Installing a hood over a gas stove. How to install a hood over a gas stove: step-by-step installation instructions How to install a hood over a gas stove

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Several useful tips for installing a hood over the stove

The modern kitchen is equipped quite interestingly. You won't find any kind of devices there. There are kettles, toasters, food processors. And also multicookers, double boilers, regular and built-in gas stoves. But all this technology has a feature that can be called negative. During the cooking process, fumes and various odors are formed that you don’t want to feel throughout the kitchen and apartment.

To solve this problem, a hood was invented that is installed above the stove. At the same time, from an ordinary household device for eliminating odors and fumes, today it has turned into interesting element interior But in order to maintain functionality, installing the hood above gas stove must be carried out according to certain standards.

What types of hoods are there?

Before delving into the installation process, you should decide on the type of hood that is suitable in a particular case.

The most common and simplest option is mounted. She is practical and gets things done immediate tasks. But such a hood will not decorate the kitchen; it is rather an economical option with a short range.

Built-in ones are also very practical and remove unnecessary odors and fumes well. Plus, such a device covers a large area.

Less common and in demand in large kitchens, where the master of design has had a hand, are tabletop, fireplace and island hoods. The fireplace covers a wide area - not only the gas stove, but also part work surface. It usually looks like a dome. Island - to a greater extent performs the function of air circulation and is mounted in the center of the kitchen.

But choosing the type and model of such an electrical appliance is not everything. You also need to approach the issue of selecting an air duct responsibly.

Choosing an exhaust duct

There are several types of air ducts:

The corrugated pipe is flexible, which is considered its advantage. This is the most inexpensive option, but a little noisy. It also requires additional maintenance during operation. When installing corrugation, it is allowed to use only special fasteners that require replacement after some time.

Metal construction is the most expensive. The middle position is occupied by PVC pipe. This type of air duct does not make noise and is easier to clean. But it can be installed only if the ventilation hole is located strictly above the hood. Otherwise ventilation system will be unfit for work.

Work on installing a hood over a gas stove

Preparing for installation

So, we’ve decided on the type of hood and air duct, but it’s still too early to move on to installation. Before installing a hood over a gas stove, you will need to study several points, taking into account which the device will work with 100% efficiency.

You need to think in advance about how the future hood will be supplied with power. Simply put, this electrical appliance requires a separate outlet, which must be grounded in order to prevent electric shocks. To install it, the air duct must already be installed.

Installation must take place in accordance with the rules and standards established for reliable and safe work. Even at the stage of choosing this electrical appliance, it is necessary to take into account that it cannot be wider hob. Installation must be carried out strictly symmetrically to the working surface of the gas stove, otherwise not all fumes and odors will enter the ventilation. The installation height of the hood above the gas stove should not be less than 80 cm.

Installation process

To ensure that the functionality of the hood is not lost, it is necessary to ensure the correct air exhaust mode. For good extraction of odors and fumes, it is necessary to minimize the number of bends in the pipe leading to the vent.

The electrical appliance itself is attached to the wall. For modern systems Usually a couple of screws are enough. But first a strong knot is built. To do this, mark holes on the wall in compliance with the rules of symmetry. Then, using a drill, drill holes for the dowels and install necessary supports. After the manipulations have been completed, the hood is fixed to the wall.

It is very important that the hood is installed in a strictly horizontal plane. Therefore, it is better not to do anything “by eye”. You should use a tool such as a level. With it, the master will achieve maximum balance during the suspension and adjustment process. To avoid mistakes, particularly pedantic buyers sometimes make mock-ups from cardboard. After fixing the hood to the wall, you can check working condition equipment.

A few tips on installing a hood over a gas stove and its operation

To ensure that the hood works efficiently and there are no foreign odors or excessive evaporation in the kitchen space, there are some rules. If a corrugated pipe is selected for the air duct, do not bend it at an angle of more than 90 degrees.

Also, do not narrow the outlet part of the pipe. Such actions will lead to an increase in noise levels. To prevent contaminated odor from returning to the room, it is necessary to provide an air duct check valve. All this is taken into account during the installation process.

And in order for the hood to last long enough, you don’t need much: cleaning and changing filters. However, you should be careful when choosing cleaning products. Excessively harsh chemicals can significantly shorten the life of this electrical appliance.

The hood can also fail because the owner was inattentive. Treated pollution indicators with disdain individual elements of this electrical appliance. For example, I didn’t change the filters on time. They need to be washed regularly and often enough. This will help avoid short circuits and other troubles. After all, if there is a large accumulation of fat in the system, this can lead to a fire at the most unexpected moment.

A hood installed above the stove according to all the rules is a beautiful and functional element modern interior any kitchen.

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In any modern kitchen there is a place for a ventilation device. The distance from the stove to the hood determines the effective operation of this design.

Types of exhaust hoods and their purpose

The hood protects the kitchen space and furniture from contamination by tiny particles of fat and impregnation with a mixture of various odors. No one will feel good about the curtains or soft upholstery chairs create an unpleasant aroma, which can also penetrate into other living rooms.

All devices according to the principle of operation are divided into:

  • circulating (with built-in filter);
  • hoods with an air duct (connected to the ventilation system).

In circulation models, the air is purified using a carbon filter and returned to the kitchen. Such hoods are effective only in small rooms where it is not possible to install an air duct, and the distance between the stove and the hood should be small.

The second type is characterized by more quality work, since the air is completely removed from the room. Installed in large rooms.

Types of exhaust devices:

Where should the hood be located?

When purchasing a hood, it always comes with instructions for use, which indicate where and at what distance from the stove the device should be located. The exhaust structure can be built into a wall cabinet, or it can be located under it, the main thing is that its size matches the size of the hob, and it hangs exactly above the stove. Also, even before purchasing a hood, you need to consult with specialists about its power. For example, a small appliance will not fit in a large kitchen space, but small kitchen there is no need to install a very powerful unit.

How to determine the optimal distance from the hob to the hood?

The distance from the stove to the hood is determined by the established standard. If there is an electric stove in the kitchen, then the exhaust hatch should be located no lower than 65-75 cm from it, and if the hood is above a gas stove, the distance between them is 75-85 cm. In the case when the device has inclined surface, the installation parameters change slightly:

  • the distance from the gas stove to the hood is reduced to 55-65 cm;
  • the height above the electric hob is reduced to 35-45 cm.

You also need to take into account the height of the person who will be most likely to be near the stove, and general interior kitchens.

Why is it necessary to comply with the standards for installing an exhaust hatch?

These are the optimal parameters for installing the hood, facilitating its efficient operation. It is not recommended to reduce or increase them. If the device is located high, its air absorption capacity may not be enough, then odors along with fat droplets will quickly spread everywhere. Setting the hood low can interfere with the cooking process. This will not only make it inconvenient to approach a gas/electric stove and place high pots, but there is a risk of the structure heating up, igniting it and damaging the paintwork.

Thus, the question of what distance should be from the stove to the hood can be answered unambiguously: 75-85 cm in the case of a gas stove, and 65-75 cm above an electric stove.

Factors influencing the location of the exhaust structure

When purchasing and subsequent installation of a hood, the following factors should be taken into account:

  1. Hob type. Do you need to calculate the distance between the hood and the gas stove or electric stove?
  2. Declared power of the device.
  3. Kitchen design/interior.
  4. Compliance with the ventilation hatch installation standards specified in the technical passport.

Compliance with these conditions for installation and operation of ventilation equipment will allow you to use the device as efficiently as possible and protect the kitchen from unpleasant odors and grease.

Rules for installing ventilation equipment

Optimal performance of the device depends on the following factors and installation rules:

  • the device must comply. Then all the hot, contaminated air flow will be completely absorbed by the hood and discharged outside, or cleaned through a filter and fed back into the kitchen. Standard sizes the device ranges from 60 to 90 cm.
  • Properly installed hood above the stove. The distance from the device to the stove should not contradict the standards fire safety and depends on the type of stove. The required distance from the stove to the hood is always indicated in the technical data sheet of the device.
  • Connecting the device to the network.
  • Installation of air exhaust pipes, if required by the design of the exhaust hood.

It is better to entrust the installation of ventilation equipment to professionals. But for those who are confident in their abilities, it will not be difficult to hang the device with their own hands.

Installing a hood with a circulation type of operation is not difficult. First you need to measure its height and mark it with control points. Then you should drill holes in the wall for the fasteners. Next, the device is mounted to the wall or to wall cabinets using self-tapping screws and special hooks included in the kit.

Hoods of another type of air purification are installed in the same way as circulation hoods. Only here you need to attach the air duct pipe to the umbrella body. The pipe can be plastic or foil.

Upon completion of installation of the equipment, it is necessary to carry out a control check of its operation (mainly for the second type of model). If the hood does not function or is too noisy, you should once again check all connections between the device and ventilation pipes, their integrity.

Air duct installation

The air duct should not have many bends, as this will significantly complicate the removal of contaminated air. It is desirable that the pipes are short, straight and contain a small number of elbows. Changing the direction of the air duct is carried out in a place with a large bend radius. The diameter of the outlet pipe must correspond to the hole in the structure exhaust device. It is not recommended to deliberately narrow the holes and install additional connecting elements between them. This impedes the free flow of air, and accordingly, a large load is created on the working motor of the hood. Excessive noise may occur.

Most often, these structures are made of thick foil and then masked with PVC boxes/plasterboard so as not to disturb the interior of the room.

Where should the outlet for the hood be located?

The electrical outlet for connecting the exhaust hatch is usually installed at a height of 2-2.5 m above the floor level. Thus, it should be located 10-20 cm above the wall cabinets. It is also shifted to the left or right of the air duct by 15-20 cm.


The article above discussed the types ventilation devices, at what distance from the stove to hang the hood, methods of air purification.

With proper installation of the exhaust device, the device will provide fresh air in the room and the cleanliness of surrounding interior items. When choosing and purchasing an umbrella, it is necessary to take into account the correspondence of its power to the cubic capacity of the kitchen, appearance, as well as methods of air purification: complete exhaust through an air duct or circulation of purified flows.

The main points for installing a specific appliance model and the distance from the stove to the hood are described in the instructions. Generally accepted standards for determining the installation height of the device: from 75 to 85 cm for gas stoves; from 65 to 75 cm for installation above electric stoves.

Today it's hard to imagine modern kitchen without a special hood installed above kitchen stove. Its main task is to remove all kinds of fumes generated during cooking. Due to this, the spread of odors in residential premises is significantly reduced, ensuring good ventilation, which allows you to keep the kitchen clean. If you do not install this equipment in the kitchen, it will inevitably lead to the following negative consequences:

  • The appearance of delaminations and cracks on decorative coating wall cabinets due to exposure to hot water vapor rising above the stove.
  • The settling of fat and soot particles that occur during cooking on the surface of the walls. Over time, this plaque becomes firmly embedded in the surface and the only way to get rid of it is to carry out repairs.
  • If cooking is done on a gas stove, then the smallest particles of soot formed during the combustion of gas settle in other rooms besides the kitchen.

We hope that you are now convinced of the need to install such important equipment in the kitchen. Installation work and correct connection requires certain knowledge and skills. But, having time, desire and having figured out how to hang the hood over the stove, you will be able to fulfill this work on your own.

General approaches to installing a hood

To provide efficient work It is necessary that the width of the hood be slightly larger than the hob. The height of placement above the level of the slab must be at least 70 cm, with the location strictly in the center, displacement to the side is not allowed.

Air exhaust is most often carried out in many apartments through ventilation duct. At the same time, due to the layout of apartments and the furniture used, it is not always possible to install the hood in close proximity to the ventilation duct. Therefore, when choosing an installation location and performing installation, it is important to follow simple rule– the minimum length of the air duct and a reduction in the number of turns will increase the efficiency of the equipment.

Installation diagram

The manufacturer's instructions usually contain an installation diagram, which is a description correct location hoods above the stove, connecting it to the electrical network and ventilation system.

Preparatory work

At the very beginning, you need to make sure that the hood is working, otherwise you risk it after completing all installation work receive idle equipment. In addition, it is necessary to accurately mark the installation site and ensure that there is an electrical outlet in the required location. The choice of outlet location is made based on the following factors:

  • The socket must be used individually for this equipment. To protect against short circuits and electrical overloads, it is advisable to use a residual current device.
  • The length of the cord (it is usually quite short) should be enough to reach the outlet.

It is advisable to place the socket slightly higher than the hood, which will avoid kinks and sagging of the cable.

Hood installation

Depending on the type of equipment used, the sequence and set of installation work may be different.

Standard flat hood

Installation of a standard recirculating hood is the simplest (since it does not need to be connected to ventilation) and boils down to fixing it to the wall above the stove. To do this, according to the markings, you need to drill holes in the wall, insert dowels and screw the canopies. Finally, you need to secure the equipment to the awnings and connect it to an electrical outlet.

Dome hood

Installation of a dome hood is more complicated. It is fastened to the wall using dowels and screws. For quality installation it is necessary to accurately mark (it is more complex than standard flat model). In this case, it is advisable to use a level and plumb line. After drilling holes in the wall and driving in dowels, it is necessary to secure the structure to the wall using screws.

Connecting the hood to the ventilation system

This work can be done using different materials:

  • Plastic or aluminum corrugation. When working with aluminum corrugation, additional joints may be required since it is sold in pieces of a certain length. To avoid unnecessary joints, you can use plastic corrugation of the required length.
  • Boxes (round or rectangular). Thanks to its excellent appearance, allow you to more aesthetically solve the issue of connecting the hood to the ventilation system. True, there is much more work to be done with the boxes.

Regardless of the materials chosen, it is important to ensure that the joints are thoroughly sealed using sealant. This will ensure guaranteed removal of contaminated air into the ventilation system.

The correct choice of hood, strict adherence to the manufacturer’s recommendations regarding installation and its subsequent operation will ensure long-term and high-quality air purification in your kitchen with minimal costs for its service.


We present to your attention a video about connecting the hood.

Self-installation gas equipment in a private house or apartment is prohibited, but the requirements do not apply to the hood. Volatile devices can be installed with your own hands using the manufacturer’s manual.

We will tell you how to install a hood over a gas stove in accordance with the requirements of sanitary, hygienic and building regulations. We offer simple instructions, providing fastening strength and excellent functionality with maximum impact. Our article discusses the most popular options.

First, let's remember why a hood is needed and how it works. The purpose of any model of exhaust equipment designed for installation above the stove is to clean the air from combustion products and the smell that spreads throughout the apartment during cooking.

As is known, when natural gas burns, it forms many substances harmful to the health of the human body, including large amounts of nitrogen, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, and various impurities.

The faster unnecessary elements are removed outside, the cleaner and safer the air environment will be. IN small room With a low percentage of oxygen in the air, a person begins to quickly get tired and feel unwell.

Electric hoods have long become an indispensable attribute of kitchen premises. They are installed directly above the gas or electric stove, some models are equipped with an air duct to remove combustion products outside

Air purification occurs in two ways. Some models simply remove it from the room, others pass it through cleaning filters. It should be understood that the hood cannot fully ventilate the kitchen.

In order for the air to become truly fresh and healthy, it is necessary to establish and supply ventilation. The simplest option air access - regular ventilation by opening windows and vents.

Comparative review of models

Modifications that are presented in large quantities on modern market, differ in the type of air purification, design and installation method. When choosing, you should not focus only on the design of the device. It is necessary to take into account all the nuances and consider the possibility of installing equipment in a particular case.

By and large, all modifications of hoods can be divided into three large categories:

  • flow-through;
  • recirculation;
  • combined.

The first type is designed to transport combustion products into the ventilation duct of a building through an air duct. Therefore, in addition to attaching the hood housing above the gas stove, it will be necessary to install channels for air to exit into the ventilation hole.

To prevent plastic or corrugated channels from spoiling the interior design, they are hidden behind suspended structures, false walls or placed in upper kitchen cabinets - mezzanines

Recirculation models are not equipped with air ducts, so they take up less space and install much faster. They cleanse air masses, passing them through fat and carbon filters. Essentially, they circulate the air in a circle, freeing it from vapors, grease and harmful particles, but not refreshing it.

Recirculation models have some advantages: they are compact and easy to install. Using the manufacturer’s instructions, even a beginner with no experience in such work can install and connect such a hood.

However, a huge segment of the market has been occupied by universal models that can operate in both modes: flow and recirculation. Cleaning through filters can be carried out temporarily while the discharge lines are being repaired.

And if it is not possible to install air exhaust channels, then filtration is the only possible way improve the microclimate in the kitchen.

According to the installation method, exhaust kitchen equipment divided into autonomous and built-in. The first is mounted separately, on a wall or ceiling, and the second is built into kitchen cabinets or other suspended structures.

If you have chosen a built-in model, then when ordering kitchen set performers need to provide dimensions technical device for precise fitting of furniture elements

According to their design and, accordingly, appearance, hoods are divided into several types, while different manufacturers they may have different names. The most popular are the so-called built-in sliders, one part of which is movable, dome and inclined models.

Due to the popularity of the "island" kitchen interior Ceiling models for work areas installed in the center of the kitchen have also become popular.

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Thanks to the special design and beautiful design inclined panel, hoods work efficiently and are a modern technical kitchen decor

Dome models have excellent technical characteristics, but take up a lot of space during installation. For this reason, they are not suitable for small-sized housing

The peculiarity of models with a movable element is that they are turned on when the horizontal panel is pulled out towards you

Island hoods often have an unusual design. They are fixed to the ceiling with special brackets, while the body can be attached directly or on cables

Elegant and stylish reclining model

Traditional option - dome hood

Slider built into kitchen cabinet

Powerful ceiling equipment for the "island"

The installation of the hood depends on the design and functions of the model. To understand the installation features, you can ask your consultant for installation instructions before purchasing.

Perhaps there are some nuances indicated that prevent the installation of this particular product in your kitchen. Suppose the ceiling structure cannot support the weight of the equipment or the cabinets do not have openings for the passage of air ducts.

Requirements for installation of household devices

A few words about the standards for installing equipment in rooms with gas stoves. By law, the stove itself, powered by a gas supply, can be installed in rooms whose height is at least 2.2 m. This is worth knowing for those who are going to build volumetric suspended structures to mask air ducts or ventilation ducts.

The rules apply to installing a hood over a gas stove. According to the standards, the minimum distance from the surface of the stove to the device panel is 75 cm. This is 10 cm more than the standard for an electric stove

Documentation regulating installation or selection is publicly available. General materials on the importance of forced ventilation can be found in SNiP 2.04.05-91, more details on the volumes of exhaust air can be found in SNiP 2.08.01-89, and on performance and other technical nuances in GOST 26813-99.

There are no strict rules regarding the installation options for ventilation ducts, so they can be located outside or inside kitchen cabinets, behind partitions and above suspended structures.

Where exactly it is better to fix the purchased hood and what conditions are necessary for this, you will learn from, the material of which is completely devoted to this issue.

Features of installing kitchen hoods

The sequence and nuances of installation depend on the design features of the equipment. For example, the order of attachment and freestanding is fundamentally different. Therefore, let’s look at how professional installation of three different modifications occurs.

How to install an inclined model?

Average price segment most popular. This is what it refers to inclined hood"Quartz", which you can install yourself. It operates in perimeter suction mode, so it is placed in a clearly fixed position and has no moving elements.

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We measure 75 cm from the surface of the slab and make a mark on the wall. Sometimes manufacturers indicate a smaller distance (for example, 65-70 cm). It is better to adhere to generally accepted norms

Using a level, we draw two lines that you need to follow when installing the hood: a horizontal one, indicating the lower boundary, and a vertical one to mark the axis

Many manufacturers complete their equipment with mounting templates, which help to correctly cut holes or determine the location of fasteners.

Using a drill, we drill four holes 5 cm deep and 1 cm in diameter. Drills must be selected taking into account the wall material: ceramic tiles, concrete, brick

We remove the template, insert the plastic dowels from the mounting kit into the holes, then screw in the two upper screws. Leave a small gap under the caps (2-3 mm) for hanging the hood

Having previously removed the aluminum anti-grease filters, we hang the hood on the two upper screws. To do this, we find special “keyhole” type holes inside the case.

We tighten the lower screws immediately if installation of a false pipe is not provided. If the hood will operate in flow mode, first install air ducts and ducts

When all the additional elements are installed and the fasteners are tightened, we insert the anti-grease filter into the grooves. At this point the installation is considered complete

Step 1 - measuring the distance from the stove to the hood

Step 2 - marking the installation center line

Step 3 – secure the template to the wall with tape

Step 4 - drilling holes for fasteners

Step 5 - screwing the top screws into the dowels

Step 6 – mounting the hood body on the wall

Step 7 - tightening a pair of bottom screws

Step 8 - Reinstalling the Aluminum Filter

After installation, you need to connect the device to the power supply and test its operation, checking its operation in various modes and at various speeds.

Sometimes, due to improper installation of false pipes or air ducts, a loud hum appears. In this case, you need to find the cause of the noise and try to get rid of it.

Installation procedure for the built-in module

Models built into wall cabinets are very popular due to their compactness and reasonable price. If you take care in advance about the correct design and dimensions of the special base cabinet, then the process of installing the cabinet itself will take no more than 20 minutes. When installing flow-through devices, it will take some more time to install the air duct.

Do not forget that the main document is the installation manual for a built-in hood, compiled by the manufacturer. Before starting work, open the instructions and check the list for the presence of parts and fasteners. If everything is in order, we check the integrity of the elements and proceed with installation.

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The new model must be removed from the box, then check the package, remove the filter panels, prepare stencils and fasteners

The kit includes stencils or templates that make making holes in cabinets or walls much easier. Place the stencil in the desired location and stick it with tape.

Use a drill with a thin drill to drill holes to secure the guides for mounting the housing. You need to make 2 holes on each side

Metal guides are included in the assembly kit. We apply them to the installation sites and secure them with self-tapping screws using a screwdriver

The hood body is protected on the top side by a thin panel; it must be removed. To do this, unscrew several fixing screws

We take the hood body, find the installation elements and carefully insert them into the guides. As a result, the device should be inside the wall cabinet

To attach the hood to the guides, we find self-tapping screws with protective washers. Take a screwdriver and screw the screws into the mounting holes

Reinstall the removed top panel and remove the protective film from the parts. When all work with the hood is completed, we mount the cabinet above the gas stove

Step 1 – preparing the hood for installation

Step 2 - placing the stencil on the side wall of the cabinet

Step 3 - drilling holes for fasteners

Step 4 - Installing Side Rails

Step 5 - removing the top trim from the hood

Step 6 – installation of the hood in the wall cabinet

Step 7 - securing the case to the guides

Step 8 - installing a wall cabinet on the wall

If you plan to install a plastic air duct, before installing the hood in the cabinet, you must secure the adapter on its upper side. This is a plastic universal part consisting of fragments of different diameters.

It is well known that hoods installed above the kitchen stove are used to remove waste gases and unwanted odors generated during the cooking process. The efficiency of air purification and the possibility of keeping it in the kitchen largely depend on the model of the exhaust device you choose. comfortable conditions for accommodation. But before you hang the hood over the stove, you should thoroughly study the basic requirements for its installation technique. This issue is of particular importance in a situation where you have a gas stove installed in your kitchen, the operation of which is always associated with increased risks.

It is believed that the method of installing an exhaust device is quite simple and can be mastered by anyone. That's why in this article we would like to introduce you to the installation technique kitchen hoods with your own hands.

Types of exhaust devices

All known species exhaust devices can be divided into two large groups:

  • circulation devices with built-in carbon filter;
  • hoods built into the existing air exhaust system.

In models of exhaust equipment with a filter element, air is purified by forced circulation within the device.

In this case, contaminated air first enters the system, and after cleaning in the built-in filter, it is returned to the kitchen space. Such models of exhaust devices are most often installed in small kitchen areas.

In kitchens big size It is advisable to use hoods with a forced air intake mechanism, the output of which is connected to current system ventilation. With the help of such partings, polluted air is removed from the kitchen space to the outside (outside the room). The operating efficiency of such exhaust devices is noticeably higher than that of partings with forced circulation air, so they are most often installed in kitchens with a large number of sources of pollution.

To successfully install hoods with your own hands, you will need to follow the following rules:

  • the distance from the slab to the intake casing (the plane of the inlet) of the hood should not be less than 65 centimeters;
  • the dimensions of the intake casing should approximately correspond to the dimensions of the gas stove;
  • used to connect the hood electric outlet should not be located directly above the stove;
  • When connecting the hood to the air duct, its outlet pipe should have a minimum of bends.


Installation of a hood with a built-in carbon filter will not require any special skills from the performer and special effort. To install it you will need good level, with the help of which control points for hanging the device are marked at the selected height, and then holes are punched for the fastening elements using a puncher.

Fixing the hood on the wall or wall cabinet It is made using special hooks that securely hold it at the suspension points. When installing an exhaust device on the front part of the kitchen unit, it is best to use niches that are always available in wall cabinets to place it.

The body of the hoods with connection to the air vent is fixed using the same fasteners (hooks), with the only difference being that their installation location must be “tied” to the ventilation hole. After fixing the device in the selected location, an air duct channel is attached to its outlet (ordinary plastic pipes can be used as such a channel).

The main thing is that the pipes you use are sized to match the diameter of the air intake hole in the wall, which will allow you to avoid losses in pumping power. Upon completion of all installation procedures, you should conduct a test check of the operation of the equipment, which will allow you to ensure that it has been installed correctly.

If you need a separate outlet to connect the hood, all the wires supplying power to it can be “hidden” in a special cable channel. In addition, electrical wiring can be hidden under sheets decorative material used to decorate your kitchen.

Note! It is necessary to provide a special protective device(the so-called “automatic machine”), which ensures that the equipment is turned off in the event of an emergency.

We really hope that our article will help you figure out how to hang a hood over the stove in such a way that you will forever get rid of unpleasant odors in the kitchen and got the opportunity to enjoy fresh and clean air.


This is how a kitchen hood is installed:


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