English language textbooks. English from scratch: an elementary practical English course

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Good book- man's best advisor and friend. And the English textbook - best friend someone who decided to learn a language international communication. How to choose a “comrade” among the several dozen manuals that flood the book market? Today we present to you an overview of the 4 best teaching aids in English according to our teachers and students.

In this review, we present to you 4 modern study guides in English:

  • English File Third Edition
  • New Total English
  • Speakout
  • Upstream

All of these textbooks implement a communicative approach, that is, they are aimed at developing the skill oral speech at the student's.

How to choose the optimal benefit? EF and NTE are comprehensive universal courses for the methodical development of all skills. Speakout is suitable for those who want to focus on development colloquial speech. Upstream offers a more comprehensive training program, so it is suitable for those who are planning to take international English language exams.

In the review, we focused on textbooks from English publishers. Why did you choose them? We recommend these particular manuals because each of them represents a comprehensive training course. The complete set includes the main textbook, workbook, CDs with audio and video recordings, a teacher's book. Thus, this training course allows you to improve all skills: you will learn to speak, read, write in English and understand foreign speech by ear. How is this implemented in the book? Any of the textbooks we present is divided into unit lessons, each of which contains the following sections:

  • Oral speech (Speaking) - questions for discussion, exercises for the development of oral speech.
  • Listening to speech - audio recordings and tasks for them.
  • Reading - several texts that are used as a basis for developing speaking and learning new words.
  • Writing (Writing) - tasks for practicing written speech.
  • Grammar - a block that explains any aspect of grammar in understandable language, as well as exercises for practicing theory in practice.
  • Vocabulary - a selection of new words and expressions, as well as exercises to practice their use.
  • Pronunciation - exercises with audio recordings to train the correct pronunciation of English sounds.

The form of presentation of the material in these manuals is the same: a textbook presenting the material from simple to complex. Submitted training courses Suitable for teenagers and adults.

Principle independent work with such textbooks for learning English is as follows: choose a set of books that matches your level of knowledge and study it “from cover to cover.” That is, go from the first unit to the last.

We will tell you in detail about the features of each manual so that you can choose the most suitable set of books based on your goal of learning English.

English File Third Edition


Publishing house: Oxford University Press (UK).

Latest edition:

  • Beginner - 2014
  • Elementary - 2012
  • Pre-Intermediate - 2012
  • Intermediate - 2013
  • Intermediate Plus - 2013
  • Upper-Intermediate - 2014
  • Advanced - 2015

English textbook language English File is one of the most popular tools in the world today. Our teachers, as a rule, use EF materials when teaching students.

Why did we choose this textbook:

  • Only modern themes, relevant to real life.
  • The most frequently used words and phrases by native speakers.
  • Interesting texts and dialogues.
  • The grammar is explained briefly and simply, the constructions are used by native speakers in everyday communication.
  • Effective exercises for the development of oral speech.

The English File is considered an easy-to-understand textbook for learning English, but that doesn't mean it's "superficial." You just won't have to delve into too complex aspects of grammar or learn words that native speakers rarely use in everyday communication. We recommend choosing EF for those students who want to quickly “conversate” in English. EF will teach you how to speak on any topic in modern English.

Textbook structure

The manual consists of 10-12 units, each of which is divided into several parts (sections may differ slightly in textbooks of different levels):

  • 2-3 mini-lessons (files) - 1A, 1B, 1C, etc., each of which teaches new words and phrases based on texts, dialogues and audio recordings, and also covers new grammatical topics.
  • Practical English / Colloquial English - a special section for improving speaking skills and listening comprehension. The authors suggest for study conversational phrases and useful expressions that will help make your speech natural.
  • Writing is a section in which you learn to write letters, resumes, essays, etc.
  • Revise&Check - section for repeating material from all parts of the unit.

Additional materials

At the end of the manual there are texts of audio recordings (Listening), exercises for the development of oral speech (Communication), a grammar reference book (Grammar Bank) for each unit, additional exercises for expanding vocabulary(Vocabulary Bank), as well as a table with reading rules (Sound Bank).

EF textbooks come with audio CDs, as well as a special iTutor application with additional exercises. You can also complete these same tasks online at elt.oup.com. There are exercises for expanding vocabulary, practicing grammar, improving pronunciation, as well as tests, mini-games and other entertainment for each of the lessons in the textbook.

You won't find answers to exercises in textbooks. Therefore, if you want to receive an objective assessment of your knowledge, you should either study with an English teacher or buy a Teacher’s book with answers.

Each of the textbooks in the English File series has a booklet with tests with which you can check how well you have mastered the material.

New Total English


Publishing house

  • Jonathan Bygrave - Starter level.
  • Diane Hall, Mark Foley - Elementary level.
  • Araminta Crace - Pre-Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate levels.
  • Rachael Roberts - Intermediate level.
  • Antonia Clare, JJ Wilson - Advanced level.

Latest edition: 2nd edition 2012 - for all levels.

Advantages and features of the textbook

New Total English is a reissue of a series of popular Total English textbooks with additions and improvements.

The NTE series has the same benefits as the English File manuals. However, the New Total English textbooks are a little more complex than the above series, both in grammar and vocabulary. Therefore, if you want to repeat the materials of the course you have already completed in EF and deepen your knowledge, we recommend choosing NTE.

Textbook structure

Any of the textbooks in the New Total English series includes 10-12 lessons (units). Their structure is similar to the structure of lessons in English File (sections may differ slightly in textbooks of different levels):

  • 3 mini-lessons (1.1, 1.2, 1.3), in each of which you will find tasks for practicing grammar, text for reading and discussion, tasks for listening and pronunciation.
  • Vocabulary - exercises for learning and practicing the use of new words and expressions.
  • Communication - questions for discussion, tasks for the development of spoken language.
  • Writing bank - exercises in which you learn to write essays, resumes, business and personal letters.
  • Reference - grammar rules with explanations; the theory from all 3 lessons is presented and explained with examples.
  • Review and practice is a repetition lesson, which is a test that checks how well you have mastered the materials of the lessons you have completed.

Additional materials

At the end of the manual there is a block of reference materials, which contains information on the pronunciation of English sounds (Pronunciation bank), materials for discussion in English (Communication activities), writing tips various types texts (Writing bank), as well as texts for all audio recordings (Tapescripts). Answers to all exercises are in a separate Teacher’s book.

Each textbook comes with an audio disc from which you can learn useful expressions and phrases.

This guide to learning English also has a nice addition in the form of an electronic application that allows you to learn words online. This is the Vocabtrainer website. To learn words here, you first need to register, then enter the book's ISBN (the 13-digit number on the back cover, starting with 978 or 979). After this, you will be able to study on the site. We advise you not to miss this opportunity: training will help you not only remember new words well, but also learn their definitions in English.



Publishing house: Pearson Longman (UK).

Latest edition: 2nd edition 2016 - for all levels.

Advantages and features of the textbook

The name of this English language textbook speaks for itself: this is one of the best tools for overcoming the language barrier and developing fluent and competent oral speech.

It is in Speakout that it is implemented best: almost all exercises are in one way or another aimed at helping the student speak English. Grammar and new words are learned through communication on topics suggested in the textbook.

The manual is published in close cooperation with the world famous BBC. Therefore, this English language manual comes with interesting educational videos. They are live interviews in English with ordinary people on the street, excerpts from films and TV series. The textbook also uses articles from the BBC website, so you will receive only relevant knowledge.

Textbook structure

Each manual includes 10 units, which in turn consist of the following parts (sections may differ slightly in textbooks of different levels):

  • 2 mini-lessons are similar to lessons in EF and NTE.
  • Function - lesson dedicated to practical use English, where you will learn useful conversational phrases.
  • Mini-lesson from the BBC - a lesson that includes an article from the BBC website, a video, as well as tasks for them.
  • Lookback - a repetition of what has been covered + a podcast with an interview in which you will hear natural English speech ordinary people.

However, it is worth warning that no textbook will help you learn grammar without effort and large quantity practices. And practice consists not only of completing tests and exercises, but also of watching videos, reading books and oral communication, during which you will encounter real cases functioning of grammatical rules. Otherwise, after working through even the best English textbooks, you will only learn to insert the necessary grammatical tense in exercises, but in speech you will continue to use it incorrectly, since you will not have the skill of applying theory in practice.

In any case, without theoretical basis nowhere, so we present to your attention grammar textbooks by Russian and English authors.

1. Betty S. Azar, Stacy A. Hagen Fundamentals of English Grammar and Understanding and using English Grammar.

Fundamentals of English Grammar:

Understanding and using English Grammar.

Publisher: Pearson Longman

Format: PDF + MP3

Audio bitrate: 64 kbps

Download for free: Understanding and using English Grammar. (Students" Book, workbook, Audio accompaniment to the book):

These manuals are more suitable for students of American English. The first textbook is intended for students of English with a level low intermediateintermediate, and the second is suitable for more advanced people with a level from intermediate and higher. The advantage of these textbooks is that, in addition to theoretical material the authors represent many real examples use of all designs. To practice, of course, there are exercises, tasks for self-control and tables with systematized material. These manuals are ideal for self-study, but do not try to take them on if you have just mastered the basics of English.

2. Round-Up - another series of 6 textbooks from an English publishing house, which are recommended for use for classes with a teacher. But if you buy a teacher’s book with keys to the assignments, you can study them yourself. These textbooks are suitable for all ages (the first ones are even for children, since they have illustrations). Each textbook is divided into 15-20 lessons with theory, examples and exercises, and after every 5 lessons you will find a small test to test what you have learned.

Download free English textbooks

New Round Up 0 Starter (SB + audio, TB):

New Round-Up Starter CD-Rom (EXE):

New Round Up 1 (Student's Book (+audio), Teacher's Book, CD-ROM):

New Round Up 2 (Student's Book (+audio), Teacher's Book, CD-ROM):

New Round Up 3 (Student's Book (+audio), Teacher's Book (+audio), CD-ROM):

New Round Up 4 (Student's Book (+audio), Teacher's Book, CD-ROM):

New Round Up 5 (Student's Book (+audio), Teacher's Book, CD-ROM):

New Round Up 6 (Student's Book (+audio), Teacher's Book, CD-ROM):

3. Among the textbooks for studying grammar, it is necessary to highlight the now iconic English Grammar in Use. This series contains textbooks for both beginners and advanced English learners. Advanced. Each textbook contains 136 lessons dedicated to specific grammar topics. This allows you not to go through all the topics in a row, but to address only those that cause difficulties. Although the textbook is written in English, all the explanations are very accessible, and bright good examples help you quickly remember information. It is worth noting that the lexical component of these books becomes more complex along with the grammar, which will help you kill two birds with one stone.

Download the textbook English Grammar in Use 4-edition (2012):


4. Series Oxford Practice Grammar similar to the previous one in structure. The textbooks are also divided into levels, each with more than 100 lessons, with 10-12 lessons followed by a test. The theory is explained in sufficient detail, at the end of the textbook there are answers and tables with irregular verbs, features of word formation and much more.

Download free Oxford English Grammar Course:

Intermediate with answers (Practice book + Pronunciation CD):


5. The British illustrated series Grammarway is still popular, despite the fact that it was released back in the nineties. The grammar rules are given here as standard, but the compilers spent a lot of time on the exercises. The practical part of each of the 12-20 lessons takes up several pages. In addition, tasks are given not after a whole theoretical block, but after each rule. Which, you see, is very convenient.

Download the Grammarway book series for free:

6. Without Michael Swan and Catherine Walter's The Good Grammar Book, our collection of the best authentic textbooks for learning English grammar would be incomplete. All benefits are divided into levels. Each textbook contains 21 sections, starting with a test (to identify your weaknesses, which should be given more time). Grammar material is presented in small portions followed by a series of exercises to consolidate the theory.

Whenever we need to buy an English textbook, we are faced with a difficult choice, because the market offers more than a dozen books with bright covers, colorful pictures and discs with audio and video recordings included. If this question is also relevant for you, we offer an overview of the best English language textbooks according to our teachers and students.

First of all, we will talk about textbooks with an integrated approach to language learning, mainly from English publishers. It’s no secret that practically a textbook in English “rests on four pillars”:

  • listening
  • reading
  • oral speech
  • letter

This allows you to improve all the skills necessary for fluent communication verbally and writing. Each module in the textbooks focuses on a specific topic (e.g., Travel, Medicine) and contains exercises and discussions to develop all of these skills. Such textbooks have different degrees of complexity and are divided into levels, from basic to advanced.

The first three positions in our top are represented by courses of this type and are suitable for those students who need fluent spoken English for everyday communication and travel, reading literature in English and personal correspondence. After completing the conversation course, students will easily be able to discuss their favorite books, the weather, ask how to get somewhere, write to a friend, etc.

The last two positions are represented by textbooks that are intended for English language learners who are faced with the need to obtain international certificates confirming their knowledge. That's why we included 2 in our top teaching aids which will help you effectively prepare for exams and receive prestigious certificates. We would like to note that all of these 5 courses are not self-teaching courses, so the effectiveness of self-studying English with their help is rather doubtful. In addition, it is important to listen to the opinion of the teacher who will select an English textbook that meets your individual requirements and level of language proficiency.

Top 5 English textbooks

1) Speakout by Frances Eales, JJ Wilson, Antonia Clare, Steve Oakes.
2) Gold Series by Jan Bell, Amanda Thomas, Jacky Newbrook, Sally Newbrook.
3) Cutting Edge Level 3 Edition by Moor Peter, Crace Araminta, Cunningham Sarah, Jane Comyns-Carr, David Albery, Cindy Cheetham.
4) Cambridge Preparation for the TOEFL Test by Jolene Gear, Robert Gear.
5) IELTS Foundation by Sam McCarter, Verity Cole.

1. Speakout by Frances Eales, JJ Wilson, Antonia Clare, Steve Oakes

Publisher: Pearson Longman, 2012. 5 levels. British English.

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

And I am determined to learn English, our selection of 20 textbooks, manuals and dictionaries with links where you can download them for free in PDF format. The best textbooks for learning English on your own are at your service.

Studying foreign languages is becoming more and more popular, and courses are becoming more and more expensive. But thanks to the Internet, you can learn a language even without attending courses. How to learn English at home? It's not difficult if you set a goal! opens ample opportunities for people capable of self-education.

Basic English grammar

English language

Grammar for beginners, learning begins with the basics: from the very simple words and grammatical rules. For convenience, it is illustrated with pictures, for easier perception and memorization of materials, but the assignments are in English.

Cambridge English Grammar

English language

The Cambridge textbook series is one of the most popular; they can easily be considered one of the best textbooks for learning English on your own. This book is one of them, a good guide for self-learning the language through an accessible presentation of the rules and thematic exercises.

Advanced Grammar in Use

English language

The textbook is designed for self-study of English for those who already speak English. high level; his task is to explain in more detail the use of articles, tenses and other points related to the rules of grammar.

Common Mistakes in English

English language

A collection of the most common mistakes made when writing, constructing sentences and choosing tenses. The following is considered an effective technique: the teacher shows the student a page on which he independently looks for the mistake he made in the exercises performed. But you can also familiarize yourself with the contents of this textbook during self-study in order to avoid common mistakes in the future.

When Bad Grammar Happens to Good People

English language

How to say it in English?

Russian language

The textbook is designed for beginners to help them not only read and understand the text they read, but also speak fluently in English and be able to explain their emotions and needs.

Constructions and phrases of the English language

Russian language

A grammar textbook, absolute theory and examples without exercises, but there are quite a lot of them on the Internet, so the book is a good theoretical basis for those who are starting to learn English.

New vocabulary

Russian language

The textbook is built quite complicated, but if you try to understand it, you can find a lot interesting information, as well as examples from well-known publications, books and recognized textbooks.

Practical English Grammar

Russian language

Another textbook on English grammar from A to Z, accessible and comprehensive.

Theory and practice of translation

Russian language

Benefit for correct translation from English into Russian, theory with examples and practical tasks. Designed for students different directions science and technology. But it may also be suitable for other professionals who are interested in translation.

A Practical English Grammar

English language

All the rules of grammar are described and explained in very detail, from articles to the most complex rules.

English tenses and constructions

Russian language

"Dear friend! Isn’t it time to get rid of several complexes, including the complex of not knowing the English language?” - this is how the appeal to the reader begins. In general, the entire book is written in an accessible and even humorous format, as if the author was addressing you specifically.

English tenses and constructions - image No. 1" >

English tenses and constructions - image No. 2" >

English Vocabulary in Use

English language

Perhaps the most popular and useful textbooks on the English language for self-study, increasing vocabulary and practicing acquired knowledge, designed for different levels of language proficiency.

New Headway Pronunciation Course

English language

A whole collection of textbooks on learning English to improve pronunciation; in addition to textbooks, it also contains educational videos. Designed for different levels of language learning: from beginner to fluent.

A handbook for authors. Preparing your manuscript for Oxford university press

Plain English for Lawyers

English language

A textbook that helps lawyers learn to speak English correctly and correctly, using legal terms correctly.


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