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Lunar days and Work
Business moon calendar- part 1

First lunar day
First lunar day you only need to devote to planning your work, so cancel everything business meetings, signing contracts, agreements and any monetary transactions, with the exception of receiving salaries. Now, as they say, you need to measure seven times before you cut once. Haste in this period in the field of business will lead to serious consequences - from mild financial instability and errors in decision-making to bankruptcy.

Now is the time for bosses to gather their subordinates for a meeting and outline to them the work plan for the whole month, discuss current issues, announce new orders, develop a new strategy for the development of the company or enterprise. It is also good to spend time conveying to each employee a deep understanding of his task, since mechanical execution reduces the overall efficiency of work several times.

For subordinates now perfect time to contact the manager with a request for a salary increase or improved working conditions. Of course, you won’t get this right away, but the boss will still reflect on your words, because the lunar rhythms themselves will contribute to this.

Also pay attention to the organization of your working time. Try to find those moments that slow down your work. Make changes, streamline your work, there are likely ways to avoid routine activities that will increase your efficiency. Today, more than ever, it is very good to start putting things in order in your workplace, taking into account the things that you are going to do during the next few days. lunar month.

Beware of conflicts these days, which are based on mutual misunderstanding. If you have a tense relationship with one of your colleagues, now is the time for both of you to think about it and outline ways to try it on.

Second lunar day
For people involved in professional business, the second lunar day is a springboard to achieving success. For them, unlike the rest, it is too early to rush into the maelstrom of increased activity. It is better to concentrate all your efforts on finding sources of financing for your project, clarifying the plan developed the previous day, and also forming material base for future projects.

This period is the most favorable time for starting a new company policy, establishing new orders, issuing decrees, reorganizing, and so on and so forth. But this should not be introduced aggressively, presenting subordinates with a fait accompli, but should be presented in such a way that each employee understands the goals of the innovation. In this case, the effectiveness of the changes will exceed all expectations.

On the second lunar day it is good to make deals, sign contracts, establish new business connections, and hire new employees. Those who are accepted on this day will bring a fresh spirit to the team, they will give the company or organization a new impetus and take the work to a new level.

Today is a favorable time to change jobs or start looking for one. By falling into the natural lunar rhythm, by the end of the month you will certainly find what you are looking for.

If you want to show a new side of yourself at work, now there are a lot of prospects for how to do this. All that is required of you is to act, act and act again, but, of course, taking into account the current situation. Remember that on the second lunar day it is very important to catch the rhythm, and then your work is half done.

For those who are professionally engaged in business, it is useful to provide some kind of charitable act, act as a philanthropist or sponsor, because the more you give, the more you receive.

Third lunar day
The third lunar day is a favorable period for making a serious breakthrough in your business, reaching new milestones, and doing something that you have not been able to do before. Now the Moon is on your side, so you shouldn’t hesitate, but you need to focus on your intended goal and move steadily towards it. The period should be filled with active actions, because now money comes only to those who win it, who do not just dream of material wealth, but do everything possible to make their dream come true. But at the same time, do not forget to control yourself so that a random outburst of anger does not distract you from the most important thing. But if you are really focused on your goal, then this will not happen, because you will be completely captured by the energy flow.

If you have rivals in business, competitors, then at this time you have the opportunity to leave them far behind. To do this, take a leap, put all your strength into a well-thought-out plan, and the energy of the Moon itself will help you.

Be careful, if you do not have a well-thought-out plan, if you spent the previous day without appropriate preparation, then do not expect that your “surge” will lead to positive results. Most likely, on the contrary, you will harm yourself even more. Therefore, be prudent, do not take unnecessary risks, now it is important not so much to act actively, but to clearly and clearly understand what to act for.

On the third lunar day, it is advisable for subordinates not to meet with their superiors at all, so as not to become a victim of involuntary anger or bad mood. There is no point in asking any personal questions now.

Managers can also be advised to refrain from contact with their wards, since everyone is now subconsciously inclined to resist. General tension too often provokes manifestations of uncontrolled aggression. So all your best intentions or ideal orders will be met with hostility. It’s better to wait a while, but then know that your actions will have a greater effect than if you did them today.

Please note that on the third day you cannot stop halfway; now it is important to act, act and act again. Naturally, do not forget to adjust your direction depending on the current situation. Anyone who during this time period decides to change his mind or begins to doubt will be a loser, failure will await him. Determination is the key to success!

Fourth lunar day

This is the time when you should slow down a little at work and analyze the current situation. If you now carefully review the path you have traveled, you can protect yourself in advance from possible failures. The beginning of the lunar month is an important period, so you should not neglect the opportunity to control its first days, especially since the third lunar day could change a lot in the previously planned plan.

Managers are now encouraged to recognize those employees who have demonstrated Lately yourself with the best side. If you highlight them in some way - with a certificate, praise, monetary encouragement, then you will provide yourself with reliable assistants. On the fourth lunar day, people are at a crossroads, so even a small reward “from above” will help them make a choice in your direction. Thus, today the desire of subordinates is laid down to work as usual or, conversely, to increase their efficiency, hoping for a more generous reward for their work.

Also during this period, it is recommended to talk with those who are performing poorly. But don’t scold them, but try to find out what the root cause of passivity is; maybe the person has some family problems, or he basically doesn’t understand the task assigned to him. If you treat the employee with utmost care now, this will later become the basis for full-fledged cooperation.

Today, it is better for subordinates not to meet with their superiors unless absolutely necessary. But if you have questions or feel that your fate is being decided now, then be active, but very gently. As has been said more than once, now most people are in a state of choice, and if you use this situation wisely, you can quite possibly solve the problem in your favor. The main thing is to avoid rude straightforwardness and rudeness. The choice does not imply that you need to put someone in a situation of a tough dilemma; on the contrary, this will only lead to anger, irritation and, as a result, conflict. Be reasonable.

Today you should maintain smooth relations with business colleagues and show participation in the work of the team only as needed. On the fourth lunar day, everyone has their own acute problems, so they simply have no time for you.

During this period, it is useful for everyone, without exception, to work with information - analyze, select the necessary data, and look for new information resources.

Fifth lunar day

In business, this is a wonderful period, both for bosses and ordinary employees. Today you have the opportunity to radically change your status. Not just to show a new side of yourself, but to truly become a different person. You should take advantage of this opportunity if you are interested in career advancement.

Today, bosses are recommended to reorganize the enterprise and adjust the business plan based on the path already traveled. Such timely adjustment will have a very positive effect in the future, since it allows you to “keep your nose to the wind.”

The same applies to subordinates - now you have a unique chance to catch “your wave” so that, having changed, you can adapt to your boss and subsequently, with his help, move up the career ladder. Remember that on the fifth lunar day everything changes, and therefore the one who changes with them will wake up the next day in different circumstances, usually more favorable.

But what you should avoid during this period of time is all ambiguous moments, both in contracts and in the work itself. It’s difficult to be one hundred percent sure of something on the fifth lunar day (after all, remember, now everything is changing). Therefore, be as careful as possible to take into account greatest number important moments for you. And trust has nothing to do with it; a person himself is not always able to predict what he will do in a given period.

In addition, it should be noted that today it is useful to join forces for a while and work as a single team, especially in cases where a lot really depends on changes. Therefore, this is an ideal day to radically solve crisis problems.

Sixth lunar day

Today, the biggest danger at work is overworking yourself and overworking yourself. Yesterday's lunar period was a fairly strong shake-up that required all efforts, so today a person does not have much energy. Its overuse can lead to sad consequences - loss of the necessary vigilance, attention, concentration, and memory deterioration. Based on this, it is recommended to devote more time to matters that do not require too much stress. You can focus on something that involves slow thinking, rethinking, or just mechanical action.

Today, it is best for bosses to analyze the current situation and draw up a rough plan for the future, decide what to leave in the same state, and where to make appropriate adjustments, based on already established prerequisites. It is very useful to pay attention to your subordinates, find out what they state of mind. Maybe not everyone, but at least those on whom a lot depends in the team, who are its “soul”. If your subordinates now feel your personal interest in their fate, this will have a very effective effect on further work. It has long been found out that if a person is treated as a simple “gear”, then his productivity decreases several times. It is for this reason that vaccination is so common these days. corporate culture in those organizations that truly want to succeed in business.

It’s not advisable to force it now financial position. This applies to both superiors and subordinates. That is, today it is not worth concluding contracts for large amounts money, you shouldn’t go into debt or ask for a salary increase.

During this period, ordinary workers are advised to calmly carry out their work, without performing “feats” of labor. The main thing now is not quantity, but quality.

It's helpful to keep an eye on your boss if you're interested in having a serious conversation with him. Now you can discover it weak sides, which you can “play” in the future to get a positive result in the issue that worries you.

You should now treat your work colleagues as tolerantly as possible and not focus on their shortcomings. Don't let anything spoil your mood and upset your peace of mind.

Seventh lunar day

This 24-hour period is a double-edged blade for business. On the one hand, they open great prospects, and on the other hand, due to the slightest carelessness, you risk losing what you have.

Managers are now advised to conduct negotiations, conferences and interviews, establish new business connections, and so on. But at the same time, you must be extremely careful and think carefully before you say anything.

For ordinary workers, if they are not confident in their abilities, it is better to stay away from their superiors. You should only contact management if you are sure of what you are going to talk about and if you have carefully weighed the pros and cons. Your speech must be convincing and competent. Otherwise, you risk impromptu, the consequences of which, to put it mildly, are difficult to predict.

You should maintain neutrality with work colleagues or, if there is a reason for this, establish closer and more trusting relationships with those in whom you are interested. People now easily accept frankness, but at the same time they are very sensitive to any ambiguity.

Eighth lunar day

The working day on the eighth lunar day is usually very tense. But it does have one nice feature. namely: you are given a second chance to do what you planned, but never did, or did not do well enough. If you miss this gift of fate, then a second such chance will not present itself in a given lunar cycle. Therefore, try to use it by all means.

Also now, if necessary, you can restore some old projects, give them new life, amend them and put them into action. At the same time, the main thing is to implement them in a new way, so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past, otherwise you will once again be disappointed.

Please note that all of the above applies equally to superiors and subordinates.

As for the managers themselves, they are not recommended today to sign agreements and contracts, hire people, or start any completely new business.

It is very useful to restore old connections or strengthen them. Be sure to personally thank the old employees of your organization and, if possible, support them financially, for example with a bonus. Today this will make a deep impression on them, and later with their work they will return everything to you a hundredfold. Personal contact is very important now.

Regular workers should be careful. During this period, there is a high probability that you may remember some old grievances inflicted on you by your colleagues. And this, in turn, will create tension. But still refrain from any acts of revenge. Don't let the past ruin your future. Take everything calmly, and best of all, immerse yourself in your work.

Ninth lunar day

The ninth lunar day is the time when work needs to be minimized. Firstly, you should completely refuse to sign any important documents - contracts, agreements, even letters. The fewer moments today when you need to take responsibility, the better. If such a situation still cannot be avoided, then carefully and several times check what you are going to sign, because today people are very inattentive, and there are too many people who want to profit from deception.

Secondly, you should know that now it is extremely undesirable to either quit your job or start one. The person leaving will have to spend a lot of nerves in order to finally settle accounts with his former organization, in particular this may concern the issue of severance pay. And those who get a job risk working in vain, investing a lot of effort, but never receiving the promised salary. So there is only one conclusion: during the ninth lunar day it is best to hide and leave business aside.

Speaking in more detail, today it is advisable for bosses to limit their contacts with subordinates so as not to get upset and upset them. Do not forget that now you are simply inventing many moments for yourself, it only seems to you that the problems are serious, in fact, your frightened subconscious portrays them to you as such. After all, today our fears emerge from the subconscious, what we fear most. Therefore, you need to calm down and not make fussy attempts to save the situation. Wait at least until tomorrow, and then decide whether everything is really so bad or just an illusion.

As for ordinary workers, there is only one piece of advice for them: stay away from your bosses and at all costs avoid taking on important and responsible assignments today. And if this cannot be avoided, then show all your professionalism to do everything as it should. Otherwise, trouble awaits you, since on the ninth lunar day the authorities are usually inclined to make mountains out of molehills. try to think through every nuance of your work, make sure that the mosquito does not undermine your nose.

When communicating with work colleagues, maintain a friendly tone, do not withdraw into yourself, as now this can be perceived as arrogance, and therefore become a cause of conflict.

Tenth lunar day

The tenth lunar day is the most suitable time for business trips and trips of any duration, from a day to several years. Movements related to your work go smoothly during this period, as they fall into the natural rhythm of nature. Success will surely await you, and it is likely that you will get even more than you expected. The main thing is not to change your mind, not to suddenly change your route and not to complain about inconveniences along the way. After all, you still have to pay for joy, and if the price is a little discomfort on the road, then there’s nothing wrong with that.

Also note that business trips that begin on the tenth lunar day most often contribute to the start of some large-scale business, since the day is favorable for starting construction. So now you can invest in your business reliable foundation future success.

During this time period, it is very useful to get acquainted with the positive experiences of your colleagues, read the biographies of successful businessmen of the past in order to carefully analyze how they solved their pressing problems. Now it’s good to enlist the support of those who have been thriving in business for a long time, so to speak, “senior comrades.”

It will be of great benefit to establish business contacts with those who, one way or another, are able to provide you with the basis for the further development of your business.

Please note that now is a favorable period for taking out loans or looking for those who will help you with starting capital in a business in which you are just about to get ahead.

In the end, even simple advice from a wise person these days becomes a support for successfully moving forward.

Please also note that now you have broad prospects for starting a family business or strengthening it even further. If you are interested in him prospering, then on the tenth lunar day is the time to invest energy and money in him, to make sure that he has a reliable base.

Managers should know that during this period they should be actively engaged in increasing the prestige of their company by conducting competent PR campaigns designed for family consumers, as well as by strengthening the respect of their own employees to the organization in which they work. This can be done either in the form of material rewards or through personal communication, promoting someone at work, verbal encouragement, or holding a corporate party. The main thing is that every employee can feel that his company is big family, where he is a full member of it, and not just a “cog” in a soulless mechanism.

On the tenth lunar day, subordinates are advised not to put pressure on their superiors, not to contact them with direct requests, but to achieve their goal indirectly, by lightly mentioning a topic of interest in the conversation. Only in this case can you count on luck.

Eleventh lunar day

The eleventh lunar day is the time to finally start working at full capacity. That's it, the period of planning, preparation, tentative leaps forward and correction is over. Now just act, act and act again. Your motto should be the words - assertiveness, determination and, of course, increased self-control. Remember: if you control yourself, you control the situation.

Leaders now need to launch the most important projects, the ones you bet on. Include everyone who is needed. At this moment, your own enthusiasm, the strength of your workers and the help of the Moon will do their job. Feel like the commander of an army. Throw your troops at the most difficult and crucial points. A general emotional uplift, directed in the right direction, will certainly bring success. The main thing is to keep everything under control and not miss any nuances, since a small deviation, a little to the side, and everything will go wrong. Your goals should be clear and clear, and everyone who works with you should also understand their task.

There is no point in concluding contracts, signing agreements or important papers; put all your energy into your main job.

Ordinary workers are advised not to enter into any contact with their superiors on the eleventh lunar day, since their behavior is unpredictable. Focus better on your direct responsibilities and try to do them as efficiently as possible, since you have the opportunity, with the help of increased energy tone, to show your best side and win the sympathy of your superiors. On other days, this can serve as an excellent reason to promote you up the career ladder or reward you financially. But don’t think about the reward just yet, give it your all.

In relationships with colleagues, adhere to the situational rule. That is, try to match the general mood all the time so as not to stand out. Even relationships during this period can irritate others, as can anger. Therefore, if everyone around you is laughing, you rejoice, and if everyone is in a melancholy state of mind, then try to be quieter. To put it simply, don’t stick your head out, it’s harmful now. The unspent energy of the Moon and mental agitation can now be uncontrollably directed at anyone who in the slightest degree causes discontent.

For everyone, now is the time to take risks. It is to take risks, not to think through everything in detail, but to completely rely on your intuition. The unpredictability of the situation can both raise everything to the greatest heights and throw it off the Olympus. Now almost everything is left to chance. But if you feel that this is your time, then go for it!

Twelfth lunar day

This is a wonderful period for business. But not for active and aggressive actions, but for reasonable activity, not so much for expansion, but for consolidating and deepening already occupied positions.

I would especially like to note the importance of charitable activities. Its necessity is also evidenced by the fact that sponsorship and patronage of the arts are exactly what allows you not only to create the name of your company, but also to improve its rating in the eyes of ordinary people, as well as to gain support Higher Powers, which, seeing that you are interested in making a difference in the world, will allow you to access additional resources.

Of course, we are not talking about a simple distribution of money, but about profitable investments in the fate of the world. If you are only interested in your own life, then you don’t have to do this. But if you want your children to live in a decent world, then make sure that it is filled with art, good music, and wonderful comfort. What's the point of buying your child expensive toys if tomorrow he will live among bandits? Understand that by supporting culture, you do not allow this world to die, you ensure the future fate of your children. Take care of spirituality.

It is now useful for management to improve their personal level - start attending courses for executives, business training, learn from those who are engaged in the same type of activity, even just listen to the advice of a person you respect. Now it is important not to stop there, but to strive for the best, something fundamentally new. Figuratively speaking, grow not in breadth, but in depth and height.

Thirteenth lunar day

On the thirteenth lunar day you need to bet on your most strengths, to their signature techniques in business. What you do best is what you should use today. If you are a good communicator, go to a meeting with those on whom success in your business directly depends, and strengthen your personal connections, negotiate new levels of relationships, even just make deals and gentlemen's agreements. If you are a good analyst and strategist, throw all your energy into developing a new plan with a non-stereotypical solution to pressing problems; if you are a great worker, give your all, and the result will not be long in coming. In a word, do not pay attention to your shortcomings, but develop positive qualities.

This period is also favorable for hiring new employees, joining new position, introducing new rhythms into work, implementing new concepts in business and introducing rationalization proposals and all sorts of improvements in the organization of work into production.

If on the thirteenth lunar day you do not introduce something new into your business, but leave everything the same, then the astral matrix of your organization will not receive an influx of fresh energy, and then, working on already used “fuel”, it will very soon begin to experience problems, like a car with little gas left, that is, the result will be clear - things will happen.

Managers must now pay utmost attention to improving the working conditions of their employees.

Ordinary employees can now safely, if necessary, of course, make various requests to their superiors. But it’s best if they relate to you personally indirectly. Start with innovation proposals that help you achieve more efficient work, submit new projects, new ideas, and only after that smoothly move on to questions about salary increases, requests for additional days off or promotions. The main thing now is to show that you care about the company itself and encouragement will only increase your zeal. If you try to demand something directly, then luck is unlikely to be on your side.

In addition, the thirteenth lunar day is a good time to establish friendly relations with work colleagues and get along with those with whom you have already entered into confrontation.

Fourteenth lunar day

In business, it is now necessary to show persistence and perseverance in achieving your goal. Under no circumstances should you give in to the temptation to change the chosen direction, because it is at the end that doubts always appear. But they need to be driven aside. Of course, you must be careful and not rush ahead, where it is enough to just make some amendments for the matter to take a more effective turn.
In addition, pay attention to the fact that now you need to work a lot, do not be lazy to stay in the office late. Then all this will pay off handsomely. In general, for the next two days you need to forget about rest. Work as much as possible, but know when to stop. If you are overtired, nothing good will come of it. It is very important to understand that sometimes people mistake ordinary laziness for fatigue. Whoever gives his all now will achieve success. Imagine that you have a couple of steps left to the top of the mountain that you want to conquer. And if you give up now, then you will not only not achieve your intended goal, but you will also slide down.
All of the above applies to everyone - both superiors and subordinates.
Remain calm in your relationships with work colleagues. As a rule, in teams at this time there are uncontrollable outbreaks of the desire to “command”. You need to treat them calmly and not worry too much about it. The main thing is to make sure that you don’t have this outbreak. Now everyone who tries to “stick their neck out” will only earn universal censure. On this day, “upstarts” are the most annoying.
Also, similar attempts to show power may arise from the bosses themselves. This may result in the issuance of some unreasonable order or increased severity towards subordinates. There's nothing you can do about it, you'll have to endure it. Because if you resist today, it may threaten you with dismissal from your job. It is better to wait until the “outbreak” subsides, and only then make adjustments to the situation. But in most cases this does not have to be done, since the “sobering up” effect comes as if by itself.
And also note for yourself that on the fourteenth lunar day it is not recommended to sign important documents and enter into deals and contracts.

Fifteenth lunar day

This is a great time for businessmen who know exactly what they want. As strange as it may sound, today only those business man, who already has it. Why? The energy of a given period is the result of an increase in the total energy level, the previous lunar day, and therefore it has incredible power. And if you don’t control it, it will simply go into the void or, even worse, destroy its owner. That's why you have to be strong to use it.
In business terms, this manifests itself in self-confidence, in being clear about your goals, and in understanding that fate never gives you a second chance to do great things. We need to live for today. Think about the future, but do it here and now. Astral energy cannot be stored up for future use; it comes and goes away very quickly, so hurry to use it. Schedule important things for today, but not important transactions or agreements with investors. Also, be careful when signing important documents; there is a possibility of missing something important or not noticing some fundamental nuance.
Also make sure that no one mistakes for you important decisions, now you need to do everything yourself.
Leaders during this period must inspire their subordinates by personal example. It is useful to communicate with your employees in as informal an environment as possible. And make sure that even in the event of any problems, someone’s fault or mistake, you do not lose control over your feelings. An angry or irritated boss will lose all authority these days. They will begin to think very badly about him and, as a result, work poorly. Nobody likes tyrants. And even if you are not by nature evil person, but get angry today, they will still think of you as a problematic person. So now calm is the best tactic for a boss.
Today it is undesirable for ordinary workers to contact managers with complaints or any requests. Now it's generally better to stay away from potentially dangerous situations, especially if you are interested in keeping your job. Focus better on your direct responsibilities, especially since you have a chance to show your best side and thereby earn the encouragement of your superiors. Having shown himself as good worker, you will create an excellent foundation for further career growth.
What concerns everyone is the need to avoid anything that involves risk in one way or another. During this period, this is very dangerous and rarely ends with a positive result. You only need to do what you are really confident in. Leave all dubious events aside, no matter what “mountains of gold” they promise you.

Days 16-30 in the material Business lunar calendar - part 2

Many of us, especially during this difficult period, are interested in the problem of employment. At the first interview, candidates are sometimes lost and, as a result, do not present themselves in such a favorable light as they would like. The feeling of unfulfillment is depressing and undermines self-confidence... Or maybe you’re just unlucky? - many of those rejected asked themselves this question.

Astrologers offer a number of tips for those days of the week when you are going to get a job. Perhaps, by taking them into account, you will be able to move from the category of losers to the opposite: those lucky ones who have finally found something they like. Successful searches and equally successful employment!


The patroness of this day is the Moon - the planet of tenderness and tranquility. Therefore, you can count on success with your employer if you behave in a balanced, calm manner, without sudden movements, and speak softly and quietly. On this day, you should not irritate those around you and your potential boss with colorful, bright outfits - wear light or discreet clothes with blurry tones. It is very important to show that you know how to get along with people, understand them and have a fine mental organization. In general, on Monday it is easiest to get a job related to raising children. Teachers and also... housewives have many chances.


The patron saint of this day is Mars. In turn, he patronizes everything clear, sharp, definite and bright. Therefore, it is advisable to dress smartly, preferably in red tones. Go to get a job only if you are firmly confident in yourself - on this day, with an equal degree of probability, you can be quickly accepted, but just as quickly, in a harsh manner, without comment, you can be refused. To avoid the latter, explain yourself quickly, briefly, and with minimal emotion. Show that you are a man of action, able to immediately understand the essence of the situation, proactive and committed. Since Mars is the bearer of a warlike principle, on this day it is easier to settle into military organization or to a new, newly created company.


The patron of this day is the planet Mercury, which favors young, free-thinking people who boldly express their thoughts. On Wednesday, you should prefer a youthful style of clothing - wear, for example, a sweater and jeans, talk a lot and, preferably, in complex phrases, try to give the impression of an intelligent person. Make an effort to look younger. Since Mercury is the god of trade, on this day it is easiest to find a job in the trade sector.


The patron of the day, planet Jupiter, is favorable to education and travel. If you own foreign languages, have higher education If you dream of a career connected with a foreign country, you can safely get a job on Thursday. You can dress modestly, unpresentably, in business style. But it is important to show the employer your knowledge and skills, to be able to show a rich imagination and inner content. Show that you are ready for constant self-education, long-term fruitful cooperation, and expansion of the company’s areas of activity.


The patroness Venus favors women and beauty. Therefore, representatives of the fair sex who want to get a job should devote time on this day Special attention your appearance. Carefully select cosmetics, hairstyle, clothes, accessories - everything should be in harmony with each other, be discreet, but sophisticated. But men who are well dressed and eloquent also have good chances of finding a job. And the places where it is advisable to try your hand with the greatest success are beauty salons, flower shops, fashion studios or design centers - where creative ingenuity is required.


This day is under the influence of the planet Saturn. She is reputed to be a limiting planet, in charge of law and real estate. If you want to get a position, dress strictly, simply, in classic style. No jeans, bare belly buttons or flashy jewelry! When communicating with a potential boss, try to remain serious, and if he provokes you to have fun (you never know, maybe he’s testing you like that), don’t laugh out loud, it’s only acceptable to smile a little. Be businesslike, restrained and very correct. Do not accept any informal proposals from the boss, refuse even a cup of coffee, not to mention visiting a cafe together - in a word, be “buttoned up!”

Find out the official date of birth of the company you want to work for. Your future role and position in it will depend on what month relative to this date you are born. There are 12 positions in total, just like 12 months a year.

In the table at the intersection of the month in which the company’s birthday falls and serial number the month of your birth relative to this date you will find a position - this is what you have to take.

If your date of birth falls within the first 6 months after the company’s birthday, then you will not be able to influence its activities.

1 position - “self-realization”. At work you will feel organic, easily make independent decisions, and spend a lot of energy. Often you will have to stay in the office for a long time after the end of the working day - as a result, severe overwork.

2nd position - “well-being”. You will receive decent pay for your work, provide yourself with everything you need and even acquire luxury items. It is the financial issue, and not sincere interest in the business, that will motivate you to work hard.

3rd position - “communicator”. You expect a lot of telephone conversations, business trips to other cities and countries, and work with documents. You will become a link between colleagues, and you will succeed in this.

4th position - “work-family”. You will feel at home at work. You will begin to show maternal care to your colleagues, and this will be mutual.

5 position - “fun guy”. At work, you will feel a surge of creative energy, and you will be perfectly fulfilled at corporate events as an actor. Office romances await you.

6th position - “performer”. You will be constantly overloaded with work. At the same time, you will feel that you literally have to serve.

If your date of birth falls in the second 6 months of the company’s birth, then by your actions you will influence its activities:

7th position - “partner”. You will be able to establish partnerships at all levels, including with management. This will make you a significant figure in the company. It is likely that you will meet your marriage partner at work.

8th position - “crisis manager”. Hopes will be placed on you crisis situations. You will have direct access to company money.

9th position - "education". You are a guru whose opinion is not disputed. You will be sent to advanced training courses, as the company is interested in your further development.

10th position - "career". You will good leader, gain authority, gain power. Your career will begin to grow rapidly from the first months of work in your new place.

11th position - “informal leader”. You will be popular, you can engage in trade union activities. Your innovative proposals will be heard by management.

12th position - "psychologist". You will often experience loneliness in the workplace. You will treat your colleagues with compassion and understanding. The people's path to you will not become overgrown, just as the number of secret ill-wishers will not decrease.


On this day you can receive revelation and secret knowledge. You may receive good news from friends. It is possible to profit from previously completed contracts. The first half of the day is more favorable.

- pay attention to any financial issues

- pay off debts

- charity

- avoid anxiety and tension

— in the afternoon, sign contracts, new documents, start new activities

— eliminate previously encountered problems with partners, colleagues, bosses

- demonstrate patience, understanding, diplomacy

- fulfill Scientific research

- brag about your achievements

April 3, 2019


This is a favorable day for any business.

- start new projects

- resolve financial issues

- sign contracts and important documents

- remain calm and kind in any activity

- do not overdo it

- work slowly, but without laziness

- in the afternoon, think about current affairs

- listen to what relatives say

Pisces days are romantic and it is better to relax and do creative work.

People usually experience sentimentality, emotionality, and sensitivity. This is a favorable period for creative people, for finding investors, and for charitable activities.

Is not best time for mental activity. Starting legal proceedings and resolving legal problems can be successful.

Well-planned actions increase the likelihood of revenue growth. Taking out a loan is not that risky.

During the waning Moon, people become weaker, more passive, more apathetic, the tone of nature drops, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

Don't let pessimism take over you. Try not to make appointments with potential or existing clients, do not overwork yourself.

It's better to do regular monotonous work. An unfavorable period for starting any new projects. Don't ask your boss about a promotion. Don't make collective plans and expect your partner to make decisions.

April 4, 2019


- give way to anxiety and depression
- avoid conflicts and disputes
- work individually
- maintain neutrality with colleagues

During the waning Moon, people become weaker, more passive, more apathetic, the tone of nature drops, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

Don't let pessimism take over you. Try not to make appointments with potential or existing clients, do not overwork yourself.

It's better to do regular monotonous work. An unfavorable period for starting any new projects. Don't ask your boss about a promotion. Don't make collective plans and expect your partner to make decisions.

April 5, 2019


Today, try to complete all your previous tasks.

Short business trips and business transactions are favorable. Don't start long-term business. Signing contracts and negotiating are not profitable.

During the waning Moon, people become weaker, more passive, more apathetic, the tone of nature drops, as does success at work. Any job seems difficult.

Don't let pessimism take over you. Try not to make appointments with potential or existing clients, do not overwork yourself.

It's better to do regular monotonous work. An unfavorable period for starting any new projects. Don't ask your boss about a promotion. Don't make collective plans and expect your partner to make decisions.

April 6, 2019


A good day to solve material problems. Neutral day for negotiations. A favorable day for new employees; they have every chance to harmoniously join the current team.

It is very profitable to be a sponsor or patron. Obey the rule “The more you give, the more you get back.”

- start any new business

- work individually or in a team

- look for a sponsor for your ideas - everything related to education

- go on a trip or business trip

— implementation of new company policy

Short business trips and business transactions are favorable. Don't start long-term business. Signing contracts and negotiating are not profitable.

April 7, 2019


Now is the time to take action and implement your plans. You can start new and important things. The Moon shares their realization. Period active work. Don't be distracted by unimportant things to stay active.

April 8, 2019

- analysis financial indicators, which you conducted during the second and third quarters. Try to identify weak spots and fix them

- collect, accumulate and process new information

— improve production methods

— trading operations (in the first half of the day)

- start new business

— trading operations (in the afternoon)

During the Taurus period, it is beneficial to complete serious matters. It is also beneficial to practice financial matters, apply for new job, deal with real estate and property matters.

Make savings and manage accounting. Do work in almost any field.

During the 27th lunar day, the Muladhara and Vishuddha chakras are active

About dreams

on the 27th lunar day

This is the day when not only dreams come true, but also signs.

Dreams on this lunar day can give you intuitive knowledge, understanding of other people and events. They can show you the true nature of things.

For example, if you suspect someone of treason, and you dream that he is saving you from fire, this means that your suspicions are unfounded, and this person is a true friend, you can trust him.

But be careful in interpreting these dreams, you may make a mistake, so it is better to consult with a person who is well versed in the psychology of dreams.

Gardening for today

Pisces days are Leaf days with rising energy. One of the most fertile signs.


  • planting vegetables.
  • planting indoor plants.
  • grass cutting.


  • planting and pruning trees and shrubs.

The next one will start on 02/27/2017 at 07:50.
On the second day of the lunar month, you can safely change jobs. This is one of the most suitable periods for this.

11th lunar day: good

The next one will start on 03/08/2017 at 13:23.
The eleventh lunar day is a good day to change jobs. You can safely and without hesitation leave for a new company

17th lunar day: good

The next one will start on 02/12/2017 at 19:22.
The day is good for changing jobs. Considering that today the Moon has a favorable effect on all our endeavors, you can safely leave your place in search of new opportunities. If you feel like you've reached the peak of your career in current company, try something new.

28 lunar day: good

The next one will start on 02/24/2017 at 06:24.
On the twenty-eighth day of the lunar month, it is recommended to actively look for new vacancies, send out resumes and go for interviews. Even if you thought about changing jobs as a very distant and only hypothetically possible prospect, send your resume to a couple of positions that you like.

Neutral lunar days for changing jobs

6th lunar day: normal

The next one will start on 03/03/2017 at 09:28.
If you were planning to change your job, you can do this on the sixth lunar day. He is relatively neutral for such drastic actions

7th lunar day: normal

The next one will start on 03/04/2017 at 09:59.
If you are planning to change your job during this period, then today can be characterized by the phrase: “It’s impossible, but if you really want to, then you can.” On the seventh day of the month, the Moon does not have a very favorable effect on activities such as changing jobs. But on the other hand, it does not carry any destructive or negative energy. Therefore, if your decision is firm and has been made for a long time, if changing the company was only a matter of time and you are absolutely confident in your choice, feel free to change your employer.

8th lunar day: normal

The next one will start on 03/05/2017 at 10:37.
Neutral day for changing jobs. We can say that today everything will depend only on you.

15th lunar day: normal

The next one will start on 02/10/2017 at 16:51.
Today is a neutral day for changing jobs, but if you have the opportunity, still refrain from such a step on the fifteenth lunar day.

This day is very unlucky for any new beginnings, for business and communication. And since a change of employer means that you will be involved in all these processes, the whole complex can result in an explosive mixture of chaos and failures. You will have to constantly swim against the tide, get involved in meaningless discussions, prove your decision to your family and defend your right to choose. You will waste a lot of energy that is so important today

18th lunar day: normal

The next one will start on 02/13/2017 at 20:35.
Eighteenth lunar day - terrible time for any endeavor. Therefore, try not to deal with issues of your future career on this day.

23rd lunar day: normal

The next one will start on 02/19/2017 at 02:13.
On this day, changing your place of work is not strictly prohibited, but it is strongly recommended to avoid this act or postpone it to another day. Remember that any undertakings are contraindicated today. Particularly difficult can be all those life changes that will have a big impact on your future.

On the twenty-third day of the Moon, it is more or less safe to go to a new company only if this decision was made by you long ago, well weighed and thought out, if you have previously discussed with your new employer all the terms of the contract and functional responsibilities.

30 lunar day: normal

The next one will start on 02/26/2017 at 07:25.
The thirtieth day of the moon is a neutral period for changing jobs. There are no particular contraindications for taking this step in your life.


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