Compacting additives for soil in road construction. Classification of soil stabilizers in road construction

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“In road construction, liquid glass has not become widespread, with the exception of the construction of experimental sections, as well as the silicification of crushed stone highways using the method of impregnation and surface treatment. The reason is the low frost resistance of silicated glass, as well as inconvenience in work due to the rapid setting and hardening of the mixture of soil and silicate. At the same time, the experience of the engineering troops of the advancing Soviet army in 1944 showed the advantages of silicating temporary dirt and crushed stone roads: when constructing bypasses of roads mined and blown up by the retreating Nazi troops, rapid strengthening of the soil with the help of shovels and garden watering cans gave excellent results. "

From the book by V. D. Glukhovsky “Soil silicates”:
"The construction of highways using liquid glass binders with inert aggregates (limestone, dolomite, quartzite, sandstone, granite) is based on the ability liquid glass form solid monolithic masses with fillers.

Work carried out in this direction in various countries, in some cases gave positive results, and in others - negative. In Italy and especially in France, thousands of kilometers of silicated highways have been built. Germany has not achieved positive results in this matter.

In our country, work on silicating roads was carried out by V. M. Shalfeev and gave satisfactory results.

The construction of such roads can be carried out using the silicate concrete method or the impregnation method.

When building using the silicate concrete method, the working mixture, consisting of coarse aggregate, seedings and liquid glass, after thorough mixing, is laid in a layer of 10 cm and compacted with rollers. After 24 hours, the mass acquires sufficient strength and vehicles can move on it."

From my experience working with liquid glass, I will say that apparently liquid glass alone is not enough. I made paints based on liquid glass. They were washed away from the facades by about the tenth rain. This description is missing some component that increases moisture resistance.

The same Glukhovsky additionally uses a salt solution when strengthening soils (not roads). He doesn't say what salt you need. Other sources talk about potassium salt, but do not indicate whether potassium or sodium liquid glass is used. Also, Glukhovsky recommends impregnation in a saline solution after molding to increase the water resistance of building blocks made of soil silicate. The book is written disgustingly, information has to be collected bit by bit from different chapters and still much remains incomprehensible. It feels like the car is deliberately trying to confuse everything.

At the same time, Glukhovsky claims: “Such roads are cheaper than concrete and roads with other types of crushed stone surfaces. They are one and a half to two times more durable than asphalt and concrete, and also more wear-, water- and frost-resistant.”

Why am I so concerned about the topic? After I screwed up with paint on liquid glass, I stopped using it in production and had about a ton of liquid soda glass hanging in my warehouse. It's been standing for seven years now.

And there are many places in the country where I would be happy to strengthen the access roads. Maybe someone can tell me the technology. I would be very grateful. Otherwise the experiments may take longer. You won’t appreciate the results right away; you need to wait a year or two.

Maybe the soil is mixed with liquid glass, laid down, and then watered with a salt solution. The Red Army soldiers used garden watering cans to water the roads with something in 1944. If the liquid glass is sodium, then apparently sodium salt NaCl is also ordinary table salt.

Here’s more from Glukhovsky: “Liquid glass is used to repair the surface parts of concrete structures. In this case, a layer of liquid glass with a modulus of 3.3-3.4 is applied to the damaged area moistened with water, which is sprinkled with cement powder. As a result of the chemical interaction between cement and alkaline silicate causes rapid hardening of the mixture."

Soil stabilization technology turns virtually any soil into a solid foundation.

The National Resources company offers soil stabilization services (GOST 23558-94) using inorganic binders. Soil stabilization is effective method creating bases for various coatings.

The National Resources company has been working in the field of construction and road base equipment for more than 10 years.

Engaged in a full range of construction works road surface and road foundations, as well as industrial and warehouse sites, by strengthening and stabilizing the soil using various materials.

The guarantee of a high-quality designed and completed project is the company’s many years of experience - one of our main advantages.

A team of professionals is ready to carry out work in the most complex weather conditions with almost any type of soil. Thanks a lot practical experience and the accumulated knowledge base on soil analysis, using modern equipment, the NR company ensures the selection of the optimal composition of the stabilizing mixture, which is the key and guarantee of the quality of the road base for up to 15 years.

Behind the quality of projects, work and materials is close scientific cooperation with specialized institutes in Russia and the CIS countries, which gives us even more confidence in both the technologies used and their high performance. Each soil and road surface sample undergoes laboratory testing under specially simulated conditions, which helps prevent mistakes during road construction.

Reviews of completed orders and professional and scientific cooperation, resumes completed projects and our guarantee provide your confidence in the construction or repair of roads by National Resources.

NR has efficient and productive equipment to provide a full range of road stabilization and recycling services.

The company's fleet uses the largest and most productive Wirtgen WR250 recyclers. The productivity of one recycler is 8000 m2 per shift. The compaction depth reaches 560mm.

A fleet of 10 Wirtgen WR250 recyclers. allows you to perform the most complex work as soon as possible.

The company also uses: cement spreaders, rollers, motor graders and mounted stabilizers (for use in small areas).

About technology

Soil stabilization is a process of thoroughly crushing and mixing soil with appropriate inorganic binding materials (cement or lime), adding them in a proportion of 5-10% by weight, followed by compaction.

When using this technology with inorganic binding materials, there is no need for significant amount transport, since absolutely any local soil can be strengthened, be it loam, sandy loam or sandy soil, which is located nearby, and only binding materials remain to be delivered to the work site.

The presented technology is durable, wear-resistant road and site structures with high quality characteristics for any extreme loads and climatic conditions in Russia.

Construction of roads using soil stabilization method

Soil stabilization technology is used in the following construction:

  • repair and reconstruction of existing roads;
  • during the construction of motor roads of IV–V categories;
  • temporary, technological, auxiliary and dirt roads;
  • sidewalks, parks, pedestrian and bicycle paths;
  • parking lots, parking lots, warehouses and shopping centers and terminals when creating solid foundations for the construction of objects of various categories;
  • landfills for solid waste and hazardous substances;
  • bases for installing industrial floors and laying paving slabs;
  • bases for railway tracks.

Soil stabilization video


This method has a number of advantages over traditional methods of constructing road foundations.

COST reduction in the cost of construction work by 50%.

WORK SPEED from 3,000 m2 to 8,000 m2 per shift.

BASE STRENGTH the compressive strength when stabilizing soil using inorganic binders reaches 500 MPa.

GUARANTEE Guarantee period road base with soil stabilization technology reaches 15 years.

The presented advantages became possible due to the following factors:

  • complete refusal to use non-metallic materials (crushed stone, sand),
  • absence earthworks on the excavation of soil for the road structure, and accordingly the lack of disposal of this soil,
  • complete mechanization of the process,
  • modern technology that allows you to speed up the speed of work.

Soil stabilization

The resulting base can be used either independently, without applying a layer of asphalt, or together with it.

It is also important that the method does not have harmful effects on environment, and also assumes complete autonomy and freedom in choosing material. Modern equipment allows you to effectively stabilize the soil directly on site to a depth of up to 50 cm in one working pass with great accuracy in the dosage of binding materials.

Know-how of the company National Resources

The use of Hinta disintegration technology made it possible to obtain a stabilized base using cement in an amount of 2%.

This technology makes it possible to increase the strength characteristics of the stabilized base.

Soil stabilization is the ability to build a road from soil, without applying an expensive asphalt concrete base.

There is a flexible discount system! Individual approach in the formation pricing policy to every client!

The essence of the technology is the introduction of additives into the soil to improve it. mechanical properties. The soil is thoroughly crushed and mixed with appropriate binding materials, followed by compaction. Key problems are solved at the stage of road design and calculation of the optimal mixture of binder components.

Why are there bad roads in Russia?

Road pavements allow moisture to pass through to the road base soil

Under influence negative temperatures and accumulated moisture, the soil swells

Under the influence of water, the soil becomes wet, subject to erosion and spreading

Real loads on the road are higher than calculated: not all roads are capable of supporting heavy vehicles or high speed traffic flow

The soil is also subject to subsidence and shifting.

Negligence of the contractor who carried out the construction and violated the technology

The heterogeneity of the road base contributes to the appearance of “internal” cracks that appear on the road surface

The essence of the technology is the introduction of additives into the soil to improve its mechanical properties.

The soil is thoroughly crushed and mixed with appropriate binding materials, followed by compaction, resulting in monolithic slab, which is the road base.

Key problems are solved at the stage of road design and calculation of the optimal mixture of binder components.

Pros of technology

Prevents water from reaching the base of the pavement

Erosion resistance
- resistance to soaking
- frost resistance, avoidance of frost heaving

Achieves a higher elastic modulus, increases shear resistance and flatness, reduces ductility

Allows you to reduce the thickness of asphalt concrete by up to 50%
- eliminates drawdown
- eliminates “rutting”
- eliminates the appearance of “replicating” cracks in asphalt concrete pavements

For construction, soil located at the location of the future road is used.

Reduces the amount of materials used
- savings on transportation of materials

Comparison of roads built using soil stabilization technology and the “classical” method

Road "Classical" Road "Status-ground"

Approximate estimate for the construction of 1 km (6000m2) of road base

(the calculation is intended to clearly show the difference between the two methods and is not a commercial offer)

2000 tons removed and replaced soil

4200 tons

150 trucks for import and export of materials

6 days works

820 rubles— price per m2

3 years guarantee

Local soil is used

216 tons new materials delivered

6 cement tankers for the import of mineral binder

2 days work

499 rubles— price per m2

5 years guarantee

Savings amount to 39.15%


Selection of the optimal mixture composition to give the soil the necessary physical and mechanical properties

Laboratory analysis of soil samples:

  • granulometric composition of the soil, percentage of clay particles and dust;
  • determination of soil plasticity number;
  • control of soil pH in water extract;
  • optimization of particle size distribution;
  • determination of optimal humidity, -maximum density;
  • compressive strength of samples in dry and capillary water saturation

It is critical to choose correct composition!

Practice shows that the engineering design of a future road needs to be adjusted after laboratory analysis of the soil and selection of the mixture recipe.
In 90% of cases, projects contain errors and assumptions that can lead to both unnecessary waste of materials and premature destruction of the road base.

Preparing the site for work
  • removal of the fertile layer
  • drainage device
  • preliminary profiling
  • road compaction with a roller

Preliminary longitudinal and transverse profiling sets the basis for high-quality implementation of the project and increases the service life of the road base due to water drainage. There are often roads where this stage was not carried out; they can be recognized by their smooth asphalt, driving on which is similar to swimming motor boat along the waves.
  • determination of soil moisture content:
  • draining or moistening the soil

Achieving optimal soil moisture is critical!

The vast majority of contractors have no idea what optimal soil moisture is and why (how) to maintain it. Practice shows that failure to maintain optimal humidity leads to poor reaction performance and weak fortification soil. and, as a consequence, premature destruction of the road base.
Introduction of binder
  • distribution of mineral binders

It is critical to ensure that the correct amount of binder is applied!

The use of a distributor with a dispenser ensures uniform and correct application, which guarantees compliance with the recipe of the compacted mixture. In our practice, we have encountered various “tricks” from bags of cement lying on the ground to spraying directly from the pipe of a cement truck. There is no talk of any recipe or uniform application here.
Mixing soil
  • Mixing soil using a recycler - a technique that allows you to achieve high-quality mixing thanks to fine settings

It is critical to achieve uniform mixing of the binders!

At this stage, it is extremely important to measure soil acidity, percentage of humidity, reaction temperature and take samples for intermediate laboratory testing.
Compacting the resulting road base
  • High-quality compaction with a heavy soil compactor with a vibrator creates a solid road base from mixed soil.

Achieving a good seal is critical!

Due to the nature of the technology, inexperienced contractors allow following errors: - undercompaction to the full depth due to incorrect selection of a set of rollers and operating mode - decompaction due to expiration of the setting time or too large quantity passages
Profiling and final compaction
  • Giving the required profile and slope using a motor grader.
  • Profiling is done with a roller on pneumatic tires

It is critically important to maintain the degree of slope for subsequent moisture removal!

Soil stabilization is the most profitable and efficient way to build dirt roads within settlements, settlements, villages, cottage settlements in cases where the use of full-fledged asphalt roads or highways.

Soil stabilization technology is as follows:

Step 1.

Road layout. It is necessary to carry out measures related to ensuring proper drainage of the device drainage ditches and ditches. Eliminating possible stagnation of water near the roadbed, reducing its penetration into autumn period; downgrade groundwater by installing drains.

Step 2.

Determination of soil composition. For the construction of structural layers of road pavement and strengthening of roadsides, it is allowed to use both naturally occurring soils and imported soils. Soil delivery is carried out using imported soils. In this case, it is necessary to fulfill the following requirements before starting soil stabilization work:

  • delivery of soil in the amount necessary for the construction of a structural layer of road pavement or roadside reinforcements;
  • distribution of soil and its leveling over the entire width of the prepared roadbed or roadside
  • rolling the leveled layer to a density of 0.85-0.90 of the maximum using the standard compaction method.

Selection of soil and stabilizer consumption.

  • determination of the granulometric composition of the soil intended for use;
  • if necessary, adjust the granulometric composition of the soil mixture by mixing the existing soil with soil of a different granulometric composition;
  • determination of the maximum density and optimal moisture content of soil treated with a stabilizer;
  • determination of strength characteristics in accordance with the requirements of GOST 12801-98;
  • determination of moisture resistance and water resistance;
  • determining the need for a stabilizer per 1 m2 and in general for an area with the same soil.

Step 3.

Mixing composites.

Preparation of stabilizer solution. The solution is prepared by diluting the stabilizer in a working container, stirring the resulting solution for 10...15 minutes. The concentration of the stabilizer solution is set depending on the current soil moisture and its optimal moisture content, determined by the modified Proctor method for soil samples treated with a stabilizer.

Soil crushing carried out various types road vehicles in order to obtain a homogeneous grain composition of the mixture in accordance with the requirements of clause 6.4.SNiP. 3.06.03-85 The best crushing of soil is achieved when its humidity is 3-5% less than optimal and its density is 0.85-0.90 of the maximum, determined by the standard compaction method. At low natural humidity The soil is moistened to the specified degree 6-12 hours before the start of grinding. If natural humidity is high, the soil is dried by repeated stirring in a dry, windy or sunny weather to humidity 2-4% less than optimal. The soil is considered crushed if it contains no more than 25% of lumps larger than 5.0 mm in size. In this case, the content of lumps larger than 10.0 mm should not exceed 10.0%.

Step 4.

Rolling and compaction.

Profiling The surface of the stabilized layer is produced in two passes of a motor grader along one track, creating a transverse slope of the structural layer of road pavement from stabilized soil equal to the transverse slope of the roadway. The transverse slope of the shoulder should exceed the transverse slope of the roadway by 1-2%.

Compaction of treated and profiled soil. Produced by self-propelled vibrating or oscillating rollers weighing at least 10 tons. The bottom layers of the pavement structural layer can be compacted with self-propelled vibratory pad rollers, but upper layer it is necessary to roll with smooth-roll vibrating or oscillating rollers weighing at least 15 tons.


  1. The speed of movement of the roller during compaction should be 3.5-6.5 m/min (the first two passes), for the remaining passes the maximum operating speed is assigned. The first two passes are carried out with the vibration (oscillation) mode turned off.
  2. The number of passes of the roller and its speed of movement are determined based on the results of the test compaction. Approximately 12-18 passes of the roller along one track are required for compaction.
  3. The degree of density of the stabilized layer must be no less than the maximum standard according to the Proctor method modified in accordance with GOST 22733-2002.

This technology was invented by ANT-Engineering LLC in 2006. To date, more than 150 km of roads of various categories have been built in Russia and abroad. Highways built using ANT technology are used in all climatic zones: from the desert to the Arctic Circle.

The main element of the technology is the drug “Stabilizer of soils and organomineral mixtures “ANT” (English - “ant”). It is used both independently for soil stabilization and in conjunction with inorganic or organic binders for strengthening.

Operating principle of the soil stabilizer "ANT"

Soil stabilizer “ANT” is a Russian product and is produced in the city of Volzhsky, Volgograd region. It is a complex organic preparation. Its action is aimed at carrying out redox reactions in the soil. Produces a directed oxidation reaction by exposing the surface of a soil particle to molecular oxygen, as well as in cement (if used). As a result, new oxides are formed chemical elements contained in the soil. Then, the previously attached oxygen is separated, and a reverse reduction reaction occurs, which leads to the formation of new crystalline compounds in the soil between its particles.

This reaction completely repeats the processes of formation of sedimentary rocks in the earth's crust. If we had the opportunity to increase the load during compaction of the treated soil by more than 5 times, then we would be able to obtain strengthened soils with a strength grade of over M200. But, unfortunately, modern technology and methods of conducting road works does not allow us to achieve these results.

In addition, the stabilizer contains surfactants, which makes it possible to achieve a maximum coefficient of soil compaction, and, consequently, obtain a material with less capillaries. This allows you to significantly reduce water absorption of stabilized and strengthened soils.

5 main advantages

1. High physical and mechanical properties.

Soils strengthened using Stabilizer "ANT", have high physical and mechanical properties and fully comply with the requirements of GOST 23558-94 "Mixtures of crushed stone-gravel-sand and soils treated with inorganic binders for road and airfield construction."

For example, when constructing highways of the V technical category of the transitional type, it is enough to install one layer of reinforced soil with a thickness of h = 15 cm. This structural layer is designed for traffic with an axle load of up to 8t. The total modulus of elasticity on the surface of this layer will be more than 150 MPa.

2. Low consumption, as well as its low estimated cost.

The consumption is 0.007% of the soil mass. When carrying out road construction work, 1 liter per 7.5 m 3 of the future layer is required. For the construction of 1 km of category IV–V highway, i.e. installation of 6000 m 2 layers of reinforced soil, 15 cm thick, stabilizer consumption will be 120 liters, the estimated cost, respectively, is 312,000 rubles or 52 rubles / m 2.

3. Simplification of the processes of stabilization and strengthening of soils.


  • lack of maintenance of hardened soils;
  • the possibility of resuming vehicle traffic immediately after compaction of the layer;
  • no need for expansion joints.

4. Possibility of useSoil stabilizer "ANT"both independently and together with inorganic and organic binders.

When using the Stabilizer together with cement, the strength properties of strengthened soils increase by more than 30% relative to control samples without it.

When used in conjunction with bitumen emulsions or foamed bitumen, there is a better distribution of the binder throughout the entire volume of the soil, an increase in the adhesion of the binder particles to the soil and a subsequent increase in the physical and mechanical properties of strengthened soils.

5. Complete environmental safety.

Stabilizer "ANT" does not have any negative impact on the environment and is 100% environmentally friendly. When carrying out road construction work, technical personnel are not required additional funds protection. It also does not have a negative impact on machine components and mechanisms.

Scope of application of soil stabilizer "ANT"

    construction of foundations for highways of categories I–V, non-rigid and rigid types;

    road surfaces of IV – V categories of transitional type;

    stabilization of the base and working layer of the subgrade;

    as an additive when strengthening soils with organic or complex binders.

Independently, the “ANT” stabilizer can be used to stabilize clay soils with plasticity number from 1 to 17 (sandy loam, loam, clay). Stabilized soils can be used to stabilize the base or working layer of the subgrade, as well as the construction of lower layers of foundations.

To obtain strengthened soils, it is necessary to add cement in an amount of 2% -5% by weight of the soil. The rate of cement consumption depends on the type of soil, climatic zone and the required strength properties of the reinforced soil. For work it is possible to use sandy loam, loam, sand-gravel mixtures, low-strength stone materials, waste from crushing stone materials and concrete.

Usage Soil stabilizer "ANT", together with organic or complex binders, it allows to reduce the consumption of binders and increase the strength characteristics of strengthened soils. In addition to the redox reaction occurring in the soil, the “ANT” Stabilizer will increase the adhesion of the bitumen binder to the soil, as well as evenly distribute it throughout the entire volume of the soil.

Consumption rate

The required amount of Stabilizer is 0.007% by weight of the soil. When carrying out road works, the norm for its consumption is 1 liter of stabilizer per 7.5 m 3 of the future structural layer.

Consumption rate soil stabilizer "ANT" for every 1000m 2 structural layers, depending on the thickness of the layer

Soil stabilizer "ANT" is used in the form of an aqueous solution. The required amount of water is calculated based on the natural moisture of the soil and the optimal moisture content during compaction. They also provide for an adjustment for the amount of water for climatic conditions, type of soil, amount of cement used, etc. In practice, the coefficient of dissolution of the stabilizer with water ranges from 1:250 to 1:1000.

Options for road construction work

Carrying out road work is possible using various options equipment equipment.

    Self-propelled recyclers. With their help, during a work shift, they construct a structural layer of reinforced soils with an area of ​​over 5000 m 2. The treated soil mixture is prepared directly on the road, in one pass. The aqueous solution is dosed into the rotor, and its flow is controlled by the machine’s on-board computer. The cement is distributed before the recycler passes.

    When using technogenic soils, it is possible to prepare the mixture in specialized soil-mixing or concrete-mixing plants. The treated soil is laid using an asphalt paver (the best results in terms of geometry) or a motor grader. The speed of work depends directly on the productivity of mixing plants.

    The preparation of treated soil is also carried out using agricultural milling machines and harrows. The penetration into the ground should be 30% higher than the calculated thickness of the structural layer. Best results are achieved by using horizontal mounted milling cutters driven by the tractor strength take-off shaft. In practice, the speed of work per shift is 1000 m 2 or more.


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