Specific gravity of the floor slab - How much does a concrete slab weigh. Hollow floor slabs and their types Weight of a hollow floor slab

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Hollow-core floor slabs are widely used in industrial and civil construction. Their function is to divide into floors internal space buildings under construction, as well as the transfer of load from overlying structures to the walls and foundation. The slabs are part of the prefabricated reinforced concrete floor, which today is considered the most popular and practical in both low- and high-rise construction.

What is a hollow core slab

Hollow core slab – iron concrete slab 220 mm thick with voids with a diameter of 159 mm. Voids are cavities cylindrical, which penetrate the slab through and through in the longitudinal direction.

Similar installation of a hollow core slab chosen for a reason. The purpose of the voids is to reduce the weight of the structure. In turn, a decrease mass of hollow core slab allows:

  • Load the floor immediately after installation without a concrete screed.
  • Reduce the consumption of concrete and reinforcement, thereby reducing the cost of construction.
  • Simplify the process of transportation and installation.
  • Reduce the load on the foundation and walls, which allows them to be built from less heavy structures that cost much less.

Other void functions:

  • Security high level sound and heat insulation due to air inside the holes.
  • Creating conditions for communications, which reduces finishing time.
  • Increasing the useful volume of the structure.
  • Possibility of construction in seismic zones.

Weight of hollow core slab per 1 m2 It is quite large even if there are voids, so powerful lifting equipment is used for installation. For example, the total weight is 712 kg, and per 1 m2 - 712/2.4 · 1 = 297 kg/m2. Knowing how much does a hollow core slab weigh?, you can collect loads to calculate the load-bearing capacity of walls and foundations.

In what sizes are hollow core slabs produced?

Standard length of hollow core slabs equal to 3 m. This is the most common standard size, which is used in the construction of many civil buildings. For example, in most residential buildings The width of the rooms is designed to be 3 m, so 3 m slabs are used for floors. Another common size is 6 m.

Generally, dimensions of hollow core slabs obey a single modular system in construction (EMS), which provides:

  • Unification. This is the name for limiting the standard sizes of prefabricated parts and structures in order to bring them to uniformity.
  • Typing. Selecting from the entire number of standardized elements the most economical for repeated use.
  • Standardization. Approval of typed structures as standards (samples).

The goal of the EMC is to simplify and reduce the cost of construction. The result of typification in construction was the development of a single assortment, which is based on the module (M). The basic model is 100 mm. When designing buildings and structures for its construction, they use an enlarged module - 2M, 3M, 6M, 12M, 15M, 30M, 60M, etc.

Principles of slab marking

Hollow core slabs most often they are designed using the M and 3M modules, i.e. their dimensions are multiples of either 100 mm or 300 mm. Dimensions and some characteristics of the slabs are always displayed in their markings. For example, the designation is deciphered as follows:

  • PC is a round-hollow slab.
  • 60 – length in decimeters, as well as the number of modules, i.e. 60M, which is equal to 6000 mm.
  • 12 – width in decimeters or modules, i.e. 12M, which is equal to 1200 mm.
  • 8 – load bearing capacity, kgf/m 2.
  • AtV – use of prestressing reinforcement (At) class V.

Markings are usually applied to lateral surface slabs

The designation AtV is not present in the designation of all slabs. With a length of up to 4780 mm, slabs can be manufactured with non-tensioned reinforcement. In this case, the designation is simply omitted. For longer lengths, prestressed reinforcement AtV must be used. Its voltage is carried out electrothermally.

Additionally, the marking may contain:

  • The letter "L" stands for lightweight concrete.
  • The letter “C” is dense silicate concrete.
  • Index “1” – the holes in the slabs are sealed at the ends.

In general, labeling principles hollow core slabs are determined GOST 9561 "Reinforced concrete lot hollow core slabs floors" and GOST 26434 "Reinforced concrete floor slabs - main parameters and types."

In reality, the dimensions of the slab are slightly different from those indicated on the marking:

  • 10 – 990 mm;
  • 12 – 1190 mm;
  • 15 – 1490 mm;
  • 24 – 2380 mm;
  • 48 – 4780 mm;
  • 60 – 5980 mm, etc.

Hollow core slabs can have a length from 980 to 8990 mm, which is recorded in the markings with numbers from 10 to 90. Specific dimensions determine the weight and volume of hollow core slabs.

Types of hollow core slabs

Except standard slabs PC, there are several more varieties:

  • PB – slabs produced by formless forming on a conveyor belt. During the manufacturing process, a special reinforcement method is used, which allows the slabs to be cut without losing their strength. PB has a smoother surface, which makes it easier to finish floors and ceilings.
  • PNO - lightweight slabs, also manufactured without formwork. The main difference from PB is the smaller thickness, which is 160 mm.
  • NV – internal type decking with one row of prestressed reinforcement.
  • NVK is an internal type of flooring, but with two rows of stressed reinforcement and a thickness of 265 mm.

The device and components of supporting the slab

Difference between PC and PB

PC floor slabs are classic. They were the first to be manufactured with voids back in Soviet time. PB is a new generation floor slab, but also hollow. The main difference between them is the production method.

PC board manufacturing technology:

  1. Reinforcement is placed in metal formwork.
  2. The metal form is concreted.
  3. To remove air bubbles, the entire mold is vibrated.
  4. Next, it is placed in a special drying chamber for 6-7 hours.
  5. At the end finished slab removed and stored.

The main difference in the production of PB slabs is the absence of formwork, hence the name of the method - formless. The production stages are as follows:

  1. Thin cables are stretched across the entire stand of the heated platform.
  2. The molding machine passes over this area and leaves behind a strip of concrete solution.
  3. The top of the semi-finished slab is covered with a film (the length of the workpiece can reach 190 m).
  4. The products are dried.
  5. Upon completion, the workpiece is cut to the dimensions required by the customer.

Thanks to a special production method, PB can be cut at an angle of 30-90°. This will not change their load-bearing capacity in any way. By GOST dimensions of hollow core floor slabs PCs influence their manufacturing technology. With a length of 4.2 m or more, such structures cannot be cut. This is due to the fact that at the ends of the products there are special stops for prestressing reinforcement. At cutting hollow core slabs you have to cut off these stops along with the end, and they are responsible for the load-bearing capacity of the structure.

At the same time, PB slabs do not have mounting loops, which complicates and increases the cost of their installation. Hollow holes should not be used for hooking as this may cause the end to collapse and cause the hook to break free. Therefore, installation is carried out only using special traverses.

The choice between PB and PC slabs is made specifically for each facility under construction, based on the layout and budget. Difference between characteristics of hollow core slabs PC and PB are presented in the table.


Load-bearing capacity, kgf/m2

Standard – 800

Wider range – from 300 to 1600.

Maximum length, m

Concrete grade

Use of prestressed reinforcement

With a length of 4.2 m.

For all designs, regardless of length.

Weight of hollow core slab

Lighter - 4-6% lighter than PB.

Heavier than PC.

Surface quality

Due to molding in metal formwork the surface quality is slightly worse than that of PB.

Minimum number of defects, which allows you to save on finishing work.

Support methods

Available in several types:

  • PC – support on 2 sides;
  • PCT – support on 3 sides;
  • PKK - support on 4 sides.

They can only lean on 2 sides.

Other Important Features

  • The increased diameter of technological voids makes it possible to lay in them engineering Communication, for example, sewer risers (in case of construction walls on hollow core slabs).
  • The presence of mounting loops facilitates transportation and installation.
  • Ideal geometric dimensions with minimal tolerances.
  • Large selection of standard sizes with a pitch of 100 mm.
  • Possibility of cutting the end part at any angle.

Note: PB slabs give the designer more freedom, since here the dimensions of the slab are not tied to standard ones - it can be cut into pieces of different dimensions.

Comparison of PC and PB hollow core slabs

The nuances of installing hollow core slabs

Standard average value supporting surface – 100-120 mm. But the specific amount of support depends on what the structure is supported on:

  • For reinforced concrete - 70 mm, maximum - 160 mm.
  • On brick wall: minimum – 80 mm, maximum – 160 mm.
  • For gas and foam concrete: minimum – 100-120 mm, optimal – 150 mm.
  • On steel structures– 70 mm.

note : these are only approximate values ​​- the specific amount of support is selected depending on the calculations performed.

You cannot increase the amount of support to 20 centimeters or more. In this case, the structure will not work like a slab, but like a clamped beam, which is why the loads are distributed differently than was assumed in the calculations.

For installation, use a crane with a lifting capacity that covers the weight of the slab with a small margin. As a rule, the type of crane, the routes for its movement around the construction site and the points from which installation will be carried out are indicated on the construction master plan.

General technology for laying floor slabs:

  1. Cleaning the surface where the structure will be laid from debris.
  2. Laying a reinforcing rod at the contact point of the slab with the base - it will help prevent extrusion cement mortar and strictly control the vertical installation of structures.
  3. "Spreading" cement mixture– also called mortar “bed”. Its thickness is 2 cm, and it is necessary for reliable adhesion of the slab to the walls.

Preparing the mortar bed for the slab

The following is very important - you cannot cover 3 walls at once with one slab. In this case, stresses arise in it that are not provided for by the reinforcement scheme. As a result, the structure may simply crack. If it is not possible to lay the slab in any other way, then a cut is made with a grinder from above, where it rests on the middle partition in the structure.

Is it really necessary to fill voids?

When constructing cottages and other low-rise buildings in the warm season, it is not necessary to fill voids. You can either leave them or fill them with foam.

  • The pinched area of ​​the slab experiences significant loads and can be destroyed.
  • Water entering into voids winter period, if construction was suspended during this time, it can provoke the appearance of cracks, since ice is larger in volume than water.

If the house was left unroofed for the winter and you know that water has got inside the slabs, you need to drill a hole in them through which the water can flow out. Otherwise, frozen water will simply tear the slab from the inside.

To fill voids to the depth of support, use masonry mortar on screenings or coarse sand. The holes for the mounting loops can be sealed with any mortar.

Note: On average, the depth of filling voids is 12-15 cm.


Hollow-core floor slabs - a common type building structures, without which today it is difficult to imagine the construction of buildings for any purpose. The use of such slabs makes it possible to reduce the load on the perimeter of the structure, which reduces the cost of construction of the foundation and walls. Also, due to their lower weight, the voids reduce the shrinkage of the building, which allows finishing work to begin earlier.

The construction of buildings for any purpose can be significantly simplified if standard unified elements are used. Floor slabs are considered one of the main building units. In our article we will talk about reinforced concrete structures of floor slabs.

This is the most common and economical option, which has significant advantages over other materials. The range of concrete slabs is also quite wide, which will allow you to vary the size and choose a solution for any architectural task.

Why choose reinforced concrete

Each of the existing ones has advantages in using building materials. When choosing the right one, you must, first of all, focus on the type of building and the tasks assigned to it. Wood coverings They are distinguished by greater flexibility, light weight and natural origin, but are also very susceptible to pests and have a shorter service life compared to concrete varieties. In addition, it makes sense to take into account the difference in and concrete.

Products are classified according to all indicators:

  • Construction type.
  • Dimensions.
  • Class of fittings used.
  • Type of concrete.
  • Additional resistance to external influences.
  • Design features.

In order to have an idea about everyone possible options and, let's consider each of the above parameters separately in a little more detail.

Type of construction according to GOST classification

The product size must be indicated in capital letters, maximum amount which should not exceed three units.

Learn about hollow core slabs and their technical characteristics ah, maybe from the article. You can learn about possible options for filling the openings between floor slabs, what to choose from foam block or gas block and which material is better.

Basic designations for the type of construction of reinforced concrete products:

No.: Symbol: Product name:
1. WITH Piles.
2. F Foundations (column, tile).
3. FL Strip foundations.
4. FO Foundations for equipment.
5. FB Foundation blocks.
6. BF Foundation beams.
7. TO Columns.
8. CE Column racks (for pipelines).
9. R Crossbars.
10. B Beams (general designation).
11. BC Beams for cranes.
12. BO Strapping beams.
13. BP Rafter beams.
14. BS Rafter beams.
15. BE Beams for overpasses.
16. BT Tunnel beams.
17. FP Rafter trusses.
18. FS Rafter trusses.
19. P Monolithic floor slabs.
20. PD Bottom slabs for tunnels and channels for communications.
21. PT Floor slabs for tunnels and channels for communications.
22. OK Channel trays.
23. PC Floor pits with round voids.
24. PP Parapet slabs.
25. BY Slabs for windows.
26. OP Support cushions.
27. LM Flights of stairs.
28. LP Staircase landings.
29. PM Stair steps.
30. LB Stair beams, stringers.
31. SB Wall blocks.
32. C-Sec Basement wall blocks.
33. PS Wall panels.
34. PG Partition panels.
35. ETC Jumpers.
36. ST Walls for supports.
37. Sh Reinforced concrete sleepers for railways.
38. T Non-pressure socket reinforced concrete pipes.
39. TF Reinforced concrete non-pressure seam pipes.
40. TN Vibrohydropressed reinforced concrete pressure pipes.
41. BT Concrete pipes.

You can select suitable products according to the main purpose. If the design can have several standard sizes, letter designation may be supplemented with numbers. Therefore, for reinforced concrete slabs for floors with round voids, the product marking will begin with “PC”, monolithic structures“P”, we will decipher the remaining designations further.

You can find out more about which ones are necessary by reading the article.

additional information

For products intended for use in more than difficult conditions operation, there is also a special classification according to the type of prestressed reinforcement, which is used in the manufacture of the structure. Concrete mortar is also sometimes marked.

Any block house has wall partitions, you can learn about those made from wall blocks from the article.

Main types of concrete:

Concrete is also classified according to its resistance to aggressive environments. This indicator is usually used to indicate the permeability of the finished concrete layer. Used in special construction, and for the construction individual houses It is sufficient to use concrete with normal permeability.

Basic dimensions hollow core slabs:

p/n: Stove brand: Product length, mm: Product width, mm: Weight, t: Volume, m³:
1. PC 17-10.8 1680 990 0,49 0,36
2. PC 17-12.8 1680 1190 0,61 0,44
3. PC 17-15.8 1680 1490 0,65 0,55
4. PC 18-10.8 1780 990 0,38 0,38
5. PC 18-12.8 1780 1190 0,65 0,46
6. PC 18-15.8 1780 1490 0,86 0,58
7. PC 19-10.8 1880 990 0,55 0,4
8. PC 19-12.8 1880 1190 0,69 0,49
9. PC 19-15.8 1880 1490 0,9 0,62
10. PC 20-10.8 1980 990 0,61 0,44
11. PC 20-12.8 1980 1190 0,76 0,54
12. PC 20-15.8 1980 1490 1,0 0,68
13. PC 21-10.8 2080 990 0,65 0,475
14. PC 21-12.8 2080 1190 0,8 0,571
15. PC 21-15.8 2080 1490 0,97 0,71
16. PC 22-10.8 2180 990 0,725 0,497
17. PC 22-12.8 2180 1190 0,85 0,6
18. PC 22-15.8 2180 1490 1,15 0,751
19. PC 23-10.8 2280 990 0,785 0,52
20. PC 23-12.8 2280 1190 0,95 0,62
21. PC 23-15.8 2280 1490 1,179 0,78
22. PC 24-10.8 2380 990 0,745 0,56
23. PC 24-12.8 2380 1190 0,905 0,68
24. PC 24-15.8 2380 1490 1,25 0,78
25. PC 26-10.8 2580 990 0,825 0,56
26. PC 26-12.8 2580 1190 0,975 0,68
27. PC 26-15.8 2580 1490 1,325 0,84
28. PC 27-10.8 2680 990 0,83 0,58
29. PC 27-12.8 2680 1190 1,01 0,7
30. PC 27-15.8 2680 1490 1,395 0,87
31. PC 28-10.8 2780 990 0,875 0,61
32. PC 28-12.8 2780 1190 1,05 0,73
33. PC 28-15.8 2780 1490 1,425 0,91
34. PC 30-10.8 2980 990 0,915 0,65
35. PC 30-12.8 2980 1190 1,11 0,78
36. PC 30-15.8 2980 1490 1,425 0,98
37. PC 32-10.8 3180 990 0,975 0,69
38. PC 32-12.8 3180 1190 1,2 0,83
39. PC 32-15.8 3180 1490 1,6 1,04
40. PC 33-10.8 3280 990 1,0 0,71
41. PC 33-12.8 3280 1190 1,3 0,86
42. PC 33-15.8 3280 1490 1,625 1,08
43. PC 34-10.8 3380 990 1,05 0,74
44. PC 34-12.8 3380 1190 1,24 0,88
45. PC 34-15.8 3380 1490 1,675 1,11
46. PC 36-10.8 3580 990 1,075 0,78
47. PC 36-12.8 3580 1190 1,32 0,94
48. PC 36-15.8 3580 1490 1,75 1,17
49. PC 38-10.8 3780 990 1,15 0,82
50. PC 38-12.8 3780 1190 1,39 0,99
51. PC 38-15.8 3780 1490 1,75 1,24
52. PC 39-10.8 3880 990 1,2 0,85
53. PC 39-12.8 3880 1190 1,43 1,02
54. PC 39-15.8 3880 1490 1,8 1,27
55. PC 40-10.8 3980 990 1,2 0,87
56. PC 40-12.8 3980 1190 1,475 1,04
57. PC 40-15.8 3980 1490 1,92 1,3
58. PC 42-10.8 4180 990 1,26 0,91
59. PC 42-12.8 4180 1190 1,525 1,09
60. PC 42-15.8 4180 1490 1,97 1,37
61. PC 43-10.8 4280 990 1,26 0,93
62. PC 43-12.8 4280 1190 1,57 1,12
63. PC 43-15.8 4280 1490 2,0 1,4
64. PC 44-10.8 4380 990 1,29 0,95
65. PC 44-12.8 4380 1190 1,61 1,15
66. PC 44-15.8 4380 1490 2,06 1,44
67. PC 45-10.8 4480 990 1,33 0,98
68. PC 45-12.8 4480 1190 1,62 1,17
69. PC 45-15.8 4480 1490 2,11 1,47
70. PC 48-10.8 4780 990 1,425 1,04
71. PC 48-12.8 4780 1190 1,725 1,25
72. PC 48-18.8 4780 1490 2,25 1,57
73. PC 51-10.8 5080 990 1,475 1,11
74. PC 51-12.8 5080 1190 1,825 1,33
75. PC 51-15.8 5080 1490 2,475 1,67
76. PC 52-10.8 5180 990 1,53 1,13
77. PC 52-12.8 5180 1190 1,9 1,36
78. PC 52-15.8 5180 1490 2,42 1,7
79. PC 53-10.8 5280 990 1,6 1,13
80. PC 53-12.8 5280 1190 1,91 1,38
81. PC 53-15.8 5280 1490 2,46 1,73
82. PC 54-10.8 5380 990 1,6 1,17
83. PC 54-12.8 5380 1190 1,95 1,41
84. PC 54-15.8 5380 1490 2,525 1,76
85. PC 56-10.8 5580 990 1,65 1,22
86. PC 56-12.8 5580 1190 2,01 1,46
87. PC 56-15.8 5580 1490 2,6 1,85
88. PC 57-10.8 5680 990 1,675 1,24
89. PC 57-12.8 5680 1190 2,05 1,49
90. PC 57-15.8 5680 1490 2,75 1,86
91. PC 58-10.8 5780 990 1,71 1,24
92. PC 58-12.8 5780 1190 2,07 1,51
93. PC 58-15.8 5780 1490 2,73 1,89
94. PC 59-10.8 5880 990 1,775 1,26
95. PC 59-12.8 5880 1190 2,11 1,54
96. PC 59-15.8 5880 1490 2,825 1,93
97. PC 60-10.8 5980 990 1,775 1,3
98. PC 60-12.8 5980 1190 2,15 1,57
99. PC 60-15.8 5980 1490 2,8 1,96
100. PC 62-10.8 6180 990 1,83 1,35
101. PC 62-12.8 6180 1190 2,21 1,62
102. PC 62-15.8 6180 1490 2,91 2,03
103. PC 63-10.8 6280 990 1,86 1,37
104. PC 63-12.8 6280 1190 2,25 1,65
105. PC 63-15.8 6280 1490 3,0 2,09
106. PC 64-10.8 6380 990 1,88 1,39
107. PC 64-12.8 6380 1190 2,26 1,67
108. PC 64-15.8 6380 1490 3,0 2,09
109. PC 65-10.8 6480 990 1,9 1,41
110. PC 65-12.8 6480 1190 2,29 1,7
111. PC 65-15.8 6480 1490 3,02 2,12
112. PC 66-10.8 6580 990 1,94 1,43
113. PC 66-12.8 6580 1190 2,32 1,72
114. PC 66-15.8 6580 1490 3,1 2,16
115. PC 67-10.8 6680 990 1,96 1,45
116. PC 67-12.8 6680 1190 2,44 1,75
117. PC 67-15.8 6680 1490 3,23 2,19
118. PC 68-10.8 6780 990 2,01 1,48
119. PC 68-12.8 6780 1190 2,5 1,79
120. PC 68-15.8 6780 1490 3,3 2,25
121. PC 69-12.8 6880 1190 2,54 1,78
122. PC 69-15.8 6880 1490 3,16 2,22
123. PC 70-10.8 6980 990 2,06 1,52
124. PC 70-12.8 6980 1190 2,46 1,83
125. PC 70-15.8 6980 1490 3,27 2,29
126. PC 72-10.8 7180 990 2,12 1,56
127. PC 72-12.8 7180 1190 2,53 1,88
128. PC 72-15.8 7180 1490 3,36 2,35
129. PC 73-12.8 7280 1190 2,64 1,91
130. PC 73-15.8 7280 1490 3,41 2,39
131. PC 74-12.8 7380 1190 2,67 1,93
132. PC 74-15.8 7380 1490 3,45 2,42
133. PC 75-12.8 7480 1190 2,8 1,96
134. PC 75-15.8 7480 1490 3,49 2,45
135. PC 76-12.8 7580 1190 2,74 1,98
136. PC 76-15.8 7580 1490 3,53 2,48
137. PC 77-12.8 7680 1190 2,78 2,01
138. PC 77-15.8 7680 1490 3,59 2,52
139. PC 78-12.8 7780 1190 2,82 2,04
140. PC 78-15.8 7780 1490 3,83 2,55
141. PC 79-12.8 7880 1190 2,85 2,06
142. PC 79-15.8 7880 1490 3,68 2,58
143. PC 80-12.8 7980 1190 3,063 2,09
144. PC 80-15.8 7980 1490 3,73 2,62
145. PC 81-12.8 8080 1190 3,1 2,12
146. PC 81-15.8 8080 1490 3,78 2,65
147. PC 82-12.8 8180 1190 2,95 2,14
148. PC 82-15.8 8180 1490 3,82 2,68
149. PC 83-12.8 8280 1190 2,99 2,17
150. PC 83-15.8 8280 1490 3,86 2,71
151. PC 84-12.8 8380 1190 3,02 2,19
152. PC 84-15.8 8380 1490 3,92 2,75
153. PC 85-12.8 8480 1190 3,06 2,22
154. PC 85-15.8 8480 1490 3,96 2,78
155. PC 86-12.8 8580 1190 3,3 2,25
156. PC 86-15.8 8580 1490 4,0 2,81
157. PC 87-12.8 8680 1190 3,13 2,27
158. PC 87-15.8 8680 1490 4,06 2,85
159. PC 88-12.8 8780 1190 3,16 2,3
160. PC 88-15.8 8780 1490 4,1 2,88
161. PC 89-12.8 8880 1190 3,17 2,32
162. PC 89-15.8 8880 1490 4,15 2,91
163. PC 90-12.8 8980 1190 3,2 2,35
164. PC 90-15.8 8980 1490 4,2 2,94

The last designation, the number “8” at the end of the marking indicates design load, which is standard for residential buildings 800 kgf/m².

Reinforced concrete floor slabs are not the most important cost item during construction. But you need to choose them no less carefully than other materials for your home. They are highly durable and durable, but are very heavy. Therefore, even in the project, it is necessary to accurately calculate what load the walls and foundation of the building can withstand, and only then decide on the type and size of the slabs.

Types and their features

The weight of a reinforced concrete floor slab depends to a greater extent on its dimensions, and to a lesser extent on the type and technical characteristics of the materials. The dimensions of reinforced concrete products are established by GOST, so all panels are standard. Certain species relatively few, but they fully satisfy the basic requirements for the construction of any objects: from private houses to high-rise buildings and huge industrial buildings.

1. Solid.

Monolithic floor slabs are distinguished by the heaviest weight, since they do not have large voids inside. And their weight will be higher, the stronger the grade of concrete used in production. Such panels are divided into types according to thickness:

  • 1P - have a standard size of 120 mm and an average weight of 4.3 to 7.1 tons;
  • 2P - a little more powerful (160 mm), so they can weigh up to 8.7 tons

The disadvantage of solid products is the complexity of their installation. The reason for this is the rather large dimensions and weight of the slab. But no one lays hollow structures manually, so this minus should not be seriously considered.

Another type of reinforced concrete products for floors is additional elements. They have a standard length, tied to the main parameters of manufactured full-size products (1800-5000 mm), but a small width. Despite its modest dimensions, the weight of a solid slab cannot be called small - up to 1.5 tons, that is, it cannot be lifted and installed without special equipment. But for non-standard buildings their use is quite justified, since it allows you to assemble any ceiling from panels of existing standard sizes.

2. Lightweight.

The weight of hollow core slabs is reduced due to through technological holes. Depending on their shape and quantity, there are three additional types:

  • PC – with standard round chambers with a diameter of 159 or 140 mm (marked 1PK and 2PK, respectively);
  • PB – multi-hollow, with various options technological holes;
  • PG – products of medium thickness (260 mm) with ellipsoidal chambers.

An increase in the total volume of voids in the body reduces the mass and at the same time the load-bearing capacity. However, thanks to the longitudinal air chambers, lightweight concrete products acquire excellent thermal insulation and acoustic properties. So for the formation of basement and interfloor ceilings They are ideal for residential buildings. Hollow-core slabs can replace monolithic products if it is necessary to reduce the weight load on the base of the building. The weight of standard 6-meter floors, depending on the type of concrete, ranges from 2.8-3 tons.

Lightweight ribbed floors are a separate group, although they are classified as solid. These are slabs U-shaped profile, in which the load-bearing capacity and resistance to bending loads are increased due to solid cast stiffeners. They are widely used for the construction of particularly strong floors and flat roofs.

Ribbed floors are made from any grade of concrete - from light to especially strong. Accordingly, their mass can vary within 20%. Middle plate standard size weighs about 1.5-3 tons, and 12-meter panels for industrial construction reach 4-7 tons.

Not so long ago, lightweight options made of polystyrene concrete began to appear. The use of insulating material as a filler significantly improved performance characteristics finished products: heat and sound insulation properties, weight, workability. Although the strength has decreased compared to traditional reinforced concrete products, 400-500 kgf/cm2 is quite enough to cover their indicators.

A cubic meter of polystyrene concrete, even taking into account reinforcement, weighs about 1 ton - this is almost half that of standard solid reinforced concrete panels, although it is slightly higher than the same figure for hollow-core products.

Weight and prices

The cost depends not only on the mass, but also on the complexity of the manufacturing technology and the quality of the materials used. Therefore, the difference when purchasing products different manufacturers may be significant. Other factors also play an important role here:

  • price formation system selected at the factory;
  • popularity of certain standard sizes;
  • proximity to sources of raw materials;
  • terms of delivery to the end consumer.

You can save a lot of money on this by familiarizing yourself with the offers of different reinforced concrete manufacturers.

MarkingDimensions (LxWxH), mmWeight, kgPrice, rub/unit
PRTm-31600x400x8085 880
TP-43-84300x800x2201 400 13 300
PTP 24-122400x1200x120840 5 700
1P 7-25550x740x4001 500 8 880
2PG-55970x1490x2501 230 6 680
1P 3-15550x1490x4002 650 14 900
Hollow (H 220 mm)
PC 26.10-82580x99078 3 370
PC 30.15-82980x1490790 4 800
PC 50.12-84980x11901 320 5 050
Polystyrene concrete
36.10.3 3600x1000x3001 150 8 740
42.12.3 4200x1200x3001 610 12 600
51.15.3 5100x1500x3002 450 18 400

For small objects, you can buy substandard or dismantled products - they are reliable enough to withstand basic loads, but at the same time they are much cheaper.

Reinforced concrete hollow slabs are manufactured in accordance with State Standard 9561-91 and are used to cover spans of residential and public buildings.

Almost no construction project is complete without the use of these products. If for arranging foundations concrete blocks FBS is an equivalent replacement in the form of a poured foundation, pile foundation, etc., then there is practically no alternative to hollow core floor slabs. Any other solutions (monolithic reinforced concrete structures or wood floors) are inferior either in strength or in ease of manufacture.

From this article you will learn:

  • what is the difference between PC and PB boards,
  • how to calculate permissible load on the panel
  • what causes deflections in floor slabs and what to do about it.

Differences between PC and PB hollow core floor slabs

IN last years PC floor slabs, which were put into circulation back in Soviet times, are being replaced by new-generation products - hollow-core bench panels formless molding PB grade (or PPP depending on the project).

If PC reinforced concrete slabs are manufactured according to drawings of the 1.141-1 series, then there is no single document on the basis of which bench panels are produced. Typically, factories use shop drawings provided by equipment suppliers. For example, series 0-453-04, IZH568-03, IZH 620, IZH 509-93 and a number of others.

We have summarized the main differences between PC and PB boards into one table.

220 mm, or 160 mm for lightweight PNO slabs From 160 mm to 330 mm depending on the project and required length
1.0; 1.2; 1.5 and 1.8 meters The most common are 1.2, but there are also stands with a width of 1.0 and 1.5 meters
For lightweight PNOs up to 6.3 meters with a certain pitch, individual for each manufacturer. For PC - up to 7.2, less often up to 9 meters. Since the slabs are cut to length, it is possible to produce the right size to order in increments of 10 cm. The maximum length can reach 12 meters depending on the height of the panel.
Typical 800 kgf/m2, upon request it is possible to produce a load of 1250 kgf/m2 Although most often they produce a load of 800, the technology makes it possible to make slabs and any other load from 300 to 1600 kgf/m2 without additional costs.
Smoothness and evenness
After all, the technology is old and everyone’s uniforms are already worn out, ideal slabs You won’t find them, but you rarely come across downright bad ones. By appearance a solid 4. They are manufactured on the latest benches and smoothed with an extruder. As a rule, slabs look much better, although there may be some exceptions.
Up to a length of 4.2 - simple mesh; longer panels are made prestressed, because the use of tension allows you to achieve the required strength grade at lower costs. Prestressed at any length. Depending on the project, the strings can be either 12k7 or 9k7 ropes or VR-1 wire.
Concrete grade
M-200 From M-400 to M-550
Sealing holes
Typically performed at the factory. If you have not done this, be sure to fill it with M-200 concrete Sealing of holes is not required, since the design provides sufficient strength end sides and without additional reinforcement

Load on hollow core slabs

In practice, the question often arises of what load a reinforced concrete hollow-core floor slab can bear, and whether it will break under this or that stress.

In any case, the load-bearing wall should not rest on it. Capital (load-bearing) walls can rest strictly either on foundation blocks or on the same walls of the lower floors.

Where the panel overlaps load-bearing wall, it is additionally strengthened - the holes of the voids are filled with concrete at the ends, and it is not recommended to overlap the sides by more than 100 mm, i.e. until the 1st void.

The load can be distributed or point. For a distributed load, everything is simple - calculate the area of ​​the slab in m2, multiply by the load according to the marking (usually 800 kg/m2) and subtract the own weight of the slab. So for PC 42-12-8 we have area = 5m2. Multiply by 800 = 4 tons. And subtract its own weight = 1.53 tons. The remaining 2.5 tons will be acceptable distributed load. You can, for example, fill it concrete screed at 20 cm.

For point loads, it is difficult to make a similar calculation, since the load-bearing capacity of the slab in the case of point pressure depends not only on the weight of the body, but also on the point of application. So the edges of the panel are much stronger than the center. It is usually recommended not to exceed the rated load by more than 2 times, i.e. up to 1.6 tons in the absence of other influences.

In practice, it is more often necessary to calculate the combined load from different sources, such as screed, furniture, people, non-load-bearing partitions. Here you should trust the experience of Soviet research institutes, which adopted the “8” standard load, i.e. sufficient for all "standard" use cases.

Their calculations are based on the following considerations:

  • own weight = 300 kg/m2
  • screed + poured floors = 150 kg/m2 (approximately 6-7 cm.
  • furniture + people = 200 kg/m2
  • walls/partitions = 150 kg/m2

If in your case these indicators are significantly exceeded, it may be worth considering purchasing panels with higher load-bearing capacity.

Hollow-core floor slabs, due to the reinforcement and properties of concrete, distribute the weight of the object pressing on them over a larger surface than the actual contact area. So, for example, if your partition has a width of 100 mm, and there are no other loads near it, then this pressure will be distributed over a larger surface and will not go beyond the limits laid down in the calculations of the maximum standards.

It should also be remembered that in addition to constant (static) loads, there are also variable (dynamic) loads. For example, a weight standing on the floor will have a significantly less destructive impact than one that has fallen from a cabinet. Therefore, dynamic loads on the panels should be avoided whenever possible.

Deflections of floor slabs

Sometimes buyers are faced with a situation where reinforced concrete floor slabs have different deflections, including reverse side. You should know that according to SNiP 2.01.07-85 “Loads and Impacts”, deflection of more than 1/150 of the length of the product is not a defect. So for the most problematic PB 90-12, the permissible deflection is as much as 6 cm.

Reverse deflection most often occurs when cutting off the last PB floor slab on a stand, when its length is significantly less than the length range for which the stand was originally prepared. For longer slabs, more tension is given, etc. the main reinforcement goes along the bottom surface of the slab; when cutting a short slab, this excess compression force seems to bend the slab.

To avoid this situation, buyers should carefully inspect the products before purchasing. As a rule, a reinforced concrete slab with a large deflection is not difficult to notice in a stack of other hollow-core slabs. It should be recognized that these cases are still rare and good producers practically never occur.

The answer to the question about the permissible support of panels on walls can be found in our article

Reinforced concrete floor slabs in general construction estimate does not occupy a dominant place, but in terms of mass indicators this design element cannot be discounted. At the project development stage, it is necessary to clearly calculate what loads the walls and base of the building can bear, and then make a choice in favor of one or another type of interfloor covering.

Types of reinforced concrete floor slabs

Variety of modifications of this building element relatively small, all of them are standard, as they are produced exclusively in accordance with GOST standards. All existing varieties Precast concrete products meet safety requirements for the construction of high-rise, low-rise or industrial buildings.

  1. A solid floor slab is a monolithic product that does not have large internal voids. The weight of a slab with a thickness of 120 mm is from 4300 to 7100 kg. Moreover, the higher the grade of concrete, the greater the strength and weight of the floor element. The weight of a 160 m thick floor slab is up to 8700 kg.

A variety of solid floor slabs are additional elements. The length of such products is standard for full-size slabs (1.8 - 5 m), but the width is much smaller, as is the weight (up to 1500 kg).

  1. Hollow (lightweight) floor slabs have less weight, since their body is penetrated technological holes a certain shape. These are mainly round chambers with a diameter of 140 to 159 mm (PK1, PK2); there are types of hollow slabs with ellipsoidal chambers (PG) and different shapes (PB).

The presence of voids in the body of the slab allows the weight of standard 6-meter floors to be reduced to 3 tons. The advantage of hollow slabs is their good heat and sound insulation characteristics.

  1. Ribbed reinforced concrete products can be classified as monolithic, since they do not have internal cavities. These are slabs with enhanced load-bearing capacity, which they received thanks to side solid-cast ribs. Standard 6-meter slabs weigh from 1500 to 3000 kg, and industrial 12-meter “giants” reach 7000 kg.
  2. The floor slab made of polystyrene concrete is a lightweight version of the floor slab, where it is used as a filler thermal insulation material. The strength of such slabs is slightly lower than classic reinforced concrete products, but is sufficient for loads of 400–500 kgf/cm2. The weight of polystyrene concrete slabs is two times lower than classic solid ones, while the insulating qualities are several times higher than those of conventional reinforced concrete products.

How much do different floor slabs weigh?

The weight of the slabs depends on many factors, in particular on the brand of concrete used, the number of reinforcing elements, samples, voids and other factors.


how much does a concrete slab weigh - how much does a concrete slab weigh? length 3.50 meters width 0.77 meters thickness 15 cm - 2 answers

In the Construction and Repair section, the question is how much does a concrete slab weigh? length 3.50 meters width 0.77 meters thickness 15 cm asked by the author MAN the best answer is such a slab of 0.4 m3 weighs about 1 ton.

Reply from 2 replies[guru] Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: how much does a concrete slab weigh? length 3.50 meters width 0.77 meters thickness 15 cm Answer from SnaipeR [guru] you should find out the density, multiply by the dimensions and voila, you get the weight Answer from Bely Oleg [guru]
A couple of crowbars, a 50 pipe as a lever, pieces of asbestos-cement pipe as rollers and wooden blocks as a support for the lever - long, tedious, hard... but it’s feasible...Answer from Alexander Bakushev[guru] a winch will help you, or Jacques!Answer from Truculentus[guru] Hire a tractor, strap it on and pull it slowly. Hardly for one. Weight is about a ton. Answer from Sergey Alcohol [guru] hollow 0.7., monolith 1000, you can move 4 pieces on round logs. Answer from 2 answers [guru] Hello! Here are more topics with the answers you need:


Weight, dimensions, volume of floor slabs according to GOST. Online calculator for calculating weight and volume by size

In the table below you can find out the volume and weight of floor slabs. These data may vary slightly among different manufacturers. Also in the table you will find the dimensions of hollow core floor slabs according to GOST. Our service is not only reference Information, but also convenient calculator to calculate the weight and volume of slabs of various sizes. The table shows the total for each item and the total weight and volume of all selected slabs. We hope using our service will be as convenient and useful for you as possible.

If you do not find the information you are interested in, write to us. We will try to clarify this information with the manufacturers.

The dimensions in the table are length, width and thickness in millimeters.

Table: calculator for weight, mass, volume of floor slabs of various sizes

An online weight calculator can be useful for people working in the construction industry. Information about weight, volume, dimensions is necessary to draw up correct documentation in accordance with accepted standards. Make your calculations quickly, easily and conveniently.


Weight of floor slabs of different sizes

Floor slabs are one of the most popular building materials. They are horizontal bearing structures, having the shape of a parallelepiped and dividing the building into floors. Their main functions are to ensure fire safety, heat protection and soundproofing. The volume, dimensions and weight of the floor slab depend on its purpose.

Types of plates and their weight

The construction market offers a wide range of reinforced concrete dividing structures, but experts distinguish three main types:

  • Hollow ones have cylindrical voids inside, the so-called air chambers. Their presence makes the panel rigid and allows it to withstand significant mechanical loads. Air chambers help hide electrical wiring, low-current networks, as well as pipeline forced ventilation. They also reduce weight throughout concrete structure and, as a result, reduce total load on the foundation. The weight of a 6x1.5 m hollow core slab is about 3,000 kg, which makes it easy to install. Concrete panels with air chambers are used in the construction of cottages, warehouses, garages, shopping and office centers.
  • The main advantage of a continuous floor is its high load-bearing capacity. The weight of reinforced concrete slabs is usually 7,000 kg, which makes it possible to provide a maximum permissible load above 800 kgf/m2. It is advisable to use it in the construction of buildings with a massive frame, in the construction of heating mains, as well as in the process of constructing impassable openings. The disadvantage is high sound permeability.
  • The ribbed ceiling is a U-shaped reinforced concrete product with longitudinal ribs in the upper part. Application in the construction of residential buildings is not possible, since they do not allow creating a flat ceiling. They are most often used for the construction of industrial and auxiliary buildings for various purposes. Ribbed floor slabs can weigh from 65 to 2650 kg. Such panels are distinguished by the presence of a reinforced reinforcing frame that can withstand severe bending loads.

Cost of slabs

The price of floor slabs of various weights ranges from 3,600 to 13,800 rubles/piece. The cost of the product directly depends on its weight and size. Below are the prices of Moscow companies for hollow core slabs, the size of which is 6x1.5 m and weight - 3,000 kg.

As a rule, product delivery is carried out by the company’s own vehicles, equipped with manipulators, truck cranes and low-loading platforms. Reinforced concrete panels will cost you less if you can organize their removal from the warehouse yourself.


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