Horrible experiences of the Nazi doctor Josef Mengele in a concentration camp. Josef Mengele - Maniac by vocation

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Congenital deformity saved an entire family from death in the gas chamber

At midnight on May 19, 1944, another train of Jews arrived at the Auschwitz concentration camp. The SS guards habitually drove people into groups, the shepherd dogs burst into hoarse barking. And suddenly seven midgets appear at the door of the car: five women dressed as if at a ball and two men in elegant suits. Not at all embarrassed by the situation, they look around with interest, and one of them begins to distribute business cards to the stunned guards: let them know what strange place the world-famous Lilliput Troupe has arrived!

Having found out that all these kids are brothers and sisters, the SS officer ordered his subordinates to urgently wake up the doctor. Josef Mengele. Everyone knew that he "collects" his own cabinet of curiosities and simply adores all sorts of deviations from the norm. And then there are seven Lilliputian relatives at once. Mengele, after hearing what was the matter, immediately jumped out of bed.

Music connected them

The dwarfs did not yet know that the "doctor" they expected preferred to treat radical methods. Say, when a typhus epidemic broke out in one of the women's barracks, he simply sent 498 of its inhabitants to the gas chambers. And they didn’t know about the monstrous experiments on living people either. Therefore, when Herr Mengele began to ask questions, they gladly told the story of their family.

Shimshon Ovitz from the Romanian town of Roswell was a midget, which did not prevent him from marrying women of normal height twice. Seven of his children were born small, three were ordinary. The head of the family died when the youngest, Perla, was not even two years old. The second wife of Shimshon - Batya-Berta was left alone with ten offspring in her arms. It occurred to her that children should learn music, and she did not lose. Everyone quickly mastered various instruments, created a family ensemble and began touring. Troupe Ovitsev was a great success and, accordingly, a good income. They could even afford a car, a rarity in those days. But in 1940, part of Romania came under the control of Nazi Hungary, and restrictions on Jews came into force. In particular, they were forbidden to speak in front of representatives of other nationalities. The team temporarily stopped playing concerts, and during the downtime, the Ovits were able to fix fake documents for themselves in order to start performing again. But in 1944, the secret became clear, and the whole family - 12 people aged from 15 months to 58 years old - was sent to Auschwitz.

Saved by the devil

The musical abilities of Dr. Mengele's family members were of little interest. But the union of the dwarf with ordinary woman and the ratio of normal offspring to children with disabilities is incredible! Therefore, he ordered not to touch the Ovits. Confidently lying to the monster about his close relationship with an unusual family, their neighbor Simon Shlomovits saved his - ten people. All of them were settled separately from other prisoners. They were allowed to walk in their own clothes and not shave their heads. Sometimes they were even fed not with gruel, but with more or less decent food.

“Perhaps we have cheered him up and he wants us to put on a show here too,” the Ovits thought. Therefore, when they were called to the doctor, the women dressed up and put on makeup (they were allowed to keep their makeup). However, in the laboratory, they simply took blood from everyone. A week later again. And then more and more. Such volumes were pumped out of the poor Lilliputians that they fainted. But as soon as they came to their senses, the execution was repeated.

They made careless punctures, and blood splattered in all directions. We often felt sick. When we returned to the barracks, we fell on the bunk. But they did not have time to restore strength, as we were called for a new cycle, - she recalled Perla Ovitz.

They checked the functioning of the internal organs of family members, looked for typhus, syphilis and other diseases, pulled out healthy teeth and pulled out eyelashes. Psychiatrists asked endless questions, supposedly testing intelligence. But most terrible torture there were injections into the ears: boiling water, followed by ice water, and so on in a circle. The most annoying thing is that Josef Mengele himself did not understand how to use the results of his monstrous experiments and what they could tell him about the mystery of this family. But at the same time, he enthusiastically asked the wife of the eldest of Abraham's dwarfs, Dora (she was of normal height) about the smallest details of their sex life.

However, at least they were still alive. But another hunchback dwarf who appeared in the camp was much less fortunate. The savage doctor decided that the skeletons of little freaks should be exhibited in the Berlin Museum, ordered that the unfortunate man be thrown into a cauldron and boiled until the meat separated from the bones.

And ordinary twins were the fanatic's favorite "stuff". He transfused blood and transplanted their organs to each other, tried to change eye color with chemicals, infected with viruses. I wanted to understand how twins are made, and to make sure that German women give birth to two or three racially pure children at a time

So the Ovitz were even grateful to their "savior." And they always tried to appear before him neat and cheerful. The women even flirted with Josef, and he brought their children toys of the kids destroyed in the camp. The youngest of the family, named after his grandfather Shimshon, even once called Mengele dad. He gently corrected the one and a half year old boy: "No, I'm not dad, I'm just Uncle Josef."

With the youngest of the midgets - Perla, who was then 23, it seems that something happened that many years later will be called "Stockholm syndrome".

Dr. Mengele looked like a movie star, only more handsome, she said. - Everyone could fall in love with him. But none of those who saw him could imagine that a monster was hiding behind his beautiful face. We knew that he was merciless and capable of the most terrible forms of sadism. That when he was angry, he fell into hysterics. But, being in a bad mood, he immediately calmed down as soon as he crossed the threshold of our barracks. Seeing him in good location spirit, everyone in the camp said, “Probably visited the kids.”

Visual material

One evening the doctor looked in on the dwarfs, holding a small bundle in his hands. He told his charges that they were going to have a special trip the next day. Noticing how the Lilliputians turned pale, he reassured them with a smile. And he left a bag in which there were lipstick, blush, nail polish, eye shadow, a bottle of cologne. The women were delighted.

The next day, at dawn, all the Lilliputians were put into a truck and taken to a building located in the SS residential camp. They even fed us a hearty dinner served on china plates and silver cutlery.

Then the troupe was brought to the stage. The hall was full - entirely the leadership. The sheep drew themselves up, but then Mengele barked: “Take off your clothes!” They had no choice but to obey. Trying to cover up intimate parts, Lilliputians hunched over. "Straighten up!" the tormentor shouted at them. And then he began to give a lecture entitled "Examples of work with anthropological and hereditary biology in concentration camps”, the essence of which was that the Jewish people are degenerating, turning into a nation of freaks. Lilliputians, as well as possible, suited as visual aid. So the SS officers were happy to feel the Ovits at the end of the speech.

It was another test for the family, but nevertheless Mengele saved them from death. Another camp doctor, jealous of Josef's position, sent the brothers Avraham and Mika behind his back to the gas chamber. But Mengele managed to pull them out. Therefore, the Ovitsy even took offense at the doctor, who did not take them with him when he was transferred from Auschwitz to the Gross-Rosen camp. And not in vain. The Lilliputians left without the support of the devil were going to be sent to the gas chamber. But they are lucky again. Their execution was scheduled for January 27, 1945, but on that day they entered Auschwitz soviet soldiers. A few months later, the miraculously surviving Ovits returned to their looted and destroyed house. Later they moved to Belgian Antwerp. And after the formation of Israel, they moved to Haifa. They lived long life: the elder sister Rozika died at 98 years old, the youngest - Perla left at 80. She did not feel malice towards her torturer.

If the judges had asked me if he should be hanged, I would have answered that he should be released, she said. - I was saved by the grace of the devil - God will pay tribute to Mengele.


Prisoner of Auschwitz, Czech Dina Gottlibova, on the orders of Dr. Mengele, made drawings of the heads, auricles, noses, mouths, arms and legs of his experimental subjects, including Ovitsev. She recalled that Josef called the dwarfs the names of the seven dwarfs from the fairy tale. Ironically, Dina married an artist after the war Arthur Babbitt who drew characters for Disney's Snow White.

Keep in mind

* Josef MENGELE(1911 - 1979) - SS Hauptsturmführer, awarded the Iron Cross 1st class for rescuing two tankmen from a burning tank.

* The topic of his doctoral dissertation was "Racial differences in the structure of the lower jaw."

* In Auschwitz, dissected live babies, castrated boys and men without anesthesia, subjected women to blows electric current high voltage, to find out their endurance, sterilized a group of Polish nuns using X-rays.

* Received the nickname Angel of Death.

* Until 1949, he hid in Bavaria, from there he fled to Argentina. When he was tracked down by agents of the Israeli secret service Mossad - Mengele was the most wanted Nazi criminal after Adolf Eichmann, moved to Paraguay and later to Brazil.

* While swimming in the state of São Paulo, the ghoul suffered a stroke and drowned.

Among all the Nazi criminals from the Third Reich, one stands out, which, perhaps, even among the most vile murderers and vile sadists, rightfully takes the place of the vilest of the vilest. Some of the Nazis can, albeit at a stretch, be classified as lost sheep turned into wolves. Others take their place as ideological criminals. But this one… This one did his dirty work with obvious pleasure, even with pleasure, satisfying his basest, wildest desires. This notorious sick creature combined Nazi ideas with obvious mental disorders and earned the nickname "Doctor Death." Sometimes, however, he was called almost the "angel of death." But this is too flattering a nickname for him. We are talking about the so-called Dr. Josef Mengele, the executioner from Auschwitz, who miraculously escaped the human court, but, it seems, only in order to wait for the higher court.

Josef Mengele was Nazi hardened from childhood. The fact is that he, who was born in 1911 in the Bavarian Gunzburg, was the son of the founder of a company that produced agricultural equipment, Karl Mengele. The company was called just that - "Karl Mengele and Sons" (Josef had two brothers - Karl and Alois). Naturally, the prosperity of the company depended on how the farmers feel. Farmers, like, in fact, millions of other Germans, after the defeat of Germany in the First World War and introduced against her, as they would now say, the most severe political and economic sanctions felt unimportant. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that when Hitler came to power with his Nazi party and his unbridled populism, promising mountains of gold to shopkeepers and the middle bourgeoisie, seeing them as his electoral base, Karl Mengele supported the Nazis with all his heart and part of his wallet. So the son was brought up in "proper" conditions.

misanthropic dissertation

By the way, Josef Mengele did not immediately go to study medicine (yes, he refused to continue his father’s work, apparently, he was drawn to experiments on people from a young age), no. First, he plunged into the activities of the right-wing conservative-monarchist organization "Steel Helmet", which had two wings - political and militant. However, many political organizations in Germany in those years had their militants at hand. Including communists. Later, namely in 1933, the Steel Helmet successfully joined the terrible SA (the organization of Nazi stormtroopers). But something went wrong. Perhaps Mengele sensed what the matter smells like (the SA was later actually defeated by Hitler, and the leadership headed by Rem was destroyed - such was the intra-Nazi competition). Or maybe, as the biographers of this fiend say, he really had health problems. Josef left the Steel Helmet and went to study medicine. By the way, about predilections and ideology. The topic of Mengele's doctoral dissertation was "Racial Differences in the Structure of the Mandible". So it was originally that "scientist".

The usual path of an ideological Nazi

Then Mengele did everything that a "righteous" Nazi was supposed to do. He joined, of course, the NSDAP. It didn't stop there. Became a member of the SS. Then he even ended up in the SS Panzer Division "Viking". Well, like in a tank division. Of course, Mengele was not sitting in the tank. He was a doctor in the engineer battalion of this division and even received the Iron Cross. Reportedly, for rescuing two tankers who were pulled from a burning tank. The war, or rather, its active, risky phase, ended for Mengele already in 1942. He was wounded on the eastern front. He was treated for a long time, but he became unsuitable for service at the front. But they found a “job”, as they say, “to their liking”. The one to which he went all his adult life. Pure butcher's work. In May 1943 he became a "doctor" at Auschwitz. In the so-called "gypsy camp". This is exactly what they say: let the wolf into the sheepfold.

concentration camp career

But a simple "doctor" Mengele stayed only a little over a year. At the end of the summer of 1944, he was appointed "chief doctor" in Birkenau (Auschwitz was a whole system of camps, and Birkenau was the so-called inner camp). By the way, Mengele was transferred to Birkenau after the “gypsy camp” was closed. At the same time, all its inhabitants were simply taken and burned in gas chambers. At the new place, Mengele "looked around". He personally met trains with arriving prisoners and decided who would go to work, who would immediately go to the gas chambers, and who would go to experiments.

Infernal Experimenter

We will not describe in detail exactly how Mengele mocked the prisoners. All this is painfully vile and inhuman. Let us give just a few facts to clarify for the reader the direction of his, so to speak, "scientific experiments". And this educated barbarian believed, yes - believed that he was precisely engaged in "science". And for the sake of this very "science" people can be subjected to any torture and abuse. It is clear that there was no smell of science there.

It smelled, as already mentioned above, of the complexes of this bastard climbing out, his personal sadistic inclinations, which he satisfied, hiding behind scientific necessity.

What did Mengele do

It is clear that he had no shortage of "experimental" ones. And so he did not regret " consumable”, as he considered the prisoners who fell into his paws. Even the survivors of his macabre experiments were then killed. But this bastard regretted the painkiller, which was, of course, necessary for the "great German army." And he carried out all his experiments on living people, including amputations and even dissection (!) of prisoners, without anesthesia. Especially for the twins. The sadist had a special interest in them. He carefully looked for them among the prisoners and dragged them to his torture chamber. And, for example, he sewed two together, trying to make one of them. He splashed chemicals into the eyes of children, allegedly looking for a way to change the color of the iris. He, you see, explored female endurance. And for this, a high voltage current was passed through them. Or, here is the famous case when Mengele sterilized a whole group of Polish Catholic nuns. Do you know how? With the help of x-rays. I must say that for Mengele all the prisoners of the camp were "subhuman".

But the Gypsies and Jews enjoyed the most close attention. However, let's stop painting these "experiments". Just trust that it was indeed a fiend of the human race.

Gray "rat trails"

Some of the readers probably know what "rat trails" are. So the American intelligence services called the escape routes of Nazi criminals they identified after the defeat in the war, in order to avoid persecution and punishment for their atrocities. Evil tongues claim that these same American intelligence services subsequently used the "rat trails" themselves to take the Nazis out of the blow, in order to then use them for their own purposes. Many of the Nazis fled to Latin American countries.

One of the most famous "rat trails" is the one that was created by the famous ODESSA network, the brainchild of Otto Skorzeny himself. True, his involvement in this has not been proven. But it's not that important. It is important that thanks to just such a "rat trail" Josef Mengele fled to South America.

Hello Argentina

As is now known, Mengele really smelled like a rat the imminent flooding of a ship already full of holes called the Third Reich. And of course, he understood that if he fell into the hands of the Soviet investigative authorities, he would not come out dry and would answer for everything to the fullest extent. Therefore, he fled closer to the Western allies of the USSR. It was in April 1945. He, dressed in a soldier's uniform, was detained. However, then a strange thing happened. Allegedly, Western experts could not install it real personality and ... released on all four sides. Little is believed in it. Rather, the conclusion suggests itself about the deliberate withdrawal of the sadist from the court. Although the general confusion of the end of the war could play a role. Be that as it may, Mengele, after spending three years in Bavaria, fled to Argentina along the "rat path".

Escape from Mossad

We will not describe in detail the life of a Nazi criminal in Argentina. Let's just say that once he almost fell into the hands of the famous Nazi hunter Simon Wiesenthal and Mossad agents.

They followed his trail. But at the same time they got on the trail of the main Nazi "specialist in the final solution of the Jewish question" Adolf Eichmann. Trying to capture both at the same time was extremely risky.

And the Mossad settled on Eichmann, leaving Mengele for later. However, after Israeli intelligence literally stole Eichmann from Buenos Aires, Mengele understood everything and quickly fled the city. First to Paraguay and then to Brazil.

The disease took revenge

I must say that the Mossad was close to detecting and capturing Mengele several more times, but something went wrong. So the famous sadist lived in Brazil right up to 1979. And then... One day he went swimming in the ocean. While taking ocean baths, he had a stroke. And Mengele drowned. It was not until 1985 that his grave was found. Only in 1992, the researchers were finally convinced that the remains belonged to Mengele. After his death, the Nazi and sadist still had to serve people. And, by the way, it is in the scientific field. His remains serve as scientific material at the Medical Faculty of the University of São Paulo.

Saves lives, but sometimes scientists, hoping for a breakthrough, allow themselves more than necessary. It is today that bioethical issues are paramount, and before taking part in this or that experiment, a person must sign a lot of papers and go through several interviews. Not to mention the fact that some research, whose ethical expediency is being questioned, cannot be carried out at all (at least on the basis of an institute or university).

, "Little Albert" and - what we hear about quite often. But, unfortunately, the history of terrible experiments in medicine does not end there. Five more creepy studies that you may not have heard of, we have collected in this material.

Separation of the twins

During secret experiment, held in the 60s and 70s (and supposedly funded National Institute mental health USA), scientists also separated the triplets to see what would happen to them if they grew up as only children. The fact that such an experiment took place at all became known in 1980, when three brothers Robert Shafran, Eddy Galland and David Kellman accidentally found each other. Of course, they had no idea that they were born with someone else.

According to the available data, Peter Neubauer and Viola Bernard, who led the study, had no qualms about it. Allegedly, it seemed to them that they were doing something good for these children, giving them the opportunity to grow and develop as individuals.

It is still not clear what results were obtained during the experiment. The fact is that the data on it is stored at Yale University (Yale University) and cannot be made public until 2066, reports NPR. By the way, director Tim Wardle told about the life of Robert, Eddie and David in the 2018 film Three Identical Strangers.

Mengele's experiments

A separate chapter in the history of medical experiments against humans is devoted to the experiments of Josef Mengele, the "Angel of Death" and a German doctor who conducted research on the prisoners of the Auschwitz concentration camp during the years.

He is known to have dissected live babies, performed castrations without anesthetics, studied the endurance of women by subjecting them to electric shocks, and sterilized nuns with X-rays. But Mengele was especially interested in twins who were tried to change the color of their eyes by injecting chemicals into them, who were tried to be sewn together and whose different organs were amputated. Of all the twins who ended up in the camp (according to various estimates, there were from 900 to 3,000), only 300 people survived.

Prisoners were used by the Nazis to test and test new treatments for infectious diseases, some of them were frozen alive during aerial research. Many of the doctors who took part in these experiments were declared war criminals. Mengele himself fled to South America, constantly changing his place of residence, and eventually died of a stroke in Brazil in 1979.

Detachment 731

Detachment 731 - this was the name of the Japanese military group created in 1932, which was actively studying biological weapons, and conducted experiments on living people in the occupied territory of China. According to the report The New York Times, published in 1995, the number of victims could reach 200,000 people.

Among the "experiments" of Detachment 731 were wells contaminated with , and , as well as attempts to establish how long a person can live under the influence of such factors as boiling water, deprivation of food, deprivation of water, gradual freezing, electric current and much more. Former members of the detachment told the media that some prisoners were dosed with poisonous gas, which led to the dissolution of the mucous membranes of the eyes, while the person himself remained alive.

After the war, the US government helped keep the experiments under wraps as part of a plan to turn Japan into a Cold War ally, according to The Times.

West Port Murders

Until the 1830s, higher educational establishments Great Britain experienced an acute shortage of corpses for classes in anatomy and medical research. This happened because only the bodies of executed criminals were legally available to scientists, of which there were not as many as we would like. It was the demand for extremely original goods that led to a series of 16 murders committed in 1827-1828 in the vicinity of West Port in Edinburgh by William Burke (William Burke) and William Hare (William Hare).

The owner of the boarding house Burke, along with his friend Hare, strangled the guests, after which they sold the bodies to the anatomist Robert Knox (Robert Knox). The latter, apparently, did not notice (or did not want to notice) that the bodies that were brought to him were suspiciously fresh.

William Burke was executed by hanging on January 28, 1829, while Hare was granted immunity from prosecution for remorse and testimony against Burke. In the end, the case of Burke and Hare prompted the British government to soften the laws, providing scientists with some other corpses for autopsy.

Tuskegee Syphilis Study

Photo: Federico Beccari / unsplash.com

The most famous failure in medical ethics lasted for an impressive forty years. It all started in 1932, when the US Public Health Service launched a study whose goal was to track all stages in the poor African American population of the town of Tuskegee (Alabama).

The progression of the disease was observed in 399 men who were told that the cause of the disease was solely “bad blood”. In fact, the men never received adequate treatment. And this did not happen even in 1947, when penicillin became the standard drug for the treatment of syphilis. As a result, some men died of syphilis, others infected their wives and children, so that in the end, 600 people were already considered “participants” in the experiment.

In this case, it is also striking that the study was stopped only in 1972. And this is because information about him somehow leaked to the press.

"Factory of death" Auschwitz (Auschwitz) more and more overgrown with terrible glory. If in the rest of the concentration camps there was at least some hope of surviving, then most of the Jews, gypsies and Slavs staying in Auschwitz were destined to die either in gas chambers, or from overwork and serious illnesses, or from the experiments of a sinister doctor who was one of the first persons meeting new arrivals at the train. It was the Auschwitz concentration camp that gained notoriety as a place where experiments were carried out on people.

Mengele was appointed chief physician in Birkenau - in the inner camp of Auschwitz, where he behaved unambiguously as chief. His skin ambitions haunted him. Only here, in a place where people do not have the slightest hope of salvation, he could feel like the master of fate.

Read more about the childhood and personality formation of Josef Mengele in my article -« Doctor Death - Josef Mengele » . Also read others interesting articles about the Great Patriotic War:

Participation in the selection was one of his favorite "entertainment". He always came to the train, even when it was not required of him. Constantly looking perfect (as befits the owner of the anal vector), smiling, contented, he decided who would die now and who would go to work.

It was difficult to deceive his keen analytical gaze: Mengele always accurately saw the age and state of health of people. Many women, children under 15, and the elderly were immediately sent to the gas chambers. Only 30 percent of the prisoners were lucky enough to avoid this fate and temporarily delay the date of their death.

Chief physician of Birkenau (one of the inner camps of Auschwitz) and
head of the research laboratory Dr. Josef Mengele.

First days in Auschwitz

soundman Josef Mengele craved power over human destinies. It is not surprising that Auschwitz became a real paradise for the Doctor, who was able to exterminate hundreds of thousands of defenseless people at a time, which he demonstrated in the very first days of work in a new place, when he ordered the destruction of 200,000 gypsies.

“On the night of July 31, 1944, there was a terrible scene of the destruction of the gypsy camp. Kneeling before Mengele and Boger, women and children begged for mercy. But it did not help. They were brutally beaten and forced into trucks. It was a terrible, nightmarish sight.", — say surviving eyewitnesses.

Human life has appointed nothing for the Angel of Death. All actions of Mengele were cardinal and merciless. Is there a typhus epidemic in the barracks? So we send the whole barrack to the gas chambers. it the best remedy stop the disease. Did the women have lice in the barracks? Kill all 750 women! Just think: one thousand objectionable people more, one less.

He chose who would live and who would die, who would be sterilized, who would be operated on... Dr. Mengele didn't just feel equal to God. He put himself in the place of God. A typical crazy idea in a sick sound vector, which, against the backdrop of the sadism of the anal vector, resulted in the idea of ​​erasing objectionable peoples from the face of the earth and creating a new noble Aryan race.

All experiments of the Angel of Death boiled down to two main tasks: to find effective method, which can influence the decline in the birth rate of objectionable races, and by all means increase the birth rate of Aryan healthy children. Just imagine how much pleasure it brought him to stay in a place that other people preferred not to remember at all.

Head of the labor service of the women's unit of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp - Irma Grese
and his commandant SS Hauptsturmführer (Captain) Josef Kramer
under British escort in the courtyard of the celle prison, Germany.

Mengele also had his associates and followers. One of them was Irma Grese, an anal-muscular-muscular sound worker, a sadist with a sick sound, who worked as a warden in the women's block. The girl enjoyed tormenting the prisoners, she could take the lives of prisoners only because she was in a bad mood.

The first task of Josef Mengele to reduce the birth rate of Jews, Slavs and Gypsies was to develop the most effective method sterilization for men and women. So he operated on boys and men without anesthesia, exposed women to x-rays ...

The opportunity to experiment on innocent people freed the Doctor's sadistic frustrations: it seemed that he enjoyed not so much the sound search for truth, but the inhuman treatment of prisoners. Mengele studied the possibilities of human endurance: he subjected the unfortunate to the test of cold, heat, various infections ...

However, medicine itself did not seem so interesting to the Angel of Death, unlike his beloved eugenics - the science of creating a "pure race".

Barrack #10

1945 Poland. Auschwitz concentration camp. Children, prisoners of the camp, are waiting for their release.

Eugenics, if we turn to encyclopedias, is the doctrine of human selection, i.e. the science that seeks to improve the properties of heredity. Scientists making discoveries in eugenics argue that the human gene pool is degenerating and this must be fought.

In fact, the basis of eugenics, as well as the basis of the phenomena of Nazism and fascism, is anal division into "clean" and "dirty": healthy - sick, good - bad, what is allowed to live, and what can "harm future generations", therefore, does not have the right to exist and reproduce, from which it is necessary to “cleanse” society. Therefore, there are calls to sterilize "defective" people in order to clean up the gene pool.

Josef Mengele, as a representative of eugenics, faced an important task: in order to breed a pure race, one must understand the reasons for the appearance of people with genetic "anomalies". That is why the Angel of Death was of great interest to dwarfs, giants, various freaks and other people whose deviations are associated with certain disorders in the genes.

So among the "favorites" of Josef Mengele was Jewish family Lilliputian musicians Ovits from Romania (and later the Shlomovits family who joined them), for the maintenance of which, by order of the Angel of Death, Better conditions in the camp.

The Ovits family was interesting to Mengele, first of all, because, along with the Lilliputians, it included ordinary people. The sheep were well fed, allowed to wear their own clothes and not shave their hair. In the evenings, Ovitz entertained Doctor Death by playing musical instruments. Josef Mengele called his "favorites" by the names of the seven dwarfs from "Snow White".

Seven brothers and sisters, originally from the Romanian town of Roswell, lived in the labor camp for almost a year.

One might think that the Angel of Death was attached to the Lilliputians, but it was not so. When it came to experiments, he already treated his “friends” in a completely unfriendly way: the poor people had their teeth and hair pulled out, extracts of cerebrospinal fluid were taken, unbearably hot and unbearably cold substances were poured into their ears, terrible gynecological experiments were performed.

"The most terrible experiments of all [were] gynecological. Only those of us who were married passed through them. We were tied to a table, and systematic torture began. They introduced some objects into the uterus, pumped out blood from there, opened up the insides, pierced us with something and took pieces of samples. The pain was unbearable."

The results of the experiments were sent to Germany. Many learned minds came to Auschwitz to listen to Josef Mengele's lectures on eugenics and experiments on midgets. The entire Ovitz family was stripped naked and displayed in front of a large audience like science exhibits.

Doctor Mengele twins

"Twins!"- this cry was carried over the crowd of prisoners, when the next twins or triplets timidly clinging to each other were suddenly discovered. They were spared their lives, taken to a separate barracks, where the children were well fed and even given toys. A cute smiling doctor with a steely look often came to them: treated them with sweets, drove around the camp in a car.

However, Mengele did all this not out of sympathy and not out of love for the children, but only with the cold expectation that they would not be afraid of his appearance when the time came for the next twins to go to the operating table. That's the whole price of the initial "luck". "My guinea pigs" called the twin children the terrible and merciless Doctor Death.

Interest in twins was not accidental. Josef Mengele was worried about the main idea: if every German woman, instead of one child, immediately gives birth to two or three healthy ones, the Aryan race can finally be reborn. That is why it was very important for the Angel of Death to study to the smallest detail all the structural features of identical twins. He hoped to understand how to artificially increase the birth rate of twins.

In experiments on twins, 1500 pairs of twins were involved, of which only 200 survived.

The first part of the twin experiments was harmless enough. The doctor had to carefully examine each pair of twins and compare all their body parts. Centimeter by centimeter measured arms, legs, fingers, hands, ears, noses and everything.

Such meticulousness in the study was not accidental. After all, the anal vector, which is available not only to Josef Mengele, but also to many other scientists, does not tolerate haste, but, on the contrary, requires a detailed analysis. Every little thing needs to be taken into account.

All measurements Angel of Death scrupulously recorded in the table. Everything, as it should be for the anal vector: on the shelves, neatly, accurately. As soon as the measurements were over, the experiments on the twins moved into another phase.

It was very important to check the body's reactions to certain stimuli. For this, one of the twins was taken: he was injected with some dangerous virus, and the doctor observed: what will happen next? All results were again recorded and compared with the results of the other twin. If a child became very ill and was on the verge of death, then he was no longer interesting: he, while still alive, was either opened or sent to the gas chamber.

The twins were transfused with each other's blood, transplanted internal organs (often from a pair of other twins), injected with coloring segments into the eyes (to test whether brown Jewish eyes could become blue Aryan). Many experiments were carried out without anesthesia. Children screamed, begged for mercy, but nothing could stop the one who imagined himself to be the Creator.

The idea is primary, the life of "little people" is secondary. This in a simple way guided by many unhealthy sound people. Dr. Mengele dreamed of turning the world (in particular, the world of genetics) with his discoveries. What does he care about some children!

So the Angel of Death decided to create Siamese twins by sewing gypsy twins together. The children suffered terrible torment, blood poisoning began. Parents could not watch this and strangled the test subjects at night in order to alleviate the suffering.

A little more about Mengele's ideas

Josef Mengele with a colleague at the Institute of Anthropology, Genetics
human and eugenics. Kaiser Wilhelm. Late 1930s.

Doing terrible deeds and conducting inhuman experiments on people, Josef Mengele everywhere hides behind science and his idea. At the same time, many of his experiments were not only inhumane, but also meaningless, not carrying any discovery to science. Experiments for the sake of experiments, torture, pain.

My cruelty and Mengele covered his actions with the laws of nature. “We know that natural selection controls nature, exterminating inferior individuals. Weaker ones are excluded from the reproduction process. This is the only way to maintain a healthy human population. AT modern conditions we must protect nature: prevent the defective from multiplying. Such people should be subjected to forced sterilization.”.

People for him are just “human material”, which, like any other material, is divided only into high-quality or low-quality ones. Poor quality and don't mind throwing it away. It can be burned in furnaces and poisoned in chambers, inflicted with inhuman pain and terrible experiments can be carried out: i.e. be used to create "quality human material", which has not only excellent health and high intelligence, but is generally devoid of all sorts of "defects".

How to achieve the creation of a higher caste? “There is only one way to achieve this - by selecting the best human material. Everything will end in disaster if the principle of natural selection is rejected. A few gifted people will not be able to withstand a multibillion-dollar mass of idiots. Perhaps the gifted will survive, as the reptiles once survived, and billions of idiots will disappear, as the dinosaurs once disappeared. We must not allow a landslide increase in the number of such idiots. The egocentrism of the sound vector in these lines reaches its climax. A look at other people "from top to bottom", deep contempt and hatred - that's what moved the Doctor.

When the sound vector is in a sick state, any ethical norms begin to shift in a person's head. At the output we get: “From the point of view of ethics, the problem is this: it is necessary to determine in which cases a person should be saved, and in which cases he should be destroyed. Nature has shown us the ideal of truth and the ideal of beauty. What does not correspond to these ideals perishes as a result of the selection arranged by nature itself.

Speaking of the blessings of mankind, the Angel of Death does not at all mean all of humanity as such, for such peoples as Jews, Gypsies, Slavs and others do not at all deserve, in his opinion, life. He feared that if his research were in the hands of the Slavs, they would be able to use the discoveries for the benefit of their people.

That is why Josef Mengele, when the Soviet troops were approaching Germany and the defeat of the Germans was inevitable, in a hurry collected all his tables, notebooks, records and left the camp, ordering to destroy the traces of his crimes - the surviving twins and midgets.

When the twins were taken to the gas chambers, Zyklon-B suddenly ended, and the execution was postponed. Fortunately, the Soviet troops were already quite close, and the Germans fled.

Josef Mengele

In world history, many facts are known about bloody dictators, rulers and tyrants, distinguished by particular cruelty and violence, who killed millions of innocent people. But a special place among them is occupied by a person with a seemingly peaceful and most humane profession, namely the doctor Josef Mengele, who, in his cruelty and sadism, surpassed many famous killers and maniacs.

Curriculum vitae

Josef was born on March 16, 1911 in the German city of Günzburg in the family of an agricultural machinery manufacturer. He was the eldest child in the family. The father was constantly busy with affairs at the factory, and the mother was distinguished by a rather strict and despotic character, both to the factory staff and to her own children.

At school, little Mengele studied well, as befits a child of a strict Catholic upbringing. Continuing his studies at the universities of Vienna, Bonn and Munich, he studied medicine and at the age of 27 he received a medical degree. Two years later, Mengele joined the ranks of the SS troops, where he was appointed to the post of doctor in the sapper unit and rose to the rank of Hauptsturmführer. In 1943, he was commissioned for injury and appointed as a doctor in the Auschwitz concentration camp.

welcome to Hell

To most of the surviving victims of the "Death Factory", as Auschwitz was called, Mengele, at their first meeting, seemed to be a fairly humane young man: tall, with a sincere smile on his face. He always smelled of expensive cologne, and his uniform was perfectly ironed, his boots were always polished. But these were only illusions about humanity.

As soon as new batches of prisoners arrived at Auschwitz, the doctor lined them up, stripped them naked and slowly walked among the prisoners, looking for suitable victims for his monstrous experiments. Those who were sick, the elderly and many women with babies in their arms, the doctor determined in the gas chambers. Only those prisoners who were able to work, Mengele left alive. Thus began hell for hundreds of thousands of people.

The "Angel of Death", as the prisoners called Mengele, began his bloody activities with the destruction of all the gypsies and several barracks with women and children. The reason for such bloodthirstiness was the typhus epidemic, with which the doctor decided to fight extremely radically. Imagining himself the arbiter of human destinies, he himself chose who to take life, who to operate on, and who to leave alive. But Josef was especially interested in inhuman experiments on prisoners.

Experiments on prisoners of Auschwitz

Hauptsturmführer Mengele was very interested in genetic changes in the body. In his opinion, torture was carried out for the benefit of the Third Reich and the science of genetics. So he looked for ways to increase the birth rate of the superior race and ways to reduce the birth rate of other races.

  • To study the effects of cold on German soldiers in field conditions, The "Angel of Death" surrounded the prisoners of the concentration camp with large pieces of ice and periodically measured their body temperature.
  • To determine the maximum critical pressure that a person can withstand, a pressure chamber was created. In it, the prisoners were torn to pieces.
  • Also, prisoners of war were given lethal injections to determine endurance.
  • Inspired by the idea of ​​​​destroying non-Aryan nationalities, the doctor performed operations to sterilize women by introducing various chemicals and subjected to x-rays.

People for Mengele were just biomaterial for work. He easily pulled out teeth, broke out bones, pumped out blood from prisoners for the needs of the Wehrmacht, or performed sex change operations. Especially for the "Angel of Death" people with genetic diseases or deviations were of interest, for example, such as midgets

Dr. Mengele's experiments on children

Children in the activities of the Hauptsturmführer occupied a special position. Since, according to the ideas of the Third Reich, little Aryans were supposed to have only light skin, eyes and hair, the doctor injected special dyes into the eyes of Auschwitz children. In addition, he conducted experiments, introducing various injections into the heart, forcibly infected children with venereal or infectious diseases, cut out organs, amputated limbs, pulled out teeth and inserted others.

The twins were subjected to the most cruel experiments. When the twins were brought to the concentration camp, they were immediately isolated from other prisoners. Each pair was carefully examined, weighed, measured for height, length of arms, legs and fingers, as well as other physical parameters. At that time, the top leadership of Nazi Germany set the task - so that every healthy Aryan could give birth to two, three or more future Wehrmacht soldiers. "Doctor death" transplanted organs to the twins, pumped blood to each other, while he entered all the data and results of bloody operations into tables and notebooks. Enlightened by the idea of ​​creating a Siamese pair of twins, Mengele performed an operation to sew together two little gypsies, who soon died.

All operations were performed without anesthesia. Children endured unbearable hellish pain. Most of the little prisoners did not live to see the end of the operation, and those who fell ill or were very bad condition after the operation, they were placed in the gas chambers or an anatomical autopsy was performed.

All the results of the experiments carried out were periodically sent to the table of the highest ranks of Germany. Josef Mengele himself often held consultations and conferences at which he read out reports on his work.

The further fate of the executioner

When Soviet troops approached Auschwitz in April 1945, Hauptsturmführer Mengele quickly left the “death factory”, taking his notebooks, notes and tables with him. Being declared a war criminal, he was able to escape to the West, disguised as an ordinary soldier's uniform. Since no one identified him, and the identity was not established, the doctor avoided arrest, wandering first in Bavaria, and then moved to Argentina. Before the court, the bloody doctor never appeared, fleeing from justice in Paraguay and Brazil. AT South America, "Doctor death" was engaged in medical activities, usually illegal.

Suffering from paranoia, the "Angel of Death" died, according to some sources, on February 7, 1979. The cause of death was a stroke while swimming in the ocean. Only 13 years later, the location of his grave was officially confirmed.

Video about the terrible experiments of the Nazis on prisoners of concentration camps


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