Insulation of external walls with polystyrene foam. What is the best way to choose polystyrene foam for insulating the walls of a house from the outside: types of material for external work, its thickness Use of polystyrene foam for insulating walls

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According to environmentalists, up to 40% of heat and electricity generated in the northern hemisphere is spent on heating residential, industrial and other facilities. For this reason, high-quality insulation of buildings brings tangible benefits in terms of financial savings and living comfort. One of the most popular heat insulators is polystyrene foam (expanded polystyrene, EPS).

Which polystyrene foam is better for insulating the outside of a house? Let’s look at this question in detail.

In Europe, PPP has been widely used for more than half a century. During this time, no material was found that would surpass foam plastic in terms of environmental friendliness, efficiency and thermal insulation characteristics. Europeans use PPS everywhere: as insulation for buildings and utility lines, packaging material for food products and any other goods.

In Russia and the CIS countries there is a certain prejudice towards this material. It is based on information about the environmental friendliness and fire hazard of polystyrene foam. The veracity of this information can be verified using documents that contain the results of tests and examinations carried out in relation to the teaching staff.

The eco- and fire safety of this material is confirmed by many official researchers, including:

  • Research Institute named after Erisman (expert opinion No. 03/PM8);
  • State Institution “Republican Scientific and Practical Center of Hygiene” (Republic of Belarus);
  • SP 12-101-98 (SNiP for construction heating engineering);
  • Research Center fire safety VNIIPO Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation;
  • According to the BREEM environmental safety scale, PPP is classified as class A +.

The products of each foam manufacturer must undergo a certification stage. The presence of an appropriate conclusion confirms the suitability of this material for use in everyday life, construction and for other purposes.

Need to know: the most important information the percentage of harmful substances and their list are on the back of the hygiene certificate, which is rarely paid attention to.

After reviewing the documentation, we can conclude that the opinion about the dangers of polystyrene foam is greatly exaggerated and is based not on facts, but on myths and rumors. If there are any doubts about the rationality of using this material, it is worth considering that it will be located not inside, but outside the premises, since the technology of insulation of the facade, and not living rooms, is being considered. Therefore, PPS can be safely chosen as the main heat insulator for the external walls of a house.

Pros and cons of foam plastic

The name “foam plastic” is used in everyday life as an abbreviation for expanded polystyrene. This material is designated by the abbreviations PPP or ESP. The first name is in Russian, the second is in English.

In the information from manufacturers and sellers of this material there is not a word about its shortcomings. Only the advantages are listed. And this is understandable, since the goal of the manufacturer and distributor is to sell the product, but foam plastic has been known to the consumer for more than half a century, and during this period a lot of information has accumulated about practical application PPP. This information is not so widely known, but is extremely important for the right choice material for facade insulation. There are application features and limitations that you need to be aware of.

The list of advantages of polystyrene foam includes such characteristics as:

  • environmental friendliness;
  • high-quality sound insulation;
  • vapor permeability;
  • counteraction to the development of pathogenic microorganisms, due to which fungus and mold do not form in the EPS.

The fire safety of polystyrene foam is low, which is the main disadvantage of the material.

Styrofoam and rodents

The advantages of this heat insulator also include the statement that rodents ignore PPS and do not consume its granules as food. That's a moot point. You can find facts for and against.

The practice of using this material suggests that rodents do not eat PPS, but chew it with pleasure. Therefore, the only rational solution is to close the heat insulator as well as possible, that is, to block rodents’ access to it. This is a smart choice for a practical owner.

Foam and ultraviolet

Manufacturers of polystyrene foam do not provide information that it is extremely unstable to ultraviolet radiation, direct contact is especially harmful sun rays. The consumer is not informed that this type of radiation negatively affects the chemical stability of EPS and it begins to “age” intensively.

The fact is that polystyrene foam has a polymer structure, therefore, like any other polymer, it will gradually decompose. Ultraviolet light significantly accelerates this process.

But this disadvantage of expanded polystyrene can be considered relative, since it excludes negative impact UV is not difficult: it is enough not to expose PPS to direct exposure to the sun. That is, when installing the thermal insulation layer of the facade, the foam must be covered with finishing material as quickly as possible.

About the soundproofing ability of PPS

Claims by PPP distributors that this material is a high-quality sound insulator are questionable. Owners frame houses Those who have chosen polystyrene foam as insulation claim that it has extremely low noise absorption.

If you think about it, this fact is quite understandable: more than 90% of PPS consists of air, which is an excellent heat accumulator and an equally excellent conductor of sound. Therefore, you should not hope that polystyrene foam will help reduce the degree of sound permeability of the walls of the house.

About the vapor permeability of foam

The low vapor permeability of expanded polystyrene in practice means that in the path of steam movement from inside the house to the outside, there will be an obstacle in the form of EPS sheets. The temperature outside is often lower than indoors. Therefore, the steam will inevitably condense, as a result of which drops of water will form at the junction of the insulation with the elements of the wall structure. This increases the risk of adjacent materials getting wet.

There is only one way out: correct calculation of the dew point and the required thickness of the insulation, moving the dew point beyond its limits. A reasonable solution is to install a ventilated façade.

It should also be taken into account that the vapor transmission capacity of any heat insulator cannot be considered in isolation from the details of a specific design. It is necessary to take into account what the walls are made of, whether hydro- and vapor barrier is installed, how high the foundation is and other nuances.

Classes and grades of foam plastic

Foam classes

There are only two classes of foam: pressed and non-pressed. From the names it is clear that these materials different way production. The first is made using pressing equipment, the second - by sintering at high temperatures. But this production line also uses pressing equipment. However, the classification is what it is.

Which class the foam belongs to can be determined visually. Pressless is a complex of fairly firmly glued round and round granules. oval shape. The structure of this material is porous, the strength depends on the density.

Pressed sheet has the appearance of a fairly smooth sheet, the density of which varies and depends on the brand of the product. This material has excellent technical and performance characteristics.

Polystyrene foam produced using the non-press method is designated by the abbreviation PSB. Press - PS. The product name may also contain other letters, each of which indicates a feature of this product.

  • A – the canvas has the correct geometric shape parallelepiped and smooth edge;
  • B – the edge of the product has an L-shaped cut;
  • P – cutting of the blades is done with a hot string;
  • F - façade or made using special forms;
  • C – self-extinguishing;
  • N – the product is suitable for external use.

The numbers in the name of the PPP indicate its density.

Brands of pressless foam


The most inexpensive product with a high degree of fragility. Used as a thermal insulation and packaging material, it crumbles easily and has low hygroscopicity. Traditionally used for insulation of balconies and loggias, country houses, containers and utility units.


This brand of foam plastic is often supplemented with the letter “F”, so the material is recommended for insulating facades. Due to its higher density than PSB-15, it is used for the manufacture of landscape and interior decorative elements.


A universal material with a wide range of applications. Used for insulation engineering communications, heat and gas mains, production equipment, thermal insulation of roofs and attics. Involved in the production of multilayer panels (including reinforced concrete) as a thermal insulation gasket.


This material has the highest density among non-press foams. Demanded as a heat and sound insulator for objects of any purpose. It is able to provide high-quality protection from the cold, therefore it is used in the construction of underground communications, garages and parking lots, and in road construction.

Characteristics of brands of pressless foam.

Compressive strength at 10% strain (MPa)0,04 0,08 0,14 0,18
Density (kg/m3)15,0 15,1-25,0 25,1-35,0 35,1-50,0
Thermal conductivity (W/mK)0,1 0,43 0,38 0,38
Water absorption during the day in% of the total volume4 3 2 2

Pressed foam brands

Durable and rigid press (tile) foam is a closed-cell plastic. It is a radiotransparent material. It has found wide application in all sectors of industry and agriculture. PVC foams, which contain polyvinyl chloride resin, are produced using the pressing method.

Brands PS-1, PS-2, PS-3, PS-4.

They have a closed-porous structure, the degree of hygroscopicity is close to 0. They are extremely resistant to atmospheric influences. Self-extinguishing, petrol and oil resistant.

They are used in radio electronics as a material that is unstable to electrical breakdown, as well as for the manufacture of containers and floats for aggressive liquids.

For insulation of building facades, pressless foam plastics of different densities are in demand. To buy for real quality material, you need to know how you can independently check the information of the manufacturer and seller.

Among the largest Russian producers of foam plastic are the following companies:

  • "Styroplast" (Chekhov);
  • "Omegaplast" (Moscow);
  • "Gamma Center" (Kolomna);
  • "Kavminprom" (Mineralnye Vody);
  • "Stavpolyester" (Stavropol);
  • "Rosplast" (Moscow).

Prices for various brands of polystyrene foam

Rules for choosing polystyrene foam for facade insulation

For facade insulation the best way PSB-S-25 foam is suitable. There are several reasons for this:

  • this material has sufficient density and strength for installation on any supporting base;
  • has a degree of thermal conductivity low enough to prevent heat loss from the interior;
  • is light in weight;
  • easy to transport;
  • is characterized by low cost;
  • self-extinguishing;
  • durable.

The most important indicator of the quality of PPP is density. It depends on the production method and the characteristics of the foam granules. During sintering, polystyrene foam granules swell; when pressed, they stick together. The stronger the pressing, the tighter the granules adhere to each other. The degree of thermal conductivity and vapor permeability of the product at the outlet directly depends on this.

What's bad about low-density foam?

With a low density of EPS, its structure is relatively loose, since the distance between the granules is significant. These gaps are the reason for the good vapor permeability of the material. But the polystyrene foam granules themselves, due to their higher density than the air between them, allow steam to pass through much worse.

This leads to the accumulation of moisture inside the insulation, which is removed more slowly than required. As a result, the plaster applied to the foam will attract moisture and gradually deteriorate. The same can be said about other materials adjacent to the insulation, or located next to it. Therefore, it is so important to make sure that the foam purchased in the store is of sufficiently high density.

What is sold under the brand name PSB-25

High demand for foam plastic led to the appearance on the market large quantity large and small producers and distributors of PPP. They all understand that this material is chosen as insulation primarily due to its low price. This fact, coupled with high competition, forces manufacturers to win back their market segment by reducing prices, which cannot but affect the quality of their products.

For this reason, the situation on the market is such that under the PSB-25 brand they sell products whose quality does not stand up to criticism. This also applies to foam plastics of other popular brands.

Video - Polystyrene foam PSB-S 25 TU and foam plastic PSB-S 35 TU

It is important to know: for many years, the production of polystyrene foam has not been standardized by GOST to the extent necessary. Each enterprise that manufactures PPP develops its own technical specifications (TS) regulating the technological process. This gives the owner of the enterprise freedom of action, and he has every right not to comply with previously adopted standards.

The need to reduce the price of the finished product forces the manufacturer to reduce the cost of the material. GOST according to PSB-25 allows the production of a product with a density from 15 to 25 kg/m 3 under this brand.

This has led to stores building materials under the PSB-25 brand they offer foam plastic, the density of which is significantly lower than 25 kg/m 3. But, as mentioned above, this is not consumer deception. This is permitted by the standards body.

How to find out the density of foam plastic

The density of PPS is calculated as follows: 1 m 3 of this material is weighed. The resulting value is an indicator of density. That is, 1 m 3 of PSB-25 should weigh 25 kg. In practice this is extremely rare.

The most common situation is that foam plastic with a density of 16.1-16.5 kg/m 3 is sold under this brand. You can check the density of the sample directly at the retail outlet where it is purchased.

As a rule, all building materials stores or market pavilions are equipped with equipment for weighing goods. It is necessary to take a sheet of foam plastic of the required thickness and calculate its volume. To do this, multiply the length of the canvas by its width and height (thickness). Then you need to find out the weight of this sheet and divide the resulting value by the volume indicator.

Example calculation for a sheet 2 m long, 1 m wide, 2.5 cm thick:

  • calculate the volume of the sheet: 2 m x 1 m x 0.025 m = 0.05 m 3 ;
  • weigh the sheet;
  • divide the weight by the volume.

Calculations can be done using a calculator, which is available on any mobile phone. This approach will help you buy the insulation that will serve flawlessly for many years.

Video - How to determine the density of foam plastic

Extruded polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam (EPS, XPS) is another material that is ideal for facade insulation. EPPS is a type of foam plastic with a significantly higher density than PSB-50. Consequently, the strength and performance characteristics of this material are also excellent.

Currently on Russian market EPS sales are dominated by three leading brands:

All these manufacturers offer products whose quality is almost the same. But there are nuances. For example, Technoplex uses graphite as an improving additive. Therefore, the EPS boards from this manufacturer are distinguished by their pale gray color.

Extruded polystyrene foam "Penoplex" is notable for its bright carrot shade. Ursa's products have a beige tint.

All XPS manufacturers work within the same quality standard, but the dimensions of the sheets are different. The table will help you verify this.

Extruded polystyrene foam - in every way the best choice for façade insulation. But this material has much more high price than polystyrene foam. Therefore, it is not so in demand by private developers. EPS is mainly used construction companies, constructing residential buildings and industrial facilities.

URSA XPS is the optimal construction solution for a wide range of applications.

Prices for extruded polystyrene foam

Extruded polystyrene foam

Technology of facade insulation with foam plastic

Polystyrene foam can be fixed to the wall of a house in two ways: glued and glueless. The use of the first installation option is justified if the load-bearing surface is smooth and does not have significant flaws. This situation often occurs in new buildings. Therefore, if possible, use the PPS gluing technology. It is much simpler and more convenient than the glueless installation method.

Stages of façade insulation with polystyrene foam using the adhesive method

Step 1. Dust removal and strengthening of the base.

Performed by applying a primer deep penetration using a brush or roller.

Step 2. Marking and fastening of the base profile.

The base profile is attached to the bottom of the walls along the entire perimeter of the building. It will act as a support for the foam boards.

Step 3. Preparation of adhesive composition.

Use dry adhesive mixtures. Experts recommend simultaneously purchasing reinforcing compounds from the same manufacturer. They (compositions) are applied to a mesh reinforced over PPS, which is necessary if plastering of the facade or other type of finishing is planned, the installation of which requires a cement-sand mortar.

The following adhesive mixtures can be used: Cerisit CT83, Kreisel 210, Master Termol, SOUDATHERM, Bitumast.

Foam adhesive for expanded polystyrene and polystyrene foam “Soudal” Soudatherm

Step 4. Applying the solution to PPS slabs.

The solution is applied in two ways: along the perimeter of the canvas and in its middle, at 5 points (in the corners and in the middle). The thickness of the layer depends on the type of glue. On average, it is 0.5-1 cm.

Step 5

The PPS sheet is installed on the base profile and pressed against the wall. Hold in this position for several seconds (refer to the manufacturer's instructions glue mixture). Excess glue is removed with a spatula.

The sheets are fixed with dowel mushrooms.

Step 6. Applying the adhesive composition and gluing the reinforcing mesh.

Plastered surface

Step 8 Applying finishing primer.

Glue-free technology for facade insulation with foam plastic provides for fastening PPS slabs to dowel-nails with a wide head (umbrella).

The work technique is as follows:

  • Holes are drilled in the wall through the slab laid on the base profile. Fasteners are made at 5 points: in the middle and corners of the sheet;
  • drive in dowel nails.

Otherwise, all stages of the foam installation work are similar. If a ventilated facade is being installed, reinforcement of the slabs is not required. In this case, a frame of wooden bars or a metal profile is built on top of the insulation.

Prices for Ceresit glue

Ceresit glue

Video - Fire safety of polystyrene foam

Video - Insulating the facade with polystyrene foam boards, video instructions for installing Ceresit boards

But using polystyrene foam as base insulation is quite possible. In this case, the PPS is covered on top with a layer of plaster, which is applied to a mesh base. The foam is attached to the base using plastic fastenings"fungi" to which it is then attached metal grid with a fine cell from 0.6 to 0.8 cm.

Then plaster is applied over the mesh and mounted on it. decorative layerwild stone, clinker bricks, facade tiles.

The foam is attached to the base and then plastered.

You can also use a metal profile for plaster to attach the foam to the base. But it is better to refuse to use the wooden block system. As practice shows, wooden blocks on the concrete base of the plinth begin to rot from below, and moisture also gains access to the foam insulation. And rodents are beginning to show increased interest in such a base.

Structure and scope of application

Foam plastic acquires its characteristics due to its special structure. This is a granular material based on polystyrene. It contains up to 98% air, while the volume of the dense structure does not exceed 2%. The use of dry steam to process granules provides the main properties: low foam density and low weight.

The sheets are formed after thoroughly drying the base material. This production technology gives other qualities to foam plastic: low thermal conductivity, which makes it a popular insulation material; low degree of sheet strength. The last factor can affect the service life of the product. This type of insulation is used in different areas: construction industry; food industry (packaging), radio electronics, shipbuilding.


  • Foam plastics have high heat-insulating properties, provided that the operating temperature (of a specific type of foam plastic) does not exceed the temperature of its destruction (destruction, loss of structure);
  • Foams approved for use in construction and packaging are not toxic materials; some types (for example, polystyrene foam) are acceptable for contact with food, which allows them to be widely used as food packaging and for disposable tableware (however, the consumer should be informed about the danger of heating it);
  • Foam plastics are extremely lightweight materials, making them quite easy to install, lay and fasten, but handling can become difficult in gusts of wind and during transportation.

However, at the same time:

  • Expanded polystyrene is easily destroyed under the influence of many technical liquids (benzene, dichloroethane, acetone) and their vapors, which should be taken into account when choosing paint and varnish materials in construction and finishing. Expanded polystyrene is insoluble in lower alcohols, low molecular weight aliphatic hydrocarbons, ethers, phenols and water.
  • The fact that expanded polystyrene is used in the construction of a particular building does not mean that anyone has taken all necessary and sufficient measures in advance to prevent anyone from ever using any materials (paints, varnishes, etc.) containing, for example, ketones (see “”), respectively leading to damage (destruction) of polystyrene foam. Accordingly, the theoretical applicability of expanded polystyrene in construction is greatly limited by the actual conditions of its use.
  • In the supply market for building materials, there are foam plastics that, under specific actual operating conditions, are capable (during the period of use) of directly or indirectly causing harm to both the consumer properties of the building (deterioration of thermal insulation) and the health of living organisms in it (including people).
  • Foam plastic is not exposed to microorganisms, does not create a favorable environment for the development of algae and fungi, however, due to the uneven (rough) surface, it creates conditions for colonies of microorganisms (algae) to attach to the surface of the foam product;
  • The ease of processing using any auxiliary tools, including a saw, knife, etc., should not be dangerously misleading. Foam plastic is easily cut with hot wire, but this requires compliance with safety rules (work must be performed outdoors or in ventilated areas).
  • Most types of foam plastics emit extremely toxic substances when burned, which limits their use in finishing residential premises and building facades.
  • Rodents (rats, mice) very often live in polystyrene foam, and in a very short time they chew it out from the inside, forming entire colonies. In this regard, the use of foam plastic (expanded polystyrene) in Food Industry unacceptable.

Is it worth insulating from the inside?

The question of insulating a house or other building with foam plastic from the inside raises a lot of controversy, since it is difficult to answer this question unambiguously. It is worth saying that this method of foam insulation exists, but it also has opponents. The main argument is that heat-intensive materials should be placed indoors, since they absorb ambient temperature, and thermal insulation materials should be left outside so that they prevent the penetration of cold into building materials. Insulation from the inside with foam plastic is possible if you provide high-quality ventilation of the room, which will promptly remove moisture, which will prevent the formation of mold

It is also important to calculate everything correctly so that the dew point does not shift towards the living space. In this case, due to the difference in air temperatures inside and outside, condensation will occur between the insulation and the wall, which will lead to the destruction of the blocks

Process video internal insulation Styrofoam is below.

Disadvantages of polystyrene foam

1. Lights up at relatively low temperatures(already at 80 degrees!). Therefore, it would be better for him to be between non-combustible materials, for example, between brick walls.

2. Poor strength. Yes, the strength varies: 50...160 kPa. There is even 400 kPa, but - the price! So polystyrene foam is not used as an independent structural material (well, except for the manufacture of those same ice cream boxes :)). Therefore, in construction, hollow blocks are made from foam plastic, into which concrete is poured:

Then the load-bearing function is performed by concrete.

The second way to use polystyrene foam is to attach it to walls:

The third method is in the form of crumbs for dry filling into various voids in structures.

3. Everyone who is not too lazy loves to live in polystyrene foam. Perhaps this will help lovers of hamsters, etc., but this is not for me.


  • lightweight filler for compartments that ensure unsinkability of ships (usually small ones)
  • material for making floats, life jackets and bibs
  • material for the manufacture of medical containers, including for the transportation of donor organs
  • heat insulator and sound insulator in construction.
  • structural building and finishing material (shape-forming and decorative elements).
  • heat insulator in household appliances(for example, in refrigerators)
  • packaging for various goods (especially fragile ones), including food
  • material of models used in lost wax casting (of metals).

Advantages of foam insulation

  • The material does not react to moisture, practically not absorbing it.
  • Has good thermal insulation properties.
  • Resistant to fungal infections and mold.
  • Shows stable inertness to most basic building materials, including concrete, clay, cement, lime, sand, etc.
  • Easy to cut with a simple knife and is mounted.
  • Has low weight.
  • Available to the masses due to its low price.
  • It has a long service life.
  • Shows resistance to temperature “poles” in the form severe frosts and extreme heat, does not respond to daily temperature changes.
  • Has good soundproofing qualities.
  • During installation it does not require additional waterproofing efforts.
  • It is environmentally friendly in itself; in a neutral state it does not emit harmful substances into the environment.

Polystyrene foam

There is pressed and non-pressed foam; it is not too difficult to distinguish them, even if you are not a professional. If you have ever looked at the structure of a material, you have most likely noticed that it consists of small balls that are interconnected, like a honeycomb in a beehive.

Pressless foam can be seen in boxes with household appliances, since it is actively used for packaging.

According to thermal insulation properties and appearance the pressed one is practically no different from the second one, its granules adhere to each other somewhat more firmly, due to which it does not crumble. At the same time, pressed foam is more difficult to produce, which means it is more expensive, which is why it is less widespread.


Based on the characteristics and experience of using polystyrene foam, it is quite easy to highlight its strengths and weaknesses. The advantages of such an insulator include:

  • minimum weight;
  • environmental cleanliness;
  • low cost;
  • possibility of self-installation;
  • the possibility of insulating various surfaces;
  • ease of processing and adjustment;
  • resistance to biological processes;
  • soundproofing properties.

The solids in polystyrene foam make up only a few percent of the total volume of gas that is contained in the material. This determines its light weight. Thanks to this, the insulation is perfect for use with frame buildings, since it does not exert significant pressure on the foundation and walls. This feature also simplifies the process of lifting material to a height and self-installation. Polystyrene is a polymer, which in its structure and composition does not pose any harm to human health and the environment if it is not consumed as food, so you can insulate a building with polystyrene foam without fear that harmful substances will begin to be released from heating over time. The comparative cost of such material is low, so it is suitable for low-budget insulation of temporary buildings.

Installation of the material does not cause any particular difficulties, so it can be carried out without outside help. Due to its versatility, insulation can be applied to any accessible surface. At the same time, polystyrene foam does not react with most building materials, unless you take into account organic solvents. Therefore, when laying polystyrene foam on wooden, brick or concrete surfaces, there are no problems. The insulation can be processed with a regular knife or hacksaw, which simplifies the process of adjusting it to fit various shapes. Material of small thickness can take curved shapes, so insulation of semicircular bay windows is available. Polystyrene foam is an excellent insulation material for basements and foundations. This is due to the fact that it can be located in the ground long years without changing properties, because it is not subject to rotting processes and mold and mildew do not develop on the surface of the foam. A wall insulated with foam plastic acquires additional soundproofing properties, which is also a positive effect.

It is important to know about the disadvantages, which, however, are offset by the existing advantages:

  • instability to organic solvents;
  • low mechanical strength;
  • fire hazard;
  • lack of vapor permeability.

It is not recommended to use insulation during painting work. Certain species paints that are diluted with solvents can damage the material, decomposing it. A surface insulated with foam plastic requires additional reinforcement by installing a fiberglass mesh to increase its strength, since even a slight mechanical impact can leave a dent in the material. Although fire retardants are added to the insulation during production, this does not make it absolutely fireproof. When exposed to high temperatures, the material melts, releasing carbon dioxide, but is capable of self-extinguishing. Due to the density of the material, air does not pass through it, which provides insulation from moisture, but creates a barrier to its outflow, which can result in the formation of mold under the insulation.

Note! Rodents can live inside the insulation boards. Mice and rats do not eat it, but simply make passages inside, creating a home

Poultry also like to peck at the foam, damaging its integrity.

Pros of polystyrene foam

Polystyrene foam has the following advantages:

  • light weight;
  • does not rot;
  • not afraid of acids and alkalis;
  • working with him is not only easy, but also simple. Foam plastic is processed (cut) with a very simple device made from stretched nichrome wire, through which it is passed electricity. However, if you really don’t want to tinker with different wires and, especially, under current, you can get by with a simple sharp knife with a thin blade (the author of this article does just that);
  • not afraid of moisture (not always, but more on this below);
  • accessible, because it is sold in almost any construction supply store;
  • and the price is also affordable.

Properties of foam plastic

Summary table of foam properties

First, let's study the properties of polystyrene foam as insulation. Today, foam insulation is used incredibly widely in the construction industry, in various buildings, communications. Not surprising, since polystyrene foam or expanded polystyrene has excellent characteristics, and its price can range from 30-50 rubles per square meter.

As an insulation material, modern polystyrene foam boasts the following properties:

  • The porous structure ensures low thermal conductivity. The technology of insulating roofs and walls from the inside or outside allows you to create a surface through which minimal heat will escape;
  • Foam plastic perfectly retains its shape throughout its entire service life. It has no competitors in this price category;
  • The production technology of expanded polystyrene is such that the material is 90% air. Therefore, it is not subject to combustion and does not contribute to the spread of flame;
  • The number of components containing styrene added during the production of insulation is kept to a minimum. This manufacturing technology allows you to insulate roofs, loggias, and houses from the inside without worrying about environmental safety issues. Hence the common foam insulation;
  • By insulating the structure with foam plastic, as required by technology, you will receive a thermal insulation layer whose service life is about 50 years.

It is important to take into account the fact that insulation with foam plastic from the outside and inside should be provided that it is protected from the environment. This is explained by the good moisture absorption of foam, due to which the foam insulation loses its properties

Dew point

Photo of the process of insulating a house with foam plastic

The dew point is the temperature level at which condensation forms. The moisture in the air is converted into water and settles on surfaces. This point can be located outside or indoors.

If the dew point was not taken into account when insulating from the inside or outside, the walls can become instantly wet as soon as the temperature drops outside.

Let's look at how the dew point behaves when insulating with foam plastic from the outside or from the inside.

  1. Dew point on an uninsulated surface. In this situation, the dew point may be inside the wall closer to the street. Whenever the outside temperature drops, the wall remains dry. But sometimes the dew point is closer to the inner surface of the wall. In this case, the walls remain dry most of the time, but with sudden drops in temperature they become wet. When the dew point is on the inside surface of the wall, it remains wet all winter.
  2. Dew point when insulating with foam plastic from the outside. Several situations are possible here. If you choose the right foam thickness, the dew point will be in the insulation, which will ensure dryness throughout the year. If the insulation is thinner than necessary, the dew point can lead to three scenarios:
  • The dew point is in the middle - the wall will almost always be dry;
  • The dew point is closer to the internal surfaces - during cold weather, condensation will form, the walls will become damp;
  • Dew point on internal surfaces - the walls will remain wet all winter.

When is it possible to insulate from the inside?

Photo of the process of foam insulation inside the house

When planning your own insulation work, you should think about how to carry out thermal insulation - from the inside or outside.

Polystyrene foam is a rather capricious material. With its help, you can insulate walls from the inside with your own hands only under the following circumstances:

  • Someone constantly lives inside the house throughout the year;
  • The premises are equipped with a ventilation system according to the requirements. Special attention bathrooms and kitchens;
  • The heating system is functioning properly;
  • All walls that require thermal insulation are protected by a layer of expanded polystyrene;
  • The wall is dry, has sufficient thickness, and rarely gets wet. The insulation technology provides that the thickness of the thermal insulation layer of polystyrene foam from the inside should not exceed 50 millimeters;
  • In all other situations, it is impossible to insulate from the inside with polystyrene foam.

Areas of use of polystyrene foam or how to insulate with polystyrene foam

As noted above, polystyrene foam as insulation is quite popular and widespread. With its help, walls are insulated everywhere, both from the inside and the outside. In addition to walls, ceilings, floors and foundations are insulated with foam plastic. Premises such as attics and basements are not excluded.

But please note that experts do not recommend using of this product insulation of walls that have access to the street from the inside. This is due to the fact that the wall that has contact with the street must be heated as a result of the existing heating. So, if you use foam plastic for its internal insulation, then in addition to thermal insulation of the wall, you will receive its insulation from heating from the inside

During such actions, the so-called “dew point” can move into the space between the wall itself and the insulating foam layer.

As a result of such changes, the effect of moisture on the wall will increase, and the thermal insulation of the wall will undergo a number of negative consequences. Such changes will not lead to anything good; the only result of this may be the rapid destruction of the structure. That is why professionals advise insulating walls using polystyrene foam only from the outside.

But as mentioned above, any foam plastic, even the densest, does not have sufficient strength necessary for high-quality external insulation. Keep in mind that when performing thermal insulation of the foundation, you must remember to additionally protect the slabs from the load coming from the soil, especially when it swells in frosty weather. season. Please note that if when performing thermal insulation of walls, to reliably strengthen the insulation, it is enough to attach a reinforcing mesh and subsequent plastering work, then in the case of thermal insulation of the basement, a much more serious approach will be required. It would be advisable to use brickwork or wood formwork.

Areas of application

In what situations is it permissible to insulate with polystyrene foam? Let's consider the main situations.

  1. It is allowed to use polystyrene foam from the inside when insulating metal-plastic windows or doors. All other situations are recommended to be solved using other insulation materials.
  2. Walls that touch the street. It is recommended to carry out such insulation with foam plastic from the outside. If this is not done, condensation will form between the wall and the polystyrene foam, and fungus and mold will begin to develop.
  3. Plasterboard partitions. A great place where you can lay polystyrene foam with your own hands and demonstrate all the positive qualities of this material.
  4. Loggias, balconies. Loggias are completely safe to use polystyrene foam. The best option by price, quality, characteristics.
  5. Roofs. Unlike a loggia, roofs can be insulated with certain conditions. It is not recommended to insulate metal roofs with a layer. Due to excessive heating of the roof, polystyrene may be damaged. But this can be avoided. All types of roofing can be insulated with foam plastic from the outside if there is a waterproofing layer between the roofing layer and the foam plastic, and a vapor barrier layer between the living space and the insulation. Then the roof will be reliably insulated and protected.

Is vapor barrier necessary?

Do you need a vapor barrier if you are going to do thermal insulation work yourself? polystyrene foam boards? It all depends on the specific situation.

  • From inside the walls. If it is not possible to insulate with foam plastic from the outside, for internal work need high-quality vapor barrier. Additionally, the vapor barrier can interact more effectively with the insulation if ventilation of the room is provided;
  • Outside the walls. External walls and loggias on the street side are often insulated. But is vapor barrier necessary here? It all depends on the material of construction. If it is concrete, a vapor barrier is needed. Moreover, the slabs can be glued directly onto the plastered wall. If these are other materials to create breathable walls, a vapor barrier is needed, but it is done using ventilation gap technology;
  • Roofs. If you are insulating the roof, you will need a vapor barrier and waterproofing. The insulation material itself is laid between them;
  • Floor. The floor inside the house, loggia is laid as follows - first there is a vapor barrier, followed by a layer of waterproofing, and then polystyrene foam, plywood and floor decorative material on top of it. Or a vapor barrier is laid on wooden joists, and polystyrene foam is placed on top of it.

The issue of foam insulation worries many people. This work can be done with your own hands, relying on video instructions and manuals. By following the sequence of operations, taking into account the parameters of the material and the room where the work is carried out, you will be able to achieve excellent result using fairly inexpensive insulation.

A more modern technology is insulation with liquid foam or penoizol. Insulating pipes, insulating a basement, attic or ordinary living spaces is a matter of increased responsibility. When insulating a loggia with polystyrene foam or insulating it with foam plastic from the inside, strictly follow the technology. Otherwise, improper do-it-yourself foam insulation will have its own negative consequences.

General characteristics of polystyrene foam

Foam plastic belongs to the category of materials whose structure is foamed. Most of the volume of this insulation is occupied, oddly enough, by air. That is why its density is much lower than the density of the original raw material.

Due to this property, the weight of foam panels is very small, which is considered an advantage of this building material. Also, thanks to this quality, foam plastic has high characteristics regarding thermal insulation and sound insulation.

Depending on the quality of raw materials used for production, a material is produced that has different parameters characterizing its strength. With increasing density, the volume of air decreases, therefore, the indicators responsible for thermal insulation decrease.

It is due to this change that the strength of a given component increases. Focusing on the density of the product and, accordingly, its strength, the area of ​​its application is chosen. If the maximum level of protection against possible mechanical damage when creating a thermal insulation layer is required, then in this case the choice falls on more durable material, the density of which is quite high. But in a situation where insulation is carried out by creating frame structure, you can use less dense foam, since most of the load in this case will fall on the frame. Simply put, foam plastic as wall insulation, depending on the circumstances, requires additional protection.


The production of polystyrene foam began more than eighty years ago. The first block was released in Germany, after which it began to be used everywhere in various territories. The basis for the insulation boards are polystyrene beads. Initially, they are elements with a dense structure that do not even remotely resemble foam plastic. At the first stage of production, they are foamed. Next, the base is dried and cured, which is subsequently immersed in a special chamber, where it is sintered with steam at a certain pressure. At the pre-sale stage, the foam comes in large blocks that are cut to specification.

Size standard sheet, which is used for insulation, has a length and width of one meter; there are also options for a foam sheet with half the width. The most popular sheet size is 120 by 60 cm. The difference between types lies not only in size, but also in the density of the material. The normal density for facade insulation is 25 kg per cubic meter. Slabs with a density of 15 and 40 kilograms are also produced. This indicator directly affects thermal conductivity. The higher the number, the lower the thermal conductivity and the higher the price for the foam. Denser insulation can withstand greater loads, so it is often used for floor insulation.

Due to the fact that the balls undergo preliminary foaming, this saturates them with gas, which causes the low thermal conductivity of the foam. Its indicator is within 0.038 W/(m×K). Typically, polystyrene foam comes in white color, but during the manufacturing process of polystyrene beads, the manufacturer can add any desired pigment to distinguish their product from other options. In some cases, foam plastic can also be called extruded polystyrene foam and polyethylene foam. These materials differ from polystyrene foam in the production method, as well as in the underlying material.

What is the material made from?

Polystyrene foam is a type of material that has a foamed mass in its basic structure. Therefore, the volume of its structure is mainly air. Because of this, the density of materials such as foam plastics is several times lower than even the density of the raw materials from which the foam itself is produced. This defines such important parameter, such as the low weight of products, be they sheets or slabs of foam. Large volume of air (gas)? characteristic of the structure of foam plastic, and gives it unusually high levels of thermal insulation and sound insulation qualities.

Gluing foam boards is quite easy, you don’t need to call a professional, you can handle this task yourself

Raw materials in production can be different, and accordingly, foam plastic is made with different characteristics - different brands have different densities, mechanical strength, and other characteristics. The higher the density of the material, the less air volume inside the structure itself, as a result of which the thermal insulation properties of the material are reduced. But at the same time, resistance to mechanical load increases.

Features of application

For a number of serious reasons, it is advisable to use polystyrene foam as an insulating material only outside, but not inside the room. And if the material is not resistant to mechanical damage, and this is typical even for grades with high density, then the need for additional external strengthening of the surface of the slabs is urgent.

Foam is often used to insulate the floor, placing slabs under the main covering

When insulating foundations with foam plastic slabs, there is a need to protect them not only from the pressure of the soil itself, but also from the loads that appear during moments of frost heaving of the soil. And if, when strengthening foam plastic slabs on the walls, they make do with reinforcing mesh and applying plaster, then when insulating the basement, you will have to take care of more thorough protection. It could be brickwork or wooden formwork.

Why is it necessary to insulate with polystyrene foam not inside, but outside?

The reason is simple and is explained as follows. Walls facing outside must be heated by internal heating. By laying polystyrene foam on the internal surfaces, we will not only insulate the walls, but also insulate the wall on the room side from heating. "Dew point" in in this case moves inside the wall or into the space between the wall and the foam layer.

The wall is saturated with moisture. Its thermal insulation properties change. Moisture condensing inside the wall can freeze at low temperatures. These processes lead to disruption of the overall heat exchange, and also lead inexorably to the gradual destruction of the wall.

Foam boards are best used for insulating walls outside

Features of choosing foam

Nowadays everything that is possible is insulated with polystyrene foam (it would be more correct to say: I want to). Even entire houses are built from a hybrid of OSB and polystyrene foam. As you might guess, I’m talking about houses made from SIP panels. But here lies one trap that no seller of such houses will tell any buyer: the quality of the foam is often very low. This is because polystyrene foam production is cheap and accessible. Manufacturers produce materials (this applies not just to foam plastic, but to any product in general) not according to GOST (state standard), but according to TU (technical conditions developed by the manufacturer himself, and what he writes into these conditions is what he will release).

Let's compare two photos of foam plastic:

In the first photo, the polystyrene foam has granules in the shape of polygons. Due to this, they fit tightly to each other. And in the second photo the granules are in the form of balls, which is why they cannot fit tightly to each other; there are pores between the granules. This foam is vapor permeable! But it is not blown by the wind. That is, steam penetrates into the foam, but is not drawn out by any drafts, and water accumulates in it. The frost hit - the water froze, the frost released - the water melted; over the winter there will be many such cycles, and in a few years even more. As a result, after 5...10 years, a wall made of such foam crumbles into individual balls. And in dampness, toxins and fungi develop and go indoors. In general, such foams require waterproofing.


This building material is widely used due to the following qualities:

  • the ease of processing of building materials allows you to create structures of any geometry, even the most complex;
  • low strength and high density when compressed;
  • it maintains structure stability in a wide temperature range: from -170 to +80 degrees;
  • high resistance to many chemicals and biological factors;
  • high thermal insulation allows us to consider polystyrene foam insulation an excellent building material, for example, for construction;
  • environmentally friendly building material, since it does not contain substances that are toxic or harmful to human health;
  • easy to process and install, including using conventional construction adhesives.
  • the price of non-extruded foam is lower than that of EPS.

What to choose for a balcony: polystyrene foam or other materials

  1. Styrofoam. The most popular material for insulating loggias and balconies. It differs from others in its availability, good technical characteristics and low cost. Also, it is easy to install.
  2. Penofol. It is often used as a vapor and waterproofing material and a base for thermal insulation. It is a layer of foamed polyethylene, which is covered with foil on one or both sides. It is lightweight and thin, and is available in rolls.
  3. Extruded polystyrene foam (Penoplex). Represents slabs orange color, which have a low thermal conductivity coefficient and long term operation (up to 40 years). Well tolerated high humidity. It has higher strength and cost compared to other materials. Read step by step instructions on insulating a balcony with polystyrene foam here. Insulation inside and outside.

    Also read the article about insulating a loggia with penoplex. Our recommendations for carrying out work.

    You can learn more about it from this material.

  4. Mineral wool. It is as widespread as polystyrene foam. It has good technical characteristics, is resistant to fire and has natural origin. However, when insulating a balcony and other building elements, it requires high-quality vapor and waterproofing.

If you need high-quality insulation of a loggia or balcony, and there are no plans to spend large amounts money, then using polystyrene foam is the best option.

Important: When insulating a balcony using polystyrene foam, it is better to choose self-extinguishing varieties that are resistant to fire. This is necessary for fire safety purposes.

Polystyrene foam is one of the most suitable materials with which you can perform insulation. wooden house both inside and outside.

The resulting sheathing will provide a high level of insulation, and, if necessary, it can be sheathed on the inside with plasterboard.

House insulated with polyurethane

1 Features of foam plastic as a material for insulation

The foam is presented in the form of gas-filled plastic, painted in White color, which has low weight and low density indicators.

Before you insulate your home with polystyrene foam and cover the wall of a wooden house from the outside or inside with plasterboard, you should familiarize yourself with the basic characteristics of polystyrene foam.

Finishing the walls with this material will allow the walls to acquire good soundproofing characteristics. After this, the wall can be covered with plasterboard.

If you correctly line the wall of a wooden house with foam plastic from the outside, or better yet from the inside, then the insulation will be quite effective and reliable.

In addition, reviews of the presented insulation material are mostly positive.

Polystyrene foam is an almost moisture-proof material, so sheathing, insulation and finishing using it from the inside or outside wooden structure must be carried out correctly.

Otherwise, when insulating the walls from the inside (and subsequent covering with plasterboard), condensation may accumulate in the room, which will lead to an increase in the humidity level.

Innovative insulation - Barlight panels

In such a situation, it is better to think in advance about what kind of waterproofing can be used. For example, it would be correct to sheathe the outside of the wall with plasterboard.

1.1 Advantages and disadvantages

It is best to insulate a wooden house from the outside. However, in some cases it is impossible to carry out insulation in this way.

Finishing the insulated surface from the outside is also unacceptable. Good reviews indicate that insulating interior walls of apartments using polystyrene foam is beginning to become increasingly popular among city apartment owners.

Installation work using such insulation can be initiated at any time of the year.

For this you will not need special tools and construction scaffolds. If necessary, it will be possible to selectively insulate living rooms with polystyrene foam.

1.2 Is it worth insulating a house with polystyrene foam from the inside?

Insulating walls with any material from the inside is not recommended by some experts. Insulation with foam plastic is also extremely undesirable in some situations. The fact is that foamed polystyrene has a number of disadvantages.

It is flammable and when it burns, toxic substances are released into the air, which pose a danger to human life and health.

Some residents, when insulating the inner surface of the walls with foam plastic, began to observe the appearance of condensation on them.

In addition, if you decide to insulate the walls with such material, you will need to make sure that a special vapor barrier layer is created.

When insulating with this material on inner dimensions premises are significantly reduced. However, all these consequences can be eliminated at the initial stages of their occurrence, and therefore we can assume that polystyrene foam is completely suitable material in order to use it to produce internal insulation.

In order to prevent accidental fire, you must carefully comply with all fire safety requirements in interior spaces.

The flammability group is almost always indicated on the product label, and you can also check it yourself.

To do this, you just need to set fire to a piece of polystyrene foam, and if it burns intensely and drips, then its flammability level will be quite high. If it goes out in a draft or wind, then the degree of flammability will be lower.

When condensation occurs, the walls become damp and, with a high degree of probability, mold may appear.

In order to avoid this, you need to identify the location of the dew point. Typically, this is the area where cold meets heat, and therefore condensation forms there.

It is necessary to ensure that the dew point does not appear in the space between the insulation and the wall. To avoid this, the insulation is installed close to the wall, and there should be no gaps or gaps.

If a vapor barrier is used, it will be necessary to provide ventilation inside the room. It must be of a forced type.

In this case, a gap must be formed between the layer of vapor barrier material and the insulation, represented in the form of a ventilation gap.

In this case, there will be no observation in the apartment high humidity air. In most cases, when insulating walls with polystyrene foam, a material is used whose layer thickness is on average 2 centimeters.

Then the area interior space will decrease slightly. It follows from this that insulating a house with polystyrene foam is quite feasible.

The cost of the presented material is quite reasonable, the low weight of the product makes installation work easy. Almost anyone can insulate walls with this material.

2 Reviews

As mentioned above, reviews of the presented insulation are mostly positive.

Anton, 43 years old, Voronezh:

Before the onset of winter, I decided to insulate the balcony with polystyrene foam, since my apartment is corner and is located on the windy side. Used standard slabs and did all the installation work myself. Now the apartment is reliably insulated. The material is excellent and I now recommend it to everyone. It was recommended to me.

Vladimir, 36 years old, Khabarovsk:

I have been selling building materials and insulation for quite some time. Styrofoam always sells out very quickly, and many customers ask for more. Excellent insulation.

Alexander, 55 years old, Ufa:

I've been living in a private house for many years, but here's mine heating system started working intermittently. I didn’t have the money to repair or replace it, but I decided to insulate the walls using polystyrene foam. Now the temperature in the house in winter began to remain high. I am very pleased with this insulation.

2.1 How to cover walls with foam plastic?

Despite the fact that such construction works they do not differ high level complexity, they are associated with a number of their subtleties.

In any case, like any of the thermal insulation methods used, this one should also begin with the stage of processing and preparing the inner surface of the walls.

If the walls of the house are built of brick, then they must be plastered.

If the house is built of concrete blocks, this work need not be carried out. After the putty has completely dried, the walls must be primed.

After this is carried out finishing and leveling with putty. For this purpose, it is best to use vertical plumbs.

Thus, the process of preparing walls consists of several stages that successively replace each other.

  1. The walls are cleaned of old coating and facing materials.
  2. Surface defects (chips, gouges, cracks) are looked for in the wall.
  3. Defects are eliminated using plaster or putty.
  4. Final alignment is performed.

Particularly large cracks can be repaired using polyurethane foam. After the surface of the walls becomes sufficiently smooth, they will need to be subjected to additional primer again.

2.2 How to install insulation?

In order to install polystyrene foam, you will need a number of umbrella dowels equipped with parachute-shaped caps.

In order to begin installing foam plastic in the form of slabs, you will need mastic, which is presented in the form of a special glue.

It should be applied to the corners of the slab in small quantities or applied evenly to all edges.

In most cases, one layer of insulation can reliably protect a house from the cold.

Sometimes during installation the glue is supplemented with special fasteners mechanical type. For this purpose, umbrella dowels equipped with a wide cap are used. They need to be used a few days after the foam is glued to the wall.

That is adhesive composition must dry completely. It is important to remember that laying foam boards should be done from the bottom up.

In this case, each individual sheet must adhere to the adjacent one with the maximum degree of density.

The slabs must be laid out in a checkerboard pattern. After wall covering Styrofoam will do Towards its completion, you will need to start processing the seams. In those joints that will be deep, additional strips of heat-insulating material must be placed using glue.

Small and unnoticeable cracks can be sealed using regular polyurethane foam. It goes well with foam.

The remaining foam can be carefully cut off with a construction knife and rubbed with fine sandpaper. The most common film made using polyethylene can act as a waterproofing material.

In order to strengthen internal structure walls and increase their reliability, you can reinforce them. To do this, you need to install a mesh made of fiberglass on the insulated surface.

2.3 How to insulate a house wall from the inside with polystyrene foam? (video)

Modern requirements for ensuring the energy efficiency of construction projects are increasing and therefore it is necessary to use high-quality thermal insulation materials.

One of them is foam insulation. They insulate walls, ceilings, and roofs both indoors and outdoors.

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Thanks to its warmth and soundproofing properties, as well as ease of installation, it has become one of the most popular materials on the construction market. But is this material really so ideal? When paying attention to polystyrene foam, you should study not only its basic properties, but also the conditions and requirements for its operation.

Features of the foam structure

It is a foamed heterogeneous cellular structure consisting of granules sintered together under the influence of high temperatures, the volume of which is filled with air. Cell sizes can be up to 1 cm in diameter, depending on technical specifications manufacturing. The raw materials for its production are polymers, the composition of which affects the basic properties finished material. Foams consist of micro-sized cells and have a large area of ​​contact with air due to the presence of internal thin elastic sealed walls. The bulk of the foam is air up to 98%, which improves its insulating characteristics.

Thermal insulation properties

Since the foam plastic is filled with air, which is an excellent thermal insulator with a thermal conductivity coefficient of 0.026 W/(m*K), depending on the size of the cells, the total thermal conductivity of the material can be achieved up to 0.043 W/(m*K). One of the closest competitors in this parameter is, but its thermal conductivity is higher and therefore it will be necessary to increase its thickness by about 5-10% compared to the thickness of the foam. In addition, using foam plastic as insulation, during installation there is no need to install sheathing, and the connecting seam can be made with a minimum gap and high accuracy.

Mechanical properties

Polystyrene foam is a lightweight but durable material that is able to retain its shape under certain loads, compressive and tensile stresses. However, it is fragile and therefore cannot be installed on an uneven surface. On the other hand, it can be cut with any cutting objects with high precision. This allows you to make a perfect fit and form the most complex joints. Density finished slabs can be 15-50 mg/cm 3 depending on the grain size. That is, it can be attached to walls and ceilings using an adhesive connection.

Polystyrene foam as insulation video:

Resistance of foam plastic to environmental influences

Subject to operating conditions, the material is able to retain all its properties. It does not decompose and is not subject to shrinkage, which has a positive effect on its technical characteristics, such as strength and durability. Resistant to salts, weak acids and alkalis. It does not react with building mixtures and materials and therefore can be used in the construction of any objects. It is not affected by microorganisms, and because it repels water and does not accumulate moisture inside the material. Consequently, sudden temperature changes will not be able to disrupt its structure.

Water absorption of the material

The level of water absorption by the material plays a role important role when constructing objects from materials that cannot withstand the influence of moisture and deteriorate or are destroyed under their influence.


Foams are not non-hygroscopic, since with prolonged exposure to water they can absorb only up to 3% of the total volume.

This value depends on technological features production and tightness of cell connections, as well as their sizes. That is, water can only penetrate through the air channels that remain between the cells. Water vapor will also not be absorbed in large quantities because the diffusion resistance coefficient of the foam is high.

Is polystyrene foam environmentally friendly?

Since polystyrene foam is one of the most used thermal insulation materials, the question arises: “Is foam plastic harmful as insulation?” It contains a dangerous substance - styrene. Modern technologies made it possible to significantly reduce its content in the finished product, so that its amount is absolutely not harmful to health. It is released only when heated above +40 0 C in small quantities. Therefore, it is used to insulate walls with outside so that the toxic vapor escapes into the atmosphere. In addition, self-extinguishing foam can be used. In case of fire, foam plastic will be the least toxic compared to other finishing materials.

What to insulate with polystyrene foam?

  1. Use as a heat and waterproofing material for foundations. This allows you to protect against freezing and temperature changes.
  2. Concrete floors, inside of which durable foam boards, and then fill in the leveling layer.
  3. Insulation of roofs made of materials that do not heat up to temperatures at which styrene begins to be released.
  4. Walls of houses. Moreover, from the inside, a greater effect is obtained, since insulating the walls with foam plastic from the inside means shifting the dew point from the base material to the foam layer and the walls will not become damp.

Wall insulation

What affects the service life of insulation?

The duration of operation directly depends on environmental conditions and the influence of temperature or mechanical influences on it. Foam plastic is able to minimize the influence of wear factors due to its chemical neutrality to many building materials. It also has minimal shrinkage of just a few millimeters over its entire service life. However, if installation errors are made or the loads on the object’s structure are incorrectly calculated, wear may increase. That is, deformation of the walls or roof to which the insulating boards were securely attached can significantly deteriorate the properties of the insulation and reduce the service life of the foam several times.

Disadvantages of polystyrene foam

  1. Fragility can cause damage to slabs under mechanical stress and stress. That is, installation on uneven surfaces is significantly more difficult. Therefore, you will need to level them or use sheets of plywood as a backing. On the outside, installation of a protective coating will be required.
  2. Destruction of the structure under the influence of direct sunlight.
  3. Poor level of sound insulation compared to other types of materials.
  4. Release of harmful substances during combustion.

The principle of insulation

Analysis of reviews about polystyrene foam

Only those home owners who either carried out the installation themselves, following the installation technology, or had an experienced team of builders do it for them, are satisfied with this insulation. The material is relatively inexpensive, easy to install and has excellent thermal insulation characteristics. Premises after its use become energy efficient and economical.


Installation outside the main walls allows you to protect them from the influence of precipitation and extend their service life.

If you insulate the walls from the inside with foam plastic, you will reduce the amount of thermal energy spent on heating the walls of the house. Negative reviews can only be a consequence of mistakes made during installation and operation or incorrect calculations of the thickness of the insulation.

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