PVC sewer pipe. Technical characteristics of PVC sewer pipes, classification and areas of application

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Polyvinyl chloride pipes (PVC) are made from the thermoplastic of the same name, which after heat treatment retains its shape. The main components of polyvinyl chloride are ethylene and stabilized chlorine, and with the help of additional additives, improved properties are achieved PVC pipes.

Most often, PVC pipes are used for sewer networks, due to their ease of installation and low cost. Material for the production of PVC pipes: PVC polyvinyl chloride (PVC) and its twin PVC-U polyvinyl chloride (PVC-U) unplasticized. PVC-U pipes have better technical characteristics, and this allows them to be used in pressure systems, which is why they are used more often.

Advantages and disadvantages of PVC pipes

PVC pipes, thanks to a range of benefits, have become a leader among similar products for sewer installation:

The main disadvantage of PVC pipes is temperature restrictions, which are no more than +65°С and no less than -10°С.

Use of PVC pipes

Using PVC pipes it is possible to implement the following types of sewerage systems:

The names of the species themselves sewer systems quite accurately reflect the essence of the application. But it should be noted that of the types of pipes used, PVC-U is most often used, since they have better strength characteristics.

Selection and application of PVC pipes

Feature sewer pipes When choosing, there is a not entirely familiar criterion - wall thickness. This follows from the fact that non-pressure pipes, and most sewer systems are non-pressure, there is no need to select according to internal pressure. The only reasonable approach is to ensure sufficient strength pipe walls for the volume of liquid that will fill it, and possible mechanical influences from the external environment. For these reasons, when choosing sewer pipes, two parameters are taken into account:

  • inner diameter, which should provide the predicted volume of wastewater;
  • wall thickness to ensure sufficient mechanical strength against the vicissitudes of fate.

Internal sewerage

For internal sewerage, as a rule, PVC pipes with grey color. Their characteristic features:

  • smooth-walled;
  • connection - socket;
  • line of popular sizes: diameters - 32, 40, 50 and 110 mm, lengths from 315 to 3000 mm;
  • the thickness is selected based on rigidity conditions, but as a requirement for gravity flow systems it is never less than 1.8 mm.

External sewerage

Pipes orange or yellow colors are intended for external installation and are used in more severe conditions, therefore, for each diameter there is a separate list of wall thicknesses. So, for example, data for a diameter of 200 mm:

  • For lungs rigidity conditions (SN 2) with a burial depth of up to 4 m, wall thickness 3.9 mm;
  • For average rigidity conditions (SN 4) with a burial depth of up to 6 m, wall thickness 4.9 mm;
  • For heavy rigidity conditions (SN 8) with a burial depth of up to 8 m, wall thickness 5.9 mm.

The same tabular data is available for other diameters. When designing sewer systems, they are taken into account.

Sewerage using pressure and free-pressure PVC pipes

On systems with forced deletion wastewater, i.e. with using pumps, PVC pressure pipes are used. It is typical for them high blood pressure on the walls, therefore the requirements are appropriate. Three types of pressure pipes are available 6, 10 and 12.5 kg/sq. cm. Additionally, you should choose the connection method:

A gravity sewer system uses the movement of wastewater under the influence of gravity. To select such pipes, take into account external load, and during installation the pipeline must be tilted. Typically, pipes with a socket are used for free-flow sewerage.

The difference between PVC pipes and other polymer pipes

The most common plastic, polyvinyl chloride, is far from the only polymer that is used in the manufacture of sewer pipes. Along with it, the following plastics are used:

  • polyethylene PE- the most common plastic for making pipes for transporting water. Due to temperature restrictions, it can only be used for cold water.
  • cross-linked polyethylene- resistant to UV radiation, withstands high mechanical loads, has an upper temperature threshold of + 95 °C, solder connection, used for cold and hot water;
  • polypropylene PPE- polypropylene pipes are widely used in various industries, thanks to their good mechanical properties And chemical resistance. Particularly successful use polypropylene pipes in cold and hot water pipelines.
  • polybutylene PB- cross-linked polyethylene, not widespread due to insufficient durability. Structural defects, cracks and peeling, appear within a few years. Produced in small quantities.
  • polyvinylidene fluoride PVDF is a semi-crystalline thermoplastic with excellent mechanical, physical and chemical properties and is used in the pharmaceutical industry for pumping drugs.

Many of the plastic pipes can compete with PVC, but in terms of price-quality advantages, they have no competitors.

Prices of PVC sewer pipes

Prices for any product are the most interesting part after discussion technical merits. Here you can never rely on today's figures - they largely depend on the manufacturer. And then the shipping cost comes in. But you still need to indicate guidelines, so let’s take one of the cost options for pipes with a diameter of 110 mm. This amounts to 165 rubles per 1 linear meter.

Additionally, it should be noted that prices for PPE pipes, the closest competitor to PVC, almost 3 times higher, although with a larger set positive qualities. In such cases, they say that there is an excess of advantages, but whether it is worth paying for them is up to the consumer to decide.

The final price of sewer construction, taking into account the installation of the system, can add completely unexpected somersaults to the estimate. For a rough estimate, let's take the option of calculating the construction of a sewerage system in a country house with our own hands.

It is assumed that the dacha is located in standard conditions: terrain differences are insignificant, level groundwater low, there are no quicksands, there is a place for discharging purified water, etc.

Every owner wants everything in his household to work, nothing to break, and to be easy to maintain and install. And sewerage is no exception. It needs to require as little attention as possible - it’s very inconvenient if it gets clogged, but it’s no less unpleasant to clean it. If you want to have a trouble-free wastewater disposal system, pay attention to plastic pipes for sewerage. They are gradually replacing cast iron ones, and all because they cost less, are easier to install, and have a large assortment- different diameters and lengths, almost no deposits form on their smooth walls, and even a service life of about 50 years. This whole bouquet of properties determines their popularity.

Types of plastic sewer pipes

  • polyethylene (PE):
  • polyvinyl chloride (PVC);
  • polypropylene (PP)

And a number of other thermoplastics and their combinations, but they are rare - people prefer to use already known materials.

The material of plastic sewer pipes is selected depending on the application. For example, polypropylene is more suitable for installing sewerage inside a house or apartment. It has a higher operating temperature range - it normally tolerates environments up to 70°C, and for a short time - up to 95°C. If there are different household appliances, which discharges waste hot water into the sewer, this will not be superfluous. PVC pipes having more than low prices, are more appropriate when laying external sewerage - here the drains are usually already mixed, so the temperatures are lower and PVC can withstand them without harm (working up to +40°C, short-term increase to 60°C).

Sewer pipes can also be smooth or corrugated. Moreover, not only siphon bends can be corrugated. There are profiled pipes for sewerage with an internal smooth wall and an external ribbed one. They have greater strength - they can better withstand compressive loads (they have increased ring rigidity) and can be buried to great depths. Available in diameters from 110 mm to 1200 mm.

Dimensions and diameters

Sewage plastic pipes, unlike water and gas pipes, are produced in the form of lengths of 50 cm, 100 cm, 200 cm, etc. - up to 600 cm. Maximum length- 12 meters, but some manufacturers can make longer sections upon request. When laying long routes, this is convenient - there are fewer connections, fewer possible places for problems to arise (leaks or blockages).

More important characteristics plastic pipes - diameter and wall thickness. In the markings they usually go side by side: the numbers are 160 * 4.2. What it means: the outer diameter of the pipe is 160 mm, the wall thickness is 4.2 mm. It’s worth remembering here that manufacturers indicate the outer diameter of plastic pipes, and many calculations and planning require knowing the inner one. It is easy to calculate: subtract twice the wall thickness from the outer wall: 160 mm - 4.2 mm * 2 = 151.6 mm. Calculations and tables usually contain a rounded result - in in this case- 150 mm.

In general, the industry produces plastic pipes for sewerage with a diameter of 25 mm. Maximum cross section depends on the type of pipe (smooth or corrugated) and the material from which it is made. For example, smooth PVC sewer pipes can have a diameter of up to 630 mm, and profiled two-layer pipes can have a diameter of up to 1200 mm. But these dimensions are of no use to homeowners or apartment dwellers. In private housing construction, diameters up to 100-110 mm are mainly used, rarely up to 160 mm. Sometimes, for a large cottage with a large number of plumbing fixtures, a pipe of 200-250 mm in diameter may be needed.

How to choose a diameter for connecting plumbing fixtures

According to the rules, a calculation must be made; it is fully spelled out in SNiP 2.04.01085. This is a complex matter, a lot of data is required, so few people really think as it should. Over the years, accumulated practice has made it possible to derive the average diameters of polyethylene sewer pipes for each of the plumbing fixtures. You can safely use these developments - all calculations usually come down to these dimensions.

Name of plumbing fixtureDiameter of plastic sewer pipeSlopeDistance between central drain and siphon
Bath40 mm1:30 100-130 cm
Shower40 mm1:48 150-170 cm
Toilet100 mm1:20 up to 600 cm
Sink40 mm1:12 from 0 to 80 cm
Bidet30-40 mm1:20 70-100 cm
Kitchen sink30-40 mm1:36 130-150 cm
Combined drain - bath, sink, shower50 mm1:48 170-230 cm
Central riser100-110 mm
Bends from the central riser65-75 cm

As you can see, plastic pipes for sewerage with a diameter of 30-40 mm are mainly used. Only the toilet requires a much larger size - 100-110 mm. This is due to the peculiarity of its functioning - it is necessary to take a large number of water. At the same time, there must be room for air in the pipe, otherwise it will break the water seals on other plumbing fixtures and “aromas” from the sewer will enter the room.

When installing, you need to remember a few more rules:

You also need to remember about insulating or heating the sewer outlet in a private house. The vertical section that runs from the outlet to the entrance to the trench must be well insulated. Additionally, they are often used. In the case of sewers, they are usually laid outside and then covered with thermal insulation material.

That's it, that's it. The rules are simple, but if you follow them, everything will work for a long time and without failure.

Features of installation of plastic sewer pipes

Plastic pipes for sewerage on one side end with a socket into which a sealing rubber. The segments are connected simply: a straight edge is inserted into the socket. Since the dimensions are strictly standardized, this is, in principle, sufficient for a hermetically sealed connection. In practice, the O-ring is often additionally coated with silicone plumbing sealant.

When installing sewer plastic pipes, sometimes they have to be cut. Convenient to do with hand saw with a blade for metal - small teeth cut well and leave an almost even edge. You can also use a grinder or jigsaw. In any case, before installing the cut piece, its edge must be processed sandpaper with fine grain - remove possible burrs, make it even. Some piece of waste may get caught on the protruding pieces, and as a result, a blockage may form in this place. Therefore, we carefully smooth out the cut area.

When creating a sewer network in a house or apartment, it is often necessary to make a branch. There are fittings for this - adapters from one diameter to another, tees, angles with different degrees turning, etc.

This article discusses in detail the features of such products as PVC pipes for sewerage: sizes and prices of plastic elements and additional components, used for installation of a wastewater disposal system. In the text you can find a classification of pipes, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as an overview of catalogs offered by hardware stores. This information can be used to select and purchase PVC products for sewer installation.

The sewerage system is constructed on the basis of pipes, which are an integral part of the system. During operation, these elements are subject to static and dynamic loads, so the selection of products should be approached thoroughly and attention should be paid to the technical characteristics.

Polyvinyl chloride products are widely used for the construction of both internal and external sewerage systems. Among other polymer products, they are considered the most popular and in demand. These plastic products cylindrical are made on the basis of polyvinyl chloride thermoplastic. This material has one advantageous property, due to which PVC pipes acquire improved characteristics. The fact is that polyvinyl chloride thermoplastic retains its shape well after heat treatment and extrusion.

According to GOST 51613-2000, free-flow PVC pipes for sewerage are tested for impact strength using the Charpy system. The maximum permissible number of elements that are subject to destruction should not exceed 10%.

Note! A slight change in the length of the elements after heating is allowed, but not more than 5%.

GOST also defines standard sizes plastic pipes for sewerage, as well as maximum deviations from parameters that are acceptable in quality products. Polyvinyl chloride contains two components - stabilized chlorine and ethylene. In order to improve performance characteristics, manufacturers add various additives to thermoplastic mixtures. As a result, under the influence of high pressure, a composite connection with a high margin of safety is obtained.

Why is it profitable to buy PVC pipes for sewerage?

Polymer products have many advantages. Manufacturers have endowed plastic pipes light weight, while maintaining enough high level strength. The cost is affordable for most buyers, so consumers prefer this type of product.

The most important advantages also include favorable performance characteristics. The inner walls of polymer pipes have smooth surface with minor presence longitudinal stripes and waviness, so the likelihood of blockages caused by fecal accumulation or build-up is extremely low. Plastic is not subject to corrosion and is resistant to aggressive environments.

PVC pipes are ideal for the construction of pressure sewers. Moreover, installation of the system can be done with my own hands. This does not require the use of special equipment. A wide variety of sizes and mounting elements are available, which greatly simplifies the design and installation of pipeline wiring.

Products intended for laying external sewers are characterized by frost resistance. The effective operational service life of pipes made from polymers exceeds 50 years. If you strictly follow the requirements of installation technology, sewer line will not be subject to displacement. Docking points often diverge when the groundwater level changes. But if there were no violations during the installation process, even in such conditions the system of polymer pipes remains sealed.

Important! Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the performance characteristics of pipes are reduced. Therefore, it is not recommended to store products in places where they will be exposed to direct sunlight.

Types of plumbing pipes and PVC adapters for sewerage

Range plastic products is very wide, thanks to which consumers can buy plastic pipes for sewerage of any modification and purpose. Taking into account the purpose and operating conditions, three categories of elements for highway construction can be distinguished.

All of them are in full compliance with the main standard sizes. Products with a lightweight design (SN-2) are used for laying sewerage in the pedestrian sidewalk area. The scope of their application also extends to recreation areas with green spaces, as well as areas that are not subject to traffic loads.

Pipes with average parameters (SN-4) are laid in areas where there is little traffic. Heavy type pipes (SN-8) are provided especially for industrial areas. These products are suitable for organizing a sewer system in areas with high traffic flow.

In addition to straight pipes for sewer construction, connecting elements are used. With their help, you can organize turns of the line (fittings equipped with a rubber seal). They are also used to form connections between the toilet and the sewer system from plastic pipes or joints between other elements.

Available for sale the following types adapters:

  • couplings for network maintenance;
  • reductions connecting elements with differences in section size;
  • tees and crosses for forming the distribution of several pipes;
  • rotary bends;
  • expansion pipes for repair work.

In addition, you can buy plastic sewer hatches in stores to carry out inspections. These elements are also used for service systems when blockages occur.

PVC pipes for sewerage: sizes and prices of products

The most popular diameter of PVC sewer pipes is 110 mm. Similar products are lightweight and do not cause any difficulties during installation. Pipes intended for construction outdoor system, can have a two-, one-, or three-layer structure. The outer layer is made of non-plasticized PVC. In three-layer products, the inner layers are made of foam material having a porous structure. It is a recycled product.

The pipe walls are connected simultaneously using “hot” technology. The result is a cylindrical product with monolithic design. Due to the cavities that form between the walls, it is possible to reduce the weight of the pipe.

Classification of products by ring stiffness class:

  1. L – lightweight products that are laid to a depth of 80-200 cm.
  2. N – pipes of medium hardness, intended for installation at a depth of 2-6 m.
  3. S – rigid products with large thickness walls that can withstand loads at a depth of up to 8 m.

Helpful advice! To organize an external system, it is recommended to use double-layer pipes with a corrugated structure. Thanks to the presence of stiffeners with outside the strength of products increases.

Ring stiffness is marked with the abbreviation SN. Technical specifications pressure pipes and elements for systems where the movement of wastewater is carried out by gravity are completely different. In each case, the sewerage system is subjected to different loads: pressure pressure or the influence of gravity. For this reason, prices for pressure-type sewer plastic pipes are significantly higher than for elements for gravity systems.

Pressure pipes are available in three variations, able to cope with the influence of pressure of 10, 6 and 12.5 kg per cm².

Dimensions and prices of plastic pipes for sewerage: external system

For the construction of external and internal sewer systems, products of different sections are used.

Typical diameter sizes of plastic pipes for sewerage:

  • 110 mm – minimum size sections for external pipes, used for drainage in summer cottages;
  • 315 mm - products with this cross-section are intended for the construction of a common sewer system serving several houses;
  • 630 mm – pipes with maximum size sections for the construction of a highway capable of serving a small village.

In addition, to work with an external system, you will need to buy a sewer pumping hose made of polyvinyl chloride.

Prices for fecal hoses:

Manufacturer price, rub.
Pedrollo TR (10 m) 1650
Omnigena (100 m) 2500
Aqua Planet Group (25 m) 2870

Pipes for external sewerage are manufactured in orange color, so they cannot be confused with other product options. Cylindrical elements can have different lengths. The most popular lengths are 0.5, 1 and 2 m. There are other variations, for example, 3 m and 6 m. Some manufacturers have an extended range of sizes. They offer individual elements 12 cm long.

Average prices for PVC products class SN 4 for external sewerage:

Diameter, mm Product length, mm price, rub.
110 560 95
1000 162
2000 310
3000 455
4000 594
6060 896
125 572 116
1072 204
2072 403
3072 553
4072 805
6072 1050
160 580 182
1000 294
2000 565
3000 837
4000 1098
6080 1662
200 606 230
1200 527
2000 862
3000 1274
4000 1673
6090 2530
315 1200 1225
2000 1973
3000 2887
4000 3917
6140 5752

Price of PVC sewer pipes for internal sewerage

Pipes intended for installation internal system bends are made in gray color. They have a low price, since these products are characterized by a light rigidity class and are completely unsuitable for outdoor work. The most popular PVC pipes for sewerage are 50 mm in diameter. Although there are other section sizes on sale - 32, 40 and 110 mm.

The inner walls of gray pipes are smooth. The elements are connected to each other using the “socket” technology. The length varies from 25 cm to 3 m, although non-standard sizes are also found.

Note! The branch connecting the plumbing to the vertical pipe must correspond to the diameter of the riser. The use of a smaller section is not allowed.

To build a drainage system in a bathroom, it is recommended to use pipes with a cross-section of 75 mm. They are suitable for connecting a shower cabin, bidet and washbasin to a public sewer system. They are characterized by a fairly high throughput.

For domestic wastewater, products with a diameter of 50 mm will be sufficient. They are light, elastic and resistant to high temperatures ( hot water) and influence chemical substances(in case of cleaning the system chemically). To connect the toilet, it is better to take products with a cross-sectional size of 100-110 mm. They will withstand strong pressure because they are particularly durable.

Dimensions and prices of PVC pipes for indoor plumbing:

Diameter, mm Product length, mm price, rub.
32 250 30
500 45
1000 60
2000 105
40 250 32
500 47
1000 63
2000 108
50 250 35
500 48
750 55
1000 65
1500 86
2000 113
3000 150
110 250 90
500 120
1000 160
2000 240
3000 450

Catalog of fittings for PVC sewerage and prices for products

Fittings are used in systems where the wastewater temperature does not exceed 80ºC. The products also withstand short-term removal of waste liquid at temperatures up to 95ºC.

In this case, drainage means:

  1. Dirty water from the toilet.
  2. Waste liquid from the shower stall and sink.
  3. Chemical compositions with a pH level in the range of 2-12.

The following parts are used for internal sewerage:

  • couplings (with stop, full bore for repair);
  • reduction;
  • audits with a cover;
  • tees (with an angle of 90, 67, 45º);
  • two-plane crosses (with an angle of 90 and 45º);
  • plugs;
  • single-plane crosses (with an angle of 90 and 45º);
  • bends (with an angle of 45, 30 and 90º);
  • compensation pipes.

A set of fittings for an external sewer system looks almost the same, although there are certain differences.

The following parts are used for external sewerage:

  • standard bends (with an angle of 30, 15, 45, 90 and 67º);
  • double-socket bends equipped with rubber rings on both sides;
  • standard couplings;
  • standard and three-socket tees (the latter option with an angle of 90º);
  • single-plane crosses (90º);
  • , mounted horizontally with a slope of 2 cm per 1 m of length;
  • two-arm siphons.

Average prices for connecting elements for an external system:

Item type Diameter, mm Angle, º price, rub.
Retraction 110 15 125
30 125
45 130
60 150
87 130
125 45 135
87 135
160 15 242
30 264
45 295
60 315
87 367
Tee 110/110 45 235
125/110 45 275
125/125 45 345
125/110 87 355
125/125 87 360
160/110 45 430
160/160 45 590
160/110 87 400
160/160 87 480
Audit 110 - 480
125 - 500
160 - 595
Stub 110 - 48
125 - 100
160 - 135
coupling 110 - 107
125 - 110
160 - 255
Check valve 110 - 1940
125 - 2500
160 - 3585

Recommendations for installing sewerage from plastic pipes with your own hands

The sewer system in old buildings was primarily made of cast iron. Despite the practicality of this material, sooner or later it needs to be replaced. For the construction of modern risers, more durable and lightweight materials are used.

Helpful advice! When replacing the pipeline, it is possible to organize ventilation, which was absent in old-type systems. Thus, it will be possible to eliminate unpleasant sewer smells that can enter the room.

Experts even recommend abandoning the use of galvanized and, whose lifespan is no more than 10 years, and give preference to polyvinyl chloride or polypropylene products. The shelf life of polymer elements is 30-50 years.

For dismantling old sewer You will need the following tools:

  • screwdrivers big size to remove small parts from the system;
  • grinders with a metal disc;
  • plastic film to cover the pipe opening at the cut;
  • nail puller and chisel;
  • personal protective equipment (goggles, gloves, apron);
  • hammer and perforator;
  • scrap and grinding machine.

How to make the transition from a cast iron pipe to a plastic sewer: dismantling the old system

First you need to indicate the necessary indents. The first mark is placed at a distance of 10 cm from the ceiling level, and the second mark is placed at a distance of 80 cm from the tee. In the marked areas you need to make cuts using a grinder, with a depth of half the cross-section of the pipe. Place a chisel on the top cut and hit it with a hammer.

A similar procedure must be performed from below. The hammer must be struck with force to crack the cast iron pipe so that the middle section can be removed.
The section of pipe coming from the ceiling must be covered with plastic film.

The lower part of the system consists of a tee and other connecting elements. To dismantle it you will need a crowbar or a nail puller. These tools are necessary to loosen the fixation zones. Once this is done, you can remove the . In some cases, you cannot do without using a hammer drill. It allows you to remove the cement that holds the fasteners in place.

You can use a screwdriver or chisel to chip away the cement. After this, the tee is removed. If this procedure fails, you can use a grinder equipped with a disk designed to work with metal surfaces. In this case, you should step back from the socket by about 3 cm. After dismantling the connections, you should thoroughly clean the areas where they are located from dirt, and then treat the surface with a grinding machine.

Helpful advice! Before starting work, you must notify your neighbors, since you cannot use the toilet or bathroom while the pipeline is being replaced. Otherwise, the water upper floors will pour into the room and flood the neighbors below. For the same reason, all work must be carried out as quickly as possible.

Instructions for installing sewerage from plastic pipes

To perform installation work, you will need the following tools and materials:

  • pipes with a cross-sectional size of 110 mm;
  • outlet tee;
  • rubber cuffs designed to seal and secure the fasteners between the PVC pipe and scraps of the cast iron system;
  • a pipe providing a transition from a cast iron pipe to a plastic one and vice versa;
  • pipe fastenings;
  • soap, which will be used as a lubricant to facilitate installation of fasteners;
  • vertical building level.

The process of installing plastic pipes is carried out in a similar way, only in reverse order. Rubber sealing collars must be inserted into the sections of cast iron pipes. The adapter is installed from above, the tee must be installed from below. The fixation of all elements must be as tight as possible to ensure the tightness of the sewer system. If the tee moves freely in the connection, it can be sealed using linen tape or silicone-based sealant.

PVC sewer pipes are intended for installation of sewerage, drainage and water supply systems. The popularity of plastic is due to the large number of its positive properties. Before choosing PVC sewer pipes, it is important to familiarize yourself with their technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, as well as strength criteria.

Main characteristics

PVC pipes are highly resistant to various alkaline and acidic aggressive environments. It is this property that allows them to be used for sewer installation. Specifications include a high melting point of 120°C, but it is not recommended to use plastic pipes in production.

IN living conditions experts do not advise exceeding the temperature of the drained liquids above 70 degrees, so you should be careful when pouring boiling water into the sewer from PVC pipes.

When considering strength indicators, it is worth noting that high coefficient, but at the same time PVC is classified as a fragile material that is afraid mechanical damage. You should not try to bend the pipes, as they may become damaged within a year or two after use.

When using PVC pipes to install sewerage under the road, you must use a box made of brick or reinforced concrete.

The hardness of the plastic is determined by the only significant disadvantage of PVC pipes - noise during use. This may annoy household members, but noise can be avoided by soundproofing the pipes.

Benefits and Features

The great popularity of plastic pipes for installation of sewer systems is explained by the following advantages:

  • long service life;
  • light weight of elements;
  • convenience and ease of installation of the structure;
  • affordable price.

When installing sewerage from plastic pipes, there is no need to use the services of specialists, since all the processes are quite simple and do not require special knowledge. All components of the system (pipes, fasteners, transitions) are light in weight, so there will be no difficulties during transportation.

Pipe size selection

If installation work will be carried out independently, it is necessary to select correct sizes PVC pipes: diameter, length, wall thickness.

Modern manufacturers of polyvinyl chloride pipes indicate the outer diameter when marking. If necessary, calculate the internal diameter, proceed as follows: subtract the wall thickness from the external diameter (it is also indicated on the marking).

It is the inner diameter that plays important role when installing sewerage or drainage from equipment. For example, when arranging a drain for dishwasher enough pipes with internal diameter 25 mm; for baths, shower cabins, sinks and washbasins - 32 mm, for wiring the system throughout the house (apartment) - 50 mm. If the sewage system is organized outside the building, then preference should be given to pipes with the largest diameter.

The thickness of the walls directly depends on the diameter - the larger it is, the smaller the thickness, and, therefore, the weight will also be light. According to GOST, plastic pipes can be different lengths– from 1 to 6 m (step – 1 m). This will allow buyers to select the required pipe size.

When purchasing PVC pipes, you should pay attention to the presence of GOST, markings, and evaluation of indicators after testing. The original packaging must also be present.

Strength criterion

One more important criterion, which must be taken into account when choosing plastic pipes for organizing sewerage and wastewater disposal, is the hardness class. Thus, each type of pipe is designed to perform certain type works in certain conditions. To install a drainage system inside the house, you can use pipes with a lower strength rating, and only the strongest pipes are used outside.

To facilitate the process of choosing PVC pipes for the consumer, manufacturers use various dyes. Internal sewerage painted in gray colors, and the outer one is brown and orange.

When laying external sewerage, the degree of load is also taken into account, for example, for private territory class SN2 is suitable, if you have a car - SN4, if it is an industrial facility or a road - SN8.


Cast iron pipes, traditionally used for water supply and sewerage systems, are increasingly being replaced by plastic pipes. Trends of the times and modern technologies make it possible to use pipes PVC sewer even in cases in which previously the use of pipes other than cast iron was problematic.

Long-term experience with plastic pipes shows that their use is quite justified in the case of transporting not only ordinary water or industrial and domestic wastewater, but also aggressive liquids.

Characteristics of polyvinyl chloride sewer pipes

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other, PVC pipes have their advantages and disadvantages. The “advantages” of plastic sewer pipes include the following technical characteristics:

  • high strength;
  • resistance of both the outer and inner surfaces of pipes under the influence of chemical and mechanical factors;
  • smooth surface that prevents the pipe lumen from becoming overgrown due to solid deposits;
  • stability at low ambient temperatures;
  • lack of permeability: impossibility of penetration of runoff into the ground and groundwater into pipes.

In addition, the advantages of PVC pipes are their environmental friendliness, the ability to operate for a long time and an affordable price.

The main disadvantage of sewer pipes made of PVC is that they lose their strength when high temperatures. As a result, the service life of the entire system can be significantly reduced. The maximum operating temperature of PVC sewer pipes is a temperature not higher than 40 degrees.

In extreme cases, short-term exposure of pipes to liquids with temperatures up to 80 degrees is possible.

Features of application

The main application of PVC sewer pipes:

  • Installation for wastewater disposal from residential and industrial buildings.
  • Installation of systems inside walls and floors.
  • Assembly external systems followed by laying in the ground.

The existing classification of PVC pipes by strength divides them into:

  • Lungs. They are mainly used for the installation of sewer systems located at relatively shallow depths. Designation – SN 2.
  • Average. Systems assembled from such pipes can be placed under roads with light loads. Designation – SN 4.
  • Heavy. Used when laying pipeline systems under highways or industrial buildings. Designation – SN 8.

How to choose PVC pipes for sewerage?

In order to choose the right PVC pipes necessary for work in specific conditions, it is worth carefully considering all the parameters. You should pay attention to the dimensions and some characteristics:

  1. indoor and outdoor;
  2. length of sections;
  3. safety margin required in specific conditions;
  4. Additional features. For example, to organize protection, pipes made of a material that has the ability to self-extinguish are used.

The purchased products must comply with the requirements of GOST - PVC sewer pipes must:

  • comply with standard markings;
  • undergo mandatory tests assessing their performance;
  • be properly packaged;
  • transported in accordance with the requirements of the standard.

Compliance by manufacturers with all GOST requirements is a guarantee that the buyer will be able to choose suitable pipes for the device various systems sewerage.

Stages of assembling a sewerage system from PVC pipes

Install a water supply or sewer system PVC pipes can be made quite easily. The work can be done either with the help of professionals or independently. The main thing is to follow a number of simple recommendations that will help you install pipes efficiently, in a short time and relatively inexpensively.

Installation steps:

  • You must first carefully select the pipes themselves and all PVC. You should carefully check all the angles and inclinations of the system, and adjust the component parts to each other.
  • Be sure to mark the parts so as not to confuse them and their locations during the installation process.
  • Check how the pipes fit into the sockets. Each pipe should fit 2/3 into the socket easily. To ensure that the pipe is completely inserted into the socket, some force must be applied.
  • Connect the components of the system using.

To make the parts to be glued together stronger, you can give all surfaces a slight roughness.

  • After applying the adhesive layer, immediately put on the necessary fittings for PVC sewer pipes.
  • If it is necessary to create a complex branched pipeline system, tees are used. The technology for connecting PVC pipes through these parts is no different from directly connecting two pipes or assembling through simple fittings.

  • Upon completion of installation in mandatory The system is checked for leaks. To exclude any leaks, the test must be carried out for at least one hour.

Increasingly, when installing drainage and sewerage systems, metal and cast iron pipes are competing with plastic pipes. Their characteristics, which are in no way inferior to traditional analogues, and sometimes even superior to them, make PVC pipes for sewerage popular among consumers who use them to create fairly inexpensive and durable pipeline systems.


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