Turkish cloves growing from seeds, when to plant. Turkish cloves, planting and care When to sow Turkish cloves in open ground

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For many centuries, carnations have been famous among gardeners in different countries. It attracts people not only with its beautiful appearance, but also with its aroma: during the flowering period, the culture emits a smell that resembles that emitted by the buds of the well-known clove tree, used in cooking as a spice. This explains the name of this plant.

The origin of the name carnation is quite interesting: translated from Greek it means “divine flower”, or “flower of Zeus”. Therefore, the desire of many flower lovers to plant Turkish carnations in their own flower garden becomes completely understandable. But the success of this event depends almost entirely on the gardener’s awareness of the rules for growing this crop, caring for it, as well as its propagation as in open ground, and in the greenhouse.

This plant is often found in flower beds. It managed to attract the attention of many gardeners back in the 16th century and intrigued gardeners with its colorful flowering caps. Today many species have been bred Turkish cloves, which is distinguished by its rich color palette.

If desired, you can find plain white and various red hybrids. A large number of Experienced gardeners grow two- and three-color plants. Their petals are decorated with unique patterns. This zest gives them extraordinary attractiveness and originality, because such patterns can be very different: in the form of a border, eyes and intricate figures. Carnation petals are not inferior in originality. In special stores you can buy varieties with five petals, and also buy double Turkish cloves. The first carnation flowers bloom at the beginning of summer and delight the eye throughout the month.

Gallery: Turkish cloves (25 photos)

Growing from seeds

When growing cloves at home, you should follow these rules:

Planting in open ground

To achieve more beautiful flowering of carnations, you should choose the right site for planting, where fertile soil should predominate. A suitable place for growing is sunny areas, but planting it in partial shade will also not be a mistake. In the absence of other options, it is grown on sandy and loamy soils, but before planting, fertilizers must be added to them. For this, humus or compost, ash, and mineral fertilizers are used.

During the period of digging the area for planting, it is enough to penetrate 30 cm deep. Then the bed must be leveled and watered, if necessary. After that, thick fabric is placed on the bed and left in this state for 14 days. Now you can start planting flowers.

Turkish clove seeds should be sown in a hole up to 1.5 cm deep. The holes should be made no closer than 15 cm from each other. After sowing, they must be watered and covered with a layer of soil on top. Next, the earth needs to be lightly compacted. There is no need to carry out additional watering; you can limit yourself only to a shelter made of dense fabric. It should remain until the first shoots appear.

The seeds of the plant can be sown in autumn or spring. In each case, the seeds are sown according to the same pattern.

Rules of care

Again, we note that it is recommended to grow cloves in a well-lit area where there is fertile soil. However, this flower may die from winter cold. First of all, this applies to young plants. In addition, stagnation of water and waterlogging pose a great danger to Turkish cloves.

Plants experience more stress in early spring, because during this period of time there are frequent changes in temperature due to the fact that during the day the temperature can rise to summer levels, and at night give way to frost. To protect the plant during this period, you need to use spruce branches. When the last wave of frost is already in the past, it can be removed.

When flowering is over, you need to fertilize the soil and trim the stems. Such procedures launch the process of formation of new shoots, which will make it possible to wait for the carnation to bloom again, but this only happens in certain types. If you strictly follow the rules of growing a plant, then it will be able to amuse you with its bright and colorful buds for six years. Ignoring the rules of care can lead to the fact that in three years, and maybe even earlier, you will have to look for a replacement.

To prevent the carnation from needing water, watering must be done at least twice a week. When the weather is dry outside, their number needs to be increased. Water the plant along the ground, while trying to avoid drops getting on the flower itself. If water gets on the plant, it will lead to burns.

Growing in a greenhouse

In order to successfully grow perennial carnations in a greenhouse, you need to follow these recommendations:

Sowing Turkish cloves for seedlings

Sowing occurs based on the following principles:

Diseases and pests

Although homemade Turkish cloves are undemanding, they are very vulnerable. From the beginning of spring to autumn, a flower can be affected by the following diseases and pests:

Fusarium is a disease that affects all parts of the clove. Signs: gradual withering of the trunks is observed, and after a while they completely die. Infection occurs due to recently applied fresh manure. Fusarium cannot be cured, however, as a preventative measure, the soil is disinfected with potassium permanganate three times a season.

Rust is fungal disease Turkish carnations. Signs: yellowish cushions form on leaves and shoots. Methods of treatment are cultivating the land with hom or lime.

Insects: spider mite and a gorak elephant. The latter gnaws holes in the leaves, and the former completely sucks out all its juices from the stems. Ecological method pest elimination - this is the well-known onion peel. Its recipe: 100 g onion peel pour 5 liters of boiling water, then leave to infuse for 3 days. Infected trunks are treated with this infusion 3 times every 5 days.

If there is even the slightest negative impact on the plant from diseases or pests, you should immediately begin treatment.

Plant propagation

Young plants can be obtained in two ways:

The place of a flower in landscape design

Having decided to grow cloves on your own plot, it is not at all necessary to immediately plant them in open ground. Low varieties look unsurpassed in rock gardens and rock gardens (as ground cover), and tall plants decorate borders, hedges and ridges with their colorful flowers. In order for the flowers of the Turkish carnation to look beautiful and not lose their attractive appearance throughout the entire flowering season, you need to maintain an advantageous and correct proximity to other “green inhabitants” of your garden. Plants that are suitable for proximity to Turkish cloves (according to clove varieties):

  • Low varieties with red and bright pink color: cleome prickly, pyrethrum maiden, graceful gypsophila;
  • Low varieties with light-colored plants: Carpathian bellflower, Damask nigella, medicinal sage;
  • Tall varieties of all colors: eschscholzia, lupine, red lychnis.

In the photographs, the double Turkish carnation looks extremely beautiful surrounded by the same abundantly blooming nasturtiums, hydrangeas and marigolds. Undesirable neighbors of this oriental beauty include dahlias, gladioli and tulips.

Having learned about all the features and secrets successful cultivation Turkish carnation and the possible difficulties in caring for it, you can safely go buy seeds and start planting the plant on your own plot!

For many centuries, carnations have been highly popular among flower growers in various countries. What attracts her is not only the beauty appearance, but also the smell: during flowering, the culture emits an aroma reminiscent of the one produced by the buds of the clove tree, which are used in cooking as a spice. This explains the name of this plant.

The origin of the name clove is quite interesting: translated from Greek it means "divine flower" or "flower of Zeus". Therefore, the desire of many flower lovers to plant carnations in their flower garden is understandable. However, the success of this event largely depends on the gardener’s awareness of the rules for growing, caring for and propagating this crop in open ground.

Description of Turkish cloves

This plant can often be seen in flower beds. It was able to attract attention back in the 16th century, when it attracted the interest of flower growers with its bright flowering caps. Today, many varieties of carnations have been developed, which are distinguished by a rich range of colors.

If desired, you can find plain white and different shades of red hybrids. Many sophisticated gardeners grow two- and three-color plants, the petals of which are decorated original patterns. Moreover, this feature gives them special attractiveness and originality, because such patterns can be very diverse, looking like borders, eyes and intricate figures. Carnation petals look no less original. In stores you can buy varieties with five petals, as well as hybrids with double flowers. The first carnation flowers bloom in the first weeks of summer and delight throughout the month.

To achieve the most beautiful flowering of Turkish carnation, you need to choose the right planting site where must prevail fertile soil . Suitable places for growing are well-lit areas, although it would not be a mistake to plant it in partial shade. If there are no other options, Turkish cloves can be grown on sandy and loamy soils, but first you will have to add fertilizer to them. The soil is fertilized immediately before planting, using compost or humus, ash, and mineral fertilizers.

When digging a site for planting Turkish cloves, it is enough to penetrate 25-30 cm deep. After this, the bed needs to be leveled and watered, if necessary. Then a thick cloth is laid over the bed and left in this condition for two weeks. Next, you can start planting flowers.

You need to sow Turkish clove seeds in furrows up to 1.5 cm deep. Furrows should be made no closer than 15 cm from each other. After sowing, the furrow needs to be watered and covered with a layer of soil on top. Next, the earth needs to be lightly compacted. There is no need for additional watering; you can limit yourself to a shelter made of dense fabric, which is kept until the first shoots appear.

You can sow clove seeds in spring or autumn. Moreover, in each case, seed sowing is carried out according to the same scheme.

Caring for Turkish cloves

Let us remind you once again that it is recommended to grow cloves in well-lit areas where there is fertile soil. However, this plant can easily die from winter cold. First of all, this is dangerous for young plants. In addition, a serious danger to Turkish carnation is waterlogging and stagnation of water.

Plants experience the greatest stress in early spring, since temperature fluctuations are often observed at this time of year, since during the daytime the temperature can reach summer levels, and frosts often occur at night. To protect the carnation during this period, it is necessary to use a cover made of spruce branches. The need for it disappears at the moment when the last wave of frosts has passed.

At the end of flowering, it is necessary to trim the stems and fertilize the soil. Such events launch the process of formation of new shoots, which will allow wait for secondary flowering cloves, but this only happens in certain varieties. If you strictly follow the rules for growing Turkish carnation, then it will be able to delight you with its bright buds for 6 years. Neglecting the rules of care can lead to the fact that in three years, and perhaps even earlier, you will have to look for a replacement.

To prevent the plant from experiencing a need for moisture, watering should be carried out at least 1-2 times a week. In dry years, the amount of watering is increased. It is necessary to water the carnation along the ground, avoiding drops of water falling on the flower. Otherwise it will cause burns.

Fertilizer and feeding of Turkish cloves

Growing Turkish cloves from seeds involves regular feeding.

  • for the first time, fertilizers are applied at the moment when the plant reaches a height of 10 cm. For these purposes, a special solution is used, the preparation of which requires 10 liters warm water dilute 1 tbsp. l. nitrophoska and 1 tbsp. l. Agricola Forward;
  • in the phase of bud formation, a second feeding is carried out. As a fertilizer, a solution is used, for the preparation of which you need to dilute 1 tbsp in 10 liters of water. l. potassium sulfate and the same amount of superphosphate;
  • the third time, fertilizers are applied at the flowering stage of the carnation. To do this, prepare the following solution: you need to take 1 tbsp. l. fertilizers "Agricola for flowering plants"and dilute in 10 liters of water.

Plant propagation

The main methods of propagation of this perennial plant is sowing seeds and using cuttings. In the latter case, the event can be successfully completed provided that it is carried out accurately of a certain order actions:

You can get new Turkish carnation bushes cutting method. To do this, select shoots on which inflorescences have not yet formed in the current season.

You can also plant bushes that have grown in open ground as a result of self-seeding. In this case, there will be no need to carry out special events, since it will be enough to choose appropriate place. But you need to keep in mind that carnation seedlings grown by self-sowing usually do not retain the properties of the mother plant.

Diseases and pests of Turkish cloves

They want Turkish cloves and have one useful quality As disease resistance, some varieties can be affected by diseases spread by sucking insects. This risk is highest in southern regions growing this plant. The first signs of infection of this perennial plant are slow growth, the presence of a mosaic color on the leaves, as well as their subsequent deformation. These diseases are combated by completely destroying infected bushes, which must be done to avoid the spread of the disease to neighboring bushes.


Certain types of garden carnations can also be affected by heterosporiosis. This disease is caused by fungi; as a result, small gray spots can be seen on the leaves and stems. In some cases, a red border may be present. Gradually, the spots become lighter in color and begin to merge.

Where clusters of spots form, the flowers begin to thin out, and over time the leaves turn yellow and die. Considering the high vitality of the fungus, even after the complete death of the plant, you need to remove all residues, then spray the neighboring bushes with Bordeaux mixture or copper chloride.

Spider mites and aphids

When growing garden carnations from seeds in open ground, they can be attacked by pests such as spider mites and aphids.

  • to prepare it you will need 1 kg of potato tops, which need to be filled with 10 liters of water;
  • then the mixture is infused for 1.5 days;
  • Before direct use, you need to add one tablespoon of liquid soap to the tincture.

Cloves in combination with other plants

When growing carnations in flower beds, you can add other ornamental plants to it. However, it is best to choose as neighbors sun-loving perennials. Turkish cloves will feel good together with alpine aster, Carpathian bell and rudbeckia. What these perennials have in common is that they have the same soil requirements, watering and lighting.


Growing cloves is not a problem, because last years specialists were able to accumulate a lot of knowledge about the features of its cultivation and care in the open ground. And, despite the fact that it does not cause much trouble for the gardener, you still need to take into account certain rules and follow them. First of all, you need to prepare a suitable place for planting, because carnations grow well only in fertile soil.

Place for carnations should be well lit, and after planting it is necessary to provide it with regular watering. During the growth process, you need to constantly monitor the condition of the carnation, because at the most unexpected moment it may be attacked by pests. Therefore, it is important to quickly notice changes and immediately begin to take the necessary measures.

Perhaps there is no family in the plant world that is more numerous in species and varieties than the Cloveaceae, for this herbaceous crop is adapted to life in a wide variety of, almost any conditions. This follows from the species names themselves, because there is a carnation:

  • field;
  • alpine;
  • sandy;
  • meadow;
  • garden

There are also species named after their specific location:

  • Volga;
  • Ural;
  • Uzbek

But only in a region that every second splashes out of its banks due to a frantic riot of colors, sounds and smells, could the Turkish carnation appear.

Botanical description

IN general outline All Cloves are similar to each other, they are distinguished only by nuances appearance. But what nuances these are! Is it possible to compare the Turkish carnation - the noble lady Dianthus barbatus, dressed in brocade and strewn with jewels of all shades - and the modest village girl - the grass carnation? It turns out that it is possible.

Both the first and second grow into several erect, rigid, woody stems, consisting of long segments connected by thickened nodes (in the manner of bamboo). The nodes serve as places of departure from the stem for narrow, sessile, oppositely located, hairless, rigid leaves of a lanceolate-linear shape.

The color of the leaves can be dark green, green-gray, or have a reddish tint. There must be a powerful basal rosette, which almost immediately turns into a fibrous root in the Turkish clove and a short rhizome in the grass.

With the same structure, shoots have different functions: some bear only leaves, some bear flowers.

But if the herb has single flowers, then its Turkish “sister” has them collected in a heavy and voluminous inflorescence-scutellum, similar to a honeycomb, where all the flowers are at approximately the same stage of development (if buds, then all buds, if withering, then also friendly ). The number of always five-petaled flowers and their color depend both on the variety and on the growing conditions.

“Zeus”, or “divine flower” (often having a connotation of dried or fresh blood, and the king of the gods adored bloody scenes) also has a second name. This carnation is also called bearded due to the ciliated border of each flower made of small, tightly adjacent leaves, which looks like long thick bristles.


Thanks to the success and ease of hybridization, crop varieties are unusually numerous. There are miniature heights, there are “sheaves” up to 90 cm, and there are medium heights. There are varieties with flowers, both simple and double, plain (without an “eye”) and variegated, composed of stripes of various shades of red, pink, cream, purple and pure white.

Even the color of the leaves and stems can be either different tones of green or reddish. The diameter of the flower can reach 1.5 cm, and the shields of the inflorescences themselves can reach 10-12 cm or more. The honey viscous aroma, characteristic of plants of any variety, completes the charm.

Depending on the preferences of land owners, agricultural firms offer varieties of different colors, among which the most popular are:

  • Scarlet Beauty (raspberry);
  • Newport Pink (pink);
  • Hollandia (the color of fresh blood with a snow-white “eye”);
  • Holborn Glory (white with raspberry trim);
  • White Queen (snow white);
  • Pink Beauty (pink).

Of interest:

  • a mixture of dwarf Pinocchio varieties;
  • Sprint and SuperDuplex blooming in the first year;
  • having a chocolate Sooty tone;
  • Noverna Clown, which, as it blooms, “fills” with color (from less saturated to more intense).

Turkish carnation flowers in the photo:

Growing Turkish cloves from seeds and seedlings

When sowing seedlings from seeds, the appropriate time is the beginning of February. The seeds are buried into the prepared soil no more than 0.5-1 cm. To get rid of the need for picking, each seed can be given a separate cup; when planting in a common container, picking (transplanting into individual containers) cannot be avoided.

Subsequent care consists of watering the box placed on a sunlit window sill once every 2-3 days and hardening it, starting shortly before planting in the ground. The time the seedlings stay outside (in a place without a draft) slowly lengthens from 1-2 hours to constant. Using this method allows seedlings to be planted literally at the end of April (after the danger of night frosts has passed).

Another option is to sow seeds in (soil protected on top with film or glass), located in a sufficiently lit place with the ability to maintain a temperature of at least 13°C. 2-3 weeks after sowing, the first shoots will appear. Subsequently, they are thinned out or planted in other beds (after using nitrogen-containing fertilizer as an “anti-stress”). They are planted in flowerbeds 25 cm apart from each other with the onset of consistently warm weather.

Subtleties of growing cloves from seeds:

Sowing in open ground

It is possible to plant Turkish cloves in another way - by sowing seeds in open ground. Considering that in the wild, carnations grow in meadows, on rocky slopes, and on coastal pebbles, concern about the properties of the soil is unnecessary if the soil is light and has a neutral reaction. But if the soil is highly acidic, adding dolomite flour and peat is necessary in it.

Second important point is sufficient illumination of the landing site and the absence of nearby groundwater.

Since the seeds of this type of carnation are not too afraid of low temperatures, starting from last days In April, you can plant seeds directly into the soil (to a depth of no more than 1 cm) with a distance between rows of 15-20 cm and 15 cm between future plants (they should not be crowded). You can plant it thicker (after 5-7 cm), and when the seedlings reach a height of 8-10 cm, transplant the “supernumerary” to another bed.

When planting seeds in the ground, you have to wait a long time for seedlings to emerge, but it allows you to sow even at the beginning of summer (in June, even July), and the leaf rosettes of plants go into winter fully formed, with inevitable flowering with the onset of next year. When first-year plants produce flower stalks, they should be removed so that the plants can overwinter comfortably.

Another trick is winter sowing seeds in dry (without watering) soil at the beginning of persistent cold weather. The onset of spring will awaken the seeds, but you will have to wait a little longer for flowers.

Sowing clove seeds in open ground:

Caring for a plant in open ground

The main points of care are:

  • fertilizer;
  • watering;
  • loosening;
  • weeding.

Perennial cloves are planted in places where, in the fall, completely rotted manure with the addition of superphosphate (calculated for the latter at 50 g/m2) was added for digging. Before spring digging, potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate(25 g/m2 each).

Provide annual carnation necessary minerals and microelements can be obtained by applying fertilizers in 2 stages. The first stage is the addition of ammonium nitrate (15 g/m2) on the 7-8th day after planting the seedlings in their final place, the second - in the phase of mass budding (a combination of potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate).

The carnation treats “underfilling” better than “overfilling,” especially if it has enough warmth and light from the sun. Watering can be combined with foliar feeding, adding a complex of fertilizers in liquid form to the water (preferably every week during the period April-June).

Trimming spent peduncles stimulates a second wave of flowering.

The flowering of carnations continues for quite a long time - starting in the last ten days of June (in the second year of life), it continues for at least 1 month.

Growing and caring for Turkish cloves:

Vegetative propagation

This method includes 2 reproduction methods:

  • layering;
  • cuttings.

In the first option, the peduncle is removed, and the crown of the stem, bent to the ground, is pinned with a wire bow and covered with moist soil. After a month, the rooted cuttings can be replanted.

In the second method of vegetative propagation, cuttings cut from the stem of a two-year-old plant are planted in loose, moderately moist soil, slightly shading them. After 3 weeks, young leaves will appear on the cuttings. Transplantation is carried out in August, and the cuttings will bloom in next year. When carrying out manipulations in a greenhouse, the process speeds up significantly.

There are no special “indoor” varieties of Turkish cloves. But if you want to have your favorite crop in your house throughout the year, you can either transplant a plant from the plot into a pot, or (in the absence of one) grow “ fire flower» low-growing variety from seeds according to the described method.

If you want to have flowers of different shades at home, you can use a mixture of varieties for planting.

Diseases and pests

Clove greens can be damaged by:

  • cutworm caterpillars;
  • thrips.

The remedy for the former is manual collection or the use of "Fitoverm", for the latter - insecticides of the "Zolon" category (3-4 times of application with an interval of 5 days).

The following pose a threat to roots:

  • root-knot nematodes;
  • mice.

In the first case, steaming the soil with boiling water and treating it 3-4 times with Aktara should be combined with mandatory burning of infected plants. Covering plantings with coniferous branches for the winter will help keep mice away.

Of the putrefactive diseases of cloves, the most common are:

  • rhizoctoniasis;
  • phialophorosis;

If the first is expressed by rotting of the root collar (brownish coating in the form of felt), then in the second, the cut stem has characteristic lesions of the sap-conducting system in the form of dirty-brown rings and stains.

There is no way to save a plant with rhizoctonia; for the purpose of prevention, the soil is spilled and the crop is sprayed with Bordeaux mixture. In the second variant of damage, the soil is spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate, the surviving plants are for preventive purposes sprayed with Topsin-M. All of these manipulations will lead to nothing if you leave the affected bushes in place - they must be burned.

The use of “Fundazol” is recommended to save uninfected bushes with Fusarium wilt. Affected specimens (with browned and withered leaves, with the presence of convex pinkish spots on areas of the plant’s body raised above the ground) must be immediately destroyed.

Mold lesions are usually caused by excessive watering or frequent summer rains(especially in combination with cold).

All the misfortunes against the “flaming flower” stem from too active interference of breeders in its heredity. Therefore, when cultivating any varieties, you should follow the recommendations for keeping the plant in a healthy state.

Turkish cloves, or bearded carnation (lat. Dianthus barbatus)- a plant of the genus Carnation of the Carnation family. The generic name of the plant is translated from Greek as “flower of Zeus” or “divine flower”, and this carnation is called bearded for the presence of bracts with ciliated edges. Turkish clove is originally from Southern Europe. It grows on river sands, in groves, deciduous forests, meadows and rocks. The plant has been in cultivation since 1573, and today Turkish cloves can be found in almost every garden. It is used to create alpine slides, flower beds, borders and even as a ground cover plant.

Planting and caring for Turkish carnation (in brief)

  • Bloom: from the end of June to the end of July.
  • Landing: sowing seeds for seedlings - at the end of March or early April, planting seedlings in the ground - in the second half of May. Sowing seeds directly into the ground - at the end of May or early June, as well as in October, but before winter only dry seeds are sown.
  • Lighting: bright sunlight.
  • The soil: fertile, sandy loam or loamy.
  • Watering: 2 times a week, with a consumption of 12-15 liters of water per 1 m² of area. In hot and dry summers you will have to water more often.
  • Feeding: three times per season: when the seedlings grow to 10-12 cm, at the stage of formation of the first buds and during flowering. Both mineral and organic solutions can be used.
  • Reproduction: seed - seedlings and non-seedlings.
  • Pests: mole crickets and earwigs.
  • Diseases: fusarium, rust and viral mottling.

Read more about growing Turkish cloves below.

Turkish cloves - description

Turkish clove is a herbaceous perennial grown in a biennial crop. It has straight, strong, knotty stems 30-75 cm high, glabrous, sessile, lanceolate opposite leaves, green or blue-green with a reddish tint, and numerous aromatic, double, semi-double or simple flowers with a diameter of 1.5 to 3 cm in different shades of white, red, pink, cream - one-color, two-color, variegated, velvety, with a border or an eye. The flowers are collected in a corymbose inflorescence up to 12 cm in diameter, which opens in the second year of life and blooms for a month from the end of June. In the first year, Turkish carnation forms only a rosette of leaves. The fruit of the plant is a capsule with black flat seeds that ripen by August and remain viable for 3 to 5 years. Turkish carnations are grown not only for landscaping, but also for cutting: its inflorescences stand in water for up to two weeks.

Sowing Turkish cloves

If you decide to grow Turkish cloves seedling method, then sowing is carried out in March or early April in a substrate previously disinfected with a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. The substrate is prepared from sand and leaf humus in equal parts. Instead of sand, you can use vermiculite. Boxes or containers that must be washed before use can be used as containers. hot water with soda. A drainage layer is placed at the bottom of the container, and a wet substrate is placed on top.

Turkish clove seeds are sown to a depth of 1 cm, placing them at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. The crops are covered with loose white paper and kept at a temperature of 16-18 ºC, from time to time moistening the substrate from a spray bottle with water room temperature.

Caring for Turkish carnation seedlings

As soon as the seedlings appear, the crops are moved as close to the light as possible, and the temperature is lowered by 2-3 degrees so that the seedlings do not stretch out. It is likely that you will have to provide additional lighting for the seedlings, since the plants need a lot of light. At the stage of formation of the second pair of true leaves, the seedlings dive into peat pots with a soil mixture of the same composition in which you sowed the seeds. Caring for Turkish carnation seedlings consists of regular watering and careful loosening of the substrate around the seedlings.

Seedlings are planted in open ground in the second half of May, when warm weather sets in, but before planting, Turkish carnation seedlings must undergo hardening procedures: the crops are taken out to the ground every day. open air, gradually increasing the duration of the session. At first, half an hour is enough, but in two weeks, Turkish cloves from seeds should get used to new environment so much so that you can safely plant it in a flowerbed.

Sowing Turkish cloves in the ground

When to sow Turkish cloves in open ground

Turkish carnation flowers can be sown directly in the garden, bypassing the stage of growing seedlings. When to plant Turkish cloves in the ground? At the end of May or at the beginning of June, when the soil has warmed up and the threat of return frosts has passed. You can sow Turkish clove seeds in October, but do not forget that any autumn sowing should be done with dry seeds, and the soil should also be dry. In the fall, crops are mulched with peat or sawdust, and in the spring the mulch is removed.

How to plant Turkish cloves in the garden

Select for plant sunny plot with fertile soil, preferably sandy loam or loamy soil. The soil on the site needs to be dug up to a depth of 20-25 cm one to two weeks before sowing, with the simultaneous application of compost or humus and wood ash at the rate of 6-8 kg of organic matter and 200-300 g of ash per 1 m² of area. You can also add mineral fertilizers: a tablespoon of Nitrophoska and a teaspoon of Agricola for flowering plants for the same unit area. After digging, the area is covered with plastic film.

When the time comes to sow cloves, the film is removed, grooves 1-1.5 cm deep are made in the soil at a distance of 15 cm from each other, they are well shed with water, and then the seeds are laid out in them in increments of 2-3 cm. After planting the seeds, the surface lightly compact and cover with non-woven material until emergence.

Caring for Turkish Carnation

How to care for Turkish cloves

Garden Turkish carnation needs regular watering: 2 times a week at a rate of 12-15 liters per m² of land. If the summer is dry and hot, then you will have to water more often. Try to pour water on the ground so that the stream does not fall on the plant itself, otherwise it may get sunburn. However, if the carnation grows in lowlands, be careful with watering, otherwise the plant may develop root rot from waterlogging: as soon as you find that the Turkish carnation is shedding its root rosettes, treat it with a solution of 40 g of HOM in 10 liters of water.

Growing Turkish cloves involves adding fertilizer to the soil. The first fertilizing is carried out when the seedlings reach a height of 10-12 cm. As a fertilizer, use a solution of one tablespoon of Nitrophoska and one tablespoon of Agricola Forward in 10 liters of water. The next time the plant is fed at the stage of formation of the first buds: a tablespoon of superphosphate and potassium sulfate is diluted in 10 liters of water. During flowering, add a solution of 1 tablespoon of Agricola for flowering plants to the soil in 10 liters of water.

After watering, rain and fertilizing, the soil around the plants must be loosened to prevent rapid evaporation of moisture. Don't forget to delete it in a timely manner weeds and cut off the faded stems at a height of 10-15 cm from the ground: in a month, the carnation will grow new shoots, and by autumn it can bloom again.

Although the perennial Turkish carnation is frost-resistant plant, but will endure the winter better under a layer of peat or humus 8-10 cm thick. In general, with favorable conditions And good care lifespan perennial carnation 5-6 years, and in less fortunate circumstances – at most 2-3 years.

Pests and diseases of Turkish cloves

IN normal conditions Turkish carnation usually does not get sick, and insects rarely damage it, but sometimes troubles do happen, and you need to be prepared for them. What can cause Turkish carnation diseases in the garden? In addition to being sensitive to heavy metals and city smoke, it can be affected by:

  • Fusarium is a fungal disease that destroys the vascular system of a plant. The leaves of the carnation evenly turn yellow, wither, but do not fall off, the stem turns red or turns brown, the flowers do not open completely or do not open at all, the basal part of the stem and root system plants rot. Sick specimens must be destroyed immediately, but in the meantime healthy plants and the soil around them is treated with a fungicidal preparation in two stages with an interval of 10-15 days;
  • rust is also a fungal disease that affects the leaves, petioles and stems of cloves: brown swellings with yellowish spots appear on them, the plants are depressed, the stems dry out and break. The disease progresses against the background high humidity soil, excess nitrogen and lack of potassium. When signs of disease appear, plants are treated with one percent Bordeaux mixture, a solution of the drug XOM or any other fungicide with a similar effect;
  • mottling may appear in spring in the form of spots on leaves without clear contours, deformation of flowers and variegation. Medicines for this viral disease does not exist, so the affected plants are destroyed.

Of the pests, the Turkish carnation can be annoyed by mole crickets and earwigs that damage the roots, from which the seedlings, young shoots and flowers of the plant suffer. The fight against mole crickets and earwigs is carried out by such means as digging up the soil in the fall and setting up traps: dig a hole, fill it with manure and cover it with something from the rain. The mole crickets will gather in a hole to spend the winter in the warmth, and in the spring they can be destroyed. In the summer, mole crickets can be killed by pouring a concentrated soap solution into the passages leading to their nests, and for earwigs, bait is laid out around the area in the form of piles of wet grass or half-rotted hay covered with planks, into which the pests crawl to hide from the heat.

Unlike other types of carnations, which are long-day plants, domestic Turkish carnations can grow in partial shade without compromising health and decorativeness. Optimal temperature for the plant 15-18 ºC.

Turkish cloves need fertile, neutral soil, for example, a mixture of leaf soil, sand, peat and turf soil in a ratio of 1:1:1:2. Before planting, the mixture is disinfected. When transplanting, the root collar should remain level with the surface of the site. To form a more lush bush, young carnations are pinched as soon as it has 5-7 pairs of leaves.

You need to water the cloves generously - earthen lump should not dry out in the pot. Water for irrigation is used soft, at room temperature. In the evening, during the hot summer, Turkish cloves are sprayed.

Starting from one month of age, cloves are fed with complex mineral fertilizer for flowering plants. Dilute fertilizers in water with the addition of milk and spray the soil in the pot with a spray bottle with this solution. Feeding is applied from spring to October, in winter time the plant is not fed.

At home, Turkish cloves can be affected by spider mites, aphids and mealybugs. Wash off the pests with a soap solution, then spray the plant with an infusion of tansy, celandine or yarrow, but if these measures do not give results, treat the Turkish carnation with Actellik, Aktara or another insectoacaricide.

Varieties of Turkish cloves

The most common varieties of Turkish cloves are:

  • Diadem– bushes up to 45 cm high with shoots and leaves of dark green color with a red tint and dark red nodes. Dark carmine flowers with a large white eye and serrated edge petals are collected in an inflorescence up to 10 cm in diameter;
  • Scarlet Beauty– bushes 45-50 cm high with dark green leaves and shoots and bright red flowers up to 23 mm in diameter with petals serrated along the edge;
  • Heimatland– bushes up to 50 cm high with shoots and leaves of dark green color with a dark red tint. The flowers are dark red, up to 2 cm in diameter, with an eye and petals deeply serrated along the edge. The inflorescences of this variety are up to 12 cm in diameter;
  • Lakhskenigin– a variety about 45 cm high with large inflorescences of salmon-pink flowers;
  • Schneebal– white Turkish carnation up to 40 cm high with green leaves and shoots. Terry flowers with jagged edges of the petals are collected in inflorescences up to 11 cm in diameter;
  • Weiss Risen– bushes up to half a meter high with green leaves and shoots and white flowers with a diameter of up to 25 mm, collected in inflorescences up to 12 cm in diameter;
  • Kupferrot– bushes up to half a meter high with dark green leaves and shoots and copper-red flowers up to 22 mm in diameter with jagged edges. Inflorescences reach a diameter of 9-10 cm;
  • Egyptian– a variety up to 60 cm high with narrow burgundy leaves and catchy dark burgundy flowers with a white border;
  • Undine– this variety has purple flowers with a white center and a white border.

The Holland variety has also gained popularity - a group of varieties about 60 cm high with branched stems and multi-flowered inflorescences up to 12 cm in diameter. Cut flowers from this series last up to two weeks.

The unpretentious and abundantly flowering Turkish carnation occupies a special place in flower arrangements, which beginners and experienced gardeners grow in their flower beds. Among the main qualities for which many people fell in love with her are her bright colors and a huge palette of colors. Beautiful eastern name and Slavic endurance - these are precisely the qualities for which Turkish garden carnation is famous.

Turkish cloves. Description and varieties

Turkish clove is a biennial garden plant, which in the first year after planting is painted only with the stems. Abundant flowering of Turkish carnation can be seen only after a year. The height of adult plants is 12-15 cm (short varieties), 45-60 cm (tall varieties). Stems are strong, erect, gnarled. The leaves are sessile, lanceolate, green with a blue tint. The flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences, the color of which varies from white to dark burgundy. A common and favorite among gardeners is the Turkish white carnation, which has strong aroma and large inflorescences.

Features of growing Turkish cloves

Growing Turkish cloves does not require particularly close care, but you still need to take into account some rules. This applies to soil, lighting, watering and fertilizing young and adult plants. Almost every Turkish carnation is perennial, but in gardening it is customary to grow these plants as biennials. In addition, due to the tendency of carnations to self-sow, the plant may not leave the garden for many years. It is enough to simply thin out the seedlings, weed and water them in hot weather.

Soil, fertilizers, lighting and watering

  1. Any soil is suitable for growing. The only rule is good drainage. It is also important to take into account that the roots of Turkish cloves can fester due to waterlogging. That is, it should not be planted in places where water flows after rain.
  2. Fertilizer. Not necessary. You can feed carnations during flowering with universal fertilizer.
  3. Lighting. Turkish carnation does not like direct sunlight all day long. It is best to plant it in partial shade, where the plant receives several hours of sunlight per day.
  4. Watering. Immediately after sowing the seeds, the soil should be constantly well moistened. As the plant matures, watering is gradually reduced. Mature plants require little or no watering, except in hot weather or when the soil becomes cracked.

Knowing how to grow Turkish carnations, you can decorate the area without much physical effort.

Diseases and pests of Turkish cloves. Methods for maintaining a healthy plant

The domestic Turkish carnation, although unpretentious, is vulnerable. From spring to autumn, the plant can be affected by diseases and pests:

  1. Spring. Like most garden flowers, the Turkish carnation in the spring is a source of food for rodents, which get green leaves that emerge from under the snow and gnaw them. To destroy pests, you can scatter poisoned grain around the bushes or set mousetraps.
  2. Summer. Carnations are threatened by a root pest - root-knot nematode. Symptoms: deformed, dull leaves, swelling on the petioles, stunted plant growth. Methods to eliminate the problem are to destroy the plant and disinfect the soil.
  3. Fusarium is a disease that affects all parts of the clove. Symptoms: the stems begin to gradually wither and then die completely. Infection occurs from recently introduced fresh manure. Fusarium cannot be treated, but as a preventative measure, the soil is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate 3 times per season.
  4. Rust - fungal disease Turkish carnations. Symptoms: yellow pads form on leaves and shoots. Treatment methods - treating the soil with lime or hom (20 g per 5 liters of water).
  5. Insects: horned elephant and spider mites. The first one gnaws holes in the leaves, and the second sucks all the juices from the stems. An ecological way to kill pests is onion peeling. Recipe: 100 g of onion peel, pour 5 liters of boiling water and leave for 3-4 days. The affected stems are treated with this infusion 3 times every 5-6 days.
    At the slightest negative impact the plant from diseases or pests, it is worth immediately starting the treatment process.

Methods of propagation of Turkish carnation

Young Turkish clove plants can be obtained in two ways:

  1. By dividing the rhizome. This is done in the fall, when the plant has finished blooming. A part of the rhizome is separated from an adult bush (with hands or a knife) and planted in a separate pot.
  2. Sowing seeds. Turkish cloves are sown from seeds quite simply. In spring (April) or autumn (October), place seeds in rows on loosened soil and sprinkle them with soil. Distinctive feature autumn sowing– dry seeds and dry grooves around them should not be watered under any circumstances. To prevent the seeds from freezing, you need to cover them with a “cushion” of leaves or straw, which are removed immediately after the snow melts.
    The video describes in detail how Turkish carnation is propagated by seedlings.

Turkish carnation in the garden. Neighborhood and place in landscape design compositions

Having decided to grow Turkish cloves on your property, it is not at all necessary to immediately plant it in open ground. Low growing varieties look great in rock gardens and rockeries (as ground cover), and tall ones decorate with their bright flowers borders, ridges and hedges. In order for Turkish carnation flowers to look impressive and not lose their attractiveness throughout the entire flowering season, you should maintain an advantageous proximity to other “green inhabitants” of the garden. Plants for good proximity to Turkish cloves (according to clove varieties):

  • low-growing varieties with bright pink and red colors - graceful gypsophila, prickly cleome, feverfew;
  • low-growing varieties with light-colored flowers - sage, Carpathian bellflower, Damascus nigella;
  • tall varieties of all colors - scarlet lychnis, lupine, eschscholzia.
    The Turkish carnation in the photo looks very impressive surrounded by the same abundantly flowering marigolds, nasturtiums and hydrangeas. Among the anti-neighbors of this eastern beauty are tulips, dahlias and gladioli.

Having learned about the features, secrets of growing and possible problems caring for Turkish cloves, you can safely buy seeds and sow them on your plot today (if the time of year allows)!


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