In an ordinary Krasnoyarsk family, only boys are born one after another. Residents of Kolyvan came to the administration building after the death of children in a hole dug by utility workers

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Residents of Kolyvan came to the administration building with complaints about the work of local authorities and services. Last week, a tragedy occurred in the village - two children died in a hole dug by utility workers. leads online from the scene.

A public gathering in front of the Kolyvan administration building was scheduled for 12.00 on February 5. watched what was happening.

13.07 ends the online broadcast.

13.05 As a correspondent reports from the scene, participants in the people's meeting prepared an appeal to the president demanding the resignation of the head of the Kolyvansky district, Viktor Averin, and the organization of a financial audit. economic activity. They expressed distrust in Averin and the municipal authorities in general. The district administration did not offer anything positive. How the relationship between the district head and residents will be built in the future is unknown.

13.00 People disperse, except for a group of several people who were sent to the administration.

12.55 Averin was about to leave the porch, but he was not allowed to do so. Residents surround and talk about problems. At this moment, a unanimous “Resign” is heard.

12.54 Students from school No. 2 arrived. They say that there is no heating in the school - “we study with gloves.” They say it’s impossible to go to the toilet, the walls are dripping. It’s scary to walk the streets, dogs bite. "When we have normal conditions for studying? - asks a high school student.

12.52 The Chairman of the Kolyvan Council of Deputies offers condolences to the mother. He proposes to assemble a working group of deputies and residents and invite lawyers from the regional government while the investigative authorities are investigating. She is interrupted, but she continues. He says that “we won’t solve anything now anyway”: “We’ll create a working group, come there, we’ll work within the bounds of common sense.”

12.50 Mother of the dead boys: “Look me in the eyes, what have you done? Promise again in front of the people...” They shout at her: “Oksana, they will promise, but they will still deceive.”

12.49 They tell him that no matter what problem they come with, they say that there is no money. “But when Viktor Petrovich crashed his car, it turned out there was money to take the head out of town every day.”

12.47 Averin reproached the crowd for deliberately wanting to spit on him and humiliate him. He is interrupted: what good have you done? He said that he could list for a long time. A woman from the crowd shouts: “The roads are not cleaned, pure water is not implemented, children walk along dark streets, theft and destruction are all around.” Averin is silent.

12.45 “The Sokolovs donated money for gas ten years ago. TV arrived. What did Averin do? He sued for libel against these old women. “I didn’t know he was such a bastard,” the woman speaks, and applause sounds in response.

12.40 Resident of Kolyvan: The “feats” of our administration can be listed endlessly. They illegally collected money for gas, these pits, the land for the poultry house were illegally given away... How long can you tolerate this?!”

12.37 Averin explains that an investigation is underway. He says that he will be punished if he is guilty. They shout back at him that they will punish ordinary workers.

12.35 Everyone came with their own problem, Averin was bombarded with complaints. Apparently, the pit in which the children drowned is not the only one; there are dozens of them in the village. And the problem is not being solved.

12.30 The woman snatched the microphone and said that at Gololobova, 4 there has been a hole for two years now, because “you rented out the house without sewerage. I’ve been writing for two years, there’s no point.” As it turned out, there was also a case in October when a person drowned in the same hole, dug and not fenced.

12.27 They shout “thief!” They ask where the plots are for large families: “I sold all the plots, where did I take the money?” Averin replies that there are opportunities to provide, but there are difficulties in connecting the infrastructure. A woman in the crowd shouts that she has been standing in line for six years, that they are giving them land near the turkey poultry.

12.25 Calls for him to resign continue. One of the residents takes the microphone from Averin. He says that children are leaving school, it’s dark everywhere, “but the classrooms have been renovated, the prosecutor’s office is in the pocket, justice cannot be achieved.”

12.23 “I wasn’t hiding from anyone. Emotions are overwhelming. I would like the trial to be fair, so that you can objectively consider the situation,” says Averin. He is interrupted again: “Look how many people want you to leave.”

12.20 Averin said he would not resign because the procedure for eliminating the head was illegal. He was again interrupted by a collective chant.

12.19 The woman says that she told the administration several times that there was a hole there, but they told her: “Well, no one drowned.”

12.17 Averin says that a sufficient amount of work was done, some of it was done “at random”: “they thought that no trouble would happen in the cold, but this tragedy happened.” All this time they shout at him “resign.” Averin pauses; residents surround him on the porch of the cultural center.

12.15 Residents interrupt him. They shout: The problem is not the plumbing, but the management. Averin asks to calm down, wants to express his opinion, but he is not allowed to say a word. There are shouts of “Resign!”

12.14 Averin says: “We didn’t gather here to make noise, we all gathered for Russia together. I’m with everyone these days, including at the funeral home, the problem of water supply is urgent...”

12.11 The head spoke in the square and persuaded people to come to the steps of the cultural center, since they could connect sound amplification equipment there. Everyone moves to the cultural center. There are already about 500 people at the gathering.

12.10. Some people returned from the cultural center. People forced the head of Averin to leave the cultural center and return to the square. Now the group is leading Averin to the square.

12.09 The people remain. Everyone is outraged by the behavior of the head: “The head is not ours, not from Kolyvan, he is not interested in what is going on here,” “They brought him down from above and forced the deputies to vote for him,” “We need to return direct elections of the head, then you can ask.”

12.05 A spontaneous rally began. One of the residents says: “Millions are allocated for Kolyvan, road repairs, housing and communal services, where does the money go?” The second says: “They spent a lot of money on repairs and reconstruction of the central alley, but there is no running water here. The water is constantly flowing. I wrote and complained so much, it was all useless.”

12.03 The head went to the Palace of Culture building. The crowd on the street accuses the head: “He hid in the cultural center from us, doesn’t want to talk, he’s afraid that we’ll grab the trunks.”

11.59 About 300 people gathered. District administration workers are trying to persuade people to go to the hall of the local cultural center. Some went, but some of those gathered began to be indignant that the officials wanted to break up the crowd in this way and reduce the degree of protest. Officials explain their proposal by saying that it is more convenient to talk in the hall, and so people are near the road. People continue to come, bringing flowers and children's toys.

11.56 After the incident, local residents brought toys, photographs and carnations to the Kolyvan administration building.

11.55 Not only the residents of the village, but also the surrounding villages gather at the citizens' gathering. They intend to express no confidence in the head of the district.

11.51 The investigative department of the Investigative Committee for the Novosibirsk region reported that a criminal case had been initiated into the incident. The 44-year-old director of the Municipal Unitary Enterprise "Kommunalnoye Khozyaystvo" and the 39-year-old foreman of this enterprise were detained for "violation of safety rules during work, resulting in the death of two persons through negligence." Local residents, meanwhile, claim government negligence.

11.50 Let us remind you that two children died in the village of Kolyvan on February 2. A six-year-old and an 11-year-old brother drowned in a water-filled hole dug by local utilities while repairing a water main. The hole was not filled up or fenced; it was filled with water. One of the children passing by fell into it and began to drown, the second tried to save him, but failed.

On the eve of February 23, I would like to tell you something non-trivial related to the holiday. And we found such a story. Alfiya and Dmitry Kruglov live in Krasnoyarsk. They have no more or less “defenders of the Fatherland” - six! Six sons! Boris – 16 years old, Vladimir – 14, Arthur – 10, Fedor – 6, twins Radomir and Yaroslav – 1 year 2 months.

Boris and Vova were named after their grandfather and great-grandfather. Then Arthur was born - we just liked the name. Our dad found the name Radomir on the Internet, and Yaroslav was just a recommendation from my friend.

Why are there so many children, six, the reader will still ask. Parents don’t have a specific answer to this – yes, we love children, that’s all. But this is why fate sends only boys - apparently, this is what mother was destined to do:

Older children go to art school, karate and ballroom dancing. Twins Radomir and Yaroslav will grow up and join. Photo: from the family archive

On my side, everyone has the same boys: the eldest brother has one son, the middle one has three, and I have six. My dad connects this with serious things that we listen to: during the Great Patriotic War, our entire male half of the family died, and now nature is trying to replenish the family. My husband and I would also be happy to have a girl, but since they are boys, that means it has to be so.

Parents have a creative job - they publish a magazine on the development of preschoolers and run several creative and social projects related to children and families.

The kids are busy too. They receive, one might say, a classical Russian education, develop both physically and creatively: the older ones go to art school, karate and... ballroom dancing.

Twins Radomir and Yaroslav will grow up and join.

It’s interesting for them to play sports themselves,” dad joins in. - And less time for nonsense. It really helps that we have been living without a TV for many years - it saves a lot of time for both the children and us. And why is it needed - everything is on the Internet.

It’s nice that the family is one of those that rely, first of all, on themselves. But the state didn’t abandon them either: under the program to support large families, they were allocated a four-room apartment. Before this, the eight of us lived in a one-room apartment. “That’s a madhouse,” Alfiya snaps.

The Kruglovs have a clear distribution of responsibilities: the eldest Boris is responsible for cleaning, Vova is the family cook, Arthur is the head of plates, he washes dishes in dishwasher, Fedya makes sure that the toys are always tidy.

Early morning. The first rays of the sun suddenly burst through the window on the second floor of the hotel. The silence is cut by the discordant sounds of birds, the likes of which you will never hear in the city. Having left my temporary shelter in Komarin, I head to the village executive committee. On the way, I pay attention to the riot of greenery in which the village is practically buried. The trees in the front gardens are leaning as if they want to climb over the fence. I note that the cherries and mulberries are already ripe here. And this is understandable: Komarin is the southernmost point on the map of Belarus. There are few passers-by on the streets. The main transport is a bicycle. Mothers drop their children off at kindergarten on them, even pensioners pedal, having attached building materials to the trunk, and the younger generation hurries to work.

CHAIRMAN of the Komarinsky Village Executive Committee Viktor Svislovsky is already in place, despite the fact that there is still almost a whole hour before the start of the working day. There is no time to rest, he explains. Independence Day is coming soon, and then there is the holiday of Ivan Kupala. The landscaping work must be completely completed. IN holidays It's especially crowded here. On folk festival Every year guests from other areas come to bury under the shadow of the most beautiful oak grove - the pride of Komarin.

The old, battered “six” of the chairman stops a few meters from the Dnieper. In the very place where on September 23, 1943, the first soldiers of the 13th Army secured a foothold. It’s scary to even think how everything here is mixed with blood. The Wehrmacht, after all, considered the Dnieper an “impregnable eastern rampart” over which the advancing Soviet troops would stumble.

It was the 824th day of the war. In the regional center of Komarin, the early morning is blacker than the night from dust, smoke and burning. It was this day that went down in the history of our country forever as the beginning of the liberation of the republic from fascist occupation. They say that the fighting was heavy. And if Komarin was liberated in September, the Braginsky district was completely released only at the end of November. The Battle of the Dnieper became unprecedented in its scope and intensity. 11 thousand Soviet soldiers were concentrated in a narrow area up to 30 kilometers long. 203 soldiers of the 13th Army became Heroes Soviet Union, hundreds were honored posthumously. In the center of the urban village there is a mass grave 797 Soviet soldiers and officers. Among those buried here are six Heroes of the Soviet Union. The streets of the city village are named after some of them.

Now only 4 veterans of the Great Patriotic War live in Komarin. Patriotic War, although 5 years ago there were more than a hundred of them, Viktor Svislovsky says with sadness.

The most global man-made disaster in Chernobyl nuclear power plant did not bypass the urban village. However, despite Komarin’s proximity to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, it was not resettled, like many other villages. Viktor Svislovsky recalls that on the day of the disaster a strong wind blew. He, the villagers believe, carried the radioactive cloud beyond Komarin. They also remember how military helicopters flew over the houses. Low, low. So that the stars painted on them were visible. At the same time, the glass in the windows shook. They seemed to talk as if there was a war going on. Helicopters delivered bags of sand and clay to the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, which were then dumped into the mouth of the burning reactor. The news that a disaster occurred at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and people died appeared in Komarin before official statements. There was a bus station in the city center, and apparently the rumors leaked thanks to one of the visitors.

Today, the building of the former bus station has golden domes. Now here Orthodox church. After the disaster, many left Komarin on their own, but most returned back. Now there are 2387 people in the village. 306 children completed the school year. Kindergarten 95 children attend. True, in the summer many of them went to sanatoriums, but about a thousand schoolchildren from all over Belarus came to summer holidays to their grandparents.

Komarin is a beautiful, cozy village, surrounded on all sides by coniferous forests. There is everything you need to live and work here. The village has 6 shops, 2 cafes, one of which is roadside and open 24 hours a day. There is a hospital and a 24-hour home for lonely elderly people. Works at KBO sewing factory and a hairdresser. In addition, there is a branch of Belarusbank with an ATM, a gas station, the Polesie State Radiation Reserve, and a forestry enterprise. And at the Komarinsky KSUP they raise limousine meat heifers.

In 2009, the Head of State visited here and listened carefully to the requests and wishes of the Komarin residents. This resolved the issue of gasification of the village, which is very important for these territories. In a relatively short period of time, 24 kilometers of gas pipeline were laid. We supplied it to all private houses free of charge. gas stoves, boilers for heating water, gas boilers.

Last year, 22 babies were born in Komarin, and since the beginning of this year, 13 children have been born, and in total 36 large families live here. And so, walking around the village, standing at the military graves, you understand with particular clarity that none of this - birds chirping and greenery, restless children and their grandparents, and even a country that worthily and proudly celebrates another Independence Day - existed would have been, if not for that distant September '43.

Natalya VAKULICH, "SG"

The punitive forces did not have time to burn them - ours quickly advanced

“Encircle, Lord! I’d rather eat less and endure less, but I want to live without war.”

- Even if I wanted to forget the war, I wouldn’t be able to. I was 6 years old when it started. There are three children in our family: me, my sister and my brother. They were terribly hungry, they ate grass - wild sorrel. Mom will cut its seeds with a sickle, grind it in a cloth, and then grind it on a millstone. Sometimes she added potatoes to this flour, I don’t know where she got them. I baked “prasnaki” - dark and fluffy, they seemed so tasty to us. Dad was friends with the partisans. I remembered the name of some commander - Ryzhkevich. Not far from here there is Kishchina Sloboda, where the Germans and policemen were stationed at the school. They wanted to ambush the partisans, but dad managed to warn them. Only one partisan was killed in the shootout, and the second had his arm torn off. And the Germans kicked out all the Kholkholin residents from their huts and took them to the lake. At first they wanted to drown it, but for some reason they changed their minds. There were huts on the road to it, so the punishers decided to burn us in them. I will never forget how we all stood separately - children, men, women. There was a sea of ​​tears and enormous fear. But then everyone noticed that someone on a horse was galloping across the harvesting field in our direction and shouting: “Leave me alone!” This word, like salvation, still rings in my ears. It turned out that the Germans simply did not have enough time to carry out a punitive operation; ours were advancing. Then they simply drove us to Zabolotye and Trostenitsa, and then abandoned us altogether. Sloboda was bombed by planes. We hid at night in some house in the remote village of Vilyanovo, and as soon as it became light, we went into the harvest. I won’t say now how long they sat, what was happening around. We just heard shooting, explosions and there was smoke all around.

Dad crawled to reconnaissance, but came back and said: “Russian tanks are coming along the road.” People returned home, and only the walls remained of the huts. They even took away the forks for the cast iron, and the ropes at the wells were cut; there was no water to drink. Partisans and soldiers gathered in our yard, sat near the fence on the ground and took off their boots to dry. I remember their feet, bloody and abraded. We all hugged, kissed and cried. I still cry when I remember. Oh, please, Lord! I’d rather eat less and endure less, but I want to live without war.


Bykhov had its own Stalingrad, Moscow and Pobeda

“Bagration” here was preceded by nine months of positional battles

IN THE FIFties, in the Bykhovsky district, near the village of Selets, there huddled a small village - with only seven yards - with the post-war name Pobeda. Now this glorious name, along with the village, has disappeared from the map. No wonder: the war deeply plowed the Bykhov region. The region experienced heavy defensive battles in 1941, and Operation Bagration started from here in 1944. The victorious offensive of the Red Army swept across the Mogilev region so rapidly that in one day - June 28 - Bykhov, Mogilev, Osipovichi, Klichev, Krugloe were liberated from the invaders.

But before marching victoriously, it was necessary for nine months not only to restrain the enemy, but also to make every effort to make holes in his defenses. This came at a great cost to both the fighters and the local residents. The region turned out to be divided in two and, while forces were gathering for a decisive step, it turned into the front line of the fight against the enemy, and the Bykhovsky district became one of the strategic areas where a positional local war was fought for these long months.

There is nothing accidental in this,” says Sergei Zhizhiyan, director of the Bykhovsky Regional Museum of History and Local Lore. – Located in a strategic place where all routes are concentrated - the Dnieper River, the highway to Gomel, Railway, - Bykhov always found himself at the intersection of the interests of the warring parties.

As in Stalingrad, here they fought for every inch of land, every height, every village. It was here that the brave ski expedition of the Red Army landing took place to the Dnieper itself in the occupied village of Pribor, which General Gorbatov later called the standard.

The village of Selets, the outskirts of which was the glorious village of Pobeda, found itself at the tip of a wedge with which the Red Army crashed into the German defenses. It changed hands about eight times. Local historians by vocation and historians by profession Roman Galynsky, an employee of the department of ideological work, culture and youth affairs of the Bykhovsky district executive committee, and Sergei Zhizhiyan spoke about the events of November 25, 1943.

The village of Selets-Kholopeev (under this historical name it was referred to in front-line reports) occupied an advantageous position from the point of view military tactics- on a high place near the bank of the small Bobrovka River, from which the surrounding forests were clearly visible and the approaches to the strategic route to Gomel were fired upon. Soldiers of the 858th Infantry Regiment of the 283rd Infantry Division of the 3rd Army of the Belorussian Front managed to once again drive the Germans out of the village. With a group of soldiers, the commander of the mortar company Pyotr Vinichenko organized an ambush on the Mogilev-Gomel highway, they defeated the enemy column - they accounted for 40 killed fascists, 330 captured rifles, 15 vehicles with food, ammunition and other military equipment. After the battle on the highway, Vinichenko hurried to the western outskirts of the village, where he helped the infantry with the fire of his mortars. When the mines and ammunition ran out, he led the mortar fighters into hand-to-hand combat. In this battle, the senior lieutenant was mortally wounded... And by the evening the Germans launched a counterattack and returned Selets-Kholopeev to their location. The assault on this village was undertaken more than once. Just like in chess game, our troops had to make multiple moves to make a hole in the enemy’s defenses.

When the victorious salvoes died down, it turned out that in Bykhov and in the local villages there were practically no pre-war houses preserved. And not only because they were destroyed by shells and bombs. The Germans used log houses to build fortifications.

There are many such army flasks and bowlers in the Bykhov Museum of History and Local Lore: many with several personal signatures or pierced by shrapnel
shells, like the one held in the hands of museum director Sergei ZHIZHIYAN.

Local residents - it is clear that these were mostly women and children - again dismantled the German defensive structures, returning building materials for their intended purpose, - Sergei Zhizhiyan switches to the topic of post-war everyday life. – Coming out of the state of war was no less difficult, but already in 45-46, local collective farms sowed grain on the battlefields. First, the villagers had to clear the fields of dead bodies, mines and shells. People, especially women, did this while gritting their teeth. And a deep mark remained in their souls forever. Even today I try to carefully talk about the war with eyewitnesses. The old women begin to worry and cry, remembering what they had to endure. The wounds of everyone who survived the war bleed to this day.

EVERY year a “Memory Watch” takes place in the area - search engines rebury the bodies of Red Army soldiers found through search queries, archival documents, stories from local residents. AND search work enough for more than one generation.

The peculiarity of local military operations in the Bykhov region is that a lot of local residents were killed here - from the Slavgorod, Chaussky, Bykhovsky districts, - said Sergei Zhizhiyan. – Liberating the occupied territories, our troops recruited reinforcements from local residents who had reached conscription age during the war. These were unfired, untrained recruits who often died due to negligence.

Recently, forestry workers have been increasingly reporting military burials to search engines. Recently, the remains of twenty Soviet soldiers who died in 1943 were found right on the line of contact between German and Soviet troops, on neutral territory. By checking with front-line reports, search engines were able to determine the exact date their deaths, but their names remain erased from the pages of history. According to front-line chronicles, about 50 people died in this combat sortie.

The history of the Great Patriotic War in the “Book of Memory” of Bykhovshchina many times exceeds the volume of pages of post-war history. Places of military battles have been marked many times - memorial complex on Ludchitsy Heights, 69 burials, 79 memorial signs.


Belyans, Strelchiki and Sanniki remember everything and look to tomorrow

THE LAST villages of Belany, Strelchiki and Sanniki in the Grodno region were liberated in the Grodno region. This happened on the night of July 24-25, 1944. The Nazis abandoned their positions and retreated to Polish territory.

Old residents of the village of Sanniki Yanina DERCHIK and Irina AVGUSTINOVICH.

Sannikov resident Yanina Derchik was not yet seven at that time. Of course, not everything was retained in childhood memory. But some events last days She remembers the war especially clearly:

We got burned. There was nowhere to live, to raise a cow or pigs. A large tree grew near the well. A kitchen was built underneath it. The Germans were passing by. And we kids played nearby. They call us: “Kom, kom.” Everyone is afraid. I became bolder and approached. They poured a whole bucket of pasta for me. It was impossible for her to lift him alone. I drag me along the ground, and they laugh. I think to myself: “Laugh, laugh, and mom will have something to cook.” There were three children in our family. In addition, my father was still sick. Everyone needs to be fed.

When the occupiers retreated, Ioannina, together with younger brother and my sister were hiding in the clover. Planes were circling in the sky. She, as the eldest, reassured the kids: “Don’t cry, we children won’t be bombed.” Before the start of hostilities, the family dug big hole, in which she intended to wait out the shelling. But the Nazis kicked them out of there, saying that it would be good for them to shoot back from here. I had to look for another shelter.

They shot from the direction of Grodno. Mom hugged everyone and said: “If we die, then we all die together.” The shells were exploding very close by. One lay on the right, the second on the left. We were only covered with earth. Not far away, a mare and foal were grazing. They were riddled with shrapnel. In the morning, my father’s and mother’s sisters came running to find out if everyone was alive. They sat in the basement during the shelling,” the interlocutor recalls.

Such an incident will forever remain in the memory of Yanina Vikentievna. While retreating, the enemy soldiers asked for milk to drink. Mom gave it. One of them took out several button-shaped candies from a special package and handed them to the children as a sign of gratitude. Then he cried and said: “I also have three of these left at home. I don't know if I'll ever be able to meet them. I didn’t want to go to war, but they forced me.”

There were no strong battles in July 1944 in this area. Tanks were passing by and the neighboring village was burning. There was also an incident in Sanniki between one local resident and the Red Army soldiers. They tried to take a young horse from a villager for the needs of the front. He explained that she was still unbroken and was of no use to her yet. That's why he was beaten. True, some commander arrived and quickly found control over the unruly soldiers.

Yanina Derchik admits that she still remembers the young German soldier who was shot before her eyes. Her godmother and she asked not to kill. But the Red Army soldiers were adamant. They buried him here, near the village.

89-year-old Stanislava Shidlovskaya was staying with relatives in Novy Dvor during the liberation of her family. Now this village is on the other side of the border - in Poland. Stanislava Albinovna said that there was a railway in Belany. One day the partisans derailed an enemy train. The Nazis wanted to burn the village in revenge. But the local headman defended it - he convinced the Germans that the people living here were good and none of them could commit sabotage. Then the occupiers lined up local residents along the railway track at a distance of 10 meters from each other. Each was assigned an area of ​​responsibility. They warned that in the event of any incident, everyone on duty that night would be shot.

TODAY, according to the chairman of the Podlabensky village council, Tadeusz Zhuk, in Belany, Strelchiki and Sanniki there are 144 households and 101 residents, 14 and 15, 24 and 53, respectively. Shooters can be considered promising and developing settlements. IN Lately people actively take here land under construction. This means that the village will gradually become upset and rejuvenated.

Documents are also being developed regarding Belyany. Several years ago, the Grodnensky agricultural production company built a modern dairy farm here. And for its workers - new homes.

An dug grave was discovered in the village of Menshchikovo, Ketovsky district. An open coffin stood nearby, its lid was burned. The police have already detained two suspects, one of whom was the lover of the girl buried here five years ago.


The desecration of the grave was noticed by one of the deceased’s friends while walking through an old, unguarded cemetery a few days ago. The coffin was dug out of the ground and opened, its lid was burned. Someone was sleeping in the hole: probably a cemetery worker. The police who arrived at the scene quickly detained the suspects: residents of the mound, one of whom was 23, the other 30 years old. One of them once met a girl buried here. It is reported that the beloved constantly came to the guy in a dream, and to get rid of the trouble the young man went to a fortune teller. She advised to dig up the body and burn it, reports Kurgan.Ru.

The person buried in this grave grew up in an orphanage. She was not yet seventeen when she started dating her boyfriend. But romantic relationship ended tragically: the girl was found dead in April 2012. “Olya was brought up in an orphanage, she was taken into a foster family, and then returned back, she could not survive it,” she wrote in social network one of the deceased's friends.

Labor productivity is the work performed per unit of time. For example, a baker bakes 30 loaves of bread in 1 hour, a student solved 5 examples in 1 minute, class 3 “b” made 20 feeders in 1 day.

We solve productivity problems using a table

To find productivity, divide quantity by time.

To find time, you need to divide the quantity by productivity.

To find the quantity, you need to multiply productivity by time.

Problem 1

A baker bakes 30 loaves of bread in 1 hour, how many loaves of bread will he bake in 5 hours?

Problem 2

The student solved 5 examples in 1 minute, how many minutes will it take him to solve 25 examples?

Problem 3

The family dug up 20 kg of potatoes in 1 day. How many kg of potatoes will he dig in 3 days?

Problem 4

Class 3 “b” made 20 feeders in 1 day, and class 3 “a” made 15 feeders. How many feeders will they make together in 3 days?

Problem 5

The first photographer took 55 pictures in 1 day, and the second took 5 less. How long less than the second the photographer will take pictures in 3 days than the first?

Problem 6

The first cook baked 240 pies in 2 hours, the second cook baked 220 pies in the same time. How much more productive is the first cook?

Problem 7 In 10 minutes, the machine wraps 360 candies. How much does he wrap in 1 minute?

S-distance is measured in km, m, cm, mm

U-speed is measured in km/h, m/min, cm/sec

t-time is measured in minutes, hours, seconds

S=Uх t to find the distance, you need to multiply the speed by the time

U=S: t to find the speed, you need to divide the distance by time

t=S: U to find the time, you need to divide the distance by the speed

Problem 1

The bus traveled 120 km in 3 hours. Find his speed?

Problem 2

A skier walks at a speed of 5 km/h. How long will it take him to cover a distance of 120 km?

Problem 3

Tourists need to walk 33 km. If they walk at a speed of 3 km/h, how long will they travel?

Problem 4

The car traveled 320 km in 4 hours, the train covered the same distance in 2 hours. How much faster is the train than the car?

Problem 5

The traveler first traveled 300 km by bus at a speed of 60 km/h, then by plane 500 km at a speed of 100 km/h. How long did his trip last?

Problem 6

The first cyclist rides at a speed of 100 m/min, the second 50 m/min. Who will cover a distance of 1000m faster?

Problem 7

Dad drove his car at a speed of 60 km/h, he needs to drive 360 ​​km. How long will it take dad to get home?


B) unity of people in society


8) List the plants in the field_______________________________________________

9) List the animals of the swamp_________________________________________________

10) List the plants of the swamp__________________________________________________________

11) Make 3 food chains in different natural communities



Check yourself_________________________________________________

On the topic "Natural community"

  1. Find the definition of natural community

A) this is the unity of living and inanimate nature

B) unity of people in society

2) List what belongs to natural communities


3) List the animals of the meadow___________________________________________

4) List the plants of the meadow___________________________________________

5) List the animals of the lake_______________________________________________

6) List the plants of the lake___________________________________________

7) List the animals of the field _____________________________________________________


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