Corner furniture hinges. How to choose, install and configure kitchen hinges External furniture hinges

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Installing fasteners on cabinet doors and sides is a challenging process. From correct installation hinges depends on the balance of the valves, their trouble-free operation During a long time. How to install hinges on a cabinet with your own hands , you can learn from this material.

Fastenings , installed on large-sized furniture , are semi-mechanical elements , which are responsible for opening the valves. Much depends on the material and thickness of the doors, so what the hinges are made of is also important.

The hinges must withstand regulatory loads.

For installation Most often, overhead devices with four joints, the so-called frogs, are used. Such fastenings convenient for any design that involves hinged doors - wardrobe or kitchen cabinet, other types furniture.

Metal parts are made of durable alloys that are resistant to corrosion and mechanical deformation.

Furniture hinges are divided into several types, depending on how they are attached:

  • Invoices;
  • Half overhead;
  • In storerooms;
  • And inverse;
  • Pyalnye;
  • Feeding;
  • Ш tolnye, etc.

Kinds furniture hinges.

For cabinet Overhead structures with cup bases are often used, which are connected to the panel using self-tapping screws. Mechanical inserts with a “shoulder” are inserted into these bases and fixed to the door and side panel.

Such fasteners are quite reliable and durable, since they have a reinforced connection to the planes.

Depending on type cabinet and its dimensions, as well as the material chosen suitable look connecting parts. Some elements used exclusively for classic furniture, where all details must match the style. For ordinary wardrobes choose standard invoices and semi-invoices fastenings

For installation on the doors, it is necessary to use certified industrial products - this guarantees the strength and long service life of the furniture and its individual parts.

Preparation for installation

  1. Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare a set of tools and materials for furniture . Be sure to have a screwdriver, drill with appropriate attachments, a simple pencil, chalk, ruler or tape measure on hand. You will also need screws of a suitable size (usually sold together with hinges) and self-tapping screws of a certain cross-section.

    Tools for installing hinges.

  2. When installing fasteners, you need to consider the material you are dealing with and its structure. For loose or fibrous wood panels apply different types fastenings and methods of fixation. Glass surfaces also require a special approach. Two are mainly used fastenings - above and below. If the sash weighs a lot or exceeds a meter in length, then you can add another part in the center to strengthen it. If the weight exceeds 9 kg, the door is equipped with additional hinges - added for every 5 kg of weight. For kitchen cabinets, two hinges are usually used, for large items - from three.

    The maximum number of fasteners that can be placed on a door with a large length and weight of 20 kg is 5 pieces.

  3. You need to measure at least 10 cm from the upper and lower inner corners of the door, otherwise the door may become loose over time and the screws will come out of the grooves.

    You cannot place the hinges at the level of the shelves - the door will not close.

  4. Before you begin installation fasteners must be marked. This will help connect elements much more accurate.

    Use a pencil or fine chalk.

  5. Average length of indentation from the edge of the sash cabinet to the center of the loop is 2.2 cm.

    This distance is for standard mounts.

  6. Before installing hinges on the door cabinet wipe surfaces. Mark the locations of future joints with a sharp nail or awl.

    Preparing furniture for installation of fasteners does not require fuss. Depends on correct work doors.

Carefully check all parameters of the sashes cabinet , arrangement of shelves, etc. You can make a preliminary sketch.

Installation of fasteners

Cabinet doors first try on the sidewalls to make accurate markings. Initial installation stage loops - drilling holes for attaching cups.

Making hinges in a vertical position of the door is not always convenient. This will potentially reduce the accuracy of the connection.

Place the sash on a flat surface, securing it. Drill holes for the cup using a drill and cutter. It is important not to make too large recesses, 1.2 cm is enough. Insert the cups into the holes and screw the screws into the door part of the mount.

It is necessary that they fit into the grooves evenly, without distortion, otherwise the door will not be secured correctly.

For installation When connecting parts, place the drill vertically - any tilt will make the work poor quality, and chips may appear, due to which the fastening will not hold securely.The strike plate on the side of the product can also be installed in a vertical position of the panel, having previously marked the joints.

When drilling, the drill must also be held very level.

If overhead parts are used, they are made “blind” so that they do not fall apart during connection and assembly. Such fastenings should not have gaps or distortions.Use help when connecting the sash and side frame.

Together, the work process will be more convenient, better and more accurate.

Installing connecting parts on glass doors requires special care and attention. For such sashes, special fasteners are purchased. On the side of the side you will need holes that are drilled using a drill.

The glass sheet is fixed with clamps.

Leveling and Adjustment

Furniture fastenings need adjustment. For this in the process installations check their fixation by depth and distance. This can be done with horizontal or vertical position of the parts closet After assembling the furniture all preliminary calculations will turn into results, so it is important to spend more time on marking and connection parameters in advance.

When choosing, you must first of all pay attention to the strength of the product; it should serve throughout the entire life of the furniture.

After installing the fasteners on the cabinet doors It is necessary to carefully try the sashes on the sidewalls so that they match exactly. Mark the joints with a pencil. Fix the door and do fastening work on both sides. It is important that the accuracy of all details cabinet was one hundred percent. Finish assembly and check operation.

When opening and closing for the first time, the doors may move somewhat stiffly if the hinges are not yet lubricated and developed.

After attaching the hinges to the cabinet finished, it is recommended to drop a little machine oil inside the mechanism. Then you need to wipe the surface with an absorbent cloth.

Check that all elements are working properly.

For cabinet from Chipboard is better take wide loops, since the base material may crumble.

The better quality all the elements of the assembled furniture are, the more reliable their operation will be.

Installing hinges on the door cabinet , do not forget that after a while the sashes may sag under their own weight, especially if they are often left open. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically strengthen the hinges by tightening the screws. IN modern mounts This is easy to do - there is an additional recess in the oval part.

Try to adjust the parts carefully so as not to loosen the grooves.

It is also necessary to lubricate the hinges from time to time. cabinet so that they do not rust or creak. Adjusting fastenings , it is necessary to fix not only the screws connecting the cup or bar, but also the parts of the closer. The mechanical part may wear out from use. Therefore, it is important to have 2-3 spare elements to replace a broken part. “Drawdown” is indicated by distortion and loose cover. Work is carried out more often in rooms with uneven floors and high humidity.

If adjustment does not help, you should replace the old parts with new ones.

When changing fasteners on used furniture, you need to look at how suitable they are for it. It may be necessary to change the location of the new hinges due to loosening of the grooves.

After adjustment, check for gaps, tight fit of the doors when closing, overall mobility and evenness of the sash along the axis.

When installing several fasteners, you should calculate so that their location does not fall on internal elements furniture.

VIDEO: How to quickly and easily install furniture hinges.

VIDEO: How to adjust cabinet doors.

When ordering a kitchen set, we hope that it will serve us long years, will withstand numerous openings and closings. That is why it is so important to choose high-quality fittings, and especially door hinges. Not so long ago, Soviet industry produced furniture on which only hinges with a four-bar hinge were installed.

The modern hardware market is represented by a huge assortment of hinges for fastening doors. This is due to the fact that designers are inventing new forms of facades and their attachment to the set.


Today manufacturers offer more than ten various types loops for kitchen cabinets. This ranges from the simplest “frogs” to hinges with closers of various complex designs.

Different door hinges are attached differently.

  • Overhead loop or frog loop. It is a four-bar hinge mechanism. It presses the door tightly and allows you to open it 90 or 165 degrees. This type of loops is the most common. It can be found on almost any kitchen set that has swing doors. Such hinges allow you to completely cover the furniture body on which they are attached.

  • Semi-invoice. It allows you to partially cover the headset body. Its structure has a slight bend, due to which a gap is formed between the cabinet doors, fixed to one rack, which makes it possible to open both at the same time without any problems.
  • Internal. Outwardly, it is very similar to a semi-overlay. But its application is different. An internal hinge is installed when it is necessary to place the door set inside the frame.

  • Inverse. Allows you to open the cabinet door 180. In this case, the door is flush with the frame.

  • Corner. From its name it is clear that it installs doors at an angle. This is necessary for corner drawers. Standard hinges in this category come with installation angles of 175,135,90,45 and 30. But there are also non-standard corner hinges.

  • Mezzanine. Used to hang horizontally opening drawer doors. At the core of this type loops lies the spring.

  • Piano. Rarely used in modern furniture due to its unreliability. It is used mainly for book tables and for attaching folding tabletops.

  • Card loop. Essentially, this is the same piano loop, only shorter. It is often used in retro-style furniture; for this purpose, these hinges are shaped or given the shape of a butterfly.

  • Secret. It has two plates, with the help of which horizontal facades that go down are attached. They got their name for their use in secretaries. Similar to a piano loop.

  • Adit. Mounted on cabinets adjacent to the wall.

  • Card shop. With their help, folding facades are attached. Such hinges have the ability to fix the cabinet door. They are attached from the end to the door and frame and allow you to open the structure 180. Card hinges are very popular on folding tables.

  • Reversible loop. Allows you to open the doors 180 degrees and return them back, like at the entrance to a supermarket.

  • Heel. Attached to the corner of the facade. It can go deep inside the sash, but is only suitable for lightweight doors. Therefore, its use is very limited.

Also, hinges differ in application in certain materials. Glass, plastic, and fiberboard require different hinges.

There are also two types of hinges that differ in installation. Slide-on are standard hinges, and clip-on are instant installation hinges. Clip-on hinges reduce installation time by up to 60% due to the collapsible hinge, which has two parts that snap together.

Another type of loops for kitchen furniture- these are loops with a guide. Their price is much higher, but it justifies itself. First of all, it's convenient. They pushed the door, and it closed further by itself. Secondly, it preserves the condition of the furniture. Since the closers themselves regulate the force of closing the door, thereby keeping both the facades and the frame itself in their original condition. Thirdly, they prevent the sound of doors slamming without irritating the nervous system.

How to install correctly

Installation of invoices door hinges on kitchen cabinets - the process is simple. But still it requires little knowledge and skills.

Tools you will need when installing door hinges:

  • pencil;
  • ruler;
  • drill;
  • cutter;
  • screwdriver;
  • self-tapping screws

First, mark the location of the hinge on the door. In order to embed the hinge into the door, you need to drill a hole. To do this, mark the center of the circle in which the cup of the furniture hinge will be installed. The number of hinges on the door must be at least two and depends on the weight of the door and its size. The distance between the hinges should be at least 45 cm, from the top edge of the door - approximately 10 cm, from the side edge - 2.1 cm. To make the work easier, you need to make a template in the form of a rectangle with the appropriate dimensions. Then you won't have to measure these distances for each loop, and there will be less chance of making mistakes.

Now drill the hole. To do this, install a cutter with a diameter of 35 mm in a drill and make a hole 1.25 cm deep. Moreover, if your facade has a pattern with a recess on the outside, then the depth of the hole should be reduced by a couple of millimeters to eliminate the possibility of making a hole right through.

Now you need to hang the door on the frame.

When you begin to attach the door, it must be placed 2 mm lower and 1 mm to the side from the edge, so that the façade can be easily adjusted later. Finally, the loop is screwed to the box with self-tapping screws.

Today, due to the dynamic development of new technologies, the requirements for the design and manufacture of products intended for furnishing premises have increased. Modern and functional steel and furniture hinges the varieties of which are varied, on which the durability of household items depends when used. Correctly chosen fittings give the furniture strength and take it to a higher design level.

Today, the supporting fastening mechanism for modern furniture is manufactured in a huge range. A variety of furniture hinges, their versatility makes it possible to enjoy using kitchen sets, bedside tables, and easily close and open drawers, cabinets, and doors. Furniture hinges according to their purpose, design features, installation is divided into types:

  • invoices;
  • semi-overhead;
  • internal;
  • corner;
  • inverse;
  • piano;
  • card;
  • mezzanine;
  • secretory;
  • gallery;
  • card;
  • pendulum;
  • heel

Overhead and semi-invoice

Classic locking mechanisms are used for furniture, entrance, and interior doors. It has different shapes, sizes, and can withstand loads well. They ensure free opening and closing of the cabinet door at an angle of 90, support the doors at the required level, and prevent distortion. The hinges on the cabinet are attached with the main part to the side inner wall of the furniture.

Furniture holders differ from overhead holders in the bend of the base. The mechanism is fixed when it is necessary to mount two doors at once on one of the side doors, opening in different directions. Typically, such hinges are used for kitchen sets.


Semi-overhead and slip-on




Internal and corner

Furniture fittings have a general resemblance to a semi-overlay hinge, but with a deeper bend, mounted inside the body of the product, ideal for wooden cabinet doors and heavy cabinet doors. The mechanisms are attached at various angles to furniture doors and are widely used for corner cabinets, have different configurations depending on the intersection of the installation planes. Corner hinges are produced for installation at an angle of 30°, 45°, 90°, 135°, 175°. They may have built-in or separate closers that allow the door to open smoothly.



Inverse and piano

Connection for furniture with a rotation angle of 180, widely used for doors of built-in bedside tables and cabinets. The hinge securely connects the side post and the door, forming a straight line.

The connection holder consists of two perforated plates movably fastened to each other. Despite the fact that the furniture hinge is considered an outdated option, it is installed on swing facades and in other products.

Piano hinges






The design of the hinge for connecting furniture elements is similar to a piano mount. The fittings, consisting of two parallel plates connected by a hinge, are attached to the facade and frame through holes located along the edges. The mechanism has different size, are mainly used for retro style furniture design, jewelry boxes.

Mezzanines and secretaries

The hinge is similar to an overhead fastener and is installed on kitchen doors hanging cabinets. Fixed for vertical opening. Its main element is the spring.

Furniture hinges are designed for small desks with a folding board and front walls of cabinet furniture. A special feature of the mechanism is double adjustment, the presence of a secretory bracket, and convenient standard milling of holes with a diameter of 35 mm.






Gallery and card shops

The hinge, by its design, is considered the most popular fastener when it is necessary to connect a facade to a false panel at an angle of 90°. The fittings allow doors of any size or shape to close easily and silently.

Furniture holder designed for folding fronts, most often used in production kitchen tables. It is fixed at the ends of the connecting parts of the structure, which allows you to open the door 180 degrees.





Pendulum and heel

The main feature of the fastening is the ability to open the structure in different directions. The mechanism, being a type of door hardware, ensures that doors open 180 degrees. The loop has a highly specialized application; during installation, it requires correct and precise adherence to the instructions.

A simple type of hinge is mounted in the upper and bottom corners boxes, fixed with small cylindrical rods. The mechanism operates on the principle of hinged canopies. They are used in the manufacture of kitchen cabinets with lightweight doors for small spaces. The installation of hinges on glass facades is being considered.






Manufacturing materials

An important requirement for all furniture fittings is their compliance with safety standards. Simple auxiliary products, providing movable movement of furniture parts, are manufactured according to special technology using various materials. When manufacturing connecting fasteners, the manufacturer takes into account the types and meaning furniture products Based on this, the required mount is selected.

When choosing hinges, you must take them into account basic characteristics this is the quality of the material, their functionality, versatility, appearance models. The most popular and in demand are connecting mechanisms made of brass and steel. They are considered the most reliable, durable, do not corrode, have good glide, and do not deform.

An important point in the versatility and quality of the product is simple installation and the ability to adjust furniture hinges. Modern fastening structures allow you to adjust the facade along the vertical, horizontal and depth planes. Various types settings are presented in the video.

Installation and adjustment

No furniture fittings are required to install correctly. special knowledge The main thing is to follow the rules and recommendations included when purchasing the product. Before starting work, you need to familiarize yourself with the structure of the holder, its advantages and capabilities. Before installing furniture hinges yourself, you need to choose a rational approach to work, this is:

  • prepare the necessary tools;
  • make markings;
  • drill the necessary holes;
  • install the loop and adjust.

Before installing hinges, it is necessary to take into account the features of the process. When making markings, adhere to precise distances so that after installing the loops, they do not come into contact. Furniture fastening elements must be on the same axis. For this they use building level for alignment.

When making the depth of the holes, it is necessary to take into account the thickness of the material from which the furniture is made.

The final stage of installation is adjusting the fittings. The adjustment procedure requires a responsible attitude because how correctly the adjustment is carried out depends on the functionality of the furniture. One of the ways to adjust this in depth is to press or weaken the facade to the body. By twisting oval holes You can tighten the façade as it sagging. Lateral adjustment helps to avoid cracks and gaps between the facade and the frame.

When choosing a kitchen set for installing a kitchen, you need to carefully approach the issue of choosing hinges for its facades. These are small mechanisms by which swing doors can open and close. Today, developers offer consumers a variety of various options loops on facades. How to choose the right furniture hinges for facades and how to make the right choice.

Purpose of hinges (thick, radius facades)

First of all, hinges are necessary to secure the facades to the body. They also provide the ability to open and close swing doors. The possibility of adjusting the facades themselves (thick, radius), the degree of fixation of the doors, the maximum possible angle of the doors when opening, the smoothness of the free movement of the doors, the absence of creaks, distortions and other possible defects depends on which hinges will be selected.

About standard sizes kitchen sets can be read in this.


The most popular model for the facades of kitchen cabinets are four-hinge hinges, popularly called “frogs”. This design is very durable, has the ability to adjust the position of the facade and a stopper to prevent arbitrary opening of the doors.

The production of four-hinged hinges occurs using stamping sheet metal(become). The product is covered with a layer on top electroplating, which provides an aesthetic appearance and protection against rust (corrosion). They can also be coated with various decorative coatings, making the surface matte, chrome or colored.

Parts of a four-joint hinge:

  • Cup. It has square shape with rounded corners. Inserts into the hinge hole in inside doors. And it is attached using self-tapping screws; it is possible to use an additive.
  • Shoulder. Four-joint mechanism that acts as a lever for opening/closing.
  • Striker required for installation. The hinge body is attached to the strike plate. Special screws can be used to adjust the position of the façade.

Additionally, the kit may include:

  • Bowl covers.
  • Shoulder pads.
  • Closers (allow the hinge to close smoothly).


  • Invoices. When attaching the hinges to the facade in this way, it is completely closed on the side, eliminating gaps. When the door is closed, the angle between the facade and the side of the box is 90 degrees. When the door is open, this angle is 110 degrees. This fastening option is used in cases where it is necessary to cover the open part of the box with one or two doors.
  • Semi-overhead. Such loops have a bend at their base. Installed on the facade, they cover half of the side of the box. The hinge angle when closed is 90 degrees, when open it is 110 degrees. They are used if there is a need to install hinges on one partition in order to open the doors in different directions (when installing overhead hinges, the doors will not be able to open).
  • Deposits. They are installed inside the box and have a large bend at the base. When using these types of hinges, the sides of the box are visible. The hinge angle when closed is 90 degrees, when open it is 100 degrees. They can be attached to the sides of the box or to its partitions.
  • Angular. Hinges are used for installation on. In this case, the width of the side parts that are located next to the facade must be the same. The hinge angle when closed is 45 degrees, when open it is 95 degrees.
  • Inverse. Installed when it is necessary to open the door completely. The angle of the hinge when open is 180 degrees, the facade is located on the same straight line with the side of the box.
  • Piano hinges are single-hinged. They are rarely used because without an additionally installed magnet the doors do not close completely. Most often they are mounted on furniture with a top-opening door.
  • Card. The structure is similar to piano hinges: two hinge plates are mounted parallel to the hinge. Installed on furniture.
  • Mezzanine. Used when it is necessary to open the facade upwards. The principle of operation is similar to that of the mezzanine, but a spring is installed in the mezzanine, which allows you to smoothly open and close the doors.
  • Secret. They are arranged according to the principle of piano and card games. Installed on furniture whose doors open downwards.
  • Ombre. Installed on folding facades. Often used to make kitchenware.
  • Pendulum (bar). Spring hinges, which are similar in structure to piano hinges. They ensure the opening of facades by 180 degrees (similar to the principle in Mexican countries).
  • Heel. They are used extremely rarely, because to install such hinges the door must be light in weight mainly for.

You can find out about a rattan chair here.

Types of furniture hinges, how to choose:

Installation (on corner, non-standard furniture)

As a rule, kitchen furniture doors are already ready for installing hinges, but if you need to install a non-standard door or install new hinges, then first you need to take measurements.

To drill the hole for the bowl, you will need a Forstner drill bit. Also required for installation: calipers, drill and wood drill bit, screws, locking brackets.

First, we make markings on the door depending on the number of hinges required. We retreat 21 or 22 mm from the edge. In the designated places, use a pencil to mark the center of the future holes. Drill holes using a Forstner drill. The diameter of the hole for the bowl is 35 mm, depth 12 mm. Before you start drilling, you need to make sure that the drill will not go through.

Now you can attach the hinge base in the drilled hole. Fastening occurs with two self-tapping screws on both sides of the hole.

We fix the central screw on the hinge body (in the center of the groove) so that we can adjust the hinge back and forth.

We bring the door to the side wall of the box and mark the attachment points. The strike plate is fixed at a distance of 37 mm from the edge. Leave about 1.5-2 mm between the door and the body. We tighten the self-tapping screws and adjusting screws.

Tips for installing hinges/closers on kitchen facades and kitchen cabinets

Depending on the size of the door, the number of hinges that need to be installed varies:

  • Door length up to 90 cm, weight about 4 kg - 2 hinges.
  • Length from 90 cm to 160 cm, weight up to 13 kg - 3 loops.
  • Door length from 160 cm to 200 cm, weight up to 17 kg - 4 hinges.
  • Length from 200 cm to 240 cm, weight up to 20 kg - 5 loops.
  1. When marking, the top and bottom hinges should be at a distance of 70 to 120 mm from the top and bottom edges of the door, respectively.
  2. When marking and placing hinges, you need to make sure that shelves and partitions will not be located in these places.
  3. Before starting installation, it is necessary to measure the thickness of the hinge so that it fits firmly into the drilled hole.

When installing internal hinges, markings are made from the inside of the door, taking into account the gap between the door and the frame of 2 mm.

Replacing the hinge on a cabinet door:


Over time, furniture hinges may fall out of their installation sockets. There is no need to immediately throw out the cabinet or change it. First you need to remove the loop and carefully widen the hole (10 mm deep). Next, you need to lubricate the wooden dowel with wood glue (or PVA) and drive it into the resulting hole.

We do everything carefully so as not to pierce the material through. After the glue has completely dried, we cut off the protruding part of the dowel with a hacksaw. We tighten the screws that secure the loops directly into the dowels.

Manufacturers of furniture fittings

Bloom furniture hinges, advantages and disadvantages:

  1. SCILM. An Italian company that produces high-quality frame profiles, plinths and other products that are used in furniture production.
  2. Boyard. Ekaterinburg company supplying furniture fittings from China.
  3. "RosAks". Moscow manufacturer of furniture fittings.
  4. VIBO. Italian company, largest producer accessories in your country.
  5. BLUM. Austrian manufacturer of fittings and .
  6. FENNEL. For many years, the Ukrainian company has been a leader in the supply of furniture fittings to more than 60 countries.
  7. TBM. Domestic manufacturer metal furniture fittings.

You can read more about the features and range in our article.

Tips for choosing furniture fittings for the kitchen:

When choosing hinges for facades and, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

  • Required opening angle and cabinet location.
  • Type of lockers (corner, with doors opening up/down, etc.).
  • Door weight and length.
  • The quality of the metal from which the loop is made (it is recommended to choose a brass-zinc alloy for).

The hinges on the doors may not be the most striking detail kitchen facade, but one of the most important. After all, the comfortable and reliable use of a furniture set depends on the quality.

See also information about handles for kitchen furniture.

The quality and reliability of furniture fittings is a guarantee of long service life of any piece of furniture.

Not the last element in furniture fittings is a furniture hinge - a semi-mechanical device used to attach the facade to the furniture body and open the door at a certain angle.

IN Soviet times There were a limited number of varieties of furniture hinges, which were mainly with a single four-bar hinge.

Today, furniture hinges differ in:

  • building,
  • Mounting method
  • Purpose,

and the number of varieties of furniture hinges goes into dozens.

Furniture manufacturers are constantly increasing the requirements for tools for fastening facade elements. Various design developments in the manufacture of furniture involve different, unusual and non-standard methods attaching facades to the body.

Hinges for cabinet doors, bedside tables and other components of a furniture set or kitchen must have a high margin of strength in order to withstand numerous operating cycles throughout their entire service life.

Today, manufacturers can offer furniture designers many varieties of furniture hinges, starting with a simple frog hinge and ending with a closed hinge with a complex, well-thought-out device.

Types of furniture hinges

The most popular are four-hinged overhead furniture hinges (“frogs”). Their main difference from the others is their versatility and reliability.

Such designs provide the door with an opening angle from 90 to 165 degrees. The moving part of the hinges resembles a jumping frog and consists of four hinges and a mechanism with a spring.

The hinge is attached to the furniture frame with the base (to mounting plate) and a cup, which is inserted into the hole cut for it (towards the sash).

Self-tapping screws are used as fastenings; in some cases, the hinge is pressed into the furniture door without drilling holes.

According to the method of applying the sash to the body, hinges are divided into:

  • Furniture invoice. When closed, the hinged part (or simply the hinge) of the furniture door is tightly adjacent (or overlapped) to the end of the furniture body. This method of attaching a hinge is the most common, and you can see it on almost any furniture set - kitchen, bedroom, living room, on various bedside tables, cabinets, chests of drawers. The above-mentioned four-hinged overhead hinges allow the sash to completely close the frame of the furniture to which it is attached. The process of installing overhead hinges is described in more detail in the article.
  • Semi-overhead. The hinged part of the sash is only partially (half) overlapped with the furniture frame. Semi-overlay furniture hinges are used in cases where two facades (sashes) fit onto one side stand at once.

    A semi-overlay hinge can be distinguished by a slight bend in the base, which provides a small distance between two doors installed on one stand, for example, on a bedside table with two facades opening in opposite directions;

  • Inset (internal). If you don't look closely, it can be confused with a semi-invoice, but its purpose is completely different. It is used in cases where the facade needs to be placed inside the furniture body, while the hinged part of the sash is in contact with the adjacent wall of the body. The base of this loop has the most pronounced bend;
  • Corner furniture– designed to secure the facade of furniture at a certain angle. These are the most suitable hinges for corner cabinets. Furniture hinges for corner cabinets can have a different structure depending on the angle of installation. There are furniture corner hinges for installation at an angle of 30, 45, 90, 135 and 175 degrees, and there may also be other non-standard models depending on the manufacturer’s decision;
  • Inverse– hinges that open 180 degrees, in which the sash forms a straight line with the side post when open.

Different types of furniture hinges (overhead, without a cup, screw-in, etc.) may also have their own characteristics of the design and opening of furniture facades.

  • Piano- an outdated type of furniture hinges, which is rare today due to its low reliability. Such loops can be seen on swinging facades antique furniture and furniture in retro style, in book tables. The cover over the keys of pianos is usually attached using such hinges, which is why they have the corresponding name. You can read more about installing piano hinges in the article.
  • Card. This type of hinge is in many ways similar to piano hinges. They can be collapsible (two tubular) or non-collapsible (multiple tubular). Card furniture hinges consist of two plates, which are placed parallel to each other on one hinge using curves on the inner ends of the plates. They are used for retro style furniture design. You can find card loops in a figured design (with wavy outer edges, giving the structure the appearance of a butterfly).
  • Mezzanine— used for hanging horizontal facades that open upwards. They are used as hinges for various types of cabinets or as hinges for kitchen cabinets. Their structure is in many ways reminiscent of ordinary overhead hinges. The operation of the design mechanism is based on a spring.
  • Secretary room. In structure, they resemble card or piano cards, consisting of two plates with an axial hinge. Secretory fasteners (hinged) are used to fasten horizontal facades that open downwards. Such loops got their name from the secretary - small closet for storing papers. They can be mounted either with or without a cut-in.
  • Adit– hinges used for hanging facades on side posts adjacent to the wall. Adit hinges are also called blind hinges, since the doors of the “blind” walls of cabinets and bedside tables are hung on them. Used to attach the facade to the false panel.
  • Card– hinges used for fastening folding facades. The card loop is attached to both parts of the furniture structure at the ends and makes it possible to open the door 180 degrees. It is very often used on folding kitchen tables.
  • Bar (pendulum) Their structure also resembles piano hinges. They have several popular names: spring, double-sided, swinging, reversible or “metro” - furniture hinges 180 degrees. The bar hinge allows the doors to open 180 degrees, similar to the doors in American bars (this is where their name comes from).
  • Heel or heel. They can be installed as hidden if you make an insert first. Attached to the top and bottom inner corner doors. Such hinges are suitable only for light facades, so they are rarely used.

Many modern views furniture hinges are a real engineering design, complex in their execution. It was just short review varieties of furniture hinges found in the manufacture of cabinet furniture.


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