Soft roll insulation. Roll insulation for walls: choosing the best thermal insulation

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Thermal insulation of walls is a task that should be approached with special attention, because cladding materials have different properties and “principle of operation”, and on the market it is often presented that no matter what insulator you take, there will be “Africa” in the room. In reality, this is not at all true and you need to deal with each proposal in detail so as not to waste money, effort and time in vain.

Nowadays several types of insulation are usually used:

  • in the form of rolls;
  • rigid polystyrene foam boards;
  • dense mats made of mineral wool.

The last two options are, in principle, quite understandable - these are truly effective technologies, but also more expensive. But the roll category of materials is not so clear - this is where you need to understand in detail.

First, it is worth considering the main theoretical point.

What types of roll insulators are there?

The first type of insulation, made in the form of rolls, is mineral wool materials. The cotton wool itself is on the following basis:

  • Made from cullet and quartz. This is the so-called glass wool, which is so often found in Soviet-built houses.
  • From rocks (for example, basalt);
  • Cotton wool from blast furnace waste.

It is recommended to use slag insulation only on the outside of walls, since there it does not cause any harm to health. But basalt products, in principle, can be laid indoors, the main thing is to put a vapor barrier on top of them so that small fibers do not get into the air.

As for whether to insulate walls with basalt wool from the outside or better from the inside, there is also no definite answer. The fact is that the material is afraid of moisture and if you install it from the side of the facade, you need to make a good external protection(for example, from a vapor barrier and metal profile). And this is expensive - if you already have such means, then it is better to use polystyrene foam or cotton wool in the form of slabs.

But in general, basalt roll insulation is still more relevant for use on the indoor side, because it lasts longer and is of better quality. The main principle of action here is heat retention, that is, cotton wool prevents it from quickly escaping.

The second group is thermal insulation made of foamed polyethylene or polypropylene. The material is also produced in the form of rolls and comes in two types:

  • with foil coating;
  • with metallized outside.

The first insulation is good because it has a good level of resistance to mechanical stress and reflects heat well. Due to this, the solution is suitable for indoor use, for example, you can mount the sheet behind radiators to retain heat. Disadvantages include poor vapor permeability and the fact that foil of sufficient thickness is expensive.

In addition, this thermal insulation is not suitable for direct contact with concrete walls- alkali simply corrodes the foil.

Metallized products allow steam to pass through well, but they do not reflect heat effectively. It is relevant to use for covering the walls of shower rooms and rooms with high humidity. By the way, the coating here cannot be called durable at all - the slightest mechanical impact and the metal begins to “peel off” from the base of the insulation. Now we can move on to the most important question.

So which option is better to choose: cotton wool or polyethylene foam?

The main point that is important to understand is that foamed polyethylene or polypropylene in the form of rolls is precisely thermal insulation, that is, a material whose purpose is to slightly improve the characteristics of walls, and not to fully insulate them. Regardless of where it will be fixed - from the inside or from the front part.

But basalt wool is already a real insulating layer. True, if used indoors, the wall will still freeze, but noticeably less heat will escape from the room.

It turns out that foam propylene from the inside will give less effect than cotton wool, since the temperature will only rise by a degree and a half. And even if you do outdoor installation, then the “picture” will be the same, but with only one positive aspect - the wall will freeze a little less and condensation from the room will disappear.

At the same time, the material has an undeniable advantage - it is cheap and very easy to install. Working with cotton wool is more difficult and more expensive since you will need to make a false wall (usually drywall) to protect basalt fibers, and in addition, it is important to take care that moisture does not get into the structure of the material. If this happens, then the effect of all the work done will be zero, since all the thermal insulation qualities will very quickly disappear.

Here it seems that cotton wool is better anyway (because it’s “warmer”), but everything is decided by the nuances of the situation. Yes, cotton wool seems to be good, but what is the point in it if, for example, you need to insulate a shower room not in the house, but, for example, in the country and you don’t want to invest? Obvious budget solution in this case, it is a metallized insulator - stick it on the wall and forget it.

But in the case of a more or less capital approach, but again in the absence of significant financial resources, it is better to opt for mineral wool and insulation from the inside. It turns out that ideal option No, and you need to make a decision only based on the specifics of the project.

Insulating boards do not show proper effectiveness when insulating large areas, as well as pipes and ventilation ducts. This is due not only to their technical parameters, but also to high density, as well as rigidity, which eliminates the possibility high-quality coating elements with complex geometry. In such a situation, it is more advisable to use roll insulation, the varieties and features of which will be discussed in this material.

Materials of this group are most widespread in the domestic market. This is due not only to their excellent operational and technical data, but also to acceptable pricing policy– such a combination is currently unattainable for competitive offers.

Flexibility makes work easier

Assortment and features of species

The term “mineral wool” is a unified designation for a whole range of heat insulators, namely:

  • basalt wool - for the production of this material, the technology of melting certain rocks is used, followed by the formation of the finest fibers on their basis, woven into a single carpet;
  • glass wool is a material, although it is considered obsolete, but still has a fairly high demand due to its affordable cost. For its production, remelted broken glass is used;
  • slag wool - it is based on waste obtained in the metallurgical industry. Due to this, such insulation in rolls has a lower cost than basalt and glass wool.

Material Specifications

Each type of mineral wool has its own distinctive features and features. Thus, glass wool perfectly resists high temperatures, up to 450 degrees - after exceeding this parameter, the material collapses in irreversibly. The highest density is 130 kg/m3, thermal conductivity values ​​vary in the range of 0.038–0.046 W/m*C.

Glass wool is not flammable, it does not even smolder, it perfectly absorbs vibrations, resists sound vibrations and does not shrink even after long-term use. At the same time, the material is not moisture resistant, and getting it wet completely eliminates the entire spectrum positive characteristics. It is worth noting the fragility of glass wool, as well as the fact that contact with human skin causes severe itching.

As for basalt wool, such rolled thermal insulation can withstand temperatures up to 700 degrees. Its thermal conductivity is 0.035–0.045 W/m*C, and its density reaches 220 kg/m3. The material is resistant to moisture; slight wetting does not affect its parameters at all. Basalt wool is an environmentally friendly and non-irritating material.

Slag wool has the largest mass, and its density reaches 400 kg/m3. The material is characterized by minimal thermal conductivity - 0.046–0.048 W/m*C, and the highest temperature it can withstand is 300 degrees - its increase causes melting of the slag wool and destruction of its structure.

The dimensions of the materials largely depend on the manufacturer, but most often they have the following standard sizes:

  • length – varies between 3-6 m or more;
  • width - standard 0.6 and 1.2 m, although products of individual brands may have a width of 1.22 m and 0.61 m;
  • thickness – 50, 100 and 150 mm.

Foil insulator and its properties

It is worth noting that manufacturers often cover the heat insulator on one side with a layer of foil, which makes it possible to protect the coating from negative impact ultraviolet rays and moisture penetration. Its use is advisable when insulating a room from the inside, while the base can be made of the most different materials.

Optimal solution for internal thermal protection

Types of insulation and features of each type

The backing is made from foamed polyethylene, cork or expanded polystyrene. Expanded polystyrene is an affordable and very practical rolled foil insulation that does an excellent job of sound absorption, is not hygroscopic and can dampen even minor vibration manifestations.

The Thermo-Tap heat insulator has excellent reviews among consumers, the roll length of which reaches 10 m with a width of 0.5 m. Practice shows that such insulation perfectly resists fungus and moisture, but at the same time has lower thermal insulation values, inferior in this aspect products made of foamed polyethylene.

It is impossible not to mention the cork base for the heat insulator. The material is characterized by high strength, light weight, excellent aesthetic properties and absolute harmlessness to humans. For rooms with high humidity levels, it is recommended to use a cork backing with wax impregnation. The length of the roll does not exceed 10 m, its width is 0.5 m.

Cork underlay is used for flooring

Foam-based polyethylene is a fabric consisting of tiny cells filled with air, covered with a layer of paper on top, which is attached by lamination. Thanks to this, it is possible to achieve the most durable and reliable connection with any type of base.

Thermal insulator with frost protection

The most common type of foam insulation is Polifom, produced in rolls with the following dimensions: length - 14 m, width - 0.5 m, thickness 5 mm. Its density is 30 kg/m3, it perfectly absorbs sounds up to 22 dB, while offering a minimum thermal conductivity of 0.039 W/mK.

External coating and its relevance

External covering may be foil or have a metallized coating. Each option has its own characteristics, and its use may be justified in a given situation. Thus, metallized material retains steam well, but does not have the highest heat reflection rates.

It is indispensable when carrying out insulation works in bathrooms and showers, as well as other rooms with high humidity levels. It is worth noting that such spraying does not have high strength - even a slight mechanical impact is enough to damage its integrity.

Roll insulation with foil has excellent heat-reflecting data and is resistant to various kinds external influences. It can be placed behind radiators without any problems in order to retain more heat inside the room.

Easy installation

As for the disadvantages, foil insulation has poor vapor permeability, does not withstand direct contact with concrete, and the cost of a product with a thick layer of foil will be quite impressive.

The main advantages of foil insulation

Among the main advantages of foil heat insulators, the following are particularly worth noting:

  • excellent thermal shielding performance, about 97%;
  • good functionality and the ability to use for insulation of not only walls, ceilings and floors, but also all kinds of industrial units;
  • minimum weight roll and ease of installation without the need to arrange frames and other structures. Fastening is possible with construction adhesive or regular polyurethane foam;
  • reasonable cost;
  • environmental friendliness and safety.

Inter-crown heat insulator and its features

There are also inter-crown roll insulation, which is a rather specific solution designed for filling voids in the inter-crown space. The crown is a level in a house made of timber or logs. No matter how well the installation is carried out, including using profiled timber, there remains free space between the crowns, which is precisely filled with this type of insulation.

It is produced exclusively in narrow rolls, and it is always made from natural and harmless materials, including:

  • batting;
  • jute;
  • flax and others.

Laying of material is carried out not only during construction work, but also after several years after their completion - as the wood is used, it dries out, which necessitates additional caulking (driving insulation into existing cracks using a wide chisel and mallet).

Manufacturers of thermal insulators and their products

Roll insulation from several manufacturers is in greatest demand among consumers.

Knauf is a German brand whose products do not contain formaldehyde, which gives finished product absolute safety and harmlessness, relevant when carrying out installation work.

Such insulation materials do not harbor rodents and insects; they have a wide range of products, a long service life and can be used for insulating not only apartments, but also country houses(cottages).

Isover is a French manufacturer offering wide choose roll insulation with excellent performance characteristics, including those with foil coating. The product is suitable for carrying out insulation measures both indoors and outdoors; it is not subject to combustion and can be extinguished in a fire.

Insulation for external and interior works

URSA - Spanish insulation materials under this brand are characterized by long period operation with full preservation of the main technical parameters. The manufacturer guarantees the highest quality of its products and their effectiveness in both private and industrial construction.

TechnoNIKOL is a Russian manufacturer offering products High Quality at very affordable and reasonable prices. These roll insulation materials are produced at the latest equipment with the involvement innovative technologies and methods, which makes it possible to guarantee not only quality, but also long term services.

When going shopping, it is worth remembering the following aspects of your choice:

  1. Suitable for indoor and outdoor use various variations insulation.
  2. The surface that will be covered with roll insulation also matters. There is a fundamental difference between the materials used to insulate the ceiling and walls. Each of these bases has its own insulation.
  3. It is also important to remember what material the walls are made of. Thermal insulator for wooden base may not be suitable for concrete base and vice versa.
  4. When choosing the thickness of the material, it is worth taking into account the temperature conditions in winter period and climate features for a particular region.
  5. Before purchasing it is worth mandatory familiarize yourself with quality certificates and other permitting documentation for the selected roll insulation, and in addition, make sure the integrity of the packaging. Moisture, even in small quantities, can negatively affect design parameters material and its properties.

Choose quality material trusted manufacturers

Insulation in rolls is available on the market in a wide range. Each of them has its own characteristics, positive and negative characteristics. The choice of a specific option is up to the user, but if there are difficulties, you should not rely on chance. It is better to seek help from professionals and save your nerves and money.

Hello, Dear friends! When choosing thermal insulation materials for a residential building and outbuildings, you probably paid attention to roll insulation.

It is easy to use, its small thickness does not “steal” space, and the price in most cases is quite reasonable. Where and how can roll thermal insulation be used? What properties, advantages, disadvantages does it have? We'll tell you in this article.

Roll insulation refers to thermal insulation materials produced in rolls, based on expanded polystyrene foam or polyethylene. Now manufacturers are mastering the production of foam roll materials based on environmentally friendly natural raw materials, for example, rubber, balsa wood, cellulose.

Rolled heat insulators based on polymer materials are divided into two types:

  1. Insulation in rolls with foil has high heat-retaining properties. Peculiarity of this type insulation consists in the fact that a layer of cellular polyethylene is covered with a layer of foil 0.5–2.0 mm. This material is resistant to impacts high temperatures up to +180 C.
  2. Conventional fine-porous insulation, produced in the form of rolls of various sizes. In this case, there is no foil reflective layer.

There are also mineral-based roll insulation materials - these are mineral wool and basalt wool in rolls. In terms of properties and characteristics, these insulation materials are absolutely identical to ordinary mineral wool.

Thermal insulators in rolls based on foamed polymers have the following properties:

  • high level of environmental safety;
  • durability, not susceptible to rotting, exposure to rodents and insects;
  • excellent heat-retaining properties with small thickness;
  • low level of moisture absorption;
  • good sound insulation;
  • easy to install, can be cut into any parts and shapes without any problems.

Most thermal insulation in rolls have a self-adhesive base, which allows you to further simplify the insulation process and save on purchases adhesive composition.

Scope of application of roll insulation

Roll insulation materials are used for thermal insulation of vertical and horizontal surfaces. Foil material is indispensable for creating thermal insulation in bath rooms, as it retains heat well and has heat-reflecting properties. This material is also widely used for thermal insulation. individual designs, joints, in hard-to-reach places.

Let's look at the main ways to use rolled heat insulators.

Rolled thermal insulation for walls

Rolled wall insulation can be used as a heat-insulating material applied under decorative finishing, including under wallpaper.

The application technology is very simple:

  • self-adhesive material is glued to a wall that has been prepared in advance, leveled and cleared of debris and old finishes;
  • A cement-based adhesive is applied to the heat insulator layer, its properties reminiscent of liquid plaster;
  • After the adhesive has hardened, you can begin gluing the wallpaper.

The use of such material for wallpaper will significantly increase the heat-retaining properties of the walls, as well as their sound insulation.

Rolled floor insulation

Used as a substrate for different kinds decorative coatings floor. It not only has heat-insulating properties, but also gives the floor “softness”, eliminates squeaks and sounds when the floor covering shrinks and moves.

In some cases, a foil thermal insulator can be used to insulate the floor; this will increase heat retention; however, the cost of materials reinforced with foil is 30–60% more expensive.

The technology for performing floor insulation work using foamed polymer in rolls is very simple:

  • the material is glued to a wooden floor or concrete screed using an adhesive composition or self-adhesive properties;
  • leveled so that there are no “bubbles”;
  • The floor covering is laid on top.

The advantages of such a heat insulator include ease of installation, lack of debris, durability and environmental Safety. When choosing a roll insulation for the floor, it is worth remembering that the “softer” the floor covering, the denser the insulation should be.

In other words, it is better to use a polymer with maximum density under linoleum, otherwise when walking you will “drown” in floor covering, but under laminate or parquet you can lay polymer with any density.

Rolled roof insulation

Suitable for thermal insulation of pitched and flat roofs. A roof insulated with such material will remain warm for several decades. You can install thermal insulation on our own, without attracting highly paid specialists. The heat insulator is located between the elements of the roof rafter system, and distortions, the formation of waves and other defects are not allowed.

In some cases, for example, when insulating residential attic room or in regions with cold climates, it is recommended to lay insulating polymer in two layers.

The technology for installing roof insulation depends on design features. Best option when thermal insulation is calculated at the design stage. In this case, the work boils down to: roll material rolled out and glued to the inner surface of the roof, a layer of vapor barrier material and the final finishing is installed, for example, siding, lining, etc.


Rolled polymer heat insulator – great option to improve heat retention indoors. It is easy to use, flexible, durable, and not expensive. Foil material is indispensable when insulating a bath or sauna, as it has reflective properties and is moisture resistant.

Roll insulation is a material with a low thermal conductivity, which is additionally characterized by sufficiently low rigidity, but at the same time holds its shape well. Coatings of this type are flexible, which allows finishing areas of complex configurations. Laying such material is not difficult. However, it is important to choose the right dimensions. Insulation in rolls is attached end-to-end; it is unacceptable to leave significant gaps between adjacent sections of thermal insulation. This will lead to the formation of cold bridges.

This type of material is universal, due to its properties (low rigidity and density, flexibility). This means that it can be used at facilities for various purposes (private, commercial, public, etc.). However, it should be remembered that each type of such material may have restrictions on its use, for example, if it does not meet operating conditions. Roll insulation is suitable for installation on horizontal and vertical surfaces. It is dense enough to maintain its shape.

A coating with a metallized layer is mounted on objects and surfaces where it is important to ensure highest level protection against heat loss: in baths, saunas, when installing water/electric heated floors, etc. The desired effect is achieved thanks to the presence of a heat-reflecting layer.

Roll insulation is the only affordable materials that are suitable for protecting surfaces with complex configurations: with differences in levels (stepped), bends, joints, hard to reach places. This opportunity due to flexibility and low rigidity.

Directions for using this type of thermal insulation:

  • covering the walls outside and inside for any type of decorative finishing (rigid slabs, soft materials and even wallpaper);
  • floor protection, in this case the roll insulation is protected from deformation by the lathing;
  • insulation of flat/pitched roofs;
  • reduction of heat loss through the ceiling;
  • protection of pipes for various purposes.

Types of materials in rolls

There are two groups of insulation materials, characterized by flexibility, low density and rigidity:

  1. Based on expanded polystyrene, polyethylene. Such materials are characterized by a closed-porous structure, which is achieved by foaming the raw materials. As a result, most of the volume is a gaseous medium. By foaming polyethylene, a flexible coating of small thickness is obtained. Roll insulation of this type is characterized by low thermal conductivity, wear resistance, and lasts a long time.
  2. Mineral wool is presented in varieties: glass and slag wool, basalt or stone wool. These are natural insulating coatings characterized by low thermal conductivity. Disadvantages include low strength, tendency to sag during operation, and hygroscopicity. The last of the properties is the reason for the short service life of the coating. This insulation is suitable for walls, floors, ceilings, attics, basements, and roofs. If you provide protection from moisture in areas with high loads, you can avoid deformation of the coating.

Foam insulation is divided into types, taking into account differences in the production method:

  • physically stitched;
  • chemically cross-linked;
  • gas-foamed.

The first 2 options are characterized by similar properties, but are manufactured according to different technologies. In addition, insulation materials are divided into types, taking into account differences in structure: foam with additives (fire retardants), foil. The last option has improved properties. It not only reduces heat loss, but also reflects thermal radiation, returning it back to the room.

Glass wool

The material is based on glass industry waste and sand. Raw materials are exposed to high temperatures (+1450°C). During the melting process, the finest fibers appear. To obtain thermal insulation material, add binder, through which fiberglass is glued. Then molding occurs. So that the connecting component receives required properties, it must undergo a polymerization process. On last stage the material acquires a yellowish tint as a result of dyeing.

This type of heat-insulating layer protects different types objects. Glass wool is a universal coating option. However, when working with it, you need to use personal protective equipment (respirator, goggles, gloves, closed clothing). This is due to the fact that the insulation contains particles that are characterized by small mass and can be released into the environment under the influence of external factors. Dust enters the respiratory tract, settles on the skin and mucous membranes, which provokes tissue irritation.

To slightly improve the strength indicators, the rolled material is reinforced. The disadvantages, in addition to the release of abrasive particles, include relatively low thermal conductivity. In terms of this parameter, the insulation is inferior to its foam counterparts. Another disadvantage is hygroscopicity. The vast majority of mineral coatings strongly absorb moisture.

Advantages of glass wool:

  • good sound insulation properties;
  • sufficient level of strength;
  • the material is lightweight, which means it will not weigh down the structure;
  • installation does not require special skills;
  • flexibility;
  • vapor permeability;
  • fire safety;
  • elasticity, due to which the insulation can restore its original shape;
  • small width means glass wool will not hide the space;
  • resistance to mold and fungi;
  • insulation is unattractive to rodents.

When choosing, not only positive/negative qualities are taken into account, but also coating parameters. Glass wool is characterized by the following properties:

  • the thermal conductivity value is in the range of 0.039-0.047 W/(m*K);
  • water absorption coefficient of glass wool for partial immersion - 15%;
  • This type of insulation is used at temperatures of -60…+250°C;
  • upon contact with water during the first day, the coating will absorb water in an amount of 1.7% of the total volume thermal insulation material;
  • sound absorption rate: from 35 to 40 dB.

In terms of thermal conductivity, glass wool is similar to the following insulation materials: mineral wool, expanded polystyrene.


This is foamed polyethylene foam, which is characterized by a closed-porous structure. Available in the following varieties: simple, with a foil layer on one or both sides. Izolon is a fairly dense, but at the same time soft insulation. Its characteristics:

  • the average thermal conductivity is 31 W/(m*K);
  • density - 33 g/m³, with a decrease in the value of this parameter, thermal conductivity increases;
  • the water absorption coefficient is 1%, which indicates that the insulation has no tendency to absorb moisture;
  • the material does not allow steam to pass through;
  • the ability to perform its main task (reducing the intensity of heat outflow) at low temperatures - down to -60°C, while the insulation does not lose its properties, does not break, does not deform;
  • service life is about 100 years;
  • resistance to negative factors is noted: precipitation, high loads;
  • no toxic substances are released during combustion;
  • the material is environmentally friendly;
  • Izolon insulation protects the object from noise, and a decrease in the intensity of sound waves is noted even with a minimum thickness of the material.

If we consider the foil coating, we should highlight its ability to reflect heat. The insulation reflects 97% of the heat back into the room. Isolon is not deformable. This means that under the influence of moderate loads it retains its properties.

Plates in rolls

In this case we are talking about materials with increased rigidity, which are formed into rolls. These include basalt wool. This material is characterized by a fibrous structure and is superior to glass wool in terms of hygroscopicity and thermal conductivity. In addition, basalt wool in rolls is almost no different in density from isolon (30 kg/m³). Thermal conductivity of the material is 0.039 W/(m*K). In terms of water absorption coefficient, the insulation is inferior to foam analogues (15%). The main advantage of this coating is its non-flammability.

Roll Size Chart

For comparison, we take insulation whose thickness does not exceed 50 mm. This is due to the fact that more massive rolled thermal insulation materials roll up much worse. The review involves fiber coatings. Manufacturers of insulation in rolls:

To compare coverages by cost and determine the most suitable option, take into account the number of strips in the package.


Rolled thermal insulation is in many cases preferable because it is characterized by flexibility. In addition, the material of this group has low thermal conductivity, which allows it to be used to insulate an object. However, it should be taken into account that fibrous roll coverings They do not tolerate contact with liquid well, so you need to carefully protect them with waterproofing.

If you plan to use foam insulation, it is important to remember that they do not allow steam to pass through, which means the microclimate in the room may worsen. To avoid negative consequences When installing insulation of this type, it is recommended to install supply and exhaust ventilation or improve efficiency natural circulation air in the room.

2 Rolled thermal insulation based on mineral wool

The quality of this category of insulation is regulated in accordance with the requirements of GOST RF “52953-2008”. This quality standard allows the following thermal insulation material to be classified as mineral wool insulation:

  • Basalt wool is a material produced by melting rocks and then forming microscopic fibers from them, connecting them into a solid carpet;
  • Slag wool is a material made from waste from the metallurgical industry. As a rule, it costs much less than basalt wool;
  • Glass wool is a morally obsolete material, but still quite often used due to its low price. Produced by melting cullet.

Rolled insulation based on mineral wool, due to its elasticity and flexibility, is extremely universal material, which can be successfully used both for thermal insulation of walls, floors, attics, and other flat surfaces, and for thermal insulation of pipes.

To insulate pipes, special cylinders are produced from mineral wool, which, without any additional processing Simply put on the surface of the pipes. This is a great analogue.

2.1 Mineral wool production

Let's look at the mineral wool manufacturing technology using an example basalt insulation. Rock basalt rocks, chemical composition which meets GOST requirements, can be melted in two ways - hot and cold.

The hot method involves heating basalt rocks in blast furnaces, the cold method involves exposure to electromagnetic radiation (like a conventional microwave).

The molten rock is fed into a centrifuge, which is equipped with constantly cooling carbide disks. Under pressure, molten basalt is fed into a centrifuge and falls onto rotating disks, where individual basalt fibers are formed from the melt through the process of cutting cooling and pressure drop.

The resulting fibers are immediately removed from the drum by a special functional element and supplied via a conveyor to a laying machine, which forms a carpet of basalt wool of the required thickness.

After laying the carpet, the fibers are impregnated with various impurities, which are necessary to give the final product the required characteristics - hydrophobicity, fire resistance, density and elasticity.

2.2 Advantages and disadvantages

Among all the thermal insulation materials on the market, the average price category, it is mineral wool that has the lowest thermal conductivity. Although in general they are leaders.

An important factor is that thermal insulation properties mineral wool do not depend in any way on any external conditions - this material does not expand under the influence of moisture, is not subject to thermal expansion, microorganisms and rodents do not grow in mineral wool.

Rolled mineral wool insulation is produced with a wide variety of performance characteristics - you can choose either low-density mineral wool for insulating pipes and other uneven products, or dense material for thermal insulation of surfaces experiencing external loads– floor or attic floor.

An important advantage of mineral wool is its fire resistance. This material can withstand temperatures up to 700 degrees; it does not ignite even under direct exposure to fire. It is also worth noting good noise-reducing properties - by insulating walls and floors with rolled mineral wool, you will solve not only the issue of insulation, but also sound insulation of the house.

The only drawback of mineral wool is its high vapor conductivity, due to which during installation this insulation installation of a special vapor barrier film is required.

Rolled mineral wool insulation can be used for the following purposes:

  • Insulation of roofs, floors, walls, and any flat surfaces;
  • Thermal insulation of pipes and pipelines;
  • Thermal insulation of industrial equipment;
  • Insulation element inside sandwich panels (the best one here);
  • Internal insulation in false walls and when laying hollow walls;
  • External insulation of house walls followed by plastering.

3 Rolled foil thermal insulation

Rolled foil insulation on the market is usually made either from polyethylene foam (the fairly popular brand Penofol) or from polypropylene (Penotherm).

These are two almost identical materials, the difference between which is only physical and mechanical characteristics. If we consider only those that affect the direct effectiveness of use as a thermal insulation material, then foil roll insulation for walls based on polypropylene appears more preferable.

Thus, the polypropylene base has an order of magnitude lower thermal conductivity (a difference of about 30%), less moisture absorption and better resistance to external mechanical influences.

In fact, the last factor can be neglected, since foil insulation materials themselves, due to their minimum thickness, do not fulfill effective insulation when the foil is damaged, so it is important to look at the quality of the foil coating.

Unscrupulous manufacturers, in order to reduce the cost of products, may not use aluminum foil as a shielding layer, as required by technology, but ordinary metal spraying.

The efficiency of such spraying is much lower than that of foil, and the cost of such products sold under the guise high-quality insulation materials, comparable to quality products from trusted manufacturers. When choosing foil-covered insulation for walls, floors, or pipes, carefully check the quality of the shielding layer.

High-quality foil thermal insulation has the following advantages:

  • High heat shielding coefficient, about 97%;
  • Wide functionality - foil materials are used not only for household insulation of walls, floors and ceilings, they are also widely in demand for thermal insulation of all kinds of industrial equipment;
  • Minimum roll weight;
  • Easy to install - foil thermal insulation does not require frames, anchorage and similar delights, it sits on the wall using polyurethane foam or regular construction adhesive;
  • Minimum cost - the price of foil materials is significantly lower than that of mineral wool;
  • Complete vapor barrier;
  • Safety for the human body.

Foil thermal insulation has only one significant drawback - it is susceptible to burning. Temperature operation of polypropylene - 150 degrees, polyethylene foam - 80 degrees.

3.1 Features of thermal insulation of a balcony with foil roll insulation (video)


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