Types of rubble. Search and rescue operations in conditions of rubble Type of rubble formed during severe destruction of buildings

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One of my clients has a greenhouse in her house in the Gifts of Fortune zone. She used to take all her unnecessary things there.

This lady was an excellent doctor, but could not earn enough money to support herself. By cleaning out the greenhouse and planting flowers in it, she saw her income increase significantly.

Another woman has accumulated a lot of rubbish in the Relationship area. All the men she attracted in her life were burdened with problems. Having cleared this area of ​​debris, she finally found a man with whom she was able to establish a strong relationship.

If there are probably weak ones in your life sides, check if the corresponding area in your home is not littered with all sorts of rubbish!

Your front entrance

Keep this area completely clean. The front entrance to your home symbolizes your approach to the world, looking outward, and your approach to your own life, looking inward.

When the first thing you see when entering your home is a pile of trash, your energy level drops before you even cross the threshold. Some people like to hang all their outerwear and put their shoes in a tiny space outside the entrance of course the door(see source) . This is definitely not a good idea.

Others like to put things near the entrance so as not to forget to take them out of the house, and this ends up with them having to constantly step over the resulting rubble. This is how you create tension for yourself.

A surprising number of environmentally conscious people use the front area of ​​their home as a place to store old newspapers, magazines, tins and plastic bottles, which are then handed over for recycling.

By keeping all this in sight, you are making a statement (no matter how unconscious it may be) that your approach to life is to constantly repeat situations of the past.

This can relate to ideas, problems, illnesses, relationships with people and so on. This means you never learn a lesson the first time. Repetition in itself is not a bad thing. However, why admire this rubbish without even crossing the threshold of your home?

Behind the doors

Doors that don't open all the way restrict the flow of energy in your life. I have been in houses where so much rubbish accumulated behind the doors that people had to squeeze through narrow cracks. Remove anything that prevents the doors from opening fully, including clothing hanging behind them.


These are the arteries of your home. Clutter in the hallway and corridors interferes with the flow of life energy and puts obstacles in your path. As a result, you are more likely to trudge through life like an old nag than to enjoy a walk. Keep all aisles clear.

If you can't avoid clutter, at least clear the debris from the floor. Many people suffering from depression keep all sorts of nasty things on the floor, which constantly(source not specified) “grounds” their energy.

Under the beds

The piles of junk under your bed are affecting the quality of your sleep. If you sleep on a bed with drawers, then it is best to keep them only pure bed sheets. To sleep well, remove everything from your bedroom except the bed itself!

On cabinets

Debris hidden from view on cabinets is like problems hanging over you, awaiting a solution. They reduce your ability to think clearly and clearly. If you stack things on top of your bedroom closet, it probably has an impact. influence(source not specified) on your dream.

You'll have a hard time waking up if the first thing that catches your eye in the morning is the storage on top of your closet. When you have a lot of rubble in your home, hidden somewhere high up, it will have an overall overwhelming effect on you. In addition, you may be suffer for headaches.

Get rid of unnecessary clothes

Do you have clothes that you haven’t worn for a long time, but keep “probably just in case”? happening(source not specified) "?

One woman said at my seminar that when her husband received the settlement, they decided to go crazy and buy her two really nice suits “in case” they never had more(source not specified) there will not be enough money to purchase something like that.

Two years have passed since then, and she has never worn one of these costumes. She believes that the money was thrown away.

Some people keep things they haven't worn for 20 years. They say that if you keep them long enough, they will come back into fashion. My advice to you: if you have never worn an item for Last year, not to mention, if you haven't worn it for two or three years in a row, part with it, sell it, trade it, burn it, or just throw it away.

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  • Rubble is formed as a result of the collapse of buildings and structures caused by earthquakes, explosions, storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, mudflows, landslides and other natural and man-made phenomena. The nature of the blockage depends on the source (reason) of its formation, on the type and duration of action damaging factor, on the type and number of storeys of buildings, on the features of development and other factors. The degree of destruction of buildings is divided into four categories (Table 1.1).

    Table 1.1. Characteristics of the degree of destruction of buildings.

    Degree of destruction Characteristics of destruction
    Weak Partial destruction internal partitions, roofing, door and window boxes, light buildings, etc. The main supporting structures are preserved. A major overhaul is required for complete restoration.
    Average Destruction of a smaller part load-bearing structures. Most of the supporting structures are preserved and only partially deformed. Part of the enclosing structures (walls) may be preserved, but secondary and load-bearing structures may be partially destroyed. The building is in disrepair but can be restored
    Strong Destruction of most of the supporting structures. In this case, the most durable elements of the building, frames, stiffening cores, partially walls and floors of the lower floors can be preserved. With severe destruction, a blockage is formed. In most cases, recovery is not practical
    Full Complete collapse of a building, from which only damaged (or undamaged) basements and a small part of durable elements can be preserved. When completely destroyed, a blockage is formed. The building cannot be restored

    The rubble is a chaotic accumulation of large and small debris building structures, technological equipment, utility and energy devices, furniture, etc.

    Large gaps may remain in the thickness of the rubble, through which smells and sounds from the person located there can freely pass. This makes it easier to find people trapped in the rubble.

    The most characteristic of rubble is a pile of collapsed building structures, their individual fragments, including concrete fragments, reinforced concrete structures and brickwork with a volume of up to 0.8 m 3 and construction waste.

    The volume of rubble during the destruction of residential buildings is 35-50%, industrial buildings- 15-20% of the construction volume. The volume of voids in the rubble is 40-60%. The greatest height of rubble in residential buildings is 1/5-1/7, and in industrial buildings - 1/4-1/10 of their height. The average slope angle of the rubble is 30°.

    Table 1.2. Structure of the rubble.

    The destruction of buildings during an emergency is accompanied by blocking of people and their defeat.

    The number of irretrievable losses at the time of destruction of buildings and structures on average can be a value equal to 10-20% of total number injured.

    Damage in disasters is usually accompanied by mechanical injuries:

    40% of those affected have a mild degree of damage;

    20% of those affected - average degree;

    20% of those affected are severe;

    20% of those affected are extremely severe.

    During the liquidation of the consequences of the earthquake in Spitak (Armenia) in 1988, due to the peculiarities of the process of destruction of buildings and structures, a relatively large number of deaths at the time of the earthquake and within two days from the moment of the earthquake (of the total number of deaths during this time) was found in upper layers the dam, and in absolute terms for the upper layers of the dam, the number of dead exceeded the number of living people who were in this layer of the dam.

    Starting 3-4 days after the earthquake, people who were alive under the rubble begin to die from hypothermia, thirst and other reasons. As a result, after 7-10 days the chances of finding a living person in the rubble are almost zero.

    As the rubble is cleared, the number of people being pulled out alive increases.

    As a rule, about half of victims (40-50%) are unable to report their existence due to their injuries. In the first day after the injury, in the absence of medical care, the mortality rate among victims can reach 40%.


    East Siberian State University technology and management

    Department of Industrial Ecology and Protection in Emergency Situations




    1. Topic of work________________________________________________________________


    2. Deadlines course work"_____"______________20___

    3. Initial data______________________________________________________________



    5. Date of issue of the assignment “_____”____20___.

    Work manager_______________________________________________________________

    Accepted the task for execution__________________________________________________________

    (date and student signature)


    1.Classification and characteristics of rubble

    1.2. Building characteristics

    1.3. Damage design diagram

    2. Reconnaissance of the rubble and location of people

    3. Technology for constructing a manhole in the rubble of a destroyed building

    4. Safety when conducting ASR in conditions of building destruction


    List of sources used



    Every year in Russia more than 50 people die due to the destruction of buildings.

    After the destruction of the building, a blockage is formed.

    Buildings are destroyed in various cities Russia - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Kirov, Magnitogorsk, Yekaterinburg, Rostov-on-Don, Kazan, Chelyabinsk.

    In most cases, due to the destruction of a building, rubble of various types and different structures is formed.

    The problem of self-rescue and saving people in these conditions is that collapses in most cases occur suddenly and very quickly.

    As a result, people fall under the rubble and to save them, rescuers make a hole in the rubble.

    In connection with the above, the course work on the topic: “Technology for constructing a manhole in conditions of building destruction” is relevant.

    The purpose of this course work is: to develop technology for constructing a manhole in conditions of building destruction. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were set: -Give a classification and characteristics of the rubble;

    Conduct reconnaissance of the rubble and determine the location of people;

    Develop a technology for constructing a manhole in the rubble of a destroyed building;

    Disclose issues related to ensuring safety during emergency rescue operations in the event of building destruction

    Classification and characteristics of rubble

    Over 5 years, more than 70 building destructions followed by the formation of blockages occurred in Russia, 27 of them occurred during an earthquake.

    The cause of destruction of buildings can be natural disasters (earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, hurricanes, storms, landslides, mudflows), exposure to natural factors leading to aging and corrosion of materials (atmospheric moisture, groundwater, subsidence soils, sudden changes in temperature air), errors at the design and construction stage, violations of facility operation rules, military actions. The degree of damage to buildings depends on the strength of the destructive factor, the duration of its impact, the seismic resistance of structures, the quality of construction, and the degree of wear (aging) of buildings.

    It is believed that a blockage will form if the building suffers a severe or complete degree of destruction. In the event of severe destruction, up to half of the building's construction volume turns into rubble.

    Types of rubble formed during severe destruction of buildings:

    A) one-sided; b) bilateral; c) V-shaped; d) flat

    As a result of the complete destruction of the building, a continuous rubble is formed

    The structure, configuration and dimensions of the blockage depend on:

    Type of building;

    Dimensions of the building;

    Directions of destructive influence.

    The main indicators of rubble are:

    Also taken as indicators of blockages:

    Debris dispersion range (L);

    The size of the upper and lower edges of the obstruction (length, width);

    Height of the blockage;

    All rubble is heterogeneous in volume. As a rule, debris near the surface has more high density. This is also where the bulk of small debris, roof fragments, and construction debris will be concentrated. In the center of the dam, at its base, there are mainly large and medium-sized fragments, voids are more common, and the size of the voids is relatively large. This distribution of debris is explained by the nature of the formation of the blockage. When a building is destroyed, its structure upper floors travel longer distances, experience greater acceleration and are subjected to higher dynamic loads. This leads to the fact that these structures mostly turn into small fragments and debris. The structures of the lower floors of the building are less destroyed when falling and, when piled up, form secondary vaults in which a large number of voids are formed. There is a high probability of voids forming in the surviving corners of the building and in the areas where stairwells(elevator shafts).

    In some cases, when a building is destroyed, secondary vaults are not formed. This can happen during earthquakes and landslides, characterized by the vertical collapse of buildings that have insufficiently strong walls. In this case, a blockage is formed in which the interfloor ceilings of the building are destroyed relatively weakly and practically lie on top of each other. The voids in such a rubble are relatively small. Similar rubble occurred in Neftegorsk during the destruction panel buildings from the earthquake and received the name " layered cake" These rubbles are considered the most difficult to carry out rescue and other work in them.

    Building characteristics

    The residential building on Dvinskaya Street in St. Petersburg was a 9-story brick residential building, composed of 4 sections with lintels between which were staircases and vestibules. External and interior walls were made from ceramic bricks. The thickness of the external walls was 540 mm. The floors were designed from hollow-core panels and flat reinforced concrete slabs. The foundations of the building are made of concrete blocks installed on reinforced concrete pads. The depth of the foundations is 2.0...2.1 m from the surface (absolute elevation +1.6...1.7 m B.S.), the width of the base is 2.8...3.2 m , average pressure along the base of the foundation is 1.5 kg/cm 2. Under the sole the project provided sand bedding 100 mm thick. On top of the foundation pads it is designed reinforced belt 50 mm high. Rested on blocks brickwork, which according to the project was supposed to be reinforced welded mesh. The thickness of the load-bearing walls exceeded the thickness of the foundation blocks by 140 mm.

    The height of the building was 30 meters.

    The length of the building was 14 meters

    The width of the building was 12 meters

    Geomorphologically, the site, the area on which the building was built, is included within coastal zone Primorskaya plain, raised by bulk landfill soils from absolute elevations of ~ 0.0 m to the current 3.5...4.2 m B.S. The southwestern part of the building adjoined the slope of the Herring Canal, which was filled in in the late 1960s. The soils were poured onto peat deposits. The thickness of bulk and peat soils is 3.5...4.2 m. According to the results of surveys in 2002 (carried out after the collapse of the building), the upper layer is characterized by extreme heterogeneity in density and composition, contains peat soils not only in the base, but also in inside the thickness of bulk soils. Peat soils are characterized by low construction properties.

    Beneath the bulk soils lie marine and lacustrine sediments represented by sands medium density variable power (1.3...2.0 m s east side building; 0.5...1.5 m – from the west). The minimum sand thickness was noted in the area of ​​the destroyed section. From absolute elevations minus 1.5...minus 1.7 m they are underlain by soft plastic loams of glaciolacustrine deposits with a thickness of 0.5...1.4 m, below which from absolute elevations minus 2.0...minus 3.1 m B.S. glacial deposits occur. The Luga sandy loams of soft plastic consistency lying in the upper part of the moraine strata, according to static sounding data, are characterized by drag resistances of 5...10 kg/cm 2; they were found almost along the entire perimeter of the building, with the exception of the northeastern corner. The thickness of sandy loam reaches 5.0...5.5 m. They are underlain by hard-plastic loams, and with abs. elevations minus 9.3... minus 11.9 m B.S. – interglacial sandy loams of semi-solid consistency. The roof of the semi-solid sandy loam of the Moscow moraine is at abs. marks minus 15.3... minus 15.8 m B.S.

    Level groundwater during surveys in 1969 (May) it was recorded at abs. Elevation +0.7 m B.S., in 2002 (June) - at absolute elevation. +2.0...+1.8 m B.S. During the accident, the fluctuation in water level in the Neva River was insignificant (no more than +30 cm above normal).

    In general, engineering and geological conditions are unfavorable for the construction of foundations shallow. The presence of bulk and peat soils requires, even for low-rise buildings, work to remove peat and install a sand cushion.

    On the night of June 3, 2002, the southern section of the dormitory collapsed due to an earthquake, the magnitude of the earthquake was 9 points on the Richter scale, and a fire started. The collapse was preceded heat and intensive development of the building's tilt in the southern direction with the formation of a split between adjacent sections. As a result, 8 people were trapped under the rubble. The ambient temperature was 21 o C.

    Calculation scheme collapse

    It is known that the length of the building (A) was 14 meters, the width (B) was 12 meters, and the height (h) was 30 meters.

    We will calculate the parameters of the blockage using special mathematical formulas.

    Inspecting unstable structures in rubble is an extremely dangerous operation for rescuers. Therefore, inspection of voids should not be undertaken until a sufficient number of qualified personnel and the necessary equipment have arrived on site.
    Rescuers should have basic knowledge of the types of debris. Highlight the following types rubble (most typical for panel buildings):
    - flat blockage,
    - one-sided blockage with support,
    - one-sided blockage without support,
    - V-shaped blockage,
    - A-shaped block.
    A flat collapse (Fig. 1) is the result of a falling load-bearing wall. The walls and roof in this case literally “fold”. Large objects that are located inside the building break the walls, and voids can be created around them. Rescuers should try to find existing entrances to buildings - entrances, staircases - to begin searching for victims.

    Fig.1. Flat rock

    One-sided rubble (Fig. 2) occurs when a load-bearing wall supporting a roof or floors collapses on one side. One-sided supported collapses are the result of a falling wall or roof that, in the process of falling, rests on existing objects in the building, such as the opposite wall.

    Rice. 2. One-sided blockage

    One-sided blockages without support (Fig. 3) are a very unstable type of blockage. A fallen wall hangs in the air without support. Additional weight on it, movement, and shifting of nearby debris can lead to further collapse.

    Rice. 3. One-sided blockages without support

    Therefore, voids can only be examined after the rubble has been stabilized using appropriate equipment, which is not usually at the disposal of rescuers. Rescuers in this case must focus on collecting information about the exact location of the victims and protecting them, but in such a way as not to provoke a further collapse.
    A V-shaped collapse (Fig. 4) is usually the result of the fall of an internal load-bearing wall, column, roof, etc. In this case, when a wall or roof falls, it breaks in the middle, resting at this point on the floors of the lower floor. Voids can appear on both sides of the fault.

    Rice. 4. V-shaped block

    With an A-shaped collapse (Fig. 5), the floors between floors collapse, but when they fall, they rest on the internal load-bearing walls.

    Rice. 5. A-shaped block

    One of the most likely dangers for rescuers when working in rubble is the possibility of further collapse of structures above the resulting voids. Therefore, these structures must be stabilized. Various equipment can be used for stabilization. For example, wooden towns, screw jack, air bags, hydraulic tools, telescopic stands.
    Wooden towns (Fig. 6) are the most practical way stabilization of the dam. It should be borne in mind that they should not move the components of the obstruction, and should be used only for support and pores.

    Page 7 of 7

    Causes and types of tunnel destruction

    Destruction of tunnels can occur during construction or operation.

    IN during the construction process the causes of destruction and collapses are either an incorrect assessment and insufficient knowledge of the engineering and geological conditions of the location of the tunnels, or the choice of incorrect methods for the construction of the tunnel or their low quality. The hydrogeological features of the massif that contribute to the occurrence of destruction and landslides include: the presence of weak water-bearing and water-saturated soils such as quicksand; inclined and horizontal bedding of soils and the presence of sliding planes in them in the form of wetted thin clay layers; the presence of fault, landslide and landslide areas, as well as karst formations in the tunnel area; severe cracking of soils.

    The most typical construction deficiencies that cause emergency situations in tunnel workings are: untimely installation of temporary support; prolonged idle time on temporary supports for certain sections of a long-distance tunnel; installation of supports of insufficient load-bearing capacity; deviation from approved projects; low quality of work.

    IN destruction of tunnels during operation may occur either due to inconsistency of the lining design current loads, or as a result of deliberate destruction. Inconsistency of the structure with the current loads most often leads to gradual damage and increased deformation of the lining. In this case, it is usually possible to prevent destruction and collapses in the tunnel through appropriate measures. However, in the practice of operating tunnels, there are still cases of major destruction, the main reasons for which are: non-compliance with accepted constructive solutions actual hydrogeological conditions; deviations during the construction process from the adopted design decisions; increase in rock pressure; the formation of voids behind the lining and collapses of the mountain range as a result of the influence of groundwater; chemical and thermal effect locomotives, which contribute to the intensification of weathering processes and create preconditions for collapses in unlined tunnels; sudden shifts and landslides due to the instability of the tunnel mass; exposure to seismic forces on the tunnel.

    Caused by the above reasons, the destruction of the tunnel along its length can be general or local. Usually you have to deal with the destruction of individual areas located near portals or inside a tunnel. The degree of destruction of the structure, in turn, can be complete or partial.

    A pile of collapsed rock, lining fragments and equipment and structures buried in them, completely or partially filling a tunnel section, is called a blockage. Depending on the nature of the spread of the collapse and its size There are the following types of blockages:

    • open rubble(collapse without separation), in which the collapse zone reaches the surface of the earth (Fig. 8.14, a);
    • closed blind dam(blind blockage with separation), in which a collapse arch is formed above the tunnel, and the rock fills the entire transverse profile of the tunnel (Fig. 8.14, b);
    • closed blockage(blockage with separation), in which a collapse arch is formed above the tunnel with partial filling of the transverse profile of the tunnel with rock (Fig. 8.14, c);
    • closed transition type dam, when on one side it looks like a blind blockage, and on the other side, the transverse profile of the tunnel is partially filled with rock (Fig. 8.14, d).

    Rice. 8.14 - Main types of rubble

    The arch of the shaft or the so-called “dome” may have different shape and the degree of stability, depending on the engineering geological conditions and the reasons that caused the destruction of the tunnel. Sometimes a collapse after covering individual overhanging pieces of rock does not threaten further collapse. Much more often, a temporary stabilization of a fall occurs with its subsequent development due to the collapse of the soil in selected places in the form of small or large pieces and even blocks with a volume of up to 1.0-1.5 m 3. In soft soils, with the formation of closed rubble, unstable stabilization of the rockfall occurs, which threatens further collapse of large masses of soil and even its transition to an open rubble. All this poses a great danger when restoring such tunnels.

    Stages of restoration work

    Restoration of the destroyed section or the entire tunnel can begin only after an appropriate survey has been carried out. The task technical inspection is to collect the necessary data for the correct determination of a rational restoration option, its successful implementation and subsequent operation of the tunnel.

    In the case of restoration of destruction that occurred during the construction process, using the design estimates and other documents available for construction, it is possible to comprehensively establish the hydrogeological characteristics of the massif, analyze the organization and order of work, identify the causes of destruction and select the most rational restoration option. First of all, under all circumstances, measures should be taken to stabilize the collapse that has occurred. prevent its further spread. To do this, it is necessary to strengthen the support of nearby sections of the tunnel, build jumpers when quicksand penetrates into the tunnel, etc. It should also be borne in mind that the project for organizing work to restore the destroyed section must be drawn up in such a way that simultaneously with the elimination of the consequences of the accident it is possible would resume work on further construction of the tunnel. For this purpose, additional bypass adits, shafts or other auxiliary workings can be made.

    When restoring damage that occurred in exploited tunnels, the necessary technical documentation may be missing. Then, along with collecting general information about engineering-geological conditions of time and method of tunnel construction and other data Special attention attention should be paid to studying the destroyed section of the tunnel. It is necessary to clarify the physical-mechanical and engineering-geological characteristics of the soil in the rubble, the stability of the new state of rock equilibrium and the expected rock pressure, the nature and size of the destruction, the condition of the lining and its size both in the destroyed and in the adjacent section of the tunnel. Based on the surveys carried out, the most rational option for restoring the tunnel is selected, and the sequence and phasing of work is determined.

    Complete restoration of the tunnel, eliminating all consequences of destruction and bringing it to a condition that would satisfy modern conditions operation requires significant investment of time and money. However, due to the need to urgently open traffic on this section of the line, the time spent on restoration should be minimal, so the restoration of tunnels can be carried out with certain conditions in two stages.

    Temporary recoverytunnels produced according to simplified technical conditions. At this first stage of work, the tunnel is cleared at the site of the blockage, the section is secured with temporary reliable support (Fig. 8.15) according to the established dimensions and the superstructure of the track is laid. When restoring single-track tunnels, the internal outline of the temporary support is usually taken to coincide with the external outline of the destroyed tunnel lining, which allows next stage restoration work will be limited to the construction of a permanent lining, without resorting to work to expand the tunnel opening. In areas where the lining is partially destroyed, metal circles can be used as temporary load-bearing structures. Temporary restoration of double-track tunnels is usually carried out under one track with excavation in the area of ​​the blockage of a working of limited profile.

    Rice. 8.15 - Temporary lining of metal three-hinged arches: 1 - wooden beams; 2 - anchored bolt; 3 - metal supporting arch

    Major restoration must ensure conditions for constant normal operation of the structure and be carried out in accordance with current standards and technical specifications. Major restoration without an intermediate stage of work is advisable only if the timing and scope of work differ little from those required for temporary restoration.

    Temporary recovery

    The choice of one or another method of eliminating rubble depends mainly on its type, as well as the degree of soil stability.

    Elimination of open rubble, in which the collapse zone reaches the ground surface, is carried out using one of the following methods. The use of one method or another is determined by the nature of the tunnel destruction.

    On the rubble site Only the vault was destroyed, but the walls were preserved. In this case, first they pass the upper adit in a section up to 6 m long and open the calotte. Then install metal bearing circles (2) (Fig. 8.16) and remove the blockage with ledges.

    Rice. 8.16 - Scheme of installation of support at the initial stage of restoration of a single-track tunnel: 1 - safety circles; 2 - metal load-bearing circles; 3 - blockage; 4 - marchevans (puff); 5 - runs; 6 - spacer

    Location on the obstruction lining is completely destroyed or has not yet been erected. In this case, work also begins with driving the upper adit and opening the calotte, but then developing a profile for the walls in the trenches. Next, metal bearing circles (3) (Fig. 8.17) are installed along the outer contour of the excavation or a permanent lining is erected. The work is completed by developing the core and restoring the upper structure of the track. This type of blockage can also be eliminated using the support core method with the installation of a temporary metal lining from circular arches with plank cladding or the construction of a permanent lining.

    Rice. 8.17 - Scheme for developing a tunnel profile when the entire lining is destroyed: 1 - longarins; 2 - pillars; 3 - metal load-bearing circles

    Happened in the tunnel breaking through a large amount of water-saturated soil. Restoration work in this case is being carried out special methods using compressed air, freezing or other method of artificially fixing soils. The question may even arise about the advisability of bypassing the breakthrough zone or even changing the route of the entire tunnel.

    Elimination of closed rubble carried out depending on the height of the fall and the degree of its stability. Restoration can be carried out without first laying the “dome” or with its first securing.

    Restoration work without preliminary laying the “dome” carried out if the shaft arch is in a stable state. Work is then carried out using one of the following methods.

    Clearing the rubble without protective devices produced in strong soils with stable stabilization of the natural arch of the fall. Before clearing the rubble, a thorough ruffle of the “dome” is done. During temporary restoration, the lining is not restored, and the surface of the fallout is sometimes secured with shotcrete.

    Clearing the rubble under the protection of a mobile structure is advisable when individual small bushes of soil may fall. In the tail part, the structure rests on the installed and backfilled frames (1) (Fig. 8.18) of the temporary lining, and in the head part - on the blockage (4). Moving protective structure carried out using a winch.

    Rice. 8.18 - Scheme of restoration of the area under the protection of a mobile structure: 1 - temporary fastening frames; 2 - backfill; 3 - protective visor; 4 - blockage

    Working with a movable tent can be used when clearing large volumes of rubble that require the use of high-performance machines and equipment. The movable tent is a frame metal structure that moves on special trolleys with shock absorbers (Fig. 8.19). The tent has a head canopy (8), under the protection of which the rubble is dismantled using a rock-loading machine (1), and a lifting tail section (7) to protect workers when constructing the lining and laying the rockfall. Availability telescopic stands at the tent allows it to be passed in a lowered state within the undestroyed sections of the tunnel.

    Rice. 8.19 - Diagram of a movable tent in working position: 1 - rock loading machine; 2 - trolley; 3 - temporary wooden support for metal arches; 4 - preserved lining; 5 - dumping tab; 6 - shaft mounting; 7 - lifting tail part of the tent; 8 - head visor

    Restoration work with priority filling of the fallout or securing the “dome” are carried out if the shaft arch is in a state of unstable stabilization.

    The “dome” is laid from the surface with crushed soil through specially excavated exploration shafts (Fig. 8.20) or drilled wells. If the tunnel is deep, digging special shafts to lower soil from the surface may not be practical. Wells can be drilled to a depth of 100 m or more.

    Rice. 8.20 - Exploration mine

    Securing the fallout and laying the “dome” from the tunnel is carried out at a low fallout height using a system of longitudinal and cross beams, racks and struts (Fig. 8.21). The support system is determined by the outline of the “dome”. To give it greater stability, the space between the posts and struts can be filled with soil. After securing the fallout and filling the “dome,” the tunnel is restored in the same way as was done in the case of open rubble.

    Major restoration of tunnels

    Major restoration of tunnels, provides for the complete elimination of the consequences of destruction and ensuring normal conditions its operation.

    Rice. 8.21 - Scheme for securing the fallout and laying the dome

    When constructing linings, it should be taken into account that the soil in the rubble cannot fully resist the movements of the lining. In such cases, it is necessary to erect reinforced linings, where special meaning purchases a reverse arch device.

    If there is free space for the construction of the lining, provided for by temporary restoration, the work is carried out simply. The lining is then constructed using metal movable prefabricated formwork or circles (Fig. 8.22).

    Rice. 8.22 - Scheme of lining construction during major restoration of the tunnel: on the left - installation of formwork; on the right - concreting the lining; 1 - bearing circling temporary restoration; 2 - tightening of temporary restoration; 3 - metal supporting circles; 4 - formwork boards; 5 - backfill

    When falling out high altitude, in which during temporary restoration the backfill was not completed completely and the temporary lining was erected along a limited profile or in double-track tunnels temporarily restored for single-track traffic, the task of major restoration is much more complicated due to the large number of re-fastenings that must be performed when installing the formwork (1) (Fig. 8.23).

    Rice. 8.23 - Scheme of the capital restoration of a double-track tunnel, temporarily restored to a single-track one: on the left - formwork installation; on the right - concreting the lining; 1 - formwork; 2 - roof lining; 3 - temporary restoration arches

    It is advisable to secure the roof of the dump with the help of capital structures above the lining, resting on the lining (Fig. 8.24).

    Rice. 8.24 - Types of capital structures above the finishing to support the roof of the dump: a - ribbed ceiling on the transverse walls; b - ribbed ceiling on racks; c - the same on the longitudinal walls; g - separate vault; 1 - reinforced concrete transverse wall; 2 - layer of shot concrete; 3 - passage; 4 - lining; 5 - racks; 6 - reinforced concrete longitudinal walls; 7 - concrete vault

    The elimination of open and closed rubble during capital restoration is carried out in almost the same way as during temporary restoration, but during the work process a permanent lining is immediately erected.


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