Construction of a sewer well - SNiP, types, purpose. How to make a sewer well: do-it-yourself installation and installation Installation of drain wells

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An important stage in the arrangement of an autonomous sewer network of a private household is the installation sewer wells. At the same time, the design of sewer wells is quite simple, which allows you to build them yourself, with minimal involvement work force and technology.

So if you decide to lay the sewer yourself, carefully read the recommendations below.

Such different wells

Depending on the purpose and design features, there are following types sewer wells:

    Observation– provide access to the sewer system with sufficient long length pipeline. According to sanitary standards, manhole should be located no further than 12 m from the foundation of the building, and the distance between inspection-type sewer wells on one pipeline should not exceed 15 m.

Construction of a sewer well

As noted above, the installation technology is quite simple for independent mastering.

Installation work is performed in the following sequence:

    When the base of the well is ready, we begin to build the body of the main chamber. To make the body of the well, you can use brick, broken stone or standard reinforced concrete rings. Important characteristic the chamber of the well is its tightness - therefore we seal the finished body from the inside with bitumen, or coat it cement mortar joints between reinforced concrete rings.

    From the outside, you can further seal the well by coating the chamber with a thick layer of clay or bitumen.


For filtration wells, tightness is not so important. Moreover, holes are specially made in the lower part of the filtration well chamber to facilitate drainage. Also, for this purpose, you can leave gaps in the masonry (if the chamber is built from brick or stone) or use special, perforated reinforced concrete rings for sewer wells.

    We mount it in the finished chamber drain pipe, through which sewage will fall into the well. We connect the storage and filtration wells with a special overflow pipe to drain clarified water. In the filtration well, we place a water barrier board under the overflow pipe - it helps avoid erosion of the drainage layer.

    We block the sewer well from above concrete slab with ventilation holes (in them we install a ventilation pipe or ventilation duct) and a hole for a sewer hatch. Through the hatch, the well is pumped out if necessary, and also provides access to the chamber in cases where repairs to the sewer well are required.

Despite the difference in purpose, installation of most types of sewer wells is carried out according to unified scheme. And if you master this scheme, then understanding the details in each specific case (be it installing a rotary well or installing a lower in an overflow structure) will not be difficult for you!

Many novice masters when creating a system autonomous sewerage Quite often they ask themselves a logical question: how are sewer wells installed? The construction of such a well is quite simple, and anyone can make it, even if he does not have special skills in construction. Our article will highlight the features of this technology as fully as possible.

Material selection

Plastic well and features of its installation

The easiest to install are .

This work will not create great difficulties even for a beginner. It is produced in several simple steps:

  1. you need to dig a hole of the right size,
  2. build a foundation,
  3. install a plastic sewer well
  4. connect a waste pipe to it.

However, for the average consumer, the cost of such sewerage equipment is still quite high, although this type of well is the most environmentally friendly. It is worth noting that over time it completely pays for itself due to a significant increase in the period of sewage removal. On average, sewage from plastic wells must be removed no more than once a year.

Other materials

To build a well, you can use available materials, such as wood (after coating with antiseptics and fire retardants) or old tires, but still products made from such materials will not last long. Moreover, similar design will not be completely sealed.

Pro tip:

In order for your sewer well to provide long-term comfort in your home, you should use only high-quality and specially designed building materials.

Do not doubt that you can build a sewer well with your own hands. Despite the big difference in purpose, most types of such structures need to be installed according to a similar scheme. If you understand the general scheme, then mastering the specifics of each case specifically will not be difficult.

One of the most common types of sewer wells is those with a diameter of 0.8-1 m. The technology for their installation will be discussed in more detail below. In addition, you can buy such a well assembled, with a top cover and a finished reinforced concrete bottom.

Calculation of well volume and diameter

Before starting work on constructing a sewer well, you need to decide on its overall dimensions. Well intended for home use, as a rule, should be approximately 2-2.5 meters high. First you need to find out the volume of the well in order to obtain the diameter of the rings using the calculation method.

It must be remembered that the volume of the well should be greater than necessary - with a reserve of 1-1.5 months. Calculation example:

  1. The volume of the well is calculated using this formula: V=L x 3.14 x R 2.
  2. Let's assume that you spend an average of 7 cubic meters of water per month (V), and let's take the height of the future well to be 2 meters (L).
  3. Then, the radius of the well R = root of V / 3.14 / L, which will be equal to 1 meter (R = 7 / 3.14 / 2.2 = 1m).
  4. Thus, the diameter of the ring should be D = R x 2 = 2 (meters).

Well made of reinforced concrete rings

Requirements for a septic tank made of rings

Construction sewer well-septic tank(himself simple option) can be accomplished by mounting it from ready-made iron concrete rings with a diameter from 1.5 to 2 m. When choosing a location on the site where the septic tank will be located, it is necessary to take into account the requirements of sanitary standards. According to them, the septic tank must be located at a distance of at least 5 meters from the residential building. Since the same standards require a laying depth of sewer pipes of at least 0.7 m, then to determine the volume of the septic tank it is necessary to take into account that the part of the septic tank capacity lying above this mark will not be in demand.

So, before making a sewer well, you need to understand the features of choosing its location:

  • The well must be located so that a sewage disposal truck can easily drive up to it to pump out sewage, that is, convenient access roads must be arranged.
  • It is especially important to keep the sewer well as far as possible from the drinking well if you have one in your yard. The distance between these two wells can be at least 30 m according to the standards.
  • The distance from the point where the sewer pipe exits from a residential building to the well should be minimal.
  • There cannot be any turns in the section between the sewer pipe exiting the house and the well. If it is still impossible to do without this, then their number should be as small as possible, and the turning angles must be made obtuse, i.e. equal to 120°. In this case, the angle of inclination of the pipe after turning should not decrease.

Having figured out the choice of location, you can proceed directly to studying the installation technology, especially since it is not at all complicated.

Installation of sewerage wells from reinforced concrete rings

The technology for installing sewer wells is as follows:

  1. When you choose a place where the sewer well will be located, it is worth preparing a plan and agreeing on an estimate for future work.
  2. Then you can begin excavation work, that is, digging a pit for a sewer well. Its dimensions will depend on the type and purpose of the well, and on the volume of wastewater used.

  1. Once you have laid out the foundation pit, you can begin new stage construction work– preparation of the base. This step also depends on the type of well you have. To build a storage well, considered in our example, it is necessary to fill the bottom with gravel or crushed stone in a layer approximately 15 cm thick. Then this backfill is filled with cement mortar, not forgetting to make a slope towards the hatch.
  2. The installation of sewer wells begins with the installation of the first reinforced concrete ring. It is installed on M100 solution. After installation, holes are made in the walls of the ring for pipes, which should enter the ring no more than 100 mm. The hole around the installed pipes must be carefully sealed with mortar.
  3. A concrete trench is made along the bottom of the well (from the pipe inlet to the outlet). The cross-section of the gutter corresponds to the diameter of the pipes. To make such a gutter, you can use a piece of sewer pipe of the required length.
  4. After you have placed the first reinforced concrete ring, install the second one on it. Here you need to ensure that the so-called “locks” are at the same level when looking at the reinforced concrete ring from the inside. After complete installation all rings of the well, we install a cover with a hatch on top, securing it with cement to protect the well from falling rainwater entering it.

  1. Installation of a reinforced concrete cover and installation of a hatch. The top of the well must be covered with a concrete slab, it will have a hole for a hatch and a hole ventilation pipe. Ventilation is provided through the cover and hatch of the sewer well; they are also necessary for pumping out sewage and to provide access to the well during repairs.
  2. When the installation of the sewer well has been completed independently, you need to start laying pipes. Sewage pipe should be laid in the ground at a depth of about 0.7 meters with a slope of 2 cm per 1 meter of the route. It is necessary that the pipe insertion into the well is higher: this will prevent loss of volume in the sewer well.

Pro tip:

It must be remembered that the depth of the trench does not need to be made large, since then you will have to add soil, and it tends to sink. As a result, the entire route may lose the required slope. Also remember that it is forbidden to place hard objects under the pipe so as not to damage it.

Some skeptics when advertising modern systems autonomous sewerage may argue that the construction of sewer wells - septic tanks does not correspond to the spirit of the times. The fact is that both for septic tanks and for modern systems it is periodically necessary to use sewage disposal machines. Ground water purification, carried out in filtration fields or a resorption well, leads, in general, to the same result. But the advantage of a reinforced concrete septic tank is that it has a much larger volume compared to modern plastic containers, and this is a serious argument that is very difficult to argue with.

In the process of landscaping a dacha or country house It is important to take care of the installation of sewer wells and lay the pipeline correctly. When carrying out work, it is necessary to make a cesspool in accordance with existing rules and requirements, since the purity of groundwater and safety will depend on this environment generally.

Since the methods of laying sewer wells are simple, all work can be done with your own hands without the help of specialists. To do this, it is not at all necessary to have special skills and have in your arsenal professional tool, it is enough to adhere to a certain sequence and follow some recommendations from experts.

Inspection well for sewer system

Generally, sewer wells may vary depending on constructive solutions and appointments.

Types of sewer wells

So, wells can be:

  • viewing rooms, with which you can monitor the operation of the entire system;
  • differential, which are installed in places with significant differences in pipes;
  • rotary, mounted in places where there are sudden changes in pipes;
  • filtration, which are used for wastewater treatment;
  • accumulative, with the help of which wastewater is accumulated.

Often, wells are installed to perform several functions at once. Let's pay more attention to each type.

types of sewer wells and fixing a concrete septic tank in them

First view

It is appropriate to install inspection wells in places where it is necessary to provide access to underground communications, as well as where it is planned to replace a pipe or drainage pipeline collector with an open type tray.

Such a structure can be installed in places where the direction, slope or diameter of the pipe changes; this also applies to long straight sections with connections. With the help of structures of this type, it becomes possible to monitor the need to pump out a sewer well.

Second type

If there are turns on the sewer line with an angle of 45 degrees, and there are connections and branches, then a decision is made to install a rotary well. Often he acts as a lookout.

Third type

If there is a need to combine pipes of different depths into one network, you need to use differential wells.

This type of device is used for the following purposes:

  • combining sewerage outlets and collectors;
  • creating a bypass of areas with intersections of underground communications;
  • limiting the high speed of passage of wastewater, which can be observed due to exceeding the slope angle.

Fourth type

Filter wells are necessary for wastewater treatment, but they can only be constructed if the house is built on sandy soil or sandy loam. If you plan to build such a structure, you need to take into account that groundwater should be one meter below the bottom of the structure. In addition, the daily volume of water consumption must be fixed, namely no more than 2 cubic meters. When water consumption exceeds the norm, it is necessary to install a container designed for a larger volume.

Now there is an opportunity to buy ready-made structures at a low price. Installation of such structures is simple and requires a minimum amount of time. There is no need to use heavy special equipment for installation.

installation of a filtration well

If it is not possible to install a filtration well, experts recommend using filtration fields laid underground. This solution also has many advantages.

Fifth type

Today, more and more often, storage tanks are being installed, which are an excellent alternative cesspool, only in this case the design is more environmentally safe.

Wells for collecting waste water have many important advantages, namely:

  • The volume of the container may vary, so it is possible to select a product for specific needs;
  • the risk of site contamination is minimized;
  • does not apply bad smell in the area around the sewer system;
  • To improve aesthetic properties, preference is given to the underground location option.

Which material is better to choose?

Previously, wells were mainly built from reinforced concrete or brick, but now you can buy plastic products, characterized by good rigidity and strength.

installing concrete rings in a well

Plastic containers have virtually no structural differences from reinforced concrete structures. IN in this case It also provides for a base, a shaft pipe and a telescopic cover. In certain options, the presence of a concrete ring equipped with a slab and hatch may be provided.

Plastic structures are better than their reinforced concrete counterparts in that they are equipped with outlets that are already adjusted to the parameters of the sewer pipes.

What should the volume of the well be?

As a rule, the height of a sewer well for a country house should be no more than 2.5 meters, while its diameter can be equal to one meter. Since the type of soil can be different, it is difficult to accurately determine the dimensions of the future well. If the planned volume is not enough, then it is advisable to install a second structure nearby, which will be connected to the first through an overflow pipe.

Diameter modern well can be in the range of 40-70 cm. Pipes can be used to create additional outlets.

What should be the depth of laying sewer pipes?

After installing the sewer well, they begin laying pipes. The depth of their location can vary between 30-40 cm. In any case, it is important to take into account the slope of the pipes in the ground; this parameter should be at least 2 cm per 1 m of the route. This slope should not be excessively large; the entrance to the well should be higher to minimize loss of tank volume. In addition, it is important to remember proper waterproofing sewer wells.

Experts do not recommend digging a trench that is too deep to add soil under the pipe. It is better to provide a small reserve, since the added soil tends to subsidence. In the worst case, the slope of the route may be lost.

The most popular among all types are differential sewer wells, which is explained by their wide purpose.

operating principle of the inspection well

How are sewer wells installed?

  • Before starting work, planning must be done to determine the location of the sewer well. It is best to give preference to areas located below the level of residential buildings. When constructing wells in mandatory everything needs to be taken into account sanitary standards, this mainly concerns the distance between sewerage structures and other buildings. It is also important to determine the deviation standards for the installation of wells in external sewerage networks.
  • When the work plan is ready, you can draw up an estimate that will indicate the number of all necessary materials and a list of equipment. With the help of such an estimate, you can optimize costs and significantly save money. Also at this stage you need to think about whether special equipment and specialist help will be required. If you are not sure about good result in progress independent work, then it’s better to turn to professionals.
  • After choosing a location on the site, drawing up a plan and estimate, you can begin to implement earthworks, namely, digging a pit for constructing a well. The parameters will depend on the purpose for which the structure will be used; the volume of wastewater is also taken into account. If you plan to install a manhole, then there is no need to make a pit great depth. The same can be said about rotary wells. As for drop structures, their depth will largely depend on the topography of the site and the level of drop of the pipes. The depth for installing filter and storage wells must be greater, and it must be calculated taking into account the volume of wastewater.
  • After preparing the pit, you can begin building the foundation. This stage of work will largely depend on the type of sewer well. In the case of a storage tank, you will need to pour a 15-centimeter layer of gravel on the bottom. Next, a cement mortar is prepared, which will be poured onto this layer, while you need to tilt it towards the location of the hatch. Such measures are necessary to ensure effective cleaning well. In the case of constructing a filtration well, the structure will need to be concreted only around the perimeter, since the bottom is necessary for drainage of wastewater. If there is a need to make an inspection, drop-off or rotary well, then absolute tightness must be maintained.
  • Pebbles or gravel are best suited to create a drainage layer, and the layer of this material can vary within 0.5-1 meter.
  • After completing the installation of the base of the sewer well, you can proceed to work on creating the walls. For these purposes, you can use brick, concrete or reinforced concrete rings. Modern plastic containers are also a good option, although they are not cheap. It should be noted that you should not forget about waterproofing such wells. Based on this, experts recommend treating the internal surfaces of the housing with bitumen. If rings are used, the joints between them are coated with cement mortar.

In progress similar works improvised materials can also be used, in particular this applies to wood, tires, etc. Using such means it is quite difficult to achieve absolute tightness, so it is better to use the recommended means.

  • When installing a filtration tank, it is not necessary to pay Special attention tightness. Typically, drainage properties are improved by making drainage holes at the bottom of the body. If brick is used for construction, then holes can be made in the masonry to improve absorbency. In this case, it is prohibited to drain wastewater containing impurities into the well. chemical substances. Due to the fact that bacteria in the soil are not able to cope with such water purification, the risk of groundwater contamination may increase.
  • Once the construction of the walls is complete, you can proceed to work on installing the drain pipe. It is necessary in order to wastewater fell directly into the well body. The filtration and storage tanks must be connected to each other via an overflow pipe, which is necessary for transporting clarified water. Experts recommend laying a waterproof board under this overflow pipe to prevent erosion of the drainage layer.
  • A concrete slab must be placed on top of the structure, which has a hole for the ventilation pipe and a hole for a hatch. The hatch and cover will provide not only the necessary sewer ventilation, but also facilitate the process of pumping out wastewater.

To clean wells less often, you can use chemical or biological based preparations. Due to their active action, the unpleasant odor spreading from the sewer system throughout the entire area is quickly eliminated. In addition, waste decomposes much faster. As a result of the use of such products, a small volume of liquid mass is formed, which can be easily pumped out using a pump.

Despite the fact that there is a big design difference, most sewer wells are installed in the same way. If planned self-execution work, it is important to master general scheme installation and understand design features each type of well.

The sewer system consists not only of a pipeline, but also of wells. The principle of their installation is almost the same, but they can all perform different functions. For the construction of a well they use various materials: reinforced concrete rings, brick, cinder block, metal and plastic containers, car tires . In general, every owner uses the material that is at hand. But in order for the system to work well, it is necessary to correctly install sewer wells, observing all construction standards.

Types and rules for installing wells

The number and type of wells installed depends on the type of sewerage system, its length, drops, and turns.

Note! In sewers used only for drainage from the bathroom and washbasins, it is enough to install an inspection and filter well. If there is a drop or a turn in the pipeline, then a drop or rotary well is installed in this place, respectively. Then the inspection well can not be installed, but combined with one of them.

In a sewerage system where the toilet and bathtub will be drained through one pipeline, a sump well is installed first. In it, solid sediment will settle to the bottom, and water will flow through the overflow into the filter well. From the filter well, purified water flows through the overflow into the third well - the drainage well. From the third well pure water will be diverted to a certain place or pumped out by a pump. The installation of these three wells is mandatory, plus a rotary or inspection well can be added to them.

Well location

  1. Observations. The first well is installed at the sewerage outlet of the building, no closer than 3 m from the foundation, but no further than 12 m. In a long system, wells are installed every 15 m.
  2. Rotary. Such wells are similar to inspection wells, only they are installed not at a certain distance, but at all turns of the pipeline. And if the inspection well is installed next to the rotary well, then it can be removed.
  3. Drops. Sewerage passing through difficult terrain may have fluctuations in some places. A differential well is installed at this connection point. In very long pipelines, the velocity of the drained water increases and can cause a system rupture. Here the drop point will perform the rescue function of damping the speed of water flow.

All considered sewer wells differ in their bottom structure. IN drainage wells the bottom is not concreted, but filled with filter material through which clean water flows out. All other wells have a horizontal concrete bottom, only for sedimentation tanks the bottom is concreted in the form of a cone, or at an angle. The installation of the well body is almost the same, although there are some nuances due to differences in materials.

Installation of settling tanks

By design, sedimentation tanks are divided into vertical and horizontal. Their installation varies significantly.

Reinforced concrete is mainly used to build a horizontal settling tank. The shape of the well resembles a rectangle with partitions for chambers (mostly there are two of them). The chambers collect solid accumulations in the form of sediment at the bottom. The upper edge of the installed settling tank is located no more than 60 cm in the ground, and the water level in the chamber should not reach the surface of 40 cm. The sedimentary bottom is poured with concrete at an angle.

Vertical design

The installation of a vertical settling tank is made of reinforced concrete rings, and the bottom is concreted in the form of a cone. Sewage that gets into such a structure leaves solid particles at the bottom, and the liquid, changing the direction of movement, enters the drain pipe. The water level is adjusted by the float along the height of the sides of the overflow channel.

The size of the sedimentary bottom is calculated at the rate of 0.8 liters of sediment per person per day. The sedimentary part should contain the sediment from the life processes of all people living in the room for two days. Subsequently, it drains through a 200 mm pipe installed at the bottom of the sump.

Note! Installation of reinforced concrete rings or panels is carried out in a dug pit using a truck crane. All joints are sealed with cement mortar, and the walls are covered with a layer of waterproofing. The top is covered with a concrete slab with a hatch.

Installation of a drainage well

Drainage wells are installed in a similar way to installing rings. They can be replaced brickwork, cinder block. The only difference is that it is installed not on a concrete bottom, but on a filter pad. It consists of a layer of sand, a mixture of sand and gravel, and a third layer of coarse crushed stone. The thickness of each layer is from 15 to 25 cm.

Installation of other wells

Inspection, differential and rotary wells are installed both from concrete rings and bricks, cinder blocks, barrels and other available materials. The horizontal bottom is filled with concrete 15 cm thick, and all walls are covered with waterproofing.

After reading the article, you learned the types of wells and where they should be installed. And the main work for installing all types of wells is almost the same: you dig a pit, concrete the bottom or pour a filter pad, build walls, cover them with waterproofing, cover them with a slab with a hatch, and cover them with earth. Most of the work can be done with your own hands, but to install concrete rings or panels you will have to use the services of a truck crane. For large volumes of excavation work, it is better to use an excavator.


Look short video sewer well installation report:

The technology for arranging sewer wells has been worked out to the smallest detail and documented. Construction regulations prescribe a basic series of regulations that the work carried out must comply with. In particular, SNiP has number 2.04.03-85 and is called “Sewerage. External networks and structures." The document regulates placements different types structures, dimensions and requirements for erected structures.

Regardless of the purpose, private or public use, the installation of sewer wells must be carried out in accordance with the rules and requirements. For example, an observation object must be placed in front of the entrance local sewer into a centralized collector, outside the red building line.

It is especially important to know that according to SNiP, inspection wells for pipelines with a pipeline size of up to 150 mm are installed every 35 m, and for 200 - every 50 m of direct-flow pipeline sections. In addition, installation of structures is indicated when:

  • Rotary changes in the water drainage system;
  • When the diameter of the pipeline changes or there is a slope;
  • Where additional branches enter.

Documents regulating the requirements: for reinforced concrete products - GOST 2080-90, for polymer structures - GOST-R No. 0260760. Manufacturers offer specifications for plastic structures, supplementing existing regulations.

Stone structures can be made from prefabricated, monolithic concrete, reinforced concrete mixtures, brick. The filter structures are made of rubble stone. For the manufacture of polymer structures, it is permissible to use polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene (PP), and polyethylene of the required density (PE).

Important! Models can be made from a combination of materials.

Dimensional rulers, work on arrangement of wells

According to SNiP, sewer wells must have the following dimensions:

  • Pipelines with a diameter of up to 150 mm - at least 70 mm;
  • Diameter up to 600 mm – from 1000 mm;
  • Diameter size up to 700 mm – from 1250 mm;
  • Diameter 800-100 mm – from 1500 mm;
  • With a diameter of 1500 mm and above and a depth of 3 m and above are subject to individual consideration.

Volumes are not separately regulated; everything must be calculated from the depths and diameters specified on the diagrams. As for the work, the general cycle includes preparatory actions, installation and completion.

  1. Layout or marking of the territory, according to construction rules;
  2. Clearing the area of ​​bushes and vegetation;
  3. Demolition/relocation of interfering buildings. The impossibility of action is stipulated by special standards;
  4. Preparation and arrangement of the entrance and road to the construction site.

Arrangement and installation sewerage facility standard preparatory work according to SNiP:

  1. Excerpt from the pit;
  2. Cleaning the bottom;
  3. Reconciliation with the project in terms of ground level, wall slope angles;
  4. For stone structures arrangement of a waterproofing bottom layer, as shown in the diagram or plan (layer of at least 20 cm), subsequent compaction.

All preparatory work has been completed and next stage- installation.

Stone wells

The steps and actions are:

  • Preparation of the base involves laying a slab or arranging a cushion of M-50 concrete 100 mm thick;
  • Arrangement of reinforced concrete steel mesh tray (M-100) of the desired shape;
  • Sealing the end holes of the pipeline with concrete and bitumen;
  • Creation of an insulating layer of the internal cavity of the rings of the structure;
  • Installation of the rings occurs only after the tray has gained strength (2-3 days), then the floor slab is laid. The solution used for work is M-50;
  • Sealing joints with cement mixture;
  • Waterproofing with bitumen;
  • Mandatory plastering of the tray with cement, followed by ironing;
  • Installation of clay joints at the entry point of the pipe/pipes with a width of at least 300 mm and a height of 600 mm greater than the diameter of the pipeline.

Subsequent test work take place within 24 hours and include complete filling of the structure with water, blocking the pipeline with temporary plugs. If no leaks are detected, backfilling is carried out. well walls, a blind area measuring 1.5 m is built, the joints are insulated with a hot bitumen mixture - the work according to SNiP is completed, the system can be put into operation.

Installation diagrams brick structures They practically repeat the concrete ones, but instead of combining the rings, they are laid out with stone. Waterproofing works completely identical. In this way, stone wells of any type of sewerage system are installed: domestic, industrial, stormwater or drainage. But each design has its own nuances:

  • The storm drain is equipped with lattice hatches that have a drainage function;
  • Drainage wells themselves are drainage systems, so installation does not require special calculations.

Differences in configuration are determined by the series:

  • KFK/KDK - domestic wastewater;
  • KLV/KLK – storm drain;
  • KDV/KDN – drainage wells.

The size table gives a complete picture:

Drop wells

A more complex configuration determines the volumes and SNiP requirements for differential wells. In addition to arranging the tray, you need to do the following:

  • Installation of risers;
  • Have water pumping equipment;
  • Install a water wall;
  • Create a practical profile;
  • Set up a pit.

Otherwise, with regard to the installation of the shaft, base, floors - the rules are the same as the previous ones.

Important! The exception is a riser drop well - installation in the base is required metal pipe, which will prevent the destruction of the concrete structure.

The diagram looks like this:

  • Riser pipe;
  • Waterproof pillow;
  • Metal base (plate);
  • Receiving funnel (riser).

A funnel is required for compensatory discharge processes formed in the riser due to the rapid movement of flows. Do-it-yourself creation of differential wells in private areas is not recommended, unless it is a pipeline with a diameter of 60 cm and a level difference of up to 3 m, but such pipes are practically not used in individual systems, and are successfully replaced by other types of wells.

SNiP requirements for differential wells are simple; installation is recommended in the following cases:

  • It is necessary to significantly reduce the depth of the pipeline;
  • If there are intersections with other underground utilities;
  • Adjustment of wastewater flow rate is necessary;
  • In the case where the well is the last one before the direct release of wastewater into a river or lake.

The same reasons can serve as a reasonable justification for installing a drop well on your own property.

Arrangement of pipeline inlets into the well

Depending on the conditions of a particular location and soil, the entrance parts to the well are designed differently. Installation on dry ground is easier, since it regulates only two types of materials: cement and asbestos-cement mixture. For wet ground, installation requires resin strands and waterproofing materials. But both methods are designed only for soils without subsidence.

On moving soils, SNiP installed movable connections: winding pipes using flexible plastic insulating packing. If you deviate from the rules, you can insert a metal sleeve into the hole in the hatch and install a packing of waterproofing material inside.

Polymer wells

Being a fairly new alternative replacement for stone wells, plastic structures are successfully used to create structures, although so far only in private households.

Installation is not regulated by SNiP, but only in accordance with specifications, therefore functional features no installation required. An important difference between the simplest wells in yard networks is their simplicity, large volume of water flow and strength of the material. In addition to other advantages, polymer structures can reduce their size, for example, a 1 m concrete well can be replaced plastic diameters only 30 cm. Despite the small volumes, maintenance will be even much easier than a stone well.

There are also plenty of other advantages:

  1. Easy installation;
  2. Low costs for digging ditches and pits - smaller sizes do not require large excavations;
  3. The outlets and tray design are clearly defined by standards, are factory cast, and therefore there is no need for additional equipment or manufacturing;
  4. The materials for making wells are indicated above; polymer structures can be combined with any pipes made of plastic, cement, or asbestos.

That is why you should once again pay attention to the choice before starting the installation of a sewer hatch. All installation schemes are simple, SNiP clearly indicates installation requirements, tray sizes, recommended volumes. But at the same time the owner will be able to save on related work, equipment purchases and time costs.

Summer cottages, where there is no need to equip many wells and build a tray for each, are more practical to equip with polymer structures. Modest in size, they do not lose their functionality and practicality.


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