Seeing your sleeping wife in a dream. Unusual behavior of the betrothed

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wife according to the dream book

A dream in which you see your own wife speaks of some kind of discord in the house or the presence of unfinished business. If your wife behaved too friendly in a dream, you can expect a profitable outcome of a major trade deal. For a wife, a dream in which her husband tortures her with a whip means strict condemnation by household members due to unsuccessful actions, turmoil and general chaos.

wife according to the dream book

For a lady, a dream in which she sees herself as a wife marks disappointment in something and a feeling of sadness. Seeing a fight with your wife in a dream means reconciliation, agreement; quarreling with her means the illness of one of the married couple. A dream in which a wife caresses her husband foreshadows that he will receive a large income, while for a wife, a dream about an overly affectionate husband portends troubles in the family.

dreamed about my wife

Seeing a trip with your wife in a dream means loss of wealth; seeing your wife pregnant means betrayal on her part. A dream in which you are sitting next to your wife or hugging her portends joy. If in a dream your spouse gives you water to drink, expect happiness; if she dresses in brocade outfits, a noble offspring will soon be born. Seeing your wife naked is a sign of great happiness; seeing her genitals means a quarrel. A dream in which your wife beats you promises misfortune and trouble.

wife according to the dream book

If you dream of your wife in rags, expect worries; if she is dressed in a beautiful outfit, troubles await. Seeing a fight with your own wife in a dream means an upcoming reconciliation; arguing with her means health problems for one of the spouses. A dream in which the wife looks beautiful foreshadows a quarrel in the family. A sick wife in a dream portends pleasure in reality.

dream interpretation wife

For a man to see one of his wives in a dream means serious family troubles in the near future. A quarrel or fight with your wife means family peace or illness of one of the couple. An upset wife symbolizes quarrels and discord in the house, while a friendly wife symbolizes prosperity and profit in a big business. A dream in which you beat your own wife means that her imprudent behavior can cause a major scandal and shame. If in a dream your wife gets married, get ready for the fact that she will soon want to leave you. Such a dream also predicts a deterioration in business. Seeing your wife sick means peace in the family; a beauty - to squabbles and disagreements; in an unusual outfit - to unexpected troubles. A dream in which you see your wife confused means imminent troubles and shame.

what does it mean if a wife is in a dream

A dream where you hug your own wife speaks of the imminent return of someone who was absent or receiving news from them. Often such a dream predicts success in some endeavor. If your wife looked beautiful and happy in a dream, expect deceit, lies or deception in some way. A wife surrounded by other family members signifies a successful trip and overall well-being. Seeing your wife offended means victory over your enemies; dancing and having fun - to joy; crying - to upcoming difficulties. A dream about the death of your spouse is a sign that you will suffer due to someone's ingratitude.

Betrayal by a loved one can bring many difficult and painful experiences, not only happening in reality, but also occurring in the world of dreams. Why do you dream about your wife cheating on your husband?

For some especially jealous husbands, even such an event can turn into a reason for concern and suspicion of their wife of adultery. However, guesses based only on the plot of such dreams are more than unfounded.

And most dream books associate dreams in which the missus cheats on her husband with completely different events that have nothing to do with the wife’s love affairs on the side real life.

So you should not take such dreams as a sign of future or already occurred deception on the part of your wife.

Dreams, the plot of which is the infidelity of the other half, according to this dream interpreter, they can warn about the possibility of.

This is due to the fact that husbands intuitively feel the approach of future material deprivations and losses, which in a dream appears to them as betrayal of their beloved wife.

Interpretation according to Medea's dream book

Why do you dream about your beloved wife cheating on you? No less alarming is this explanation of an already unpleasant dream. According to him, his wife’s betrayal in a dream speaks of evil and treacherous intentions on the part of the dreamer’s enemies, could be an omen of impending betrayal.

What does cheating on your wife mean, according to the dream book of Simon Canonite

But this dream interpreter gives a much more pleasant forecast of future events. He associates dreams of adultery with the upcoming resolution of conflicts in favor of the husband, the end of his worries and adversities.

Everything will work out especially well if the wife’s lover was a handsome or wealthy man, because in this case the dreamer can also expect an exaggeration of material wealth.

Interpretation of sleep in the English dream book

Why do you dream about your wife cheating on you? English dream book? A dream in which a wife cheats on her husband, according to this dream book, indicates that in reality things in marriage are exactly the opposite - the wife remains faithful to her chosen one and does not even think about adultery.

This interpretation has much in common with folk beliefs, in which unpleasant dream phenomena foreshadow to the dreamer positive changes or phenomena in reality.

Decoding a dream about treason in Miller's dream book

According to this American psychologist, such dreams can be caused by amazement at events occurring in the lives of acquaintances or friends, which the dreamer will soon learn about. Or the upcoming changes in the life of the husband himself, who encountered adultery in a dream, which, however, will go unnoticed by him or will not be perceived by him with due attention due to being too busy with other matters.

Another interpretation of a wife’s dream of adultery is the possible impending conflict situations in a man’s personal, family or business circle.

Explanation in Freud's dream book

To understand why you dream about your wife’s betrayal, you can turn to the opinion of the famous psychoanalyst. Sigmund Freud believed that this dream testifies to the husband’s too strong unconscious doubts about the honesty of his wife and the tense atmosphere in the family.

If dreams of infidelity torment a husband and make his wife jealous in reality on an ongoing basis, then he should reduce his concern about the likelihood of such a development of events in real life.

For example, having an open conversation with your wife, instead of silently wondering why your wife is cheating in your dream. Perhaps he should also take a fresh look at the importance of the role of trust in intimate relationships between spouses.

Sleep is an amazing phenomenon. Often a person dreams of people who are no longer with him. Spouses are no exception, because they were part of life. The question arises - why does the ex-wife dream and how to interpret it correctly?

Why do you dream about your ex-wife: general interpretation from dream books

Most dream books say that you have not yet cooled down and are still suffering

There is no single interpretation; dream books examine night visions from different angles.

  • According to Freud. Former life partner dreams of unrealized sexual desires. The dream may also indicate that the man has not yet completely said goodbye to his wife and subconsciously hopes for her return.
  • Esoteric dream book. She says that she holds a grudge, wishes evil, and remembers her ex-husband.
  • Dream book of Grishina. To troubles, worries, spreading rumors.
  • Aesop's Dream Book. The dream foreshadows experiences and negative changes.
  • Miller's Dream Book. What he saw tells about the experiences associated with the fact that his wife left, and internal anxieties.
  • Vanga's Dream Book indicates that the ex-wife still has questions and debts that need to be returned or worked off.
  • Nostradamus. The ex-wife is a symbol of unfulfilled plans and hopes. They need to be released for it to begin. new life.
  • Hasse. The dream foreshadows a fateful meeting. Often these are people from the past or new acquaintances who will have a strong impact on your present life.
  • Longo. The dream says that the feelings have not yet passed, you cannot let go of your wife and start a new life.
  • French dream book. Predicts betrayal and betrayal of loved ones.
  • Dream book of Tsvetkov. Night vision portends reconciliation, if the wife caresses - income.

Interpretation of sleep by day of the week

Dreams on a given day can mean diametrically opposed things

It is believed that sleep on different days of the week can have its own meaning.

  • From Monday to Tuesday. Dreams are vivid and are under the auspices of the planet Mars. Dreams with an ex-wife often warn of conflicts, global changes, accompanied by a scandal. Dreams can show how to use personal power to prevent trouble. A calm dream, where your wife is affectionate and communicates with you, indicates that no obstacles are foreseen. Filled with events, where the image of the wife is associated with activity, movement, it will tell you what abilities and actions you need to take in reality.
  • From Tuesday to Wednesday. Dreams of this night are under the auspices of Mercury. They are connected with money social relations, business connections. You may dream that your wife gave you something or suggested the right decision. If the dream is active, for example, you see your wife on a bus or train, then it foreshadows travel, business trips. Night vision of this period helps to rethink life.
  • From Wednesday to Thursday. Dreams of this night often reflect reality, and at the same time they are colorful. Visions of an ex-wife can provide clues on how to deal with problems in real life. The subconscious makes a prediction about the relationship with the ex-wife. Dreams of this night also show hidden desires and unrealized possibilities.
  • From Thursday to Friday. Dreams during this period are considered prophetic. However, they do not necessarily carry a specific meaning; it is important to consider the symbols. Patron planet - Venus. I have dreams about relationships and experiences. You can see your wife as the personification of your true lifestyle. For example, you dreamed of a conflict with your ex-wife, which means you need to pay attention to your immediate environment. The plot may be unusual, but it carries a certain meaning. Dreams can tell about secret desires, emotions, hopes.
  • From Friday to Saturday. Images on this night have a fateful meaning; they reveal the secrets of the future. There are often visions with many plots, characters. If you look closely, you can see a certain general line. It is believed that on this day dreams are sent Higher power. Seeing your wife in a dream could mean that she still wants to meet you or even return to her previous relationship.
  • From Saturday to Sunday. Good visions. Even nightmares don’t mean anything terrible, they just say that you need to take a closer look at yourself. Dreams tell about dreams, show where to look for prospects. Look at the situation in which your wife dreamed, remember what she said, in which direction she pointed.
  • From Sunday to Monday. The visions of this night are filled with anxiety. Patron - Moon. A dream reflects your relationship with the outside world, your and other people’s emotions. On this night, you can find out how your ex-wife really feels about you and what she wants to do in relation to you. Pay attention to the length of sleep - short means little trouble. If the dream is pleasant, then the week will be prosperous.

Actions in a dream

Does your subconscious slip you one romantic dream after another? Choose the correct interpretation and act according to the circumstances

Trying to get the relationship back

  • The wife returned on her own. The dream means that you have not completely let go of your spouse and really want her to return. The vision can also tell you that your ex-wife still remembers you, but the memories can be both positive and negative, depending on the general emotions of the dream.
  • Asks you to come back. It is likely that in reality your spouse still remembers you. Alternatively, she needs help.
  • Talking to you. If the appearance was accompanied by a quarrel, accusations on her part, then the vision means that she does not want to have anything to do with you. If the spouse was affectionate during the conversation, then it is likely that she has thoughts about resuming the relationship. However, vision can also mean hypocrisy, secret game wives are against you. A calm conversation predicts a trip, a fun meeting.
  • Asks for forgiveness. The dream says that the ex-wife wants to put everything in its place, end the relationship on a positive note, let go, and for them to let her go.
  • Gives something. Depends positive value the thing carries or negative. If your wife gives money, you may actually need the help of loved ones. In a dream, she conveys something unpleasant to you - in reality, gossip, conflicts from her or other relatives await.
  • Hugs. It is quite possible that the spouse warns of impending troubles or illness and wants to protect.
  • Kisses. The dream means that your spouse’s feelings have not yet cooled down and affection for you haunts you in your new life.
  • Sex with ex-wife. The dream book says that you really want intimacy with her, have not completely let go of the relationship, and need her to be close. Perhaps there is a subconscious thought that the divorce was a mistake. Another meaning is that new sexual relationships await you in reality, but for now there is nothing in sight for you other than a bed. Maybe it's for the better now?

Ex's social status

Is your ex getting married again in your dream? Get ready for quarrels, and they may have nothing to do with the personality of your ex-wife

  • Seeing with another man. It's time for you to forget about her, start building a new life, move forward, meet other women.
  • Wife with her lover. A dream may foretell the appearance of a secret enemy who is plotting against you.
  • Changes. The vision foreshadows imminent changes in life, the need to make a choice, to make a strong-willed decision. The dream tells you that it’s time to get rid of bad thoughts and stop communicating with people who are causing trouble in your life. Sometimes a dream indicates a short-term illness. Another possible meaning- deception by people you know well.
  • The wife is getting married. If a man dreams of his wedding with this woman, then in real life he cannot calm down and forget her. If you see your ex's wedding with someone else, conflicts, showdowns, troubles and long-term disagreements await you in reality. A noisy celebration foreshadows the appearance of guests or relatives.
  • With a new husband. She now has a new life, her former husband is forgotten, and he should let her go.
  • Pregnant. Dream warning of danger. It is worth paying attention to your surroundings, financial questions. The pregnancy of your ex in a dream seems to warn: your sense of self-preservation has dulled, you should be careful and not take risks.
  • With baby. The dream predicts receiving unexpected news, perhaps even from your ex-wife.

Negative events

If you dreamed about your ex being sick, pay attention to the day of the week and only then draw conclusions

  • Dressed unkemptly. The dream foreshadows troubles in life.
  • Naked. The image you see suggests that you will have to experience shame, someone will find out your secret or close person will tell it to strangers.
  • In dirty clothes. A dream can talk about the illnesses of the ex-wife, her plight. Sometimes a dream tells about the bad thoughts of an ex-wife and her intentions towards her former spouse.
  • Drunk. The dream warns of inappropriate behavior on the part of the spouse.
  • Beaten up. The vision predicts attacks on you from enemies.
  • In blood. The ex-wife may get sick.
  • Sick. The dream has the opposite meaning - health, well-being. Although on some days of the week the vision predicts the sad state of the ex-wife.
  • In prison. What you see predicts major troubles, obstacles in the implementation of your plans, a plight, a hopeless situation.

Expressions of emotion on the part of the ex-wife

A dream with a laughing ex is reassuring - grievances are forgotten, it's time to move on


  • Crying. The dream brings a good omen. The series of troubles is over, look forward to the beginning of a new and successful life.
  • Evil. Wife remembers negative points your life or you recently did something that she didn’t like.
  • Fight with her. The dream speaks of scandals in reality. Take a closer look at your immediate surroundings: neighbors, colleagues, relatives. Perhaps the conflict will occur directly with the ex-wife.
  • Beat. Bad sign. Perhaps you are still angry with your wife and may commit an untrustworthy act towards her. You should be careful with your actions and words.
  • Fight. The image you see means layoffs at work, problems, conflicts with management.

Positive attitude:

  • Happy. The interpretation depends on the overall picture of the dream and additional symbols. Sometimes happiness can mean that you are actually sad and are trying to find the positive in something.
  • Happy, laughing. If the wife laughs, this portends change.

Died in reality or in a dream

If you dream of a spouse who has died in reality, this indicates that the person misses her. Perhaps the soul is asking to be remembered. Sometimes it happens that the deceased has unresolved questions, or he is worried about the events that are happening in reality. Such dreams are a request or a warning. You should remember the other images that were in the night vision.

If you dream that you are killing your ex-wife, this promises drastic changes in your life. However, if in reality you and your ex-wife have a conflictual relationship, dreams of murder indicate a desire to end the unpleasant situation.

Psychology of dreams with ex-wife

Conflict-ridden marriages and equally turbulent divorces usually do not go away without the help of a psychologist

Psychologists look at dreams from a slightly different point of view than mystics. First of all, this is the work of the subconscious. At a conscious level, we do not always understand and evaluate the signals that we receive from the outside, but the psyche is able to perceive and process them. At night, the power of consciousness weakens, and the subconscious tells a person its secrets. Dreams often reflect experiences, unfulfilled hopes, situations that a person has gone through. Dreams should be interpreted not only taking into account generally accepted symbols, but also their meanings for a particular person.

Why do I dream often, every day?

It happens that dreams are obsessively repeated. This indicates the significance of the situation and the fact that during the day your thoughts constantly return to your wife. Recurring dreams are not a released relationship. Perhaps you cannot come to terms with what happened, or you hold a grudge against your ex-wife.

Is there any way to get rid of such dreams?

Finally find yourself a hobby! Extreme things are possible!

It’s quite possible to get rid of intrusive dreams, you just need to eliminate the reasons why they appear:

  • Work through the situation.
  • Let go of your spouse, admit that your relationship is over.
  • If there is an understatement, then talk, explain everything to each other.
  • Give thanks mentally for the years you have lived.
  • Write a letter about how you feel. Don't send it, it's only needed to express the emotions that are accumulating inside. Afterwards it needs to be burned or at least torn into shreds.

Over time, the feelings weaken and it becomes easier. However, if intrusive dreams bother you very much, you can go to a session with a psychologist.

Dreams are night visions that reveal to us the secrets of the subconscious, warning us about future events. Whether to believe in them or not is up to everyone to decide for themselves. It is important to understand that the interpretation of dreams depends on individual characteristics the human psyche and the situations that led to their appearance.

Betrayal is a heavy blow for every person. However, dreams of betrayal do not always have negative meaning. In order to find out exactly why you dream about your wife’s betrayal, you need to carefully analyze all the smallest details of what you saw in the dream. You should remember all the circumstances under which the events occurred, the dreamer’s feelings and his behavior.

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      Key values

      Dreams about adultery, regardless of who committed the vile act, in many cases foreshadow dramatic life changes. But in what direction the circumstances will change depends on many details.

      First of all, you need to think about how strong the dreamer’s marriage is and how you can make your relationship with your other half more harmonious. A night vision about adultery suggests that the time has come to introduce something new into the couple’s relationship.

      • The reason for the appearance of dreams about a wife cheating on her husband is the woman’s dissatisfaction with her husband’s attitude towards her. If he is indifferent to his other half, does not show due respect and interest in her life, then subconsciously the dreamer will look for tenderness and warmth in the world of night dreams. Similar dreams they talk about the lack of bright impressions in the life of a married couple, about accumulated grievances, cooled feelings and emotional coldness.

        It is important to consider what day of the week you had a dream about your wife cheating. If you dreamed of this on the night from Thursday to Friday, then this promises a warming in relations with your other half.

        What does a man’s emotional reaction indicate?

        For correct interpretation meaning of night dreams, a person should try to remember exactly what feelings arose in him in the dream:

        • If a man indifferently accepted information about his wife’s infidelity, then this indicates that in reality he is planning an important business meeting.
        • If the dreamer was extremely upset, then this promises a pleasant meeting with old friends. A man's tears foreshadow the commission of a brave act. Long-term depression portends a move to a new place of residence.
        • A man’s aggressive behavior promises him to sign a lucrative deal at work or increase his salary.
        • If a man cheerfully accepted the information about the fact of adultery, the spouses need to talk frankly with each other, since there are secrets in their family.
        • Forgiving an unfaithful wife means that envious people and gossipers will appear in the dreamer’s immediate circle who will try to ruin his reputation.
        • If the owner of the vision decides to divorce because of his wife’s betrayal, then this portends a large profit, possibly winning the lottery. A dream in which a man betrayed his beloved in return has the same meaning.
        • To despise your spouse after an act has been committed means receiving help from your parents.

        Why does a girl dream - interpretations of dream books

        The meaning of the dream depends on the actions of the dreamer

        If a man constantly has dreams in which his wife is unfaithful to him, then this indicates that dramatic changes will soon occur in the dreamer’s life. This may not only be related to personal life. It is possible to move to a new place of residence or profitable proposition about transfer to a new position.

        If the betrayal occurred in front of the dreamer, then an event awaits him that will bring many pleasant emotions.

        Suspecting your spouse of infidelity and turning to the services of a detective means a long trip to warm countries. Looking at a photo of your wife and her lover means making an expensive purchase for your home. A fight with your wife's lover foreshadows a pleasant time together with old friends. If the rivals shook hands after a fight, then this promises an early arrival of the beloved wife’s relatives.

        Tolerating your wife's betrayal means advancement in career ladder. The authorities will appreciate the efforts of the dreamer. A dream in which I happened to observe the betrayal of my missus foreshadows long trip V interesting place. Finding a stranger in the closet means quarrels and conflicts at work.

        Who was in the role of lover?

        If a man happened to see in a dream his wife’s betrayal with best friend dreamer, this tells the person that he should pay more attention to his beloved. Otherwise, the possibility of his wife cheating in reality cannot be ruled out. For a woman, such a dream foreshadows a cooling in relations with the man who dreamed.

        Seeing your wife trying to seduce a young man means a break in the relationship. If the dreamer dreamed that his other half was unfaithful to him with a stranger, then this indicates a man’s low self-esteem and his lack of self-confidence. For a woman, a dream in which she cheats on her husband with a stranger promises a romantic acquaintance and pleasant flirting.

        If you dreamed that your wife was cheating on her husband with her brother, then in reality the dreamer can count on the support of this person in difficult times. Adultery with the spouse's father foreshadows the imminent arrival of the dreamer's relatives. Seeing your wife in the arms of a handsome film actor means a long journey, which will be accompanied by interesting adventures and will be remembered for a long time.

        If the wife’s lover was a homeless man, then soon you should expect an invitation to visit from the mother-in-law.

        If a man dreamed that his wife betrayed him with a neighbor, then this speaks of the dreamer’s arrogant and arrogant disposition; with a teacher, something new should be introduced into the relationship with his beloved. This will help avoid breaking up the relationship. Seeing your spouse in the same bed with the president means conflicts with colleagues.

        What do other night vision scenes promise?

        Even minor details will help clarify the meaning of night vision. If the dreamer dreamed that his wife was with another man in a hotel, then the man should pay attention to his financial affairs. It is necessary to become more economical and spend money only on necessary things.

        Finding out about your wife's adultery from a friend is a sign that the dreamer is liked by several women at once. If the dreamer learned about the betrayal from an anonymous letter, then this suggests that he should be more proactive at work. This will be appreciated by your superiors. Hear bad news from strangers– to profitable acquaintance with new business partners.

        Interpretations according to different dream books

        Many famous personalities are interested inner world person. These include astrologers, psychologists, clairvoyants, and psychics. Each of them has its own explanation female infidelity in night visions:

    1. 1. According to dream interpreter Miller, a wife’s betrayal of her husband indicates that the relationship between lovers has lost its former passion and fire. The husband does not consider his significant other as attractive as he once did. Something new must be brought into such a relationship, otherwise a break is inevitable.
    2. 2. The esoteric dream book warns that the dreamer will soon commit an act for which she will be ashamed.
    3. 3. An erotic interpreter of night visions interprets female betrayal in a dream as a desire for radical changes in relationships. The woman is tired of everyday hassles and troubles, as well as from the constant control of her husband. Such dreams may be associated with the dreamer’s lack of confidence in herself and her abilities. It is necessary to talk frankly with each other about pressing problems.
    4. 4. A modern dream book says that a woman may dream of her own adultery if in real life she lacks the male warmth and attention of her husband.
    5. 5. White magician Yu. Longo claims that betrayal in a dream can be seen as a result of similar thoughts appearing in a woman in reality. The fact of betrayal as such has not yet occurred, but the dreamer is increasingly thinking about it.
    6. 6. According to Freud’s dream book, such dreams unmarried girl may portend a bright and passionate romance. If the dreamer cheated on her lover with her ex-boyfriend, then this indicates that she is dissatisfied with her current partner.
    7. 7. The great soothsayer Vanga claims that betrayal by a woman promises her humiliation and insults in real life.
  • Asking for forgiveness from your husband is a sign for the wedding.
  • Getting pregnant after cheating means breaking up the relationship on the girl’s initiative.

Night visions of adultery are quite unpleasant. However, you should not be upset after the dream. Quite often, such night dreams make you think about your relationship with your other half and appreciate each other more.

Did you dream about your wife? Remember the details - you saw a stranger or own wife, how did she look and was configured, in what circumstances did it happen? The more details you can remember, the more accurately you can interpret the vision. Why do you dream about your wife?

Big dream book

What the wife dreamed of is a sign of deception; was beautiful in a dream - happiness or a quarrel is coming; dressed up - expect trouble; in rags - worries lie ahead; sick - you will be happy; affectionate - expect profit; beating your wife is an insult; quarrel with your spouse - one of you will get sick; fight with her - you will make peace.

Middle Ages

You saw the wife of the deceased - expect good things; in position - to the greatest good.

Connected with your wife in a dream - you should expect an illness; dishonored a friend's wife - a sign of future troubles.


A wife in a dream - to disagreement, difficulties in business; affectionate towards her husband - to a quarrel or profit; young, attractive, elegant - to success in business; a slob in worn, sloppy clothes is a sign of failure and trouble; nude - k serious mistakes in business, ruin.

Why do you dream about your ex-wife - a return to your previous business, someone else's - in reality you are doing something other than your own.

Beating your wife is a sign of family peace and love; intercourse with your wife - expect annoying interference and delays.

Cheating on your wife marks the failure of some business.

English dream book

Seeing your wife is an omen of your wife’s illness with a speedy recovery.

To be the wife of a stranger in a dream means never to know loneliness.


I dreamed of an offended wife - promises victory over your enemies; cheerful and dancing - to future joy; happy and beautiful - to deception and deceit; crying - to difficulties; surrounded by household members - expect prosperity, a successful trip; deceased - you will be very upset by the ingratitude of one of the people around you.

Holding your wife in your arms - in reality, your endeavors will be successful or you will learn good news about someone who is far away, or about their return in the near future.

Miller's Dream Book

I dreamed about my wife in a dream - a sign of conflicts in the house and unfinished enterprises; unusually friendly - a harbinger of income from the successful completion of a risky trade agreement.

The wife dreamed of her husband beating her with a whip - to general chaos and turmoil, as well as severe censure by her family for her unsuccessful actions.

Esoteric dream book

According to the dream book, a wife is a sign of success and help; quarrel with her - relations will improve; kissed your wife - expect a scandal; slept with her - to pleasant thoughts and love.

The wife is sick in a dream - in reality everything will work out well; gave birth - will help you in business; died - to her good health in real.

Erotic dream book

A married man dreams of his wife, and a bachelor dreams of marriage - soon he will meet a woman whom he wants to conquer. The desire can be fulfilled, but you will need to work hard, be sensitive and patient. But both partners will be delighted with the result of their efforts.

Modern dream books

The wife dreams about what this means - the dream warns: be attentive to your wife, be able to consider and apply her talents; pregnant woman - to unheard of luck; sick - you will be deceived; old - a harbinger of unhappy events in life; mute - receive news of someone’s death.

Seeing yourself next to your wife means you will be happy; talk to her - expect unexpected costs; beat your wife - you will be unsuccessful in business.

Seeing a divorce from your wife is fortunate.

Seeing yours in a dream ex-wife- to changes in life and a pleasant meeting soon; seeing your spouse's ex-wife is a sign of routine affairs.

Seeing yourself as a wife in a dream means troubles await you due to unfinished business or quarrels with relatives; this role in a dream makes you happy - in reality, all your endeavors will be successful, any risk is justified.

Being a wife in a dream and having a pockmarked face is a harbinger of benefits and receiving a large sum of money.

Seeing your spouse’s ex-wife in a dream is either your unfounded fears or evidence of the incompleteness of their relationship.

The husband in your dream made love to another woman - foretells quarrels and litigation in reality.

Meeting someone else's wife in your house means a loud family quarrel; her friendliness towards your spouse - to receive from her husband large amount money of unknown origin; accusations about your relationship with her husband - your husband will accuse you as a negligent wife and mistress.

The young girl saw herself as a wife - to happy marriage and healthy offspring.


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