The outer corner wallpaper is peeling off. How to glue wallpaper in corners: practical tips and tricks with photos

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Nowadays non-woven wallpaper or wallpaper based on it is becoming more and more popular, and this is not at all surprising. They are distinguished by durability, ease of maintenance, and soundproofing qualities. In addition, in Lately Manufacturers produce wallpaper twice as wide as a regular roll, 1 meter and several centimeters wide. Thus, gluing can be done several times faster, and there are fewer joints.

But many are afraid to purchase non-woven wallpaper because they are worried that they will not be able to stick it correctly, especially in the corners. Such worries are absolutely groundless, because in order to cover the corners efficiently and beautifully, it is enough to know simple rules. Let's look at this topic in more detail.

What is non-woven wallpaper

In fact, this is wallpaper that is made of foamed vinyl, and the base is non-woven material. This lining material is based on cellulose fibers, which must be at least 70% of the composition. Their main advantage is that they visually level out all the unevenness of the wall, making it perfectly smooth. Also, vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven backing insulates the room from extraneous sounds: the knocking and screams of neighbors behind the wall will become less noticeable.

Non-woven wallpaper or vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis can be painted several times and even washed with a sponge to remove dirt. And when you decide to make repairs and peel off the wallpaper, you can only remove upper layer, and the non-woven one will serve as a basis for gluing new ones.

Non-woven wallpaper is very practical; you don’t need any special skills to glue it. But there are a few tips that will undoubtedly be useful to owners who decide to do the repairs themselves.

You can clearly see how to glue non-woven wallpaper in the video:

Gluing internal corners

Remember, the main rule for pasting corners is not to do it with one piece, so that one part of the solid strip is on one wall, and the second on the other. In this case, the non-woven wallpaper may stretch, and the result will definitely not hit you. This rule applies to both internal and external corners. The right decision will cover each wall with a separate piece, which simply fit together correctly.

To glue correctly, there are several ways that will undoubtedly lead you to the expected result.

Option 1. One of the most simple methods is wallpapering in the corner with an overlap. Thus, one sheet is glued with a spacing of 1-1.5 cm, and the second exactly along the corner line, i.e. There is no gap between the wallpaper, and the angle is neat and visually even.

Attention! Non-woven wallpaper is quite dense and thick, so the cut will still be visible.

Option 2. This method is most often used in rooms where the walls are not quite right and are a little overwhelmed. The first sheet is pasted with an allowance on the adjacent wall, so as to cover the entire corner. The width of the overlap depends on how much uneven walls in the room. The second one is also glued with an overlap, so that the design is not distorted or displaced. After this, use a level or any other flat object to push a clear line, and use a sharp stationery knife make a precise cut. Then easily remove the top excess strip.

The bottom part will be more difficult to remove, but just peel back the glued top part and you'll be good to go. After this, reapply glue to the edges and carefully attach them in place. The whole procedure should be carried out as quickly as possible, and then you will get the perfect angle even on such uneven walls.

Option 3. One strip is glued to the wall with an overlap of about 2 cm. Then, using a plastic spatula, it is carefully driven into the depths of the corner. All folds and irregularities can be eliminated quite simply: you need to make several cuts and overlaps, thus eliminating the unevenness of the canvas and the wall.

Next, take a long metal spatula, press it tightly to the corner and carefully cut off the excess material in one motion. The second strip is glued in the same way and cut. If everything is done correctly and carefully, you will get a monolithic seam that will be almost invisible to prying eyes.

Some options can be seen visually here:

External corners

In addition to internal corners, any room also has external ones. Often these are window slopes or niches and protrusions that cannot be ignored. They have their own characteristics of pasting. By using little secrets gluing will be easy, and the corners will be neat and beautiful. The algorithm for pasting external corners is as follows:

Some more tips and interesting solutions To correctly glue wallpaper, including non-woven wallpaper, on uneven walls, you can watch the video:

In the end, I would like to say that non-woven wallpaper and non-woven wallpaper are quite dense and practical material, which is very easy to glue. It cleans well and will please the eyes of its owners for a long time.

Wallpapering walls is a job that does not cause any particular difficulties. Such repairs have long become commonplace for many owners of houses and apartments. The most important thing is to glue the first strip of canvas correctly and evenly, and then stripe to stripe and the wall is ready. Difficulties during repairs arise only when gluing corners. Let's talk about the rules and features of gluing non-woven wallpaper in problem areas.

Types of corners in an apartment and house

Before, you need to explore the room. There are two types of angles, each of which requires individual approach when facing interior spaces:

  1. 1. Internal. There are such corners in every room; it is with them that you usually have to work when decorating interior spaces.
  2. 2. External. Most often they are found in corridors, and sometimes in living areas of houses and apartments. If there is a similar corner in the room, it may cause greatest number difficulties.

Once the room has been examined, you can begin preparing for the renovation. In this article we will look at wallpapering non-woven fabrics. Currently, they are the most popular finishing material for interior walls. Non-woven wallpaper is a paper lining that contains non-woven material that strengthens paper base, making the finish more reliable, attractive and durable.

There are also vinyl facing materials on a non-woven base. They are more resistant to external negative impacts, they can be used in rooms characterized by high humidity. Meter and regular vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven basis are glued in the corners according to the same pattern, so the instructions below are suitable for different options finishing.

Special attention When preparing for interior cladding, attention must be paid to the choice of adhesive. Often they use universal glue, which is suitable for all types of surfaces to be treated and for various wallpapers. But professionals recommend using adhesives specially designed for this purpose for non-woven wallpaper. The following brands of glue are well suited for non-woven fabrics:

  • Quelyd;
  • KLEO Line Optima;
  • Emcol Universal;
  • Metylan Non-woven fabric.

For repairs you will also need rollers. It is best to purchase several rollers in advance: for applying glue to the wall, for smoothing the finish on the surface, and also for working on joints and corners. It is unlikely that you will be able to use one roller for different purposes, especially if it gets smeared with glue during the process.

To glue corners and vertical surfaces, tools such as a level, ruler, plumb line, scissors, trowel, trowel and others will be useful. It is recommended to prepare them in advance so that you do not have to be distracted from the repairs being performed and do not waste time.

Where to start wallpapering a room?

Corners are considered the most difficult places to paste, not only because of their shape, but also because they are rarely perfectly straight. If you paste the walls joint to joint, then when you start pasting from the corner, a strong vertical distortion may appear. Many are sure that warping can be avoided if you start gluing from the window and doorway, mistakenly believing that in these places the walls are as smooth as possible and perpendicular to the floor.

Before you start gluing, you need to confirm that the window or door has no defects. This can be done using a simple plumb line. Very often, even such a simple study shows that the surface of the wall has significant flaws that can have an extremely negative impact on the quality of the cladding and the visual characteristics of the entire room after the completion of the repair work.

The method of window covering itself appeared due to traditions of use. paper wallpaper. Starting from the window with an overlap and continuing to mount the panels clockwise, you can achieve maximum inconspicuousness of the joints. However, when using non-woven or vinyl facing materials, such an installation system is not at all necessary.

Professionals recommend starting pasting the wall from the corner, if at least one wall joint is fairly even. Therefore, you need to research first problem areas slope and start work from the angle that has the least disadvantages. A preliminary study makes it possible to find out in advance the actual evenness of the walls and choose the most suitable way installation of cladding.

Pasting the internal corners of the room

Before starting work on cladding a room, you should decide on the need to pre-level the walls. If the surfaces have many defects and a strong vertical deviation, they are first leveled with plaster or putty. This method of preparing for installation is especially relevant if you plan to cover a room with expensive wallpaper with silk-screen printing. If preliminary preparation not to do so, during the work there may be a significant overconsumption of facing materials.

If the deviations in the corner are insignificant, you can hide the defects by overlapping pasting. This method is most often used when decorating rooms, since owners usually do not want to spend time and money preparing the surfaces to be decorated. This method involves gluing the first strip of canvas so that it overlaps the adjacent plane by 3-4 cm. You can achieve perfectly high-quality wall decoration by using high-quality adhesive, which must be used to coat the corner and adjacent planes as thoroughly as possible.

A vertical mark is first made on the wall, along which one side of the glued segment is adjusted. A piece is applied to it and smoothed to the corner. Next, use the blunt side of a knife or a spatula to press the canvas along the corner. This must be done as carefully as possible so as not to damage expensive facing materials. Next, part of the segment is glued to the adjacent wall and, using a rubber roller, air bubbles are removed from under the material.

Next, new sections are glued to this strip on both sides. Moreover, on the wall on which most of the pasted strip is located, the next section is attached end-to-end, and on the adjacent wall, onto which the strip has gone a few centimeters, the new strip is attached overlapping. Now all that remains is to use a plumb line to draw a vertical line at the intersection of the wallpaper strips, after which a sharp knife is drawn along the entire height of the wall and two sections of wallpaper are removed, resulting in an end-to-end fastening.

How to properly cover an outer corner?

The repair procedure described above is almost repeated when gluing external corners. The first strip of material is glued in such a way that several centimeters of the segment are wrapped around the corner. Most often, to ensure high-quality fastening you have to make several cuts on the segment, at the corner. The cuts will help avoid wrinkles and remove excess adhesive from the wallpaper. Using a sponge or roller, press the strip as carefully as possible onto the surface, after which the strip is cut vertically with a knife so that no more than 1 cm of wallpaper remains on the adjacent wall.

The next strip of wallpaper is attached to the wall, where there is 1 cm of wallpaper. The section is mounted in exactly the same way as the first strip; no more than 5 mm of wallpaper should extend onto the adjacent wall. At correct installation The attachment point will be completely invisible.

Decorating corners in a room is not only the most difficult task when covering surfaces, but also the most important. The general visual characteristics room interior. Therefore, carry out renovation work you need to be very careful, carefully and slowly. If great experience in the cladding you do not have, it is recommended to start with areas of the room that are least noticeable and where defects in the installation of the cladding will not adversely affect the beauty of the room.

Let's face it, everyone knows how to hang wallpaper. The matter is not at all difficult. It's almost like gluing children's stencils - by the way, there are also types of wallpaper on which the adhesive layer has already been applied.

But the material is much larger and you will need not a bottle of glue, but a bucket. Therefore, we get down to business quite quickly, choosing the beginning of the surface to be treated.

Basic provisions

Corners are far from the most visible place in the interior of any room, but it is the quality of their finishing that determines real class work

Here we will just determine, for starters, what situations we may encounter.

Types of angles

The order of work will largely depend on what angle awaits us:

  • internal between two vertical walls - there are such in any room, there are almost always at least four of them;
  • external, also between two walls - these may not exist at all, they can be avoided by finishing the window slopes to the corner; but if external corner yes, it is he who will require the most work;
  • internal horizontal below, between the floor and the wall;
  • internal horizontal at the top, between the wall and the ceiling - the last two types could not be taken into account if you take a prudent approach to the organization of these corners.

About materials and tools

Before we get started, let's look at what we'll be dealing with:

  • Non-woven wallpaper - they main reason of all our activities, the most famous wall finishing material. Wallpaper is made on the basis of old paper - 70% of it is a cellulose layer, but with the addition of synthetic components that strengthen and give more flexibility, which provide the remarkable qualities of this material. For working on corners, the paper provides good flexibility, and the additives provide greater strength, which will prevent the material from tearing at the most inopportune moment.
    When it comes to wallpaper, its dimensions are especially important:
    • the width should be calculated at 53 or 106 cm,
    • and in length (height) - by 10.05 meters.
  • Glue – you can use universal glue for wallpaper, but we still recommend a special one for non-woven wallpaper, which, by the way, is not suitable for any others.
  • Rollers - it is advisable to stock up on a whole set for all occasions:
    • for applying glue;
    • for smoothing wallpaper already on the working surface;
    • for working at joints, and,
    • for working on corners.
  • A plumb line, a ruler, a level, a pencil, scissors - you will have to measure and cut a lot, but the most important thing is that from the very beginning you will need to get an ideal vertical line on the wall, from which all further work will begin.

Helpful advice!
If in the future you are able to strictly adhere to the resulting vertical, then one will be enough.
But we advise you to draw these lines on all four walls, closer to each corner, which will allow you to control the process more accurately.
Departure from the vertical always leads to very unpleasant mistakes and even the need to completely re-glue the roll.

  • The cutting tool must be comfortable with a well-honed edge;
  • A trowel, a trowel, a convenient wide ruler - anything that will allow you to obtain and control the cutting line.

Nuances of preliminary preparation

This stage is preceded by very important steps to prepare the rough working surface.

Regarding angles, it will be very important:

  • when working at the top and bottom - provide for the installation of skirting boards in the most last resort, after the wallpaper, then:
    • the task of adjusting the joint simply disappears by itself, the edges will be covered with skirting boards, ensuring a perfect joint;
    • in this situation, considering standard height rooms are 2.5 meters long, the length of the wallpaper is 10, and the height of the plinth on the wall is 5 cm, then the roll is cut into 4 pieces of 2.5, which is enough for four verticals, and without any waste; otherwise, taking into account the allowances, you will have to cut in pieces of more than 2.5, which means that 3 pieces will be used and one shortened piece will remain neither for the village nor for the city;
  • It is very useful to use removable skirting boards - this will solve the problem of joining if you want to change the wallpaper in the future;
  • when working on internal corners, they must be reinforced with non-woven paper tape, which is glued directly to the putty, and also putty on top;
  • on external corners - it is better to carry out more thorough reinforcement using metal or plastic corners, which are secured with screws; The corners are attached to putty, and the top is also puttied.

Helpful advice!
If your angles are not right, we recommend using plastic corners, they are more convenient to select the required angle.
There are quite a few options for reinforcing corners, but given that later we will slightly trim the wallpaper at the corners, it is better to use solid corners, without perforation.

  • If we talk about the surface as a whole, then it should be:
    • thoroughly dried
    • aligned
    • primed,
    • puttied and
    • sanded - at least with sandpaper by hand, but better with a machine.

Work progress

Let's look at all the angles in order, from simple to complex.

Corners above and below

Everything here is quite simple, even if you can’t hide the material under the baseboards:

  • we cut the wallpaper with an allowance higher (or lower) than the baseboard by 6-8 cm;
  • glue and bend the allowance along the plinth line what is convenient to do;
  • then, using a spatula as a guide, use a knife to cut off the entire length of the allowance;

  • the work must be done while the glue has not yet set, this will allow a small residue of 1-2 mm to be carefully inserted behind the plinth line with a knife.

Corner inside

Here, first we provide ourselves with two reliable verticals on both joining surfaces:

  • first we glue the wallpaper on one side so that an area at least 2 cm wide goes to the adjacent wall;
  • wait until the glue is completely dry;
  • Usually, to glue an adjacent piece, a 2 cm allowance will be enough, if you have made more and it is holding well, then there is no need to cut it, otherwise, be sure to cut it using sharp knife and a spatula as a guide;
  • glue a piece on the adjacent wall close to the corner and smooth it with a special;

  • There is always a temptation to avoid such a hassle, bend the piece in half along the width and try to create an “ideal” corner from one piece; but, as practice shows, in the future the wallpaper will begin to run together and the entire corner will simply move away; however, we advise you to keep this method in mind; If you have very high-quality wallpaper that does not fade over time, and even under glue, then this option will be simply ideal.

Helpful advice!
When gluing wallpaper, do not stretch it on the glue under any circumstances - when the glue dries, the material will definitely “run together”, exposing wide joints.
Also, be sure to determine what type of wallpaper you have.
There are options that should not be glued overlapped at all, only end-to-end.
Some are glued only with a shift relative to the adjacent piece or even with a rotation of 180 degrees.

July 11, 2017
Specialization: facade finishing, interior decoration, construction of cottages, garages. Experience of an amateur gardener and gardener. We also have experience in repairing cars and motorcycles. Hobbies: playing the guitar and many other things that I don’t have time for :)

The most common beginner mistakes

First of all, let's look at how not to glue wallpaper. The most common mistakes newbies make are:

  • Poorly prepared surface. The level of complexity of pasting the joint of planes depends on their quality. If the apartment has crooked corners, then it will not be easy even for a specialist to complete the finishing properly.
    Of course, it is not always possible to make the wall joints ideal, strictly at 90 degrees, but there should be no deviations from the vertical. Therefore, spare no time and effort in preparing the surface - putty the walls or even plaster them;

They will help you quickly and easily align external wall joints plaster corners. During installation, they are leveled and then glued with plaster or putty. The price of corners starts from 30 rubles per 2 meters.

  • Cutting wallpaper. As a result of this decision, the edges of the canvases may diverge or, on the contrary, overlap each other unevenly, and accordingly, the gluing looks sloppy. Therefore, according to the technology, it is necessary to provide a slight turn onto the adjacent plane.

The exception is paper sheets that can be cut vertically. The only thing is that in this case, you first need to stick a thin strip of wallpaper onto the joint of the walls in case the joints come apart;

  • Big twist. If the joints of the walls are even, then such a mistake is not terrible, but in crooked corners a large turn will cause the strip to deviate from the vertical. As a result, all subsequent canvases will be glued crookedly;

  • The canvases are not completely glued. When gluing the canvas, many beginners do not push it all the way, as a result small area, located opposite internal corner, hanging in the air. This leads to the fact that over time the coating begins to peel off and even tear;
  • Poorly applied glue. If wallpaper on a non-woven basis is pasted, then the glue is applied to the surface of the walls, and not the canvas. In this case, it is a mistake to work with a roller, which does not always allow you to completely coat hard-to-reach places.

Beginners are often interested in what angle should they start gluing wallpaper? If they are all level, then it doesn’t matter where you start gluing. Otherwise, start gluing from an even angle to avoid distortion of the stripes on the walls.

Gluing technology

As you know, there are two types of angles:

Each type requires its own approach when pasting, so next we will separately consider the process of gluing wallpaper on external and internal corners.


The sticker instructions are as follows:

Illustrations Description of actions

Surface preparation. Beginners often carry out priming of walls with their own hands only using a roller, however, as in the case of glue, it is difficult to properly process corners with this tool. Therefore, after priming the walls, be sure to “walk” through hard to reach places with a brush.

Applying glue. If non-woven wallpaper is glued, as mentioned above, the glue is applied to the walls, not the canvas.

  • The canvas needs to be cut in width so that the fold onto the adjacent wall is about one and a half centimeters. IN uneven corners the inversion can be increased up to 5 cm;

If you are gluing a meter-long non-woven wallpaper, and you had to cut off a wide piece of the strip, you can start gluing the adjacent wall from there, if, of course, the pattern allows it.

  • Then you should push the canvas with a spatula so that it fits tightly to the walls;
  • If folds appear, the edge must be cut across, i.e. towards the fold.

The strips on the adjacent wall must be overlapped with the edge. In this case, the canvas is aligned along the marking (vertical line), and not the edge itself.

This completes the gluing.


Now let’s look at how to stick this finishing material onto the external joints of the walls yourself:

Illustrations Description of actions

Surface preparation. As in the previous case, the surface must be primed and glue applied if the canvas is vinyl on a non-woven backing.
  • Position the strip so that it extends 30 centimeters onto the adjacent wall;
  • If the edge begins to wrinkle, cut it lengthwise so that the curl is no more than 5-10 mm.

If the wallpaper has a pattern, with such a small fold, you may need to trim the edge of the second sheet to match the pattern.

Many people are interested in how to protect wallpaper on outside corners? For these purposes there are special decorative corners, which are glued over the trim.

Today, the most popular way to decorate walls is wallpapering. As it might seem at first glance to a novice master, step-by-step instruction is simple, which is why many apartment owners decide to stick wallpaper on their own, without knowing the specifics of the work. As a result, the fit of the paintings is incorrect, unevenness and other defects are noticeable, which shorten the life of the finish.

If the house has smooth, properly prepared walls without defects, it’s really not difficult to start gluing wallpaper. But few people know how to properly glue wallpaper in the corners, following the pattern, so that it looks beautiful and neat. In this case, you need to know about the techniques, without the use of which you should not start gluing wallpaper.
Next we will talk about in different ways How to properly glue wallpaper in the corners of a room, we will provide video and photo lessons that will help you save and complete beautiful design kitchen, corridor or hall independently.

What problems might you encounter?

Ideally, in order not to cut the strip at the joint, the corner in the room should be perfectly straight and vertical. In this case, gluing the wallpaper will not be difficult; all work will be reduced to a continuous operation, which consists of treating the wallpaper and walls with glue and fixing the canvas.

But it's perfect to brag even corners Not everyone can fit into their home, so at least one corner will be uneven and cause difficulties. Wherein appearance the first wall covered will be vertical, and the junction of the canvases and the subsequent transition to another surface will become increasingly distorted. This will make subsequent selection of the pattern impossible.

Preparing corners

If the corners seem absolutely even, before gluing the wallpaper, it is enough to go over them with fine-grained sandpaper or a thick, hard cloth to remove barely noticeable defects and remove debris and dust.
But, if the corners are noticeably crooked, have protrusions, or, conversely, cracks and niches, they must be leveled with putty. If the damage is very large (for example, there are pieces of the wall falling out), it is appropriate to use plastic corners.

Take note! Before pasting wallpaper, consider the following features:

  • no need to cover the corners with a whole sheet of wallpaper;
  • Do not glue wallpaper end-to-end in the corners.

If you glue the corners end-to-end, you will not be able to avoid unsightly cracks. Also, unevenly laid wallpaper in a corner will distort the entire picture and the overall vertical. The best option– sticker wallpaper with an overlap, but please note that too wide an overlap is unacceptable, it optimal width should not exceed 1-1.5 centimeters.

Features of work depending on the type of wallpaper

No less important point, which needs to be taken into account before starting to paste the walls - the material from which the canvas is made, because different material requires different approach to work. How does variety affect finishing material For the corner formation technology, see the table below.

Type of wallpaper

Features of the work

Paper A paper roll of wallpaper, which does not have complex additives, is the most demanding. You need to work with such wallpaper as quickly as possible so that the material does not absorb excessive amounts of moisture from the glue. If you overexpose the panel treated with glue, you risk that it will fall apart in your hands onto the lapti.
Vinyl How to glue meter-long vinyl wallpaper on a non-woven base in the corners depends on many details. Before applying glue-treated wallpaper to the wall, you need to give it time to soak. Please note that some varieties vinyl wallpaper can be coated with a gentle coating, which can only be worked with a roller with a rubber working surface. Since this material is very heavy, the corners must be carefully opened with glue to ensure sufficient adhesion of the material to the wall.
Non-woven How to glue non-woven wallpaper in the corners, and generally on the wall, is slightly different from working with paper varieties. They do not need to be treated with glue, just coat the wall. In order to secure the edge of such a canvas well, just before forming the overlap in the corner, the wallpaper must be additionally coated with glue.

Please note that the thicker the wallpaper is used, the smaller the overlap needs to be.

How to glue wallpaper in corners (video)

Wallpapering the inner corners

The goal of high-quality wallpapering is to ensure that “wrinkles” do not form during the work, and that there is no gap between the panels towards the baseboard. To achieve this, you need to install a strip of wallpaper so that the grip on the adjacent wall does not exceed 2cm. To do this, it is important to take into account how strongly the angle is curved, because the greater the deviation from the norm, the larger the allowance needs to be formed.

It is very important to press the wallpaper against the wall as firmly as possible. If this causes “wrinkles” to form, they can be reduced slightly (sometimes even completely removed) by cutting the wallpaper in the direction of the formed wave. Since the beginning has been made, now it’s time to apply the markings, following which the second strip will be laid. To do this, it is necessary to set aside the width of the wallpaper, reduced by 5 mm, from the overlap of the first strip, which was launched onto the adjacent wall. Then you need to put the vertical aside with a level and glue the second strip.

How to design external corners?

To form an outer corner, you need to mark a point that will be the start of the sheet of wallpaper so that it goes around the corner by 3cm. The edge of the panel must be carefully fixed to the wall, and if “wrinkles” form, you can remove them, as we described above in the article.

Along the edge of the canvas that is laid on the adjacent wall, tear off a thin strip of wallpaper so that there is a small edge left. Such actions will remove excess volume from the seam, making the overlap less noticeable. Then, using a level, you need to set aside the distance from the corner, which is the width of the wallpaper sheet, plus 6mm. Along this line, you can glue the next strip of wallpaper so that the edge of the new canvas overlaps the edge previously placed on the wall. Applying force and pressing the joint tightly, trim the wallpaper and treat the joint with a rubber roller.

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