Insulation of plastic windows with your own. Insulation of plastic windows for the winter

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Now many people are replacing wooden windows with plastic ones. However, during operation their tightness may be compromised. People are faced with the question of how to insulate plastic windows so that the violation of integrity is corrected, and air from the street penetrates less into the room. It is important to understand what is the cause of the problem and solve it, and then do the insulation.

Why does it blow from plastic windows?

Before you begin to correct the current situation, you should find out why the blowing occurs and whether there is fogging. There are many reasons, but there are several main ones:

  1. Defect in production.
  2. Low-quality plastic was used to make the windows.
  3. Poor fittings were installed.
  4. Errors were made during installation.
  5. Poor quality of seal material.
  6. The slopes were not properly insulated.

How to determine the cause

First, let's make sure that there is definitely a breeze coming from the window. To understand this, you can hold a lit candle or lighter to the junction of the window sash and frame. If the flame fluctuates, it means it is blowing from the window. Then the candle should be drawn around the entire perimeter. The problem often occurs at the junction window frame and slope. This indicates poor installation, so you need to contact the company and demand that the work be corrected (if the warranty period has not expired).

The reason may lie in incorrect adjustment of the fittings or lack of installation on winter mode. To do this, try opening the window and looking at the lock. Not everyone can independently determine the problem and make adjustments, so it is better to call a specialist. Sometimes the reason is a violation of the window geometry. In this case, there is poor pressing of the sashes, and drafts arise due to this connection. A complete reinstallation of the glass unit will be required.

Another diagnostic method is to check the condition of the seal. It probably causes moisture to blow in or leak (condensation forms), if it is of poor quality or very dirty (remove all dust). When exposed to low temperatures, it loses its elasticity. You should touch it with your hands, checking for elasticity. If the reason is wear and tear of the insulation, then it needs to be replaced.

The next step is to pay attention to the quality of the plastic. Unfortunately, the average person will not be able to visually distinguish high-quality plastic from bad one; this requires a specialist. However, if all of the above diagnostic methods did not reveal the cause, then most likely you bought windows from bad material. We will have to dismantle and install a new metal-plastic structure.

When is the best time to isolate?

The problem of window blowing occurs during the cold season. IN summer period people either don’t notice it, but with the onset of cold weather the air from the street becomes noticeable. It is best to do thermal insulation in spring or summer in calm weather. The sealing compound requires a special temperature and cannot be used in winter weather. There is an advantage of insulation during the cold season: it is clear which place to insulate and whether the chosen method is effective.

How to insulate plastic windows

It is extremely important to understand how to insulate plastic windows. There are many methods of thermal insulation, so everyone can choose one that is convenient for themselves. Insulation for plastic windows is as follows:

  1. Polyurethane foam - fast and available method. However, foam is short-lived and is negatively affected by temperature changes, ultraviolet radiation, and air.
  2. Mineral wool is a safe and fire-resistant modern material.
  3. Window film can be used as insulation for the glass itself.
  4. Silicone sealant is reliable and inexpensive.
  5. Polystyrene foam is used to eliminate cracks in window slopes.
  6. Warm mixtures are applied externally.
  7. Gluing construction tape over the sealant will improve the effect.
  8. Facade paint has high weather resistance. It is easy to apply to a surface of any shape.
  9. The primer dries quickly and is easy to apply. It is frost-resistant and is not afraid of moisture.

When you can't do without a master

A professional is needed when there are obvious defects, and work to eliminate them requires compliance with safety regulations. To carry out repairs, it is worth calling a specialist because:

  • insulating slopes and ebbs from the outside can be dangerous, especially if the window is located above the second floor (you can fall and break);
  • in order to properly insulate, it is important to know all technological process installations;
  • The window is still under warranty.

Do-it-yourself insulation of plastic windows for the winter

A professional will advise you on how to seal plastic windows for the winter. However, there are simple and easy ways you can make repairs yourself. A simple example is the thermal insulation of a window using foam or sealant:

  1. Remove old foam from all openings around the window. To do this, use a stiff brush, sticks and brushes.
  2. Thoroughly rinse and wipe the surface of the window sill and slopes with a cleaner to degrease and remove dust.
  3. Cover the resulting cracks with putty and plaster, then fill with polyurethane foam.
  4. If sealant is used instead of polyurethane foam, then after inserting it into the gap, it should be sealed with construction tape on top. To carry out the work, you must have a knife and scissors at hand.
  5. Install heat-saving film. Window box cleaned of dust and covered with double-sided tape. The film is measured to the size of the window, then carefully applied and smoothed. To avoid unevenness and bubbles, you need to blow it with a hairdryer.


Insulation from the street side can be done in different ways, suitable facade paint, primer, silicone sealant. It is best to use foam plastic for thermal insulation of slopes from the outside:

  1. Styrofoam the right size it is necessary to stick it on the slopes, and close all visible cracks with glue.
  2. A special mesh should be placed on top of the foam and then plastered.
  3. Level the plaster with a water-repellent layer and apply a primer.
  4. Paint the resulting slopes, which will create additional energy-saving protective layer from the wind.


The insulation of plastic windows inside should be done as carefully as possible, using different ways. Thermal insulation will contain the following stages:

  1. Insulate the slopes of plastic windows inside. To do this, use polyurethane foam.
  2. Place plastic on top of the foamed slopes.
  3. Adjust the fittings. This is done using an eccentric through rotation.
  4. Replace the seal. This element must be changed every 5 years. During this period, it loses elasticity and begins to let air through.

How to insulate the window sill of a plastic window

Under the windowsill you can often feel the movement of cold air. If a crack is visible, it needs to be foamed. It will be good if you attach a piece of plastic under it and fill the void inside with polyurethane foam or polystyrene foam. Stages for insulating a window sill:

  1. Remove the window sill.
  2. The wall on which it was located should be thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dust, after which all cracks and problem areas will be visible.
  3. Cracks can be closed with polyurethane foam.
  4. When the foam hardens, cut off the excess with a knife.
  5. Prime the entire surface.
  6. Apply sealant to all joints and corners.
  7. Plaster.
  8. Place the window sill in place.


Frost is approaching, and the apartment becomes very cold, despite normal work radiators and even additional heaters? Then the first thing you need to do is check the condition of your windows and, if necessary, insulate them for the winter.

A huge amount of heat escapes through the windows. In order to prevent this, you can use basic materials at hand. There are many techniques that can temporarily solve the issue of window insulation. There are also products for longer lasting thermal insulation that can be used to ensure tightness. window designs for several years.

We present to your attention instructions for using the most popular insulation materials. Explore available options and choose the most optimal one.

Regardless of the chosen method of window insulation, you will need approximately the same set of tools and materials.

Devices for self-insulation windows

  1. Putty. You can use silicone or a special window one.
  2. Water.
  3. Sealing rope.
  4. Detergents for window frames and glass.
  5. Old rags.
  6. Rubber spatula.
  7. Special window insulation. Instead, you can use ordinary foam rubber.
  8. Adhesive tape.
  9. Wide bowl.
  10. Flour.
  11. Laundry or cosmetic soap.

One of the most cost-effective and easiest to implement options for insulating window structures. In accordance with these instructions, newsprint is used to seal cracks. It is enough to simply take old newspapers, wet them with water to obtain a homogeneous mass, and then fill all sorts of cracks with this substance. For greater convenience, soaked paper can be rolled into tubes.

If you want to save even more, you can use plain paper. Cut it into long strips and glue it to the frames using laundry soap diluted in water.

Despite its simplicity and cheapness, the method is very effective and proven by many generations of housewives. However, such insulation also has its own significant disadvantage - when the air temperature outside begins to rise, the thermal insulation will have to be removed. The problem is that the paint often comes off along with the paper. And it’s not so easy to get rid of soaked newspapers. Therefore, this method is increasingly being abandoned in favor of the next thermal insulation option.

This option is very convenient and easy to implement. You need to buy technical wool from a hardware store and fill all the existing cracks with the material. The joints of the structural elements are sealed with fabric. Technical wool It is characterized by excellent thermal insulation properties and can be removed without any difficulty with the onset of warm weather.

Although such insulation is the most budget-friendly and extremely simple to implement, its effectiveness is beyond doubt - the windows stop letting cold air through and heat is retained in heated rooms.

For sealing large cracks It is more convenient to use foam rubber. Typically, such cracks form when the window sashes shrink very much, to the point that they no longer fit normally to the frame. It will not be possible to save the situation with ordinary cotton wool in such a situation.

To eliminate drafts and reduce heat loss, foam rubber must be fixed around the perimeter window sashes. It will allow you to close the windows hermetically. You can buy the material directly with the adhesive side to save time and make installation more convenient. If such material is not available, purchase ordinary foam rubber and nail it to the window frame with small nails.

The service life of foam rubber is on average 2-3 years. Monitor its condition and replace if necessary. You can stick paper, tape or fabric on top of the foam. In the spring, you need to get rid of such thermal insulation. You can leave the foam rubber itself and use it next winter.

Insulation using the “Swedish” method

Currently, this method of insulation is very popular. It got its name thanks to the EuroStrip material used for insulation. This material was developed by Swedish specialists. The second name of the technology is groove seal.

The main advantage of the method under consideration is that it allows for partial reconstruction of windows, and not simply creating temporary insulation, like the other methods mentioned above. The windows do not need to be sealed, so even in winter they can be opened for ventilation. The service life of insulation is about 15-20 years.

The only drawback is quite high price. Also, certain difficulties may arise during the installation process, because... similar insulation costs much more complex scheme than cotton wool, paper and foam rubber. Buy the material and use it to insulate your windows according to the manufacturer's instructions.

Guide to insulation with paraffin and sealant

To eliminate small gaps, you can buy silicone sealant. You need to wash the windows in advance and wait until they are completely dry. Such insulation must not be performed at air temperatures below +5 degrees.

The sealant is very convenient and easy to apply using a construction gun specially designed for this purpose. It is better to remove excess material immediately before it dries. In the future, to remove any leaking sealant, it will be enough to wipe the surface with a cloth slightly moistened with gasoline. You can simply carefully pick it off the glass using a knife.

Small cracks can also be sealed with paraffin. To do this, take several paraffin candles or buy them right away ready material. The paraffin needs to be melted, taken into a syringe of suitable volume and carefully filled with it into each existing crack.

Large defects can be repaired with an ordinary clothesline. Any other lace will do. The rope is tightly pushed into the gap, after which it is filled with paraffin.

Such insulation will last at least 2-3 years. For the rest, focus on the condition of the thermal insulation and add new paraffin if necessary.

One of the most modern and effective methods. To perform such insulation, a sealant based on silicone rubber is used. The material withstands temperature changes and is not afraid of contamination. If desired, you can even paint it - this will not deteriorate its thermal insulation properties.

Tubes are available in different diameters, so you can choose the material that suits your needs. the best way suitable for insulating your windows.

You can set the required diameter using plasticine. All you have to do is take a piece of plasticine and wrap it in plastic film and press between the sash and frame. By the thickness of the resulting “cast” you can find out the size of the gap.

The rubber seal provides reliable thermal insulation and allows for partial restoration windows But it is quite expensive, plus it requires some skills for successful installation. Suitable exclusively for windows without significant damage, which they tried to maintain in proper condition throughout their entire service life.

If the windows are in a very neglected state, with a violation of the normal geometry, the presence of cracked or rotten areas, it is better to refuse such restoration, because it will cost about the same amount of money as a full-fledged new window costs.

You can install the seal yourself. First, you need to remove the sashes from their hinges, and then mark a place in the window frame for cutting the groove. Next, you should select a groove around the perimeter of the window frame. This is easily done using a cutter. The sealant is rolled into the prepared groove. It needs to be glued. Fixation is done using glue. It must be of the highest quality and reliable so that the material does not shift or fall out. After installing the seal, all that remains is to return the window sashes to their place.

If necessary, replace the fittings and try to align the window geometry, but without the necessary skills it is almost impossible to do this. With proper installation and proper handling, the seal will last about 15-20 years.

Another modern and effective method. The technology involves the use of specially developed heat-saving films. Their structure is such that they normally transmit the light of the sun into the room, while not allowing heat to escape from the room. The film must be attached with the metallized side facing the street.

Fastening to the frame is carried out with an overlap. Used for fixation adhesive tape. If you do everything carefully, the film will hardly be noticeable.

Features of using polyurethane foam as insulation

To seal cracks and reduce heat loss, you can use ordinary polyurethane foam. It is extremely easy to use and allows you to obtain thermal insulation highest quality. You just need to show maximum attention and accuracy during work in order to seal all existing cracks. After the foam dries, its excess should be cut off sharp knife, and hide the insulation itself with something.

To mask such thermal insulation, you can use homemade putty. To prepare it, you need to take part of the chalk and 2 times the amount of building plaster. Mix the ingredients, dilute the mixture with water to a semi-liquid state and spread on the foam. Of course, it will not be possible to completely hide traces of insulation, but polyurethane foam at least it won't be so noticeable.

Thus, to independently insulate windows for the winter, you can use a wide variety of materials. Choose the most suitable and convenient option for you and get started. Good luck with your work and have a warm winter!

Video - How to insulate wooden windows

Video - Installation of heat-saving film

Video - How to insulate a plastic window with your own hands for the winter

Most likely, installing metal-plastic windows was part of your plan to insulate your house or apartment. And now this element itself needs insulation, but it shouldn’t be blowing from anywhere... Why is it blowing? Properly installed metal-plastic windows do not need insulation. But, if errors were made during installation or the a long period, during which the double-glazed window has not been serviced, insulation of PVC windows may well be required.

To understand how to solve the problem, you need to find out what elements the window consists of. Below in the diagram you can see all the main details.

So now we need to figure out which parts are most likely to cause difficulties.

It can be:

  • Joint (seam) between the frame and the wall (window sill, slopes);
  • Double-glazed window fittings;
  • Bead (The element that holds the glass in place - if it blows from under the glass).
  • Seal.

Here we have arranged the reasons not according to any principle, but only in a chaotic order. But a little further we will understand the reasons sequentially - starting from the simple solution, to the most difficult (labor-intensive, labor-intensive). We will see that insulating windows with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first.

Problems with windows

In the previous subtitle, we dealt with structural elements that can cause problems and may require insulation of double-glazed windows. Employees of one Kyiv company identify the three most common:

  • Has not been serviced for a long time and came to bad condition rubber compressor. This insulating element plays important role in thermal insulation;
  • Lack of tight contact between the sash and the frame. For example, this can happen due to skewed hinges;
  • The seam between the frame and the window opening was poorly made initially and destroyed as a result of erosion.

How to find out what the problem is in a particular case?

This stage of insulating PVC windows usually does not raise any questions. A person may not know what the element is called, but where it most often blows from is not difficult to determine. Most people use one of three proven methods.

  • Check with a candle or lighter. Light a candle and hold it to the gap between the frame and the wall or between the sash and the frame. In the place where the candle goes out, a cold stream is passed through. This is where examinations need to be carried out;
  • The sash pressure should be very tight. There should be no pulling from under it. To check the “strength” of the clamp, insert a sheet of paper into the sash and slam it shut by turning the handle. If a sheet falls out, the hardware may need adjustment. Or the window may be in “summer mode”;
  • Although the third method is more expensive, it can help identify problems not only with windows - thermal imaging research. Using special equipment, heat leakage zones can be identified. An example photo is shown below.

Summer and winter window modes

If you open the sash and look at its end, you can see several pressure rollers. They are responsible for adjusting the clamping density, in fact, summer and winter modes. Using a special key, adjust the degree of pressure and seal of the sash to the frame. In some profiles you can do without a key by turning such rollers manually.

You can see a notch on the pressure roller itself. If it is turned closer to the sealing rubber, it means winter mode, and if outward, it means summer mode.

For more information on how to change the window mode, watch the video.

So, at this stage, we have already figured out the structure of the window itself, found out which elements can cause difficulties, and found out what problems residents most often encounter. Now let's look at the most common problems and find out how to solve them.

Handles, hinges...

When insulating windows with your own hands, you need to start with the fittings. As employees of the same Kyiv company for repair and installation of windows say, if the problem is not started, it can often be solved by adjusting the fittings. Since the topic of our article is, after all, window insulation, it’s only worth saying here that average cost ordering adjustment from a company in Kyiv costs approximately 100-150 UAH. ($4), and in Moscow 400-700 rubles. You can correct this yourself by watching the video:

Sealing rubber bands

In the CIS countries, for various reasons, it is unpleasant to regularly conduct service maintenance. This leads to premature or very severe wear of various parts. Therefore, when deciding how to insulate windows, make sure they are in good condition sealing elements windows

The seals are located on the frame and also on the sash. In most cases, removable parts are installed that can be easily replaced. How do you know if the seal needs replacing? One of the methods was given at the beginning of the article.

Second. Open the sash and feel the seal. If it is hard (and especially if it starts to crumble, it needs to be replaced). There is an easier way. Test without getting up from your chair.

The seal requires lubrication at intervals of approximately 6 months. If such a procedure has not been carried out for at least 3 years, there is a 90% chance that the rubber band needs to be replaced.

What is the best way to insulate windows? There is no definite answer, but the seal definitely needs to be changed.

In a separate article, we have already described in detail how the procedure is carried out and showed a video.

A short summary of this section. Two small, but most common problems when insulating windows are fittings and cutters in plastic windows. But there are also more “severe patients” who need “hospitalization”. In such cases, the problem is usually with the window sill or ebb.

Low tide

How to insulate a plastic window with your own hands if problems are observed in the lower part of the window? The first thing that might come to mind would be window sill insulation. But its removal is a thorough matter, which is more reminiscent construction project, so there is an alternative. You can start by insulating the outside of your windows by adding flashing insulation. First you need to dismantle the old ebb. To do this, we twist all the screws that secure it and carefully remove the piece of iron itself.

Carrying out work on high floors, be extremely careful and use insurance.

We are interested in the seam between the frame and the window opening. It is sealed with polyurethane foam - a material that is easily affected by cold and moisture. Therefore, if the foam was not reliably protected, it may be the reason for the blowing.

Look at the layer of foam under the frame. If:

  • The foam itself crumbles,
  • There is no vapor barrier,

The seam needs repair.

Carefully scrape off the old foam layer with a knife. Prime the remains of the old layer and the entire surface and cover it with a new vapor barrier membrane. You need to place one edge of the membrane under the frame, and place the second under the ebb. Apply a new layer of foam. The foam can be protected from the outside using PSUL tape.

At this point, the sealing of the outer seam, which can be a source of cold, can be considered complete

Let's create another camera

Among the three reasons for blowing out metal-plastic windows mentioned at the beginning of the article was glazing bead. To insulate this element, special films are used. It creates, as it were, another air pocket between the glass and the film itself, which eliminates all blowing between the glass and the frame. Thanks to this, a single double-glazed window becomes a double-glazed one.

How to insulate double-glazed windows in this way?

Film - a good option, when insulation was needed “yesterday”. In this article we are only, in general, discussing all the ways to insulate plastic windows with your own hands, but in a separate article we discussed this topic in more detail.

External insulation

How to insulate plastic windows from the outside? There are two key points here:

  • Firstly, in an apartment on the floor above the second, it is prohibited by law to insulate anything from the outside - you need a special license. You can insulate windows yourself only in a house or on the first or second floors of an apartment.
  • It is better to entrust such work to professionals.
  • Secondly, when we talk about external insulation of windows, we are talking about insulation of slopes and insulation of the seam under the ebb, which we talked about above. The issue was discussed in a separate article a little earlier.

Cost of services

Window insulation includes several procedures. Below in the table we give the approximate cost of the services of contractors.


You probably understand how to insulate plastic windows depends on the method and approach. You may need to replace the seal or use foam to seal the outer seam. Insulation for plastic windows can also be a film that is glued to the frame from the inside. You can seal the seams inside using tape, well, this is already the case for very old PVC windows. And let's repeat: how to properly insulate windows?

The first thing you need to find out is the cause of the heat leak. As you remember, there are only three main ones. Although, of course, there are various unusual and unforeseen situations, especially in our area, where windows were not always installed soberly. Therefore, if you still have questions, use the comments or the “Q&A” section.

Warmth in a house or apartment is the key to comfort, coziness and well-being. To do this, we take you to our apartments central heating, we build heated floors and more. However, it is important not only to deliver heat to the house, but also to preserve it.

Most of the heat leaves our apartments through the windows, by insulating them you can significantly improve your living conditions during the cold season.

let's consider quick ways insulation of both modern plastic windows and old wooden ones. Let's start with the simplest and cheapest...

1. Do you want to insulate a window? - Wash him!

Heat leaves our apartments not only due to drafts, but also goes outside in the form infrared radiation.

Regular glass, being transparent to radiation of the visible spectrum, has low level transparency for infrared rays that transmit heat.

But contaminated glass, losing transparency in the visible part of the spectrum, significantly increases it in the infrared spectrum. Therefore, to preserve heat, it is enough to simply wash the window before the start of the cold season.

However, it wouldn’t hurt to do this in the spring either, so that less radiant heat penetrates into the apartment in the already hot summer.

The window should be washed inside and (necessarily!) outside with a product based on ethyl or ammonia. This will allow, firstly, to clean grease stains, which is especially important for the kitchen, and, secondly, to avoid stains left by dissolved salt in the water, remaining after the moisture evaporates.

In addition to the glass, we also need to wash the frames - we will glue seals, insulation, etc. on them. It doesn't stick well to dirt and falls off quickly. You don’t want to re-glue the seal in the middle of winter with it wide open. open windows?

2. Traditional methods of window insulation

Effective way reducing heat loss is to install heat-shrinkable energy-saving film on inner side frames, parallel to the glass or double glazing.

This film has a double effect. Firstly, it prevents heat from escaping in the form of infrared radiation. Secondly, it creates an additional heat-insulating layer of air between itself and the glass. This usually gets rid of the " crying windows».

Installing thermal film is quite simple. After cleaning and degreasing the frame, apply double-sided tape around the glass. The film is usually sold folded in two layers. We separate the layers from each other and cut the film to the size of the glass, plus two to three centimeters from each edge.

We glue the film onto the tape so that its surface covers the entire glass. We try to stretch the film, but we don’t pay attention to the wrinkles. It is more important to ensure that the entire edge of the film “sits” tightly on the tape without “bubbles.” Direct hot air onto the film from household hair dryer. Thanks to its shrink properties, the film itself will stretch and smooth out.

The view at the window with such a film, of course, is not so great, but it’s warm and dry.

New double-glazed windows do not heat. Why?

The seal on the frame is changed in the same way, after which the sash is installed in place.

The procedure for installing the sash is the reverse of the procedure for removing it:

The sash is placed on the lower hinge from top to bottom, then the parts of the upper hinge are connected away from you, the pin, lock washer and hinge cover are installed. We close the sash with a lock and check the quality of the work performed by testing the joint for drafts.

To ensure that the seal on the plastic window does not have to be changed every two to three years, this part requires proper care. The seal must be cleaned and lubricated at least once a year, but preferably twice, before the start of the cold season and at its end.

We wipe the seal on the sash and frame with a dry fluffy cloth to remove accumulated "rel="lightbox" href="/images/stories/kvartira/7-sposobov-uteplit-okna-na-zimu_8.jpg"> mud. Then wipe the seal with soapy water better cleaning and degreasing and wipe it dry. Apply to a cloth silicone grease(it can be purchased at any auto store) and rub it into the seal. This simple procedure will protect the seal from drying out in the heat and “stiffening” in the cold, allowing it to retain its properties for a long time.

6. We insulate slopes and window sills

For some reason, some people forget that a window is not only glass, frame and sashes, but also slopes and window sills. What's the point, from the very better window, if from under the window sill it “siphons” all the way? Of course, it’s better if, along with replacing the window, you also replaced the slopes and window sills with modern designs made of PVC, however, it is during their installation that installers often “slut”, knowing that the customer will pay the main attention to the frames.

Inspect the places where the slopes meet the concrete. If large cracks are found, we fill them with tow or foam rubber and cover them with alabaster on top, or fill them with polyurethane foam, which will need to be straightened and sanded with sandpaper after drying. We finish sealing the cracks with construction sealant.

If the initial inspection reveals nothing, perform a more thorough test using a burning match or a wet finger. If “cold bridges” are detected, you need to “tap” the cladding layer. A dull sound compared to neighboring areas will indicate the presence of voids under the cladding layer. In this case, remove the cladding and seal the cracks using the method described above. Do it, really" rel="lightbox" href="/images/stories/kvartira/7-sposobov-uteplit-okna-na-zimu_9.jpg"> , should be done in the warm season, because polyurethane foam and finishing construction mixtures do not work well in the cold.

You can make slopes yourself from inexpensive materials at hand, for example, from polystyrene foam, while saving on PVC slopes and the services of installation companies. To do this, you will need foam panels at least three centimeters thick, foam glue (for example, “ceresit”) and cement mortar.

This work, however, is not the easiest, fastest and cleanest. You should think twice about whether it would be better to invite a professional. But if you decide for yourself, then in brief the following awaits you:

The sides of the window opening and part of the adjacent wall should be opened to the base - brick or concrete. This is done in order to embed the insulation layer into the wall. A lot of surprises can await you here, in the form of boards walled up by builders, tow rolls and other “insulation materials”. The holes will be impressive. A fair chunk of the adjoining wall's plaster may even fall off, so be prepared for plastering work of an appropriate scale. To ensure reliable adhesion of the future slope to the base, you can secure the reinforcing network with dowels (plastic - so as not to conduct the cold).

Having mixed the cement mortar, we apply a layer of plaster to the window opening and to the wall, to the width of the future slope (about 20 cm) from the opening. You can add clay to the solution. This will give it additional viscosity, and it will be easier to plaster the vertical surface of the walls. We achieve a smooth surface and let the plaster dry well.

However, if you are confident in the reliability of the existing layer of plaster, then you can simply carefully scrape off the wallpaper, paint, or other decorative coating walls, prime and level the surface with a small layer of putty.

" rel="lightbox" href="/images/stories/kvartira/7-sposobov-uteplit-okna-na-zimu_10.jpg"> Next, apply glue to the foam panels with a notched trowel and press the panel to the surface, holding for 10-20 seconds until the glue “sets.” First, we glue the foam to the vertical part of the wall and slopes. The seams between the panels are carefully covered with the same glue. Similarly, we install the panels on the horizontal part of the slope in window opening.

As an alternative, you can use polyurethane foam. It fills the voids in the slopes well, holds tightly to the base, and the insulation itself can be reliably “glued” with it. It’s just that it’s a little expensive, and you need a lot of it (a large bottle for a double-leaf window may not be enough).

You can cover the foam with plasterboard or thin plastic panels, again placing them on glue.

I repeat, the surfaces are complex, there are many angles. Professionals use other insulation materials and install special cladding panels. But if you need to save money or want to do everything yourself, you can definitely try it.

7. Window insulation using Swedish technology

If installation modern window made of a PVC profile is beyond your means, or is not suitable for some other reason, you can insulate an ordinary wooden window using newfangled Swedish technology. This sonorous name was given to the technology of window insulation using a Euro-strip grooved seal, produced in Sweden, although analogues produced in other countries have already appeared on the market of Eastern Europe.

The technology requires the use of a rather specific tool, which not every home craftsman has, and experience in handling it is also required. So for this service it is better to turn to 7 ways to insulate windows for the winter: Photo 11" rel="lightbox" href="/images/stories/kvartira/7-sposobov-uteplit-okna-na-zimu_11.jpg"> specialists. But all the work is done quickly, so this method is quite suitable if winter “suddenly crept up unnoticed.”

To install the seal, the window sash must be removed. In the place where the sash adjoins the frame, a groove is made with a milling cutter, into which a tubular profile is placed with a special roller, which takes the shape of the groove. Additionally, the connection is sealed silicone sealant. If desired, insulation using a Swedish profile can also be done inside a double frame. The balcony door is insulated in the same way.

7 ways to insulate windows for the winter: Photo 12" rel="lightbox" href="/images/stories/kvartira/7-sposobov-uteplit-okna-na-zimu_12.jpg"> « Swedish technology» also includes adjustment of sashes, frames and balcony doors, however, this must be done in any case, regardless of the installation of Swedish seals.

The effectiveness of such insulation is little better than traditional sealing, but it allows you to freely open windows and vents during the winter for ventilation.

We looked at the most common methods of insulating windows that do not require major repairs. I hope our tips will help add a little warmth to your life.

With the advent of metal-plastic windows, there is a tendency for their widespread implementation. In many matters, they are indeed more practical than wooden ones. Many users cite their tightness and lack of need to care for them, like wooden ones. But after a certain period of time they need maintenance, so it is important to know how to insulate plastic windows. The article will discuss the reasons for the need for such maintenance, as well as ways to identify problem areas.

Causes of problems

Consumers who choose plastic windows are mistakenly confident that they will be able to remain airtight throughout their entire service life. At first, such windows really reduce heat loss and coolant bills. Much depends not only on the quality of plastic windows, but also on the method of their installation. If the latter was performed in violation elementary rules, then you may not see the differences with the old ones wooden windows. In addition to errors that were made during installation, the following factors can worsen the situation:

  • wear of insulation;
  • detachment of linings from the glass unit;
  • changing window geometry;
  • wear of shut-off valves;
  • wear of the PVC base;
  • improper installation of window sills;
  • violation of slope finishing technology.

Insulation in most cases is represented by rubber gaskets, which dry out and become unusable due to constant changes in temperature and humidity. The consequence of this is drafts and loss of tightness. Problem areas are also the places where the glass unit is pressed against the window frame. If the slats begin to lag behind, this will lead to condensation and the appearance of ice on the window. In production, the angles of the window frame and sashes are made ideal, but their geometry can be disrupted by physical influence. For example, the shrinkage of a building can change the angle, causing a sash to leak or a gap to appear near the wall.

Metal fittings, which are used in plastic windows to secure the sashes, fail over time. In this case, the window cannot be pressed with the proper force, which is why problems arise. Each material has its own service life, this also applies to PVC profile. It may also be the reason that the window has lost its seal. It can leak from under the windowsill. If during installation the window sill was replaced with a plastic one, then errors may have been made during installation, which left a gap through which cold air enters. Slopes require compliance with finishing technology so that they can fulfill their tasks. If they are not sealed enough, then problems are bound to arise.

Resolving issues related to the repair or maintenance of plastic windows can be entrusted to a company that specializes in this. Usually in the arsenal of craftsmen there are components that often fail and require replacement. The work will be completed quickly, but it is worth considering that you will have to pay a certain part of the budget for such a procedure. Therefore, it is easier to insulate plastic windows yourself.

Identifying causes

Before you begin to eliminate the problem that has arisen in plastic windows, you need to accurately determine its location. To do this, you need to carefully inspect the window frame for any defects. If you couldn’t identify them visually, then you can do this:

  • tactile;
  • using a lighter;
  • a sheet of paper.

If you wet your hand in warm water and bring it to the window, then you can immediately feel the place where the draft breaks through the gap. Sometimes this is not enough, then you can resort to using a lighter or match. It is enough to light a flame and hold it near the problem area of ​​the plastic window; if there really is a defect, then the flame will deviate to one side, everything will depend on the direction of the air flow. To identify loss of tightness due to insulation, a sheet of paper is used. You need to open the window, place a sheet of paper and close the window. If the sheet is easily pulled out, then we can safely talk about a leaky seal.

When to carry out work

It is not always convenient to maintain and insulate plastic windows in winter. That's why best time there will be a spring-autumn period. This is explained by the appropriate air temperature, which makes it possible to freely open and close windows without fear of catching a cold or increasing the consumption of gas or other media for heating. Insulation of plastic windows may require the use of building mixtures. Most of them are used only at above-zero temperatures, which is also the key to proper drying. Excessive humidity, which may be present in late autumn and winter period is also an obstacle to normal work. At optimal temperature It is easy to carry out not only internal but also external work.

External window insulation

Proper insulation of plastic windows involves external and interior work. The first include:

  • finishing of external slopes;
  • insulation of ebb tides.

Each type of work requires its own approach, so it is important to consider them separately.

External slopes

Most often, during the installation of windows, the external slopes are not finished, so they are the first point that should be taken care of when insulating a plastic window. Without this event, you can do whatever you want from within, but it will not have any effect. Insulating plastic windows on the street side makes it possible to move the dew point. This way, moisture condensation will not occur on the inside of the glass. This often leads to the appearance of mold, which not only spoils the appearance, but is also harmful to health. Another factor that requires finishing of slopes is polyurethane foam. If it is not protected from ultraviolet radiation and precipitation, it will begin to crumble, which will only intensify drafts.

To carry out the work you will need insulation, glue and tools. It is best to use extruded polystyrene foam as insulation for slopes. It has minimal thermal conductivity and is easy to install. This insulation also perfectly resists moisture and is not susceptible to rotting. To secure it to the wall you will need dowels in the shape of umbrellas, as well as special glue.

Note! If desired, use stone wool to insulate a slope, you need to take care of it high-quality waterproofing. If this is not done, then it will pick up moisture and lose its insulating properties, which will not solve the problem.

The first step is to clean it well window slopes from garbage. If there are influxes left on them from old plaster, then they should also be knocked down with a hammer or a hammer drill with a chisel. If there are cracks or other damage, they must be repaired using tile adhesive or a similar solution. After this, the surface is covered with a deeply penetrating acrylic primer. If the first layer is absorbed too quickly, then you can apply another one and wait until it dries completely. By using construction knife the insulation is cut to the required size. An adhesive base is applied to it and it is placed in place. At the same time, it should fit tightly to the window frame.

Using a hammer drill, several holes are drilled in the insulation and the wall. A small amount of foam is blown into them and plastic umbrellas are clogged, which will additionally press the insulation to the wall surface. All remaining gaps that may exist between the insulation and the plastic window are sealed with glue. The insulation is covered with a small layer of glue. After this, a reinforcing mesh is mounted on it, which increases the strength of the slopes. Using a spatula, the mesh is pressed against the insulation so that the glue spreads evenly onto its surface. After grouting and drying, you can begin finishing works. You can watch a video about insulating window slopes below.

Working with tides

Insulation of a plastic window ebb is not challenging task, so it’s easy to handle and doesn’t require a lot of money. It is important to carefully inspect the space and eliminate all the gaps that exist between the wall and the window. A metal strip is mounted on the low tide, which covers part of the opening and prevents it from getting wet. Under the bar you can place a small piece of insulation, which is firmly glued to the surface. All cracks are additionally filled with sealant.

Internal insulation of windows

The process of how to insulate windows with your own hands also includes interior decoration some nodes. These include:

  • internal slopes;
  • insulation;
  • windowsill.

Insulation will require special patience and care.

Internal slopes

The process of how to insulate the slopes of plastic windows from the inside is very similar to what was described above. Internal slopes require careful processing to achieve a pleasant appearance. It must match the chosen interior. The first step is to cut off the protruding foam, and also add it in those places where cracks have formed. The old finishing that was near the old windows is completely removed. The surface of the slopes is treated with a primer deep penetration and left until completely dry. The next step is to install drywall, plastic panels or putty and plaster.

Note! After finishing, the slopes can be painted using water-based paint or finish decorative plaster, which is better than using plastic panels.


The window sill is an integral part of the window. For plastic windows, PVC window sills are used, which can be of various sizes and designs. But we must unite them correct installation. First of all, you need to find out where the heat loss is going. The gap can be between the window and the window sill, as well as the window sill and the concrete part. In the first case, it is necessary to seal the gap with sealant. For white profile you can purchase white sealant, and for other colors transparent is perfect if the required color is not available.

If it blows from under the window sill, then certain mistakes were made during its installation. In cases where complete dismantling of the window sill is impossible, there is an option using foam and try to blow it out problem areas. After the procedure, it is advisable to place something heavy on the windowsill so that the foam does not deform it and lift it up. If you have the opportunity to remove the window sill, you can additionally foam the junction of the window and the wall. A small layer of insulation is also placed under the window sill.

Advice! Insulation can be done using a special film. The process of such insulation is shown in the video below.


In some cases, it may be necessary to replace the insulation on the window sash and frame. In plastic windows, replacing insulation is a simple matter. The use of adhesives is not required here. The rubber base is fixed in special grooves that are located on plastic profile. The old insulation is disposed of. To make it easier to insert the insulation into the grooves of the sash or frame, it can be slightly moistened with soapy water. It is worth remembering that it must be laid in one contour. To do this, it is important to measure everything correctly and make a small reserve. It is better to opt for black insulation, which is also made of PVC. Insulation materials painted in a different color have a less durable structure, which leads to their rapid wear. In some cases replacement is required sealing gum, which holds the glass unit. To do this, you need to remove the retaining strips and the glass unit itself. The junction points are cleaned of dust and other dirt, after which the insulation is installed and the glass unit is installed.

Advice! Before replacing the insulation on the window, you need to try to adjust it or switch it to winter mode. The illustration below shows how this can be done.


As you can see, plastic windows also require insulation. If, after calculating the cost of time, effort and money, it becomes obvious that you can earn money during self-insulation a large amount, then it is better to hire specialists who will do everything themselves. When working to insulate a window, you must be extremely careful and follow safety rules, especially if the window is not on the first floor.


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