Vacuum valve for sewerage 110 operating principle. Types and installation of air valves for sewerage

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Any residential premises, be it an apartment or a private house, necessarily produces one or another amount of household waste. Current standards set the amount of wastewater per person per day, which reaches 180 liters. To drain such a quantity of wastewater, it is necessary to use gravity sewer systems, to which plumbing fixtures are connected.

From local horizontally installed pipelines, wastewater flows to a vertical sewer riser connected to the central sewerage system. Plumbing, horizontal drainage and a vertical riser are combined into an in-house sewerage system. According to standard project, the riser usually goes to the roof and is not closed with plugs.

Application of ventilation valves

IN construction industry Situations often arise when it is simply not possible to vent the riser to the roof. Without this, the operation of the system is impossible, and something needs to be done in this situation, because a system in which water hammers constantly occur and odors enter living quarters cannot be considered high-quality and reliable.

In such cases, a sewer ventilation valve comes to the rescue, which is installed on the top of the riser. Ventilation valves owe their invention to the inhabitants of Scandinavian countries.

In constant frost conditions, the outlet channels of the risers froze, and there was no contact with the atmosphere. The result was disastrous: the entire building was literally saturated with unpleasant odors, and the lack of air in the system during rarefaction was not compensated for by anything.

Ventilation valves for sewerage can solve such problems without any problems. A typical valve is designed with a movable diaphragm that can sense pressure in the pipeline. These devices allow you to forget about the need to bring the riser to the roof. Not only can the riser be led into the attic using valves, but it can even be placed in separate rooms where plumbing is installed (read: " ").

Principles of sewer system ventilation

The riser output channel is vital for the system so that all devices connected to it work properly.

It is much easier to explain the need for good ventilation system, if we consider the basic principles of its operation:

  1. Discharged water from plumbing fixtures enters the riser.
  2. Once in the riser, the water begins to draw in air, creating a resolution or negative pressure difference. This is especially important when draining large volumes of water, since in this case there will not be enough air in the system to stabilize the pressure. The magnitude of the rarefaction will be so great that its value can safely be called critical.
  3. The appearance of negative pressure causes water to enter the pipe from the weakest water seal. This process is called breaking the water seal, because in order to equalize the pressures, air must appear in the system - but there is nowhere for it to come from. The only place is the sink, since the resistance in these areas is always less. As a result, air is drawn into the system from the siphon, thereby destroying the water barrier.
  4. Then everything is clear: the water sucked out of the siphon valve makes it possible sewer odors enter the living space. Of course, they take this opportunity and enter the house, thereby disturbing the peace of the residents. Considering the fact that some sewer gases can be toxic or explosive, it becomes clear that their occurrence must be avoided.

Ventilation valve device for sewerage

The design of the ventilation valves assumes the presence of a side window equipped with a mesh that prevents the entry of small insects. The thermally insulated housing contains the main working element of the device - the diaphragm. In addition, the device may include a gasket cuff and an adapter, which allows the valve to be mounted on a riser of any diameter (or a limited range of diameters). The cuff makes it possible to increase the tightness of the device.

To make a ventilation valve for sewerage, a certain amount is required synthetic materials. There is a membrane on the inside of the housing that does not react in any way to positive or neutral pressure. Read also: "".

The operation of the valve begins at the moment when negative pressure arises in the system: the vacuum acts on the membrane, opening it, and air enters the system. When the pressures on both sides of the valve are equal, the diaphragm closes automatically.

As long as the pressure in the system is stable, the diaphragm is in the closed position and prevents odors from entering the room. That is, the valve not only equalizes pressure in critical cases, but also monitors its changes in the background. The sewer vent valve also plays a certain role in matters of pipeline clogging. If the system is clogged, then after draining the air leaves the riser, which creates positive pressure. Naturally, the membrane remains closed, so air begins to escape through the sink, pushing water and dirt out. After the system has stabilized, the water will go back into the siphon and the water seal will be restored, but the dirt from the sink will not go away, and this is a direct confirmation that it is time to clean the pipeline.

Rules for using the ventilation valve

There are basic rules, the implementation of which will enable the valve to perform all the functions assigned to it:
  1. The air valve must be tight even at low pressures. If the building contains no more than 4 residential premises or 3 floors, then an additional valve is not needed. Of course, in order to remove the rated volume of drainage, the riser pipe must be thicker than the thickest horizontal pipe so that there is enough air in the system to compensate for the vacuum.
  2. For the ventilation valve to work properly, its performance must be higher established by standards. Valves are used in cases where there is no riser outlet to the roof, so they must be as powerful as possible in order to maintain the required pressure in the system at all times. As a rule, about 32-47 liters of air per second are passed through if the negative pressure reaches 250 Pa. Of course, the more valve power exceeds design, the better for the entire system.
  3. Working conditions in multi-storey buildings are quite complex, and in this case the valve performance must be even higher. The same is said in all construction regulatory documents. If we reduce this information to one rule, it turns out that throughput the valve must be at least five times larger than that of the riser. In addition, when installing ventilation in the toilet of a private house, the height of which exceeds four floors, special rules for creating a ventilation system are used.
  4. The use of ventilation valves is determined by a large number of regulations. For example, in design modeling, the capacity of air valves is a parameter that must be included in the calculations. The valve parameters are directly related to the volumes of wastewater that the sewer system will have to process: the larger they are, the more power must have the device.

Combination devices

In addition to separately produced valves, there are also versions of siphons in which the air valves are built initially. Such designs protect the system from the occurrence of negative pressure, regardless of whether a valve is installed in the attic or not. There are no differences in the design of the built-in valve, and it works on the same principles, opening the diaphragm before the water seal breaks.

Air Valve Installation

The ventilation valve for sewerage can be installed:
  • horizontally;
  • vertical;
  • under a roof or indoors.
A lot depends on the design of the unit and the chosen installation method. As a rule, the list of recommendations for installing a damper in the attic includes insulating the room. The valve is not insulated, the main thing is that the cold does not enter the room where it is installed, and then proper insulation will be created by the space between the roof and the device itself.
To protect the membrane from exposure external factors, such as dirt and moisture, the valve should be mounted at least 30 cm above the topmost pipe to which the plumbing is connected. The distance to the nearest siphon should not be less than 20 cm. All this allows you to protect the air valve for unventilated sewer risers from breaking the tightness, since the problems arising from this can be extremely unpleasant.

When installing a valve in a bathroom or toilet, you should use the following recommendation and ensure that the room maximum number air. Experts advise carefully monitoring this point, since water has the unpleasant property of capturing a volume of air that is 25 times greater than the volume of water itself.

You can look at the design of the air valve in more detail in the photo, and then most of the questions will disappear by themselves, since the visual image allows you to immediately understand how this device works.


A properly installed ventilation valve on the sewer improves its operation and prevents various gases from entering living spaces, thereby disturbing comfortable living conditions. Experts agree that the ventilation valve makes it possible to solve the ventilation problem sewer system in the simplest possible way. In addition, this device is the optimal solution for ventilation of houses with no more than three floors, but it can also be used in big houses: it is enough to connect several risers that have a common ventilation outlet and mount a sewer ventilation valve on it.

When the sewerage networks are functioning normally, there should be no sewage smell in the bathroom. The penetration of gases from the sewer pipe is prevented by water plugs in the siphons. But if the system does not have ventilation, then when a vacuum occurs, the water seals will periodically break off. An air valve for the sewer will help correct the situation.

Many people have heard about the existence of such a device as an air or vacuum valve (sometimes also called an aerator). But not everyone knows about the purpose of this part. Meanwhile, this part can help solve some problems that arise during operation of the system. Let's figure out when installing an air valve for sewerage is advisable.

How does it work?

The main purpose of the air valve is to equalize the pressure in the pipeline. When a large volume of wastewater is discharged at once, the lumen of the pipe is completely blocked by the flow. This creates negative pressure or vacuum. In a conventional system, the drain pipe leading to the roof is responsible for equalizing the pressure in the pipeline.

Advice! Sewer gases penetrating into an apartment are not only unpleasant, but also dangerous. These gases may contain pathogenic microorganisms.

But during construction low-rise buildings Many people consider it inappropriate to build a vent pipe. In addition, the fan riser may become clogged, which will lead to deterioration in the operation of the system.

If there is insufficient air supply at the moment of discharge, the water seals fail, that is, the water plugs are simply “pulled out” of the siphons. As a result, the siphons cease to perform their direct function and unpleasant-smelling gases begin to penetrate into the apartment without encountering obstacles on their way.

Advice! It is not difficult to restore the water seal; just turn on the water supply, thanks to which a water plug will appear in the siphon elbow again. However, the next time water is discharged (for example, when draining water from a toilet tank), the water seals will be torn off again.

Aerator action

How can an air valve solve the problem of water seal failure? This device has a membrane that, at normal pressure, tightly blocks the lumen of the pipe. When a vacuum occurs, the valve opens the passage for air. After equalizing the pressure, the device returns to its original position.


The air valve or aerator has a fairly simple device. For the manufacture of this part is used polymer material, most often PVC. The aerator consists of the following parts:

  • frame;
  • air intake pipe;
  • stock;
  • rubber gasket;
  • cover with threaded connection.

Aerators are produced mainly in two sizes - 110 and 50 mm. But now models of other sizes are on sale, for example, 75 or 100 mm.

Advice! If pipes are used in the house non-standard sizes, but it was not possible to purchase an air valve of the required diameter, you can install an aerator through an adapter.

The device works like this:

  • if a vacuum occurs in the pipeline, the valve stem rises, slightly opening the hole through which air passes;
  • after normal pressure is restored, the rod lowers into place.

Thus, something as simple as an air valve can control the pressure level in the system. Thanks to this, there will be no unpleasant odor in the premises.

There is another valve option that uses a spring-loaded diaphragm instead of a stem. The operating principle of such devices is similar. However, membranes wear out faster, so this part of the device will have to be replaced quite often.


A simple air valve only works to supply air to the system. This aerator can be installed in a bathroom. The device will draw air from the room to equalize the pressure in the system.

But the reverse flow of air (from the pipe to the room) is impossible, since air from the low pressure zone (in the pipe) cannot move into the zone high pressure(in the room). However, there are also combined models of valves on sale that work both to suck air into the system and to remove it from the pipe when the pressure in the pipeline increases.

Under no circumstances should combined models be installed indoors; they are placed outside the house in a separate block. As already noted, the valves also differ in size. Thus, air valves for 50 mm sewerage are installed on a separate drain.

For example, for draining a bathroom sink. These devices have a small capacity, so they can only work with one plumbing fixture. For installation in a common sewer riser, it is necessary to select a valve with a diameter of 110 mm. This model is capable of equalizing pressure throughout the entire system.

Installation Rules

An air valve can be installed in the sewerage system of a low-rise building; in such a system, the aerator completely replaces the functions of the drain pipe. This ventilation option sewer pipeline has the advantage that it does not require the pipe to be routed through the roof.

IN a lot of storey buildings installation of a drain pipe is mandatory. In this case, the air valve is used as an additional and backup option. So, in winter period Ice may form in the drain pipe, which leads to a deterioration in the performance of the riser.

How to install aerators correctly? Here are a few important rules to accommodate this equipment:

  • The valve must be installed in a room where the temperature does not drop below zero degrees. The device will not function in cold weather;
  • if the sewerage system does not have a drain (this option is used in shower cabins), then the aerator must be placed at a height of at least 10 cm from the topmost outlet connected to the riser;
  • if there is a ladder, it must be installed at a distance of at least 35 cm from the floor.

Advice! If you install the aerator incorrectly (lower than recommended), the likelihood of contamination and stopping operation will increase.

  • The installation location must be chosen in such a way that the valve can be easily approached to carry out repairs or inspections. If the riser or pipes are planned to be laid secretly, then a hatch must be provided in the box at the level of the aerator installation;
  • The pipe socket is chosen as the installation location; after installation, the joint is carefully sealed.

Features of operation

Air valves are installed, as a rule, in private homes; if desired, install similar device in the apartment you must obtain permission from the relevant services. In general, installing an air valve cannot adversely affect the operation of the system. However, if you do not take care of the aerator, problems may arise.

The main malfunction of the air valve is the diaphragm or stem sticking in the open or closed position.

  • If the valve gets stuck in the “closed” position, it will stop performing its functions, that is, there will be a risk of the hydraulic seals breaking.
  • If the diaphragm or rod gets stuck in open position Gases will enter the room from the sewer pipe.

Therefore, the condition of the aerator will need to be regularly monitored. However, this device has so much simple design that the likelihood of emergency situations occurring is minimal. Breakdowns, as a rule, occur due to contamination or wear, that is, with timely maintenance, accidents are practically excluded.

So, an air valve for a 110 mm sewer installed on a sewer riser in one-story house, will serve a worthy alternative fan pipe. In multi-story buildings, the aerator is installed as a backup device that helps the operation of the drain pipe. Installing this device reduces the risk of water seals breaking and causing an unpleasant odor in the apartment.

Today, almost every living space is installed modern system sewer system that allows people to live in comfortable conditions, namely, to use a shower, toilet, sink, and so on in the house.

The valve for the sewer riser serves to connect all sanitary rooms in the building and remove household waste beyond its limits.

Quite often there are situations when the sewer system malfunctions, which most often happens due to a clogged riser.

These consequences can be very serious and cause a lot of trouble for residents.

In order to avoid the occurrence of these very consequences, in fact, a sewer ventilation valve is used, which can also be called an aerator or air valve.

Valves for sewer riser

An air or sewer valve is a device that supplies air to the sewer system and ensures that air does not escape back.

This point is extremely important, especially when working washing machine an automatic machine that releases water into the sewer under strong pressure, forming a strong vacuum.

Features of the structure and operation of the air valve

In fact, the valve is a fairly simple device that consists of the following elements:

Air valve diagram

  • a housing that has a special hole on the side that allows air flow to start;
  • this very hole is equipped with a membrane or rod made of rubber. The membrane ensures that the hole is closed or opened;
  • rubber gasket, which provides tightness during air flow adjustment;
  • the rod is a cover that serves as protection. Through this cover you can observe the mechanism of the valve;
  • a seat that serves as a fixation on the pipe.

The sewer aerator has the same simple principle of operation. It is worth saying that, despite the simplicity of this device, it is very effective.

So, the functioning of the device can be described as follows:

Operating principle of the aerator

  1. the valve is in a closed state when the pressure in the riser pipe is equal to or slightly higher than atmospheric pressure;
  2. if you flush the toilet or pour a bucket of water into the sink, a sharp pressure surge will occur in the pipe;
  3. at this moment the membrane or rod clears the passage in the side hole of the valve;
  4. it is through it that air flows into the system until equality of pressure is achieved between inside and outside the pipe;
  5. After this, the valve returns to the closed state.

Significantly different in both structure and operation from ventilation valves fan valve.

Such a valve is installed directly inside the sewer system.

By itself, it is a cylinder with a diameter of 110 mm, equipped with a special lid.

On the inside of the lid there is a spring made of stainless material.

This spring helps close the valve after waste has passed through its cylinder.

In other words, this cover itself is a protective element that prevents the backflow of fecal matter and wastewater.

In addition, the vent valve provides protection for the sewer system:

  • from the penetration of rodents and the ingress of various mechanical impurities;
  • from returning wastewater back to the sink, toilet and other plumbing fixtures.

Sewer valves

The fan valve is a very important detail a sewer system that will not only protect against sewage returning to plumbing fixtures, but also against the entry of unpleasant odors into the room.

Classification of aerobic valves

There are several types of sewer air valves, most often they are divided according to their dimensional characteristics. This is very important, because depending on where the valve is installed, you should select the appropriate size.

Two types are most often used:

Main advantages of using an air valve

It is worth saying that this device does not represent required element sewer system, and until recently there was not even appropriate documentation that would regulate its installation.

However, today such documentation is available, because the valve provides a lot of advantages, among which it is worth mentioning:

Aerator installation features

The ventilation valve for sewerage can be installed both in an apartment and in a private house.

Many of those who have heard about the air valve for sewerage 50 are probably wondering what it is and why it is needed at all. In fact it's quite necessary device for every home. Therefore, we will talk about it in our article.


It is quite difficult to imagine a toilet (or bathroom) without any foreign odors. This creates a certain discomfort, which is why air check valve for sewerage. It allows you to deal with many problems.

Causes of odor

Surely many people are wondering where this bad smell. Of course, when there is a blockage in the line, then everything is clear. However, what if there is none?

In fact, everything is quite simple - the reason is simultaneous drainage from several devices. As a result, air vacuum appears in the pipes, and this can squeeze out all the liquid from the valves. As a result, air moves unhindered throughout the system, and with it some stench.

Previously, when the air valve for the sewer system had not yet been invented, there was only one solution to this problem - venting the riser ventilation to the attic (or roof). However, such a measure did not give the required effectiveness, because when low temperatures he froze and was completely unable to cope with his task. Fortunately, the product we are describing came to the rescue.

Device and principle of operation

The instructions below will explain how such a mechanism () works.

It consists of the following elements:

  • Stock. This is the main structural element that opens (and closes) the side hole if necessary.
  • Housing with holes located on the side. They are needed for air intake. In most cases, this element is made of plastic, because the price of such material is the lowest, but there are other options.

Tip: PVC is resistant to moisture and most chemically aggressive substances, but is very susceptible to mechanical stress (it is easy to break). Therefore, some people purchase metal counterparts, which have a longer service life.

  • Rubber gasket. It is needed to ensure maximum sealing of the device.
  • Protective cover.

In most cases, these mechanisms are available in two sizes: 110 and 50 mm (for connecting individual elements). However, today you can find others, for example, sewer air valve 100. This is due to the fact that there are now countless different plumbing equipment, the dimensions of which may be non-standard.

The operating principle of the product we describe is as follows:

  • When draining from several devices, a vacuum of air is formed in the system. This means that the pressure first rises sharply, and then also quickly decreases.
  • If the common pipe does not ventilate, the rod slightly opens the hole located on the side. As a result, some air enters the riser.
  • When the pressure in the system returns to normal, the device returns to its original position.

As a result, this product, simple at first glance, provides pressure control throughout the entire line. As a result, unpleasant odors from below do not escape.


Nowadays you can find several varieties in stores:

  • Air automatic. It has a rather weak throughput, so it is used only in the private sector. Provides only air release.
  • Anti-vacuum. Can be used for any number of pipes. Provides both exhaust and air intake.
  • Combined.

If funds allow, you can safely take an anti-vacuum one even for one private home. This will ensure maximum efficiency.

Two words about installation

If this is your first time planning to work with such a mechanism with your own hands, then you probably want to know how it connects.

There are actually two options:

  • We install one valve directly on the common riser, which is responsible for all the air in the system. It is mounted using various fittings (they are selected depending on the material and shape of the pipes). In this case, purchase a product with a diameter of 110 mm.

Important! Do not forget to treat all joints with sealant (it is better to use silicone samples).

  • If you want to achieve maximum efficiency, then you can install it separately on each plumbing fixture (toilet, sink, bathtub, washing machine etc.) . In this case, preference should be given to a diameter of 50 mm.

Benefits of using such a device

Now let's figure out what a sewer air valve does.

Noise during sewer operation, unpleasant odors entering the premises - all this can complicate the life of residents of a private house. If the inspection does not reveal clogging of the risers or icing, the problem lies in insufficient ventilation of the pipeline. The malfunction can be eliminated without major material investments and reconstructions by installing an air valve on the sewer.

A sewer valve is a device designed to provide the necessary volume of air to the sewer system. The module is made of plastic and installed directly on the pipeline outlet. The air valve for the sewer riser works as follows:

  1. At normal pressure in the pipeline, the valve remains closed and does not allow unpleasant odors to pass from the riser into the room.
  2. When air vacuum occurs in the riser, the aeration valve opens. Passes into the riser required amount air. After the pressure has reached the required value, the rubber membrane again blocks the access of air masses.

Why is this design needed? A non-return air valve for sewerage allows you to solve the issue of ventilation of the wastewater system and equalization of pressure in the internal pipeline.

When water is drained from a toilet or any plumbing fixture: a bathtub, a washbasin, a vacuum of air occurs in the sewer pipes. The water flow, passing through the pipes, creates pressure, which leads to extraneous noise.

Unpleasant odors appear immediately after this. Each household plumbing fixture is connected to the sewerage system through a siphon having a curved design. At the bottom of the unit there is always water, which acts as a water lock or valve that prevents unpleasant air from entering the room.

The pressure in the pipe leads to the intake of water from the siphon and the free passage of odors from the riser into the premises. The ventilation valve prevents this situation. Internal organization The module is made in such a way that air flows only in one direction, into the sewer, and does not come out back.

Ventilation, air aerator and fan valve - all this different names the same device.

Where is the ventilation valve installed?

An air valve for unvented sewer risers is installed anywhere in the water supply system where problems are observed. The optimal solution There will be installation of a ventilation valve at the system's general discharge point - the central riser. The ventilation module is located depending on its diameter in the following places:

  1. 110 mm. Designed for connection to the central riser of a sewer pipeline. The installation solves the problem of ventilation and avoids the costs required to remove the drain pipe. The valve is mounted at the highest point of the sewer system, approximately 50 cm above the location of plumbing fixtures.
  2. Ventilation valve for sewerage 50 mm. It is mounted immediately behind plumbing household appliances: sink, bathtub, washbasin, etc. It is recommended to install a valve after each sewer siphon. This way you can completely eliminate the possibility of unpleasant odors and noise in your home.

The installation of an air valve on a sewer has its own characteristics and is carried out in accordance with the operating instructions provided by the manufacturer.

Installation features

The sewer air valve is mounted on the sewer riser with strict adherence to several recommendations.

  1. Air valve No. 50 for sewerage. The exhaust module is installed on sewer pipe, subject to availability drain ladder for water. If a ladder is provided, the ventilation valve is mounted 35 cm above the floor level. In other rooms, the device is connected in such a way that it is higher than the sewer outlet household appliances at least 10 cm.
  2. Air valve No. 110 for sewerage. Installed at the top point of the entire sewer system. As a rule, installing one 110 and several 50 ventilation valves completely eliminates the ventilation problem, but it may be necessary to install several additional devices, especially if the house uses a complex sewer installation system.

When connecting a ventilation duct, several nuances and precautions are taken into account:

  1. The exhaust valve is installed exclusively in heated rooms. Plastic and rubber freeze quickly. At low temperatures, the ventilation valve membrane begins to either allow air to pass in both directions or completely blocks the access of air to the sewer riser. Installation in attic and basement (except for heated) rooms is not allowed.

  2. Installation is carried out taking into account the linear expansion of the pipeline. Therefore, it is necessary to install the valve in such a way as to provide a 3-5 mm gap between the main pipe and the end seat module.

The rest of the installation is simple and does not require special skills or qualifications.

Benefits of installing an air vent valve

An unventilated sewer riser is a clear violation of the rules of operation and installation of the system. This connection scheme is allowed only with a simple drain system, when no more than 2-3 plumbing fixtures are connected to the central riser. At complex schemes wiring, the presence of ventilation is mandatory, since the sewage system will not be able to work effectively without it.

There are several ways to ensure air flow: by installing a vent pipe or a ventilation valve. The latter solution has several advantages:

  1. According to SNiP during construction sewer main you will need to install a pipeline reverse type, providing the necessary air flow. The installed ventilation valve allows you to do without installing additional ventilation pipes and cut costs.

  2. The ventilation valve is superior in efficiency to the vent pipe. When more than 5 plumbing units are connected at the same time, even when installing a ventilation pipeline, malfunctions in the operation of the system are observed. The ventilation valve completely and effectively solves the issue of ventilation.
  3. The ventilation valve can be installed at any time during the operation of the sewer system, and the drain pipe is installed at the very beginning of construction.

Vent valve is simple and efficient device required for every sewerage system.


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