Installation of an oil platform. Offshore oil and gas structures

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Although quantitative estimates of experts regarding the volume of reserves of marine raw materials differ, it is nevertheless undeniable that many of the minerals rarely found on the mainland are dissolved in large quantities in sea ​​water, lie at the bottom of the sea or rest under it. Intensive extraction of raw materials from the depths of the sea, primarily oil and natural gas on the continental shelf, as well as in the polar regions, began only in recent years. The first stage in the development of offshore oil and gas fields is exploratory drilling in the open sea, which is preceded by seismic research conducted from research vessels. If exploratory drilling gives positive results, then next stage field drilling is carried out. Regardless of the type of drilling and the type of drilling equipment, it is necessary to deliver a large amount of equipment to the work site from the mainland quantity of materials, fuel, fresh water, and workers. Moreover, the volume and timing of delivery must be coordinated with the operating schedule of an expensive drilling rig.

Offshore oil and gas production leads to further specialization of supply vessels

To ensure these shipments, a number of supply vessels were required. various types. One of the groups consists of supply vessels for offshore drilling platforms. These vessels, with a deadweight of up to 1000 tons, primarily deliver pipes, fuel and fresh water. The next group consists of supply vessels with deadweight from 1000 to 3000 tons, additionally equipped with lifting equipment. Since these vessels are also used for installation work on offshore drilling rigs, the lifting capacity, reach and lifting height of their crane devices must be very high, since to protect them from waves, drilling platforms are located on high altitude(up to 25 m) above sea level. The same group of vessels supplies special vessels involved in laying underwater pipelines. Continuous replenishment of pipes on pipe-laying vessels is the task of large supply vessels. Special group form crane vessels. Unlike conventional floating cranes used for cargo handling in seaports, crane vessels can operate in heavy seas. These vessels with a deadweight of up to 3000 tons are mainly intended for the installation of offshore drilling rigs.

Offshore drilling platforms

1 - stationary platform; 2 - submersible platform; 3 - floating drilling rig; 4 - drilling vessel

There are currently more than 2,000 supply vessels in the world, which clearly shows the growing importance of this type of vessel. As for the offshore drilling platforms themselves, the choice of their type depends primarily on the depth of the sea at the drilling site. Distinguish following types platforms:

Stationary drilling rigs on piles, which can only be used at shallow depths;

Self-lifting platforms with retractable legs that rest on the ground during drilling; upon completion of drilling work, the supports are raised and the platform is towed to a new work site; Offshore drilling platforms of this type are suitable for operation at depths of up to approximately 100 m;

Semi-submersible platforms and drilling vessels that maintain a stabilized position while drilling using anchors or special systems dynamic retention; they can operate at sea depths from 400 to 1500 m.

Extraction of solid mineral raw materials from the seabed (from left to right): with a multi-bucket dredger; dredger; grab dredger; hydraulically using submersible pump; long endless rope with scoops; hydraulically; hydropneumatic method (airlift)

Submersible and floating offshore drilling platforms are very large, which creates numerous problems. Production area offshore platforms have already reached about 10 thousand m2, and maximum size the height, including the drilling rig, is 120 m. Platforms designed for collecting and transferring oil extracted from offshore fields have similar and even larger dimensions. Two options crystallized here. The first of them involves the use of a light platform or large buoys connected by a pipeline to a well on the seabed. They also serve to house the power plant that powers the pumping units. The extracted oil is delivered to barges moored at the oil transfer point. Oil is transported either on barges using pusher tugs or on conventional tankers. The second option involves using oil reservoirs lying on the seabed, which will probably be served by underwater tankers. These reservoirs will simultaneously serve as the foundation for an above-sea power plant and oil transfer point. At shallow depths and short distances to the mainland, oil from an offshore oil storage facility can be delivered using an underwater oil pipeline. Along with the described special vehicles and drilling rigs, for which the term “vessel” can no longer be considered acceptable, when developing oil and gas fields on the continental shelf, such new equipment as manned underwater vehicles for carrying out installation work under water, floating installations for liquefaction natural gases, powerful sea tugs, cable and rope laying vessels, fire vessels. The need for specialized equipment is growing even faster than the number of offshore drilling platforms due to the development of fields located far offshore.

Much attention is paid to the extraction of mineral raw materials from the seabed. Currently, zinc, limestone, barites and, above all, gravel and sand are mined in coastal areas. Much effort is being made to organize the extraction of large quantities of ferromanganese nodules located on the seabed, as well as ore-containing silts and sediments. After the successful American expedition on the research vessel Challenger in 1973-1976. - then it was possible to extract the first manganese nodules from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean - a lot of both impossible and successful projects development of these huge deposits. Decisive in in this case, regardless of the type of deposit being developed, there is the problem of lifting the extracted raw materials from great depths. In order to resolve it, modifications of multi-scoop and grab dredgers that have proven themselves at shallow depths have been proposed. For economic reasons, it seems most appropriate to use the principle of a multi-scoop dredger. In Japan, experiments are being conducted on the use of polypropylene rope with buckets attached to it. With the help of this endless rope, buckets filled with extracted raw materials are lifted onto a special vessel. The buckets are then lowered, dragged along the seabed, filled with manganese nodules and raised back onto the ship. The diameter of the nodules can reach approximately 10 cm. The refuller method seems very promising, according to which the extracted raw materials in suspension will rise up a vertical pipe, and the carrier medium will be either water or a water-air mixture. So far, converted ships are being used as floating bases for the extraction of mineral resources. But in the future it is planned to carry out work from special floating structures, similar to offshore drilling platforms. Unlike the latter, such structures during operation will continuously move along a strictly planned path. Their dimensions will be significantly increased due to the greater mass of the equipment installed on them. The energy intensity of such production will require powerful power plants and large reserves of fuel. That is why there are ample opportunities for making unconventional decisions here. The creation of such complexes for the extraction of marine mineral raw materials, consisting of mining and production and processing vessels, supply vessels, as well as transport vessels, will be an important field of activity for shipbuilding and shipping of the future.

For the purpose of exploration or exploitation of mineral resources under the seabed.

Drilling platforms are mostly non-self-propelled, the permissible speed of their towing is 4-6 knots (with sea waves up to 3 points, winds 4-5 points). In the working position at the drilling point, drilling platforms can withstand the combined action of waves with wave heights of up to 15 m and wind speeds of up to 45 m/s. The operating weight of floating drilling platforms (with technological reserves of 1700-3000 tons) reaches 11,000-18,000 tons, the autonomy of work on ship and technological reserves is 30-90 days. The power of the drilling platform's power plants is 4-12 MW. Depending on the design and purpose, there are jack-up, semi-submersible, submersible, stationary drilling platforms and drilling ships. The most common are self-elevating ones (47% of total number, 1981) and semi-submersible (33%) drilling platforms.

Self-elevating (Fig. 1) floating drilling platforms are used for drilling mainly at sea depths of 30-106 m. They are a displacement three- or four-legged pontoon with production equipment, raised above the sea surface with the help of lifting and locking mechanisms to a height of 9-15 m. When towing, the pontoon with raised supports is afloat; At the drilling point, the supports are lowered. In modern self-elevating floating drilling platforms, the speed of ascent (lower) of the pontoon is 0.005-0.08 m/s, of the supports - 0.007-0.01 m/s; the total lifting capacity of the mechanisms is up to 10 thousand tons. Based on the method of lifting, there are walking-action lifts (mainly pneumatic and hydraulic) and continuous-action (electromechanical). The design of the supports makes it possible to place drilling platforms on the ground with bearing capacity not less than 1400 kPa with a maximum penetration into the ground of up to 15 m. The supports have a square, prismatic and spherical shape, are equipped with a gear rack along the entire length and end with a shoe.

Semi-submersible floating drilling platforms are used for drilling mainly at sea depths of 100-300 m and are a pontoon with production equipment raised above the sea surface (at a height of up to 15 m) with the help of 4 or more stabilizing columns that rest on underwater hulls ( 2 or more). Drilling platforms are transported to the drilling point on the lower hulls with a draft of 4-6 m. The floating drilling platform is submerged to 18-20 m by receiving water ballast into the lower hull. To hold semi-submersible drilling platforms, an eight-point anchor system is used, which ensures that the movement of the installation from the wellhead is limited to no more than 4% of the sea depth.

Submersible drilling platforms are used for drilling exploration or production wells at and at sea depths of up to 30 m. They are a pontoon with production equipment raised above the sea surface using square or cylindrical, the lower ends of which rest on a displacement pontoon or shoe, where the ballast tanks are located. A submersible floating drilling platform rests on the ground (with a bearing capacity of at least 600 kPa) as a result of the ballast tanks of the displacement pontoon being filled with water.

Stationary offshore drilling platforms are used for drilling and operating a cluster of oil and gas wells at sea depths of up to 320 m. Up to 60 directional wells are drilled from one platform. Stationary drilling platforms are a structure in the form of a prism or a tetrahedral pyramid, rising above sea level (16-25 m) and resting on the bottom using piles driven into the bottom (frame drilling platforms) or foundation shoes (gravity drilling platforms). The surface part consists of a platform on which the energy, drilling and technological equipment, a residential block with a helipad and other equipment with a total weight of up to 15 thousand tons. The supporting block of frame drilling platforms is made in the form of a tubular metal grate, consisting of 4-12 columns with a diameter of 1-2.4 m. The block is secured using driven or drilled piles. Gravity platforms are made entirely of reinforced concrete or combined (metal supports, reinforced concrete shoes) and are supported by the mass of the structure. The foundations of the gravity drilling platform consist of 1-4 columns with a diameter of 5-10 m.

Stationary drilling platforms are designed for long-term (at least 25 years) operation in the open sea, and they are subject to high requirements to ensure the presence of service personnel, increased fire and explosion safety, corrosion protection, security measures environment(see Offshore drilling), etc. Distinctive feature stationary drilling platforms - constant dynamism, i.e. For each field, its own project for equipping platforms with power, drilling and operational equipment is developed, while the design of the platform is determined by the conditions in the drilling area, drilling depth, and the number of wells, the number of drilling rigs.

Offshore oil production, along with the development of shale and hard-to-recover hydrocarbon reserves, will eventually displace the development of traditional “black gold” deposits on land due to the depletion of the latter. At the same time, the production of raw materials in offshore areas is carried out mainly using expensive and labor-intensive methods, which involve the use of the most complex technical complexes - oil platforms

Specifics of oil production at sea

The decline in reserves from traditional onshore oil fields has forced the industry's leading companies to focus on developing rich offshore blocks. Pronedra wrote earlier that the impetus for the development of this production segment was given in the seventies, after the OPEC countries imposed an oil embargo.

According to agreed estimates of experts, the estimated geological oil reserves located in the sedimentary layers of the seas and oceans reach 70% of the total world volumes and can amount to hundreds of billions of tons. Of this volume, about 60% falls on shelf areas.

To date, of the four hundred oil and gas basins in the world, half cover not only continents on land, but also extend on the shelf. Currently, about 350 deposits are being developed in different zones of the World Ocean. All of them are located within shelf areas, and production is carried out, as a rule, at a depth of up to 200 meters.

At the current stage of technology development, oil production in offshore areas is associated with at great expense and technical difficulties, as well as a number of external unfavorable factors. Obstacles for efficient work at sea are often caused by high levels of seismicity, icebergs, ice fields, tsunamis, hurricanes and tornadoes, permafrost, strong currents and great depths.

The rapid development of offshore oil production is also hampered by the high cost of equipment and field development work. The amount of operating costs increases as the depth of extraction, the hardness and thickness of the rock increases, as well as the remoteness of the fishery from the coast and the complexity of the bottom topography between the extraction zone and the shore where the pipelines are laid. Serious costs are also associated with the implementation of measures to prevent oil leaks.

The cost of a drilling platform alone, designed to operate at depths of up to 45 meters, is $2 million. Equipment that is designed for depths of up to 320 meters can cost as much as $30 million. On average, the installation of an average production platform for production at great depths in the Gulf of Mexico costs at $113 million.

Loading of produced oil onto a tanker

Operation of a mobile type drilling platform at a depth of fifteen meters is estimated at $16 thousand per day, 40 meters - $21 thousand, a self-propelled platform when used at depths of 30-180 meters - at $1.5-7 million. The cost of developing fields at sea makes them profitable only in cases where large oil reserves are involved.

It should also be taken into account that the cost of oil production in different regions will be different. Work related to the discovery of a field in the Persian Gulf is estimated at $4 million, in the seas of Indonesia - $5 million, and in the North Sea prices rise to $11 million. The license for the development of an offshore field will also be expensive for the operator - you will have to pay twice as much as for permission to develop the land plot.

Types and structure of oil platforms

When extracting oil from the fields of the World Ocean, operating companies, as a rule, use special offshore platforms. The latter are engineering complexes with the help of which both drilling and direct extraction of hydrocarbons from under the seabed are carried out. The first oil platform to be used in coastal waters was launched in the US state of Louisiana in 1938. The world's first directly offshore platform called “Oil Rocks” was put into operation in 1949 in the Azerbaijani Caspian Sea.

Main types of platforms:

  • stationary;
  • loosely fixed;
  • semi-submersible (exploration, drilling and production);
  • jack-up drilling rigs;
  • with stretched supports;
  • floating oil storage tanks.

Floating drilling rig with outriggers "Arctic"

Different types of platforms can be found in both pure and combined forms. The choice of one or another type of platform is associated with specific tasks and conditions for field development. Usage different types platforms in the process of applying basic offshore production technologies we will consider below.

Structurally, an oil platform consists of four elements - a hull, an anchor system, a deck and a drilling derrick. The hull is a triangular or quadrangular pontoon mounted on six columns. The structure is kept afloat due to the fact that the pontoon is filled with air. The deck houses drill pipes, cranes and a helipad. The tower itself lowers the drill to the seabed and raises it as needed.

1 - drilling rig; 2 - helipad; 3 - anchor system; 4 - body; 5 - deck

The complex is held in place by an anchor system, including nine winches on the sides of the platform and steel cables. The weight of each anchor reaches 13 tons. Modern platforms stabilize in given point not only with the help of anchors and piles, but also advanced technologies, including positioning systems. The platform can be anchored in the same place for several years, regardless of weather conditions in the sea.

The drill, whose operation is controlled by underwater robots, is assembled in sections. The length of one section consisting of steel pipes, is 28 meters. Drills with quite wide capabilities are produced. For example, a drill on the EVA-4000 platform can include up to three hundred sections, which makes it possible to go 9.5 kilometers deep.

Oil platform drilling

The construction of drilling platforms is carried out by delivering the base of the structure to the production zone and flooding it. Already on the received “foundation” the remaining components are built on. The first oil platforms were created by welding lattice towers in the shape of profiles and pipes. truncated pyramid, which were firmly nailed to the seabed with piles. Drilling equipment was installed on such structures.

Construction of the Troll oil platform

The need to develop fields in northern latitudes, where ice resistance of platforms is required, led engineers to come up with a project for the construction of caisson foundations, which in fact were artificial islands. The caisson is filled with ballast, usually sand. With its weight, the base is pressed to the bottom of the sea.

Stationary platform "Prirazlomnaya" with a caisson foundation

The gradual increase in the size of the platforms led to the need to revise their design, so developers from Kerr-McGee (USA) created a project for a floating object with the shape of a navigation pole. The design is a cylinder, in the lower part of which ballast is placed. The bottom of the cylinder is attached to the bottom anchors. This solution made it possible to build relatively reliable platforms of truly cyclopean dimensions, designed for work at extremely great depths.

Floating semi-submersible drilling rig "Polar Star"

However, it should be noted that there are no big differences in the actual procedures for extracting and loading oil between offshore and onshore drilling rigs. For example, the main components of a fixed platform offshore are identical to those of a drilling rig on land.

Offshore drilling rigs are characterized primarily by their autonomy. To achieve this quality, installations are equipped with powerful electric generators and water desalination units. Replenishment of platforms is carried out using service vessels. In addition, sea transport is also used to move structures to work points, rescue and fire prevention measures. Naturally, transportation of the obtained raw materials is carried out using pipelines, tankers or floating storage facilities.

Offshore technology

On modern stage development of the industry, inclined wells are drilled at short distances from the production site to the coast. In this case, an advanced development is sometimes used - remote control of the processes of drilling a horizontal well, which ensures high precision control and allows you to issue commands to drilling equipment at a distance of several kilometers.

The depths at the sea shelf boundary are usually about two hundred meters, but sometimes reach half a kilometer. Depending on the depth and distance from the coast, when drilling and extracting oil, they use different technologies. In shallow areas, fortified foundations, a kind of artificial islands, are built. They serve as the basis for installing drilling equipment. In some cases, operating companies surround the work area with dams, after which water is pumped out from the resulting pit.

If the distance to the shore is hundreds of kilometers, then in this case a decision is made to build an oil platform. Stationary platforms, the simplest in design, can only be used at depths of several tens of meters; shallow water makes it possible to secure the structure using concrete blocks or piles.

Stationary platform LSP-1

At depths of about 80 meters, floating platforms with supports are used. Companies in deeper areas (up to 200 meters), where securing the platform is problematic, use semi-submersible drilling rigs. Such complexes are kept in place using a positioning system consisting of underwater propulsion systems and anchors. If we are talking about ultra-great depths, then in this case drilling ships are used.

Drilling ship Maersk Valiant

Wells are constructed using both single and cluster methods. IN Lately mobile drilling bases began to be used. Direct drilling at sea is carried out using risers - columns of pipes large diameter, which sink to the bottom. After drilling is completed, a multi-ton blowout preventer (blowout prevention system) and wellhead fittings are installed at the bottom, which avoids oil leakage from the new well. Equipment to monitor the condition of the well is also launched. Oil is pumped to the surface after the start of production through flexible pipelines.

Application different systems offshore production: 1 - inclined wells; 2 - stationary platforms; 3 - floating platforms with supports; 4 - semi-submersible platforms; 5 - drilling ships

The complexity and high-tech nature of the processes for developing offshore areas is obvious, even if you do not go into technical details. Is it advisable to develop this production segment, given the considerable associated difficulties? The answer is clear - yes. Despite the obstacles in the development of offshore blocks and heavy expenses Compared to work on land, oil extracted in the waters of the World Ocean is still in demand in conditions of continuous excess of demand over supply.

Let us remind you that Russia and Asian countries are planning to actively increase the capacities involved in offshore production. This position can safely be considered practical - as the reserves of “black gold” on land are depleted, work at sea will become one of the main ways to obtain oil raw materials. Even taking into account the technological problems, cost and labor intensity of offshore production, oil extracted in this way not only became competitive, but has long since firmly occupied its niche in the industry market.

> Offshore oil platform.

This is a continuation of the story about how an offshore oil platform works. The first part with a general story about the rig and how oil workers live on it here.

All control of the Offshore Ice-Resistant Stationary Platform (OIRP) occurs from the Central Control Panel (CPU):


The entire platform is stuffed with sensors, and even if a worker lights a cigarette somewhere in the wrong place, the CPU and, a little later, the HR department will immediately know about it, which will prepare an order for the dismissal of this smart guy even before the helicopter delivers him to mainland:


The upper deck is called Trubnaya. Here candles are assembled from 2-3 drill pipes and the drilling process is controlled from here:



The pipe deck is the only place on the rig where there is any hint of dirt. All other places on the platform are polished to a shine.

The large gray circle on the right is a new well that is currently being drilled. It takes about 2 months to drill each well:


I have already described the drilling process in detail in a post about how oil is extracted:


Chief driller. He has a chair on wheels with 4 monitors, a joystick and all sorts of other cool things. From this miracle chair he controls the drilling process:


Pumps pumping drilling fluid under a pressure of 150 atmospheres. There are 2 working pumps and 1 spare pump on the platform (read about why they are needed and the purpose of other devices in the article about how oil is extracted):


Cone - chisel. It is at the tip of the drill string:


With the help of drilling fluid pumped by the pumps from the previous photo, these teeth rotate, and the gnawed rock is carried upward with the spent drilling fluid:


At the moment, 3 oil, 1 gas and 1 water well. Another well is in the process of drilling.

You can drill only one well at a time, but there will be 27 of them in total. Each well is from 2.5 to 7 kilometers long (not deep). The oil reservoir lies 1300 meters underground, so all the wells are horizontal and spread out from the drilling rig like tentacles:


Well production (that is, how much oil it pumps per hour) from 12 to 30 cubic meters:


In these separator cylinders, associated gas and water are separated from the oil, and at the exit, after passing through an oil treatment unit, which separates all impurities from the oil, commercial oil is obtained:


An underwater pipeline 58 kilometers long was laid from the Platform to a floating oil storage facility installed outside the Caspian ice zone:


Oil is pumped into the pipeline by main pumps:


These compressors pump associated gas back into the formation to maintain reservoir pressure, which pushes oil to the surface, and accordingly, oil recovery becomes greater:


The water that has been separated from the oil is cleaned of mechanical impurities and returned back to the reservoir (the same water that was pumped out of the subsurface)


160 atmosphere pumps pump water back into the formation:


The platform has its own chemical laboratory, where all parameters of oil, associated gas and water are monitored:



The drilling rig is supplied with electricity by 4 turbines powered by associated gas, with a total capacity of about 20 MEGAwatts. In white boxes there are turbines of 5 megawatts each:


If the turbines are cut off for any reason, the rig will be powered by backup diesel generators.

The Arctic Ocean is the largest oil and gas province on earth. Back in the 70s of the last century, it was established that hydrocarbon fuel reserves on the shelves of the Barents and Kara seas alone would be sufficient for several centuries. But the production of natural fuel began only in 2013: from the moment when the Prirazlomnaya station, an oil platform and also the largest domestic innovative project, was put into operation.

The only one

“Prirazlomnaya” is the only offshore ice-resistant stationary platform in our country that conducts the development of mineral resources on the Russian Arctic shelf. Construction of the OIRFP began in 1995 according to a project developed by Russian scientists together with foreign specialists. The project took into account foreign experience in the construction of oil platforms in the North Sea.

The design of the platform has virtually no analogues in the world. It was assembled from two parts - an underwater caisson and a surface complex, which included systems for drilling wells, production, loading and storage of oil, generation of thermal and electrical energy, as well as blocks for staff accommodation.

Uniqueness of the project

The uniqueness of the project is that the world's first oil production in the Arctic zone is carried out from a stationary facility. The Prirazlomnaya platform develops mineral resources in conditions of drifting ice and difficult climatic conditions.

It meets strict safety requirements, modern technical and environmental requirements:

  • a high-tech wastewater treatment system under zero discharge conditions ensures high cleanliness of production;
  • the presence of jet fish-protective filters on the pipes of water intake devices, which prevents the death of fry and plankton;
  • the ability to drill wells in vertical, inclined and horizontal directions up to 7 km long;
  • ability to store up to 131 thousand cubic meters. m of oil, with annual production of over 6.5 million tons.

The construction technology of the facility can also be called unique. The Prirazlomnaya platform was assembled from two parts - a caisson and an upper one - directly into the sea, and then delivered to the site of hydrocarbon fuel development.

Caisson assembly

A caisson is a waterproof chamber designed for underwater construction and installation work. This part of the platform can also be called unique, since a special project was developed for its creation, which involved its assembly from four monolithic superblocks.

To create blocks, the St. Petersburg Central Research Institute of CM "Prometheus" developed a special steel that can withstand extremely low temperatures(up to -42 o C), and capable of working in tension and compression. Each superblock has a mass of 20,000 tons and a length of 126 m.

The Prirazlomnaya platform is equipped with a special technological complex for welding blocks together. After assembly, the caisson was towed into a special deep pit and placed on a crushed stone base.

Platform topside

When designing the upper part of the platform, the environmental parameters were designed with a large margin. The goal is to create the maximum level of safety during oil production. For protection against ice and high waves Deflectors were installed along the perimeter of the station - walls 164 m high with a slope towards the ocean to prevent wave attacks.

The Prirazlomnaya drilling platform is equipped automated system management and security. The system remotely and automatically manages several hundred processes - drilling, production, oil storage, heat and electricity generation.

Features of the platform

The platform's caisson is both its support and oil storage. The facility implements a “wet” method of placing hydrocarbon fuel in containers. The flow of raw materials enters the caisson storage and displaces ballast water. During shipment there is reverse process- water fills the space vacated by the shipped oil.

Thanks to modern technology Oxygen does not enter the storage chamber and air cavities are not formed in which explosive gas can accumulate.

The Prirazlomnaya platform is equipped with a set of direct oil loading devices (COUPON). It operates on a crane system and can load tankers directly from the oil storage facility. Depending on the size and direction external forces- wind, ice load, waves - shipment is carried out through one of the receiving devices in the bow.

To start the process, 30 conditions must be met. This reduces the risk of disruption to shipping technology. To prevent oil spills, the station is equipped with an emergency system emergency stop shipment, which is triggered within 7 seconds.

Location of the Prirazlomnaya platform

The Prirazlomnaya oil production platform is located in northern Russia in the Barents Sea. Close to her locality is Naryan-Mar, which is located on the mainland 320 km south of the oil field.

Not far from the oil platform itself, just 55 km to the south, there is a temporary settlement for workers Varandey, which is notorious for two plane crashes - the crashes of an An-2A plane and a Mi-8 military helicopter. A total of 29 people died. Almost all of them are oil industry workers.

You can find the platform on the map at the coordinates: 69.251709 northern latitude and 57.342968 east longitude. Now the question of where the Prirazlomnaya platform is located will not put you in an awkward position.

Interesting facts about the Prirazlomnaya platform

There is a lot associated with the construction and operation of an oil production platform. interesting facts. Most of them were the consequences of the struggle between environmentalists and managers of the subsidiary company Gazprom Neft Shelf LLC, which owns the station. It all started with statements from the Russian Bird Conservation Union, which believed that hydrocarbon fuel extraction activities were causing irreparable damage to the Russian environment.

The situation worsened when in 2012, representatives of the environmental organization Greenpeace, who supported the protest, decided to go on strike and came close to the platform. Moreover, they managed to moor to it using climbing equipment. However, they met desperate resistance from station workers, who sprayed fire hoses on the protesters.

The Prirazlomnaya offshore platform was recaptured and the protest failed. Greenpeace activists were arrested and detained for two months to clarify the circumstances. A little later they were charged with hooliganism.


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