Work book accept the first entry sample. Error when filling out: what to do? Filling out a work book

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Today's labor market is traditionally divided into official and shadow. Naturally, the majority of citizens count on it, although this is not always profitable, depending on the material component. However, obtaining a work book provides some advantages related to work experience, etc.

But in this article we will talk not about the employee and the work book, but about the employer and the work book, that is, about filling it out. Filling out work books is discussed in the Instructions for filling out work books (No. 69). This document was approved by the Decree of the Russian Ministry of Labor on October 10, 2003.

The work book notes career path person

All entries that will be made in, when it comes to dates, must be made in Arabic numerals. If the month is a two-digit entry, if the year is a four-digit entry. In paragraph 1.1. Above the mentioned Instructions we read that all entries must be made carefully. To do this, use pens - gel or fountain pens, rollerball pens, ballpoint pens.

Light-resistant inks, pastes and gels are often used. This list, naturally, indicates all possible examples, but anyone who has dealt with filling out a work book knows that in practice the usual ball pen, and the records often do not have much in common with the accuracy described in the Instructions. Record Color:

  1. black;
  2. blue;
  3. violet.

Under no circumstances should you keep records using abbreviations. That is, such frequent words in the workbook, as “order”, cannot be replaced by the abbreviation “pr.”; You cannot write “dispatch” when talking about “order”, etc. This rule is very important and must be followed without any exception. In addition, the sample work book is designed so that all entries can be made without abbreviations and as completely as possible.

How to fill out the title page work book? Thematic video material will suggest:

Employee information

This is perhaps the very first article to fill out. After all, the employee enters on the first page, that is, on the title page. Records are kept on the basis of clause 2.1. We carry out this procedure in the sequence suggested by the example:

  • FULL NAME; must be indicated in full, no initials are allowed;
  • Date of Birth; also completely. Enter the date, month and year. Entries are made based on passport information. In other cases, the source of information may be any of existing documents, which confirms identity. These include, among others, a driver's license and military ID.

It is quite possible that in the near future work books will not be filled out

Here we must pay attention to some nuances. It should be remembered that the recording of the full name is made exclusively in nominative case. By the way, the title page is the page of the workbook where mistakes are most often made. What is this connected with?

Naturally with inattention and ignorance of the procedure. After all, there are cases when the full name was entered on one line. But the form provides three lines, and they must be used, regardless of how long the last name, first name and patronymic are. Among the others common mistakes, which are associated with ignorance, we note the entries on the first page of information relating to the assignment of categories and ranks to an employee.

For these entries in the work book there is a special section signed “Information about work”. After all, as we will see below, these records can change (as a rule, this happens), because over the years, workers receive other categories, maybe a different specialty. It will simply be impossible to make new entries on the title page.

Let's return to a further review of the records. After filling out the title page, you must indicate the employee’s education. This information fits in the following order:

  1. basic general;
  2. average general;
  3. initial professional;
  4. secondary vocational;
  5. higher professional;
  6. postgraduate professional.

These entries cannot be made if you do not have certificates, certificates, diplomas, etc., that is, duly certified documents indicating a particular level of education. That is, entries in the work book must always have documentary evidence.

If there is incomplete education (naturally, at the appropriate level), then an entry can only be made if certified evidence is presented. These will be:

  • student ID;
  • record book;
  • educational institution.

Please note that these documents must be provided in a package, that is, all together. One of them is not a basis for recording. The work book must have the date it was completed. The employee puts his signature on the first sheet. A different signature on the title page will belong to the person who issues work books and is responsible for this. Next comes the seal of the organization, or rather, the seal of the personnel service.

If the work book does not have a seal on the title page, then it is invalid.

Changes to entries in the workbook

Completed work book - sample

The specifics of filling out a work report are such that sooner or later you will have to make entries in it that will be in relation to previous changes. Practice shows that changes most often concern such records as:

  1. Date of Birth.

In order to make new entries that invalidate old ones, it is necessary to have a basis. In other words, documentary evidence of changes in information. Thus, when entering new data into the work book regarding changes in full name and/or date of birth, you must have a basis, which is:

  • Marriage certificate;
  • certificate;
  • certificate confirming changes in full name.

These documents must be referenced when changing records. In this case, indicate the number and date of their compilation. The changes in question relate to the first sheet. We are not talking about replacing the workbook with a new one. Therefore, old entries must be crossed out. Moreover, this is done exclusively by one feature.

On inside covers, you must leave links to, which served as the basis and confirmation of the new entries left. The employer certifies these notes with a signature and seal. Staffing table The organization is the basis that determines the order in the records of the name of the position, specialty and profession.

There are, however, qualification reference books, which must be paid attention to if the performance of work in specific positions and professions, as well as specialties, is associated with the provision of restrictions or.

The period of work is associated with the assignment of new ranks to employees. These can also be classes and categories. Naturally, a new entry should appear in the workbook. Moreover, it must be done as completely as possible, that is, on all pages and in all columns provided for this (title, links to supporting documents, date, etc.).

New nuances

The work book is filled out according to the rules

Let us note some changes in the procedure for filling out work books. Now the joint-stock companies have the right to decide independently the issue of the need round stamp. This resolution came into force on April 7, 2015. Rostrud, however, introduced clarifications on this issue.

There is still an obligation to affix a stamp to the work book. That is, if one of the mentioned organizations refused to use the seal, then the work book will still have to be certified when recording.

For this purpose, a personnel seal or any other one related to the organization is sufficient. Note important detail. When filling out the workbook for the first time, the absence length of service not fixed. If the first job entry is made immediately after the employee completes his special educational institution, then the training time is also not recorded in a separate record.

Let us again pay attention to errors that occur quite often. Column 2 often incorrectly records the date when the employee was hired. Sometimes the date of drawing up the order is set. This is incorrect, because it is necessary to set a date that relates to the employee, and not to the decree, and is included in the text of the decree. That is, these dates should not be confused.

Column 3 is designed to record which structural unit the employee is assigned to. Its name is indicated. Also regarding the employee, his position, specialty, profession, and qualifications are included. Column 4 is information about the order. The number and date of the document compiled are entered here.

It should be borne in mind that hiring can be carried out not only by drawing up an order, but also on the basis of other documents. This means that when filling out column 4, if there is no order as such, it is necessary to enter a reference to another decision of the employer (this could be, for example, a decision of a general meeting).

Every person in certain time begins his working career. Naturally, he tries to work, as they say, according to the work book, that is, officially. This document is very important because it reflects a person’s work activity, is his pride, and also has considerable practical significance.

Therefore, the question of how to fill it out correctly, discussed in this article, is very important, also in view of the fact that both the workbook samples themselves and the parameters for filling them out often change. Those who hire should be vigilant when making entries and follow the changes and clarifications of Rostrud.

Expert lawyer's opinion:

The author reveals some of the subtleties of correctly filling out a work book. The article is useful and informative. But our readers should know that the legal significance of a work book is currently somewhat lower than it was 15-20 years ago. It is possible that work books will be completely abolished in the near future.

With the introduction into force Labor Code Russian Federation since February 1, 2002, the execution of a written employment contract has become mandatory (Article 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). Also Art. 136 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for the mandatory issuance of a pay slip for wages employees. These two documents carry more weight when collected and stored until retirement. These two documents contain all the information about labor activity employee necessary for calculating the pension.

There is one more document that we recommend receiving from the accounting department annually and upon dismissal. This is a salary certificate (Appendix No. 1 to the order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Russian Federation dated April 30, 2013 No. 182n). This document will also not be superfluous when you reach retirement age.

The contents of the work book do not disclose any information about wages, and it is this information that is valuable when calculating a pension. The work book contains only information about where, in what capacity and how long you worked. And if you worked somewhere else, but there is no entry in the work book, then a written employment contract and pay slip will help. This information can be obtained even if the work was one-time.

Filling out work books in 2019 is regulated by the following regulatory documents:

It should be borne in mind that the specified standards are not recommendations for implementation, but clearly written standards by which the sample work book is approved, and failure to comply with them is punishable by law.

Filling out the title page

The title form of the work book is filled out in two cases:

  • first employment;
  • registration of a duplicate.

The sample of the new work book was approved and has not changed since then.

All information about the owner of the work record is entered in black, blue or purple. When filling out you must indicate:

  • date of birth (DD.MM.YYYY);
  • education and specialty;
  • profession.

The information is entered on the basis of the documents provided by the employee: we write as it is written there. No entries “from the words” of the employee are written or entered. The text must be written in neat, legible handwriting. Blots and mistakes are not allowed. Dates are entered in Arabic numerals. Just in case, let us remind you what documents the employee must provide you when concluding an employment contract:

  • about education (if the job requires special knowledge, skills and abilities);
  • about military registration (if the person is liable for military service);
  • SNILS (if missing, the employer draws up this document himself);
  • passport.

The labor document is not listed, although it is a mandatory document, but we are writing about it. You can see a sample of the 2019 work book design below.

Everything that is recorded on title page, certified by the signature of a specialist responsible for filling out, maintaining and storing work books. A few words need to be said here. In any organization, regardless of the form of ownership and direction of activity, one of the employees will be entrusted with the responsibility for preparing and storing work books within the organization (for more details, see paragraph 45 of the rules approved). Who it will be - a personnel officer, an accountant, an employee of another service or the director himself - does not matter. It is important that such a person is appointed by order, which has the same name - on approval responsible person for filling out and storing work books and their inserts. Another nuance: it is more advisable to assign two employees to this area, because if there is only one employee, he may get sick and go on vacation, and the second one will cover him for this time.

After the personnel officer enters the necessary information, the owner of the document signs in a specially designated line as a sign of agreement that all data was entered correctly. If errors were made, then such a document is considered invalid and must be destroyed, and a new form is issued to the owner of the work book (at the expense of the organization).

The completed title page of the 2019 work book looks like this:

But what about situations where an employee changes his personal data? Don’t throw away the book... Yes, you don’t need to do this, for this case the legislation provides for the possibility of making changes: we carefully cross out the old employee data on the title page (we’re talking about full name), and on the double page of the employment record we carefully write new ones intelligence. We certify this record with our signature with a transcript (if there is a stamp, we also put it on it). In more detail, how to fill out a work book for 2019 in this case, written in section III of the rules approved. It is necessary to keep in mind and remember that correction of entries on the title page and in other sections of the work report is carried out in different ways.

Fill out the “Job Information” section

After the title page is completed, move on to the “Work Details” section. It is recorded here:

  • Company name;
  • day, month, year of making entries;
  • the fact of hiring;
  • movement among positions;
  • translations (on an ongoing basis);
  • part-time work (at the request of the employee at the main place of work);
  • reasons for termination of the employment contract.

Entries in the work book for 2019 are made on the basis of an order issued by the head of the organization. The details of the document are indicated in the column provided for this. The entry must be made within 7 days from the date of issue of the order (for admission, transfers, promotions, etc., for dismissal, entries are made, as a rule, on the last working day, see paragraph 10 of the Rules approved). Sometimes experts confuse the periods of five and seven days. Five days is the period after which the employer is obliged to create a work book for his employee (clause 3 of the Rules). Each entry has its own serial number. Only the headings in the “Work Information” section are not numbered.

Sample of filling out a work book (2019)

Rules for filling out a work book (2019)

The procedure for entering information into this section is as follows:

  1. In the column “Information about work” (in fact, it is the third) data about the employer company (without abbreviations) is entered.
  2. In the first column “No.” the entry is assigned a serial number.
  3. In the second column “Date” (DD.MM.YYYY) the date is indicated (according to the order or actual permission to work).
  4. The third column contains information about hiring, indicating the position (as in an employment contract).
  5. The fourth section indicates the details of the order or other normative act about hiring.

When the time comes, people leave an organization for various reasons. Information about the termination of the working relationship is entered here with the following entry. An example of how to correctly fill out a work book in this case can be seen below.

How to record a resignation

According to the order of the employer, an entry is made into the labor record (exactly in the form that is in the order, without abbreviations). The grounds for dismissal are indicated (Article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), for example: “Dismissed due to at will, paragraph 3 of part 1 of article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation." An example of filling out a work book for this basis is presented below.

If termination labor relations has other reasons, for example, loss of trust, then the link to the article will change, the entry will read as follows: “The employment contract was terminated due to the commission of guilty actions by an employee directly servicing commodity assets, giving grounds for loss of trust in him by the employer, paragraph 7 of part 1 of Article 81 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation." Regardless of the reason for leaving, the employee is familiarized with this record and given a document form in hand.

The record is certified by the signature of the manager (or an authorized person) with a transcript, and the seal of the enterprise is affixed (provided that there is one). As a sign of familiarization with the record, the employee also puts his signature on the form, indicates his last name and initials. Full name - important point, since the last name must match the data indicated on the title plate. After this, the employee signs in a book (some call it a journal) recording the movement of labor and inserts to them.

Correctly filling out the work book (2019) is extremely important, especially in light of the latest pension legislation reforms. The Pension Fund of the Russian Federation will not accept documents that are completed incorrectly, or simply will not take into account the period of a person’s work that was completed with errors. Someday we will all retire, and we don’t want to spend that time correcting other people’s mistakes.

The work book, filling out, is not limited to filling out the title page and the section on work; the work book contains another section - information about awards and incentives.

We make a record of encouragement and awards

The employee’s professional merits, awards and incentives for good work are also entered into the work book (information about penalties is not entered). All new data is entered based on the employer’s order. The entry algorithm is the same as in the case of hiring; a sample and rules for filling out a work book can be seen above.

Insert in the work book

The insert is inserted and sewn into the work record when there is no space left in the main document about the length of service and there is nowhere to enter new information. The shape of the insert has been approved. It looks like this:

Important things you need to know about the insert:

  • it must be sewn in (directly with threads, in what way - it does not matter, it is important that it is attached);
  • when filling out the insert, the personal data in it must match the data indicated on the title page of the employment contract;
  • the insert number is entered into the labor movement record book;
  • all other filling is identical to the labor one.

For the Republic of Crimea, the procedure for making entries is similar; an example of how to fill out a work book of the Republic of Kazakhstan (2019) can be found in our text.

She is assigned the following functions:

    it reflects information about a person’s length of service and experience from the moment of his first employment until retirement;

    allows you to find out why a person left his previous job;

    contains information about the availability of awards for conscientious work

Only a HR specialist can make entries in it. The title page is completed in the presence of the owner of the document. To confirm the correctness of the entered data, he puts his signature.

So, to get this document, you need to get a job.

At what age can you get a job?

In any case, a form must be created for the employee.

To receive it, you need to write an application to issue a work book for the first time, sample: “In connection with the conclusion of an employment contract for the first time, in accordance with Part 4 of Article 65 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, I ask you to issue me a work book.”

How to get a book form?

Each organization must purchase at its own expense forms that are issued to employees upon initial employment. An entry about employment must be made in the document no later than five working days after the person goes to work and begins his duties.

Where are the labor registration rules established?

You can learn how to properly draw up a work book from the legislative acts of the Russian Federation regulating this issue. Let's list them:

What documents are needed to complete the form?

For initial registration, the following documents must be submitted to the HR department of the enterprise:

Passport or birth certificate;

A diploma of education or a certificate from an educational institution, if the person is a student.

This data is indicated on the title page of the document.

How to apply for a work book for the first time, sample

How should the form be formatted?

The requirements for drawing up a work book are as follows: the form can only be filled out in blue or black ink. Arabic numbers are used when filling out. Abbreviations are not allowed. And any information is entered only on the basis of an official order.

What information is included on the title page?

The title page contains the following information:

Date of Birth;



Date of completion.

At the bottom of the title page is the company's seal and the signature of the HR department employee. As a sign of familiarization with the records, the employee also puts his signature in the space provided for this. On the next page, according to the rules for filling out forms, an entry is made confirming the fact of employment.

In what order are entries about work entered into the document?

The correct execution of a work book looks like this: the first column contains the entry number in order, the second - the date. The following is information about acceptance to a specific position. The fourth column records the reasons for making the entry. For example, an order for employment.

It is a strict reporting form, so after filling it is registered in. It indicates the number and series of the document and information about the employee. The form is kept in the HR department until the employee is dismissed.

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In the legislation of the Russian Federation, there are several legal acts containing instructions for filling out work books (hereinafter referred to as Labor Books), their maintenance and storage. The maintenance rules include, first of all, requirements for the preparation of records in this document. Let's consider these requirements.

At the moment, there are three types of labor codes in office circulation. These are books from 2004, 1973 and 1938. Regardless of the year of issue, the legal status of these documents has not changed, so there is no need to change them to a new type of book.

Russian legislation, through legal acts, presents certain requirements to maintaining, filling and citizens.

Rules for making entries:

  • According to the filling rules, all information is written in neat handwriting using a ballpoint or gel pen containing light-resistant and water-resistant ink in black, blue or purple. This protects the written information from damage. The need for this measure is due to the fact that the period of use of the work book is quite long (up to 75 years), and the information reflected in it is valuable.
  • Also, according to the Instructions for correct filling and maintenance, abbreviations of words are unacceptable in this document. Words such as “order”, “direction”, “point”, etc. are entered in full, regardless of the desire and capabilities of the specialist. HR department specialists sometimes neglect this requirement, thereby violating the rules for filling out work books.
  • One of the conditions for correctly filling out is the need to number each entry. The specialist filling out the work book must indicate the serial number of each entry in a specific column intended for this purpose.

Instructions for keeping records in the work book

Despite the multinationality of our homeland, the instructions for maintaining work records oblige you to fill out the document in Russian.
The republics that are part of the Russian Federation have the right to duplicate records in their language, if it is recognized as official for the given territory.

How to correctly fill out a work book or composition of records:

  • Recording employee information. The document reflects the following personal data of the owner: full name, date of birth, information about his education, profession, specialty.
  • Recording information about experience. This is the most voluminous information in the document; it contains data on the employee’s responsibilities, transfer to another job or position, dismissal, assignment of a new rank, and advanced training. In addition, information about the time of study, service in the ranks is reflected Russian army, about serving a sentence. This information is placed in the appropriate column, as shown in the example at the end of the article.

How do I fill out the employee awards records section? A special section has been highlighted to reflect this information: “ Information about the award" The entire history of working valor is reflected on the pages of this document: state awards, conferring honorary titles, certificates of honor, awards badges, diplomas, other types of encouragement.

  • The information entered into the document must be as complete as possible and include: serial number, date of entry, link to the document - grounds
  • The information included in the document must reflect the true state of affairs.
  • The employee’s personal data (full name), according to the Instructions for correct filling, is entered in the nominative case. It is not allowed to shorten this information or replace it with initials.
  • Dates are written in full, in Arabic numerals, while using a two-digit designation of days and months (09, not 9) and a four-digit designation of the year (2003, not 03).
  • A legible signature of the responsible person is placed on it and certified by a seal.
  • When issuing a duplicate, the corresponding entries are placed on top of the title page. They can be handwritten or stamped.

Rules for maintaining work books

  • Making entries in the employee's Labor Code is mandatory only for those employees for whom this enterprise is their main place of work.
  • The head of the enterprise is obliged to employ the employee and, accordingly, make an entry in the Labor Code if his work experience is more than five days.
  • When formalizing relations with an employer through an agreement, there is no need to make entries in the employee’s Labor Code.


  1. Correct completion requires that this document is created for the employee by the employer at the enterprise that is his first place of work. The document is completed in the presence of its future owner no later than seven days from the date of employment. Regardless of the person who prepared this document, the responsibility for correct completion and maintenance lies with the head of the enterprise.
  2. Forms from previous years of issue have the same legal force as the new one and cannot be exchanged. However, they must be filled out in accordance with the new requirements.
  3. During work activity The form is kept by the employer as a strict reporting document. The head of the enterprise bears full responsibility for storing and maintaining the document.
  4. If the relationship with the employee is terminated, a record of dismissal is made and the document is issued on the same day. If there is a delay in issuance due to the fault of the employer, then the date of dismissal changes.

A work book is a legal document that reflects the owner’s entire career path. In some way, it is the face of the employee, so the rules for drawing up a work book should be strictly observed.

A work book is a document that reflects the history of an employee’s work activity and is the source for calculating work experience. It must be made on a standard form and correspond to the established template.

1.1. How to fill out a new work book?

A new document is issued to citizens who did not previously have a work book when applying for a job. Filling occurs in their presence. By law, a new work record must be opened within seven days from the date of employment if the worker has worked in your organization for more than five days. An amount equal to the cost of the work book form is withheld from the employee. It is not recommended to exchange old books for new ones.

1.2. How, with what ink, what pen should I fill out a work book?

The recording is made carefully, without any kind of abbreviations. The words “disposition”, “order”, “translated” and the like are written in full. To indicate dates, characteristics expressed in numerical values, only Arabic numerals. The format for recording the date of hiring, dismissal and other actions is 04/08/2012 (example).

Fountain, gel, and ballpoint (rollerball) pens are suitable for writing. What ink should I use to fill out a work book? – Paste, gel, ink must be waterproof, fade-resistant, recommended colors are blue, black or dark purple.

1.3. Who should fill out the work book?

The employer is responsible for filling out the work book. No entries are made independently. Executive, who maintains and stores work books of employees at the enterprise, is appointed by order of the director of the organization.

This may be the director himself, but most often the preparation of this document is the responsibility of the human resources department; in the absence of one, the appointed accountant.

2. Sample of filling out a work book

For personnel services, the registration, filling out, and storage of work books is regulated by the following decrees of the Government of the Russian Federation:

  • – No. 225 – “On work books” dated 04/16/2003;
  • – No. 51 – “Rules for maintaining and storing work books, producing work book forms and providing them to employers” dated 02/06/2004;
  • – No. 69 – “On approval of instructions for filling out work books” dated 10.10.2003.

For employees of your business and for you as a business owner, it is important to know what child benefits are provided in 2013?:

2.1. What is included in the work book?

The document contains information about the worker: full name, position, specialty, qualifications, information about the work he performs, records of transfer to another job or position within the organization, dismissal.

The document also reflects awards for success in work, promotion qualification category. Information about part-time work is entered at the request of the employee on the basis of the documents submitted to the designer.

Information about penalties is not documented, except in cases where the violation was the reason for dismissal. Dismissal, that is, termination of an employment contract, must be justified in the work book.

VIDEO: Work book

2.2. What if the work book is filled out incorrectly?

Corrections are made locally former job or in a new place upon presentation of documents confirming the validity of this step.

The note must indicate when and who corrected it: full name, position, date, stamp, “corrected correctly.” To justify the correction, a new employer needs an official document from the old place of work confirming the mistake.

A crossed out or incorrect entry after correction (a new entry) is not considered valid. The note also indicates the name of the document confirming the correction.

3.How to fill out a duplicate, work book insert?

3.1. Duplicate work book

The duplicate must fully correspond in actual content to the original.

Exceptions: incorrect entries, entries that caused the book to be replaced, entries that cannot be restored due to the lack of relevant documents.

On the title page of the new book an informational inscription is made - “Duplicate”, on the old one, if one has been preserved, - “Instead, a duplicate has been issued...” indicating the series and number of the new document.

A duplicate, that is, a repeated copy of the work book, is issued in the case of;

  • – its loss by an employee or employer;
  • – the presence of records declared invalid (including those about unlawful conviction);
  • – impossibility of its further use (dilapidation, damage)

3.2. Filling out the insert in the work book

If there is no more space for notes in the document, then the employer sews an insert sheet of the established form (No. 225) into it. For registration, you need a passport and documents certifying your education, qualifications, and employee.

The insert is not an independent document and is considered as part of the work record book. The document is stamped “Insert issued” in mandatory. The number and series of the insert are indicated.

4. How to fill out an individual entrepreneur’s work book?

Individual entrepreneurs are also required to prepare work books for all hired workers. Additions on the procedure for registering and maintaining work books for individual entrepreneurs are explained in the following document:

No. 5140-17 “Letter from the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation” dated August 30, 2006.

The design and information entered, in general, correspond to the usual procedure for preparing work books, with the exception of termination employment contracts, concluded before 6.10.2006, discussed in the above-mentioned document. But there are two important differences:

  • – Upon dismissal, the employee must read the entries in the work book made individual entrepreneur. The fact of reading is confirmed by a signature.
  • – If the individual entrepreneur does not have his own seal, then the entries in this document are not certified by it, and this does not serve as a basis for their invalidity.


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