repairing plastic slopes is not difficult;
  • ease of installation - window openings are finished with your own hands, and installation does not take much time;
  • PVC is easy to process;
  • slopes lined with plastic on the inside are easy to maintain;
  • finishing window openings with this material increases the energy efficiency of the window system;
  • The interior decoration of windows prevents them from fogging and freezing.

How to install internal slopes for windows made of PVC panels is shown below.

  • remove excess polyurethane foam using a stationery or construction knife;

To remove residual foam, use a stationery or construction knife

  • We fix a wooden block along the perimeter of the window opening near the frame using self-tapping screws;

Secure a wooden block around the perimeter of the frame

  • We attach the starting profile to the block;

The starting profile is attached to the block

  • We install a strip along the outer perimeter of the window;

The rail is fixed along the outer perimeter of the frame

Side panels installed first

  • then paste it in top panel, bend it, foam it a little and fix it in the required position;

Between upper slope And PVC panel blow out a small layer of foam

  • fix the side parts in the same way;
  • after the structure has dried, the corner parts are finished decorative elements- corners or platbands.

Corners are covered with platbands

Sandwich panels can be installed in the same way or without a starting profile. In this case, the panel is placed in a groove cut in polyurethane foam. This installation method is relevant when it is not possible to place the block around the perimeter of the window frame.

Platbands or casing for internal slopes for PVC windows can be made from different materials, but its functional purpose one - protection assembly seam from destruction and giving the window opening an aesthetic appearance.

Types of platbands

Platbands differ from each other appearance and functionality:

Materials for production

The most common material for making cash is sheet plastic. It is used for the manufacture of budget flat platbands, which can be used for finishing windows indoors and outdoors.

This material is not afraid of temperature changes, exposure to moisture or sunlight. Its surface can be laminated and acquire any color or imitate various species natural wood. Therefore, choosing cash to match the color of the window facade will not be difficult.

Plastic cash can be made to match any façade

For plastic platbands deformation from temperature changes and exposure to moisture is unusual.

Profiled PVC trims have the same properties, but may have a shaped surface. They are also used for interior and exterior window decoration.

MDF trim can also be flat or profiled, but they are used exclusively indoors, since the properties of MDF do not allow their use on outdoors under the influence of surrounding natural phenomena.

For external use, dense foam casing can be used. This material is easy to process and install. You can cut out the most intricate and intricate designs from polystyrene foam. complex shapes. It can be decorated with any finishing materials. It has negligible weight, so it does not put any load on the wall.

Foam trim can be used for exterior window decoration

The most expensive window design option is the installation of wooden carved cash. Carving can be done by hand or mechanized way. Handmade is very expensive due to its individuality and exclusivity.

Profiled and shaped frames made of natural wood, made on a machine, will cost less.

Behind wooden platbands careful care is required, since wood, when used in conditions of exposure to the external environment, has some disadvantages:

  • wood can become deformed when absorbing moisture or crack as a result of drying out;
  • Such cashing looks harmonious on wooden windows or on timber facades. On modern facades such cashing will look ridiculous.

Most often, when installing platbands on a plastic window, mounting elements are used that are fixed to the frame or wall.

Platband installation diagram

The use of removable trims, which are attached to special latches, allows for quick and high-quality installation.

Internal slopes for windows: finishing options and installation diagram

Options for finishing internal slopes of plastic windows. What and how best to make it. Materials. Step-by-step instruction by finishing.


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