Exciting competitions for March 8th.

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Behind festive table, especially in the first half of the evening, various table games, quizzes, chants and competitions are wonderful. They help you get ready for the holiday, get to know each other better and relax. It is better to choose the party program based on the occasion and tastes of the audience.

Collected here table games and competitions for March 8 from the very different sources(thanks to the authors), which ones to choose is up to you. These are quizzes, tests, games and entertainment that are written about women and for women.

1. Table game for March 8th “Comic forecast for the evening.”

(give out numbers to everyone, it is advisable to figure out as you go which task is more suitable for a man or a woman, perhaps even make small notes on the numbers)

Presenter: I suggest you find out the forecast for tonight, and at the same time get to know each other better. As soon as you hear your number, vigorously raise your hand up, agreeing with what was said

Today, number 1 will sing the most.

Number 2 will dance the most.

Today, number 3 will shine and star the most.

But more often and louder than anyone else he will shout, “Pour more! " - number 5

Today numbers 6 and 7 will hold hands and dance and sing: “And we are penguins, but we are not cold, and we live in the north”

The 8th will pester the 9th all evening with the words: “Why do you girls, you love beautiful ones.”

And the 10th will exclaim all evening: “Where am I?”

Today is 11... I will be inviting my colleagues to relax in Haiti all evening.

And 12... will chase men with the words: “Look me in the eyes!”

-...After the party, the 13th will leave on his own...

Singing: “I’m drunk and drunk, I won’t make it home,” the 14th will leave in a car...

And the 15th... and the 16th... will hardly lead away the 17th..., who will shout: “All men...”

In an hour the 18th will say that she (He) the most (th) cool (Ouch),

In 1.5 hours the 19th... will say that he is Mega Star,

And after 2 hours 20... won’t say anything.

Tomorrow the 21st invites you to improve your health...

And with the words “Does a cow give a lot of milk?” - tomorrow she will wake up in someone else’s bed 22nd

The 23rd will drink to the prosperity of all guests all evening with the words: “And I wish you happiness!”

The 24th will allow the 25th not to come to work tomorrow,

And the 26th will come to work with a jar of pickle and treat everyone.

The 27th will dance on the table, and the 28th will sit quietly... under the table and sing “a million, million, million scarlet roses”

The 29th will spend the entire evening looking at a bottle of vodka in fascination and saying: “What the hell, I’m so in love with you.”

Well, in conclusion of our acquaintance, I cannot help but say about the 30th and the following numbers, which will now stand up and loudly say: “Enough, people talk, we need to pour it, people!”

(Source: prazdnovik.ru)

2. Table game for March 8th “Which woman doesn’t dream?”

4. Game moment "Holiday menu"

There are many different recipes,

To feed the family.
I propose you today
Unravel my menu.

I know it's not new to you,
Vegetable or fruit,
And I’m happy to help your health
Most useful for everyone... (salad)

He is a relative close to fellow salads,
You need to eat it more often for your health.
There is no more vitamin than it, no more beetroot,
And his name is vegetable... (the vinaigrette).

He's the first course. It's soup, but what kind of soup!
It is prepared by fishermen over the river.
And this is not fiction, not nonsense,
Fresh fish is ready... (ear)

Another soup, and again not simple,
It is also called “field”.
Remove from the fire and eat in the air -
Prepared with millet smoke... (kulesh).

It also applies to jellies and aspics,
It comes in chicken, goose and pork.
He is simply the “father” of all Russian dishes.
Ready with horseradish and mustard... (aspic)

There is fish, meat,
There is vegetable, chop.
There is no secret in her recipe,
Made from minced meat... (cutlet)

Now let's add a little
Vegetables, rice or potatoes.
For the stomach to have a feast,
To go with the cutlet you need to take... (garnish)

Approaching dessert already,
I will test you, experts:
What's like a jellyfish on the table?
Colored sweet... (jelly)

Another dessert, but who knows...
It is baked in the oven.
Filling - eggs and cottage cheese,
Maybe with jam... (pie)

They serve it on the “third”
Although sometimes they drink first,
Sugar, water, fruit -
And now it’s ready... (compote)

(Source: gamevil.ru)

5. Table competition for March 8 “War of the Sexes”

All guests participate in this competition, who must be conditionally divided into two teams: male and female players. The facilitator asks the teams questions one by one. In this case, the women's team is asked men's questions, and the men's team is asked women's questions. competition for March 8 can be done on any corporate holiday.

Examples of questions for women:

What is a carburetor a part of? ( Motor)

What can you hit with a “poke”? (On the ball)

Is the hood of your car located at the front or rear? (Front)

What is a shootout? (Penalty in hockey)

When working with a saw, in which direction is the force applied: towards yourself or away from you? (Push)

Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (In hockey)

Where was the 2002 FIFA World Cup held? (In Japan)

Which company's products have a tick-shaped emblem? (Nike)

Examples of questions for men:

Why do women drip nail polish onto torn tights? (So ​​that the arrow does not appear on torn tights)

When threading a needle, what should be stationary: the needle or the thread? (Needle)

What is highlighting? (Coloring individual strands of hair)

Why might a woman need acetone? (Wash off old varnish from nails)

What is the name of the small bag that holds the items needed to do makeup? (Beauty bag)

Do you put yeast in shortbread dough? (No)

Do I need to wash off the dye from my hair after coloring it? (Yes)

Wax, cream, mechanical devices, laser devices. What is this process? (Depilation)

For each correct answer the team receives a bonus point

(Source: marryland.ru)

6. Quiz for March 8 “What was the first thing a woman did?”

(choose the correct one

1. The woman came up with a holiday …….

a) Valentine's Day;

c) Defender of the Fatherland Day;

d) Independence Day.

2. The woman was the first to spend….

A) lottery ;

b) demonstration;

c) Defender of the Fatherland Day;

d) Independence Day.

2. The woman was the first to spend….

A) lottery ;

b) demonstration;

c) beauty contest;

d) horizon line.

3. The woman introduced the tradition…..

a) cut nails;

b) wash your hands before eating;

c) take off your shoes before going to bed;

G ) drink tea at 5 o'clock morning.

4. The woman came up with

a) office glue;

b) pushpins;

c) paper clips;

G) clerical" correct R».

5. The woman was first…….

a) astronomer;

b) psychic;

V) medium ;

d) a gossip

6. The woman came up with….

A) teddy bear ;

b) a rubber baby elephant;

c) tin soldier;

d) chocolate bunny.

7. The woman sent first….

a) telegram;

V) « valentine »;

d) “letter of happiness.”

8. Woman created….

a) Online store;

b) Internet cafe e;

c) virtual registry office;

d) virtual acquaintance.

9. The woman opened the lardn hygiene for……

A ) women ;

b) men;

10. Woman designed….

c) sink;

G ) "belt fidelity»

11. A woman invented…..

A) dishwasher ;

b) washing machine;

c) the justice machine;

d) time machine.

7. Competition for a corporate party at the table

"Thinking outside the box"

Leading: Let's remember what qualities help when people want to impress each other. For example, the ability to think outside the box. To develop this skill, let's practice a little. You have to guess which ones famous fairy tales there is a speech. For example, in “The Tale of How a Psychic Gave the President a Radar Device” we are talking about the Golden Cockerel. The golden cockerel, a gift from the magician, warned the king about the advance of enemies.

About how love turns a beast into a man. (The Scarlet Flower)

About the first victim of a bad investment. (Pinocchio)

About the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones. (3 little pigs)

About the difficult path bakery product to the consumer. (Kolobok)

About how a large animal used child labor in household. (Masha and the Three Bears)

About overcrowding of living space, which led to the destruction of the building. (Teremok)

8. Game at the table “Auction of compliments on March 8th”.

Playing compliments with the audience. Men say adjectives that characterize women starting with the letter “F” (LIVING, CHEERFUL, BURNING DESIRED, IRON, PEARL FEMININE, WAITING, COMPLETELY BURRING, and women praise men starting with the letter “M” (FASHIONABLE, WISE, SWEET, MAGICAL YOUNG, POWERFUL. DREAMY)

Finally, the guests' imagination runs out; whoever comes up with the last male and female compliment receives prizes from the host.

9. Prize in riddles

The prize is taken and wrapped in paper. The contents of any riddle are glued to the wrapper. Turns around again. And again the riddle sticks. And so ten times. The players sit in a circle. The presenter gives one a prize wrapped in ten wrappers. The player removes one wrapper, sees the riddle, and reads to himself. If he guessed it, he says the riddle; if not, he reads the riddle out loud; whoever guessed it gets the right to further unwrap the prize and everything continues according to the same pattern. The winner is the one who, guessing the riddle, gets to the very end.

1) Which ditty mentions both women and the number 8? (“Eight girls, one me..”)

2) Which one alcoholic drink reminds you of Women's Day? (Martini)

3) Remember the films with the word woman? (“Strange woman”, “Sweet woman”, “Beloved woman of the mechanic Gavrilov”, “A woman as a gift”, “A woman for everyone”, “Women”, “A lonely woman wants to meet”...)

4) Which movies contain adjectives about women? (“The most charming and attractive”; “The only one”, “The faithful wife”)

5) Which songs mention women's names? (“Lisa, don’t leave”, “Ah, Tanya, Tanechka”, “At the samovar, me and my Masha”; “Hello, Alena”, “A stewardess named Zhanna”; “And I’m flowers for Lily”; “Natasha, Natasha , if only a miracle..")

6) What wines are named female names? (Lydia, Isabella; Dunyasha)

7) What plants have female names? (Rose, Pansies; Daisies; Ivan da Marya)

8) What movies with female names (“Mashenka”, “Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha”, “Anna Karenina”; “Valentin and Valentina”; “Nina”).

(Source: melochi-jizni.ru)

11. Table game-cry

"Exercising at the table."

The presenter explains the rules of this: when she makes a gesture with her right hand, the guests on the right shout: (no, no), when she gestures with her left hand, the guests on the left: (yes, yes). If your hands are above your head - all in unison: (we agree), hands on your sides - men in a bass voice: (hurray!)

I have a question - will we celebrate the holiday? (left - yes)

Will we be silent and bored? (right - no)

Need a drink, a snack (left - yes)

Can I offer you some tea? (right - no)

The gentlemen will dance for us (on the sides - hurray)

Ladies let men kiss (overhead - we agree)

The guests will probably all sing (left - yes)

From now on, we wish to surprise you with beauty - (left - yes)

And hide it from everyone - (right - no)

So that everyone in our hall would scream today (on the sides - hurray)

Because in fact, your holiday is knocking on the door - (left - yes)

We pour wine for everyone (on the sides - hurray and above the head - we agree)

Table competitions on March 8 will allow guests of the celebration to get to know each other better and will unite everyone present at the holiday. Thematic quizzes will allow you to show your erudition. Fun games and jokes will amuse guests and support positive mood after active competitions and dances.

    The competition involves 2 teams, which include both men and women. Each team chooses a captain. It's better if it's a man. The captains' task is to compliment the ladies. For example, the first one says: “Our women are the most beautiful,” to which the second one objects: “But ours are the most sophisticated.” The first continues: “And ours are the kindest.” When one of the captains cannot come up with a compliment for women, he can ask his team for help (no more than 3 tips).

    If the competition drags on, it should be announced that now compliments must be given only with one letter, for example, “a”: active, artistic, etc. The team whose captain made the last argument wins.

    Women participate in the competition. Participants are given sheets of paper, pens and asked to write an advertisement about dating. It must indicate the girl’s appearance, character traits, as well as the reasons why she is looking for a soul mate. After this, the girls take turns reading out their essays. The winner is the author of the funniest ad, determined by the amount of laughter and applause.

    Women and men participate in the competition. They sit in pairs. Men put on boxing gloves and receive one candy in a wrapper. At the signal from the presenter, representatives of the strong half of humanity - knights - must unwrap the candies and feed them to their ladies. The couple that copes with this task faster than the rest wins.

    Everyone can participate in the game. The presenter distributes to the contestants sheets with written names of colors, in which the letters are rearranged. Players must guess these names.

    For example:
    kinzhensdop - snowdrop;
    enris - lilac;
    garatimark - daisy;
    oraz - rose;
    kaviles - cornflower;
    Douglasiol - gladiolus;
    sarat - aster;
    yahoredi - orchid;
    punalt - tulip;
    Zemantihra - chrysanthemum.

    The participant who deciphers these words faster and more successfully than others wins.

    Girls and women participate in the competition. You can find different things in a handbag. Each participant's bag contents are assessed on the following scale:

    1. Beauty:
      lipstick - 1 point;
      mascara - 1 point;
      mirror - 1 point;
      nail file - 1 point.
    2. Practicality:
      candies or other sweets - 1 point;
      napkins - 1 point.
    3. Mind:
      magazine, book or crossword puzzles - 1 point;
      notebook - 1 point;
      pen - 1 point;
      flash drive - 1 point.
    4. Soulfulness:
      photo of relatives, friends or loved one (not on the phone) - 1 point;
      any thing that clearly does not belong to the woman herself (from her son’s toy to her husband’s slippers bought on the way) - 0.5 points.

    The lady who scores the most points is awarded the title “ Real woman" and the prize is awarded.

Games and competitions for adults. Games for adults. Competitions for adults. Games. Competitions">

Games and competitions. Games for adults.

“Let’s sit together” “Double chin” “Take care of your eggs!” " Wild beach""Shock Workers"" Craftsmen" "Who's faster?!" "Oh, these legs!" "Oh, these legs... men's!" "Women's intuition" "Through thorns to the stars" "Sweet little thing!" "A trickle" in a festive way" "Men's athletics" "Whose knees?" "Where are you, my love?" "Find your wife" "Dress me, honey!" "Stickers" "The most resilient" "Sensual" "Move your butt!" "Burst the balloon!" “A small match” “One for two” “Skillful lips” “I give you flowers” ​​“Turnip on new way""Ricky the tuft" "The Scarecrow" "Dress up your husband-sultan" "Whose harem is cooler?" "Money, money, money..." "Boxing club" "Going for kisses" "Kiss me, kiss me!" "Love

"Let's sit together"

Couples stand with their backs to each other, leaning forward slightly. An egg is sandwiched between the backs (a little lower). Exercise

Carefully lower it to the floor. The couple whose egg remains intact wins. The egg can be replaced with a rubber ball.

In this case, the competition is won by the pair whose ball, after touching the floor, does not roll to the side.

"Double chin"

Partners (man and woman) stand opposite each other, holding a small rubber ball between their stomachs. Task

Rotational movements roll the ball to the chin of the shorter partner. Tumbleweed

Several pairs participate in the game. Each couple gets two raw eggs or ping pong balls. Men roll these balls from the lady's right sleeve to her left sleeve.

Ladies roll balls through a man's trousers from the right leg to the left.

"Take care of your eggs!"

Required condition games

Noisy funny company appropriate age. Only men can take part

4 or 8 people. A plastic bag with two eggs is hung from the front of each person’s belt so that it hangs between their legs, the players are divided into pairs (at random or by lot, it is desirable that the players in pairs are of the same height). Next, the players stand in front of each other, spread their legs and squat slightly. Then everything is very simple, they fight with eggs, the one whose eggs break is eliminated. This is how the semi-finals and finals are held.

The winner is the one with at least one egg left intact. Fanfares, prizes, guests (especially girls) are rolling on the floor laughing.

"Wild beach"

The players get into pairs. The host invites everyone to the “wild beach”, where dances are announced. Dancers are given records (one for men, three for women)

- "in order to intimate parts did not excite vacationers on the beach." Music sounds, dancing begins. Players need not to lose a single record during the dance, and for this they have to dance, pressing closely together...

"Shock Workers"

3 couples are invited (girl

Boy). They must be unfamiliar or unfamiliar. The presenter is recommended to connect them himself. It will be more fun this way. So, the girl has a frying pan tied to her belt in front, and the guy

Ladle. The couple is placed facing each other at a close distance. Now the presenter needs to count the number of blows per certain time, for example, in a minute. You need to hit the pan exactly with the ladle.

The one who hits the most wins.

"Folk Craftsmen"

Guests are divided into pairs: man

Woman. Partner task

Blindfolded, use your teeth to move the clothespins (pre-fixed by the leader) from your partner’s back to her chest. The pair that completes the task first wins.

"Who's faster?!"

A pair (different sex or any) is selected by lot. The participants stand against each other. They are blindfolded, and an ordinary clothespin is attached to each one.

You need to find the clothespin on your opponent’s body as quickly as possible and at the same time try not to give away yours or let him get close to it.

"Oh, these legs!"

In the room, ladies sit on chairs, 4-5 people. The man is shown that his wife (friend, acquaintance) is sitting among them, and he is taken to another room, where he is tightly blindfolded. At this moment, all the women change seats, and a couple of men sit next to them.

Everyone bares one leg (just above the knees) and lets in a man with a bandage. He squats, touching everyone's bare leg with his hands in turn, and must recognize his other half. Men wear a stocking on their leg for camouflage.

"Oh, these legs... are men's!"

Only men take part in this competition. But at first they should not know that the best male legs will be revealed. The presenter announces to the men present that there will be a competition to collect cosmetics (lipstick, powder, cosmetic sets, mascara, etc.) that are scattered on the floor.

Whoever collects the most cosmetic items and quickly wins this competition. But for convenience, men should bend their trousers as high as possible.

After the cosmetics are collected, the presenter announces the winner. But not the one who collected the most cosmetics, and who (according to the female jury) has the most beautiful male legs.

"Female intuition"

Women are encouraged to look men in the eyes carefully

To your playing partners. After this, the women go into another room, and the men put on gas masks and sit on chairs. They are covered from head to toe with a blanket so that only the gas masks are visible. Women are invited, their task

Find someone whose eyes they looked into just recently.

"Through hardship to the stars"

The presenter invites three married couples. Men stand 3-4 meters from their wives. The presenter opens 3 bottles of vodka or wine and places them in the path of each man.

After this, each man is blindfolded, turned around several times, placed facing his wife and asked to walk to her and hug her. When the men are already blindfolded, the presenter quickly removes the bottles and switches places with the wives.

"Sweet thing!"

There will be no winners or losers in this game, this game

A joke to amuse guests. Two participants are invited to participate

Man and woman. The rules of the game are explained to the man

- “now the lady will sit on this sofa and take a sweet candy into her mouth, and your task

Blindfolded, find this candy without using your hands and take it with your mouth too." The whole comical situation lies in the fact that as soon as the man is blindfolded, the man is placed on the sofa or couch instead of the promised lady. Believe me, how long will it take to try to find the candy from “ladies” is your chosen gentleman, so many guests will laugh heartily.

"Stream" in a festive way"

A line of wallpaper is placed on the floor. Women are invited to walk along the “stream” with their legs wide apart without getting their feet wet. After the first attempt, you are asked to repeat the “walk along the stream,” but blindfolded. All other future participants in the game should not see how it is played. Having passed a stream blindfolded, and at the end of the path having removed the blindfold, the woman discovers that a man is lying on the stream, face up (the man lies down on the wallpaper after the task has been completed, but the blindfold has not yet been removed from the participant’s eyes).

The woman is embarrassed. The second contestant is invited, and when everything is repeated again, the first contestant laughs heartily. And then the third, fourth... Everyone has fun!

"Men's Athletics"

Male participants in the game are put on a dark, non-transparent blindfold and asked to do push-ups on the floor as many times as possible. After the men have tried their hand, the presenter says that the floor is not very clean and suggests laying down paper (the bandages cannot be removed). These are strips of wallpaper on which life-size silhouettes of naked women are depicted.

The men now carry out the task, positioned above these silhouettes. After some time, the leader removes the bandages and asks the players to continue. Fans count the number of push-ups and cheer them up with jokes and advice.

"Whose knees?"

Chairs are arranged in a circle in the room. Players sit on them

Men and women. The driver is selected. He is blindfolded. The music turns on and the driver walks in a circle. As soon as the music stops, the driver stops and sits on the lap of the person he stopped next to. The one to whom he sat down must hold his breath and not give himself away. The rest ask: “Who?”

If the driver guesses who he is sitting on his lap, then he becomes the driver. You cannot use your hands when guessing.

"Where are you, my love?"

There should be as many participants as possible. The boys take turns entering the room with the girls. Boys must be blindfolded and have their hands behind their backs. The young man needs to guess all the girls who are present. Your hands are tied behind you, so you have to act only with your head in the literal sense of the word. Everyone just falls out of laughter when a young man simply sniffs, licks, or does something else with her.

At the end of the game the total is calculated: how many correct and incorrect answers, Based on this, first place and last place are awarded. And be sure to reward the best, and punish the rest.

"Find Your Wife"

Two people take part in the game: husband and wife. A chair is placed in the middle of the room or area, eight pins are placed in a straight line to the chair or empty bottles. The husband is blindfolded and the task is explained: “Walk without knocking over any pins (bottles) and kiss your wife.” The wife is sitting on a chair. At the moment when the husband begins to approach his wife, quietly and inconspicuously replace her with another woman, placing her in the place of the participant’s wife.

Everything in the game is that the participant in the game, i.e. the husband must kiss another woman without noticing the substitution.

The game will be more interesting if it is given a competitive character, when several husbands compete at the same time. In this case: the wives should quietly and inconspicuously change places with each other.

"Dress me, honey!"

Couples are invited to participate in the game: man

Woman. Male players are given winter mittens. Their task

Fasten as many buttons as possible on the shirt or robe that is worn over their play partner's clothing. The one who completes the task faster wins. Fashion designer

Every lady holds in right hand ribbon twisted into a ball. The man takes the tip of the ribbon with his lips and, without touching his hands, wraps the ribbon around the lady. The winner is the one with the best outfit, or the one who completes the task faster.


Stickers (5-10 pieces) are pasted in various places (usually on the arm, neck, cheek, behind the ear, on the lips, etc.). The partner must carefully tear off this sticker with his mouth, teeth, tongue and without touching it with anything else. The sticker should not be too sticky!

"The most resilient"

Two pumps are needed to inflate rubber boats. Two girls are asked to inflate balloons attached to pumps while sitting on them. The one whose ball bursts first wins. Sweet tooth

The guests are divided into pairs. In every pair

Man and woman. Each pair's task

Together, without using your hands, unwrap and eat the candy that the host gives. The first couple to do this wins.


Only women participate in the competition. The participants stand facing the audience. Behind each is a chair. The presenter quietly places a small object on each chair.

On command, all participants sit down and try to determine: what is the object under them. Looking at and using hands is prohibited. The one who determines first wins.

"Move your butt!"

Three or more young people sit on chairs with their legs together. Place a piece (20 cm) on your knees toilet paper. Then the girls sit on their laps and, moving their butts in different directions to the music, try to tear the paper.

Whoever has the most gaps on paper wins.

"Burst the balloon!"

The men sit down, holding inflated balloon between my knees. Women, their partners, must sit on their laps so that the balloon bursts. Love stick

Two teams, in which men and women alternate (3-5 people), must pass from first to last and back a simple pencil, and it is passed clamped between the nose and upper lip of the players! Naturally, you cannot touch the pencil with your hands, but everything else can be touched with your hands.

Woman. A chair is placed in front of each column, on which the first team member sits. A match is placed in his mouth (without sulfur, of course).

At the leader’s command, the second player runs up to him, takes a match (without hands) and sits in the place of the first. The first one runs to the rear of the column. The team whose first player is the first to sit back on the chair wins.

"One for two"

Two or more pairs of men and women participate. Each pair's task

Eat a long cucumber or banana faster than others

Simultaneously from both ends, without touching, with your hands. But everything happens blindfolded. Couples are selected by mutual consent, and after they are blindfolded, partners are quietly changed.

"Skillful sponges"

Several couples stand in front of the audience. Next they take plastic bottle from a gas water bottle or any other 2-liter bottle, close the lid tightly and squeeze it between each guy’s legs. Then the girls, without using their hands, must unscrew the cap of the bottle.

And, simply put, you need to do it with your mouth. The winner is the couple in which the girl unscrews the cork the fastest. When she; does this, he immediately runs forward with the lid raised up.

"I give you flowers"

This game is best played when there are a lot of flowers, roses in particular. So, two couples are chosen, several roses are “gutted”, the girls are laid on the sofa and approximately the same number of petals are scattered on them. Their partners are blindfolded, and on command they begin to collect petals with their lips.

Naturally, the winner is the one who completes this task faster.

"Turnip in a new way"

Guys sit on their fifth point, in one line, with their legs spread or crossed in Turkish style, leaning back and resting their hands on the ground (or floor) behind their backs

These are "beds". The girls sit next to them either on their crossed legs or between them. They

- "turnips". Leading

- "Michuri?ets" walks in front of the "beds". It is advisable for “turnips” to keep their hands in front of them. Having lulled the vigilance of the “beds” with conversations, the “Michurinets” tries to pull the “turnip” out of the “beds”. The guy must have time to remove his hands from behind his back and grab (hold the girl). Why will he grab her?

That's how it goes. Anyone who fails to hold back the “turnip” becomes a “Michurinite.” The main thing for the “beds” is not to get robbed after the game.

"Ricky the Tuft"

Before the game, remind female participants that men, like birds, are most attractive during the mating season. Let each participant choose a man for herself during the game and create the most “ruffled” one out of him. For this purpose, ladies are given multi-colored hair bands. Their task

Using rubber bands, create as many “tufts” as possible from men’s hair. The companion of the most “ruffled” one is awarded a prize.


Two teams of 3 people each (1 girl and 2 guys). The girl stands between the guys, and in a minute they must dress the girl, but only with the clothes that they themselves are wearing (watches and rings also count). Accordingly, the team whose girl has the most clothes wins.

The game goes just great, especially when such a picture appears: 4 guys are standing in the clothes their mother gave birth to, and two beauties, like garden scarecrows, with socks on their heads.

"Dress your husband-sultan"

This game is best played in a large company. Several harems are created. Each harem consists of one husband (young man) and wives (girls).

It is necessary that the number of wives in harems be the same. To the accompaniment of some oriental music, the wives begin to take off some items of clothing or jewelry and put them on their husband. The harem in which the husband manages to put on the most items is considered the winner. As a prize, the winning harem or its head

He can come up with a tricky task for the losing harem. It is possible, of course, vice versa, for the husband to dress his wives, but in this case things will run out very quickly.

"Whose harem is cooler?"

Two husbands are chosen

Harem holders. The first wives are chosen. Cards with names written on them must be prepared in advance. various parts bodies. The husband and first wife each draw one card (the cards are turned word side down) and touch those parts of the body that are indicated on each card. Next, the second wife is chosen. She and her husband each draw a new card. The second wife must join the husband, who is already in contact with the first wife.

So the number of wives increases until the husband can still be reached and touched, or until there are no more candidates for the place of harem wives. The one with the harem wins

- the “statue of love” (husband + all wives) will look more interesting, more original and funnier.

"Money money money…"

Several couples participate. For ladies, a large fake wallet is attached to the belt in front, for men

Banknote big size. It is necessary, without touching the wallet, the bill and the ropes on which they are attached to the belt, with your hands, put the bill in the lady’s wallet. Deposits and Deposits

The presenter calls two couples (a man and a woman in each pair): “Now you will try to open a whole network of banks as quickly as possible, investing only one bill in each. Receive initial contributions! (Gives the couples money in candy wrappers). Pockets can serve as banks for your deposits , lapels, and all the nooks and crannies.

Try to process your deposits as quickly as possible and open as many banks as possible. Let's get ready... Let's start!" The facilitator helps the pairs complete the task; after one minute, the facilitator sums up the results.

Presenter: “How many bills do you have left? What about you? Great! All the money is invested in the business! Well done!

And now I ask the women to quickly withdraw all their deposits, and since a bank deposit can only be withdrawn by the one who made it and no one else, you will withdraw your deposit blindfolded so as not to see other people’s deposits.”

(The women are blindfolded and the men are swapped at this time). At the command of the presenter, the women enthusiastically withdraw their deposits, suspecting nothing.

"Boxing Club"

Before the start of the competition, the presenter calls two real men who are ready to do anything for the sake of the lady of their heart. The ladies of the heart are present right there to exert a beneficial psychological influence on their knights. The gentlemen put on boxing gloves, the rest of the guests form a symbolic boxing ring. Presenter's task

Intensify the situation as much as possible, suggest which muscles are best to stretch, in general, everything is like in a real ring. After physical and moral preparation is completed, the knights go to the center of the ring and greet each other. The presenter, who is also the judge, reminds the rules, such as don’t hit below the belt, don’t leave bruises, fight until first blood, etc.

After this, the presenter hands the fighters each the same candy, preferably caramel (they are more difficult to unwrap, especially when they are stuck together), and asks his lady love to unwrap this candy as soon as possible, without taking off his boxing gloves. The one who completes the task before his opponent wins.

"Going for Kisses"

Two teams

Men's and women's lines line up one at a time. The task of the men: one by one, heading towards the line of women, kiss each one as quickly as possible, and after the “kissing trip” is completed, the man, symbolizing the end of the task, must say: “I’m finished.” The facilitator records the time each participant completes the task. Who is faster

He won.

"Kiss me, kiss me!"

Any interested man is welcome. He is blindfolded. The girls are evenly spaced around the room. At the man's command, the girls freeze. The task of a blindfolded man is to find and kiss each girl as quickly as possible (the time is timed by the presenter). Other men can be added to the girls (disguise as girls, for example, change clothes, glasses, etc.). After one male participant has passed the “relay race,” the next one begins.

The fastest one wins.

You don't like"

The host asks all the guests sitting at the table to name what they like and what they don’t like about the neighbor on the right. For example: “I like my neighbor’s ear on the right and don’t like his shoulder.” After everyone calls it, the leader asks everyone to kiss what they like and bite what they don't like.

A minute of wild laughter is guaranteed for you.

"Kitty-kitty... Meow!"

One person sits on a chair with his back to the guests. The host behind him points to the guests one by one and says: “Kitty,” “Kitty,” etc. The player sitting with his back must respond at some point by saying, “Meow.” Then he kisses the one the presenter was pointing at at that moment.

After this, the host sits on a chair, the player from the chair goes to the guests, and the kissed player becomes the host.

"Kiss, girl, well done"

The game will require 4 or more participants (the more the better). All participants stand in a circle. One person stands in the center, this is the leader.

Then everyone starts moving: The circle rotates in one direction, the one in the center rotates in the other. The center must have his eyes blindfolded or closed. Everyone is singing:

A matryoshka was walking along the path,

Lost two earrings

Two earrings, two rings,

Kiss, girl, well done.

With the last words everyone stops. A pair is selected according to the principle: leader

The one in front of him. Then the issue of compatibility is resolved. They stand with their backs to each other and, on the count of three, turn their heads left or right; if the sides match, then the lucky ones kiss!

Games for adults.

“Let’s sit together” “Double chin” “Take care of your eggs!” "Wild Beach" "Shock Workers" "Craftsmen" "Who's Faster?!" "Oh, these legs!" "Oh, these legs... are men's!" "Women's intuition" "Through thorns to the stars" "Sweet little thing!" "Stream" in a festive way" "Men's athletics" "Whose knees?" "Where are you, my love?" "Find your wife" "Dress me, darling!" "Stickers" "The most enduring" "Sensual" "Move your butt! " "Burst the balloon!" "Small match" "One for two" "Skillful lips" "I give you flowers" "Turnip in a new way" "Ricky the crest" "Scarecrow" "Dress the sultan husband" "Whose harem is cooler" ?" "Money, money, money..." "Boxing club" "Going for kisses" "Kiss me, kiss me!" "Love me

You don’t like" "Kitty-kitty... Meow!" "Kiss, girl, well done"

Games and competitions. Games for adults. Games and competitions. Games for adults. Games and competitions. Games for adults.

Not only women, but also men can take part in these competitions in order to support their ladies and help them.

Hungry hedgehogs

“Hedgehogs” need to be made in advance: for this you will need small planks and nails. We drive nails into the boards so that the sharp edges go right through and stick out on the other side. These are “needles”. Such a board is placed in front of each participant, teeth up. Each player is tied to an apple, orange or some other fruit on a string at waist level. Ideally, the apple should be hanging near your knees.

The task is to feed the “hedgehog” as quickly as possible, that is, to prick an apple onto its “needles”, because, as we know, this is how hedgehogs get their food.

Hide money

This competition involves couples - a man and a woman. The presenter distributes the same number of candy wrappers to the men - this is “money”. The following describes the situation: a husband and wife are sitting at home, and suddenly the tax office is knocking on the door! You need to hide all the money as quickly as possible, and only your wife is at hand. During the allotted time, participants must place as many candy wrappers as possible on their partner’s body: they can be put behind the ear, put in a pocket, etc. There is one condition - only one “bill” can be placed in each secluded place.


Players are given blank sheets of paper, pens, pencils, markers - in general, any drawing supplies. Then, secretly from others, the presenter informs each participant of the situation that he will have to depict. The more abstract and funnier the situation, the better. For example, you can think of the following: “strong excitement”, “adultery”, “relapse into childhood”, “presumption of innocence”, etc. If the task seems too difficult, then as a warm-up you can give the artists the task of drawing a proverb or a well-known phraseological unit: “to carry away your feet”, “to bury talent in the ground”, “you can’t catch a fish out of a pond without difficulty”, etc. After the “pictures” are painted, arrange an exhibition - all the art is put on public display, the rest of the participants must guess, What is encrypted in the pictures?

Obstacle course

Each participant is given the following items: a cocktail straw and a ping pong ball. A “track” is built on the floor: bottles are placed in a row. There may be several such “tracks”, in which case all players will compete at the same time, or one, in which case everyone’s time will need to be timed and then the winner will be determined. The participants' task is to blow on the ball from the tube so that it moves forward. Thus, you need to get around all the bottle obstacles. The one who does it faster wins.


For this competition you will need baby feeding bottles with nipples on the necks. The holes in the nipples need to be slightly enlarged with a needle, otherwise it will take too much time to complete the task. Participants are divided into pairs: “mother” is a woman and “baby” is a man. Girls should sit on a chair, sit or place young men on their laps, tie their caps and feed them from a bottle. The caring “mother” who gets her “child” drunk the fastest wins. In this case, the content can be not only milk, but also lemonade, beer, wine and even vodka - just do not overdo it with the quantity, otherwise the “babies” may not calculate their strength and not cope with the load.

Balls with a secret

You need to prepare tasks in advance, written on pieces of paper, and place them in balloons, which should then be inflated and hung around the room. This way you will decorate the hall, and towards the end of the holiday you will also entertain the guests. Let participants choose one or two balloons, pop them, read them and complete the tasks. Write something simple, for example, “make a toast in honor of all the women gathered,” “sing a song with the words “spring” and “love,” etc. Thus, the good old game of forfeits becomes more interesting and varied.

Hobbled horses

Players are divided into pairs and stand shoulder to shoulder. Then the right leg of one partner and the left leg of the other must be tied together, so the participants turn out to be a single three-legged whole. In this position, the “horses” must “gallop” to a chair standing at a certain distance from them, take some object there and walk back. The task is performed at speed.

Flying boxes

To conduct the competition you will need several empty matchboxes. If you pull it halfway and blow hard, bringing it to your mouth, the box will fly forward. Having taught participants to “throw projectiles,” you can hold several types of competitions:

2) who can get the box into a basket standing at some distance;

3) which of the “shooters” is the most accurate: you need to shoot down some target made of paper or cardboard.

Wild fantasy

Prepare several blanks in advance: on sheets of paper A3 or larger, draw any geometric figure, such as an oval or a square. Then call the participants, who will have to complete the picture within a certain time - a congratulation on the theme of women's holiday. The one whose imagination is better developed wins, and the “creations” can be hung in a prominent place, and then they will delight everyone for a long time.

“I’ll be riding my bike for a long time...”

Surely all your participants perfectly remember the words of this old song, and they will like this kind and fun competition. Have the players split into opposite-sex pairs. Women in this competition only play the role of “ladies of the heart”; they must stand still. Men are given children's tricycles on which they will have to travel. At the opposite end of the room or hall, chairs are placed (according to the number of pairs), on which you need to place a small bouquet or one flower. Then the music turns on (the very song for which the competition is named) and the men ride their bicycles into the “wild meadows.” It will turn out very funny, since the legs of young people will drag somewhere behind, but still let them try to turn the pedals. Having reached the chair, the player must take a bouquet from it and go back to his “beloved”. The first “knight” to reach his queen wins. In fact, the competition looks very fun from the outside and will be remembered by everyone present for a long time.


Check whether your women know how to manage their men correctly and effectively. For this competition, call several from the audience as participants married couples. If there are not enough of them, then simply opposite-sex duets can compete. The gentlemen are blindfolded and given brooms and dustpans. Crumpled pieces of paper are scattered across the floor. The ladies stand a little further away. They must control their men, shouting to them where to go and where to begin their revenge with a broom. The task for the pairs is the following: they need to collect as many pieces of paper as possible in a certain amount of time. The cleanest couple wins.

Famous couples

Two teams will be required to participate in this competition. Their task is to remember a famous couple (literary, acting or otherwise) as quickly as possible. To do this, the presenter names only one “half”, and the participants – the second. The team that names the most pairs wins.

For this game you need to prepare a list of literary characters in advance. For example, Juliet - Romeo, Isolde -. Tristan, Lyudmila - Ruslan, Mercedes - Count of Monte Cristo, Desdemona - Othello.

You can take well-known historical or modern pairs:

Josephine - Napoleon, Cleopatra - Anthony, Lilya Brik - Mayakovsky, Akhmatova - Gumilyov.

Competition for men

Men who claim to be the most gallant and eloquent can take part in this competition. Their task is to name as many compliments as possible to a woman for a given letter of the alphabet. For example, “o” - “charming”, “bewitching”, “seductive”, “charming”, or “s” - “stately”, “sexy”, “pretty”, “stunning”, “seductive”, etc. e. Participants can name epithets in turn for one letter or for different ones chosen in advance.

Competition for couples

Call several married or loving couples onto the stage. Announce that this game will allow them to learn to listen to each other, act together and overcome difficulties together. To do this, each duo receives a small ball (the size of a tennis ball). Partners must hold it between their foreheads and in this position follow the instructions of the leader. This is enough difficult task, so the actions should be simple, for example, “squat down,” “take two steps to the right,” “turn 360°,” etc.

Longest tape

To conduct this competition, you need to prepare several types of ribbons in advance. different colors and hide them one by one somewhere in the hall or room. Next, the participants are divided into pairs, each of which is assigned a color (yellow pair, blue pair, etc.). Players must find as many ribbons of their color as possible and tie them into one. The pair with the longest strip after the end of the game wins.


Participation in this competition will be accepted by men who want to congratulate beautiful ladies happy holiday. Write in advance on the cards the rhymes to which the “poetsers” will have to add lines to make a meaningful congratulatory poem. Rhymes might be something like this:

… … … happiness,

… … … dreams,

… … … bad weather,

… … … flowers,

… … … Job,

... ... ... mistakes,

… … … worries,

… … … smiles.

The most talented “poet” receives a prize in the form of kisses from grateful listeners.

"Let's compliment each other"

2-3 couples are invited. The men start. They take turns (you can determine the order by drawing lots) to compliment their lady. Moreover, the first player should say compliments only with the letter “p”, the second - with the letter “l”, the third - with the letter “s”. After this, women should speak kind words to their man. Likewise, words must begin with one specific letter. The one who says the most compliments wins.

The presenter invites 8-10 women to participate in the competition and says that the ladies will not be able to repeat 3 phrases that he will say. Confused, the participants suggest trying. The girls pronounce the first phrase, “The weather is great today,” without hesitation. The second - “Everyone is in a festive mood!” - also does not cause difficulties. The presenter states: “Well, you’re wrong!” To which the women object indignantly, but should simply repeat this third phrase.

The man of my dreams

Girls and women are blindfolded. In front of them is an easel and a marker. The task of each representative of the fair sex is to draw the man of her dreams with details, for example, with six-pack abs or a hairy chest. The best pictures There are prizes.


Women are famous laughers, so this competition is just for them. Those who wish sit in a circle, the first lady says: “Ha!” The next one adds the same syllable and it turns out “ha-ha!” And so on. Women are immediately warned that they need to pronounce their “speech” seriously, without changing the letters, only increasing the number of syllables. The game ends when one of the participants “giggles”, because almost all the participants in the competition, and the fans too, will immediately support her with infectious laughter.


Everyone knows that before work, announcers “warm up” by repeating tongue twisters. Participants are invited to take part in the broadcasting competition. Here are a few tongue twisters as an example, but you can use your own. The winner is the lady who clearly, quickly and correctly pronounces 3 phrases:
- coconut farmers cook coconut juice in coconut cookers;
- in Kabardino-Balkaria, valocardine from Bulgaria;
- Palmists and surgeons characterize rickets by fragility of cartilage and chronic chromosomal harakiri.

Pick a pair

Elimination game. The presenter calls an object to each participant in turn, and the participants must choose a pair for a certain object, the main thing is that the object must be female, for example, the presenter calls “pestle”, and the participant answers “stamen”, the presenter says “shore”, and the participant answers “river” and so on, for example, garden - a shovel; garbage - broom; thunder - lightning and so on. Anyone who cannot answer quickly leaves the game, and the participants or participants who remain until the last will receive prizes.

Guess the man

Each woman in turn goes to the easel and draws on a piece of paper some famous man (can be from the present or from the past) that she likes, for example, Brad Pitt, Philip Kirkorov, Vladimir Putin, Joseph Stalin and so on. And the rest of the girls, women should, for some reason and characteristic features guess this man. The woman who has the most male heroes guessed will win and receive a prize. The prize can also be awarded to the best artist.

Find a way out

Ladies are invited to the podium and given envelopes with a task. More precisely, each receives a “difficult life situation” and immediately explains to the audience how he will get out of this situation. For example: having returned home, you found a lady in your apartment walking around in your robe. The winner is the participant who offers the most original solution.


All competition participants sit in a circle. The presenter is in the center. He turns to each player in turn and says: “I love you. Give me a smile!" To which the participant replies without a hint of a smile: “I love you too, but I’m not allowed to smile.” It is extremely difficult to refrain from smiling in this situation. The one who laughs takes the place of the leader. Believe me, this happens very often. You can play endlessly.

Female detective

Participants in this competition can demonstrate their attention and talent to Miss Marple. 5-6 girls are invited, a man parades in front of them for 1 minute, then he leaves the hall, changes his appearance somewhat and returns to the contestants. The ladies' task is to find what exactly has changed in young man. The presenter says in advance how many differences need to be found. The ladies can answer in turn or write down the answers on a piece of paper and give them to the presenter.

Find the biggest

Each girl is blindfolded. Cucumbers are laid out in one row different sizes(you can use bananas), starting from the smallest to the largest. Each participant takes turns walking down the row, touching each cucumber and, with her eyes closed, identifying the largest among them. If the girl guessed right, she gets a prize.


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